What can you eat in the morning? Recipe ideas for delicious and healthy breakfasts: quick recipes for a healthy breakfast for the whole family with photos and videos

Breakfast is the most important meal of the whole day. It will help you feel better, energize you and set you up for a productive day. The modern realities of our lives, unfortunately, dictate their conditions to us. Breakfast in a hurry, coffee on the run - the era of fast food in all its greatness. Breakfast should be complete; it’s not just a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Healthy balanced breakfast must consist of proteins slow carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Having slept all night, a person wakes up in the morning already hungry. Eating in the morning is especially useful because this meal charges you with energy for the whole day and starts the metabolic process in the body. The quality and quantity of food in the morning will determine whether your day will be productive or not.

Many people are accustomed to having a light breakfast. But nutritionists say that this habit needs to be changed. Those who neglect breakfast deprive their body of the substances and vitamins it needs.

You can often observe that a person is lethargic, drowsy, and has a feeling of fatigue. And then during lunch a person may already overeat, because the body wants what it lacks. Because of this overweight, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, food must be taken fully.

The importance of breakfast for the body

A hungry person does not think about work, but about what he wants to eat. Therefore, having had a good meal, your concentration will be better, and your memory will not deteriorate.

Doctors say that breakfast is important because it will help control your cholesterol and sugar levels in the body.

Eating a hearty meal in the morning is quite beneficial; it is the basis of a healthy diet, and not only that. If a person regularly skips his morning meal, then the feeling of hunger begins to torment him long before lunch. In such a state, it is difficult to control yourself and not throw everything “that is not nailed down” into yourself. It has long been a proven fact that a person who skips breakfast eats more during the day than those who do not.

The body contains useful digestive enzymes, which our body produces just in the morning. If a person does not eat in the morning, they disappear, and this can affect the functioning of the body.

Scientists have proven that people who eat breakfast have strong immunity, and don’t get sick as often.

What to do before breakfast

In the morning, immediately after sleep, it is useful to drink a glass warm water. Water puts all the organs of our body into action, and also helps with the removal of toxins. You can add a drop to the water lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey.

It is also important to do exercises or light gymnastics. You can do it without even getting out of bed. And after all these procedures, the body will actually want to eat, and a good appetite You are guaranteed.

What should breakfast be like?

First of all, breakfast should be nutritious. His the main objective energize us for the whole day. If a person eats early, it is advisable to eat light food. Heavy food is more difficult for the body to digest in the morning, and there may be digestive problems.

Breakfast should include carbohydrates and proteins. Because proteins are the main builders of our cells, and carbohydrates are responsible for storing energy.

What is advisable to eat in the morning?

The ideal breakfast is porridge. It cleanses the intestines and energizes. Cereals contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for all organs of the human body.

The most commonly consumed is oatmeal. However, it is not suitable for everyone. If you belong to the category of people for whom oatmeal causes far from pleasant consequences, do not despair. There are many other cereals, and besides them there are many options proper breakfast.

An excellent option for breakfast is yogurt or muesli with fruit (with a small caveat - the right muesli!). You can also make an omelette with cheese, boil eggs, or just eat light salad with fresh vegetables. Cottage cheese, turkey fillet or chicken breasts, will be an excellent source of protein.

But it’s better to completely avoid coffee and various sausages. Such food simply clogs the stomach, and the body does not receive any benefit from it at all. If you really can’t live without coffee, then it’s better to drink it after a meal, and with the addition of milk.

In the morning I don’t want to think about what to cook. Therefore, it will be much more convenient to compose sample menu for the whole week. This will make it easier to eat right, and you will have much more free time.

Nutrition, of course, must be correct, but strong restrictions lead to breakdowns. If you can’t imagine your life without sweets, morning is the ideal time for a “little crime.” Your body will have the whole day to get rid of the evidence, this will allow your figure to remain unchanged.

After breakfast and before lunch, your body needs a proper snack. This will help get rid of the feeling of hunger. The work will be fruitful, and you will not be in danger of overeating at lunch.

The ideal time for a snack or second breakfast is three hours after the main meal. For proper snack An apple, a glass of kefir or a handful of nuts are perfect.

Proper breakfast for an athlete or a person with high physical activity, different from breakfast ordinary person. As a result of training or strength training, quite a lot of energy is consumed, so it must be replenished. Breakfast should be balanced and higher in calories. In addition to cereals, dairy products and eggs, athletes need to include more meat, fish, boiled and fresh vegetables in their diet.

Even if the person is not an athlete, but simply leads active image life, you need to eat a large amount of protein so that your muscles can recover after heavy loads.

It is very healthy to eat millet porridge for breakfast; it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They will make the skin more elastic and also normalize heart function. Nuts, beans, and seafood should also be included in the diet.

Products not recommended for breakfast.

  • Scrambled eggs and sausages, smoked meats.
  • Orange and grapefruit, delicious and healthy fruits, but not for the first meal. Consuming them on an empty stomach has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • Bakery and baked goods, sweets.
  • Fatty and fried foods are not a healthy diet.
  • Contrary to popular belief, quick breakfasts (porridge, cereal, muesli) are not that healthy. Reduced content fiber and increased content sugar, plus all kinds of preservatives, this is what will be waiting for you on your plate.
  • And, of course, it is better to replace coffee with green tea.

What happens if you skip breakfast

  • Nutritionists say that main reason Obesity among people is refusal to eat in the morning. Among women, one can often observe an increase in weight, already closer to forty years.
  • It can also lead to heart attacks and heart disease.
  • It is also likely to develop diabetes mellitus of the second type and decreased performance.
  • Both men and women have an increased chance of developing gallstones.

And this is not the entire list of what skipping breakfast threatens you with. You need to remember that you need to eat right - then the results will not keep you waiting. The figure will be much slimmer, the metabolism will be normal, the skin will become much smoother. Healthy eating strengthens the immune system, especially if you combine it with sports and walks fresh air. A proper breakfast is a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day! Start your day with healthy foods, prepare delicious favorite dishes for breakfast, and then you will no longer be able to do without it. Eat right and be healthy!

If you don’t have time to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast in the morning, you can do this in the evening. We'll tell you what dishes you can prepare in advance so that you can enjoy a nutritious breakfast in the morning and save time.

Before you start preparing the dish you like, you should pay attention to two simple but effective rules, which will save your time.

  1. Plan your menu in advance. Nothing helps to save precious things like modern society time as the ability to plan. By thinking through your breakfast meal plan in advance (preferably a week in advance), you can make your meals varied, which means more healthy and tasty.
  2. Prepare your kitchen for battle in advance. The preparation time for many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, put plates, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into a teapot or coffee into a coffee machine. These simple steps will allow you to save a little time, which is so lacking in the morning.

To get more done in the morning or to get a few extra minutes of sleep, take a little over half an hour in the evening to prepare nutrition bars. Moreover, it is so tasty and healthy dish You can store it in the refrigerator for several days and even take it with you as a .



  • 1 glass oatmeal;
  • ½ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 handful of dried fruits;
  • 2-3 cloves of grated dark chocolate;
  • ⅓ glass of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


Mix all dry and liquid ingredients separately. Combine both mixtures and mix well until thick and homogeneous. Spread the dough in a layer of 5-7 millimeters on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut the hot dough into bars, turn them over and leave them in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

To diversify your breakfast, the dried fruits in the bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.


A serving of natural yogurt without additives and pieces of your favorite fruit is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save your time, but will also be very healthy. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good ones fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.) can be an excellent replacement.

If you're used to starting your morning with nutritious scrambled eggs, try replacing them with a delicious frittata. Having prepared an Italian omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning all you have to do is warm up your breakfast.



  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g chanterelles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon grated parmesan;
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


Fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Beat the eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan and pour the mixture over the mushrooms. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished frittata with herbs and cheese and cut into portions.

If you cook oatmeal in the evening, it will become tender and aromatic, having absorbed yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this dietary dish looks like a delicious dessert.



  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • berries to taste;
  • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


Mix cereal, favorite spices and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, simply add berries, coconut, nuts or dried fruit.

To the delight of those with a sweet tooth who care about their figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.



  • 2 cups of nuts (preferably hazelnuts or almonds);
  • 350 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 4 squirrels;
  • vanilla to taste.


Grind the nuts with sugar in a blender until fine crumbs. Beat the whites with salt, then gradually add nut mixture and vanilla, continuing to beat. Spoon the mixture onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).


Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don’t have time to prepare it? Then use the benefits modern technologies. In the evening, pour wheat, corn, rice or other porridge into the multicooker, add milk and water (the ratio of porridge to liquid is 1:3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - that’s all, the multicooker will do the rest. In the morning, a hot and healthy breakfast will await you.


If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology as a multicooker, then you still have many other options for preparing porridge. For example, pour kefir into buckwheat in a ratio of 1:3 (cold version) or boiling water in a thermos (warm version) and leave overnight. In the morning, your breakfast, filling you with B vitamins and microelements, is ready.

8. Berry parfait

Sometimes in the morning you want to please your soulmate (maybe yourself) with something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and useful. This recipe is just for such cases.



  • 150 ml vanilla yogurt;
  • 150 g corn flakes;
  • 150 g berries.


Layer berries, yogurt and cereal into a tall glass, maintaining equal proportions. Just a few minutes and your delicious, bright and slightly romantic breakfast is ready.

The good thing about this cheesecake recipe in the oven is that there are several options for serving it in the morning. They can be prepared in advance and served cold for breakfast, or heated in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, put it in molds or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just put the cheesecakes in the oven. While you are getting ready, a fragrant and airy breakfast will be ready.



  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g flour or semolina;
  • 5–6 apricots;
  • sugar and vanilla to taste.


Mash the cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and mash. Add flour or semolina in small portions, stirring with a spoon each time. Divide the apricots into four parts. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and lightly grease with oil. Spoon half of the mixture. Place a slice of apricots on each cheesecake, and the remaining mixture on top. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


In the evening, prepare a set for - a banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, all you have to do is mix all the ingredients.


Grind seeds, nuts, dates in a blender with natural yogurt. You can top it with any other ingredients you like, such as raspberries, blueberries or coconut flakes. Remove ready dish in the refrigerator, and in the morning enjoy a beautiful and nutritious breakfast.


Thanks to salmon toast in the morning you will get a treasure trove useful elements- protein, omega-3, fatty acid and iron. This breakfast is definitely worth including in your diet because high content sodium

Everything is elementary simple: take whole grain bread or crispbread, put a slice of salmon on top, and then, if desired, cucumber, tomato, onion or herbs. So useful and nutritious breakfast It will calmly wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. The main thing is not to forget to cover it on top with cling film.

Yeast-free bread or crispbread and homemade pate. Start your morning with a breakfast rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus.



  • 400 g chicken or beef liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • spices to taste.


Cut the liver into pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Simmer, covered, until tender (approximately 15–20 minutes). Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry over moderate heat. The cooled ingredients need to be ground in portions in a blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put it in a container.

Benefit baked apples lies in the fact that during their preparation the maximum useful substances, minerals and vitamins. First of all, it is potassium and iron.



  • 1 apple;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


Remove the core of the apple, fill the cavity with honey and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes. If you wish, you can add raisins, walnuts or fill apples with cottage cheese and fruit.


Simply cut a banana into two halves and top with natural yoghurt, coconut, muesli and a little honey. This is a very simple but tasty and healthy breakfast.

This low-carb dish is rich in vitamins A and C, making it an excellent source of keratin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means it can be prepared the night before.



  • 300 g polenta;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 300 g cane sugar;
  • 100 g white sugar;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons cream Anglaise;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 10 g ginger.


Mix polenta, cane sugar, eggs, butter and half a vanilla bean until smooth. Fill the greased pan ⅔ full with dough. butter, and bake for an hour.

Melt white sugar in a frying pan along with the remaining vanilla. Add peeled and sliced ​​oranges to the melted caramel and remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle with grated ginger for a spicy kick.

Place caramelized oranges and ginger on the cooled cake and decorate with Anglaise cream.


Finally, the simplest, but no less healthy dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning, you will have a breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

Using the proposed 17 dishes, you can combine and create many breakfast options yourself. Just replace or supplement some ingredients with others according to your taste or mood.

Agree, now you have no excuses left to skip an important morning meal. Having prepared any of the proposed breakfast options in the evening, all you have to do is brew a good cup of tea or brew tea in the morning.

What do we usually eat for breakfast? When getting ready for work and school, we usually eat stacks of sausage and raw sandwiches, scrambled eggs with sausages, yoghurts and other foods to quickly fill our stomachs before a hard day at work. Of course this is wrong. Although breakfast should be satisfying, first of all, it must be healthy. Such food only temporarily suppresses hunger. And eating healthy, satisfying and tasty at the same time is not at all difficult if you know what to cook.

The perfect start to the day

The fact that a healthy breakfast is the key healthy image life, everyone knows. Among other things, a proper breakfast also improves your mood. Moreover, you can cheer up not only with a traditional cup of strong coffee, but also with green, freshly brewed tea.

According to nutritionists, all calories that enter the body in the first half of the day are burned until the evening, thanks to physical activity. Even if this fact is true, naturally you should not overuse mayonnaise salads or lamb kebab for breakfast. Mayonnaise can be replaced, lamb - boiled beef. But a piece of something sweet in the morning won't hurt.

Rules healthy breakfast:

  • It is better to avoid cold and hot food in the morning. Warm food for normal functioning a barely awakened stomach – that’s it.
  • Breakfast foods should contain nutrients, especially carbohydrates. That is why oatmeal is considered the most popular breakfast. Although egg casseroles, omelettes, muesli and pancakes with fruit will be no less useful.
  • Breakfast to get you started in the morning hormonal system, should be within the first hour after a person wakes up.
  • The product will be more healthy and nutritious if you use honey instead of sugar.

Breakfast according to nationality

Breakfast prepared at home becomes more satisfying the further north the resident’s country is located. Eg, breakfast in turkey- this is coffee, feta cheese, sheep cheese with olives, greens and traditional national flatbreads.

In France They prefer croissants, coffee, confiture and freshly squeezed juices.

English served in the morning thick and fatty foods– scrambled eggs with sausages and fried bacon, baked beans.

Norse They like to start the day with potatoes with cracklings and fried fish.

So what should this healthy breakfast be?

What is a healthy breakfast?

According to nutritionists, a person’s breakfast should include (from daily value) one fifth (incomplete) fat, two thirds carbohydrates and a third protein.

Of the carbohydrates, the healthiest ones are the indigestible ones - those found in wholemeal bread and oatmeal. These are some of the most important elements for the body. Eating fruits, vegetables and dairy products is a must for normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

Ideas for a healthy and satisfying breakfast for the whole week




One of the most best options A healthy breakfast is porridge. Why are they so useful? Firstly, porridge is nutritious, and a portion of this dish in the morning will keep you full until lunchtime. Secondly, porridge is healthy. They enter our body essential vitamins and fiber, which normalizes work digestive tract. Alternating porridges from different cereals will help make your breakfast varied.

Monday - buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat normalizes blood pressure and lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Contains a wide range of vitamins, starch, organic and folic acids. It quickly creates a feeling of satiety, making it popular among those losing weight.

Tuesday - oatmeal

It’s not without reason that people call oatmeal “beauty porridge.” It is a real storehouse of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins. With its help you can normalize acidity. Oatmeal renders positive impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When turned on regularly oatmeal the menu improves skin condition.

Wednesday - pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley porridge became widespread during the time of Peter I. The Tsar loved it because it helped keep the body in good shape, despite great physical and mental stress. A serving of this porridge in the morning will help you improve your performance and feel energetic throughout the day.

Thursday - barley porridge

Barley grits are a fighter against cholesterol plaques. Eating this porridge will help the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins and normalize liver function. Being dietary product, porridge from barley groats Suitable for people who want to lose weight without harm to their health.

Friday - rice porridge

Rice is a hypoallergenic product and, thanks to this property, is suitable for everyone. It contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, starch and complex carbohydrates. The presence of eight amino acids important for the body such as histidine, lecithin, tryptophan, cystine, arginine, lysine, methionine, choline makes rice porridge the number one breakfast dish.

Saturday - millet porridge

Millet porridge has large reserves of vitamin D. It will be useful for anyone who wants to strengthen their nails and hair, since it is vitamin D that promotes the absorption of calcium. Also, people with heart problems should include millet porridge in their diet, as it contains a large amount of potassium.

Sunday - semolina porridge

Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of semolina porridge, it should not be eaten frequently. It contains few vitamins, and it also reduces the absorption of vitamin D. It is not recommended for feeding children under one year of age, but for adults with gastrointestinal diseases it can be very useful due to low content it contains fiber.


In addition to cereals, the breakfast menu may include dairy products. Recommended for use:

  1. Milkshakes.
  2. Cheeses (hard and processed).
  3. Ryazhenka, kefir, natural yoghurts (these dairy products should not be consumed on an empty stomach, they should serve as an addition to breakfast).
  4. Milk soups (rice, vermicelli).
  5. Curd mass and cottage cheese, whole grain and regular. More information You will find about this product in our article -.

A competent combination of these dishes, as well as their alternation in weekly menu. Compose it according to your preferences, trying to include everything healthy foods. For example, you can make your breakfast tastier by adding berries to your cereal.

What to give up

To make the day go easily and cheerfully, you should not include in the breakfast menu

You need to eat right not only in the morning, but throughout the day. Useful tips you will find on this topic in the article -.

Hello, friends!

Breakfasts are a constant subject of weight-loss and culinary debates. Some people believe that in the morning you need to eat almost half of your daily calories.

Remember: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper”?

Others, in particular Paul Bragg, argue that breakfast still needs to be earned.

So who is right? Let's figure out whether you need to have breakfast, and if you do, what is the best way to have breakfast.

Should I have breakfast?

This question has always interested me too; I rarely have breakfast myself. I was more inclined to believe that everything is individual for everyone and everyone makes their own decisions. But it turns out that this is not entirely correct.

If you basically don’t care whether you eat or not eat in the morning, then eat better.

Modern nutritionists say that it is necessary to have breakfast. And that's why.

It would seem that at night we sleep and do not waste energy. Why have breakfast, because there is nothing to replenish?

Actually this is not true. And during sleep, our body works: the heart beats and pumps blood through the vessels, things happen in the cells metabolic processes, urine is produced, the intestines function, and most importantly, the brain produces glucose.

The amount of sugar in our body must be constant to keep us healthy. in good condition, and the brain controls this level.

Eating breakfast will nourish your brain

When we sleep all night, glucose is not replenished; the brain is forced to take it from reserves that are specially stored for this purpose in the liver. It is spent all night and by morning the person wakes up hungry. In the morning we definitely need to eat, because all the energy reserves needed not only for the physical and mental labor that lies ahead during the day, but also for the work of the heart, brain and all our organs, are exhausted.

If you don’t eat in the morning, energy for the brain will be taken from our proteins and fats, and this is not the right way of energy replacement.

The Japanese conducted an interesting study and found that people who regularly eat breakfast reduce the incidence of cerebral hemorrhages, have much less strokes, and normalize blood pressure.

After breakfast, the brain thinks better.

70% of people who don't eat breakfast are obese

In recent decades, breakfast consumption among people around the world has been declining, while the number of obesity has been increasing.

People who don’t eat in the morning always overeat during the day, and in the evening before going to bed they don’t mind drinking tea and a bun. Moreover, this happens unnoticed by them: they seized chocolate bar, then grabbed a cookie.

Doctors that people turn to for different problems associated with metabolic disorders, they say that 70 percent of them do not eat breakfast! And at the same time, they are all obese to one degree or another.

Who needs breakfast:

  1. If your blood sugar levels are unstable (this happens with diabetes or overweight), never skip breakfast.
  2. If you work a lot and get tired easily, breakfast is your best friend.
  3. If you live in constant stress or suffer from insomnia, eat breakfast.
  4. For a hearty breakfast - required condition treatment.
  5. Breakfast is required for pregnant and lactating women.
  6. If you really want to eat in the morning, by all means do it, even if you are late.

What time to have breakfast

The time to have breakfast does not come immediately after waking up, and when you wake up, you don’t need to immediately run to the kitchen and sit down to eat. First, you should start the digestion process, and only after half an hour - an hour, or even an hour and a half, have breakfast.

The best way to have breakfast

But there is no one universal scheme for everyone. Some people feel hungry again within an hour after breakfast. And there are those who have an active aversion to morning meals.

Therefore, in this matter, it is not so important what time you have breakfast, but what you eat, the better to have breakfast.

And the point here is in the individual balance of hormones that regulate appetite, as well as in the peculiarities of the gastrointestinal tract.


Our brain asks for glucose in the morning, so we need to give it to it for breakfast, namely foods containing carbohydrates.

But don’t rush to eat pancakes, pancakes, and muffins in the morning. The desire to indulge in sweets must be nipped in the bud. Fast carbohydrates they only give extra calories and no nutrients.

Insulin is key in regulating glucose levels. But he also has a partner - cortisol, which also affects biological rhythms, and the feeling of hunger. Usually, in the morning, cortisol levels are elevated, and when paired with insulin, they work in such a way that soon after breakfast you want to eat again.

By the way, caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol, so drinking coffee or tea on an empty stomach is not a good idea.

Eat what satiates you best. Foods containing carbohydrates include porridge (complex carbohydrates) and vegetables and fruits (light carbohydrates). Although modern dietetics does not consider the consumption of complex carbohydrates - cereals, with the exception of oatmeal, are mandatory for breakfast. It is better to postpone their intake to a later time, for example, for second breakfast. True, this only applies to adults, but for children who are growing up, you can add porridge.

And oatmeal contains so much useful properties! This is the healthiest breakfast in the world, which even for a man engaged in hard physical labor lasts until lunch. So eat it more often for your health.


As a result of research, it was discovered that proteins must be added to carbohydrates; only together they satisfy the feeling of hunger.

If you eat only carbohydrates, then after a short amount of time you will want to snack again.

When eating proteins and carbohydrates together during breakfast, over 7 months of observation, people even lost an average of 22 kg.

What's that crackling in your frying pan? Roasted early in the morning? No good! You shouldn't eat fatty foods because digestive system I haven’t woken up yet and fatty foods will be an additional provocation for the liver.

For protein foods, you can eat a piece of lean meat or scrambled eggs, but give preference to dairy products.

Perfect breakfast

So, it turns out that it would be ideal to eat 100 grams of fruits or vegetables, 100 grams of protein (cottage cheese, for example, or 2-3) and 30 grams of dry oatmeal for breakfast.

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