What can be made from dry tangerines. The benefits and harms of tangerine peels, use in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Application in cosmetology

While enjoying the aromatic taste of citrus tangerines, we often throw the peels in the trash, not even knowing what delicious candied fruits can be made from tangerine peels. In addition, there are many other uses for the zest. So let's find out: tangerine peels - what are their benefits and harms for the human body?

How to make candied tangerine peels

To make candied tangerine peels, you first need to prepare them. Peel the tangerines from the peels, wash the skins well to remove all the chemicals that are used to treat the fruit to prevent spoilage. Then peel the crusts from the white streaks that cause bitterness and soak in water for 2-3 days. Change the water 3-4 times a day.

Prepared peels can be used to make candied tangerines. First, the syrup is boiled from one part water and two parts sugar. The crusts are filtered through a colander, excess moisture is removed with napkins. Then pour in syrup and cook for about an hour.

The last step is to dry the crusts in syrup in any way convenient for you: in a dryer, oven, on the balcony. Candied tangerine peels are ready.

Useful properties and uses of tangerine peels

Tangerine peel contains many vitamins, minerals and essential oils. It turns out that the crusts that often go into the trash can have great benefits.

Their use is not limited to the preparation of candied fruits. Peel fragrant fruit used in everyday life, in cosmetology and folk medicine.

  1. Tea with dried tangerine peels reduces the risk of skin, breast, and prostate cancer. The peel contains more antioxidants than the fruit itself.
  2. A decoction of tangerine peel is useful for diabetics, as it reduces blood cholesterol levels by up to 40%. Also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. They help remove toxins from the liver, strengthen the immune system, and detox the body.
  4. Tea with tangerine peel will help cope with the disorder digestive system, and also relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
  5. Filming nervous tension, soothe and relax thanks to essential oils.
  6. They help to cope with colds faster and also prevent the accumulation of mucus in the lungs.
  7. Are prophylactic from stomach ulcers.
  8. They have antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties.
  9. The benefits of tangerine zest have also been used in cleansing the skin of pimples, acne, and blackheads.

Crusts for health

Tangerine peel is useful for the prevention and treatment of many ailments. It will help cure mastitis, cleanse the liver, and prevent stomach ulcers.

Will reduce cholesterol levels. And if you have a cold, it will help you gain vitamins and defeat the disease faster.

Tea made from tangerine peel and currant leaves cleanses joints. Also, tangerine skins can be taken for inflammation of the bronchi.

Tangerine peel is useful for strengthening immune system and is a powerful opponent colds. Just scatter the crusts around the apartment and breathe in the aroma. Except pleasant smell, they will disinfect the air from viruses and bacteria.

For beauty

Tangerine peel has also found its use in cosmetology. With its help, tonics, scrubs, oils and creams are prepared.

  1. Tonic made from tangerine peels will remove blackheads and tighten the skin of the face and neck. Just fill the peel with a glass and mineral water. Insist for a day. Wipe your face once a day.
  2. A natural scrub will cleanse your skin well, add a citrus aroma and lift your spirits. Dry the crusts well and grind in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Store in a glass jar, and before using, mix some of the powder with water to make a paste.
  3. By rubbing your nails with tangerine peel, you can strengthen them, whiten them, and also get rid of fungus.
  4. Tangerine oil can be used to massage, moisturize and nourish the skin. Fresh fruit zest needs to be poured olive oil, leave for a week and strain. Keep refrigerated.

Tangerine peels in cooking

The crusts have also found their use in cooking. They make excellent candied tangerine peels and aromatic jam.

If you dry the peel of the fruit and grind it into powder, you get an original seasoning for meat.

Tangerine zest complements baked goods well and serves as a beautiful decoration for cakes. They also make a delicious liqueur from it.

Use for decoration

The bright, aromatic peel is also popular in decoration. By cutting out all kinds of figures from the crusts and drying them, you can make beads, garlands and pendants. You will get an interesting eco-friendly decoration for the holiday.

If the peel is cut in a circle into one long strip, then you can twist it into beautiful flowers.

After drying a lot of tangerine peels, you can make various crafts and paintings from them. Varnish and paint with acrylic.

Tangerine peels in everyday life

Tangerine peel is also useful in everyday matters.

For example, you can spread the peel of the fruit in different places for aromatizing the room.

The citrus aroma repels moths, so the crusts in the closet will protect your clothes.

If your domestic cat If you start marking your territory, then put a few tangerine skins in your favorite place. This will wean the cat from its unwanted presence in these places.

By throwing a few crusts into the stove or fireplace, you will be able to light it without difficulty.

For disease prevention indoor plants they can be sprayed with water infused with tangerine skins.

Harm from tangerine peel

Do not forget that fruits brought from distant countries are treated with chemicals for long-term storage, which means that before using the peel, it must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. Otherwise, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning may occur.

Also, people prone to allergies should be wary of citrus peels, because they are very allergenic.

For problems and diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, colitis, increased acidity stomach, it is better to avoid eating tangerine peels.

You should not include the peel in your diet if you have pancreatitis, or for children prone to allergies under 3 years of age.

There is nothing superfluous in nature. And sometimes what appears to be outright “garbage” at first glance becomes useful tool, helping to eliminate certain diseases, refresh or clean the house, remove specific pests from the garden plot and much more. In this article we will talk about the use of tangerine peels, which go into the trash in abundance.

Health benefits of tangerine peels

It would be fair to start with what are the real benefits of dry tangerine peels for general well-being person.

This by-product, we are not afraid to call it that, is used for the following purposes:

  • For the treatment of bronchitis, prepare the following citrus decoction: dry tangerine peel
    grind into powder, and add 300 ml of boiling water in the amount of two tablespoons. All this is put on low heat, simmered for 5-7 minutes, then infused for another hour and strained. You should drink it warm, half a glass 3 times a day, and certainly before eating.
  • Getting rid of flatulence and dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, powder from dried peels is added to any food consumed in the amount of 1 tsp.
  • Dry cough therapy. This is what is being done for vodka tincture from a glass of alcohol and two tbsp. fresh crushed peels. All this is infused in dark place during the week. The drink is taken with water, 15-25 drops, three times a day and, again, only before meals.
  • Elimination of fungal pathology nail plates. The latter are rubbed with fresh tangerine skins twice a day, morning and evening, immediately after washing the limbs.

Using tangerine peels in everyday life

Let's move on to what the use of dried or fresh tangerine peels can be:

  • They can be placed in the dishwasher, and even minimal residue will not remain on the dishes.
    stains and drips.
  • Table vinegar infused with peels can become a truly universal and trouble-free cleaning agent that costs mere pennies. And that’s all, because the citric acids contained in the peel can remove mineral deposits, soap deposits, and kill mold and bacteria.
  • In cooking, powder from dry tangerine peels can become great supplement for tea brewing, homemade vitamin mixtures, meat and drinks. Remember that almost all classic cocktails involve the presence of one or another citrus? So, they are not always in the refrigerator, but citrus powder will become their worthy and budget analogue.
  • Fresh peels can be used to make an excellent body scrub. For this purpose, they are grated on a fine grater, mixed with almond and olive oil, granulated sugar or coffee.
  • An alcohol tincture of healthy tangerine peels may well become the basis for homemade essential oil. For it, 20 skins need to be dried, ground into powder, and placed in a glass container. The latter is completely filled with vodka, sealed tightly and exposed to the sun for three days. Then the substance is filtered, the dust is thrown out, and the liquid remains in its container until the alcohol has completely evaporated.
  • If you are a true connoisseur of homemade alcohol, you can try making tangerine vodka. The recipe is simple: buy a liter of high-quality industrial alcohol, and mix it with strained juice obtained from 1.5 kg of fresh citrus fruits, and leave it all in a tightly closed glass container for just a couple of days.

The use of tangerine peel in the garden

Mandarin peel has also found its application in the gardening sector of human life, namely:

  • It can be placed in flower beds and pots of indoor plants. Summer residents
    prove that in this way you can protect the decoration of your yard and home from attacks by cats.
  • The following recipe for tangerine tincture helps save the crop from aphids, thrips and spider mites. This universal eco-insecticidal decoction is prepared from fresh tangerine peels taken from a couple of fruits. They are crushed, filled with a liter of heated water, and the container with the contents is sent to a dark and cool room for a week. Then the substance is filtered, flavored with liquid toilet soap, and you can begin processing the garden plantings. For thrips and aphids, three sprayings are carried out; for spider mites, their number increases to 5. In any case, the interval between treatments should be at least one week.
  • The great benefit of citrus peels is that their smell is unbearable for ants. Therefore, it would be advisable to prepare a puree from them, based on just a couple of ingredients: water and fresh peel. Then all that remains is to spread it out in places where ants gather and move. This method is bad because the pest will not leave the area completely, but will most likely simply relocate.
  • For indoor plants, the following recipe is useful: pour 200 g of peels into a liter of water, put the container in a dark place for 5 days, and then strain. This remedy is used as follows: half the finished tincture is combined with 2 liters of settled or purified water, and a tsp. laundry soap. The green mass of house plants is washed or sprayed with the resulting solution, which rids them of all types of aphids and mites.

Please note that this is not all possible ways using tangerine peel.

Tangerine mania has begun, hurray!)

This year the feeling of the New Year came much earlier than usual. Probably because the first snow fell early in St. Petersburg and for the first time in many years it did not melt, but lies and makes us happy ❄ I really love tangerines and always look forward to the tangerine season.By the way, a quick question - what do you do with tangerine peels?

No, no, don’t tell me you’re throwing tangerine “skins” into the trash! Do not do that! They have so many uses around the house!

Let's count how you can use tangerine peel:

✔ Dried and ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baked goods and drinks. To do this, you need to collect the tangerine peels and dry them thoroughly in a dehydrator. After which the crusts must be ground in a coffee grinder into powder. That's all. Now tasty and healthy tangerine powder can be added to your favorite drinks (for example, when you brew tea or compote baby), and also added to muffins and cookies. They acquire a delightful tangerine smell - the smell of the New Year.

✔The dried crusts can be put in a jar of tea - after a while it will acquire a wonderful smell and you will have a strong feeling that you are drinking tea with tangerines.

✔Very tasty candied fruits are made from tangerine peels. To do this, the tangerine peel must be cut into small slices about 3-4 cm in size. And dry the slices in a dehydrator. They can also be added to baked goods. When the crusts dry, they will become much smaller in size, keep this in mind.

✔Tangerine peel tincture improves digestion and increases appetite. In order to prepare a tincture from tangerine peel, you need to pour hot peel into a decanter. boiled water and leave overnight. You can take the tincture in the morning. Take it 1/2 glass before meals.

✔A decoction and infusion of tangerine peels is used for colds, it acts as an expectorant for tracheitis and bronchitis, and helps reduce blood sugar levels.

✔ “Japanese trick”: dried tangerine peels, placed in a plastic mesh, are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them on the body. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. Japanese women know what they are doing 😉

✔Dried tangerine peels are used in linen closets to prevent moths. Just lay out the peels of tangerines in the closet and in addition to the delicious New Year's smell, you will also receive the benefit of being moth-free.

I really like this way of using tangerine peels - I dry the peels in a dehydrator and then add the peels to Herb tea. The tea smells delicious afterwards.

Since we are talking about tangerine peel today, let's talk about the benefits of tangerines themselves.

What are the benefits of tangerines?

  1. This is one of the richest vitamin A citrus fruits (681 IU/100 g). In terms of this parameter, oranges (247 IU/100 g), lemon (22 IU/100 g) or pomelo (8 IU/100 g) cannot keep up with it. In terms of the content of this substance, tangerines are second only to grapefruits in their benefits (1150 IU/100 g).
  2. The benefit of tangerine for the human body lies in its phytoncidal effect. Tangerine juice can kill germs in the human body, such as chlamydia.
  3. The benefits of tangerines for the beauty, facial skin and hair of not only women, but children and men are also undeniable. By eating tangerines, you will soon notice how your skin will acquire a fresh shine, become smooth and elastic. This is due to the fact that citrus fruit contains a large number of antioxidants that protect against the effects of ultraviolet rays and free radicals. Wrinkles may also decrease, especially if you consume tangerine fruit not only as food, but also as a component element in nourishing masks.
  4. Include tangerines in your diet. There are benefits for the heart and kidneys, since the fruit is an additional immunostimulant, citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. Stones and sand are expelled from the kidneys.
  5. Sweet tangerines will also benefit your intestines. When eating fruits, the digestive process is normalized, and thereby inflammation is reduced intestinal tract, dysbacteriosis is cured.
  6. There are benefits of tangerines for diabetes mellitus. The fruit lowers blood sugar levels: it contains valuable components.

In general, both the tangerines themselves and their peel are total benefit for the body. Don't miss the season!

Many of us love tangerines, but probably not everyone knows that not only the pulp is suitable for eating. Applications can also be found for crusts. Moreover, the delicacy will be very tasty. We invite you to prepare candied tangerine peels, and we will help you with this. This is, of course, a painstaking task, but the result is worth it. If store-bought candied fruits are often too dry, and they probably contain dyes, then homemade candied fruits are juicy, aromatic, and you will be 100% sure of their quality.

How to make candied tangerines at home?


  • tangerine peels – 500 g;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.


Before preparing candied fruits, wash the tangerine peels thoroughly and then cut them into small squares or strips. Then fill them with water at room temperature and soak for 3 days. In this case, the water needs to be changed 3 times every day. After this, drain the water in which the crusts were settling, and instead add water for the syrup at the rate of 100 ml per 250 g of crusts, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes , stirring. Now you can strain the crusts, add sugar to the liquid and boil until thick, stirring so that the syrup does not burn. Pour the resulting mixture over the crusts and leave for 10–12 hours to soak. After that, put them on the fire again and simmer until they boil down. Again, place the crusts in a colander to allow the remaining liquid to drain. Place the resulting candied orange peels on a table or baking sheet in an even, thin layer to dry. Usually within a day the delicacy is ready. It can also be used in pure form, and can be used in baking.

Candied tangerine peels - express recipe

The previous recipe for making candied fruits is wonderful, but it requires patience and time. If you want to do everything faster, then the following recipe is for you.


  • tangerine skins – 200 g;
  • sugar – 400 g;
  • lemon acid- taste;
  • water;
  • salt.


Place the peel in a saucepan, add water (about 1.5 liters), put it on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Place the crusts in a colander, rinse them under running water and fill them again with water adding half a teaspoon of salt. Salt is needed to remove bitterness from the crusts. Bring to a boil, boil again for 10 minutes, rinse and repeat the procedure a third time. After this, we put the crusts back into a colander and cut them into not very thin strips or simply randomly divide them into pieces. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a glass of water, bring to a boil. Now dip the peel into the syrup and cook until almost completely boiled. The pieces of skin should become almost transparent. Now that the candied fruits are almost ready, put them in a colander, thereby allowing the remaining syrup to drain. You can roll them in sugar or powdered sugar and dry them. To do this, you can simply leave them open to the air, or you can put them on a baking sheet and place in a warm oven for about 30–40 minutes.

You can also prepare candied tangerines for future use: sterilize the jars and place the candied fruits in them while still hot, close with a lid and store in the refrigerator. And then use it at your own discretion. By the way, don’t rush to pour out the syrup either, it will make an excellent impregnation for cakes.

Candied fruits can be prepared only from tangerine peels, or you can make an assortment and use the peels of any citrus fruits: orange, lemon and grapefruit peels will do. Why waste goodness when you can prepare such a delicious delicacy!

We bring to your attention some tips on how and where to use tangerine peel - in everyday life, decoration, cooking, for beauty and health.


  • Tangerine peels will be excellent helpers for colds and bronchitis. To do this, take three tablespoons of tangerine peels and pour two glasses of very hot water. Let it brew for a couple of hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.
  • Increased sugar in the blood will help normalize decoction of tangerine peel. Take a liter of water, boil the peels of three tangerines in it and take 30 ml several times a day.
  • Alcohol infusion from tangerine peels Boosts immunity and improves appetite and digestion. To do this, you need to pour a glass of vodka over the peel of one tangerine and leave it in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.


  • The most common recipe is tangerine peel tonic. Making it at home is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to pour the peel of one tangerine with a glass of cold drinking or mineral water, let it brew for 24 hours and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. This toner will get rid of blackheads and tighten sagging skin.
  • Tangerine peel scrub will improve your mood will give the skin a pleasant aroma and good view. The dried peel should be ground in a blender to a powder and stored in a glass jar. Pour the required amount of water into a paste and use as a regular scrub.
  • Dried tangerine peels you can just wash your body, having previously soaked them in hot water.
  • Tangerine peel very useful for nails. Just wipe your nails with it every time you eat a tangerine - it whitens and strengthens your nails well. In addition, it helps fight certain types of nail fungus.


  • Mandarin peel makes excellent candied fruits and jam. Tangerine peels can also be simply added to tea for flavor.
  • Dried and crushed tangerine peels can be added to meat when frying, they give an unusual and original taste.
  • Tangerine peels can be added to baked goods, decorate cakes with them or make liqueur from them.


  • You can cut out various figures from tangerine peels, combine them into beads, garlands, pendants and decorate your home for the holiday.
  • From neatly cut circles you can make tangerine roses or other flowers.
  • Dried peels can be coated with varnish, paint, and can be used to create three-dimensional paintings or various crafts.


  • The most common use of tangerine peel in everyday life is room aromatization. Just place the peels around the apartment in places where it is convenient for you and enjoy the aroma.
  • Dry tangerine peels can be placed in closets with clothes: This will prevent moths from appearing.
  • Besides, tangerine peels are good at weaning cats off from marking their territory. To do this, you need to place the tangerine skins in the cats’ “favorite” places.
  • Dried tangerine peels also Great for lighting a stove or fireplace.

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