What to eat according to your blood type. Diet according to blood type: what is good for a hunter is harmful for a nomad

The rapidly developing stream of discoveries and innovations has allowed nutritionists to develop new formula healthy diet. We will talk about the fact that nutrition according to a blood test is one of the most effective. It allows you to clean overweight without harming your own health. However, scientists have been approaching this diet, stumbling and making mistakes, for more than one or two years. System searches healthy eating, which will bring perfection to the human body in the process of losing weight, took long years. People's blood groups were divided into groups only a century ago, but research in this direction did not stop. The division into 4 types is taken as the basis for a completely unique and effective diet.

Historical background

Research by scientists claims that it was nutrition that played a fundamental role in the formation of 4 types of blood in humans. It turned out that all the varieties arose sequentially, and did not appear at once.

  • O(I). The first blood group includes peoples who lived by gathering and hunting. The main priority of these tribes is survival. Until now, there is a hypothesis that representatives of the first group are purposeful, active people. The percentage of people on the planet with this blood type is 30%.
  • A (II). The second blood group, which arose during the transition of a person to farming, includes people who are satisfied with life and have a stable nervous system. For the most part, the character of the inhabitants of the planet with the second group is dominated by calmness, measuredness and focus on results. Most people on the planet live with the second type of blood - 40%.
  • B (III). The third blood group are nomads, whose tribes roamed the expanses of the then almost deserted Earth. They were engaged in animal husbandry. This category of people is taught to adapt to environmental conditions, adapting to them, calmly reacting to all difficulties that arise. About 22% of people on the planet have blood type 3.
  • AB(IV). Unique and rare group. This happened because it was formed relatively recently (by the standards of humanity’s existence on this Earth). When types 2 and 3 merged, a new one was obtained - 4. No more than 8% of people living on Earth are carriers of this blood type.

Doctors have found that the same food is absorbed by the body of people with different blood types absolutely individually.

In turn, according to nutritionists, people should divide all food products into three categories:

  • necessary for the body (useful);
  • those without which the body is quite able to live (neutral);
  • those without which the body must exist (unnecessary or harmful).

Nutrition according to blood type is an optional process, but desirable. When compiling a set of products for daily menu, a person can stick important rules related to its type and effectively lose weight.

Diet for weight loss

A weight loss diet based on a person's blood type was developed by scientists to achieve noticeable weight loss results without harming the body. As reviews from those who have lost weight say, a person can eat everything from the menu intended specifically for him, without limiting himself in the amount of food consumed. However this system weight loss is effective only when the entire process occurs under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Each type has its pros and cons, which are fundamental links in building a diet:

  1. First blood group characterized by an excellent immune system and stable digestion, high activity and good metabolism. From negative aspects- aversion to sudden changes in diet, tendency to allergic reactions and inflammation.
  2. The second group belongs to people with immunity to changes in living conditions. They are distinguished by a weak gastrointestinal tract, frequent illnesses gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys.
  3. Third blood group- people with nerves of iron and good immunity. In case of metabolic failures there is high probability diseases of the heart, blood vessels, cancer tumors. They are highly susceptible to viral infections.
  4. Fourth group typical for people who have all the pros and cons of types 2 and 3.

The menu is selected for each blood group, taking into account indications for improving the patient’s health and losing weight:

  • For the first - food with a maximum protein content. Undesirable products - cereals.
  • For the second - food of plant origin. Undesirable products - containing a maximum amount of animal fats.
  • For the third - a diet based on a balance of products of plant and animal origin. The exception is seafood and pork.
  • For the fourth - food with a moderate content of all products. Lean meat and fish are especially desirable in the diet.


1 group

The diet for blood group 1 positive and negative includes the following foods:

Recommended for use:

  • meat with low fat content;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • greenery;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • sour natural juices;
  • herbal tea.

It is forbidden :

  • fatty meat and milk;
  • oil with a high percentage of cholesterol;
  • legumes, cereals (any);
  • vinegar and vinegar-containing products;
  • citrus and aromatic fruits;
  • potatoes, alcohol and coffee.

2nd group

Diet for blood group 2 positive and negative includes:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • little olive and flax;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals and rye flour;
  • mustard;
  • stone fruits and sour citrus fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables (root vegetables);
  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • herbal teas;
  • natural juices.
  • dried sea fish;
  • crayfish and shrimp;
  • full fat milk and dairy products;
  • solid oils of vegetable and animal origin;
  • liver;
  • vinegar;
  • sweet citrus and melons;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

3 group

The diet for blood group 3 positive and negative is developed taking into account the following features:

Recommended products to eat:

  • egg;
  • dietary meat;
  • River fish;
  • olive oil;
  • legumes;
  • cereals and bread;
  • greenery;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • root vegetables and cabbage;
  • sour juices.
Not recommended for use:
  • fat meat;
  • marine fish and crustaceans;
  • ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • lentils;
  • Rye bread;
  • cinnamon;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate;
  • root vegetables with a spicy taste (radish, radish);
  • potato;
  • tomato juice;
  • alcohol tinctures with a high degree;
  • cognac and lemonade.

4 group

The diet for blood type 4 negative is identical to the diet for types 2 and 3. The set of products for weight loss is the same. At the same time, the diet for blood group 4 is positive. However, we must not forget that this group is the most unstable to the effects environment and stress and especially needs advice from specialists on choosing the right nutrition.

The remaining food products are neutral and are allowed for consumption by any blood group, be it positive or negative. Reviews from those who have lost weight say that, on the doctor’s recommendation, you can eat these foods, but with minor adjustments in the amount of food consumed.

Diet chart by blood type

The nutrition menu for weight loss for representatives of any blood type clearly shows which foods are desirable and which ones should be avoided (or minimized).

Product Blood type
Orange - - N -
Grapefruit N + N +
Mandarin - - N N
Pomegranate N N - -
Lemon N + N +
A pineapple N + + +
Banana N - + -
Kiwi N N N +
Pear N N N N
Apple + + + +
Peach N N N N
Nectarine N N N N
Plum + + + +
Melon - - N N
Coconut - - + +
Avocado - N - -
Persimmon N N - -
Watermelon N N N N
Barberry N - - -
Grape N N + +
Strawberry - N N N
Cherry N + N +
Cranberry N + + +
Gooseberry N N N +
Currant N N N N
Raspberries N N N N
Cherries + + N +
Dried fruits
Raisin N N N N
Prunes + + N N
Figs + + N +
Tomatoes N - - N
cucumbers N N N +
Sweet pepper N - + +
White cabbage - - + N
Potato - - - N
Carrot N N + N
Onion + + N N
Radish N N - -
Pumpkin + + - N
Broccoli + + + +
Cauliflower - - + +
Beet N N N N
Oyster mushrooms N + N N
Champignon - - N N
Olives - - - N
Beef + - N -
Pork - - - -
Mutton + - + +
Veal + - N -
Rabbit meat N - + +
Chicken N N - -
Turkey + N N +
Duck N - - -
Carp N + N N
Salmon + + + +
Herring + + N N
Zander N + + +
Hake + - + -
Tuna N N N +
Mackerel + + + +
Crustaceans N - - -
Milk - - N -
Kefir - N + +
Cottage cheese N N + +
Cheese - - N N
Sour cream - N + +
Yogurt - N + +
Ice cream - - - -
Butter N - N -
Cereals and legumes
Corn - N - -
Peas N N N N
Beans N N N N
Buckwheat N + - -
Semolina - - N N
Rice N N + +
Wheat flour - - N N
Pasta - - N N
Oatmeal - N + +
White bread - N + N
Green tea N + + +
Black tea - - N -
Black coffee - + N +
White wine N N N N
Red wine N + N N
Beer N - N N
Spirits - - - -
Pickles - N N -
Vinegar - - N -
Ketchup - - - -
Mayonnaise N - - N
Sugar N N N N
Chocolate N N N N
Sunflower oil N N - -
Olive oil + + + +
Eggs N N + N
Sunflower seeds N N - -
Walnuts + N N +

It's easy to lose weight without weighing each portion and counting calories every day! The blood type diet will help you with this. Just create a menu of products recommended for you and lose weight easily and tasty!

What is a diet for weight loss based on blood type? As the name suggests, your eating style depends on your blood type. This concept was developed by the American Peter D'Adamo, based on the fact that new blood types arose in different eras of human development. At the time of their appearance, people ate certain products, which should be consumed according to this popular diet.

One of the reasons for its rapid popularity is that losing weight using a menu tailored to your blood type does not need to be accompanied by counting grams and calories. The essence of the diet is close to the principles of proper nutrition: it is not so important how much you eat, the main thing is what.

Diet for those with the first blood group

The first group is designated as “I” or “O”; this is what our most ancient representatives, who had the glory of hunters, possessed. At the moment, a third of the world's population can boast of a blood connection with ancestors based on the "O" blood. During the determination of the blood group, the presence of an antigen called the Rh factor will be checked. If it is not there, then you have 1 negative blood group. Among Europeans, 85% have this antigen. In fact, it does not affect the digestibility of food, so whether you have 1 negative or 1 positive, the menu and nutritional advice will be essentially identical.

People with group O have strong digestive and immune systems, but have a reduced metabolic rate.

To prevent what you eat from stagnating and being deposited where it shouldn’t, follow these recommendations:

  • like a true hunter, eat red meat and liver every day;
  • forget about wheat products, beans, lentils and corn - they will completely stall your digestion;
  • cross out recipes with oat products and all types of cabbage, not counting broccoli - they have a bad effect on the thyroid gland and slow down metabolism;
  • love seafood and seaweed, replace regular salt iodized, eat vegetables and greens, preferably green (spinach, broccoli, lettuce) - you need more iodine.

When preparing a salad, season it olive oil, other fats will be absorbed worse. To replenish your body with microelements, eat 2-5 walnuts; prunes and figs will be a big hit. If you want to buy bread, then look for a loaf made from sprouted seeds, it contains minimal gluten. Consume dairy products with minimum percentage fat, or even completely fat-free.

Most of those living on a diet for the first blood group, judging by the reviews, consider themselves lucky. A maximum of meat and fish ingredients will not let you go hungry, and greens and cereals will complement your diet.

Vegetarian diet for blood group 2

When people began to work the land, a sedentary lifestyle and an expanded diet led to the emergence of Type A, also sounding like Group II. In persons with 2 positive and negative group blood, the acidity of gastric juices and delicate mucous membranes are low, imposing certain restrictions on food.

The diet used for weight loss with blood type 2 is radically different from the diet for type “O”. Meat slows down digestion and leaves a long-lasting feeling of heaviness, while vegetables and fruits are digested, giving you energy. To get the necessary proteins, eggs and soy products. While studying a diet that is suitable for blood type II, it was noticed that its description is similar to a vegetarian’s guide. This is close to the truth, because the menu should contain a minimum of animal ingredients. It is acceptable to occasionally cook poultry: chicken, turkey, and best of all, chicken.

Regardless of your Rh factor, you should avoid foods loaded with sugar and chocolate. Among seafood, perch, carp, sardines, cod, mackerel, trout and snails will be beneficial. Red fish, shrimp, caviar and other delicacies are already in the zone of harmful ingredients. Acceptable dairy products include yoghurt, kefir, goat milk and cheese, Feta, Mozzarella and Ricotta. None cream cheeses, dairy drinks, ice cream and butter! For salad dressings, it is recommended to choose olive and linseed oil, they are useful for those who have the blood of farmers in their veins.

To avoid damaging the delicate mucous membrane, avoid sauces, pickles, and sour fruits. Forget about orange and tomato juice and, soda, cola, black tea. The most healthy drink, and, according to reviews, it will also become a favorite plain water with lemon juice. It is acceptable to drink green tea, black coffee, and red wine. From plant products, will not be useful: cabbage (except broccoli), potatoes, tomatoes, greenhouse mushrooms, bananas, oranges, rhubarb, mangoes and tangerines.

In total, the menu for those with blood type 2 will be as bright and fresh as possible, because it will mainly consist of vegetables and herbs, fruits and berries. They will be joined by buckwheat, lentils, beans and green beans.

Omnivorous group 3

Having mastered agriculture, our ancestors set off to explore the world. While exploring it, people ate everything available products, due to which a new blood type “B” emerged. The third group now flows through the veins of 20% of humanity. Due to the need to adapt to a constantly updated range of foods, people with this type have almost no restrictions in their diet.

The nomadic body reacts poorly to gluten produced by wheat. This enzyme interferes with normal digestion, and excess food turns into hated fat. Bad influence Buckwheat, lentils, corn and peanuts affect carriers of 3 negative blood. People with positive group 3 have the same reactions, because regardless of rhesus, these products reduce the amount of insulin produced, and without it, metabolism slows down.

Those who violated these simple recommendations note in the reviews fatigue, weight gain and threatening low level blood sugar. There are also few prohibitions among drinks: strong alcohol, beer and tomato juice. So, if you have type B blood, feel free to experiment with your menu, even when traveling to new countries. The main thing is to limit sweets and white pastries; everything else will have minimal impact on your strong stomach.

Rare 4 group

Type AB blood arose last; people already took part in its formation. existing types(A and B), exposed to environmental factors. The diet for the 4th positive group contains elements of diets for farmers and nomads, sometimes in the most unexpected combinations. Let's look at the basic recommendations for mysterious owners of AB blood. By the way, this group is found in only 7% of humanity, and negative 4 is found in literally one and a half percent of people. Rhesus, as with other types, does not affect the lists of useful and prohibited foods below.

Some features of blood types A and B overlap in such a way that you need to look for loopholes to expand your diet. For example, owners of group 3 are omnivores and accept meat well, but carriers of group 2 suffer from low acidity of gastric enzymes. As a result, mystery people with blood type 4 can eat meat, but not red meat.

Meat can be replaced with seafood; salmon, trout, tuna, mussels, sardines and mackerel are especially useful.

In the diet for group 4 there are no restrictions on dairy products; they are even recommended for daily use. Products in this category help the thyroid gland, one of the main coordinators of metabolism. Soy products and all types of vegetables are also welcome. Receiving a lot of fiber, the body readily removes excess. With fruits it is a little more difficult; you should not buy bananas, oranges, mangoes, persimmons, guavas and coconuts.

The “black list” includes buckwheat, corn, legumes and sesame (sesame). Wheat products are only permissible for those who do not struggle with overweight. If you have any comments about your figure, it is better to switch to rye baked goods. Be sure to minimize, if not eliminate, mushrooms and nuts from your diet. Among the drinks considered harmful for type AB are black tea, coffee, Orange juice and sweet soda.

The final set is very reminiscent Mediterranean menu: seafood, rice, cheeses, lots of vegetables and herbs. No matter how complicated the advice on correcting nutrition might initially seem, you can get used to everything. Judging by the reviews, the average duration of getting used to a new eating style takes one to two weeks.


How to choose a diet based on your blood type? Get tested to determine your blood type and follow the appropriate recommendations. Select a convenient format for prohibited, neutral and healthy products and print the corresponding table or list.

What is the rate of weight loss on a blood type diet? It rather sets you on the path to a healthy, balanced diet, so don’t expect very quick and noticeable results. There are absolutely different reviews people who lost weight with this diet: some lost 3-5 kg ​​in a month, while others did not achieve much success in 3 months. Reviews from studies of several thousand volunteers note that the success of the four diets described above is very different. The lowest results in weight loss are shown by people in group 3, who were limited in almost nothing. The most noticeable indicators are among those with the blood of farmers.

Every person's blood belongs to one of 4 groups. Not everyone knows that belonging to one of them determines a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and affects the absorption of food. Products that are contraindicated for some people will benefit others. The blood type diet for weight loss was developed based on information about historical origin and the initial predisposition of a person to better absorption one food or another.

The method has no contraindications and allows you to effectively lose weight. Let's talk further about the foods that are best consumed if you have a certain blood type, the benefits and harms of foods, and the speed of weight loss with the help of a diet. The first connection between blood type and food absorption was discovered by the American doctor Peter D'Adamo. The man was treating patients and noticed that some products have a beneficial effect on the health of some people, while others are absorbed much worse. Continuing the study, the doctor discovered that patients with different predispositions to food have different blood. The man turned to history and managed to connect the differences in ancient people’s living conditions and diet with their blood type.

Scientists have found that at first the inhabitants of the primitive world had one blood type - 1. It is still widespread on Earth. Ancient man ate exclusively meat, and his body was adapted to digest only this product.

With the development of civilization, other groups of people began to appear on Earth:

  • pastoralists,
  • nomads,
  • farmers.

The human diet has undergone significant changes. The body has managed to adapt to digesting other types of food. Vitamins contained in plant foods began to strengthen immune system person. Disease resistance has increased. However, the predisposition to certain foods remained.

Note! Dr. D'Adamo divides food into 3 types based on blood type: healthy foods, which have no effect on the digestive system and are harmful. The diet takes into account the characteristics of the owners different types blood and prescribes the consumption of foods that have a positive effect on the immune system.

According to D'Adamo's theory, to lose weight and maintain health, you need to eat the food of your ancestors. It is better absorbed and brings more benefits. Based on the scientist’s findings, a diet was developed that took into account the characteristics of the digestive system of different people.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Home negative trait diet is its slow effect on the body. If a person wants to try losing weight based on blood type in practice, then he must remember in advance that the diet will not give quick results. Using this method you cannot lose weight in 1-3 months. Eating foods that are beneficial for blood type cannot continue for a certain period of time. It won't do any good. For the effect to become noticeable, you must follow the diet constantly.

Note! If a girl begins to constantly eat foods that suit her blood type, she will notice an improvement in the general condition of her body. Stomach problems will disappear and metabolism will improve. The diet will help normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Nutrition according to blood type has a healing effect on the human body. Diet will not only help you lose excess weight, but will also strengthen the immune and digestive systems.

Diet for blood type 1

Having thought about how to choose a diet based on blood type, a woman must find out exactly which category she belongs to. Otherwise, the diet will have no effect. Owners of 1 negative or positive blood group, according to Dr. D’Adamo, were hunters in ancient times and were the first people to appear on Earth. The basis of the group's diet was meat.

Note! Descendants of hunters must adhere to the diet of their ancestors. Eating foods high in animal protein will benefit their health. They will improve the functioning of the immune system.

Owners of blood type 1 have a strong digestive system. However, this does not save them from a predisposition to gastritis. The disease causes increased acidity gastric juice. Hunters have difficulty digesting food that goes beyond their usual diet. In order for the blood type diet to bring results, the consumption of healthy foods should be combined with exercise.

Owners of blood group 1 who decide to follow a diet should give preference in nutrition to:

  • red meat,
  • fish,
  • liver,
  • leafy greens,
  • olive oil.

A protein mono diet can harm the body if it does not receive the necessary microelements and vitamins that are required to strengthen the immune system. Hunters can make up for the lack of required substances by eating sprouted grains, figs and prunes. The blood type diet, although it takes into account the eating habits of ancestors, presupposes a balanced diet.

According to the ancestral diet, hunters should not consume:

  • food containing gluten
  • milk and products made from it with high fat content,
  • legumes

The foods slow down your metabolism, don't benefit your immune system, and can lead to weight gain. Hunters should avoid eating foods that are too salty or fermentable. According to the diet of our ancestors from apple juice should also be abandoned. Owners of 1 blood will benefit from tea made from rose hips or mint. The drink will strengthen the immune system, protect against viruses and help normalize stomach function.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 1:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton,


Sea fish Som,



Milk products None Oil,
Vegetables Greenery, Cabbage,




Fruits Figs,




Beverages Herbal drinks Wine Black tea,

Diet for blood type 2

Blood type appeared when people began to engage in agriculture and began to eat plant foods. 38% of the world's inhabitants are blood group 2.

According to the diet of the ancestors, the basis of the diet of farmers is:

  • cereals,
  • vegetable oils,
  • fruits,
  • fish.

Eating the products will have a positive effect on the body and normalize metabolism. The digestive system of farmers is hardy and not prone to disease if fed properly. New foods are well absorbed.

Note! According to the diet, it is better for farmers to completely exclude meat from the diet.

Consumption should be reduced to a minimum:

  • milk,
  • mango,
  • citrus fruits,
  • potatoes,
  • melon,
  • bananas

Foods prohibited by diet slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain. Excessive consumption of meat and milk can lead to diabetes mellitus. To avoid problems, you should carefully monitor your diet and stick to a diet.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 2:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish None Chicken All other types of meat


Fish that is not prohibited for consumption Herring,


Milk products None Yogurt,

Goat milk

All other products that are not neutral
Vegetables Carrot, Vegetables not included in the list of prohibited consumption Tomato
Fruits A pineapple, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Melon,


Beverages Coffee,

Red wine,

Herbal drinks

Black tea,


Diet for blood group 3

Owners of blood group 3 are descendants of nomadic tribes. They are able to eat and assimilate any food, the nomads’ body is unpretentious, the immune system resists diseases well, and the stomach is easily able to digest unusual food. However, owners of blood type 3 may suffer from individual lactose intolerance.

Note! Although the body of nomads has endurance and the ability to effectively digest unusual foods, the immune system of those with a blood type is less resistant than others to the effects of rare, unstable viruses. Following a diet will help protect the human body from diseases.

Nomads will benefit from:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • cereals,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits.

The body of nomads reacts neutrally to alcohol, chicken, nuts and pork, but you should not abuse them.

Nomads who stick to a diet should avoid:

  • wheat,
  • buckwheat,
  • tomatoes,
  • corn.

Nomads are rarely prone to obesity. If blood type owners do not need to lose weight, the diet will be useful for promoting health and maintaining immunity.

Detailed table for representatives of 3 blood groups:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, All types of meat except those that are prohibited for consumption Chicken,
Sturgeon, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption shellfish,


Milk products Yogurt, Dairy products that are not prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Leafy greens All vegetables not on the prohibited list Corn,
Fruits Banana, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Persimmon,
Beverages Drinks not classified as prohibited Drinks containing alcohol


Diet for blood group 4

People belonging to group 4 have the most rare blood. Only 7% of humankind are carriers of this mysterious type. The group appeared as a result of mixing 1 and 2 types of blood. Scientists conventionally call the owners of species 4 citizens.

Those with blood type 4 according to their ancestral diet should consume:

  • fish,
  • milk and products made from it,
  • fruits,
  • greenery,
  • dry red wine.

The diet of city residents must be balanced. It must contain vitamins and minerals. To avoid diseases, you must adhere to a diet.

To strengthen the immune system, the following should be removed from the diet of city residents:

  • red meat,
  • buckwheat,
  • mushrooms,
  • mango,
  • beans,
  • wheat,
  • corn.

City dwellers have weak digestive and immune systems. They get sick often. For this reason, they should carefully monitor their diet and follow a diet. However, blood type owners easily adapt to rapidly changing conditions and know how to adapt to new things.

Detailed table for owners of blood group 4:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, Meat that is not prohibited for consumption Pork,


Pike, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption Halibut,


Milk products Yogurt, Products not classified as prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Beet,



All vegetables that are not prohibited for consumption Olives,
Fruits Kiwi, Fruits that are not prohibited for consumption Mango,


Beverages Drink made with herbs Not related to the prohibited section Black tea,


The blood type diet is an original and very popular nutrition plan these days, the fruit research work two generations of American nutritionists D" Adamo. According to their idea, during the course of evolution, people's lifestyle changes the biochemistry of the body, which means that each blood group has an individual character and requires special gastronomic treatment. Let traditional science treat this technique with skepticism, there is a stream of fans Diets based on blood type have no effect!

Being slim and healthy is in our blood! In any case, this is what American nutritionists D’Adamo, the creators of the famous blood type diet, think...

Blood type diet: eat what's in your nature!

Based on its many years medical practice, years of nutritional counseling, and the research of his father, James D'Adamo, American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo suggested that it is not height, weight or skin color, but blood type, that is the main factor in the similarities and differences between people.

Different blood groups interact differently with lecithins, the most important building cellular substances. Lecithins are found in all tissues human body and generously receive food from outside. However, chemically, lecithins contained, for example, in meat, differ from lecithins in plant foods. The blood type diet helps you choose exactly the lecithins your body needs to live a long and happy life.

The theoretical basis of the doctor’s technique was his work Eat Right 4 Your Type, the title of which is a play on words - it means both “Eat right for your type” and “Eat right according to one of the four types.” The first edition of the book was published in 1997, and since then the description of the blood group diet method has been kept in American lists bestsellers, having gone through several reprints and editions.

Today Dr. D'Adamo heads the clinic own name in Portsmouth, USA, where he helps his patients establish eating behavior. He uses not only the proprietary blood type diet method, but also various auxiliary procedures, including SPA, taking vitamins, psychological work. Despite scientific criticism of Adamo's diet, the clinic is thriving.

Among his clients are many overseas celebrities, for example, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, fashion model Miranda Kerr, actress Demi Moore. They all trust Dr. D Adamo and claim that they have experienced the amazing slimming and health-promoting effects of the blood type diet.

According to the author of the blood type diet, American nutritionist Peter D. Adamo, knowing our blood type, we can understand what our ancestors did. And form our own menu without contradicting history: hunters are traditionally supposed to eat meat, and nomads are better off avoiding milk .

In his theory, Peter D'Adamo relied on the evolutionary theory of the division of blood into groups, developed by the American immunochemist William Clouser Boyd. Following Boyd, D'Adamo argues that everyone united by the same blood group has a common past, and certain qualities and properties of the blood allow make a fascinating and healthy journey through time from a dietary point of view.

Blood type diet: your menu is chosen... by your ancestors

  • 1 Blood type I (in the international classification - O): described by Dr. D'Adamo as “hunting”. He claims that this is the blood of the first people on Earth, which formed into a separate type about 30 thousand years ago. Proper diet according to blood type for “hunters” - predictable, with a high content meat protein.
  • 2 Blood type II (international designation - A), according to the doctor, means that you descended from the first farmers, who became a separate “blood type” about 20 thousand years ago. Farmers need, again predictably, to eat a variety of vegetables and minimize red meat.
  • 3 Blood type III (or B) belongs to the descendants of nomads. This type was formed about 10 thousand years ago, and is characterized by a strong immune system and unpretentious digestion, but nomads should monitor the consumption of dairy products - their body is historically prone to lactose intolerance.
  • 4 Blood group IV (AB) is called a “mystery”. The first representatives of this relatively rare type appeared less than 1 thousand years ago and illustrate evolutionary variability in action, combining features very different groups I and II.

Diet according to blood type I: every hunter wants to know...

What should he eat to stay healthy and stay healthy? 33% of the world's population can consider themselves to be the descendants of ancient brave miners. Eat scientific opinion, what exactly is from the first blood group in the process natural selection everything else happened.

The diet for the first blood group requires that the diet contain:

  • red meat: beef, lamb
  • organ meats, especially liver
  • broccoli, leafy vegetables, artichokes
  • fatty varieties sea ​​fish(Scandinavian salmon, sardines, herring, halibut) and seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels), as well as freshwater sturgeon, pike and perch
  • Among vegetable oils, preference should be given to olive
  • walnuts, sprouted grains, seaweed, figs and prunes provide microelements and aid digestion in a diet rich in animal protein.

The foods on the following list cause hunters to gain weight and experience the effects of a slower metabolism. The blood type diet assumes that those with group 1 will not abuse:

  • foods high in gluten (wheat, oats, rye)
  • dairy products, especially fatty ones
  • corn, beans, lentils
  • any cabbage (including Brussels sprouts), as well as cauliflower.

Observing it is necessary to avoid salty foods and products, causing fermentation(apples, cabbage), including juices from them.

Drinks will bring particular benefits Mint tea and rosehip decoction.

The blood type diet suggests that those with the oldest group have generally healthy gastrointestinal tract, but the only correct food strategy for them remains conservative; hunters usually tolerate new foods poorly. But it is precisely the owners of this blood group who are destined by nature for all kinds of physical activity and feel good only if they combine proper nutrition with regular loads.

Diet according to blood type II: what should a farmer eat?

Eliminates meat and dairy products from the diet, giving the green light to vegetarianism and fruit eating. About 38% of the world's population belongs to the second blood group - almost half of us descended from the first farmers!

The diet for blood group 2 should contain the following foods:

  • vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • cereals and grains (with caution - gluten-containing)
  • fruits - pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums
  • Eating meat, especially red meat, is not recommended for “farmers” at all, but fish and seafood (cod, perch, carp, sardines, trout, mackerel) will benefit.

In order not to gain weight and avoid health problems, those with blood type II on an appropriate diet are advised to remove the following from the menu:

  • dairy products: slow down metabolism and are poorly digested
  • wheat dishes: gluten protein, which wheat is rich in, reduces the effect of insulin and slows down metabolism
  • beans: difficult to digest due to high protein content
  • eggplants, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives
  • Fruits that are “prohibited” are oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tangerines, papaya and melon
  • Those with the second blood type are better off avoiding drinks such as black tea, orange juice, and any soda.

To the number strengths"farmers" refers to hardy digestive system and generally speaking good health- provided that the body is fed correctly. If a person with the second blood group consumes too much meat and milk to the detriment of plant-based menu, his risk of developing heart disease and cancer, as well as diabetes, increases many times over.

Diet according to blood type III: for almost omnivores

About 20% of the world's inhabitants belong to the third blood group. The type, which arose during the period of active migration of the masses, is distinguished by its excellent ability to adapt and a certain omnivorousness: wandering back and forth across continents, nomads got used to eating what was available, with maximum benefit for themselves, and passed this skill on to their descendants. If in your circle of friends there is a friend with a tinned stomach, who does not care for any new food, most likely his blood type is third.

It is considered the most diverse and balanced. It certainly includes the following products:

  • sources of animal protein - meat and fish (preferably sea fish as a storehouse of easily digestible and important for metabolism fatty acids)
  • milk products (both whole and sour)
  • cereals (except buckwheat and wheat)
  • vegetables (except corn and tomatoes, melons and melons are also undesirable)
  • various fruits.

Holders of the third blood group in order to maintain health and maintain normal weight It makes sense to refrain from:

  • pork and chicken meat
  • seafood
  • olives
  • corn and lentils
  • nuts, especially peanuts
  • alcohol.

Nomads, despite all their flexibility and adaptability, are characterized by a lack of protection against rare viruses and a tendency to autoimmune diseases. In addition, there is an opinion that the scourge modern society, "syndrome chronic fatigue", also refers to the nomadic heritage. People belonging to this blood type relatively rarely suffer from excess weight, so the blood type diet for them becomes primarily a way to regulate metabolism and maintain good health.

Blood type IV diet: who are you, mystery man?

The last, fourth blood group, is the youngest from a historical point of view. Doctor D" Adamo himself calls its representatives "mysteries"; the name "townspeople" also stuck.

The blood of such biochemistry is the result of the latest stages of natural selection and the influence on humans of external conditions that have changed in recent centuries. Today, less than 10% of the entire population of the planet can boast of being related to this mysterious mixed type.

If they intend to lose weight and improve their metabolism with the help of a blood type 4 diet, they will have to be prepared for the fact that the menu contains unexpected recommendations and no less unexpected prohibitions.

Mystery people should eat:

  • soy in various types, and especially tofu
  • fish and caviar
  • dairy
  • green vegetables and fruits
  • berries
  • dry red wine.

At the same time, the following foods should be avoided:

  • red meat, offal and meat products
  • any beans
  • buckwheat
  • corn and wheat.
  • oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons
  • mushrooms
  • nuts.

The mysterious townspeople are characterized by instability nervous system, predisposition to oncological diseases, strokes and heart attacks, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of the owners of the rare fourth group is distinguished by sensitivity and adaptability to changing conditions. Therefore, it is especially important for “city dwellers” to monitor the intake of vitamins and microelements.

The effectiveness of the blood type diet

The blood type diet is one of the systematic nutrition plans that require a significant revision of the diet and do not give predictable results over a specific period of time. According to the developer, if the diet coincides with what the blood “wants”, getting rid of excess weight will definitely come after metabolic processes will be established and the cells will begin to receive construction material exactly from the sources they need.

The author recommends a blood type diet for those people who want to solve for themselves the issue of cleansing the body and gradually losing weight. As well as the prevention of diseases, the list of which, according to Dr. Peter D Adamo, differs for each blood group with its own specificity.

Blood type diet: criticism and refutation

The method of Peter D" Adamo has provoked scientific controversy since its first publication. At the beginning of 2014, researchers from Canada published data from a large-scale study of the effect of a blood type diet, in which about one and a half thousand subjects took part. Scientists announced that their conclusion is clear: pronounced weight loss This nutrition plan has no effect.

In some cases, as noted in the results digest, vegetarian diet or reducing the amount of carbohydrates helps to reduce weight, but this is not due to the combined effect of food and blood type, but to general health improvement menu. The blood group II diet helped subjects lose a few kilos and reduce blood pressure, a diet for blood group IV normalizes cholesterol and insulin levels, but has no effect on weight, a diet for blood type I reduces the amount of fat in the plasma, and a diet for blood group III did not noticeably affect anything at all, the staff came to these conclusions research center in Toronto.

However, it is unlikely that these data will seriously affect the popularity of the Dr. D Adamo diet. The blood type diet has managed to find hundreds of thousands of fans around the world: perhaps it does not help you lose weight as dramatically as any, but it allows you to get to know yourself better and learn to understand the needs of your body.

Many experts agree that you can only lose quality and significant weight if you eat in accordance with your own blood type. The peculiarity of such a diet is not in reducing calories or reducing the volume of daily meals, but in excluding some food products, causing weight gain in women with the first positive blood group. And this approach to compiling correct menu allows you to eat nutritiously while losing extra pounds.

Nutrition rules for blood type 1

The essence of the blood type diet is that all foods are divided into three groups:

  1. Harmful. During digestion, they are secreted inside the body toxic substances, which negatively affect cells, slowing down metabolic processes in them.
  2. Neutral. Products that do not affect metabolism in any way.
  3. Useful. When they are broken down, energy is released, which promotes the internal burning of fat deposits and has a positive effect on the body. general state body.

The main place in the diet of representatives of the fairer sex with 1 blood group positive rhesus, takes up meat. Especially lamb, poultry and beef. But products made from flour should be significantly limited. The same applies to wheat and oatmeal. At the same time, we must not forget about plant foods. This primarily applies to radishes and turnips. These products not only nourish the body mineral elements, but also improve activity endocrine system. Must be present in the diet buckwheat and legume products.

The most acceptable methods of cooking are boiling, stewing, steaming and grilling. But if we are talking about meat products, then the last preparation option should not be used so often.

Meals should be five times a day. The duration of the diet in accordance with these recommendations is about two months. During this period, the woman will not experience hunger, but at the same time she will be able to achieve the coveted slimness. First, when you need to lose weight, you need to eat only healthy foods. And then to simply secure and support achieved result, you can add neutral foods to your diet.

In order to eat and lose weight, the emphasis should be on healthy foods that will stimulate metabolism; the list of allowed foods for women of the first positive blood group will help you in this choice.

type of product Name Nuances of use
Meat Mutton, beef, rabbit, lamb and poultry, turkey, you can Ground beef, heart and liver It is better, of course, to choose the leanest pieces for consumption. The skin should be removed from the chicken and any visible fat should be removed from the pieces. As for lamb and beef, preference should be given to the meat of young animals.
Milk Kefir, cottage cheese, milk
Seafood Tuna and halibut, cod and pink salmon, river pike, trout, seaweed, mackerel, squid and shrimp As for squid and shrimp, it is better to include them in the diet no more than once every seven days.
Cereals Buckwheat, rice and barley, millet and pearl barley It is better to take brown rice, and buckwheat should not be cooked for a long time; you can simply steam it with boiled water in advance.
Fruits and vegetables Plums and pineapple, spinach, broccoli, radishes and carrots. Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw, sometimes stewed and steamed.
Oil Flaxseed and olive It is better to add vegetable oil to cold salads.
Eggs Quail and chicken Can be fresh or boiled, but not fried.
Nuts Walnuts, pumpkin seeds They can be consumed as a separate snack or as an addition to salads and cottage cheese.

For a more complete study, you can use this table

For drinks, it is most preferable to choose mint tea and dandelion infusion, as well as pineapple juice. The tea, of course, is not bagged, but freshly brewed.

The table below clearly shows which products should prevail on the table of a woman who wants to lose weight and at the same time has a positive blood type. In addition, there are also neutral foods that can also be included in the diet, since they will not harm the figure, but you also shouldn’t expect any special benefits from them:

  • duck meat, broiler chickens;
  • carp, flounder, perch, eel and pike perch, all crustaceans;
  • sheep cheese;
  • soy sauce, butter, margarine, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts and almonds.
  • goose and pork meat, lard;
  • ham, ham and bacon, prepared foods;
  • caviar, salmon, salted and pickled herring, catfish;
  • whole and goat milk, yogurt, processed cheese;
  • ice cream and cream, sour cream;
  • peanut and corn oil;
  • pistachios, peanuts, poppy seeds;
  • pasta, wheat, corn and oat flakes;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries and melon;
  • cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, avocados and olives;
  • mustard and ketchup.

Weekly menu

Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: consists of tea without sugar and a few slices of pineapple.
Snack: a glass of cherry juice and cottage cheese.
Dinner: fish soup and stewed vegetables.
Afternoon snack: rosehip tea and a handful of walnuts.
Dinner: fried liver with onions and a piece of rye bread.
Tuesday Breakfast: Herb tea and fresh plums, as well as some buckwheat.
Snack: glass of pineapple juice.
Dinner: chicken meat, broccoli soup and buckwheat again.
Afternoon snack: three plums.
Dinner: steamed trout and salad seaweed and eggs.
Wednesday Breakfast: chamomile tea and salad from permitted fruits.
Snack: two cheesecakes and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: chicken bouillon, 150 g lamb, cucumber salad.
Afternoon snack: a glass of apricot juice and nuts.
Dinner: zucchini stuffed with shrimp, herbs and cottage cheese.
Thursday Breakfast: one banana and drink a glass of milk.
Snack: raspberry tea and a piece of curd pudding.
Dinner: solyanka, vegetable stew and beef cutlets.
Afternoon snack: carrot salad.
Dinner: baked trout with arugula salad.
Friday Breakfast: omelette with chicken meat, tea, one loaf of bread.
Snack: cucumber and radish salad.
Dinner: meatball soup, brown rice with pieces of any fish.
Afternoon snack: some fresh cherries.
Dinner: vegetable stew with a piece of veal.
Saturday Breakfast: buckwheat with liver and carrots, tea.
Snack: Three zucchini pancakes will do.
Dinner: borscht, vegetable casserole and grilled steak.
Afternoon snack: chamomile tea with pumpkin seeds and some apricot.
Dinner: fish cutlets with fresh vegetables.
Sunday Breakfast: tea, boiled egg and porridge from permitted cereals.
Snack: allowed to make a sandwich from rye toast and squash caviar, and you can wash it down with pineapple juice.
Dinner: stewed chicken with bell pepper.
Afternoon snack: one lazy cabbage roll and rosehip broth.
Dinner: squid with rice.

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