What is hypertension: symptoms and treatment. Symptoms of hypertension. Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

Hypertonic disease, GB (Arterial hypertension ) --- a disease, the main symptom of which is persistent high blood pressure, from 140/90 mmHg and above, the so-called hypertension.
Hypertension is one of the most common diseases. It usually develops after 40 years. Often, however, the onset of the disease is observed at a young age, starting from 20-25 years. Hypertension most often affects women, and several years before the cessation of menstruation. But in men the disease is more severe; in particular, they have a greater tendency to develop atherosclerosis coronary vessels hearts - and

With significant physical and mental stress, blood pressure may increase short term(minutes) increase and quite healthy people. More or less prolonged increase in pressure arterial blood happens with a number of diseases, with inflammatory processes kidneys, with disease of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, cerebral appendage, Graves' disease, etc.). But in these cases it is only one of many symptoms and is a consequence of anatomical changes in the corresponding organs, characteristic of these diseases.
In contrast, in hypertension, high blood pressure is not a consequence of anatomical changes in any organ, but is the main, primary manifestation of the disease process.

Hypertension is based on increased tension (increased tone) of the walls of all small arteries (arterioles) of the body. Increased tone The walls of arterioles entail their narrowing and, consequently, a decrease in their lumen, which makes it difficult for blood to move from one part of the vascular system (arteries) to another (veins). In this case, the blood pressure on the walls of the arteries increases and, thus, hypertension occurs.

It is believed that the reason primary hypertension is that from the vascular-motor center located in the medulla oblongata, according to nerve pathways(vagus and sympathetic nerves) impulses go to the walls of the arterioles, causing either an increase in their tone and, therefore, their narrowing, or, conversely, a decrease in tone and dilation of the arterioles. If the vasomotor center is in a state of irritation, then predominantly impulses go to the arteries, increasing their tone and leading to a narrowing of the lumen of the arteries. The influence of the central nervous system on the regulation of blood pressure explains the connection of this regulation with mental sphere having great importance in the development of hypertension.

Arterial hypertension (hypertension) characterized by an increase systolic and diastolic pressure.
It is divided into essential and symptomatic hypertension.

  • Essential hypertension - primary hypertension
  • Symptomatic - secondary hypertension

Exogenous risk factors:

  • Nervous stress and mental trauma (life situations associated with prolonged or frequently recurring anxiety, fear, uncertainty about one’s position, etc.);
  • Irrational, excess nutrition, especially meat and fatty foods;
  • Abuse of salt, alcohol, smoking;
  • Sedentary image life;

Endogenous risk factors:

  • All these factors play a decisive role if there is a mandatory presence hereditary predispositions ( norepinephrine deposition gene);
    Supporting factors:
  • Kidney diseases ( Chronic Chronic renal failure, etc.);
  • Endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders (, etc.);
  • Hemodynamic factor - the amount of blood that is released in 1 minute, blood outflow, blood viscosity.
  • Disorders of the hepatorenal system,
  • Sympathetic-adrenal system disorders

Trigger of hypertension - This increased activity of the sympathetic-adrenaline system influenced increase in pressor And reduction of depressor factors.

Pressor factors: adrenaline, norepinephrine, renin, aldosterone, endotenin.
Depressor factors: prostaglandins, vasokinin, vasopressor factor.

Increased activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system and disruption of the hepatorenal system as a resultleads to spasm of the venules, heart contractions increase, minute blood volume increases, blood vessels narrow, development occurs renal ischemia, death of the adrenal glands,blood pressure rises.

WHO classification.
Normal pressure --- 120/80
High-normal pressure --- 130-139/85-90
Border pressure --- 140/90

Hypertension 1 degree --- 140-145/90-95
Hypertension 2 degrees, moderate --- 169-179/100-109
Hypertension grade 3, severe --- 180 and more / 110 and more.

Target organs .
Stage 1- no signs of damage to target organs.
Stage 2- identification of one of the target organs (left ventricular hypertrophy, narrowing of the retina, atherosclerotic plaques).
Stage 3- encephalopathy, fundus hemorrhage, edema optic nerve, changing the fundus using the Kees method.

Types of hemodynamics.
1. Hyperkinetic type - in young people, an increase in the sympathetic-adrenal system. Promotion systolic pressure, tachycardia, irritability, insomnia, anxiety
2. Eukinetic type - damage to one of the target organs. Left ventricular hypertrophy. There are hypertensive crises and attacks
3. Hypokinetic type - signs of displacement of the borders of the heart, clouding of the fundus of the eye, pulmonary edema. With secondary hypertension (sodium-dependent form) - swelling, increased systolic and diastolic pressure, adynamism, apathy, muscle weakness, muscle pain.

There are 2 types of hypertension:
1st form - benign, slow flowing.
2nd form - malignant.
In form 1, symptoms increase over 20-30 years. Phases of remission, exacerbation. Treatable.
In the 2nd form, both systolic and diastolic pressure increases sharply and cannot be treated with medication. More often occurs in young people, with renal hypertension, symptomatic hypertension. Malignant hypertension is accompanied by kidney disease. Sharp deterioration vision, increased creatinine, azotemia.

Types of hypertensive crises (according to Kutakovsky).
1. Neurovegetative - the patient is excited, restless, hand tremors, moist skin, tachycardia, at the end of the crisis - excessive urination. The mechanism of the hyperadrenergic system.
2. Edema variant -- the patient is lethargic, drowsy, decreased diuresis, swelling of the face, hands, muscle weakness, increased systolic and diastolic pressure. More often it develops in women after abuse of table salt and liquid.
3. Convulsive variant -- less common, characterized by loss of consciousness, tonic and clonic convulsions. The mechanism is hypertensive encephalopathy, cerebral edema. A complication is hemorrhage in the brain or subarachnoid space.

Clinical symptoms.
Painful signs develop gradually, only in in rare cases it begins acutely and progresses rapidly.
Hypertension goes through a number of stages in its development.

1st stage. Neurogenic, functional stage.
At this stage, the disease can pass without any special complaints, or manifest itself as fatigue, irritability, periodic headaches, palpitations, sometimes pain in the heart area and a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head. Blood pressure reaches 150/90, 160/95, 170/100 mm Hg, which easily drops to normal. At this stage we will rise blood pressure easily provoked by psycho-emotional and physical stress.

2nd stage. Sclerotic stage.
Subsequently, the disease progresses. Complaints intensify, headaches become more intense, happen at night, early in the morning, not very intense, in occipital region.There are dizziness, a feeling of numbness in the fingers and toes, a rush of blood to the head, flashing “spots” before the eyes, bad dream, rapid fatigue. The increase in blood pressure becomes persistent over a long period of time. In all small arteries, phenomena of sclerosis and loss of elasticity, mainly of the muscle layer, are found to a greater or lesser extent. This stage usually lasts several years.
Patients are active and mobile. However, malnutrition of organs and tissues due to sclerosis of small arteries ultimately leads to profound disorders of their functions.

3rd stage. Final stage.
At this stage, heart or kidney failure and cerebrovascular accident are detected. At this stage of the disease his clinical manifestations and the outcome is largely determined by the form of hypertension. Persistent hypertensive crises are characteristic.
In the cardiac form it develops (shortness of breath, cardiac asthma, edema, enlarged liver).
In the cerebral form, the disease is mainly manifested by headaches, dizziness, noise in the head, and visual disturbances.

During hypertensive crises, headaches of the cerebrospinal fluid type appear, which intensify with the slightest movement, nausea, vomiting, and hearing impairment appear. At this stage, increases in blood pressure can lead to impaired cerebral circulation. There is a danger of cerebral hemorrhage ().
The renal form of hypertension leads to renal failure, which is manifested by symptoms uremia.


Immediate treatment and course of medication.
Immediate treatment is to reduce body weight if you are overweight, sharply limit salt intake, give up bad habits, and medications that increase blood pressure.

Drug treatment.

Alpha blockers, B blockers, Ca antagonists, ACE inhibitors, diuretics.

  • Alpha adrenergic blockers.
    1. Prazosin (pratsilol, minipress, adversuten)-- expands the venous bed, reduces peripheral resistance, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart failure. Has a beneficial effect on kidney function, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration increase, has little effect on electrolyte balance, which makes it possible to prescribe for chronic renal failure (CRF). Has a mild anticholesterolemic effect. Side effects include postural hypotensive dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, impotence.
    2. Doxazosin (Cardura)-- has a longer action than prazosin, otherwise its action is similar to prazosin; improves lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Prescribed for diabetes mellitus. Prescribed 1-8 mg 1 time per day.
  • B-blockers.
    Lipophilic B blockers- Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Hydrophilic B-blockers, excreted by the kidneys.
    B-blockers are indicated for hyperkinetic hypertension. Combination of hypertension with coronary artery disease, combination of hypertension with tachyarrhythmia, in patients with hyperthyroidism, migraine, glaucoma. Not used for AV block, bradycardia, or progressive angina.
    1. Propranolol (anaprilin, inderal, obzidan)
    2. Nadolol (korgard)
    3. Oxprenalol (transicor)
    4. Pindolol (whisken)
    5. Atenalol (atenol, prinorm)
    6. Metaprolol (betaloc, snesiker)
    7. Betaxolol (Locren)
    8. Talinokol (kordanum)
    9. Carvedilol (Dilatrend)
  • Calcium Channel Blockers. Sa-antagonists.
    They have a negative inotropic effect, reduces myocardial contraction, reduces afterload, thereby leading to a decrease in total peripheral resistance, reduces Na reabsorption in the renal tubules, dilates the renal tubules, increases renal blood flow, reduces platelet aggregation, has an antisclerotic effect, an antiplatelet effect.
    Side effects --- tachycardia, facial redness, “steal” syndrome with exacerbation of angina pectoris, constipation. They are long-acting and act on the myocardium for 24 hours.
    1. Nifedipine (Corinfar, Kordafen)
    2. Riodipine (Adalat)
    3. Nifedipine retard (Foridon)
    4. Felodipine (Plendil)
    5. Amlodipine (Norvax, Normodipine)
    6. Verapamil (Isoptin)
    7. Diltiazem (Altiazem)
    8. Mifebradil (Posinor).
  • Diuretics.
    They reduce the content of Na and water in the riverbed, thereby reducing cardiac output, swelling of the vascular walls decreases, sensitivity to aldosterone decreases.

1. THIAZIDES - - act at the level of the distal tubules, suppresses sodium reabsorption. Elimination of hypernatremia leads to a decrease in cardiac output and peripheral resistance. Thiazides are used in patients with preserved renal function; they are used in patients with renal failure. Hypothiazide, Indanamide (Arifon), Diazoxide.

2.LOOP DIURETICS - act at the level of the ascending loop of Henle, have a powerful natriuretic effect; in parallel, the removal of K, Mg, and Ca from the body is indicated for renal failure and in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Furosemide- for hypertensive crises, heart failure, and severe renal failure. Causes hypokalemia, hyponatremia. Uregit (ethacrynic acid).

3. POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETICS. Amiloride-- increases the release of Na, Cl ions, reduces the excretion of K. Contraindicated in chronic renal failure due to the threat of hyperkalemia. Moduretic -- /Amiloride with Hydrochlorothiazide/.
Triamterene-- Increases the excretion of Na, Mg, bicarbonates, K retains. Diuretic and hypotensive effects are mild.

4.SPIRONOLACTONE ( Veroshpiron) -- blocks aldosterone receptors, increases Na excretion, but reduces K excretion. Contraindicated in chronic renal failure with hyperkalemia. Indicated for hypokalemia that develops with long-term use other diuretics.



Complex therapy - restriction of table salt, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs(usually 2-3).
1. The most effective diuretics Loop diuretics(Furosemide, Uregit), which increase the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), increasing the excretion of K.

Thiazide diuretics contraindicated! Potassium-sparing too contraindicated!

3. Powerful Vasodilators

  • Diazoxide (hyperetate) – 300 mg IV bolus, can be administered for 2-4 days if necessary.
  • Sodium nitroprusside -- 50 mg IV drops in 250 ml 5% glucose solution. Can be administered for 2-3 days.



1. Introduction Ganglioblockers-- Pentamin 5% -- 1.0 ml IM, Benzohexonium 2.5% -- 1.0 ml s.c.
2. Sympatholytics-- Clonidine 0.01% - 1.0 ml IM or IV with 10-20 ml physical solution, slowly.
3. Calcium antagonists-- Verapamil 5-10 mg IV bolus.

HYPERTENSION is a disease characterized by increased blood pressure and is in no way associated with any disease of the internal organs.

Blood pressure increases with diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, atherosclerosis of the aorta, obesity, insufficiency aortic valves and others, but - in all these cases, arterial hypertension is secondary.

Normal blood pressure in a person is considered when the systolic (upper) pressure ranges from 110 - 140 mm Hg, and the diastolic (lower) pressure ranges from 60 - 90 mm Hg.

It is possible to say with complete confidence that a person has hypertension only when the pressure rises above 160/95 mmHg.

If blood pressure jumps from 145/90 to 160/95 mmHg, then this is already a transition zone.

Why does a person get hypertension?

How does hypertension occur?

What causes hypertension (hypertension)?

Let's look at all the factors that influence blood pressure to rise.

  1. The main reason is the nervous factor. Nervous and emotional overload cause tachycardia, which, in turn, increases cardiac output. These cardiac outputs increase systolic (upper) blood pressure. Such jumps at initial stage are temporary.
  2. There is also humoral factor, it helps to keep blood pressure persistently elevated. This factor is detected in cases of kidney dysfunction. When blood circulation in the kidneys is disrupted, a vasoconstrictor substance, renin, is formed there, and it is this substance that causes the adrenal glands to begin producing aldosterone.
  3. The next factor is endocrine. It is associated with disruption of the activity of the endocrine glands - the ovaries, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. In adulthood, hypertension develops in 60% of men and women. Most women begin to suffer from high blood pressure during menopause.
  4. It cannot be ruled out nutritional factor. It is known that those people who eat too much salt have higher numbers on the blood pressure monitor when measuring their blood pressure. And this happens because sodium, which is part of the salt, is retained in the body and because of this, the walls of the blood vessels begin to swell. Therefore, cardiac output occurs, which we have already talked about.
  5. The genetic factor also has a right to exist. Because the likelihood of developing hypertension in people whose parents suffer from this disease is 3 times higher than in others.

What symptoms and signs indicate high blood pressure?

In addition to measuring blood pressure tonometer, there are signs by which it is easy to identify the initial stage in yourself based on some symptoms.

In the initial stage of development of hypertension, the most noticeable symptoms are: headache, dizziness and not so noticeable following symptoms: poor sleep, increased fatigue and irritability.

The more often your blood pressure rises, the higher the tonometer readings will be over time. Because of this, changes occur in the body in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Then blood pressure will not increase periodically, but will remain elevated constantly. And these symptoms become longer lasting and more painful. Tinnitus and severe headaches, which are most often localized in the back of the head, are not relieved by analgesics and appear in the morning.

“Floaters” appear before the eyes even at an early stage of the development of the disease, later they become permanent.

During moments of hypertensive crisis (pressure rises to 190/100 and higher), in addition to the above symptoms, nausea and vomiting appear. There are no longer “fly spots” before your eyes, but fog or a grid. There have been cases of complete loss of vision. Heart pain and cardiac asthma (lack of air) may occur.

All of the above symptoms refer to a benign form of hypertension - it develops over decades.

There is also a malignant form of this disease - then the disease develops within 2 - 3 years, sometimes several months.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

  1. With persistent high blood pressure, the left ventricle of the heart enlarges and atherosclerosis begins to develop. Atherosclerosis, in turn, affects the veins, i.e. all coronary blood vessels, and these changes lead to angina. Next, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis develops and it is this that leads to myocardial infarction.
  2. Thrombosis and hemorrhage lead to cerebral stroke.
  3. The kidneys also suffer - atherosclerotic processes affect renal arteries, which leads to kidney failure.
  4. When atherosclerosis affects blood vessels lower limbs, patients begin to experience intermittent claudication, pain in calf muscles when walking (even short distances of 100 - 200 m). If complex treatment is not started in time, then over time there will be gangrene of the leg(s).

Prevention of hypertension.

Even at the initial stage of development of hypertension, work associated with night shifts and nervous overload is contraindicated for patients.

Eliminate from your diet foods that increase vascular tone and irritate nervous system: spicy and smoked dishes, meat soups, fried meat, etc., drinks - alcohol, strong coffee.

It is necessary to harden your body, thereby increasing immunity and strengthening muscle tissue. A morning jog and a cool shower twice a day will do: morning and evening.

Treatment of hypertension (hypertension).

In the treatment of hypertension, sedatives play an important role, since the main cause of the disease is nerves. They also prescribe diuretics, which increase excretion excess water from the body and electrolytes by the kidneys.

The names of medications and how to use them will not be described here, since when prescribing it is required individual approach to every patient.

For example, those medications that are well suited for patients with hypertension, angina pectoris and coronary heart disease may be completely contraindicated for diabetes mellitus. And there are many such examples.

The doctor will find out everything about your health and, eliminating all the disadvantages, will prescribe the most suitable medicine for you.

Drug treatment is quick, but they cannot yet completely cure hypertension.

Treatment of hypertension is more effective folk remedies, albeit a long one. But we can say with complete confidence that folk remedies will not cause harm to human health, unlike medications, which can treat one thing and cripple another.


ATTENTION: DO NOT TAKE MULTIPLE RECIPES AT A TIME . Determine for yourself the recipe you like best and if, in your opinion, you don’t feel a pronounced effect, you can choose something else for yourself.

Below we present you simple recommendations and easy recipes for the treatment of hypertension.
1) Tea made from raspberry leaves (5-6 leaves per 250 g of boiling water) normalizes blood pressure if you drink it 4-5 times a day. You drink for a week, then take a week off and drink tea again for a week. And so on until your pressure during breaks does not increase at all.

2) Many people know that a glass of warm water with lemon juice normalizes metabolism in the body, but only a few know that this method effectively reduces and normalizes blood pressure. You should drink this water on an empty stomach once a day.

3) Viburnum berries also lower blood pressure and soothe heart pain. They should be taken in the form of juice or ground with sugar, 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

4) Onion significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood and in the walls of blood vessels, so it must be included in your diet.

5) An infusion of blackberry leaves is taken by patients with hypertension, half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Prepare the infusion as follows: pour 1-2 tablespoons of dried blackberry leaves with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 4 hours.

6) Take 1 glass of kefir, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, stir and drink. Course – 2 weeks, 1 glass per day.

Traditional methods of treating hypertension (high blood pressure).

1 Recipe.

Take equal amounts, for example, half a glass: honey + black radish juice + red beet juice + carrot juice, mix well and take this composition 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon and you won't need high blood pressure pills. This composition must be stored in the refrigerator.

2 Recipe.

A good remedy: 2 tbsp. spoons of MAY Nettle + 2 tbsp. Pour tablespoons of dry DILL into a saucepan, pour in 0.5 liters of milk, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Leave for 20 minutes and drink everything at once. After about 15 minutes the pressure will drop.

3 Recipe.

Peel 2 heads of GARLIC, pound in a wooden or ceramic mortar (contact with iron is undesirable), pour in 250 g of VODKA. Pour into a jar, close well, leave for 2 weeks.

Take 15 - 20 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Course – 2 weeks. Break 1 month. This product cleanses blood vessels well. Blood pressure is normalized and sleep is restored. Such courses will first need to be done three times with a month's break. Then you can do one course every six months.

4 Recipe.

Two parts ROSE HIP and one part BARBERRY FRUIT mix and grind in a coffee grinder.

Application: 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture pour 0.5 boiling water. Leave overnight in a warm place or in a thermos. Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day.

5 Recipe.

Take 300 grams of freshly squeezed BEET JUICE, add 300 grams of sugar to it and JUICE OF ONE LEMON. Add one and a half liters of water, stir well and place in a warm place for fermentation.

As soon as this medicinal composition ferments, begin treatment. You should take it half a glass 3 times a day until the composition runs out. During treatment, measure blood pressure daily. As soon as the pressure normalizes, drink half a glass not 3 times a day, but twice a day.

6 Recipe.

Everyone knows that fir oil It helps well with colds, but few people know that fir oil can stabilize blood pressure. And this is so. Must be taken for a month FIR OIL 3 times a day. Take sugar onto the tip of a teaspoon, drop 6 to 10 drops of fir on it and wash it down with a few sips of water. The blood pressure will stabilize in a couple of weeks, but you must complete the entire course. During treatment, you should not drink a drop of alcohol, and also for a week before treatment and at least three days after.

7 Recipe.

Mix: 4 glasses of HONEY, 4 glasses of beet juice, 100 grams of herb, 500 grams of VODKA.

Stir and leave for 10 days. Strain, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Hypertension is chronic illness, which is accompanied by constantly elevated blood pressure.

It is also possible that the functioning of the heart may deteriorate, so the disease must be dealt with comprehensively. The causes of hypertension can be different and based on this, the main treatment tactics are determined.

Factors preceding the development of the disease

What explains

If we consider in more detail what hypertension is, then only one explanation is possible - constant or periodic increase pressure. But what are the causes of hypertension is more difficult to say. The disease can occur under the influence of many factors, but first of all it manifests itself in a narrowing of the lumen of the arteries, as a result of which the blood flow becomes significantly more difficult.

Most vulnerable categories

If we consider in detail the causes of hypertension, then it is worth highlighting the risk group - people who, by definition, are much more likely to develop similar disease. Factors that provoke the disease include:

  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition and, as a result, excess weight;
  • Not active image life (sedentary work);
  • diabetes;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • age. For men - over 55 years old, for women - over 65.

It is interesting that signs of hypertension are observed to a greater extent in residents of developed countries. The situation there is truly catastrophic - more than 30% of the population is affected by this disease. It occurs quite often in men. What’s even worse is that the disease has recently become significantly “younger” - now the disease can be found even in teenagers, whereas previously only older people suffered from it.

Moreover, the causes of hypertension can be divided into those that depend on the person and those that do not. If, for example, you can quit smoking and control the provoking disease (diabetes), then age and heredity cannot be changed in any way.

Main symptoms

As a rule, signs of hypertension begin to appear gradually and sometimes a person may not even pay attention to them. This is what makes the disease dangerous, because if treatment for hypertension is not started in a timely manner, it can progress to later stages, when it will no longer be possible to completely get rid of it.

Main symptoms of hypertension:

  • severe headaches. Moreover, they can increase significantly under load. Localization of pain – back of the head, sides;
  • heartache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • noise in the head;
  • dizziness.

If the first signs of hypertension appear, then it is necessary to measure the pressure as quickly as possible. If you continue to do nothing, then in the future there may be hypertensive crisis.

Basic treatment method

Stages of the disease

The treatment method will directly depend on what stage the disease is at. There are 3 stages of the disease. The classification is based specifically on pressure readings. Types of hypertension:

  • 1st degree. Fairly light form. The maximum the pressure can rise to is 160/100. In this case, blood pressure may return to normal on its own. Exercises for hypertension in this case can quite help to cope without pills - just rest, relax, lightly massage the weights.
  • 2nd degree. Moderate stage. Maximum blood pressure is 180/110. Blood pressure cannot return to normal on its own. The duration of such indicators is quite long.
  • 3rd degree. Severe form with pressure above 180/110. In this case, even with drug treatment, blood pressure almost never returns to normal. Even if it is possible to achieve similar results, the patient, as a rule, feels even worse, since he is already accustomed to living with just such pressure.

This classification helps determine whether hypertension can be cured in this case. It must be understood that at the first stage the prognosis is still quite favorable even with proper treatment and lifestyle, the disease may not manifest itself at all for many years. At the last stage this is no longer possible.

Main methods of treatment

Many patients often ask the question of how to cure hypertension forever. Alas, this is not possible. This is a chronic disease and can only be controlled. The classification of stages shows that at stage 3, no matter what causes the blood pressure to increase, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease.

When considering how to defeat hypertension, you should first highlight the main classification of drugs used. Their main role is to normalize blood pressure and minimize its surges.

Main groups of drugs:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dilating vessels;
  • diuretics;
  • sedatives. The classification of the causes of illness puts chronic stress in one of the first places, so normal psychological condition– one of the most important components of successful treatment.

At the same time, only a doctor can choose truly suitable and effective drugs, depending on each specific case. We must understand that even the two most best medicines may simply be incompatible with each other. Even for men and women, medications may be different.

In addition, there is an additional classification of the causes of high blood pressure - this also affects the technique. For example, hypertension can be caused by kidney disease. And then, first of all, you need to fight the root cause - as soon as the kidneys return to normal, blood pressure will immediately normalize. This problem occurs much more often in men than in women. But in men it develops into a hypertensive crisis much less often.


Traditional methods of treatment have long been actively used to solve the problem of how to defeat hypertension. Of course, they are unlikely to help reduce blood pressure that is too high, but early stages may well help. It is still advisable to consult a doctor first, but there are also absolutely harmless methods that will certainly not make anyone worse.

Chamomile tea
  1. First of all, a special diet is developed. This especially applies to men! Alcohol should be completely avoided. Also minimize the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked, too salty, sour, spicy foods.
  2. Minimize fluid intake. At the same time, you can eat watermelons in unlimited quantities, which have diuretic properties and also help cleanse the kidneys (in men this is a fairly common cause of increased blood pressure).
  3. Drink tea with chamomile and mint at night. It has sedative properties and helps you relax. For men, it is recommended to drink mint tea with caution, since mint in large quantities can cause a deterioration in potency.

Although the classification of methods is conditionally divided into preventive measures and direct control measures, it is still possible to resort to preventive methods at the initial stages - they will help to avoid further development diseases.

Living with illness

Most common complications

If treatment for hypertension is not started in a timely manner, then after some time the disease may progress and a number of complications may occur. The most common consequences of hypertension:

  • kidney problems (kidney pressure);
  • disruption of the heart;
  • brain damage (edema);
  • stroke;
  • heart attack

At the same time, heart attacks occur more often in men, and strokes in women.

Hypertensive crisis

This is the most serious complication. It occurs if treatment for hypertension has not been started or the course has not been chosen correctly. In this case, the danger lies in the fact that a hypertensive crisis can aggravate existing diseases of the kidneys, heart, and brain. The difficulty is that if in normal cases the pressure increases gradually, then a sharp and sudden jump can be observed, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

In men, hypertensive crises are less common. In some cases, the patient may experience convulsions or total loss consciousness.

Preventive measures

Analyzing how to live with hypertension, you can be completely convinced of the correctness of the theory, which is much easier disease warn rather than then fight it. Hypertension has various causes, and if a person is initially included in the risk group, then even if he does not do anything provoking, most likely the disease will still manifest itself in him. But there is important point– at the initial stage of hypertension, there are various ways to prevent further development of the disease. Depending on what it arises from and you need to draw a conclusion.

First of all, the fight against hypertension includes constant monitoring of blood pressure. If taken necessary medications and do not allow a strong increase in pressure, then most likely it will not even reach stage 2 hypertension.

But it’s still worth identifying the basic ways to try to prevent the disease:

  • even if you feel excellent, monitor your blood pressure in order to diagnose the disease as early as possible if something happens;
  • exercise. Exercises for hypertension are more gentle, but you still need to keep your blood vessels in good shape;
  • quit smoking, do not abuse alcohol;
  • monitor your weight and prevent obesity;
  • exclude from the diet foods that increase cholesterol levels (sour cream, eggs, butter, too fatty foods);
  • periodically do examinations: donate blood for sugar and do an ultrasound of the heart;
  • alternate work and rest. At the same time, if a person works mentally, then active rest during breaks is necessary, and if physically, he should just sit or lie down.


Although there is no exact answer on how to get rid of hypertension forever, it is still necessary to do everything possible to prevent further development of the disease. The sooner treatment for hypertension is started, the greater the chances for a full and healthy life in the future. At the early stage of hypertension, there is nothing particularly scary about this - you just need to monitor your blood pressure and take medications if necessary. But for this, the most important thing is to diagnose the disease in time. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms in order to choose the most appropriate therapy.


According to the World Health Organization, hypertension is one of the most common diseases. Hypertension occurs in every third person, and varies high performance mortality on severe stages. Success can only be complex treatment, combining medications and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is hypertension? It is a chronic disease, a pathology of the cardiovascular system. It develops as a result of disruption of the functioning of higher centers responsible for the functionality of blood vessels. Hypertension is dangerous due to complications and accompanying internal diseases.

One of the main manifestations of the disease is high blood pressure (blood pressure), which decreases only after taking special and strong medications.

Hypertension includes pressure from 140/90 mmHg. and higher if it is confirmed during two medical examinations.

Hypertension is divided into several types:

  • Essential arterial hypertension,
  • Symptomatic arterial hypertension,
  • Chronic hypertension,
  • Vascular hypertension.

Symptomatic or secondary hypertension accounts for only 10% of all recorded cases of the disease. Hypertension syndrome - the second name of the disease - most often accompanies red systemic lupus, urolithiasis, anomaly and tumors of the kidneys, ischemia, toxicosis on later pregnancy, renal tuberculosis. Despite the fact that hypertensive syndrome does not have its own signs and characteristics, it seriously aggravates the underlying disease.

Essential hypertension is an independent form of the disease.

Chronic hypertension is usually caused by an excess of calcium in the blood, infectious diseases (which become chronic), diabetes mellitus and heredity. Manifests itself in the form of nervousness, absent-mindedness, fatigue and weakness, frequent numbness of the arms and legs, speech impairment, left ventricular hypertrophy and frequent pain in the area of ​​the heart.

How does hypertension develop?

The mechanism of development of hypertension is as follows: in response to a stress factor, a disturbance in the regulation of tone occurs in the peripheral vessels. The result is a spasm of arterioles, and the formation of dyscirculatory and dyskinetic syndrome. The secretion of neurohormones in the aldosterone system increases significantly. This causes sodium and water retention in the vascular bed, which increases blood circulation and increases blood pressure. During the disease, blood viscosity also increases, which leads to a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes in tissues. The walls of blood vessels increase in size, the lumen between them narrows, which affects blood flow. A high level of resistance in the periphery makes the disease irreversible. As a result of increased permeability and saturation of vessel walls with blood plasma, arteriosclerosis and ellastofibrosis develop, and this leads to serious changes in the tissues of some organs.

Hypertension cannot occur spontaneously in humans. Hypertension is usually preceded by vegetative-vascular dystonia (SVD), a frequent accompaniment of which is varicose veins veins

Varicose veins and hypertension are related: increased activity damage to the walls of blood vessels during SVD leads to a decrease in their diameter. The resistance of the vessel wall to blood flow increases, which increases blood pressure. Varicose veins are characterized by thickening of the vessel wall, the formation of pockets and narrowings inside, which impede normal blood flow. Diseased veins can no longer cope with blood flow, which leads to the formation of swelling in the tissues and chronic stagnation in the veins. This can result in the development of gangrene, sepsis and even death.

Classification of the disease

Hypertension varies according to the reasons for the rise in pressure, organ damage, blood pressure level and course. The disease can be benign, or slowly progressing, or rapidly progressing - malignant. More important is the classification according to pressure level and stability. There are:

  • normal hypertension (up to 129/85 mmHg),
  • borderline (up to 140/90 mmHg),
  • hypertension 1 degree (up to 160/100 mmHg),
  • 2 degrees (up to 180/110 mmHg),
  • 3 degrees (over 180/110 mmHg).

Benign hypertension has three stages. The first or mild one is characterized by pressure rises to 180 to 104 mmHg, but after a short rest it normalizes. Some people complain of headaches, sleep problems, fatigue and decreased performance. However, in most cases easy stage proceeds without pronounced individual symptoms.

The second or middle stage is characterized by pressure up to 200 to 115 mmHg. at rest. It is accompanied by severe and throbbing headaches, dizziness, painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart. During the examination, damage to the heart is discovered. Sometimes subendocardial ischemia is detected. Possible cerebral strokes and transient cerebral ischemia.

The third or severe stage is accompanied by stable and strong increases in pressure. At the beginning of the stage, high blood pressure is fickle character, and usually manifests itself after physical exertion, as well as changes in atmospheric pressure, and emotional shocks. Normalization is possible after myocardial infarction or stroke. After a heart attack, decapitated hypertension often occurs. That is, a condition when only systolic or pulse pressure decreases.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The causes of hypertension lie in the disruption of the regulatory activity of the main parts of the central nervous system, which control the functioning of all internal organs. Frequent overexertion and overwork, both physical and mental, as well as prolonged, constant and severe anxiety and stress can lead to development.

Working at night and often being in a noisy environment can also trigger the disease.

The risk group includes lovers of salty foods. Salt causes artery spasms and prevents fluid removal. Heredity also plays an important role. The likelihood of developing the disease increases if two or more relatives have hypertension.

Some diseases also provoke the development of hypertension. These include:

  • Diseases of the adrenal glands and kidneys,
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland,
  • Obesity,
  • Diabetes mellitus,
  • Tonsillitis,
  • Atherosclerosis.

Among women at maximum risk are those who are at menopausal age. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, emotional aggravations, nervous reactions. It is during menopause that about 60% of all diseases in women occur.

In men it determines increased risk age and gender. Hypertension develops in approximately 9% of men at 20 and 30 years of age. At the age of 40 years, the percentage increases to 35, and after 65 years – already 50%. Hypertension is more common in males under the age of 40 than in females. In older age group the ratio is changing - this is explained by a large percentage of male mortality from complications.

The causes of hypertension lie in physical inactivity and bad habits. Components tobacco smoke provoke vascular spasms and damage the thin walls of the arteries. Physical inactivity is accompanied by a slow metabolism, and if the load increases, the untrained heart gets tired many times faster.


The clinical picture of hypertension in the initial stages may not be clearly expressed. A person may not even be aware of high blood pressure and processes developing in blood vessels for a long time. Early and first signs of hypertension are irritability for no apparent reason and increased fatigue.

Symptoms of hypertension in the early stages: neurotic disorders, weakness, sleep disturbances, noise and ringing in the ears and dizziness, rapid heartbeat.

People note decreased performance and loss of concentration. Shortness of breath appears. Headache with hypertension appears more often in the morning in the temporal and occipital region. It may get worse towards the end of the day and when lying down. They are associated with impaired tone of venules and arterioles. Symptoms of hypertension include pain in the heart area. This is due to increased work of the heart muscle to overcome increasing resistance. As a result, a dissociation occurs between the needs and capabilities of the myocardium, which leads to angina pectoris.

Signs of hypertension in later stages are a veil and flashing “spots” before the eyes, as well as other photopsies. They are explained by spasms of the arterioles of the retina. Malignant hypertension can be accompanied by retinal hemorrhages, which lead to blindness. In rare cases, symptoms of hypertension are manifested by vomiting, swelling of the hands and numbness of the fingers, chills, in the morning - heaviness in the eyelids and puffiness of the face, increased sweating.

Complications during hypertension

Complications of hypertension:

  • Hypertensive crisis,
  • visual impairment,
  • Poor circulation in the brain,
  • Nephrosclerosis,
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage,
  • Dissecting aortic aneurysm,
  • Bradycadia,
  • Damage to target organs (kidneys, heart, brain, veins and arteries, fundus vessels),
  • Hypertensive cardiomyopathy (hypertension, left ventricular hypertension)
  • Angiodystonia of the hypertensive type.

Hypertensive crisis

First you need to understand what a hypertensive crisis is. This term refers to an acute and significant increase in blood pressure, which is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the disease. In addition to hypertension, it can be triggered by:

  • Chronic and acute glomerulonephritis,
  • Toxicosis in late pregnancy,
  • Renovascular hypertension,
  • Benign brain tumors
  • Heavy metal poisoning,
  • Kidney failure.

Crises can be caused by a violation hormonal levels and sudden changes in weather. One of the most common causes is psycho-emotional trauma. Symptoms: severe and sharp headache, nausea with vomiting, dizziness, fainting, short-term blindness and other visual impairment, adynamia, sudden changes mood, tearfulness. Manifestations of brain symptoms:

  • Vasospasm,
  • Violation of the permeability of vascular walls,
  • The entry of blood plasma into the medulla, which leads to edema.

In the initial stages of the disease, crises are mild and short-lived.

The danger of a crisis in its possible development:

  • retinal detachment,
  • stroke,
  • Acute pulmonary edema,
  • Cardiac asthma,
  • Myocardial infarction,
  • Angina pectoris.

Complications of hypertension cause a serious threat to a person’s life and require regular monitoring by a doctor.


A common and dangerous complication hypertension. It appears depending on the form. The mild form may go unnoticed. Severe, frequent and prolonged dizziness with hypertension may indicate a severe form of the disease. Symptoms also include faintness and frequent fainting, sudden changes in pressure. The severe form is accompanied by fainting and short-term cardiac arrest. Treatment of bradycardia in hypertension can occur with homeopathic and medicinal remedies. Diuretics, alpha-blockers, and nifedicipin are usually prescribed. In homeopathy, calendula, St. John's wort, strawberries, and shaker are prescribed.

Complications include the following syndromes in hypertension:

  • Myocardial lesions,
  • Kidney damage
  • Vascular encephalopathy,
  • Arterial hypertension syndrome.

Associates clinical conditions: ischemic stroke, CHF, coronary revascularization, renal failure, arterial damage, papilledema.

Target organ damage


Most often, left ventricular hypertrophy develops. This happens because the heart muscle has to push blood into the deformed vessels with great effort. This type of work leads to thickening of the muscle wall and lack of blood circulation. This is dangerous due to muscle strain and heart fatigue. Another pathology is a violation of diastolic function. Increasing fatigue of the heart muscle leads to a moment when it cannot take a relaxed position. The thickened wall cannot relax during the diastolic phase, which is when oxygenation normally occurs. All this leads to the third pathology - chronic failure. It develops as a result of constant oxygen starvation. The disease is very difficult to treat, and in combination with other pathologies it is fatal.


Arterial vessels in hypertension are in a constant narrowed state due to contraction of the muscle layer. This leads to the fact that the vessels stop relaxing, and muscle is replaced by a connecting one. This is called vascular remodeling. With this complicated and irreversible consequence associated with vision loss, peripheral atherosclerosis of the extremities and other diseases.


Hemorrhage causes almost 25% of all strokes. And hypertension is the main cause of hemorrhages, which have a high percentage of deaths. Insufficient blood supply to the brain leads to ischemic stroke. This complication accounts for more than 70% of cases. It is caused by narrowing cerebral arteries or blockage of the canal by a blood clot. Another pathology is hypertensive encephalopathy. This is an emergency condition, accompanied by severe headache, elevated blood pressure, and neurological symptoms. If you start hypertension, there is a chance of developing cognitive impairment and dementia. These are changes in the subcortical substance and brain atrophy, which are responsible for disturbances in thought processes.


One of the most common complications is microalbuminuria. The earliest sign of kidney damage and the development of renal failure. Chronic form Renal failure is characterized by the loss of the kidneys' ability to remove metabolic products from the blood.

Diagnosis of the disease

Effective treatment of hypertension is only possible with early diagnosis and compliance with all rules and recommendations. High blood pressure is not always an indicator of hypertension; it can be situational in nature. And upon repeated visits to the doctor, it will not be detected. A single pressure measurement may not reveal the disease: if symptoms recur, it is necessary to measure blood pressure over time. After making a diagnosis, doctors conduct a differential diagnosis to determine the symptomatic form of the disease.

Symptomatic hypertension is most easily identified through examination and minimal laboratory techniques. Nephrogenic hypertension most often accompanies chronic kidney disease. Tachycardia, dilated pupils, increased blood sugar indicate the presence of central nervous hypertension. The diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of increased concentrations of catecholamines in urea and blood during the next crisis. Transient hypertension is difficult to diagnose. To confirm the diagnosis, fluoroscopy and ultrasound of the heart, examination by an ophthalmologist, biochemical blood test and PCG are prescribed.

Pressure measurement

To determine the extent and presence of the disease, dynamic pressure measurement is used. It is carried out as follows: the environment should be comfortable and calm. Measurements begin no earlier than ten minutes after the start of the patient’s appointment. An hour before the visit, avoid smoking, eating any food and strong drinks (tea, coffee, alcohol), any physical exercise, use of eye or nasal drops. During the first visit, blood pressure readings are taken from both arms of the patient, with repeated measurements after 2 minutes.

If the difference in readings is more than 5 mmHg. continue measuring on the arm with high pressure.

Treatment of hypertension

How to treat hypertension depends on the stage of the disease, complications, age and many other parameters. Medicinal treatment options are selected by the attending physician. The desire to fight the disease on your own can result in disastrous consequences. Modern treatment of hypertension begins with non-drug methods, which increase the effectiveness of drugs several times. You need to start by establishing daytime regimen, eliminating any stress, do not forget about physical exercise and long walks. An important point in how to cope with hypertension is diet. The patient should refuse or significantly reduce salty intake, drink less, completely eliminate alcoholic drinks and coffee. If you follow all the recommendations, you can avoid drug treatment of the disease.

In treatment, it is important not only how to deal with hypertension, but also how to eliminate the causes of high blood pressure.

Typically the following drugs are used for treatment:

The goal of drug treatment is to reduce the risk of complications. Doctors are trying to select a set of medications that would equally effectively reduce blood pressure and allow them to “protect” target organs. For initial treatment Young and elderly patients are most often prescribed ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. They normalize blood pressure and have pronounced protective effects. Diuretics are also popular, and beta-blockers are prescribed for concomitant cardiac pathology.

In rare and difficult cases, bloodletting is prescribed. Bloodletting for hypertension is an ancient but controversial method of treatment. Today they use leeches for it. The advantages of therapy are short-term improvement of the condition. Cons - no proven data on positive impact for illness.

Blood pressure medications - only as prescribed by a doctor

Homeopathic treatment

When considering the question of how to get rid of hypertension, it is worth paying attention to homeopathic medicines. They are usually recommended when target organs have already been affected. Homeopathy for hypertension has an important advantage: a mild effect. Medicines have no contraindications or side effects. Disadvantage - treatment homeopathic medicines quite slow. When choosing this method you need to consider:

  • Homeopathic medicines are prescribed simultaneously with medications,
  • Combining medications and a healthy lifestyle,
  • At medium degree this type of risk is often the only possible one.

What to take at home to lower blood pressure in the initial stages of the disease:

  • Corvalol,
  • Kapoten,
  • Enap,
  • Diroton,
  • Cardozal,
  • Atakand,
  • Verapamil,
  • Lokren.

Inpatient treatment of hypertension

On hospital treatment usually admitted with a complicated hypertensive crisis:

  • Acute hypertensive encephalopathy,
  • Cardiac asthma,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • Acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina and myocardial infarction),
  • Aortic aneurysm,
  • Severe arterial bleeding,
  • Eclampsia.

Diagnosis of complications: sudden onset of an attack, increased blood pressure (increased systolic and diastolic pressure), nausea and vomiting, bloody nose, severe headaches, convulsions, paresthesia of the fingertips, cheeks and lips, transient speech disorders and hemiparesis, hyperhidrosis, cardiac dysfunction, renal dysfunction.

Upon admission, the clinic’s doctors begin to carry out basic diagnostic procedures:

  • Measure blood pressure dynamics every 15 minutes,
  • Electrocardiography,
  • General blood and urine analysis,
  • Echocardiography,
  • Biochemical analysis for the detection of potassium, sodium, urea, calcium, creatinine, fibrinogen, coagulogram,
  • Ophthalmoscopy.

Also, the patient must have an appointment with a neurologist, Rehberg test and rheoencephalography, as well as determination of the type of cerebral hemodynamics. While in the hospital, inpatient treatment depends on the presence of complications, the severity of the attack and other diseases. First aid is aimed at reducing the activity of the left cardiac ventricle and eliminating symptoms such as:

  • Peripheral vasoconstruction
  • cerebral ischemia,
  • Heart failure.

Of great importance in the treatment of a complicated attack is the administration of antihypertensive medications, hospitalization in the ICU and regular blood pressure checks.

Not drug treatment hypertensive condition includes increasing immunity, cleansing the body, massage, gymnastics, diet. It is important to adhere to the doctors’ orders and not violate the established regime.

How to live with hypertension

How long people live with hypertension is an important question for those who are diagnosed. The consequences of the disease depend on the stage and nature of its course. Severe form, vascular damage, third stage of the disease and disruption of target organs worsen the prognosis. Premature death occurs from heart attacks and strokes, acute heart failure. The prognosis is also unfavorable for those who become ill at an early age.

The life expectancy of hypertensive patients depends not only on the correctness of medications and regular visits to the doctor, but also on personal attitude and adherence to basic rules. These include:

  • Psychological climate,
  • Diet,
  • Physical exercise,
  • No bad habits.

Another important condition– understand what kind of disease it is, how it develops and what consequences it has on the entire body. In order to understand the peculiarities of the course of the disease, it is not necessary to have medical education. There are many good books and manuals written for ordinary people. One of them is “Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases” by Yakovlev A. The book briefly and clearly outlines the basic principles about hypertension, as well as the most popular treatment regimens for hypertension.

Psychological climate

Having realized how to treat hypertension and choosing a treatment method, you need to move on to at least important issuehealthy image life. It is not possible when working in night shift, frequent quarrels, constant and long-distance business trips, strong emotional stress, negative emotions, fears, anger. All these conditions are accompanied by the production of adrenaline in large quantities, which leads to disruption of the circulatory and nervous systems. It is important to control your emotions, think more about the positive, and eliminate any sources of stress from your environment. Herbal teas, meditation, walks, and doing what you love will help with this.

By creating the most comfortable conditions around oneself, a person increases the chances of his recovery.


Excess weight and hypertension are incompatible. Even extra pounds no, treatment begins with nutritional correction. In the initial stages, this is enough to control the pressure and prevent it from increasing. There are several ways to lose weight if you have hypertension. And the main one is calorie restriction. This can be achieved by eliminating or reducing sweet and fatty foods in the daily diet, flour products. A diet for weight loss should not be confused with fasting: it is prohibited for hypertensive patients. To lose weight and normalize blood pressure, you should also monitor the amount of animal fats in your food. It is worth eliminating cholesterol-rich foods as much as possible, and also switching to low-fat fish, fruits and vegetables, natural vegetable oils. You should completely avoid sausages, lard, fried cutlets and fatty meats. butter, fatty cheeses.

Contraindications for hypertension are any drinks and foods that excite the nervous system. These include not only tea, coffee and alcohol, but also carbonated drinks, hot spices, and fragrant spices.

It is important to include foods rich in potassium and magnesium in your diet. These elements have good influence on the heart muscle, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the nervous system. A lot of potassium is found in:

  • Prunes,
  • Apricots,
  • Cabbage,
  • pumpkin,
  • Bananas.

Rich in magnesium:

  • Buckwheat, oat and millet groats,
  • Carrot,
  • Beet,
  • Black currant,
  • Parsley and lettuce leaves
  • Walnuts.

An important rule: these products should not be combined with milk. Calcium negatively affects the absorption of elements.

Physical exercise

Complications arterial hypertension and the disease itself does not mean that the patient should give up any activity. Gymnastics, simple exercises, yoga or long walks, swimming are indicated for hypertensive patients. Movement not only carries a charge of positive emotions, but also helps fight excess weight.

You should start with the simplest training, gradually increasing the time and complexity of the training. This also applies to swimming and walking.

Rehabilitation for stage 3 hypertension, as well as complications such as hypertensive stroke, ischemic disease heart disease, angina pectoris, should only occur under medical supervision. Usually, for rehabilitation, patients are sent to special resorts, Spa treatment. Which includes full complex measures: compliance proper nutrition, physical activity, medications.

Hypertension is a disease in which there is persistently high blood pressure. Signs of this disease can be present in women and men, but in the latter, arterial hypertension appears much more often.

Thanks to sex hormones, hypertonia occurs much less frequently in women. However, with the onset of menopause, protection is removed as hormonal secretion decreases. Therefore, in older people, the incidence of developing this disease becomes approximately the same.

In men, hypertension often appears at age 45 and older. In women, the symptoms of the disease most often appear after 40 years.

An increase in blood pressure occurs when the arteries narrow. The reasons for this condition are spasms, leading to a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and thickening of their walls. In order for the blood flow to overcome the narrowed arteries, the myocardium has to work more intensely, as a result of which a huge amount of blood enters the vessels, which leads to an increase in pressure - from 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

Why do men develop hypertension?

The causes of the disease can be modifiable and non-modifiable, that is, they are divided into factors that can be eliminated by undergoing appropriate treatment and those that can be treated.

Thus, the reasons subject to correction are the following:

  1. obesity;
  2. physical inactivity (inactive lifestyle);
  3. bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  4. an unbalanced diet, replete with high-calorie foods saturated with atherogenic lipids, as a result of which excess weight appears and hypertension and diabetes can develop;
  5. salt abuse ( daily norm– 4-5 g);
  6. stress, during which many pressor hormones are released into the body, provoking vasospasm.
  7. Sleep apnea - the disease is characterized by snoring, which provokes an increase in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity, which leads to vascular spasms.

The above reasons can be corrected if desired, but there are a number of factors that cannot be eliminated even if the treatment is timely and correct. Such features include heredity and gender, because according to statistics, hypertension occurs much more often in men than in women.

But it is worth noting that in almost 90% of people who have been diagnosed with hypertonia, the causes of this disease are unknown. In this case, arterial hypertension has a primary (essential) character. As a result, only in 10% of cases is the factor contributing to the development of secondary hypertension identified.

As a rule, the causes of this form of hypotension are caused by diseases such as:

  • adrenal tumors;
  • arterial renal stenosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • aortic coarctation;
  • renal lesions, for example, glomerulonephritis.

Besides, primary causes, due to which men and women develop a disease such as hypertension - this is the use of contraceptives, hormonal drugs and antidepressants.

Signs in men

Mostly unaccompanied characteristic manifestations, so people with such a disease can live for many years without even knowing about its development. Consequently, weakness or a heavy head are often perceived as the result of extreme fatigue.

But about what in cerebral circulation are happening pathological changes The following symptoms may indicate:

  1. decreased performance;
  2. headache;
  3. noise in the head;
  4. fainting state;
  5. memory impairment;
  6. dizziness.

As the disease progresses, symptoms such as speech impairment, midges, double vision, malaise and numbness in the arms and legs appear. And in advanced cases, hemorrhage or cerebral infarction may occur.

Thus, hypertension in men is accompanied by leading signs:

  • Heavy head – discomfort is often localized in the back of the head. This phenomenon is often accompanied by swelling of the eyelids and face. With prolonged pain, men develop increased sensitivity to external irritants, nausea and irascibility.
  • Heart pain is localized at the top of the myocardium on the left side of the chest.
  • Shortness of breath - when hypertension is initial, breathing problems arise only after physical activity. However, as the disease progresses, shortness of breath may appear even when the person is at rest.
  • Swelling of the arms and legs - this symptom indicates heart failure, sodium and water retention in the body.
  • Problems with vision - the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom lie in the disruption of ocular circulation caused by increased blood pressure.

One of the leading signs of the disease is headache, which occurs unexpectedly at any time, which is why the symptom is often confused with simple fatigue. However, with arterial hypertension, heaviness and pulsation are palpable in the back of the head. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of high blood pressure in women.

As a rule, the headache becomes stronger if you change the position of the head - tilting, turning. More painful sensations increase with sudden movements and cough. However, doctors note that high pressure and severe headache are not interrelated signs of hypertension.

In addition, women, like men, are impaired visual functions. So, flies may flicker before the eyes, there may be a veil, and vision becomes blurry.

Also, women often experience swelling in their limbs and face. This condition is typical for heart failure.

The reasons for this phenomenon are the delay excess liquid and sodium salts and drug abuse. Naturally, such violations occur due to a malfunction of the genitourinary system.

Moreover, characteristic symptoms hypertension for women is irritability, which leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. At the same time, the headache hurts severely and for a long time.

It is worth noting that treatment of moderate and severe stages of arterial hypertension will not get rid of the disease completely.

But the patient’s condition can be alleviated, which will improve his mood and performance.

Hypertension in women and men: distinctive features

Specific symptom high blood pressure is a change in skin color. Thus, in women it may turn pale, and in men, on the contrary, it may turn red.

In addition, men are more likely than women to experience rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and strong pulsation when changing body position. And female patients are characterized by nosebleeds, which can appear along with headaches. However, after this the patient’s well-being improves significantly.

Also, in men, vomiting and nausea occur much more often, and conditions such as increased irritability and swelling of the hands are more common in women.


If increased blood pressure is detected, the doctor pays attention to the following factors:

  1. the reasons why this condition occurs;
  2. frequency of blood pressure rise;
  3. the presence of pathologies of internal organs - kidneys, brain, heart.

It is also necessary to take at least three blood pressure measurements within a month. Required laboratory research, allowing to identify:

  • risk factors for other heart and vascular diseases;
  • establish the degree of target organ damage;
  • diagnose possible symptomatic hypertension.

For determining possible reasons increase in blood pressure, a thorough examination is carried out to exclude the presence of secondary arterial hypertension. This is especially true for young and middle-aged patients.

And patients with suspected symptomatic or malignant hypertension are referred to a nephrologist or a doctor specializing in heart and vascular diseases. Thus, in patients over 40 years of age who were diagnosed with high blood pressure, in most cases due to simple techniques manages to make a diagnosis of hypertension.


With labile hypertension, it is possible to normalize blood pressure even without the use of medications. So, treatment consists of maintaining the right lifestyle, so hypertensive patients will have to give up bad habits(alcohol, smoking), start eating right, resting and doing moderate physical activity.

At the same time, it is extremely important to maintain emotional stability, because stress and nervous overstrain appear due to the release of a lot of adrenaline into the blood, as a result of which blood pressure almost always increases. In addition, today non-drug treatment of mild hypertension is increasingly being carried out, including acupuncture, physiotherapy and auto-training.

But sometimes, at the initial stage of the disease, medications are prescribed that normalize the functions of the central nervous system and metabolism in the brain. This helps prevent the development chronic disorders and increase the resistance of the central nervous system to stress.

Treatment of the first stage of hypertension is initially non-drug. It should consist of low-fat, salt-free diet, giving up bad habits and physical therapy. But if the patient has aggravating factors ( sharp jumps Blood pressure, hypertensive crisis, atherosclerosis, etc.), then drug treatment is necessary.

Thus, the second stage of mild and moderate1 hypertension can be treated with just one medication with a minimum dose. In this case, a drug is often prescribed that meets a number of requirements, which does not affect fat and carbohydrate metabolism, does not depress the central nervous system, does not provoke surges in blood pressure, etc. At the same time, it is very important not to stop drug treatment, because even short breaks can lead to cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction.

The longer the patient is on monotherapy, the better. But if the treatment turns out to be ineffective, then the dose of the drug is increased or drugs from another group are prescribed, or the doctor combines two drugs from different groups.

Today, angiotensin II receptor blockers, for example, Teveten, are considered the most effective with a minimum number of side effects and good tolerability. No less effective is Physiotens, a new generation drug.

Calcium antagonists are also often prescribed - Amlovas, Norvax, Normodipin, Kalchek. The doctor can also prescribe IAAF, the best of which are Monopril and Accupro. Diuretics include Indapamide and Hypothiazide.

Moreover, good medicines Alpha and beta blockers are considered:

  1. Cardura;
  2. Setegis;
  3. Tenoric;
  4. Egilok;
  5. Nebilet;
  6. Concor;
  7. Betaloxone.

At the third stage of hypertension, drugs are combined. Basically, the following combinations of drugs are used:

  1. potassium antagonist and ACE inhibitor;
  2. beta blocker and calcium antagonist;
  3. diuretic and beta blocker;
  4. ACE inhibitor and beta blocker.

If after taking such medications the treatment turns out to be ineffective, then a third remedy is introduced.

With severe and malignant hypertension, not only the pressure increases, but also damage to target organs occurs - the fundus vessels, brain, heart and kidneys. Treatment of the disease involves taking 3-4 antihypertensive drugs

  • ACE inhibitor, alpha-blocker, calcium antagonist and diuretic;
  • diuretic, ACE inhibitor, beta blocker;
  • alpha blocker, beta blocker, calcium antagonist and diuretic.

If malignant hypertension is combined with renal, cardiac, cerebrovascular and coronary insufficiency, then, together with hypertensive therapy, symptomatic treatment. And in some cases, surgery is performed. Experts will tell you more about hypertension in the video in this article.

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