Tar soap for lice: effectiveness and reviews. Does tar soap or shampoo help against lice and nits?

Insects are not always pleasant, especially if they crawl and jump on a person. Pharmacies offer a lot of drugs for head lice, but their prices are high. How did you survive before the advent of expensive drugs? Our ancestors quite successfully used tar soap from lice. Is the product relevant now?

What are the benefits of tar?

Tar is obtained from birch bark. IN pure form it is practically impossible to find, but as a component of medicinal and cosmetics occurs frequently. And here are the properties it has:

Apply tar internally and externally. Indispensable for skin diseases.

Composition and features

Pharmaceutical lice products contain synthetic substances. They severely dry the scalp and hair, which take a long time to recover after treatment. This is serious damage to children's delicate scalp. The smell of the products is so unpleasant that it is difficult to bear it on yourself right time hard.

Previously, tar was mixed with soap shavings. Balls were rolled from this mass, dried and used for their intended purpose. Nowadays, buying a ready-made block is not a problem. Due to its specific smell, tar soap is not popular. They do not buy it for daily use, but to get rid of specific cosmetic problems.

Soap contains tar, alkali and auxiliary components. Depending on the manufacturer, may be added sodium salts And various acids(for example, benzoin and lemon). Availability allowed tannins, water and various additives. Trying to “kill” the smell, they often use different flavors or essential oils. But the main ones remain tar and soap base.

Be sure to read the ingredients listed on the package. Sometimes manufacturers cheat and use tar extract, but this is no longer what is needed to fight lice. It is important how much tar is contained in the soap; it should be 10% or more.


  • For allergy sufferers. If you are not sure there will be no reaction, then either do a small allergy test or stop using to avoid problems.
  • Sensitive skin. Those with thin and delicate skin should consider the possible by-effect: after using tar soap, the skin will peel off and itching may occur.
  • Early childhood. This product is not suitable for newborn children due to the likely occurrence of dryness of the delicate baby skin.

Tar soap against lice: how to use correctly

Our wise ancestors came up with the idea of ​​using dust soap against lice and nits even when they did not use synthetics in their products. The strong smell of tar repels uninvited guests. Eat different ways the use of tar soap for lice and nits, but the rules for processing are the same.

  • Protect mucous membranes and stomach. Do not allow soap to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. Foam can cause very severe irritation and burning. Don't let children taste soap. If it enters the stomach it may cause severe pain and heartburn.
  • Take into account skin characteristics. If your skin is dry or sensitive, add burdock or Castor oil. After washing, use a moisturizing mask or balm.
  • Take a test. Lather your skin and watch for any redness, itching or burning in the area. Or simply apply the foam to your wrist (or elbow) for 15 minutes, then rinse. If the skin begins to redden, wash off the product immediately.

As an independent remedy

Peculiarities. Due to the naturalness of the product quick effect You shouldn’t wait, but don’t rush to give it up either. There is only one way to find out if tar soap helps against lice - try it. This procedure must be repeated every day for at least one week.


  1. It is necessary to cleanse the hair and scalp of dust and grease. To do this, wet your head warm water and soap with a bar or liquid tar soap. Lather well, then rinse.
  2. Without wiping, but only squeezing, lather your hair again. Achieve foam distribution throughout the skin. Don't skimp on money: the more foam, the better.
  3. Once your hair and skin are covered in foam, wrap your head. Wear a disposable cap or use a bag. Wrap a towel or scarf on top to keep your head warm.
  4. Keep for at least half an hour, preferably 40-60 minutes.
  5. Remove the towel and bag and rinse your hair with warm water.
  6. Dry your hair with a towel and comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb (or comb).

In combination with an anti-pediculosis drug

Peculiarities. This option is suitable for those who need very fast positive result. Or for those who don’t believe that you can get rid of lice with tar soap. IN in this case tar is not the first fiddle, but enhances the effect of the main product and softens its chemical effect on the skin. In addition, this is a guarantee of successful “harassment”: one of the remedies will definitely help.


  1. Apply any budget anti-pediculosis product according to the instructions (usually on dry hair) and leave for as long as required.
  2. Rinse off the drug with warm water.
  3. Lather your hair with tar soap, beating the foam well.
  4. Leave the foam for half an hour, wrapping your head in a bag and a towel.
  5. Wash your hair with warm water.
  6. Comb the strands with a comb.

It is likely that this procedure will have to be repeated the next day. For preventative purposes, you can use only soap in the following days.

Ingredients that enhance the effect

Tar soap is also produced in liquid form. This shampoo is more convenient to use, especially in combination with “helpers”. You can use tar soap against lice with the following additives.

  • With essential oils. To enhance the repellent effect and give pleasant smell add two to three drops to a bottle of soap essential oils cloves, ylang-ylang, or mint.
  • With vegetable oil. Add vegetable oil, always unrefined, to liquid soap. This will make combing easier and create an additional film that blocks the lice from breathing. This option is suitable for people with dry scalp.
  • With hellebore water. When you wash the soap from your hair, you can apply hellebore water to it. An alcoholic extract of hellebore roots is sold in pharmacies. Use a cotton pad to blot your hair along the entire length, put on a cap and wait half an hour. Then wash your hair regular shampoo and comb out with a comb.

Conclusion: you can get rid of lice with tar soap. And they enhance its effect in three more ways.

To get rid of it at home nasty insects, settled in the hair, it is not necessary to use advertised expensive means. Tar soap has proven itself well in the treatment of head lice. And reviews of tar soap for lice confirm this.

Does it help or not: reviews

Tar soap was used to remove lice back in my childhood. I haven’t changed this method even now. When son after summer holiday I came to my grandmother in the village with a “gift” and immediately remembered the dark bars with a characteristic smell. I bought it at the pharmacy for a symbolic amount and also bought a special comb. One time of “soaping” and combing was enough. But for full effect I washed my hair 3 more times. My son even liked the smell. He did not experience any unpleasant sensations. So I was once again convinced that the proven remedy is the best.

Veronica, https://apest.ru/vshi-i-gnidy/sredstva-ot-vshej-i-gnid/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej/#i-5

I can definitely say yes! Tar soap will help get rid of lice or nits! wet your hair well, lather the soap in your hands and thoroughly rub it into the scalp, then leave it on your head for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Lisa, http://hairhomecare.ru/zabolevaniya/infekcionnaye/pedikulez/lechenie-vshi/sredstva-ot-ped/narodnie-ped/mylo/degtyarnoe.html

Tar soap helped me a lot. I got rid of the lice in three days, and the dandruff also disappeared, and my hair stopped getting oily quickly. The smell doesn’t scare me at all, so I will periodically wash my hair with it as a preventative measure.

Alina, https://apest.ru/vshi-i-gnidy/sredstva-ot-vshej-i-gnid/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej/#i-4

I washed my daughter’s hair with soap, lathered it up, waited 15 minutes, washed it off, and rinsed it with water and vinegar. I immediately combed out 3 dead lice and one live one. But the nits don’t want to be combed out. Tomorrow we will poison him with chemicals, but after the soap the child actually began to itch less, and no living adult lice were found.

VIKA, http://klop911.ru/vshi/kak-izbavitsya-ot-vshej/degtyarnoe-mylo-ot-vshej.html


Fearing the toxicity of modern anti-pediculosis drugs, which have many contraindications, people are looking for more safe means from lice. One of them is birch tar and cosmetics based on it. The most commonly used product is tar soap for lice and nits; shampoo is also popular.

The healing properties of birch tar

Pediculosis is a skin disease caused by lice. To get rid of them, people often use soap with tar, which is available in solid and liquid consistency. Treatment is not stopped until the last individual is exterminated. But does tar soap really help against lice and what causes it? healing effect?

The product is known to be effective for various skin diseases. Birch tar has the following beneficial properties:

  • has antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, being effective means from streptoderma and acne;
  • quickly relieves itching, soothes irritated skin, preventing scratching, which is accompanied by infection of wounds;
  • heals skin lesions and stimulates the restoration of the epidermis, accelerating the healing of wounds;
  • dries out inflammation on the skin, eliminating excessive oiliness and preventing the appearance of acne.

The beneficial properties of tar soap are due to the components in its composition:

  • alkalis;
  • natural tar;
  • cresols and other phenol derivatives.

Contraindications to the treatment of pediculosis with tar soap

Despite the fact that the substance is beneficial for the skin, it cannot be used undiluted. In special cosmetics based on it, the proportions of the components are observed so that the maximum therapeutic effect is observed and there is no harmful effects on the skin. But this does not mean that lice soap with tar can be used by everyone.

The product has its contraindications:

  1. Tar soap, along with other alkaline products, should not be used by people with dry skin. This is due to the fact that the product has strong exfoliating properties, dries the skin and can cause cracks to appear on it.
  2. Doctors recommend that pregnant women refrain from using tar-based products.
  3. Individual intolerance to components.

Before using products with tar, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, soak the soap in water and apply a little mixture to the crook of your elbow. If no redness occurs after a couple of minutes, the product can be used without fear. Reviews indicate that some people are allergic to tar.

Rules and features of using tar soap

The use of soap with tar should be carried out according to the rules:

If you read reviews about tar soap for nits, it will become clear that it does not get rid of them. That is, it turns out that treatment must be carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, adult individuals are destroyed, and at the second stage, after a couple of weeks, repeated treatment is carried out to eliminate the offspring, which by that time will have hatched from the nits. Although practice shows that even two treatments are not enough to forget about lice forever.

How to remove lice and nits using tar soap?

When combining several drugs, it is best to use pharmaceutical product against lice, and then wash your hair with soap, after holding the foam on your head for half an hour. The method of using soap with tar may differ depending on what it is combined with.

When using soap together with a comb, the head is first thoroughly soaped and rinsed to remove oil from the hair. After re-application, you need to whip up the foam on your hair and hold it for 30-60 minutes, or longer if there are no discomfort. Then the product is washed off, and the strands are combed from the roots using a comb. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.

If tar soap is combined with an anti-pediculosis drug, then it is recommended to treat the head first chemical agent. The spray or lotion is used as written in the instructions. After this, the hair is washed with soap, processing only once. The time during which the foam is kept on the head is about 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out over several days until the lice are completely destroyed. Usually the result can be achieved much faster than in the first case.

Whatever method is chosen, tar soap will act in it only as additional means in the fight against lice, enhancing the effect of another component.

The destructive qualities of tar in combination with soap alkalis and other components detergent manifest themselves in a whole complex of factors:

Each natural substance very beneficial for human health. But medicinal properties always accompanied by side effects. Like any other anti-lice drug, tar soap contains both pros and cons, which manifest themselves to varying degrees depending on the purpose of use and individual characteristics person.

You should start with the positive qualities.

  1. Tar soap for lice and nits is absolutely natural product, which does not contain any chemicals or artificial additives that cause allergies.
  2. Usually, natural tar has no contraindications and will not harm even small children.
  3. For lice, tar soap can be compared with specialized drugs for this disease.
  4. The product belongs to the budget category. It is accessible to any, even low-income, family.
  5. Soap has few contraindications and is well suited for regular use, including for preventive purposes.

Despite a large number of advantages, weak sides Tar soap also has them.

  • tar is a viscous substance, so after lathering yourself with a gel containing it, be prepared that it will be quite difficult to wash it all off;
  • many people don't like it Strong smell product;
  • once on the mucous membrane human body, the composition may cause irritation;
  • contrary to natural ingredients, resinous ingredients can lead to allergic reactions in people who have an individual intolerance to the composition.

The most common positive and negative sides tar. However, depending on individual indications, its additional qualities may also appear. Therefore, it is better to find out in more detail from a specialist who is guided by the results of the examination and the results of the tests performed.

Using a substance once will usually not get rid of insects. Treatment will require repeat therapy. In general, the longer and thicker your hair, the more often you will need to wash it. But no more than 4-5 times a month.

There is another way to use a soapy substance: simply rub your head with tar and rinse with water after a while. But in this case, it will be much more difficult to remove the composition from the hair.

An allergy test is required before use. Rub the wet soap onto a small area of ​​your skin and wait 15 minutes. If the skin turns red, then this method of treatment should be abandoned.

To neutralize unpleasant odor You can mix the substance with regular shampoo and wash your hair. Additional impurities will not in any way reduce the healing properties of the main ingredient.


Like any natural or pharmaceutical remedy, this option has certain contraindications. First of all, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance. To do this, doctors recommend doing special tests in the clinic or at home, as well as taking tests. Tar is contraindicated in the following categories:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • people with dry skin, so as not to cause cracking;
  • Do not use the product in a highly concentrated form (more than 25% content);
  • at certain diseases kidney

Birch tar against lice

The natural resinous substance has gained positive reviews and helps with many skin infections:

  • eliminates fungi;
  • is an antiseptic;
  • eliminates separate forms viruses;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • relieves itching at bite sites;
  • stimulates skin restoration.

Choosing a product with birch tar and its use

In order for the tar preparation to bring tangible benefits during the treatment of head lice, it must have the following qualities.

Thus, there are quite a few ways using the described method. For effective treatment Regular therapy with a resinous substance will be required. You can combine it with other medications and folk remedies. Contraindications and side effects of tar soap do not exceed the negative effects of analogues.

Tar soap is a high-quality natural product, safe and hypoallergenic. An undeservedly forgotten remedy that was used by our ancestors, last years is becoming more and more in demand. It is used for treatment and prevention various diseases, including pediculosis. You will learn how to get rid of lice and nits using tar soap from our article.

You can successfully remove head lice using tar soap at home.

Tar is a dark-colored oily liquid with a strong specific odor. It is produced by distilling the young bark (birch bark) of trees, most often birch. In its pure form, tar is rarely used for personal hygiene; it is added to various products- shampoos, creams, ointments and soaps.

Hypoallergenic tar soap against lice has a pronounced insecticidal and disinfectant effect. It is produced industrially in liquid form and in the form of bars. People suffering from allergic reaction for synthetic components medical supplies, willingly use it.


Soap may contain various components, it depends on the manufacturer:

Important! You should not purchase a product that contains lauryl sulfate. It is better to use environmentally friendly products.

Manufacturers add extracts to liquid soap medicinal plants, useful for hairline(nettle, celandine, burdock), vegetable oils, in particular olive, lavender, clove, coconut or coniferous oils.

Due to its rich composition, a liquid product has some advantages over a solid one:

  • It is more convenient to use, since it is packaged in bottles with a dispenser.
  • The specific smell of tar is less sensitive through closed packaging.
  • The dispenser ensures complete hygiene of use.
  • The substance foams easily and rinses off well without sticking hair strands.
  • It acts more gently on the skin and hair due to the presence of oils and plants in the composition.

The liquid soap has a nice packaging and a not too strong smell, so it is preferable for women to use.

How to use

Until now, lice are often found in underdeveloped countries, but they also regularly appear in crowds of people in any society, including in children's institutions.

To successfully solve this actual problem industry produces various means, including tar soap in liquid or solid form (in bars). To get the greatest effect, you need to know the rules for its use.


First way:

Treat hair daily until insects are completely destroyed for two weeks.

Second way:

  1. Grate the block on a coarse grater, add warm water and stir well.
  2. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, apply to the roots of the hair and distribute over the entire length. Leave for 40 minutes.
  3. If your skin is dry, add a little vegetable oil- olive or almond, at your discretion.

Liquid soap is used in a similar way, but first you need to form a foam in your hands, apply it to wet hair, and hold for 30–35 minutes.

Treatment of children should be carried out with greater caution, and it is not recommended to use drugs homemade. If it is not made in proper proportions, tar may cause painful sensations in a child, since the skin of children is very thin and delicate. Otherwise, the procedure is the same as for adults, but leave the foam on your head for no longer than 10 minutes.

Remember! After each use of a comb to comb out insects, you need to boil it for 10–12 minutes; live nits may remain in it. How to distinguish dead nits from living ones, you will find on our website.

Precautions and contraindications

It should be remembered that using tar soap, although it has undoubted useful qualities, should be done with caution. It contains a high concentration active ingredients, which can cause irritation, itching and other negative consequences for skin and hair.

  • It is recommended to test for an allergic reaction - soap a small area on the bend of your elbow and wait 20 minutes. If there are no rashes, irritation or redness in this area, soap can be used.
  • Some people are sensitive to the specific smell of tar, this causes headache, nausea and even vomiting. In this case, it is better to use other treatment methods.
  • Using soap on dry skin is not advisable - it may dry out the skin even more. This is especially true when long-term use, That's why You should take a break every 2 months.
  • It should not be used for damaged skin.
  • Make sure that the detergent does not come into contact with the mucous membranes, as this may cause irritation.
  • Use the product famous manufacturers, carefully read the composition of the product, strictly follow the instructions for use.

Pregnant women and children are allowed to use it, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. You can find out more ways to treat head lice and remedies for lice during pregnancy on our website.


Soap can be purchased in pharmacies at different prices, it all depends on additional ingredients and manufacturer.

In Russian pharmacies average cost one bar of tar soap (140 g) averages from 28 to 40 rubles, depending on the region.

A course of treatment will require no more than two bars of soap. Therefore, treatment will cost 56–80 rubles.

But there is more expensive analogues For example, the imported product from Scandinavia “Dermosil” costs up to 250 rubles.

Natural tar soap produced by the Kleona company is sold for 215 rubles per briquette weighing 80 g. It contains jojoba oil, collagen hydrolyzate, vitamin E, coconut, castor and almond seed oils.

Advantages and disadvantages



  • It has a strong unpleasant odor, which can even cause headaches and nausea in some sensitive people.
  • It is difficult to wash off and sticks strands together.
  • Their negative manifestation is expressed in skin irritation, allergic reactions and peeling.
  • Not suitable for daily use.

Note! Tar soap does not solve the problem of killing insects at once, for complete cure may take at least two weeks.

You can cause harm to yourself if used incorrectly - too often and for a long time.

It can slightly change the color of dyed hair, and also gives an undesirable tint to blondes. But this process is reversible - it is restored after the end of using tar soap.

A wonderful remedy - using tar soap without extra costs and negative side effects, you can do a great job with unpleasant illness- pediculosis.

Useful videos

How to remove lice from your head.

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies.

Even with a huge range of pediculicidal drugs, many of us prefer proven folk remedies. One example is treating the head with tar soap against lice. The product really gives a positive effect when used correctly, especially if combined with it you comb your head with a special comb.

Specifics of tar

Compared to the use of most toxic chemicals, for example, dust soap, which is banned for use in many countries, tar is made from exclusively natural ingredients. This substance has been known to mankind since the time Kievan Rus. In those days, it was used in its pure form, and not as part of soap, for processing various wounds on the body. In the Middle Ages, tar water and various ointments were prepared on its basis.

According to experts, it is difficult to remove lice and nits with tar soap alone.

Interesting fact! In modern pharmacies you can find various drugs based on tar, for example, Wilkinson ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

Tar is an excellent antiseptic, but has no insecticidal properties.

The use of tar soap has no contraindications. It is equally successfully used by children and pregnant women without any pathologies or negative consequences.

The soap may contain modern auxiliary elements:

It is necessary to take into account that such medicinal and cosmetic preparations have a characteristic pungent odor. To get rid of it later, you can use mixtures of essential oils with warm water.

Active influence

When processing, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. Before you start removing lice with tar soap, you need to test its effect on a small area of ​​skin near the bend of the elbow. If redness does not appear after 5-10 minutes, then you can use soap on your head.
  2. It is worth considering that briefly applying soap foam to your head will not be enough. A positive effect can be achieved with prolonged treatment for 30-45 minutes.

  1. Nits are not destroyed by just washing your hair once. In order to completely get rid of them, you need to apply soap to your head 2-3 times at intervals of a week and after each wash, comb your hair with a special comb.

VIDEO: How to remove lice and nits from hair

Contraindications for tar soap

Side effects are extremely rare because special contraindications the substance doesn't have much. It must be taken into account that owners of dry skin are not recommended to use this method and all options with alkali-based preparations. This is due to the fact that the skin becomes very dry, resulting in excessive peeling. Outwardly, it looks like large dandruff, although it is not it.

Flaky scalp

Additionally, to restore the scalp, you should use vegetable or kernel oils, which are applied for 1-2 hours, after which they are washed off with regular shampoo.

Before removing lice from a pregnant woman with tar soap, you should consult your doctor. Also, those with allergies should not overuse soap.

It is important to understand that tar in its pure form cannot be used against pediculosis, since it contains high concentration chemically active substances, which can leave burns on the head, especially on the delicate skin of children. Production allowed aqueous solutions, containing 15-20% concentrate.

VIDEO: Birch tar for skin care, hair care, treatment of skin diseases

Mode of application

You will need a bar of tar soap or a preparation in the form of liquid soap and a thick comb, preferably one that is designed specifically for removing nits. All this can be easily purchased at your nearest pharmacy. You can simply use tar soap against lice in the bathroom.

  • Hair must be thoroughly wet and then lathered with a bar of soap or a small amount of liquid soap solution.
  • After distributing the soap evenly throughout your head, rinse it off with warm water. This operation will help clean and degrease your hair.
  • Next, lather your hair again, but more thoroughly. You can wrap your hair in a towel if you wish.
  • We pause for about half an hour for children and about an hour for adults, and then rinse the mask from the hair.
  • Comb cleaned hair with a thick comb over a clean sheet.

We repeat the operation every day for a week. Thorough brushing will help you get rid of head lice faster.

It must be borne in mind that the use of tar soap not only helps remove blood-sucking insects, but also helps improve the hair structure. The operation makes them healthier and often gets rid of dandruff.

Self-preparation of the drug

You can make your own soap with these properties at home. To do this, you will need a bar of regular baby soap. It must be grated on a fine-mesh kitchen grater. Pour 100 ml of pre-prepared mixture into the chips herbal decoction or pure boiling water. Place the container on low heat. In easy time While stirring, pour a couple of tablespoons and any base oil into the warm solution.

When a homogeneous consistency is formed, remove from the stove. Pour the mixture into a convenient mold. After a couple of days it will completely harden, and you can use homemade soap.

Dust soap

In order to make it clear what kind of product this is, let us explain that dust soap is an ordinary laundry soap, but with the addition of DDT. This is the most famous insecticide, which was actively used in the 60s of the last century. agriculture. From that time on, the drug was banned for use, as it led to massive deaths of birds and livestock.

Nevertheless, dust soap today remains perhaps the most effective drug, which even destroys nits. By the way, most modern drugs cannot boast of this property.

Application procedure

Before you start processing, you need to put on goggles, a respirator and gloves. Sick all the time. While soaping is going on and the drug is working, he sits with his mouth and eyes closed, ideally wearing a mask.

  1. The soap is lathered on the head until abundant foam appears - try to ensure that the foam covers all the hair.

  1. After soaping, carefully place a bag or a rubber (for swimming) cap on your head.
  2. The foam remains on the head for at least 30 minutes, but if the patient feels a burning sensation, nausea, urge to vomit, or confusion, the foam is washed off immediately.
  3. Afterwards, the head is washed 4-5 times with regular shampoo and rinsed vinegar solution at the rate of 1 tbsp/liter of water.
  4. Wet hair is combed with a special comb to remove empty nits.

For removal, special pediculicidal combs are used, in which the distance between the teeth does not exceed 0.5 mm.

VIDEO: Treatment of lice with folk remedies: tar soap, kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry

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