Diet seven cereals for weight loss. What other foods can be included in the diet? How to cook whole grain porridge for weight loss

Most women want to find a diet for themselves for a week that would help them lose 5-10 kg, and there really is such a diet. It is called the cereal diet. It would seem that in a normal diet, consumption large quantity On the contrary, porridge can provoke weight gain. But a diet based on cereals for weight loss is designed so that the body will receive the same foods every day without adding salt and sugar. A week of diet on cereals is a mono-diet; only the person losing weight must consume new cereals every day.

The composition of this product helps you lose weight quickly simple product nutrition. Most cereals contain fiber, which helps improve digestion and speed up metabolism. In addition, porridges consist of long carbohydrate compounds, which, once they enter the intestines, take a long time to be processed and do not cause feelings of hunger. Therefore, this article will reveal all the secrets of this dietary nutrition. You will find out how many kilograms you can lose on porridge? Which cereal is the lowest in calories and healthiest? How to properly cook cereals during this diet?

Since it is quite difficult to eat only porridge for 7 days in a row, you can add some other foods to your diet:

  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes,
  • greenery,
  • broccoli cabbage,
  • Chinese cabbage,
  • citrus fruit,
  • green apples,
  • low-fat kefir,
  • unsweetened tea and coffee.

But it is worth noting that the products from this list should only be an addition to the main product - porridge. Vegetables and fruits should be unsweetened and non-starchy. Prepared vegetable salads should not be seasoned with salt or sauces. During these 7 days, the body should not consume salt. Cook porridge in plain water, without adding butter or sugar.

Nutritional rules during a diet on cereals

Losing weight on cereals is quite simple, the main thing is to know a few rules that will speed up the weight loss process.

  • Rule #1. Every morning you need to start with cleansing the body. In order to cleanse the intestines and put them back to work, you need to drink 1-2 glasses warm water With lemon juice. You need to drink water 20-30 minutes before meals. This morning cocktail helps boost immunity, speeds up metabolism, promotes digestion, and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Rule No. 2. You can't feel hungry. During this weekly diet You can eat cereals as soon as you feel hungry. It is advisable to have at least 5 meals a day. As a snack you can eat 1 green apple or orange.
  • Rule No. 3. You need to drink up to 2 liters of plain purified water per day. Under no circumstances should you drink carbonated water, it only provokes hunger. In addition, it flushes calcium from the body and provokes the deposition of cellulite.
  • Rule No. 4. If you have a terrible desire to eat something sweet, then you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the porridge. But this “indulgence” can be done no more than once a day. It is advisable to consume honey in the first half of the day.
  • Rule No. 5. You should not drink water, tea or kefir in large quantities at one time. It is better to drink liquid throughout the day in small sips. You can't drink porridge. After the main meal, you should not drink tea or coffee for 2 hours.

How to properly prepare porridge for this diet?

To lose 5-10 kg from cereals in a week, you need to properly prepare them for your diet. The process of preparing cereals is the same, and it does not matter what kind of porridge you want to cook - rice or millet. 1 glass of cereal should be filled with 3 glasses of plain water overnight. In the morning, cook the infused cereal for 5 minutes without adding salt or sugar. After the time has passed, remove the porridge from the heat and wrap it up to let it sit. Eat ready-made porridge throughout the day. If necessary, the amount of porridge per day can be increased.

Why are cereals a healthy food product?

Cereals are plant food, which is rich in vitamins and microelements. This product is able to quickly saturate the body, for a long time. Due to the fact that most cereals contain fiber, they improve and speed up the digestive process. Each of the porridges known to us has its own characteristics in its composition.


This porridge is recognized by nutritionists all over the world. It can be considered one of the most useful and delicious porridge. Oatmeal is unique in its own way chemical composition. This is a storehouse of vitamins A, B6, B12, B1, PP, C. This porridge contains about 10 minerals necessary for the body. It contains:

  • iron,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium.

By eating oatmeal every day, you can cleanse blood vessels of bad cholesterol, get rid of constipation and diarrhea, and improve your condition skin, lower sugar levels in the body.

It is important! It is necessary to eat oatmeal regularly, as the special composition of fiber helps eliminate heavy metals and radionuclides. Moreover, the calorie content of this product is low. 100 g of dry oatmeal contains 325 kcal.

It is better to start a diet based on cereals with oatmeal, as it will help remove accumulated waste and toxins from the body. Moreover, it becomes even tastier if you eat it with fruits and nuts. You can also use oatmeal to organize fasting days.


Buckwheat is a product that improves brain function, increases vitality and performance, accelerates metabolism, improves the condition of hair and nails. A diet based on porridge must definitely include this cereal. To lose weight, you can add buckwheat vegetable salad or tomato juice. Those who love buckwheat milk soup can replace it with buckwheat and low-fat kefir with a spoon of honey.

Wheat groats

Many people consider wheat cereal a non-dietary product, since it is made from soft wheat. This opinion is erroneous, since this particular cereal is considered one of the most healthy and low-calorie. It improves the digestion process, accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, and fights high blood sugar.

Rice cereal

A weekly porridge diet cannot do without rice. This product is so rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that it eastern countries it is eaten instead of bread. And apparently this is not just like that, because most Chinese, Thais and Japanese are thin and slender people.

Millet cereal

This product has long been considered the food of heroes, as it is able to quickly saturate the body. The composition of millet is as dietary as possible, as it contains sugar, which helps speed up digestion. Millet displays heavy metals and radionuclides, improves the breakdown of fats, accelerates metabolism.

Barley grits

Many people do not like this porridge, but it should not be underestimated. This product can and should be consumed during a weekly cereal diet, as it improves intestinal motility, speeds up the process of food digestion, and cleanses blood vessels and blood of cholesterol plaques.


It is believed that semolina promotes weight loss. This fact has been proven by American scientists. Many Hollywood celebrities are now on a semolina diet. It has a gentle effect on intestinal function, improves the functioning of the excretory system, prevents constipation, and speeds up metabolism. The main thing is to prepare this product without adding sugar and fatty milk.

Porridge diet: menu

Don’t think that this diet is boring and monotonous. If you use your imagination, the diet for these 7 days can be made tasty and original. Fresh vegetables can be baked, made into freshly squeezed juices or purees. You can make smoothies, cocktails, casseroles from apples and dried fruits from fruits. A porridge diet should have a clearly scheduled menu for 7 days.

Sample menu for the week

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First day Oatmeal

Green tea


Vegetable stew


glass of low-fat kefir

Second day Buckwheat

A glass of kefir

Stuffed bell pepper buckwheat Buckwheat

Green tea with a spoon of honey

The third day Wheat porridge

A cup of coffee

Wheat porridge

Cup tomato juice without salt

Vegetable salad

Wheat porridge

A glass of kefir

Fourth day Rice porrige

Green tea

Lazy cabbage rolls with vegetable stew

Green tea

Rice with raisins

A glass of kefir

Fifth day Barley porridge

A glass of kefir

Barley porridge

Baked vegetables

Barley porridge

Green tea

Sixth day Pshenka

Cup of coffee

Soup with millet

Vegetable salad

Millet porridge

Green tea

Seventh day Semolina

Green tea

Semolina with dried fruits Semolina

A glass of kefir

How to quit the cereal diet correctly?

To lose weight on this product, you need to monitor your diet as strictly as possible, not only after the diet, but also after. The exit from the cereal diet should be gradual. You cannot immediately introduce baked goods, sweets, and fatty meats into your diet.

It is important! Every day you need to add 1-2 new products to the menu. It is best to start with fermented milk products. Can be used as a snack cottage cheese casserole, natural yogurt without filler or fermented baked milk.

The first week after the diet, you can introduce boiled chicken, rabbit or turkey into your diet. Must be consumed with meat fresh vegetables. Do not suddenly add salt and sugar to dishes. It is necessary to gradually accustom yourself to a new diet. The more salt we consume, the more fluid remains in the body.

Also, we must not forget sufficient consumption plain water. Even after a diet, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water. If a person cannot live without sweets, then once a week you can allow yourself to eat 2-3 slices of dark dark chocolate. Marshmallows and marmalade are considered lower in calories. This diet will help you lose 5 to 10 kg per week. The main thing is to follow all the above rules and recommendations. Each of these cereals can be used either as part of a combination diet or as a mono-diet for weight loss. The result depends only on how much you love cereals in everyday life.

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to lose weight on porridge?” The answer is yes, but remember that the cereal diet is considered the most stringent, and not everyone is able to follow it. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. You should make an effort and follow the appropriate diet, and the result will not take long to come.

Today, there are many types of dietary restrictions that do not include porridge in your diet. This is due to the fact that cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates. But nutritionists have a different opinion: they are sure that you can lose weight on porridge, and even for a fairly short period time. By eating cereals without salt and sugar, you can lose 6 kilograms in just two weeks. Of course, eating porridge in this form is difficult and not at all tasty, but you can diversify it a little. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and have a powerful incentive.

Choosing porridge

Before you go on a diet, you need to choose which porridge you like best. What is your favorite millet? Great, then you will have a diet based on millet porridge. But not everyone likes it. Do you like other cereals? Then you will have a diet based on cereals, the menu of which needs to be thought through. To diversify your diet, you can use different cereals. You can have buckwheat for breakfast, lunch, and rice for dinner.

Many people think that a monotonous diet of cereals for 10 days. Reviews from girls who have already tried it on themselves indicate the opposite. They assure that this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to prepare tasty and varied cereals. Porridge, the recipes for which can be very different, is not only healthy, but also tasty.

What is the benefit of porridge

All cereals contain in their composition therefore the body digests and assimilates them for quite a long time. The advantage of such a diet is that calories will not be deposited in the fat folds on the abdomen and other parts of the body. Cereals also contain proteins and fats, but not many of them. Porridges contain a lot of B vitamins and fiber.

Each cereal has its own beneficial features and elements. Porridge perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates constipation, and promotes good bowel function. But still, why can you lose excess weight so quickly? The answer is simple: during a porridge diet, very little fat enters the body, and it simply does not have time to be absorbed.

Porridge diet for 10 days

What should not be consumed when practicing a porridge diet for 10 days? Reviews from people who have already tried this diet and advice from nutritionists will help you figure it out.

Should be excluded: dairy, bakery products, sugar, meat, potatoes, chocolate. The most important thing: for ten days you need to eat porridge that is not sweet, not salty, even without oil. Together with them you can eat beets, tomatoes, cabbage and various

If you just want to cleanse the body, then you can use honey, vegetable oil and nuts. What serving size does a porridge diet provide for 10 days? Reviews say that you can eat as much as you want. It is advisable to drink as much water as possible. This is all because you cannot eat more porridge than your body needs. You will endure this type of diet with ease and without stress.

Literally on the third day a person will feel a surge of strength and energy, and on the ninth or tenth day he will receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise- minus five kilograms. The body will become significantly slimmer and the skin color will become lighter.

7 porridge diet

The “7 cereals” diet has the following rules and differences: first of all, you need to use an enema. Every day you should eat one kind of porridge. What cereal to eat the next day is up to you to choose.

Porridge should be cooked in the evening for only 5 minutes, without adding salt, sugar or butter. After the cereal is cooked, you need to wrap it in a towel and let it brew. Porridges, the recipes of which may vary, are prepared very quickly. The proportion is as follows: for a glass of cereal, three glasses of water. Every morning you need to drink one glass of warm water, because the esophagus is emptied in the evening and needs to be rinsed. Then you can start eating porridge for breakfast. It can be supplemented with half a glass of kefir and unsweetened fruit.

You can follow this diet only once a month. The “7 cereals” diet allows you to eat three different cereals on the third day. Do not allow yourself to feel too hungry: as soon as you want to eat, immediately satisfy your body. Since the porridge diet is very healthy, it can be repeated every six months.

6 cereal diet

The second option is the “6 cereals” diet. She includes six types of cereals in her diet: wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, barley, and pearl barley. The duration of such a diet is generally 7 days. Every day you should eat cereals in the same order as listed above. On the seventh day you need to prepare porridge from all six cereals in equal parts.

The “6 cereals” diet is not at all complicated, and you need to prepare cereals like this: take three glasses of water for one glass. Cook for five minutes and let it brew. In the morning before breakfast you need to drink warm porridge. You can eat it in any proportions, add various fruits to it as a side dish and wash it down with a small amount of kefir.

Is the cereal diet effective? Reviews confirm the fact that it really works, and a person, if desired, can really lose weight.

You are allowed to drink tea or coffee, but only unsweetened. You should not consume dairy products, except kefir, which should be low-fat. It is prohibited to eat meat, fish, eggs and different types sweets. You can use this diet only once a month, no more. If you want to eat, do not ignore this feeling, since hunger is not allowed.

for weight loss

Does a porridge diet cause internal discomfort? Reviews from people who have lost weight indicate that it is practically non-existent. When following a diet, you need to know which cereals are the healthiest for your body. For weight loss, you can use any porridge, since they all contain components that reduce fat deposition.

Millet cereal

Millet cereal is very beneficial for the body, it promotes rapid fat burning, and a person does not feel discomfort and stress from restrictions. It not only removes toxins, but also normalizes the percentage of microelements, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and others. Prevents the accumulation of fats in the body. The body will also receive vitamins B and E.


Buckwheat is usually called golden grain, due to the fact that it has a lot useful substances, vitamins and minerals. For example, rutin is a fortified component.

Wheat porridge

Wheat porridge is rarely distinguished from all cereals. But in vain, because it is considered the most dietary product, as it contains a minimum of calories. If you follow such a diet for 7 days, you can quickly lose weight and normalize the functioning of the whole body as a whole. Namely: speed up fat metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels, improve appearance hair, skin and nails, strengthen the immune system.


Semolina is a cereal that is made from wheat, but, unlike wheat porridge, semolina has other components. With its help, you can lose 8-9 kilograms in a week; it also normalizes metabolism, eliminates harmful waste and toxins.


Oats perfectly cleanse the body, as they contain fiber, but also contain a lot of fat. Therefore, such a diet does not need to be supplemented with other cereals.

Barley porridge

Barley grains have many mineral components and vitamin complexes, which makes it possible to very quickly normalize metabolic processes in the body. Reduces blood sugar levels, saturates with nutrients and vitamins.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley is made from barley grain, so it is rich in minerals and vitamins. It also contains the amino acid lysine, which produces collagen, which helps the body rejuvenate and tightens the skin.

Corn grits

The corn porridge diet is the fastest and most effective; it will bring great benefits to your body. It will reduce the risk of heart disease, remove toxins, break down fat cells and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Do you still doubt whether the porridge diet for 10 days is effective? Reviews from people who have tried it on themselves claim that it will help you lose weight quickly and profitably.

The porridge diet is one of those types of diets that are very convenient and at the same time very effective. The fact is that any cereal consists of carbohydrates that take a long time to digest, which creates the feeling that you are not hungry, even if quite a lot of time has passed after eating.

In addition, no fat is deposited on the hips and waist, which is a huge advantage for those who want to lose weight and have the slimmest figure.

What is a cereal diet for weight loss?

As a rule, such a diet lasts for 7-10 days. During this diet, you can eat the following cereals:

  • millet porridge - contains many vitamins, is quickly absorbed, gives a person strength and energy;
  • buckwheat porridge – there is a whole treasure trove of vitamins and minerals here; it is used in many diets for weight loss;
  • wheat porridge– you will find numerous nutrients in it;
  • pearl barley porridge– is an excellent remedy not only for weight loss, but also for the prevention of certain diseases ( diabetes, heart diseases);
  • rice porrige- promotes complete cleansing the body from toxins, is a dietary dish;
  • a mixture prepared from several of the above cereals at once.

Now you know what a porridge diet for weight loss is, all that remains is to understand its benefits and the principle of its action.


Almost all porridges contain vitamins important for the body. Thus, a person eats healthy and satisfying food, and at the same time loses weight. overweight. It’s hard to imagine a more practical and convenient diet.

Porridge diet: results

How do you lose excess weight?

Extra pounds go away not only by cleansing the body of toxins, but also by completely eliminating daily diet sugar, salt, unhealthy fats. The positive result of such a diet is simply guaranteed, because you still need to try hard to gain weight by eating exclusively cereals.

Statistics show that in 7-10 days it is possible to get rid of 1-3 kg excess weight. At first glance it seems that this is an insignificant figure, but a huge advantage of the diet is that it can be repeated more often than all other diets. It does not carry harm or any negative consequences.

Porridge diet rules

Excellent results from a cereal diet cannot be achieved without following certain rules:

  1. It is advisable to do an enema before starting the diet to help the body get rid of harmful substances.
  2. Drink a glass of water in the morning, and when you feel hungry, you can start eating cooked porridge.
  3. Give preference to one new porridge every day. This will allow you to diversify your menu, and the result will be much more noticeable.
  4. Never forget to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals. This will improve metabolic processes and speed up positive result diets.

Porridge diet: products

So, you have already familiarized yourself with the list of cereals that can be used in this diet. You might want to add lentil porridge to this list, which is very similar to wheat porridge. This is an environmentally friendly product that contains numerous microelements and vitamins.

  • cinnamon;
  • fruits that are added to porridge (apricots, raisins, orange);
  • lemon juice;
  • nuts;
  • You can add some vegetables for an amazing taste.

The following products should not be consumed:

  • sugar, salt;
  • butter;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • You can’t eat semolina porridge.

When you exit the diet, it should be done carefully and gradually. Include in your diet initially boiled chicken, then a couple of pieces of bread, milk, etc.

As you can see, you don’t have to stock up on a lot of food for your cereal diet, which is a big plus for those who are used to saving money.

Porridge diet: menu and recipes for the week

Approximately porridge diet menu for 7 days

1st day. Oatmeal day. Prepare porridge without salt. You are allowed to eat 4 bowls of porridge per day. Drinks you can drink are tea and clean water.

2nd day. Rice porridge day. You can add pieces of fresh fruit and raisins to the porridge. You can drink black coffee once a day. Unlimited amount of water.

3rd day. Buckwheat porridge is prepared without oil. You are allowed to eat 3 bowls of porridge.

4th day. Wheat porridge day. You can diversify the menu with a salad of fresh vegetables.

5th day. Millet porridge day. 2 full plates of porridge, but you cannot drink coffee or sweet tea.

6th day. On this day you can prepare pearl barley porridge with the addition of various fruits.

7th day. You can prepare a mixture of several cereals.

Your menu may look like this if you no longer want variety, but a lasting and effective result:

Breakfast - porridge, kefir, fruit.

Lunch – porridge, low-fat borscht, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack – fruit (orange, tangerine, apple), berries.

Dinner - low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk, porridge, natural yogurt.

Change only the cereals in this menu every day, and you will see that such a diet will be most effective for you.

Recipes for the week

As a rule, all porridges are prepared according to this recipe: the cereal is poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Then it is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which it is cooked for another 5 minutes. Next, remove from heat and wrap the porridge in a towel. It should sit for a while. Do not immediately add other ingredients to the porridge. They can be added when you sit down to breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The porridge diet is famous for the fact that here you don’t need to know any special and complex recipes. It is enough to learn how to cook regular porridge and start losing weight literally in the same week.

In addition to porridge, you can prepare or buy the following dishes and products:

  • chicken meat;
  • spinach;
  • apples, pears, plums;
  • make a salad with herbs (without dressing and oil);
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • low-fat kefir (add a few fresh berries to the kefir).

Porridge diet: reviews

  • The diet is good and effective. I’ve already managed to lose 4 kilograms, and I’m not going to stop there. I used to think that all cereals are high in calories and are not beneficial, but now I understand that I was wrong. Julia.
  • In two days I lost 1 kg with the help of a porridge diet. I think this is a good result that can be done even better. Svetlana.
  • I read a lot of information about the cereal diet on various forums and at first did not believe in its effectiveness until I tried to go on this diet myself. The only thing I corrected on my own was not including pearl barley porridge in the diet, since I can’t even stand the smell of it. I replaced pearl barley with lentil porridge, but it didn’t affect the result in any way.
  • I don't really like porridge, but I overcame myself in order to get rid of extra pounds. The result, to be honest, pleased me - minus 4 kg in one week.

Numerous reviews about the cereal diet can be found on the Internet on various sites, forums, in social networks etc. Nowhere will you find information that this diet turned out to be ineffective and ineffective. Even many celebrities adhere to a diet of cereals, which indicates its great benefit for health and weight loss.

Hello, dear readers! We continue to analyze various options diets for weight loss. Today I propose to consider this question: is it possible to lose weight on cereals ? While preparing for this article, I discovered interesting fact. It turns out that it’s completely possible to lose weight and still eat well, can you imagine? This is not difficult to do. It is enough to follow a few rules. Let's talk about this.

Eat and be healthy

As nutritionists say, the porridge diet is one of the most effective ways get your body in order. Is this really so?

In fact, almost any cereal contains the necessary microelements and vitamins. It's hard to argue with this. This is beneficial for the health and full development of the body. Large luggage nutrients will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. However, moderate consumption of such mixtures does not cause excess deposits. The resulting energy is spent exclusively on getting rid of accumulated toxins.

The visible effects of such a diet include the following:

  • The complexion becomes pleasant and natural
  • Metabolism is normalized, vitality increases
  • Hair gains strength

But why doesn't this happen to everyone? After all, almost all people consume whole grains. In fact of the matter. Exactly, eating With just porridge you can get significant results. As practice shows, such a diet is applicable for any person. This way both men and women lose weight. Even breastfeeding mothers have experienced this method of losing weight. From our reasoning, we can draw only one conclusion: such nutrition is really applicable to the process of losing weight. Now you need to understand the principle of operation. It’s better to start by analyzing each type of cereal.

Properties of various cereals

In general, such dishes are very simple to prepare. Beans boiled in water are nothing more than porridge. But what exactly to cook? After all, each cereal is unique in its own way and differs in its properties. Let's analyze the most popular ones.

“Favorite” oatmeal

Since childhood, we have been told about the benefits oat porridge. People also call it herculean . They say that with its “characteristics” it can develop in a person amazing power. But why does she attract so much attention?

In fact, this product contains a whole bunch of useful vitamins groups A, B, E. And also full bag microelements. Among them I would like to highlight the following: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine, etc. This is quite a significant set of components.

The fiber contained inside the cereal successfully cleanses the intestines. Plain oatmeal, cookedon the water,has about 95 kilocalories per 100 gram serving. That's not a lot. Although, in fact, Hercules is not oatmeal! Real oatmeal Brewed from ground whole oat grains.


About buckwheat the porridge is legendary. It is the national dish of many countries. But what’s more surprising is that you can make a mountain of different delicacies from it. Is she deservedly basking in laurels?

One of the main features is the protein it contains. It promotes growth muscle mass. And this is important when losing weight, don’t you agree?

Buckwheat improves mental capacity. This is facilitated by a rich set minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it will fit well into children's kitchen.

Traditional side dish without oil and milk contains 130 calories per 100 grams. And what is important is a large amount of protein.

Ambiguous Corn

From corn grains of nutrients can be obtained much less. After all, this product itself does not have a large baggage of valuable components. It takes quite a long time to prepare. It takes about an hour.

Its calorie content is quite high. This is due to the abundant protein and carbohydrate content. So, per 100 grams of product there are 320 calories.

The positive aspects include pronounced cleansing properties. By using corn can eliminate the processes of putrefactive microflora in the intestines. It also helps remove stored fat from the body. Just what we need!

Famous diets

There are fundamentally two types of cereal nutrition:

  • Monofrontal
  • Mixed

You have the right to choose the method you like. The body will receive the components necessary for health in any case.


It assumes that we eat the same porridge every day. The duration of this regime is considered by professional nutritionists to be around one week. You can use corn as a base. It has a pronounced cleansing function. In 7 days of such a diet you can significantly lose weight.

A meager diet can quickly get boring. Therefore, dilute the dish with various additional products. Together with vegetables really speed up the weight loss process almost twice. Thanks to high content fiber, they trigger cleansing mechanisms in the body.

For a more varied diet, we use fruits and dried fruits. We add them directly to the plate. Changing fruits and trying various combinations you can easily survive a week. Due to the difference in taste sensations It’s easy to forget that we actually eat mono. Also, some people dilute their dishes dairy products.

What's the benefit? We select grains with a pronounced cleansing potential. Within seven days you can lose a lot of kilograms. But this is exactly the goal we are pursuing, right?

Poritov Semyon, 24 years old

“I use a mono-diet of cereals in preparation for the beach season. The muscles are tightened, the tummy is reduced.”

Mixed for 6 days

We eat different mixtures every day for a week. Sunday is a day off. Here is an example of such a diet:

  • Millet
  • Wheat
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Pearl barley
  • Buckwheat

Do not use oil for dressing, even flaxseed Manna We don’t use porridge; it doesn’t give any significant effects. Replace grains according to your mood. For example, pea or barley The gruel serves as an alternative to pearl barley.

The given diet is very varied. This means that these are positive emotions combined with beneficial properties.

For greater variability, I recommend that you use it for cooking.dietary side dishes from the “Salt of Life” store. They are 100% healthy and environmentally friendly. This means you will get real pleasure and improved health.

Veronica Alexandrova, 48 years old

“Twice a year I practice the 6-porridge diet. In a week of such a diet, I can lose 1.5-2 kilograms. A little, of course, but my health improves noticeably.”

How does the weight loss process occur?

Porridge helps remove “deposits” from the body. Accumulated waste and toxins are removed thanks to the high purifying ability of whole grain crops. As a result, the body begins to acquire a slender silhouette.

What to remember

Losing weight on cereals, in my opinion, is real. There are several varieties of such diets. When choosing food, focus on own feelings. Usually the body doesn't lie. But staying on such a diet for a long time is not recommended.

Share your recipes in the comments below. Subscribe to new investigations and be healthy!

See you in the next article.

The porridge diet is becoming increasingly popular today; it gently normalizes weight, cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and waste, which ultimately promotes healthy weight loss.


Losing weight with cereals

Porridges are carbohydrate dishes, but at the same time, unlike flour and confectionery products containing carbohydrates, they are healthy. They contain a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Fiber helps improve digestion and overall intestinal function by binding fats and stimulating the cleansing of the body from toxins and metabolic products. The vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids and “slow” (complex) carbohydrates contained in this simple Russian dish replenish the body with energy reserves and contribute to its rapid saturation. In addition, cereals are rich vegetable protein, which is an important link in the concept of healthy eating.

In general, cereals are natural dietary product without dyes and preservatives, in order for dishes made from them to be healthy and contribute to weight loss, it is important to choose and prepare them correctly.

Whole grain porridges are suitable for weight loss, because they contain much more valuable fiber that improves digestion and are low in fat, such dishes are very nutritious (you won’t feel hungry for a long time), and they also interfere with the process of calorie absorption, which is the basis any dietary program. Along the way, whole grain porridges reduce cholesterol and insulin levels in the blood, being a good preventive measure cardiovascular diseases. For a porridge diet, unrefined grain products such as pearl barley, wild and brown rice, millet, oatmeal, and buckwheat are suitable.

Video: Supercereals in Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

How to cook whole grain porridge for weight loss

To lose weight, it is important to prepare dietary porridge exclusively with water without the inclusion of spices, salt, sugar and oil. In the evening, 1 cup of cereal is poured into 3 cups of boiling water and cooked over the fire after boiling for 5 minutes. After this, the porridge should be wrapped and left until the morning. You can eat the dish in the morning.

The porridge diet has many options, but the duration of any of them should not exceed two weeks. During this period you can easily lose 6-8 kg overweight, it all depends on the initial weight. To secure results achieved After a diet, it is important to eat right, and ideally also to exercise (you can just walk at least 3 km every day). This diet can be followed no more than once every 6 months.

Contraindications for the cereal diet

  1. The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Presence of organ diseases gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation.

Popular methods of losing weight using cereals and menus

Oatmeal diet, menu for every day.

Perfectly cleanses the body, improves functioning digestive system. The dish can be prepared in the evening from whole grains, or you can use flakes in the morning, pouring boiling water over them for a few minutes. The duration of the diet is from 10-14 days.

Breakfast: 1 serving of oatmeal with water.
Lunch: 100 g of any fruit (except for grapes and bananas).
Dinner: 1 serving of oatmeal with water.
Afternoon snack: any fruit.
Dinner: 1 serving of oatmeal with water.
Second dinner (no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime): any fruit.

During the diet you need to drink a lot of pure drinking water, at least two liters per day, and its use is permitted no earlier than forty minutes after a meal.

Buckwheat diet.

The nutrition program involves eating buckwheat in water 4 times a day for 10-14 days. During the day, during breaks, you are allowed to consume 1% kefir no more than 1 liter per day. The last meal should be taken no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Drinking water and non-sweet tea is allowed in unlimited quantities.

Millet porridge diet, sample menu for 10 days.

To lose weight, you should choose yellow cereals with high content microelements and B vitamins that have a positive effect on metabolic processes and the circulatory system.

Breakfast: 1 serving of millet, 100 ml of low-fat yogurt, any fruit.
Dinner: 1 serving of millet, serving of lean cabbage soup, vegetable salad with lemon juice.
Afternoon snack: any fruit except grapes and bananas.
Dinner: 1 serving of millet, 100 ml of 1% kefir (you can use low-fat fermented baked milk or yogurt).

During the day, the consumption of drinking water, herbal teas and decoctions is not limited.

Diet based on pearl barley porridge, menu for 3 days.

Pearl barley ensures proper functioning of the brain, strengthens the heart muscle, and increases the elasticity of the skin of the face and body.

Breakfast: a serving of pearl barley in water, 1 any fruit (except grapes and bananas) or 70 g of dried fruits.
Dinner: portion of barley in water, a piece of low-fat sea ​​fish for a couple.
Dinner: a portion of pearl barley in water, a glass of 1% kefir.

IN in this case The cereal should also be soaked in the evening and cooked in the morning until tender.

Wheat porridge diet.

The nutrition program involves eating wheat cooked in water without oil, salt and sugar throughout the day. The dish can be varied with fresh herbs, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. During the day you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid (water, herbal teas, decoctions). The last meal is no later than 18.00. The duration of the diet is 10-14 days.

Three-day mono-diet on corn porridge.

The diet allows short term lose up to 5 extra pounds. For three days you only need to eat corn porridge, cooked from 1 cup of cereal and 4 cups of water (pour overnight, cook in the morning for 15 minutes after boiling). This portion should be divided into five meals. This method of losing weight involves drinking large amounts of liquid (green tea, still water, herbal decoctions), but not earlier than an hour before and an hour after meals. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, the porridge can be supplemented with not too sweet fruits (apples).

Barley porridge diet, sample menu.

This weight loss technique allows you to include fruits in the menu, dairy products. The duration of such a nutrition system is 10-14 days.

Breakfast: a portion of porridge, any fruit (except banana and grapes), a cup of tea without sugar.
Dinner: a portion of lean soup with vegetables and herbs, a portion of porridge with water.
Afternoon snack: any fruit of your choice.
Dinner: a portion of porridge with water, 100 ml of low-fat yogurt.

Diet 7 cereals, sample menu.

This weight loss technique recommends alternating the consumption of porridges in a certain order: wheat porridge, millet porridge, oatmeal, rice porridge, barley porridge, pearl barley porridge. It is advisable to start on Monday. Every day during the day you can only eat porridge in unlimited quantities and drink water (40 minutes before and 40 minutes after meals). The duration of the diet is 7 days. On the seventh day, an assortment of all cereals is prepared (the listed cereals are mixed in the same proportions). The porridge is cooked in water without salt, oil and without added sugar (a glass of cereal with 3 glasses of water, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes after boiling, then wrap and leave overnight, you can eat in the morning). Fluid intake is not limited.

To increase effectiveness, it is recommended to prepare before the diet by cleansing the intestines. To do this, you can use products with a mild laxative effect, or cleansing microenemas. In the morning, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm boiled water to stimulate bowel function.

The porridge diet has a very positive reviews. In addition to the effect of losing weight, women note an improvement in the condition of their skin, hair, nails, and normalization of stool. Remember, cereals do not provide the body with everything necessary elements, therefore, sticking to such a diet for more than two weeks is not recommended. You can repeat the course no earlier than six months later.

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