Hip dysplasia in dogs symptoms. Dysplasia in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Dysplasia hip joints– a disease characterized by underdevelopment of the acetabulum and misalignment articular surfaces. Due to the inability to cope with the load, the function of the limb on the affected side is impaired. Over time, the joint deteriorates. Predisposed to pathology large dogs.

Types of hip dysplasia in dogs

There are 2 forms of the disease:

  • Congenital – genetically determined.
  • Acquired, usually associated with trauma (post-traumatic), excess weight or metabolic disorders.

Stages of hip dysplasia in dogs

The stages of dysplasia can be classified in several ways; for example, there is a method for assessing the degree of dysplasia according to Mitin, where the following radiological signs are taken into account to determine the stage:

  • The Norberg angle is the angle between two straight lines: the one that connects the centers of the heads of both femoral bones, and the second tangent line that runs from the center of the femoral head along the anterior-outer edge of the acetabulum. At in good condition this angle will be less than 105 degrees.
  • The condition of the joint space should be narrow and uniform.
  • Changes in the neck-shaft angle of more than 145 degrees are abnormal and lead to pathologies.
  • The tangential angle is the angle between two straight lines: the first horizontal line goes through the anterior-outer edge of the articular cavity, the second straight line is a tangent, which seems to continue the cranial contour of the joint space. In the normal state, the second line runs below the first horizontal line, thus resulting in either a negative angle or zero when the lines coincide. If a positive angle is formed, then pathological processes occur.
  • Index of penetration of the femoral head into the cavity, that is, the size of the covered part of the femoral head outer edge acetabulum, in relation to the radius of the femoral head. In normal condition, the index is smaller.

According to Mitin, there are six stages:

  • A healthy joint with index a0 and a1, that is, ideal or no signs of dysplasia, is a “reserve”
  • The stage of predisposition to hip dysplasia with index a2, that is, a still normal joint. In this case, one of the above five is detected radiological signs.
  • Stage of predysplasia, that is, within acceptable limits with index b. Characterized by the detection of two radiological signs.
  • The initial first stage of destructive changes is dysplasia in mild degree with index s. Characterized by the detection of three radiological signs.
  • The middle stage of pronounced destructive changes is dysplasia medium degree with index d. Characterized by the detection of four radiological signs of joint subluxation.
  • The last severe stage of destructive changes is severe dysplasia, index - e, characterized by the detection of four radiological signs, subluxation or dislocation of the joint, and the Norberg angle is less than 90 degrees.

Degrees of hip dysplasia in dogs

In Russia, a generally accepted international system is used, which distinguishes the following assessment:

  • Grade A is healthy joint without signs of dysplasia.
  • Grade B - the joints are almost normal, there is no significant deviation.
  • Grade C - mild degree hip dysplasia.
  • Grade D is average level dysplasia within acceptable limits.
  • Grade E is a severe level of significant destruction.

How to Identify Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Diagnosis of hip dysplasia is possible only when the puppy gets older, because as the joints develop, manifestations of dysplasia become noticeable.

Identify diseases in early age impossible, although the predisposition is already written in the dog’s genes. Dysplasia can be diagnosed after the first year of life, and for large breeds even after a year and a half of life. However, if the problems are obvious external manifestations, then it is worth showing the puppy to specialists even at an early age of 4 months.

You can identify dysplasia by the following most obvious external symptoms:

  • Incorrect positioning of the limbs, swaying and instability are observed while walking
  • Lameness.
  • Apathy and reluctance to get up, it is easier for the dog to crawl to the goal.
  • Rapid fatigue from active activities.
  • Problems walking and standing on slippery surfaces.
  • Rabbit running is when the limbs push off simultaneously, rather than one after another.
  • Possible hypertrophy of the muscles of the forelimbs and pectoral muscles, because most of the load falls on the front legs, as the animal tries to strain the hind pelvic legs less

The most noticeable symptom that immediately catches the eye is the lameness of the animal. It can occur either due to pain in the joints or when it is difficult to move a limb forward. More often you can notice the initial lameness, which intensifies after long sleep or lying at rest, but during a long period of activity the lameness disappears completely.

Monitor your pet closely in the first six months to a year of life, as timely treatment will help maintain your pet’s mobility and activity!

Causes of hip dysplasia in dogs

Often the cause of the disease is genetic predisposition. Errors in breeding work lead to the spread of pathology.

The main factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • Overweight. Increased load on joint components leads to disruption normal functioning, subsequently – to dysplasia.
  • Frequent injuries. Persistent damage causes chronic inflammation and triggers destructive processes in the joint, ultimately leading to dysplasia.
  • Unbalanced diet, use of low-quality dry food. The onset of the disease can be observed a short time after changing the diet. Key points are: excessive consumption of meat, which upsets the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body, lack or excess of vitamin D in food.

As a result, a discrepancy between the sizes of the acetabulum and the articular part is formed. femur. Over time, osteoarthritis develops, leading to joint destruction and dysfunction.

Signs of hip dysplasia in dogs

The first manifestations of the disease can be noticed in animals at the age of 5-6 months.

These include:

  • Frequently adopting a position lying on the stomach with the pelvic limbs spread to the sides. This sign occurs as a result of the puppy’s attempts to reduce the load and reduce pain.
  • Rapid fatigue during physical activity. The animals are inactive; during long walks, they often take breaks and lie down. Shortness of breath may develop.
  • "Rabbit Run". Due to impaired joint function, normal movement causes discomfort for animals. To reduce it, puppies push off simultaneously with both pelvic limbs when running.
  • Minor lameness.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is subject to surgical and medical correction. In most cases, early intervention allows the animal to return to a normal lifestyle, but the individual is excluded from further reproduction due to the genetic inheritance of the pathology.

Hip dysplasia in dogs symptoms

As the animal grows, the processes of joint destruction intensify and the symptoms of the disease increase.

Characteristic for adults:

  • Increasing lameness. Due to the discrepancy between the sizes of the articular surfaces, lameness on the affected side increases with age.
  • Difficulty getting up. After resting, it is difficult for the dog to get up, it tries to lean on something, and it is possible that it will fall when trying to stand on its paws.
  • Unsteadiness of limbs. More late symptom, indicating the destruction of most of the articular surfaces.
  • X-shaped curvature pelvic limbs. The inability of the joints to cope with loads leads to curvature of the paws, which take the form of the letter X (closed in the center, spread apart around the periphery).

Hip dysplasia in dogs that appears after the age of 2 years is difficult to treat. Most often, dogs have problems with mobility for the rest of their lives.

Bilateral hip dysplasia in dogs

Bilateral dysplasia is more common than unilateral dysplasia. It is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture, since both joints are affected. As a result, the animal is unable to adequately bear the load. Bilateral hip dysplasia in dogs is more severe than unilateral hip dysplasia, so it is important timely diagnosis And early start treatment.


If symptoms of dysplasia are detected, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for diagnosis. Imaging techniques are available to confirm the presence of the disease and initiate treatment before irreversible changes joint The most common include X-ray diagnostics (usually under sedation), CT, and MRI. Also important role play various functional tests to better understand localization pathological process and the degree of its development.

Hip dysplasia in dogs treatment

There is no drug therapy with complete cure. After making a diagnosis, the veterinarian develops a treatment regimen with drugs that inhibit the development of the disease and relieve inflammation.

The treatment regimen includes:

  • Chondroprotectors. They are taken orally or injected directly into the joint capsule by a doctor. The action is aimed primarily at preventing tissue destruction or slowing it down; restoring the original structure is almost impossible.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Prescribed for severe persistent pain. The carprofen they contain is highly selective and rarely causes complications even with prolonged use.

If your dog is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, treatment for which conservative methods inappropriate, the question of surgical intervention is raised.

How long can dogs with hip dysplasia live?

This question naturally arises among owners immediately after the discovery of this diagnosis. We hasten to reassure you - dysplasia is not fatal disease, however, it can significantly worsen the pet’s quality of life. The outcome will depend on the time of detection of the disease and treatment. Of course, life expectancy will be influenced by factors such as the stage and degree of dysplasia, and the severity of its course.

Life expectancy will depend on owners and treatment. If the disease was detected in time, the pet was given proper treatment, and in subsequent years the owners provided supportive therapy and properly fed and cared for the dog, then the life expectancy can be 12-13 years. Without therapy and care, the dog will be limited in movement and will live much shorter. Be attentive to your pet and do not neglect treatment!

Hip dysplasia in dogs surgery

Surgical intervention allows you to completely rid the animal of the manifestations of the disease. To do this, the affected joints are replaced with artificial ones. General endoprosthetics is indicated for severe forms of the disease. Widespread use of this type of intervention is hampered by its high cost.

Resection arthroplasty can reduce pain. During the operation, the head of the femur is removed. The result is no friction or pain. Side effect There may be a change in joint mobility in advanced disease. This operation is a cheaper alternative to endoprosthetics.

Triple osteotomy surgery is also performed for hip dysplasia in dogs. During its course, the pelvic bones are dissected and special plates are placed at the sites of dissection, as a result of which the angle of the acetabulum changes and it more tightly covers the head of the femur. The pathological load on the joint is reduced, which leads to the disappearance of pain and restoration of function. This operation is not performed in severe forms of the disease, developed osteoarthritis or the presence of osteophytes.

Drug treatment for hip dysplasia in dogs

As mentioned above, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment. They have a symptomatic effect, that is, they help stop pain symptom, but do not eliminate changes in the joints.

The disadvantage of this type is that the painkiller causes the animal to actively use the damaged limb, thereby causing the development of joint damage. The dog does not feel pain and tension, so it strains the joint, which is not recommended.

Antioxidants, herbal preparations, viscoelastic drugs and even steroid hormones are also used. However, their use must be strictly coordinated with a doctor, as they can lead to side effects. undesirable consequences. And most importantly, the effectiveness of using these funds has not yet been proven.

There is also advisability in the use of chondroprotectors.

Consequences of dysplasia

Without timely treatment the consequences of dysplasia can even be such severe symptom, like immobility of an animal. Also, without treatment, the dog may permanently limp or have difficulty walking. Any movement will cause severe pain, which means the dog will stop using hind legs.

As a result, if left untreated in a severe stage, the dog can become aggressive and hostile towards people, as it constantly feels pain.

Timely detected disease and quality treatment will help restore your pet's motor activity, guaranteeing him a long, happy and full life. Be careful and check your pet's health regularly!

Prevention of hip dysplasia in dogs

Since the disease has a genetic factor, it is very important for breeders not to allow dogs with dysplasia into further breeding.

Despite the fact that the predisposition to this disease lies at the genetic level, however, it is within the power of the owners to carry out preventive measures that will help alleviate or avoid this disease. The cost of prevention is significantly lower than possible treatment.

The most important period will be the first year of a dog's life, since it is at this moment that the development and formation of bones and joints occurs. If the dog is large, this process may be too intense or uneven. It is important to pay attention to your pet’s movement in play and while running.

Until it reaches at least six months, do not strain your animal too much, and under no circumstances begin heavy, grueling training or intense physical activity. At this age, morning and evening walks are enough for them.

Be sure to consult with a veterinary specialist, as regular examinations can help avoid many problems if detected at an early stage.

Very important point there will be food. Obesity greatly affects the functioning of the joints, as the pressure on the hip joint increases. Avoid overeating and subsequently making your pet obese.

Also make sure you have a balanced diet! You should not abuse the benefits of exclusively protein foods. Carefully ensure that the animal receives fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other beneficial substances, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Also often, in order to slow down the growth of the puppy and prevent dysplasia, a low-calorie diet is used, when protein is replaced with carbohydrates. But during the period of active growth, this only harms the pet, as it rapidly gains weight, which greatly increases the load on the joint.

Maintain a balanced and even diet; an excess of any substance will only harm your pet; avoid any restricted diets.

Hip dysplasia (HJD)- this is underdevelopment of the acetabulum of the hip joint, leading to pronounced violation musculoskeletal function of the limb. Hip dysplasia is widespread and is most often recorded in dogs of large and giant breeds (German shepherds, Rottweilers, boxers, Labradors, golden retrievers, chow-chow, etc.) and is relatively rare in cats.

Causes of hip dysplasia

Most researchers studying DTHD believe that the basis of the disease lies in a genetic predisposition, but in addition, nutrition and physical activity during the puppy’s growth period play an important role. So, two puppies from the same litter, but kept in different conditions, can be completely different degrees dysplasia. Thus, the presence of only a genetic predisposition will not necessarily lead to pronounced structural changes in the joints.

At what age does THD appear?

Hip dysplasia in animals can manifest itself at any age, but most often owners of 6-12 month old puppies turn to the veterinarian, but it is possible to accurately determine the degree of dysplasia only at the age of 12 months, and in giant breed dogs - at 18 months. With hip dysplasia, the head of the femur and the acetabulum do not correspond to the size of each other, and friction occurs between them and, as a result, destruction of the articular cartilage occurs (that is, osteoarthritis develops) and pain occurs.

What are the symptoms of dysplasia?

Typically, symptomatic manifestations are:

Diagnosis and treatment methods for hip dysplasia

Most objective method The study for hip dysplasia is radiography of the hip joints, performed in a special position.

For expert assessment The condition of the hip joints requires relaxation of the patient, for which he is given general anesthesia.

The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of changes detected in the joint. There are currently two main types of treatment: therapeutic And surgical.

Therapeutic method

Therapeutic treatment includes the prescription of chondroprotectors (drugs that restore cartilage tissue), painkillers medicinal substances, limiting physical activity, using feed additives, reducing body weight if there is excess weight. Usually, therapeutic treatment gives good effect, especially if the dog has mild or moderate dysplasia (B,C). In case of severe dysplasia (D, E) or in the absence of satisfactory results of conservative treatment, surgery of this pathology.

Surgical methods

Depending on the weight of the animal, the severity of the disease and the type of joint deformity, the veterinarian may prescribe one of three types of surgical treatment.

Question answer

Good day. In your clinic, a dog (Labrador) underwent ACL surgery using the TPLO method. 04/16/2019 will be a month. There will be a similar one on the second paw. But there is a desire to sterilize the dog endoscopic method As soon as possible. We need to come to you on May 16, 2019 for a follow-up appointment and x-ray. Is it possible to have a dog sterilized on the same day? Or is it early? And all these manipulations can harm speedy recovery dogs (taking into account the fact of the frequency of use of anesthesia, etc. medical supplies), as well as a recovery course for the development of the operated paw. Thank you! Irina

Question: Is it possible to do TPLO surgery and sterilization at the same time?

Hello! Yes, everything can be done at the same time. This does not affect the recovery process in any way.

Hello! The dog had acute renal failure after anesthesia 2 years ago. For two years now, the tests have been normal. The dog is now 8 years old. After each heat, she has severe cramps. The dog has not given birth. Can she be sterilized? What anesthesia is best to use? Now I'm very afraid of anesthesia. Tatiana

Question: is it possible to sterilize a dog if there was acute renal failure after anesthesia?

Hello! Sterilization is indicated. Risks taking into account normal tests no more than in other planned patients. Propofol anesthesia is used.

Experienced breeders are familiar with genetic disease– hip dysplasia, which affects some large breeds of dogs. The disease is diagnosed at an early age and, if not properly treated, can lead to complete immobilization of the animal.

Large breed dogs are most susceptible to hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia was first isolated from dogs and described in the United States 60 years ago, although the disease has been diagnosed and treated in humans for a long time. Subsequently, Swedish veterinarians proved that the disease is caused by hereditary factors and is most often found in large dogs. Although the size of the animal is not a determining factor in the development of the disease, since even small breeds, for example, chow chows, also suffer from hip dysplasia (HD).

Veterinarian observations have shown that puppies are born with normally developed joints, which then become diseased when exposed to hereditary predisposition. At the same time, in large breeds the disease progresses at a high speed, as they rapidly gain body weight, which is a strain on fragile joints. The disease is especially dangerous for short-legged breeds.

Most often, hip dysplasia (HJD) affects German Shepherds , Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Boxers, etc. Greyhounds are free from the disease. In 89% of cases, dysplasia affects two hip joints at once, 3.3% are unilateral lesions of the left joint, 7.7% - the right.

Hip dysplasia (HD) is a defect in the development of the joint in the socket area. At first, the disease was called subluxation of the articular head, since it increases the gap between the head of the bone and the articular socket. The bone does not fit tightly to the joint, resulting in friction and wear of the head. The joint begins to deform and flatten.

Currently, the concept of dysplasia includes all deviations from the normal formation of the hip joint in dogs.

Severe symptoms diseases appear at 1-1.5 years, after the end of the dog’s intensive growth. But genetic predisposition cannot completely become the impetus for the development of the disease. Doctors have found that the development of the disease is influenced by a combination of hereditary predisposition and the influence of environmental factors.

Important. It is advisable to exclude the presence of a predisposition to dysplasia already at the stage of purchasing a puppy. Before purchasing, you need to study the parents' documents. However, it is worth remembering that even two puppies from the same litter that are predisposed to the disease, if placed in different living conditions, may have different development illness.

There are reasons that provoke the disease and contribute to its development:

  • Nutritional imbalance. Excessive amounts of meat in the absence of vegetables, cereals and fruits in the diet quickly leads to joint pain.
  • Excess of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Their excess in food negatively affects the development of bone tissue.
  • Obesity. Excess weight leads to increased stress on the joints and increased deformation.
  • Heavy physical activity.
  • Inactivity.
  • Limb injuries.

The most a clear sign diseases, can cause lameness in the dog.

An attentive owner will immediately determine that something wrong is happening to his pet. Change in gait and impairment appearance dogs indicates the development of pathology.

The following signs may indicate defects:

  • Limping, swaying while walking.
  • Incorrect paw placement when running (pushing off the surface with both legs at once).
  • Stiffness of movements.
  • Incorrect posture when lying down - the hind legs are turned in different directions.
  • Body asymmetry. The dog transfers the bulk of its body weight to the front part of the body, while the pelvis becomes narrow as the muscles atrophy hind legs.
  • Swelling of the joints.
  • Pain when touching the paws.

Any of these signs should be a reason to contact your veterinarian. Timely help It will help your dog slow down or completely stop the progression of the disease. Dysplasia detected at an early age, when bones are still developing, is cured much faster.

Distinct clinical manifestations DTS arise in at different ages dogs and depend on the individual characteristics of the dog. In mild cases, the disease manifests itself only in some weakness of the animal’s hind limbs, which does not affect its working condition. Lameness begins to progress as physical activity increases. The dog refuses to follow some commands and gets tired quickly.

Initially carried out x-ray examination.

Dysplasia is diagnosed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the dog and an x-ray examination. The doctor palpates the dog’s joints, evaluates their mobility, and listens for creaks or friction when bending and straightening the paws. In most cases, an experienced specialist can make a primary diagnosis based on these signs.

The dog is prescribed an x-ray examination. The picture can be taken only after the administration of anesthesia, since it is impossible to ensure the animal’s immobility without this. X-ray will allow the doctor to examine the location of the articular cavity and femoral neck and determine the presence of deformities.

To obtain high-quality images, you must follow the following rules:

  • Small dogs are examined only after 1 year, large dogs - after 1.5 years.
  • Each animal is filmed twice.
  • The picture is taken in a supine position, with legs extended parallel.

Arthroscopy is an examination aimed at objective assessment joint conditions and recognition of dysplasia. The procedure is endoscopic. By inserting a miniature camera into the joint area through a small puncture, the doctor can examine the structure of the cartilage. This examination is expensive and is not carried out in all clinics.

After the examination, the doctor determines the category of dysplasia:

  • A – joint without significant pathology.
  • B – predisposition to disease.
  • WITH - initial stage diseases.
  • D – moderate dysplasia.
  • E – severe form of dysplasia.

After the examination, the doctor determines the category.

To treat dysplasia, depending on the condition of the articular tissue and the individual condition of the animal’s body, conservative and surgical treatment is used.

Conservative methods

Pathology of the hip joint is amenable to drug treatment on early stages development. This technique is aimed at restoring cartilage tissue, relieving swelling and pain.

Treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs, on early stages amenable to drug treatment.

Conservative treatment is based on the use of:

  • Chondoprotectors - drugs aimed at restoring cartilage and joint tissues (Adequan, Glucosamine, Artra, Teraflex, Chionate, Chondrolone, Mucosat, Pentosan). The drugs are prescribed as intravenous drips, intramuscular injections, injections into the joint. Medicines are prescribed in combination or separately.
  • Antispasmodics that relieve pain - No-shpa, Baralgin, Analgin.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesulide, Rimadyl.
  • Mineral complexes based on chondroitins and glucosamine - Omega-3, Omega-6 complexes.
  • Along with medicines The dog is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

The most effective are:

  • Paraffin therapy.
  • Ozokerite.
  • Magnetic therapy.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Massage.

Operative technique

Conservative treatment may not always give the desired result in the treatment of hip dysplasia (HJD). When the disease reached last stages, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention. The duration and complexity of the operation depends on the condition of the joint. Sometimes it is enough to just remove a small cartilage growth inside the joint.

Photo of hip replacement in dogs

If the joint is severely deformed, the following types of operations are used:

  • Excision of the femoral neck and head. The operation is quite traumatic, and the recovery period after it can be long. After excision, the joint is completely restored, and the animal can move freely without the use of any prostheses.
  • Osteotomy– dissection of the bone and adjustment of the location of the articular fossa. The joint occupies correct position. Surgery is possible in uncomplicated forms of the disease.
  • Myectomy– excision of the pectineus muscle during the puppy’s growth period. Practice shows that complete cure This technique does not give, but it can significantly reduce lameness and restore motor function of the joint. The indication for this type of surgical intervention is the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment with drugs. Myectomy has the greatest effect when the dog is between 6 and 12 months old.
  • Resection arthroplasty– joint resection to reduce pain. This operation reduces the contact of the joint head with the glenoid cavity. After the operation, when moving, the friction of the head against the socket stops, and the dog stops experiencing pain. This type of surgical intervention is used for small breeds of dogs weighing up to 20 kilograms. Resection arthroplasty is performed at any age of the animal.
  • Endoprosthetics. Used at the last stage of dysplasia. The dog's joint is changed to an artificial one made from titanium alloy. Prosthetics are used when other surgical methods have failed or do not make sense. After completing the rehabilitation course, the dog continues to move without pain syndrome and lead a normal life. Muscle atrophy is a contraindication for endoprosthetics, so if there are indications for installing a prosthesis, it should be done as soon as possible. From an economic and functional point of view, installation of a prosthesis is recommended for dogs weighing more than 30 kilograms.

Prevention of dysplasia

A guarantee of the absence of hip dysplasia (HD) in dogs is selection and genetic prevention. To obtain healthy offspring, it is necessary to breed healthy parents. Dog trainers and breeders should be especially interested in addressing the problem to maintain the health of the breeds being bred.

However, parents can be carriers of the disease at the genetic level, so it is not always possible to exclude the possibility of its manifestation in the offspring.

Feed your pet correctly and do not overload it with physical activity.

Owners of dog breeds predisposed to hip dysplasia (HJD) should especially carefully monitor the normalization of the animal’s diet in order to prevent obesity. Excess weight in a dog is an increased load on the joints, therefore, a provoking factor in the development of dysplasia.

Attention. Reducing caloric intake by reducing the amount of meat consumed and replacing it with carbohydrates is the wrong way. This approach will lead to new problems with the pet’s health. The dog's diet must be designed in such a way that it receives all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development.

The development of hip dysplasia (HJD) is influenced by the organization of physical activity. Harmful to the musculoskeletal system: insufficient and excessive physical activity. You should not give increased stress during the puppy’s growth period. Continuous running over too long distances is harmful at any age.

If dysplasia has already begun to develop, you should immediately limit physical activity, reduce the time of exercise and play with the animal. Sign excess load The dog's lameness after a walk affects the body. Experts recommend walking dogs with dysplasia on the lawn, excluding walking on asphalt. Swimming is beneficial for dogs, as in water the load on the joints is reduced, while other muscle groups receive the necessary load.

Cold and humidity are contraindicated for sick dogs, as they lead to exacerbation of joint problems. Dogs with dysplasia must be kept in a warm, dry room, otherwise they will suffer from joint aches and night pain.

Hip dysplasia in dogs, which is genetic, affects the animal sooner or later, despite the preventive measures taken. The owner’s task is to provide assistance to a sick animal and reduce pain in order to preserve motor activity pet.

The concept of dysplasia, unfortunately, is familiar to many breeders of large breed dogs. And, as practice shows, every year this problem becomes more and more urgent. And there are several reasons for this, but the first and most important is incorrect selection, a frivolous and illiterate approach to breeding. Of course, dysplasia causes enormous inconvenience for both the dog and its owner, but this is not a death sentence. At proper treatment, maintenance and care, the animal can live quite normal life. This is exactly what we’ll talk about right now.


A scary word for a dog breeder: dysplasia

Dysplasia in dogs, to be more specific in simple language, then this is incorrect formation and subsequent operation of the joint. Today we most often hear the term “hip dysplasia,” but the disease can affect any type of joint. Of course, due to the special structure of the dog’s skeleton, we most often refer this concept specifically to the hind limbs. In order to more accurately understand what is hidden under this word, you need to consider what a healthy and “sick” joint looks like.

As can be seen in the picture of the hip joint, when it is healthy, the cup has the shape of a hemispherical depression. At the same time, it covers most of the surface of the head of the bone. In the presence of dysplasia, the shape of this cup approaches flat, so the head of the bone does not fit into it correctly. Often due to heavy weight body, the bone falls out of the bowl. Typically, a flat cup shape is hereditary in many dog ​​breeds.

Different stages of manifestation of dysplasia

Today, veterinary medicine distinguishes three stages of dysplasia:

  • mild violation of the first degree - the cup is only slightly flattened, but the head of the bone itself sits deep;
  • average violation of the second stage - the cup is flattened, and the top of the bone has the shape of a mushroom, the joint is still articulated quite firmly;
  • severe stage of the third and fourth stages - the cup is strongly flattened, the surface of the head is heterogeneous, the joint seems to be in a state of dislocation.

Causes and factors of dysplasia

The most important and main cause of any form of dysplasia is a hereditary factor. When mating parents with this defect, extreme negative result. If one of the parents has dysplasia, then 50% of the litter will also have this defect. Even apparently healthy but susceptible dogs carry a greater than 37% risk of producing affected offspring. Dogs with a mild degree of impairment may be allowed for service, but not for breeding.

The World Canine Federation prohibits allowing male dogs with any form of dysplasia to be bred. Bitches are only allowed in individually(value of the individual) with a mild degree of defect.

One more important factor transmission of dysplasia is the mating of individuals with disproportion in size. The need to obtain bones of the required length leads to the formation of sharp angles of their connection, which entails a shift in the center of gravity. Therefore, when breeding, it is always worth paying attention to such points as a slight tilt of the pelvis, a small angle of the hips. Most often, running dogs, which naturally have a sloping croup and sharp angles of the joints, are prone to this. However, heredity is far from the only cause of dysplasia; the following are also distinguished:

  1. Heavy loads and activity. In most dog breeds, complete skeletal formation is completed by about one year, but in some large dogs only by two years. During this period, the puppy develops intensively and grows, but its joints are still at the formation stage. Therefore, extremely undesirable loads are stronger, which have a positive effect on the muscles, but a negative effect on the joints - their displacement and improper articulation may occur.
  2. Insufficient activity. But also a too passive lifestyle in at a young age is also a factor that causes dysplasia. After all, as we know, the proper development of bones also depends on their work. Lack of movement in puppies leads to underdevelopment of the joint and muscles.
  3. Incorrect excess diet. Fast growth and lack nutrients– another factor leading to joint dysfunction. Therefore, puppies with intensive growth should be limited in feeding, given specially developed food for large breed puppies, and properly select minerals and nutrients.
  4. Overweight. Too much stress on unformed joints leads to their improper development.
  5. Injuries. Any injury to the joint and its incorrect treatment can lead to dysplasia.

When we talk about this defect, we most often mention hip dysplasia. But why exactly does he suffer so often? The fact is that in dogs, due to the structure of their bodies, it is this joint that bears the greatest load. Especially when running and jumping, this area experiences powerful pressure, and any discrepancy leads to increased friction. As a result, deformation of the surface and abrasion of the cartilage of the hind limbs occurs.


As shown veterinary practice and numerous studies of this issue, dysplasia and its first symptoms appear in 2-9 month old puppies. It all depends on the growth rate and breed of the dog. As a rule, only by the age of one year is the formation of the skeleton completed and the degree of impairment stabilizes. Therefore, before 9 months, experts do not advise making hasty conclusions and tests, since the disorder can only be a temporary age-related phenomenon.

All studies to determine the breeding suitability of a dog are carried out no earlier than 12 months, and in some cases no earlier than 18.

There are small changes in the joints that can only be seen on an x-ray. They, as a rule, do not affect the health and activity of the dog in any way. But hereditary defects are already clearly visible from the age of 4 months in the behavior and movement of the puppy. For example, a puppy may be quite sluggish in its movements, reluctant jumping, an unsteady gait, a shaky gait, and stiffness when running. Visually, such dogs clearly have narrow and weak hips.

Main types of dysplasia

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

A very severe stage of joint damage, which is associated with calcification of the epiphysis. The dog is usually affected from birth, and the joints may appear swollen and have a wobbly, unsteady gait. Puppies suddenly stop growing. This defect is also hereditary, but its genetic origin has not yet been precisely studied.

Elbow dysplasia

Another one frequent deviation joints, which is associated with a developmental defect elbow joint forelimbs. As a rule, it is observed already at 4-6 months and can affect both two and one paw. Most often, elbow dysplasia in dogs is removed through surgery and surgical treatment, but sick individuals are not allowed to breed even after recovery. This defect also has genetic roots.

Hip dysplasia

As we have already said, this is the most common type of defect that is observed in large breeds of dogs. Veterinarians identify the following main symptoms, which determine both the degree and presence of hip dysplasia:

  • incorrect position of the hind limbs;
  • the difficulty of performing the “frog” pose - spread out hind legs in a position lying on your stomach;
  • low activity;
  • the occurrence of lameness during prolonged physical activity;
  • gait instability;
  • the puppy has difficulty getting up;
  • jumping difficulties;
  • cannot go down or up stairs.

Hip dysplasia in dogs also causes body asymmetry. For example, the chest is wide and large, and the pelvis is narrow, the hind legs are poorly developed. When dogs move, they transfer weight and load to the front part of the body, thereby developing it more strongly. It is important to note that at a young age the body can compensate for the defect by deposition of new tissue on the bones, but with old age the disease only intensifies. Therefore, it is important to carry out comprehensive treatment and maintenance.

Treatment and prevention of dysplasia

Today it is impossible to cure dysplasia completely, but it is possible to slow down its development through various methods and means to make life easier for a sick pet. If it so happens that your dog has this defect, then you need to make every effort to ensure that she lives a full and painless life. For this, complex drugs and painkillers are used. For example, Quadrisol -5 is often used for pain, Phenylbutazone is used to relieve inflammation, Stride is used for joint destruction, any mineral and vitamin preparations, as well as special diet and physical activity regimen.

Surgical treatment

As one of the methods of treating very complex and advanced forms in which the dog’s movement is generally difficult to achieve. It is rarely used, since the veterinarian cannot guarantee the result and success of the operation. At the same time, today many types of operations are performed for dysplasia. The specific type of treatment is prescribed by the surgeon after a complete examination.

Pectineus muscle myectomy

A simple operation in which the surgeon cuts the pectineus muscle inside the hip joint. This helps relieve pressure on the joint and reduce pain when moving. This operation is performed only on young dogs in order to further stabilize the condition.

Resection arthroplasty

During this operation the head hip bone is removed, and the limb itself is fixed to a special ligament. At the same time, mobility is preserved only in dogs weighing no more than 15 kg. Therefore, heavy breeds, as a rule, undergo such an operation to no avail.

Triple pelvic osteotomy

It is a rather complicated operation that not every surgeon can perform. In this case, the bone with the socket is dissected, after which it is turned so that the hip joint is in better contact with it. The result is secured with an additional plate. Only performed on young dogs.

Interacetabular osteotomy

In this operation, a wedge-shaped piece at the neck of the bone is removed. As a result, the bone fits better into the cavity, and the bone is fixed with a special plate. Only done on young dogs.

Hip replacement

Done in special centers with availability necessary tools and hip prostheses. During the operation, the entire diseased joint is removed and replaced with a new one. In most cases, the result of treatment allows the dog to completely return to normal life.

Use of drugs

Unlike operations, the use special drugs are not able to treat hind limb dysplasia, but only remove some of its symptoms. For example, Rimadyl eliminates or reduces lameness. The drug is used for life. Also today there is whole line homeopathic remedies, for example, Traumel, Discuscom.

Proper feeding

A dog suffering from limb dysplasia must necessarily consume supplements containing chondroetin and glucosamine. They can be used both as a preventive measure for puppies and in cases of obvious illness. But they do not cure, they only help to restrain Negative consequences dysplasia. In general nutritional rules, a highly nutritious diet and strict weight control come first. You should not allow the age norm to be exceeded.

Physical exercise

Dogs with a tendency to limb dysplasia or an already obvious form of it should not have a heavy load. Long runs, jumping, playing with healthy dogs - all this only leads to a more complicated stage of the disease. But even without movement, nothing good will come of it; the golden mean is important here. Until 6-7 months, too active exercise is prohibited for dogs prone to dysplasia, but this does not apply to swimming. Only starting from this age, under strict supervision of a veterinarian and based on the test results, can the load be increased.

Dysplasia detection test

A test to detect dysplasia is carried out at veterinary centers where there is an X-ray machine. At the age of 1 to 1.5 years, the dog must be examined by a doctor, the limbs must be palpated and an X-ray of the hip joint must be performed. Depending on the test result, either treatment and support is prescribed, or surgery. Such a test allows you to find out the exact degree of the disease or predisposition to its occurrence. However, there are other types of tests developed by different veterinarians, such as the Ortolani test.

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Video “What does a dog owner need to know about dysplasia?”

In this video you can find out more information about this disease from the words of an experienced breeder. He will not only tell you the symptoms, but also preventive measures for your pet. Special attention Pay attention to muscle development lessons given by a specialist.

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Experienced dog breeders know this well. genetic disease , like canine hip dysplasia, which affects some large breeds. The disease can be diagnosed at an early age, but in the absence necessary treatment it can lead to complete immobilization of the dog.

Causes and features of joint dysplasia in dogs

Hip dysplasia in dogs was first identified and described in America 70 years ago, while in humans this disease has been identified and treated for a long time. Subsequently, Swedish veterinarians proved that the disease, as a rule, oh, found in large breeds and is caused by hereditary factors. However, the size of the dog is not a determining factor in the occurrence of the disease, since even small breeds, such as chow chows, can also suffer from hip dysplasia.

Doctors' observations have proven that puppies can be born with normally developed joints, which are then susceptible to disease due to hereditary disposition. Moreover, in large dogs the disease progresses at high speed, as they rapidly gain weight, which is a burden for weak joints. Moreover, this disease is dangerous for short-legged breeds.

Typically, hip dysplasia occurs in Newfoundlands, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, St. Bernards, English bulldogs, Boxers and Great Danes. Greyhounds are free from this disease. In 90% of cases, dysplasia is observed simultaneously on two hip joints, 4% occur on the left unilateral lesion, 6% on the right.

Hip dysplasia in dogs represents a developmental defect joint in the area of ​​the glenoid cavity. At first, the disease was called subluxation of the articular head, since this causes an increase in the gap between the articular cavity and the head of the bone. The bone does not fit tightly to the joint, resulting in friction and wear of the head. The joint becomes flattened and deformed.

Today, the definition of dysplasia in dogs includes any deviations from natural formation hip joint.

Pronounced symptoms of the disease appear at 1.2-1.5 years, after the end of intensive growth of the animal. However genetic disposition cannot completely be the impetus for the development of the disease in the future. Veterinarians have proven that the onset of the disease is influenced by a combination of hereditary disposition and exposure to environmental factors.

Attention: It is best to prevent the presence of a predisposition to dysplasia at the stage of buying a puppy. Before purchasing, you must carefully read the parents' documents. But we must not forget that even several puppies from the same litter that are prone to the disease, when exposed to different living conditions, can have different development diseases.

Exist reasons that provoke disease and contribute to its development:

The most obvious sign of the disease may be lameness of the animal.

Attentive owner He will immediately be able to determine that something wrong is happening to his dog. Changes in the appearance and gait of the animal indicate the development of the disease.

The following symptoms may indicate the disease:

Any of the above symptoms should be a reason for a visit to the veterinarian. Timely assistance to the animal can help slow down or completely stop the development of the disease. Dysplasia in dogs, which discovered at an early age When the bones are just beginning to develop, it is treated much faster.

Clear symptoms of dysplasia in dogs appear in at different ages and will depend on the individual characteristics of the animal. In mild stages, the disease is expressed only in some weakness of the hind legs, this will not affect the working condition of the dog. Lameness progresses with increasing physical activity. The animal quickly gets tired and refuses to carry out certain commands.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dysplasia can only be determined by a veterinarian after an X-ray examination, as well as a thorough examination of the dog. Doctor feels the animal's joints, determines their mobility, listens for the presence of friction or squeaks during extension and flexion of the legs. Most often, a professional veterinarian can make a primary diagnosis based on these signs.

The animal is prescribed an x-ray examination. The picture is taken only after the administration of anesthesia, since it is impossible to ensure the dog’s immobility without this. An x-ray will allow the veterinarian to examine the location of the femoral neck and glenoid cavity and identify the presence of deformities.

To get high-quality images, you must follow these rules:

  • The picture is taken in a supine position, with legs extended parallel.
  • Each dog is filmed twice.
  • Small breeds are examined only after one year, large dogs - after 2 years.

Arthroscopy is an examination that is aimed at recognizing dysplasia and real assessment joint condition. The procedure itself is endoscopic. By inserting a small camera into the joint area through a small puncture, the veterinarian can view the structure of the cartilage. This examination is quite expensive and is not performed in all clinics.

Treatment of DTS in dogs

For the treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs, depending on the condition individual characteristics animal body and joint tissue, surgical and conservative treatment is used.

Conservative methods

Diseases of the hip joint are amenable to drug therapy only in the early stages of development. This method is aimed at relieving pain and swelling, as well as restoring cartilage tissue.

Conservative treatment is based on the use of:

  • Antispasmodics that relieve pain syndrome- Analgin, Baralgin, No-shpa.
  • Chondoprotectors are products that are aimed at restoring articular and cartilage tissues (Glucosamine, Adequan, Teraflex, Artra, Chondrolone, Chionate, Pentosan, Mucosat). All means are used in the form of injections into the joint, intramuscular injections, intravenous drips. The drugs are used individually or in combination.
  • Mineral complexes based on glucosamine and chondroitins - Omega 3 or 6 complexes.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - Rimadyl or Nimesulide.

Together with medicines the animal is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

The most effective are considered:

  • Ozokerite.
  • Paraffin therapy.
  • Massage.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Magnetic treatment.

Surgical method

Conservative therapy may not always produce effective results in the treatment of DTS. If the disease has reached its final stages, then surgical operation. The complexity and duration of the operation will depend on the condition of the joint. In some cases, it is enough to remove only a minor cartilage growth inside the joint.

When the joint is severely deformed, then The following types of operations are used:

  • Osteotomy – correction of the location of the articular fossa and dissection of the bone. The joint takes the correct position. The operation can be performed during the uncomplicated stage of the disease.
  • Excision of the femoral head and neck. The operation is quite traumatic, and the recovery time after it can be very long. The joint is completely restored after excision, and the dog will be able to move freely without the use of any prostheses.
  • Endoprosthetics. Used at the last stage of dysplasia. The joint is replaced with an artificial one made of titanium alloy. Prosthetics are used when other methods have failed. After the rehabilitation course the animal continues to lead a normal life and move without pain.
  • Resection arthroplasty is the resection of a joint to reduce pain. This operation reduces the contact of the glenoid cavity with the head of the joint. After the operation, during movement, the friction of the head against the socket stops, and the animal stops feeling pain. This type of surgery is used for small species dogs weighing up to 25 kg.
  • Myectomy - removal of the pectineus muscle during puppy development. Practice proves that complete treatment This method does not, but it can significantly restore the motor function of the joint and reduce lameness.

Disease prevention

The main guarantee of the absence of hip dysplasia in dogs is genetic selection prevention. For getting healthy dogs needs to be produced mating of healthy parents. Breeders and dog handlers must be most interested in resolving the problem to maintain the health of the dogs being bred.

But parents may be carriers of the disease at the genetic level, so it is not always possible to exclude the possibility of its manifestation in the offspring.

Owners of dog breeds that are predisposed to hip dysplasia most carefully need to monitor the normalization of the animal's daily diet in order to avoid obesity. Excessive weight is an increased load on the joints, which, of course, is a provoking factor in the development of dysplasia.

Important: Reducing caloric intake by reducing the amount of meat consumed and replacing it with carbohydrates is the wrong way. This method will lead to the emergence of new health problems for the animal. Your pet's diet must be designed so that it receives all the minerals, vitamins and substances required for development and growth.

The occurrence of hip dysplasia is significantly influenced by the organization physical activity. For musculoskeletal system Both excess and insufficient physical activity are harmful. You should not give a high load while the puppy is growing. At any age, constant running over very long distances is harmful.

When dysplasia is already developing, it is necessary to immediately reduce the time of play and exercise with the animal, as well as limit the load. A sign of excessive stress on the body may be your pet limping after a walk. Experts advise walking dogs with dysplasia on the lawn, excluding walking on asphalt roads. Swimming is beneficial for the animal, since in water the load on the joints is reduced, and other muscle groups receive the required load.

Humidity and cold, which lead to exacerbation of joint diseases, are contraindicated for sick dogs. Dogs with dysplasia must be kept in a dry and warm room, otherwise they will begin to suffer from night pain and aching joints.

Hip dysplasia in dogs, which is genetic, sooner or later affects the animal, despite the measures taken preventive actions. The main task of the owner is to reduce pain and provide assistance to the sick animal to maintain the dog’s motor activity.

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