There is still ongoing debate about what should really be considered the beginning of labor. Clinical course of labor

Childbirth is the process of expulsion or removal from the uterus of a child and placenta (placenta, membranes, umbilical cord) after the fetus reaches viability. Normal physiological childbirth occurs through the natural birth canal. If the baby is delivered by caesarean section or obstetric forceps, or using other delivery operations, then such births are operative.

Typically, timely birth occurs within 38-42 weeks of obstetric period, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period. Wherein average weight a full-term newborn is 3300±200 g, and its length is 50-55 cm. Childbirth, which occurs at 28-37 weeks. pregnancy and earlier are considered premature, and more than 42 weeks. - belated. The average duration of physiological labor ranges from 7 to 12 hours for primiparous women, and from 6 to 10 hours for multiparous women. Labor that lasts 6 hours or less is called rapid, 3 hours or less - rapid, more than 12 hours - protracted. Such births are pathological.

Characteristics of normal vaginal delivery

  • Singleton pregnancy.
  • Head presentation of the fetus.
  • Full proportionality between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis.
  • Full-term pregnancy (38-40 weeks).
  • Coordinated labor activity that does not require corrective therapy.
  • Normal biomechanism of childbirth.
  • Timely release of amniotic fluid when the cervix is ​​dilated by 6-8 cm in the active phase of the first stage of labor.
  • Absence serious breaks birth canal and surgical interventions in childbirth.
  • Blood loss during childbirth should not exceed 250-400 ml.
  • The duration of labor for primiparous women is from 7 to 12 hours, and for multiparous women from 6 to 10 hours.
  • Birth of a living and healthy child without any hypoxic-traumatic or infectious lesions and developmental anomalies.
  • The Apgar score at the 1st and 5th minutes of the child’s life should correspond to 7 points or more.

Stages of physiological childbirth through the natural birth canal: development and maintenance of regular contractile activity of the uterus (contractions); changes in the structure of the cervix; gradual opening of the uterine pharynx up to 10-12 cm; advancement of the child through the birth canal and its birth; separation of the placenta and discharge of the placenta. There are three periods during childbirth: the first is the dilation of the cervix; the second is the expulsion of the fetus; the third is subsequent.

The first stage of labor - dilatation of the cervix

The first stage of labor lasts from the first contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated and is the longest. For primiparous women, it ranges from 8 to 10 hours, and for multiparous women, 6-7 hours. In the first period there are three phases. First or latent phase the first stage of labor begins with the establishment regular rhythm contractions with a frequency of 1-2 per 10 minutes, and ends with smoothing or pronounced shortening of the cervix and opening of the uterine pharynx by at least 4 cm. The duration of the latent phase is on average 5-6 hours. In primiparous women, the latent phase is always longer than in multiparous women. During this period, contractions are usually not painful. As a rule, no drug correction is required during the latent phase of labor. But in women of late or young age, if there are any complicating factors, it is advisable to promote the processes of dilation of the cervix and relaxation of the lower segment. For this purpose, it is possible to prescribe antispasmodic drugs.

After the cervix dilates by 4 cm, the second or active phase the first stage of labor, which is characterized by intense labor and rapid opening of the uterine pharynx from 4 to 8 cm. The average duration of this phase is almost the same in primiparous and multiparous women and averages 3-4 hours. The frequency of contractions in the active phase of the first stage of labor is 3-5 per 10 minutes. Contractions most often become painful. Painful sensations predominate in the lower abdomen. During active behavior of a woman (standing position, walking) contractile activity the uterus increases. In this regard, they use drug pain relief in combination with antispasmodic drugs. The amniotic sac should open on its own at the height of one of the contractions when the cervix opens 6-8 cm. At the same time, about 150-200 ml of light and transparent amniotic fluid is poured out. If spontaneous discharge of amniotic fluid has not occurred, then when the uterine pharynx is dilated by 6-8 cm, the doctor must open the amniotic sac. Simultaneously with the dilation of the cervix, the fetal head moves along the birth canal. At the end of the active phase, the uterine os opens completely or almost completely, and the fetal head descends to the level of the pelvic floor.

The third phase of the first stage of labor is called deceleration phase. It begins after the uterine pharynx is dilated by 8 cm and continues until the cervix is ​​fully dilated to 10-12 cm. During this period, it may seem that labor has weakened. This phase in primiparous women lasts from 20 minutes to 1-2 hours, and in multiparous women it may be completely absent.

During the entire first stage of labor, the condition of the mother and her fetus is constantly monitored. Monitor intensity and effectiveness labor activity, the condition of the woman in labor (well-being, pulse rate, breathing, blood pressure, temperature, discharge from the genital tract). The fetal heartbeat is regularly listened to, but most often constant cardiac monitoring is performed. During normal labor, the baby does not suffer during uterine contractions, and its heart rate does not change significantly. During labor, it is necessary to assess the position and advancement of the head in relation to pelvic landmarks. A vaginal examination during labor is performed to determine the insertion and advancement of the fetal head, to assess the degree of opening of the cervix, and to clarify the obstetric situation.

Mandatory vaginal examinations performed in the following situations: when a woman enters maternity hospital; when amniotic fluid ruptures; with the onset of labor; in case of deviations from the normal course of labor; before anesthesia; when bloody discharge from the birth canal. One should not be afraid of frequent vaginal examinations; it is much more important to ensure complete orientation in assessing the correct course of labor.

Second stage of labor - expulsion of the fetus

The period of expulsion of the fetus begins from the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated and ends with the birth of the child. During childbirth, it is necessary to monitor bladder and bowel function. Fullness of the bladder and rectum hinders normal flow childbirth To prevent the bladder from overflowing, the woman in labor is asked to urinate every 2-3 hours. In the absence of independent urination, catheterization is used. Timely emptying is important lower section intestines (enema before childbirth and during its protracted course). Difficulty or absence of urination is a sign of pathology.

Position of the woman in labor

Special attention deserves the position of a woman in childbirth. IN obstetric practice the most popular are back birth, which is convenient from the point of view of assessing the nature of the course of labor. However, the position of the woman in labor on her back is not the best for the contractile activity of the uterus, for the fetus and for the woman herself. In this regard, most obstetricians recommend that women in the first stage of labor sit, walk for a short time, or stand. You can get up and walk both with intact and emptied water, but provided that the fetal head is tightly fixed at the pelvic inlet. In some cases, it is practiced for a woman in labor to stay in a warm pool during the first stage of labor. If the location is known (according to ultrasound data), then the optimal one is position of the woman in labor on that side where the back of the fetus is located. In this position, the frequency and intensity of contractions does not decrease, the basal tone of the uterus is preserved normal values. In addition, studies have shown that in this position the blood supply to the uterus, uterine and uteroplacental blood flow improves. The fetus is always positioned facing the placenta.

It is not recommended to feed a woman in labor during labor for a number of reasons: the food reflex is suppressed during labor. During childbirth, a situation may arise in which anesthesia is required. The latter creates the danger of aspiration of stomach contents and acute disorder breathing.

From the moment the uterine os opens completely, the second stage of labor begins, which consists of the actual expulsion of the fetus, and ends with the birth of the child. The second period is the most critical, since the fetal head must pass through the closed bony ring of the pelvis, narrow enough for the fetus. When the presenting part of the fetus descends to the pelvic floor, contractions are joined by contractions of the abdominal muscles. Attempts begin, with the help of which the child moves through the vulvar ring and the process of his birth occurs.

From the moment the head is cut in, everything should be ready for delivery. As soon as the head has erupted and does not go deeper after pushing, they proceed directly to the delivery. Help is necessary because, while erupting, the head provides strong pressure to the pelvic floor and possible perineal ruptures. During obstetric care, the perineum is protected from damage; carefully remove the fetus from the birth canal, protecting it from adverse effects. When the fetal head is brought out, it is necessary to restrain its excessively rapid advancement. In some cases they perform perineal dissection to facilitate the birth of a child, which avoids failure of the pelvic floor muscles and prolapse of the vaginal walls due to their excessive stretching during childbirth. Usually the birth of a child occurs in 8-10 attempts. The average duration of the second stage of labor for primiparous women is 30-60 minutes, and for multiparous women it is 15-20 minutes.

IN last years in some European countries the so-called vertical birth. Proponents of this method believe that in the position of the woman in labor, standing or kneeling, the perineum is easier to stretch and the second stage of labor is accelerated. However, in this position it is difficult to monitor the condition of the perineum, prevent its ruptures, and remove the head. In addition, the strength of the arms and legs is not fully used. As for the use of special chairs for vertical childbirth, they can be classified as alternative options.

Immediately after the birth of the child, if umbilical cord is not compressed, and it is located below the level of the mother, then a reverse “infusion” of 60-80 ml of blood occurs from the placenta to the fetus. In this regard, the umbilical cord should not be crossed during a normal birth and the newborn is in satisfactory condition, but only after the pulsation of the vessels has stopped. In this case, until the umbilical cord is crossed, the child cannot be raised above the plane of the delivery table, otherwise a backflow of blood from the newborn to the placenta occurs. After the birth of the child, the third stage of labor begins - the afterbirth stage.

The third stage of labor is the afterbirth

The third period (afterbirth) is determined from the moment of birth of the child until the separation of the placenta and the discharge of the placenta. In the afterbirth period, during 2-3 contractions, the placenta and membranes are separated from the walls of the uterus and the afterbirth is expelled from the genital tract. In all women giving birth in the afterbirth period, to prevent bleeding, intravenous drugs that promote uterine contraction. After birth, a thorough examination of the child and mother is carried out to identify possible birth injuries. During normal course afterbirth blood loss is no more than 0.5% of body weight (on average 250-350 ml). This blood loss is physiological, since it does not have a negative effect on the woman’s body. After expulsion of the placenta, the uterus enters a state of prolonged contraction. When the uterus contracts, its blood vessels are compressed and bleeding stops.

Newborns are given screening assessment for phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia. After birth, information about the characteristics of childbirth, the condition of the newborn, recommendations maternity hospital transferred to the antenatal clinic doctor. If necessary, the mother and her newborn are advised by specialized specialists. Documentation about the newborn is sent to the pediatrician, who subsequently monitors the child.

It should be noted that in some cases, preliminary hospitalization in a maternity hospital is necessary to prepare for delivery. In the hospital, in-depth clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out to select the timing and method of delivery. An individual birth management plan is drawn up for each pregnant woman (mother in labor). The patient is introduced to the proposed delivery plan. Obtain her consent to the proposed manipulations and operations during childbirth (stimulation, amniotomy, cesarean section).

C-section perform not at the woman's request, since this is an unsafe operation, but only by medical indications(absolute or relative). Childbirth in our country is not carried out at home, but only in an obstetric hospital under direct supervision medical supervision and control, since any childbirth is fraught with the possibility of various complications for the mother, fetus and newborn. The birth is led by a doctor, and the midwife, under the supervision of a doctor, provides manual assistance at the birth of the fetus and carries out the necessary treatment of the newborn. The birth canal is examined and repaired by a doctor if it is damaged.

Already assembled, ready, the whole family is waiting - when will the most crucial moment come? When is it time for mom(s) to go to the maternity hospital?
Childbirth usually begins with contractions - they mean that birth process has begun. To understand that labor is definitely underway and you need to hurry, it is useful to know at what interval the contractions come and how long they last. Let's talk about this in more detail!

- these are periodic involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, characterized by increasing dynamics and intensity. They allow the cervix to open - the “exit” for the baby.

Phases of labor pains

There are three stages (phases) of labor pains:

  1. initial (hidden) phase
  2. active phase
  3. transition phase (deceleration phase)

Each phase has its own duration, time intervals between contractions and the degree of dilatation of the cervix.

Initial phase

On average, the first phase of contractions lasts about 7-8 hours. At first they can last 10-15 seconds, with an interval of 15-30 minutes. By the end of this phase, the duration of the contraction can be 30-45 seconds, with an interval of approximately 5 minutes between them.

"During this time, the cervix opens up to 3 cm.

This phase is called hidden, since contractions in it are often painless, and you can simply not notice them - for example, “oversleep” or, conversely, not pay attention to the periodic tone, actively doing business.
During this period, you can finish urgent matters and get ready for the maternity hospital.

JK1986: In the evening, once every hour or two, pain in the lower abdomen made itself felt. It looked like a short spasm. It squeezed and immediately let go. I got ready. I shaved, washed, prepared and sorted the packages. Then the spasms became more frequent, once every half hour, but they were just as short-lived and, one might say, not painful. When these spasms became more noticeable and with an interval of 5-7 minutes, I went to surrender to the nurses. Then it became more frequent and more painful.

Active phase

This phase lasts for first-time mothers from 3 to 5 hours. Uterine contractions become more frequent, prolonged and painful. Contractions in the second phase of labor last from 40 seconds to 1 minute. The interval between them in this phase can be from 5 to 2 minutes.

"By the end of the active phase, the dilation of the cervix already reaches 7 centimeters.

The onset of the active phase - that is, noticeable contractions with an interval of 5 minutes - suggests that you can no longer hesitate, you need to go to meet the baby!

Transition phase (deceleration phase)

By the time the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the interval between contractions decreases to 2-3 minutes, and their duration, on the contrary, increases to 60 seconds. This means that the birth canal is almost or completely open and the pushing period of labor begins. At this stage, the woman may feel pressure on her anus and began to push.
The transition phase lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 - 2 hours, and in women giving birth repeatedly, it can be practically absent, reduced to 2-3 contractions.

Why count contractions?

Why, exactly, are accurate calculations needed? Isn’t it enough to understand that they exist?

Firstly, at first - in order to make sure that the contractions are true, which means that the labor process has begun. After all, most expectant mothers are already familiar with pregnancy from the middle of pregnancy, and closer to childbirth the so-called training contractions are felt. But training contractions are irregular, and the interval between them is not reduced. Additionally, they usually stop completely within two hours.

The main signs of true ones are precisely their regularity and - an indispensable condition - increase in frequency, as well as an increase in duration.

zaichiha: On the day of birth I thought for a very long time whether I was having contractions or not. There were “training sessions” all morning. And I also thought there was a problem with my intestines. Then I decided that the training sessions were very intense, then I drank no-shpa, it didn’t help. And only when I began to suspect real contractions.

Secondly, with the help of calculations you can approximately determine what stage of labor you are at, which means whether it’s time to go to the maternity hospital, and maybe even those around you need to urgently prepare to give birth?!
Exist different points point of view on exactly when, at what intensity of contractions, the woman in labor should end up in the maternity hospital. This, of course, depends on the distance, traffic congestion and, of course, on whether this is the first birth. It must be borne in mind that during the second and subsequent births, the cervix usually opens about 4 hours faster than during the first!

Multiparous women do not need to wait; it is enough to understand that contractions occur regularly.

How to count contractions?

To begin with, note the time when you felt the first contraction, your doctor will need this. Then you need to arm yourself with a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand, paper and a pen. Note the time a contraction starts and the time it ends, and then the start and end of the next one. It might look something like this:

As the intensity of the contractions increases, the woman may become “not up to it” - at this time the husband or father can record the beginning and end of the contractions.
However, if a woman in labor is able to do this, she may well simply remember the intervals between the last contractions and their duration, without recording anything - the main thing is to have a watch at hand.

There are also special programs, which can be installed on your phone and can be used to count the number and duration of contractions. You just need to press a button at the beginning of the fight and another at the end, and the program itself will calculate the necessary data.

Contractions not going according to plan

Although contractions are an indispensable condition natural birth However, the classic scheme does not always await a woman in labor. The above values ​​should be considered average and applicable only to the normal course of labor.
And no tables guarantee that your particular contractions will proceed exactly as “should”: this is still an individual process. For example, contractions can progress from the very beginning until delivery, from two days to less than two hours! And after the water breaks, the contractions sharply intensify and become more frequent.

However, all phases of dilation inevitably occur in every birth.

“The reason that sometimes a woman gives birth “suddenly” is most often the painless nature of contractions in the first, and sometimes partially in the second phase of their labor.

Very often, contractions begin during sleep: the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for their onset, is most actively produced at night. And they notice that they are giving birth, women in such cases are already closer to the period of pushing.

jelina: if there are contractions, then they cannot be confused with anything - I thought so until the second birth, when I realized that I was already giving birth, by pushing at an interval of 7 seconds. I just managed to jump from the prenatal to the birth room.

Little fashionista: There were no “increasing contractions”, strong contractions immediately began, 40 seconds at a time with an interval of 15 seconds, and so on for 6 hours. I periodically passed out from pain.

But even in such cases, counting contractions will be beneficial: the woman will understand that childbirth is very close, and she needs help.

And yet, most often, contractions increase gradually, giving to the expectant mother prepare for difficult work and the subsequent meeting with the baby!

Maceration of the skin of the feet and palms


Miscarriage in progress

Aching pain in the lower abdomen

Hypertonic disease

Vomiting of pregnancy

In any of the above periods



Sulphacylic acid

25. Headache and changes in vision are characteristic of

1. Osteomalacia

2. Pregestosis

4. Nephropathies of the 2nd degree

26. In the second phase of eclampsia

1. Breathing is normal

2. Forced breathing

4. Tachypnea

27. An attack of eclampsia may develop

1. During pregnancy

2. During childbirth

3. In the early postpartum period

28. Toxicoses include

1. Hypertension

3. Hypotension

4. Proteinuria

29. A risk factor for the development of gestosis in pregnant women is

2. Age of primigravida 25 years

3. Second birth

4. Transverse position of the fetus

30. It is typical for a threatened miscarriage

1. Bleeding

4. Shortening of the cervix

31. Copious bleeding is characteristic of

1. Incipient miscarriage

3. Complete miscarriage

4. Threatened miscarriage

32. Next clinical stage miscarriage after threatening

2. Incomplete

33. A sign of postmaturity is

1. Weight 4000g.

2. Fetal hydrocephalus

3. Wide seams and fontanelles

34. Childbirth is considered late during pregnancy with a term

4. 295 days

35. Premature breaking of water is called

2. With the onset of labor

3. When the cervix opens 3 cm.

4. When opening 6 cm.

36. Stages of early spontaneous miscarriage

1. Threatening, abortion in progress, complete abortion

2. Threatened, begun, abortion in progress

3. Threatened, in progress, abortion in progress, incomplete abortion

4. Threatened, in progress, abortion in progress, incomplete or complete abortion

37. Premature birth- birth at term (in weeks)

38. A basin with external dimensions 23-25-28-18 is called

1. Transversely tapered

2. Flat-rachitic

3. Generally uniformly narrowed

4. Simple flat

39. The transversely narrowed pelvis has dimensions

40. Vasten’s sign indicates

1. Clinical discrepancy between the fetal head and maternal pelvis

2. Completed uterine rupture

3. Pregnancy

4. Placenta previa

41. A generally uniformly narrowed pelvis is characterized by

1. Thin bones

2. Uniform reduction of all sizes

3. Sharp pubic angle

4. All of the above

42. What form of narrowing of the pelvis corresponds to its dimensions (25-28-31-18)

1. Simple flat

2. Flat-rachitic

3. Generally uniformly narrowed

4. Generally narrowed flat

43. What shape of the pelvis corresponds to its dimensions (27-27-30-18)

1. Simple flat

2. Flat-rachitic

3. Generally uniformly narrowed

4. Generally narrowed flat

44. The degree of narrowing of the pelvis is determined by the conjugate

1. Outdoor

2. Anatomical

3. Diagonal

4. True

45. What is characteristic of a flat-rachitic pelvis?

1. Reduction of all direct dimensions

2. Reducing the direct size of the pelvic inlet

3. Reducing the direct size of the pelvic outlet

4. Reducing all sizes

46. ​​The most typical thing for a twin pregnancy is

1. Post-maturity

2. Miscarriage

3. Development of large fruits

4. Violent labor

47. In a primigravida woman in labor

1. First comes the opening of the external pharynx

2. First comes the opening of the internal pharynx

3. Shortening and opening cervix goes simultaneously

4. First comes the opening of the cervix, and then its shortening

48. The second stage of labor is called the period

1. Cervical dilatation

2. Expulsion of the fetus

3. Preliminary

4. Follower

49. The point around which extension of the head occurs is called

1. Wired

2. Presenter

3. Fixation point

4. Reference point

50. The second stage of labor begins from the moment

1. Full dilatation of the cervix

2. Start of pushing contractions

3. Breaking water

4. The appearance of contractions after 3 minutes for 40 seconds

51. Lengthening the outer segment of the umbilical cord by 10 centimeters is called a sign of separation of the placenta

1. Alfelda

2. Shredder

3. Kustner-Chukalov

52. The set of movements that the fetus makes when passing through the pelvis and birth canal is called

1. Asynclitism

2. Configuration

3. Biomechanism

4. Contraction

53. A healthy postpartum woman has a fundus of the uterus on the 3rd day after birth

1. At the level of the navel

2. 1 cross finger below the navel

3. 3 transverse fingers below the navel

4. 1 transverse finger above the pubis

54. The average duration of labor for multiparous women is

2. 5-7 hours

3. 8-12 hours

4. 13-18 hours

1. Rush of amniotic fluid

2. Removal of the mucus plug

3. Pressing the head to the entrance to the pelvis

4. The appearance of regular contractions and smoothing of the cervix

56. Labor pains are characterized by

1. Frequency, duration, involuntary, painful and forceful contraction

2. Irregularity and involuntariness

3. A woman in labor can control her contractions.

4. Contraction of the uterus in the lower segment

57. Dilatation of the cervix in multiparous women occurs

1. From the external pharynx

2. Both jaws open simultaneously

3. Faster than multiparous women

4. The internal os opens, the neck is smoothed and the outer os closes

58. Permissible blood loss during childbirth is based on body weight

59. Duration postpartum period

1. 1 week

3. 2 weeks

4. 6-8 weeks

60. Reverse development of the uterus is

1. Implantation

2. Epithelization

3. Involution

4. Subinvolution

61. Postpartum discharge

3. Serum

4. Ichor

62. A sign of intrauterine fetal hypoxia is

1. Cord noise

2. Increased fetal heart rate above 160 beats per minute.

3. Listening to the fetal heartbeat below the navel

4. Lack of fetal movement

63. During breech presentation, the heartbeat is heard

1. Below the navel

2. Above the navel

3. Above the womb

4. At the level of the navel

64. Conditions contributing to the development of acute fetal hypoxia

1. Pregnancy

2. The pregnant woman is over 30 years old

3. The pregnant woman is less than 16 years old

4. Prolapse of the umbilical cord loop

65. Pyuria and bacteriuria are a sign in a pregnant woman

1. Early gestosis

2. Late gestosis

3. Pyelonephritis

4. Diabetes

66. The occurrence of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios is usually associated with dysfunction

1. Umbilical cords

2. Bladder

3. Amniotic epithelium

4. Myometrium

67. Most common complication pregnancy during diabetes mellitus

1. Low water

2. Pregnancy

3. Fetal malformations

4. Large size of the fruit

68. Weakness of labor is characterized by

1. Violation of the rhythm and intensity of uterine contractions

2. Excessive intensification of contractions

3. The presence of convulsive contractions of the uterus

4. Lack of coordination of contractions between the right and left halves of the uterus, its upper and lower parts

69. External bleeding in the absence of pain is typical for

1. Placental abruption

2. Placenta previa

3. Incipient miscarriage

4. Threatened miscarriage

70. Most likely placenta previa

1. During your first pregnancy

2. After several abortions

3. During the second pregnancy after normal birth

4. In a primigravida without a complicated medical history

71. If placenta previa is suspected, a vaginal examination can be performed

1. In the antenatal clinic

2. In the emergency room

3. In the prenatal ward

4. In a deployed operating room

72. “Cuveler’s uterus” appears

1. After every birth

2. Due to premature abruption of a normally located placenta

3. If labor is weak

4. In case of incoordination of labor

73. Sign hemorrhagic shock is

1. Frequent thready pulse

2. Increased blood pressure

4. Facial hyperemia

74. Premature abruption of a normally located placenta most often occurs when

1. Gestose

2. Inflammatory changes in the endometrium

3. Immunological conflict between mother and fetus

4. Breech presentation of the fetus

75. The risk group for developing hypotonic bleeding in the early postpartum period includes all postpartum women, except

1. Those whose childbirth was complicated by weakness of labor

2. Those who gave birth to a child weighing more than 4000g

3. Multiparous women

4. Those who have had premature rupture of amniotic fluid

5. Correction of protein balance

76. The main reason for the development of placenta previa

1. Dystrophic changes uterine mucosa

2. Multiple births

3. Polyhydramnios

4. Incorrect fetal position

77. Bleeding during placenta previa is characterized by

1. Blood clot release

2. Undulating, scarlet blood color, painless, causeless

3. Blood color is dark

4. Soreness

78. Clinical sign of premature abruption of a normally located placenta

1. Increased uterine tone, uterine asymmetry

2. The fetal heartbeat is clearly audible

3. No bleeding

4. The uterus is painless

79. The uterus takes shape “ hourglass" at

1. Threat of uterine rupture

2. In case of uterine rupture

3. During a normal contraction

4. Between contractions

80. A perineal rupture in which the rectum ruptures is called a rupture

1. 1st degree

2. 2 degrees

3. 3 degrees

4. 4 degrees

81. With a threatening rupture of the skin of the perineum

2. Blushes

3. Turns pale

4. Remains unchanged

82. Postpartum perineal ulcer refers to the stage of postpartum inflammatory diseases

83. Generalized septic infection includes

1. Postpartum ulcer

2. Parametrite

3. Septicemia

4. Pelvioperitonitis

84. With diffuse peritonitis, the symptom is positive

1. Crede-Lazarevich

2. Kustner-Chukalov

3. Gentera-Geghara

4. Shchetkin-Blumberg

85. The most common purulent-septic complication that develops in the postpartum period is

2. Endometritis

3. Pyelonephritis

4. Thrombophlebitis

86. Acute fetal hypoxia is characterized by

1. Heart rate 130 beats per minute.

2. Arrhythmia

3. Deafness of heart sounds

4. Heart rate 170 beats. per minute

87. Primary weakness of labor is characterized by

1. Painful contractions

2. Short contractions

3. Insufficient dynamics of cervical dilatation

4. Rapid advancement of the presenting part of the fetus

88. Clinical signs threat of uterine rupture

1. Violent labor

2. Bloody discharge from the genital tract

3. Overstretching and pain in the lower segment of the uterus

4. Hypertonicity of the uterus

89. Assessment of the fetal condition using the Apgar scale is carried out after birth through

90. Research methods to diagnose premature detachment normally located placenta

1. External obstetric examination

2. Auscultation of the fetal heartbeat

4. X-ray of the uterus

91. Bleeding with placenta previa is characterized by

1. Suddenness of occurrence

2. Pain in the lower segment of the uterus

3. Repeatability

4. Swelling of the perineum

92. Causes of bleeding in the early postpartum period

1. Rupture of the soft tissues of the birth canal

2. Strangulation of the placenta

3. Hypotony of the uterus

4. Retention of parts of the placenta in the uterus

93. Symptoms of pyelonephritis in a pregnant woman

1. Pain in the epigastric region

2. Pain in the lumbar region

4. Positive symptom Pasternatsky

94. Symptoms postpartum endometritis

1. Pain in the iliac regions

2. Pain in suprapubic region

3. Bloody-purulent suckers

4. Subinvolution of the uterus

95. A postpartum perineal ulcer is characterized by

1. Cyanosis of the perineum

2. Hyperemia of the perineum

3. Purulent discharge

4. Swelling of the perineum

96. Mastitis is promoted by

1. Milk stagnation

2. Hypogalactia

3. Cracked nipples

4. Flat nipples

97. Signs of placental separation

1. Alfelda

2. Kustner-Chukalov

4. Vastena

98. Vaginal examination during childbirth is carried out in order to

1. Definitions of integrity amniotic sac

2. Degree of cervical dilatation

3. Determination of the features of insertion of the fetal head

4. All of the above

99. What contributes to the occurrence clinically narrow pelvis

1. Weakness of labor

2. Early rupture of water

3. Post-term pregnancy

4. Malformations of the uterus

100. Termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman is allowed during pregnancy

1. Up to 14 weeks

2. Up to 22 weeks

3. Up to 12 weeks

- 314.50 Kb

A healthy person and his environment.

With duration menstrual cycle 28 days should be considered





Pharmatex refers to the contraceptive method:






Gonadotropic hormones include:


From 1 kg to 2 kg;

From 2 to 3 kg;

From 3 to 4 kg;

From 4 to 5 kg;

Over 5 kg.

The hypothalamus produces:

Release factor;

What is the transverse position of the fetus?

The axes of the fetus and uterus are at right angles;

The axes of the fetus and uterus coincide;

The axes of the fetus and uterus are at an acute angle;

The axes of the fetus and uterus are at an obtuse angle.

What is the type of fetal position?

The relationship of the fetal back to the ribs of the uterus; "

The ratio of the back to the front or back wall uterus;

The relationship of the head to the ribs of the uterus;

The relationship of the back to the left side of the uterus.

What are contractions?

Contraction of the pelvic floor muscles;

Contraction of the abdominal muscles;

Rhythmic contraction of the uterus;

Reducing the diaphragm.

Prevention of bleeding during childbirth is carried out:





How is gonoblenorea prevented during childbirth?



Sulfacyl sodium 20%;

Sulfacyl sodium 10%.

Method for isolating the placenta according to Abuladze:

Squeezing the placenta with one hand;

Pressing with the edge of the palm over the pubis;

Take abdominal wall in a longitudinal fold;

Press on the fundus of the uterus with two fists;

Apply a clamp to the umbilical cord.

To determine the expected due date based on the last menstrual period, you must:

Add eight months to the first day of the last menstrual period

Subtract three months and add seven days

Subtract four months

Add nine months

The first pregnant woman feels the first movement of the fetus in

Eighteen weeks

Twenty weeks

Twenty two weeks

Sixteen weeks

Leopold's third technique determines

Fetal position

Fetal position

Presenting part of the fetus

Fetal heartbeat

Harbingers of childbirth

Regular, frequent contractions

Leakage of amniotic fluid

False contractions


The reason for the onset of labor is

Mature cervix

Generic dominant

Mature placenta

Overstretched uterus

Rush of amniotic fluid

False contractions

Pressing the head to the entrance to the pelvis

The appearance of regular contractions and smoothing of the cervix

Labor pains are characterized

Frequency, duration, involuntary, painful and force of contraction

Irregularity and involuntary

A woman in labor can control her contractions

Contraction of the uterus in the lower segment

While pushing

Intrauterine pressure decreases

Intra-abdominal pressure decreases

Intra-abdominal pressure increases

Abdominal muscles relax

Main component of the placenta

Adipose tissue


Connective tissue


The afterbirth includes

Placenta and membranes

Chorion and amnion

Placenta, membranes and umbilical cord

Shells and umbilical cord

The vesicle in which the egg grows and matures





A mass containing blood vessels that connects the fetus to the placenta

Spermatic cord

Umbilical cord

The fallopian tubes

The corpus luteum hormone progesterone promotes

Preservation of pregnancy, growth of mammary glands

Termination of pregnancy

Development of the egg

Follicle maturation

Questionable signs of pregnancy

Increased blood pressure

Perversion of taste and smell

Frequent urination


Immunological tests are based on the detection

Corpus luteum hormones

Pituitary hormones


Human chorionic gonadotropin

Weight of the premature fetus (in grams)

During breech presentation, the heartbeat is heard

Below the navel

Above the womb

Above the navel

At navel level

Induced abortion is the termination of pregnancy before

15 weeks

12 weeks

10 weeks

Outer lining of the uterus





Normal vaginal flora

Epithelial cells

Dederlein sticks

E. coli

Formed in the ovaries



Formed elements of blood

The mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes is lined with epithelium

Multilayer flat



Single row

Ovarian function:





The uterine artery arises from

External iliac artery

Internal iliac artery

Genital artery

Play an important role in the regulation of the menstrual cycle

Hypothalamic-pituitary system



Parathyroid glands

The first menstruation in girls (menarche) normally begins at age

External genitalia:


The fallopian tubes

Mammary gland

The space between the labia minora is called

Urogenital diaphragm



sex slit

Moistening of the vaginal opening during sexual arousal occurs due to

Sweating of blood vessels

Bartholin glands

Uterine secretion

Paraurethral glands

Internal genital organs



Pelvic fiber

The vagina has a normal environment


Slightly alkaline


The paired tubular organ oviduct is

Vas deferens

Eustachian tubes


The fallopian tubes

Uterine mucosa





Uterine function







On day 3

After 10 days

In 3 weeks

A month later.


On day 3

A week later

In 3 weeks

2 months later.

1.5-2 months.







At navel level

1 cross finger below the navel

3 cross fingers below the navel

1 transverse finger above the pubis.


On the 4th day

On day 7 5

On the 11th day

A month later.






Rush of amniotic fluid

Pressing the head to the entrance to the pelvis

Cervical shortening

The appearance of regular contractions and smoothing of the cervix.


First comes the opening of the external pharynx

First comes the opening of the internal pharynx

The cervix shortens and dilates simultaneously

First comes the opening of the cervix, and then its shortening.










When erupting the parietal tubercles

With external rotation of the head

After the birth of the head

With positive signs of separation of the placenta.


0.5% of body weight

0.6% of body weight

1% of body weight

5% of body weight.


Only women at risk

Only for first-time mothers"

Multiparous only

To all those who gave birth through the natural birth canal.


2 months and add 7-10 days

3 months and add 7-10 days.



12 weeks

20 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks.


12 weeks.

18 weeks

22 weeks.


12 weeks

14 weeks

16 weeks

20 weeks.


20 weeks

24 weeks

32 weeks.

38 weeks.






Fetal position

Fetal presentation

Fetal position

Position type.


Enlarged uterus

Delay of menstruation

Breast enlargement

Listening to the fetal heartbeat.

Please indicate the average normal duration births in first-time mothers:

10-12 hours

18-20 hours

Indicate the average normal duration of labor for multiparous women:

What processes are atypical for the period of dilatation of normal labor?

Regular contractions.

Progressive dilatation of the cervix.

Regular pushing

Indicate the most traumatic way of releasing the placenta:

According to Abuladze

According to Genter

According to Crede-Lazarevich

According to Schroeder

What is not typical for the biomechanism of childbirth during front view occipital presentation?

Maximum head flexion.

Internal rotation of the head.

Head extension.

Prolonged standing of the head

Indicate the amount of physiological blood loss during childbirth:

Up to 0.5% body weight

1.0% body weight

Postpartum discharge

Blood serum

Formed elements of blood

During the postpartum period you need to pay special attention

Prevention of mastitis

Prevention of caries

Hand skin care

Mental state of the woman in labor

A birth tumor is

Displacement of fetal skull bones

Swelling of the soft tissues of the head

Hemorrhage of the soft tissues of the head

Skull bone tumor

Dilatation of the cervix in primiparous women occurs

From the external pharynx

Both openings open simultaneously

Faster than multiparous women

The internal os opens, the cervix is ​​smoothed, then the external os opens

The period of expulsion of the fetus begins from the moment

Discharge of amniotic fluid

Full dilation of the cervix

When the head descends to the pelvic floor

The permissible blood loss during childbirth is based on body weight

Duration of the postpartum period

6-8 weeks

After childbirth, the uterus decreases in size due to

Reducing intrauterine pressure

Abdominal muscles

Contractions and atrophy muscle fibers uterus

Epithelization of the endometrium

Reverse development of the uterus is





With menopausal syndrome, clinical symptoms are observed:



Epigastric pain

Hormone is produced in the corpus luteum





The maturation and development of the corpus luteum occurs under the influence of the pituitary hormone





In the uterus, the secretion phase occurs under the influence of the ovarian hormone





Male sex hormones




Composition of the pelvic bone

Sacral Cape

pubic bone

Formed in the ovaries



The egg and female sex hormones

Formed elements of blood

Ovarian function:





The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​normally covered with epithelium



Multilayer flat



Glands internal secretion in a man.

The external genitalia of a woman.

The internal genital organs of a woman.


Short description

The work contains a test on "Medicine" with answers

Diagnosis of pregnancy
1. For diagnosing early pregnancy, the most important have:

Assessing possible signs of pregnancy

Vaginal examination data

Immunological pregnancy tests

Ultrasound data

2. Immunological pregnancy tests are based on determining:

Estrogen in urine

Progesterone in the blood

Placental lactogen

Luteinizing hormone

Human chorionic gonadotropin

3. Most important sign pregnancy during vaginal examination:

Softening in the isthmus area

Consolidation of the uterus during palpation

Asymmetry of one of the corners of the uterus

Increased size of the uterus

Increase in the size of the uterus in accordance with the period of delay of menstruation, its soft consistency

4. Establishing the gestational age is based on:

Determining the height of the uterine fundus

Ultrasound data

Vaginal examination data at the first visit to the gynecologist

All listed data

5. The height of the uterine fundus at 20 weeks of pregnancy – at:

Navel level

2 fingers above the navel

2 fingers below the navel

Midway between the navel and womb

6. Height of the uterine fundus at 36 weeks of pregnancy:

Halfway between the navel and the xiphoid process

Reaches the xiphoid process

2 fingers below the xiphoid process

7. Auscultation of fetal heart sounds becomes possible from pregnancy:

22 weeks - 16 weeks

20 weeks - 25 weeks

8. The fundus of the uterus at the level of the womb corresponds to the period of pregnancy:

13–14 weeks

9. A vaginal examination to determine the degree of maturity of the birth canal should be carried out during pregnancy:

36 weeks - 39–40 weeks

38–39 weeks - 40–41 weeks

10. Ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to determine:

Gestational age

Fetal position

Localization of the placenta and its pathology

Fetal malformations

Examination of a pregnant woman

Choose the correct answer

11. Leopold – Levitsky’s techniques allow you to determine:

Position, position and appearance of the fetus

Character of the presenting part

Fundal height of the uterus

12. The second Leopold-Levitsky technique determines:

Character of the presenting part

Position, position and appearance of the fetus

Relation of the presenting part to the inlet of the pelvis

Fundal height of the uterus

13. At 40 weeks of pregnancy and average fetal size, the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference should correspond to:

105 and 38 cm - 95 and 32 cm + 90 and 32 cm

85 and 32 cm - 85 and 30 cm

14. Measuring the diagonal conjugate becomes impossible when the head is standing:

Pressed against the entrance to the pelvis

Fixed with a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis

In the pelvic cavity

On the pelvic floor

15. Based on the value of the diagonal conjugate, you can calculate:

Direct size of the pelvic inlet plane

True conjugate

External conjugate

Direct size of the wide part of the pelvic cavity

Direct size of the narrow part of the pelvic cavity

16. The position of the sagittal suture in the right oblique size and the small fontanel in the front left corresponds to:

Second position rear view

First position front view

17. The position of the sagittal suture in the left oblique size and the small fontanel in the front left corresponds to:

First position front view

First position rear view

Second position front view

Second position rear view

P. “a” – “d” are incorrect

18. Middle inner surface the pubis, the middle of the acetabulum, the articulation of the II and III sacral vertebrae limit the plane:

Entrance to the pelvis

Wide part of the pelvic cavity

Narrow part of the pelvis

Pelvic outlet

19. The transverse dimension equal to 10.5 cm corresponds to the transverse dimension:

Planes of entry into the pelvis

Wide part of the pelvis

Planes of the narrow part of the pelvis

Pelvic exit planes

20. The true conjugate must have a value of at least:

Diagonal conjugates

Vertical diagonal of a Michaelis rhombus

Horizontal diagonal of a Michaelis rhombus

External conjugates

22. The fetal head in a primigravida at 40 weeks should be located in relation to the pelvic planes:

Above the entrance to the pelvis

Pressed against the entrance to the pelvis

Fixed with a large segment at the entrance to the pelvis

In the narrow part of the pelvic cavity

23. Methods for assessing the condition of the intrauterine fetus include:

Fetal auscultation data

Counting the number of fetal movements during the day


Determination of hormone levels in the blood

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

24. Amniocentesis during pregnancy helps in the diagnosis of:

Hemolytic disease of the fetus

Fetal malformations

Sex of the fetus

Fetal conditions

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

25. The main criterion for assessing fetal maturity is:

Fruit length

Fruit weight

Gestational age

Apgar score

Condition of sutures and fontanelles

26. Term of the fetus is determined based on:

Fetal conditions

Body weight values

Gestational age

Signs physical development fetus

27. The most common placenta attachment in the uterus:

In the upper part of the uterus along the anterior wall

In the upper part of the uterus along the posterior wall

In the lower segment

In the fundus of the uterus

In the lateral parts of the uterus

28. Changes of cardio-vascular system during pregnancy include:

Physiological left ventricular hypertrophy

Increased cardiac output

Increase in heart rate

Horizontal position of the heart

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

29. Changes in the uterus during pregnancy:

Hypertrophy of muscle fibers

Hyperplasia of muscle fibers

Lengthening every muscle fiber

Increased volume of the uterine cavity

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

30. Amnioscopy during pregnancy allows you to determine:

Absence of amniotic sac

Amniotic fluid color

Front water quantity

Fetal condition

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

Clinical course of labor

Choose the correct answer

31. Dilatation of the cervix occurs as a result of:

Contractions of the uterine muscle in the fundus

Contractions of the uterine muscle in the lower segment

Distraction of the lower segment of the uterus

Contraction, retraction and distraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus

32. Structural changes The cervix in first-time mothers during labor begins with:

Areas of the external pharynx

Areas of the internal pharynx

Dilatation of the cervix with simultaneous smoothing

33. Structural changes in the cervix during childbirth in multiparous women begin with:

Areas of the external pharynx

Areas of the internal pharynx

Dilatation of the cervix with simultaneous smoothing

Smoothing the cervix after dilation

34. It is not typical for an immature cervix:

Soft consistency

Its deviation towards the sacrum

Length 2–2.5 cm

Closed cervical canal

35. It is not typical for a mature cervix:

Length 1–1.5 cm

Soft consistency

Its deviation towards the womb or sacrum

Freely patent cervical canal

36. The rate of opening of the uterine pharynx in primigravidas:

1 cm per hour

2 cm per hour

3 cm per hour

3 cm in 2 hours

37. The rate of opening of the uterine pharynx in multiparous women:

1 cm per hour

2 cm per hour

3 cm per hour

3 cm in 2 hours

38. Vaginal examination during childbirth allows you to determine:

Condition of the cervix and integrity of the amniotic sac

Dynamics of cervical dilatation

The nature of the presenting part, features of insertion of the head

Dynamics of advancement of the presenting part along the birth canal

Features of the structure of the pelvis

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “e”

39. During childbirth it is necessary to constantly evaluate:

Complaints of a woman in labor

Condition of the cardiovascular system

Activity of labor and fetal condition

The nature of vaginal discharge

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

40. Premature rupture of amniotic fluid is considered to be the breaking of water:

Before contractions start

IN active phase childbirth

When pushing appears

41. Early breaking of amniotic fluid is considered to be the breaking of water:

Before contractions start

When irregular contractions occur

When the cervix is ​​dilated less than 6 cm

When pushing appears

42. Timely release of water should occur:

Before contractions start

When irregular contractions occur

When regular contractions occur

When the cervix is ​​dilated less than 6 cm

When the cervix is ​​dilated more than 6 cm

43. In the first stage of labor the following does not occur:

Shortening and smoothing of the cervix

Cervical dilatation

Discharge of amniotic fluid

Advancement of the fetus through the birth canal

Cutting into the presenting part of the fetus

Pressing the head to the entrance to the pelvis

The appearance of irregular contractions

The appearance of regular contractions

Leakage of amniotic fluid

The appearance of regular contractions, leading to shortening and smoothing of the cervix

45. The midwife begins to deliver:

With the beginning of pushing

From the time of complete opening of the uterine os

When cutting into the fetal head

When the fetal head erupts

46. ​​When the uterine os is fully dilated, the fetal head:

Pressed against the entrance to the pelvis

Fixed with a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis

Fixed with a large segment at the entrance to the pelvis

On the pelvic floor

At all of the above levels

47. To create an energy background during childbirth, the administration of glucose and calcium chloride is carried out according to the following scheme:

200 ml of 5% glucose solution and 100 ml of 1%

300 ml of 5% glucose solution and 200 ml of 1% calcium chloride solution

20 ml of 40% glucose solution and 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride solution

40 ml of 40% glucose solution and 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride solution

48. Assessment of the condition of the fetus during childbirth is carried out on the basis of:

Fetal heart rates

Character of amniotic fluid

Cardiac monitoring

Functional tests and ultrasound data

All of the above

49. The tactics for managing the third stage of labor do not depend on:

Duration of labor

Newborn sizes

Complicated obstetric history

Conditions of the newborn

Duration of the water-free period

50. Signs of placental separation do not include:



Chukalov – Kustner

51. Schroeder’s sign is manifested by deviation of the uterus:

To the right and below the navel

To the right and above the navel

To the left and below the navel

To the left and above the navel

52. Alfeld’s sign appears:

Lengthening the outer section of the umbilical cord

Retracting the umbilical cord into the vagina while inhaling

Flattening of the uterus and deviation of its fundus to the right

The appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina

53. Isolation of unseparated placenta from the uterus is carried out using the following method:



Crede – Lazarevich

Pulling on the umbilical cord

Manual separation and release of placenta

54. The Credet-Lazarevich maneuver is used for:

Discharge of unseparated placenta

Discharge of separated placenta

External separation of the placenta

55. After signs of placental separation appear, it is necessary to begin discharging the separated placenta:

Immediately after symptoms appear

In 5 minutes

In 10 minutes

In 20 minutes

In 30 minutes

56. The drug most often used at the time of eruption of the head to prevent bleeding during childbirth:





57. Perineotomy is not performed for the purpose of prevention:

Development of fetal hypoxia during the expulsion period

Subsequent and early postpartum hemorrhage

Perineal muscle rupture

Development of rectocele and cystocele

58. During perineotomy, the following pelvic floor muscles are not dissected:

Outer layer muscles

Urogenital diaphragm

Levator ani muscle

Muscle that compresses the anus

59. A sign of maturity of a newborn is not:

The ratio of body weight to body length

Location of the umbilical ring

Condition of the external genitalia

Amount of cheese grease

Cyanosis of the skin

60. Assessment of a newborn’s condition using the Apgar scale does not include:

Heart rate

Respiration rate

Condition of the pupils

Muscle tone

Skin color

61. Meconium is present in a newborn during the first:

1–2 days - 4–5 days

2–3 days - 6–7 days

62. Heart rate in a newborn:

80–100 beats/min

100–120 beats/min

120–160 beats/min

160–180 beats/min

63. Hemoglobin value in a newborn:

80–100 g/l - 140–160 g/l

100–120 g/l + 160–180 g/l

120–140 g/l

64. Prevention of ophthalmoblenorrhea is carried out:

2% silver nitrate solution

3% silver nitrate solution

20% sodium albucid solution

30% sodium albucid solution

Furacilin solution

65. Risk group for pathological course births are made up of pregnant women:

With a burdened somatic and obstetric-gynecological history

In the presence of large fruit, polyhydramnios and multiple births

If there is a scar on the uterus

With all the listed complications

Normal postpartum period

Choose the correct answer

66. Duration of the early postpartum period:

67. The duration of the postpartum period is determined:

The appearance of the first menstruation

Involution of the cervix

Stopping discharge from the uterus

Duration of lactation

Involution of the uterus

68. Height of the uterine fundus after the birth of the fetus:

At navel level

2 fingers above the navel

2 fingers below the navel

Halfway between the womb and the navel

69. Height of the uterine fundus after the birth of the placenta:

At navel level

2 fingers above the navel

Halfway between the navel and womb

2 fingers below the navel

At the level of the womb

70. Height of the uterine fundus on the 1st day after birth:

At navel level

2 fingers above the navel

2 fingers below the navel

Halfway between the navel and womb

71. Height of the uterine fundus on the 5th day after birth:

Halfway between the navel and womb

2 fingers below the navel

3 fingers above the pubis

At the level of the upper edge of the womb

72. The following does not occur on the inner surface of the uterus after childbirth:

Rejection of decidual tissue

Epithelization of the placental site

Endometrial regeneration

Endometrial proliferation

Secretory transformation of the endometrium

73. The nature of lochia on the 5th day after birth (before discharge):

Bloody - mucous

Serous-sanguinary - purulent


74. Condition of the cervical canal on the 1st day after birth:

We pass for the hand

We pass for 2–3 fingers

Formed, external os closed

Formed, internal os closed

75. Cervical canal on the 10th day after birth:

We pass for one finger

We pass for 2 fingers

We pass to the area of ​​the internal pharynx

76. Involution of the uterus after childbirth slows down with:

Childbirth with a large fetus

Long labor

Postpartum endometritis

All listed complications

77. Lactation begins under the influence of:

Placental lactogen




Luteinizing hormone

78. The onset of lactation is considered normal:

Immediately after birth

On the 1st–2nd day after birth

On the 3rd day after birth

On the 4th–5th day after birth

79. Lactostasis is characterized by:

Moderate breast engorgement

Increased body temperature with chills

Free milk separation

Significant uniform engorgement of the mammary glands

80. Full recovery endometrial structure after childbirth occurs through:

10–15 days

Choose the correct answer

81. Piskacek’s sign during vaginal examination reveals:

Hardening and contraction of the uterus

Comb-like protrusion on the anterior surface of the uterus

Softening of the isthmus

Significant enlargement of one of the corners of the uterus

82. Doubtful signs of pregnancy do not include:

Nausea and vomiting

Taste whims

Loss of appetite

Delayed menstruation

83. The upper edge of the pubis, innominate lines, the apex of the promontory limit the plane of the small pelvis:

Wide part

Narrow part

84. The lower edge of the pubic symphysis, the ischial spines, and the sacrococcygeal joint limit the plane of the pelvis:

Wide part

Narrow part

85. With anterior occipital presentation, the birth of the head occurs:

Small oblique size 9.5 cm

Small oblique size 10.5 cm

Medium oblique size 10.5 cm

Vertical size 9.5 cm

86. In the posterior view of the occipital presentation of the second position, the sagittal suture is located in:

Right oblique size

Medium oblique size

87. The height of the uterine fundus at the level of the navel is determined:

After the birth of the fetus

After separation of the placenta

After the birth of the placenta

On the 2nd day after birth

88. The small fontanel is a wire point for:

Anterior view of occipital presentation

Posterior view of occipital presentation

Frontal presentation

Anterior parietal presentation

89. Corpus luteum pregnancy:

Develops from a follicle

Secretes progesterone

Actively functions throughout pregnancy

90. The placenta does not synthesize:


Progesterone and estrogens

91. Examination method that poses minimal risk to the fetus:


Chorionic villus biopsy



92. The synthesis of human chorionic gonadotropin occurs in:

Adrenal glands

Pituitary gland



93. Physiological pregnancy continues:

94. Duration quick birth in first-time mothers:

95. Physiological changes hemodynamics during pregnancy are characterized by:

Decreased circulating blood volume

Increasing circulating blood volume

Increased peripheral vascular resistance

96. Uterine arteries depart from:

Internal iliac arteries

Common iliac artery

External iliac artery

97. The biophysical profile of the fetus does not include an assessment of:

The nature of the fetal respiratory movements

Amount of amniotic fluid

Fetal muscle tone

Contractile stress test

Fetal motor activity

98. Examination of a pregnant or parturient woman begins with:

Abdominal palpation

Auscultation of the abdomen

Pelvic measurements

Examinations by systems and organs

99. In a woman with the right physique, the Michaelis diamond has the shape:

Geometrically regular rhombus


Irregular quadrilateral

Vertically elongated quadrangle

100. Articulation of the fetus is:

The relationship of the fetal limbs to the body

Head to body ratio

Relationship various parts fetus

Relationship between the legs and buttocks of the fetus

101. In the second stage of labor, the fetal heartbeat is controlled:

After every attempt

Every 15 minutes

Every 10 minutes

Every 5 minutes

102. The abdominal circumference of a pregnant woman is measured:

At navel level

At the level of the xiphoid process

2 fingers below the navel

3 fingers above the navel

103. At the end of pregnancy in a primiparous woman, the cervix is ​​normal:

Shortened - smoothed completely

Partially smoothed - saved

104. Vaginal examination during childbirth is carried out when:

Admission of a woman in labor to the hospital

Purpose of labor stimulation

The appearance of bloody discharge

Eruption of waters

All of the above situations

105. To assess the condition of the fetus during childbirth, the following is used:



Hormonal study

All listed methods

106. Ultrasound in obstetrics allows you to determine:

Location of the placenta and its pathology

Fruit size

Non-developing pregnancy

Fetal malformations

Everything listed in paragraphs “a” – “d”

107. The gestational age and date of birth cannot be determined by:

Date of last menstruation

Date of first fetal movement

Data from early attendance at the antenatal clinic

Ultrasound data

Fruit size

108. The tactics for managing the third stage of labor depend on:

Degrees of blood loss

Duration of labor

Presence of signs of placental separation

Conditions of the newborn

Duration of the water-free period

109. A sign of advanced labor is:

Outpouring of waters

Increasing frequency of contractions

Shortening and smoothing of the cervix

Increasing pain in the lumbar region

Pressing the head to the entrance to the pelvis

110. Reliable signs of pregnancy include:

Fetal movement

Increased size of the uterus

Vaginal cyanosis

Palpation of fetal parts

Increased rectal temperature

111. The largest volume of circulating blood during pregnancy is observed in:

Mid third trimester

Late second trimester

Childbirth period

Mid first trimester

Early second trimester

112. Malformations of the fetus in early dates pregnancy can cause:



Chicken pox

Chronic hepatitis

Chronic adnexitis

113. The effectiveness of labor is objectively assessed by:

Frequency and duration of contractions

Duration of labor

Dynamics of cervical dilatation

Fetal condition

Time of rupture of amniotic fluid

115. Probable sign of pregnancy:

Changes in taste and smell

Palpation of fetal parts

Listening to the fetal heartbeat

Piskacek's sign

Nausea and vomiting in the morning

116. A reliable sign pregnancy is:

Delayed menstruation

Increased belly size

Nausea and vomiting

Presence of fetus in the uterus

The appearance of colostrum

117. Early diagnosis pregnancy is based on:

Changes in basal temperature

Determining the level of hCG in urine

Ultrasound data

Vaginal examination results

Diagnostic tests and all listed data

118. The preliminary period is characterized by:

Smoothing and dilation of the cervix

Regular labor

Irregular labor

Rush of amniotic fluid

Insertion of the amniotic sac into the cervix

119. During a developing pregnancy, the following does not occur:

Increased size of the uterus

Softening her

Changes in response to palpation

Uterine seals

Changes in the shape of the uterus

120. External obstetric examination in the second half of pregnancy does not imply:

Determining the position and size of the fetus

Anatomical assessment of the pelvis

Determination of gestational age

Functional assessment of the pelvis

Estimates of fetal heart rate and rhythm

121. The purpose of vaginal examination does not include:

Determination of the integrity of the amniotic sac

Fetal assessment

Determining the degree of cervical dilatation

Determining the nature of insertion of the fetal head

Pelvic size assessment

122. An indicator of the beginning of the second stage of labor is:

Finding the head on the pelvic floor

Full dilatation of the cervix

Head cutting

Set the sequence of actions

123. Examination of a pregnant woman:

1) determination of the presenting part of the fetus

2) determination of the position, position and type of the fetus

3) measurement of abdominal circumference, fundal height of the uterus

4) listening to the fetal heartbeat

5) determination of the standing level of the presenting part of the fetus

Answer: 3-2-1-5-4

124. During vaginal examination in the first stage of labor:

1) determine the degree of opening of the uterine pharynx

2) measure the diagonal conjugate

3) establish the presenting part

4) assess the condition of the vagina

5) determine the integrity of the amniotic sac

6) establish the location of the sagittal suture and fontanelles

Answer: 4-1-5-3-6-2

125. Diagnosis of pregnancy:

2) general inspection

3) medical history

4) special external and internal research

6) laboratory tests

Answer: 5-3-2-4-1-6

126. Vaginal examination of a pregnant woman:

1) determination of the condition of the pelvic bones

2) determining the nature of the presenting part

3) condition of the cervix and cervical canal

4) condition of the amniotic sac

5) vaginal condition

Answer: 5-3-4-2-1

127. Biomechanism of labor in anterior occipital presentation:

1) internal rotation of the head

2) insertion of the head and its bending

3) internal rotation of the shoulders, external rotation of the head

4) extension of the head

Answer: 2-1-4-3

128. Biomechanism of labor in the posterior view of the occipital presentation of the fetus:

1) internal rotation of the shoulders, external rotation of the head

2) internal rotation of the head

3) insertion of the head and its bending

4) additional flexion of the head

5) extension of the head

Answer: 3-2-4-5-1

129. The sequence of examination of a postpartum mother in the postpartum department:

1) the nature of lochia

2) assessment of general condition

3) clarification of complaints

4) examination and palpation of the mammary glands

5) palpation of the abdomen with determination of the height of the uterine fundus

Answer: 3-2-4-5-1

130. Management of the afterbirth period:

1) evaluate general state and volume of blood loss

2) inspect the afterbirth

3) release urine

4) determine the signs of separation of the placenta

5) put ice and a weight on your stomach

6) highlight the afterbirth

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