The Airedale Terrier is an energetic, intelligent and easy to train family dog. King of Terriers - Airedale Terrier Small Airedale Terrier as it is called

Origin:Great Britain
Dimensions:Height: 56-61 cm, weight: 18-29 kg
Where used:Hunting, companion
Lives:10-12 years
Color:Red with black markings

The Airedale Terrier dog breed is one of the few that combines the functions of a protector and an excellent companion. Our article is devoted to this variety. Detailed description Airedale Terrier breed, as well as photos and videos can be found below.

History of the breed

According to official description This species is quite young in the breed. The breed was recognized in 1886, but it has evolved over many centuries. At one time, the Airedale Terrier breed was actively used for hunting in Yorkshire, in the area of ​​the Aire River. Especially hunters often took these dogs to catch otters.

At that time, the ancestors of Airedale Terriers were called otter dogs. These animals had fearlessness, an excellent sense of smell, and were also dexterous, smart and excellent swimmers. However, hunters needed more adventurous pets, which were local terriers. Thus began the crossing of otter dogs and british terriers. In order to improve the results of selection, the resulting individuals were also crossed with Old English shepherd animals.

Since the hunters were not at all interested in appearance, they did not pay attention to it at all. The result of the selection work had to be such that a fearless and unpretentious dog would be obtained. The hunters needed a dog that could work both in water and on land without any problems, while being obedient and tireless. As a result, the breeders managed to get a good result.

The fame of the resulting dog breed and its qualities quickly spread throughout Foggy Albion. Airedale terrier puppies were first introduced to the general public in 1864. More than twenty years later, records of the first 24 individuals appeared in the stud book of the British Kennel Club (the author of the video is About Dogs).

Thus, this dog breed quickly gained popularity. Among Yorkshire hunters, Airedale Terriers were valued for their performance and invaluable assistance in hunting. In other counties, the breed has become popular due to its obedience and energy, as well as its ability to perform many tasks. Dogs of this breed quickly managed to move from peasant shacks to the mansions of British aristocrats. When the nobility became interested in dogs, large-scale work began to improve the appearance of the animal.

Breed characteristics

Let's move on to a description of the main characteristics of the species. Below we will discuss the features of the appearance and character of the breed.

Appearance and standard

According to the description official standard, the skull of these animals is elongated and quite flat, and quite wide between the ears. As for the face, it is quite voluminous, with strong jaws. Airedale puppies, like adults, have small eyes, which should only be dark, as can be seen in the photo. An Airedale Terrier cannot have light eyes, this is a disqualifying fault (video author - TESTTV).

Taking one look at the animal, you can understand that it is quite powerful and large. The teeth are strong, as is typical for hunters, and lower jaw fits tightly to the top. The neck of such pets, although dry, is nevertheless quite powerful and strong. From the skull it smoothly passes to the shoulders.

According to the description of the standard, the limbs of this dog breed are very strong, which is again due to its hunting past. The limbs themselves are not too large, round in shape. As for the body, according to the standard description it is muscular, especially chest, which is not too wide.

It should also be noted that according to the official description of the standard, Airedale Terriers have a very strong loin and the tail is set high. When the dog runs, the front limbs move freely forward. These pets have a square body and this is clearly visible. In general, representatives of this breed are quite large - the height of females is 56-59 cm, males - 58-61 cm.

The Small or Dwarf Mini Airedale Terrier is a Welsh breed; they are often confused by domestic breeders. By external signs these two subspecies are very similar to each other, but in general they are different. According to the standard description, these pets have thick and wavy fur. It is close to the body, with longer hair on the muzzle.

If we talk about color, then a tortoiseshell color is characteristic of dogs of this breed. Red color with dark tan markings on the sides, legs and head is the standard, with the ears usually being brown.


As for character, these animals are quite active and cheerful. These pets have more than enough energy, so they are suitable only for active people. If the dog does not get physical exercise, he will start to throw out his energy at home, believe me, this will not end well. By their nature, Airedale Terriers are devoted to people and are always friendly with family members.

Due to their activity, Airedale Terriers are not entirely suitable for apartment living. Of course, this can be done, but then you will need to constantly walk the dog, at least several hours a day. As reviews show, Airedale Terriers are good-natured and get along well with other animals. A dog of this breed will never attack first, but if there is a threat, he will fight back the enemy without thinking (video author - Artem Romanikhin).

In addition, reviews from owners indicate that dogs of this breed get along well with children. In practice, the pet often behaves with restraint, even if the child allows himself a lot. However, for the same reason, an Airedale Terrier cannot be a nanny - if a child hurts the dog, the dog may simply not tolerate it. Dogs treat all family members well, but they will only recognize their owner.

Conditions for keeping

Care and haircut

One of the main characteristics of the breed is the animal’s fur, so the owner must provide the pet with proper care for it. Representatives of this breed practically do not shed, but hair plucking should be carried out several times a year, this is mandatory. The dog needs to be brushed three to four times a week, thanks to this you can remove dirt from the body. In addition, combing can improve blood circulation; for these purposes you need to purchase a special brush.

In addition, you should pay attention to combing the hair on the face. If you don't do this regularly, your beard can become very dirty. Dirty hair will promote the spread unpleasant odor, which can only be removed by washing the animal with shampoo. But when combing the fur on the face, you need to be most careful - do it carefully so as not to hurt the dog.

As for haircuts, it is advisable to undergo a trimming procedure several times a year. Thanks to this, you can rid your dog of excess hair. This will make him more comfortable in the summer.

Optimal diet

As for nutrition, dogs of this breed are also not particularly picky in this matter. However, the breeder must provide the animal with a balanced diet. It is allowed to feed both natural food and dry or wet food, as well as special canned dog food(video author - magnus3298).

It should be noted that many breeders today choose dry food because it contains useful vitamins and microelements. Make sure that the food you buy is of the highest quality, otherwise it may cause health problems. It is advisable to buy only high quality food.

But if you are a fan natural diet, then the dog should regularly consume foods such as:

  • calf or chicken meat, fatty pork should be excluded;
  • boiled feeding is allowed sea ​​fish, but all bones must be removed from it in advance;
  • You can give raw eggs several times a week;
  • low-fat cottage cheese can also be given occasionally;
  • as for fruits and vegetables, they should also be in the diet;
  • risk, buckwheat and oatmeal- always as a side dish;
  • You can also use additional growth promoting supplements.

A hunting breed, a companion dog, a service dog, it has rightfully earned the title of a universal breed. Breeders - hunters, note in it all the qualities inherent in spaniels, pointers and retrievers. The Airedale thrives in water, on land and in the mountains. Tolerates cold and hot weather well.

During the war, they were used as orderlies, mine detectors, signalmen, and rat catchers (guarding field kitchen supplies). In peacetime, they do an excellent job as a watchman or shepherd.

Airedale Terrier breed description with photo

Airedale terrier character

The character of the Airedale Terrier is temperamental, cheerful and active. This is a very friendly, loyal and energetic pet.

The Airedale Terrier is suitable for a city apartment, cottage, or private home. It is easy to train, easily remembers and follows a given command in return for a treat or praise. Gets along well with pets and other people's dogs.

Aggressive behavior occurs only when the owner is protecting himself. The Airedale Terrier is not the first to get into a fight, but in battle it shows excellent fighting qualities. Capable of being stubborn, but always self-confident, smart and brave, a true intellectual.

The Airedale Terrier never attacks first, although it is very emotional by nature. His mood is easy to predict by the stance of his ears, tail and expression. She is very athletic and quick in her movements. Not a single detail escapes her attention. An excellent watchman and guard, confident and fearless.

Photo of Airedale Terrier with glasses

Gets along well with children, is not aggressive, loves to participate in games with them. But remember, never leave little children alone, teach them not to pull their tail or ears, or kick them. Any animal has a lot of patience.

When raising an Airedale, the owner must show patience and perseverance. Playfulness and excitement often prevent her from following commands.

From the family, the Airedale Terrier chooses one owner, and listens to him most of all; he treats the rest of the family members well. With proper care, does not get sick, has good health. They are too curious and fearless, learn to put them in their place in time. They love to swim, run through the forest, across the field; the hunter's instinct manifests itself in open areas.

Airedale Terrier content

Photo of adult Airedale terriers on the lawn

A big plus of the Airedale Terrier in a city apartment: it does not shed, the coat is hypoallergenic and odorless. Choose a corner without drafts as a place for the Airedale Terrier. Lay out a medium-hard bed for the toys. Do not allow children to climb into your pet’s place or take away toys. Place two bowls in a convenient place, one for water and the other for food. Keep them clean.

It is mandatory to walk your Airedale Terrier twice a day, 1-2 hours. The walk should be active and educational. The Airedale Terrier is calm, does not bark uselessly, but will report the arrival of a stranger. In a country house, in the country, think about a house for an Airedale Terrier. She is too curious, she might drop by to visit her neighbors and scare the domestic animals. It is advisable to fence off the area where the airedale will live. Hunting instincts in nature they often appear, if you don’t teach commands, they will run after everything that moves.

Airedale Terrier home care

Airedale Terrier photo of mother and puppy

Caring for an Airedale Terrier is not difficult. If you stick to simple rules hygiene every day, your Airedale Terrier will look healthy and well-groomed.

Wool: does not shed, but must be trimmed (plucked) several times a year. You should brush your hair 3-4 times a week with a natural bristle brush. The procedure removes dust and improves blood circulation. Gently comb out the hair on your head and limbs. You can use a metal comb with round, long, and even frequent teeth.

Do not use metal wire brushes with curved teeth for brushing. They are intended for backcombing and styling hair; they are used at exhibitions, daily use severely injure and irritate the skin.

Bath: once every 10 days or as needed. After a walk, rinse your paws, bearded face and genitals with a shower, or wipe with a wet cloth. To prevent your Airedale from slipping in the bathtub, line the bottom with a rubber mat or towel.

Muzzle: at improper care She smells bad. The fur on it is abundant, forms a mustache and beard, and collects dirt and dust. After feeding, always wipe with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining food.

Comb your mustache and beard every day with a wide-tooth comb. Notice how the fur grows along the lips. Sometimes it bends inward when eating, and the hairs around the mouth stick together, forming jams. In this case, neither wiping nor combing will help. Every month, carefully trim any stray hairs along the contour lower lip and trim the fur in the corners of the mouth.

Eyes: check regularly, healthy eyes are shiny, without souring. For prevention and cleansing, wipe the Airedale Terrier's eyes once a week with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves.

Nails: trim once a month with a nail clipper for large breeds.

Ears: inspect and wipe with a damp soft cloth or cotton pad. Healthy ear Pink colour, no unpleasant odor. If there is excess sulfur, an unpleasant odor, the Airedale Terrier itches and shakes its head, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian. The specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Airedale Terrier food

Photo of an Airedale Terrier with a toy in its mouth

You can feed your Airedale Terrier both natural food and ready-made balanced food. Dry food is good for the coat and teeth. Portions are given according to weight and age. Be sure to make sure there is always fresh water in the bowl. Choosing to feed food natural origin, allows you to stick to a diet designed specifically for your pet.

The diet should contain:

  • meat (except lamb and pork)
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice)
  • seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • vitamins and mineral supplements in accordance with the age and weight of the dog.
  • dairy products(low-fat cottage cheese, kefir)
  • sea ​​fish

An adult Airedale Terrier is fed twice a day, at the same time, adhering to the regime. Always prepare fresh food and do not serve refrigerated or very hot foods. Do not suddenly change the diet; introduce a new product gradually in combination with the usual food.

Feed an Airedale puppy up to four months six times a day, up to six months - four times, and up to a year, provide three meals a day. Divide the diet into equal portions. Watch him, he will tell you his portion himself. After feeding, wait for supplements, next time increase the amount of food. If there is food left, remove it and do not feed the dog before the required time.

Airedale Terrier training

Photo of an Airedale Terrier with a ball in its mouth

An Airedale Terrier should be trained in a familiar environment, for example, at home. If the place is unfamiliar, she will be distracted by smells, objects and sounds hitherto unexplored and unknown. Do not start training your puppy when he is playing, falls asleep on the move, or is hungry.

  1. The “No” command corrects the dog’s behavior. At a young age, it is enough to look at him and sternly say “No” or “Ugh” so that he stops chewing linoleum, a shoe or an electrical cable.
  2. The “Fu” command is necessary in raising a dog throughout its life. But in some cases, just let your friend know four-legged friend that this or that behavior is undesirable. Try using a distraction, switch to the game, say the command “Come to me” and show the treat. Play with your puppy for a while, otherwise he may think that he is being praised for those very unwanted actions. "Fu" is a formidable weapon, used very rarely. Such a command is necessary if the Airedale suddenly rushes at a child, reacts aggressively to your guests, or rushes at high speed towards a busy roadway. Do not use the command on a puppy until six months old, so as not to traumatize his psyche. Classes should be short-term, pronounce commands persistently and firmly. If the baby has learned what is required of him, praise him and encourage him.
  3. Starting at two months old, start practicing the “Sit” command. The first few times, five seconds is enough.
  4. When the lesson is over, say the command “Walk", meaning that she is free. When your Airedale gets a little older, start combining static and dynamic commands. You can practice “Come to me” and “Sit”, later adding the command “Lie down”.
  5. The command “Come to me” means that the dog will come to you, and then it should sit in front of you.
  6. Upon reaching four months of age, you can teach the puppy the commands “Wait” and “Place”.
  7. From the first months of life, teach your Airedale not to take food from the hands of strangers or pick it up from the ground. Let him wait for the command “Eat” or “It is possible.” This is necessary to ensure that your pet does not accidentally get poisoned or become a victim of cruel people. As your baby gets older, get him used to a collar and then a leash.

Airedale Terrier disease

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Raw eczema ( dermatological disease)
  • Demodicosis
  • Melanoma
  • Hyperadrenocortism (adrenal disease)
  • Hypothyroidism (diseases thyroid gland)
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Von Willebrand disease
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Pannus (chronic superficial keratitis)
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Lymphoma
  • Umbilical hernia

Photo of Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier is the largest dog among the British terriers. This is a vigilant guard, a faithful companion, a brave warrior (the dog served as a good orderly during the war, and was also an excellent signalman). By nature a good-natured, friendly pet. The state of aggression is alien to him. He does not provoke fights, does not attack first. Representatives of this breed can weigh 20-30 kg, and reach 58-60 cm at the withers. Females are slightly lighter - up to 55 kg.

The homeland of such dogs is considered to be Great Britain. The first attempt to breed the breed was made in the 19th century. Then they crossed the black and tan wire-haired Old English Terrier (this species does not exist today), the Welsh Terrier with the Otterhound.

According to many dog ​​handlers, a representative of this breed adopted the genes of the Irish Wolfhound or the Vendeen Basset Griffon. The first individuals bred were not attractive in appearance, but they showed the features of today's dogs. At first, such animals were called working, wire-haired, racing and water terriers. They were eventually nicknamed Airedale Terriers, based on the name of the river and the region where the dogs came from.

The first pets were 40-60 cm tall and weighed 15 kg. Therefore, many fanciers did not consider such dogs to be purebred. Everything changed with mid-19th century, when the breed was presented at the exhibition as one of the most beautiful. Subsequently, Airedale Terriers gained enormous popularity due to their endurance, helpfulness, and devotion. They showed these qualities in the First World War, during which they were used as rescuers, signalmen, and security guards. They became the best pets Roosevelt, Harding, Coolidge.

The dog has a compact build, hard hair, is distinguished by its muscular mass and great strength. In its movements, the dog develops incredible speed and is distinguished by its resourcefulness. He is very observant and senses danger from a distance. By the expression of the eyes, outstretched neck, one can characterize the dog as strong-willed and with a sense of dignity. The head of such pets is oblong, with a slight narrowing from the nose to the eyes. The dog does not have pronounced folds on the muzzle. The jaw is well developed, the teeth are large. The eyes are smart, small, dark in color. The pet's ears fit tightly to the head. They are small in size, and the shape is similar to the letter V. The animal’s limbs and its back are quite muscular. The paws have a rounded shape with developed pads. The tail is set high. The disadvantage of appearance is considered to be disproportionality of physique.

The color of the dog's coat is black or gray on the upper side of the body. The rest of the body has a brownish-red tint. The coat of representatives of this breed is strong, short, wavy, hard on top, with a soft undercoat. Thanks to its medium length, your pet's fur does not get tangled. It fits snugly to the body.

By its nature, a dog of this breed is distinguished by hard work, love of freedom, and energy. Those who are not familiar with Airedale Terriers may be wary of the dog's behavior. He is prone to constant pursuit, loves to dig, bark, and hunt. The pet's character may show persistence and stubbornness.

These dogs get along great with children if they see friendly attitude. They do not like to be disturbed while sleeping or eating. No matter how good and good-natured the Airedale Terrier is, it should not be left alone with a child or alone in a locked room. Left alone, a dog may chew something out of boredom and ruin it.

He loves movement, various games and cannot stand monotony. The pet will become an excellent assistant and protector for its owners. The Airedale Terrier gets along well with cats and grew up with him. But when he sees an unfamiliar cat on the street, the dog will chase him.

A representative of this breed is included in the list of service and decorative dogs capable of performing the role of a watchman. The dog performs well during the hunt. He is truly universal, because he is always confident in himself, capable of maximizing his strengths in any unfavorable conditions, both in water and in the mountains, swamps. Airedale Terriers are good at hunting rabbits, wild boars, bears, and martens.

The dog can easily withstand severe cold down to minus 35 degrees, including extreme heat. For hunters, the Airedale Terrier is the best and faithful friend, a wonderful companion. A representative of this breed is rightfully considered the king of terriers. After all, he has all the qualities inherent in dogs of this breed.

The dog is highly curious. He is able not only to frolic, run, but also to amuse an adult or child. Despite its friendly attitude towards others, in some cases such a dog can become angry. This only happens in situations where the pet feels a hostile attitude from the outside. He would never be the first to get into a fight. But once in it, he will prove himself to be a brave, persistent fighter. He has great learning skills, knows how to listen, directing his intelligent gaze towards the speaker. Therefore, it is easy to train. It is better to immediately introduce puppies to a large number of people and a variety of sounds - thanks to this, the dog will grow up calm, balanced, and good-natured.

The breed is in good health, but some representatives suffer from problems associated with eyes and skin infections. Average duration The life of dogs is 11-12 years.

Important aspects of keeping a pet include caring for its hair. The hair on the dog's body does not grow steadily, but only in a certain period of time. After a little growth, the hair dies. Therefore, the length of the outer fur of pets does not exceed 7 centimeters. Dead hair falls out on its own as a result of contact with branches of bushes and tree trunks while walking. Often the dog licks dead hairs on its own.

To properly care for your dog's hair, trimming is necessary. Airedale Terriers are usually not cut to prevent the hair from losing its best properties. Otherwise, it will become soft and able to absorb moisture. Trimming is carried out twice during the year. This falls into the off-season. During this procedure, the fur is plucked from the pet’s body, and subsequently it is renewed. Trimming can also be done in for cosmetic purposes. In this case, the hair is removed from certain areas of the animal’s body, muzzle, and limbs. This procedure helps to better visualize the dog's physique. Airedale terrier owners often use professional grooming. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times throughout the year. This helps the dog look more beautiful. Representatives of this breed exhibit moderate shedding. It happens several times a year.

Periodic brushing of the coat is necessary. It is prohibited to use metal tools or brushes, as you can injure the dog’s skin, which will cause irritation and unpleasant consequences. The animal's beautiful mustache and beard require careful care. If you don't take care of them, your pet will emit a specific smell. At the end of the meal, be sure to wash or wipe the animal’s face. Using an appropriate brush with sharp teeth, comb your beard and mustache every day. From time to time it is necessary to trim the fur around the mouth with scissors, especially in the area of ​​the corners. Otherwise, hair will grow back and get into your mouth.

You need to monitor the condition of your ears. Hair in this area grows very quickly, so it is trimmed. If this is not done, then long hairs will bother the dog. She will begin to turn her head, suffer, and try to cope with the problem on her own, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. The fur on the ears can be trimmed with a clipper designed for hair cutting. To avoid infections, you need to check your ears frequently.

The dog should take water treatments as they become dirty. These pets do not have a specific dog smell. You need to accustom your Airedale Terrier to bathing from the very beginning. small age. Nails should be trimmed once a week.

Airedale Terriers do not like enclosed spaces; they need space, so this breed of dog is not recommended for keeping in apartments. Due to their activity, such pets need constant walks. They need to be taken out into the yard twice a day.

The animal should be fed dry or natural food. Each option has its pros and cons. But most often, breeders feed dogs premium dry food. Such food is as balanced as possible, containing only healthy ingredients. In addition, dry food is beneficial for the development and strength of teeth. A diet consisting of natural products is also welcome. The main thing is that the dog does not overeat. If there is food left in the dish, it must be removed. Puppies are fed by the hour. New foods are given to him gradually. Food must be fresh and of high quality.

Among the representatives of the Airedale terrier breed there are movie stars - a dog named Chingiz starred in the famous film "The Adventures of Electronics", where he played the role e-dog named Ressy. The same four-legged actor took part in the filming of the film “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends.”

The price for purchasing such a dog or puppy depends on many factors. The place of purchase is taken into account - a nursery or market, appearance animal, its health. Puppies belonging to the show class have a wonderful character and are the most in demand. They have great prospects for participating in various types exhibitions The cost of such a pet is 500-650 US dollars. Representatives of the breeding class are distinguished by excellent hereditary qualities and produce ideal offspring. They cost on average 450-500 dollars. For people who do not care about the dog's participation in exhibitions, it makes no sense to buy expensive puppies. Pet class pets will cost $250-450. Puppies of this breed can also be found on the market. Prices here are much lower. You can buy a dog second hand for $50-200. But there is no guarantee that this is a purebred Airedale Terrier.

The Airedale Terrier is a universal breed; dogs combine all the qualities necessary for a hunter, guard and companion; they are energetic, curious, intelligent and moderately angry. They feel great in the forest, meadows, swamps and mountains, in hot and cold weather. Erdeli are full-fledged service dogs And faithful companions. But their scope of application is not limited to this. During the First World War, they served as messengers, delivered mail, found the wounded on the battlefield and brought them medicine. For comparatively short period existence, they successfully proved their importance and won the hearts of fans.

Airedale Terriers were bred in Great Britain relatively recently. The reason for creating the breed was the need for a hunter who could be used to bait otters. The dog must be hardy, energetic, intelligent and loyal with pronounced hunting passion.

The name of the breed preserves the memory of its place of origin, namely the valley of the Aire River, located in Yorkshire, which has always been famous for hunting. To create a new breed, it was decided to cross the Otterhound - an otter hound and a black and tan terrier. Other dogs also took part in the selection, but almost no information about them has been preserved. In 1873, the first Airedale Terriers were registered in the stud book of the Kennel Club of England. Towards the end of the 19th century, the first standard was developed and adopted. The breed continued to be improved in terms of appearance and working qualities, and by the beginning of the 20th century the dogs were made more compact with an established color.

It is difficult to say when the Airedale Terrier first appeared in Russia. It is reliably known that during Russo-Japanese War The Red Cross donated 4 ambulance dogs of this breed to the army. Later in Leningrad, two Airedales survived the blockade, this shining example how a person remained faithful to the one he tamed.

Video review about the Airedale Terrier dog breed:

Purpose and performance qualities

In Russia, Airedale Terriers do not deserve to be used as hunting dogs. Only a few amateurs go wild boar hunting with them. In India, Africa, the USA and Canada, Airedales are still involved in hunting various beasts from marmot to bear. In terms of their ability to walk into thickets, they are not inferior to spaniels, but with great success they find and chase animals along river banks and in swamps.

Their developed protective instinct makes them excellent watchdogs, and their keen sense of smell and intelligence allow them to be used as guide dogs and in mineral exploration work. Erdeli are capable of finding ore at depths of up to 12 meters.

The Airedale Terrier is a unique service dog that is used in the army, police and customs in many countries around the world. They began their careers in law enforcement with patrol service in their homeland, Yorkshire. During the war, Airedales carried messages through the occupied territory, searched for wounded soldiers, brought help or helped get to the hospital, and were used as mine searchers.

After World War II, the Airedale Terrier's popularity peaked with stories of their intelligence and unrivaled bravery at the front. In addition, dogs of this breed were kept by some American presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson and Warren Harding. Then interest in the breed faded a little. In Russia, the Airedale Terrier was remembered again after the release of the film “Electronic,” but soon it was again lost among other breeds.

Appearance and standards

The Airedale Terrier is an active, muscular, medium-sized dog. Mouth – 58-62 cm, weight – 20-27 kg. The head is proportional, slightly elongated. The border of the forehead and the back of the nose is smoothed. The nose is black. The lips fit tightly. The bite is scissor, but a pincer bite is also allowed. The eyes are small oval or triangular shape set slightly askew, dark in color. The triangular-shaped ears hang on cartilage. Neck middle length dry, muscular.

The nape line stands out beautifully. The back is straight. The croup is almost horizontal. The tail is set high and straight. It can be stopped at 2/3 of the length, then when standing it is almost vertical. The chest is moderately wide and deep. The stomach is tucked. The limbs are parallel and straight, placed close to each other. It is recommended to remove dewclaws at an early age.

The coat is thick, hard, slightly wavy and fits tightly to the skin. The undercoat is soft and short. On the face, the decorative hair forms a beard and mustache. The color is black-backed - the main background is red, with black or streaked spots scattered on it. Individual white hairs on the chest and between the toes are allowed. The ears, back and neck should be a richer color.

Character and psychological portrait

The Airedale Terrier is confident, intelligent, brave and friendly dog. He is always impatiently waiting and, regardless of the circumstances, does not lose his vigilance. He is wary of strangers. Erdel is not aggressive, but if necessary he will show all his fearlessness. Dogs of this breed are energetic and active with a lively temperament, curious and attentive. At times they can be very stubborn and independent. The family often strives to dominate, but if the animal recognizes the absolute supremacy of the owner, there will be no problems.

Airedale Terriers are emotional and sociable, self-confident. They are sensitive to the mood of the owner, at the same time, their mood is easy to guess by the expression of their eyes, the position of their tail and ears. Airedale Terriers are very energetic and curious, they are interested in everything: birds, passers-by, their packages, other dogs, everything that lies on the ground and is in the air. At the same time, they are very intelligent, patient and loving. Of course, there are more cunning specimens, but compared to all positive qualities their pranks look rather funny.

Airedale terriers require targeted upbringing; if, as the puppy grows up, you approach upbringing with your sleeves down, the baby will most likely grow into a cunning dog that will cause problems both at home and on the street. Very important with early age teach Airedales how to behave with small dogs. Like true hunters, they often grab them and trample them like prey.

Who is the Airedale Terrier suitable for?

This breed is not recommended for people who do not have enough experience with hunting dogs. The owner of an Airedale must be confident that he can become an unquestioning leader for his dog. Airedale Terrier and not the best option for older people, they may not have enough strength for an overly active baby, and he will sit on his neck. The breed is absolutely not suitable for inactive or busy people. The owner must become not only a leader for the dog, but also a friend and play partner. If a dog is interested in its owner, it will never run after the neighbor's cat.

Overall, this is a wonderful family breed that gets along well with children of all ages. But sometimes he can be possessive in relation to food and toys, so it is important to teach the child to respect the dog’s habits.

Training and education

The most common problem faced by terrier owners is stubbornness. Airedale terriers sell well in training, and if an inquisitive and smart puppy is interested in training with early childhood, you can achieve amazing success. If the pet does not want to do anything, it is almost impossible to force him. This often happens when the dog is bored. It will be difficult to find with her mutual language, if you don’t let him off the leash while walking. Erdels quickly get used to the usual routes and smells, and stop appreciating praise and treats.

Puppy training begins at home. In a familiar environment, the little hunter will not be distracted by foreign objects, smells and sounds. If the dog is unruly, wants to sleep or eat, classes are not continued. When working with the breed, you cannot skimp on encouragement, but at the same time, instructions are given in a firm, insistent tone.

All-around competition with service dogs has opened up new opportunities for Airedale Terriers. Compact, fast and agile, they turned out to be excellent partners for humans in sports.

Already from the age of 2 months, they begin to teach elementary commands: “sit”, “walk”, “give me a paw”. At 4 months they practice the command “place” and “wait”. Up to six months, raising a dog should be based on games and distraction from unwanted actions. The Airedale Terrier needs moderate physical activity. To maintain good shape, short exercises in the morning and longer ones in the evening, supplemented by training and active games, will be enough.

Maintenance and care

Unpretentious Airedale Terriers are suitable both for keeping in an apartment and in a private house. Those who are going to keep a dog in the yard should give it a place where it can dig holes, since this is one of their favorite activities. The Airedale Terrier is great for city life and does well in an apartment. He is absolutely not intrusive, knows how to be invisible, the dog's fur sheds lightly and has virtually no odor.

The Airedale Terrier is undemanding when it comes to food. The basis of the diet can be dry food or natural food. After feeding, it is recommended to wipe the dog’s beard so that food residues do not accumulate in the fur.


To make your dog feel comfortable and look well-groomed, it needs to be brushed regularly. A specific smell is not typical for the breed. Airedales are trimmed at least twice a year, usually in autumn and spring. Trimming is the plucking of dead hairs throughout the entire coat or only in certain areas. Show dogs Trimmed almost all year round. The mustache and beard are only slightly trimmed and left at their natural length, which allows you to emphasize characteristic features breeds

Check your dog's ears and teeth regularly. Ears are cleaned as needed, and teeth at least once a week. Don't wait for plaque to appear. Claws with sufficient physical activity Usually the independence is erased; if this does not happen, they need to be cut off.

Health and life expectancy

A prerequisite is free access to clean drinking water. It is also important to strictly follow the regimen. Airedale Terriers are generally a prosperous breed; representatives are distinguished by endurance and good health. Among birth defects and hereditary diseases, the following can be distinguished:

  • Perthes disease;
  • Displacement of the lens;
  • Tumors of the mammary glands;
  • Allergies (often manifested on the skin);
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Dislocated knee;
  • New growths on the skin.

Average life expectancy is 12-13 years.

Choosing a puppy and the price of an Airedale terrier

When choosing an Airedale terrier puppy, you should be guided by the main rule - do not waste time on litters of dubious origin. A breed is not only external data, it is character, working qualities, and intelligence. Therefore, if you need an Airedale Terrier as a companion, it is better to buy a puppy in good nursery. It is important to assess the conditions in which the dogs are kept, the condition and temperament of the mother; health, pedigree and achievements of both parents.

Choose a puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months. At this time, babies become more independent and begin to show character. Weight healthy puppies at this age 4-6 kg. The paws should be strong and even, the head should be almost flat and not too long.

The breed bears the unspoken title “King of Terriers” not only because of its impressive size, but also due to its universal qualities. The Airedale Terrier is impeccable in guarding, searching, hunting and as a guide for the blind.

History of the breed

The Airedale Terrier, like most terriers, originated in England, getting its name from the valley between the rivers Aire and Wharf, located in Yorkshire. Despite the fact that the area was industrial (with many mills and factories), there was an abundance of game here - hares, foxes, rabbits, otters, martens, badgers, birds and water rats. In the hunt for the latter, the best qualities of the terriers that every factory worker had were honed.

All terriers had the necessary courage and dexterity in searching for small animals, but were not suitable for catching large ones, which is why it was necessary to breed a new type of terrier - uncompromisingly courageous, like their predecessors, but stronger and endowed with water-repellent hair.

This is interesting! The revolutionary crossing, which resulted in the appearance of the Airedale Terrier in 1853, was carried out by Wilfrid Holmes, who bred the terrier with the otter hound. Thus were born dogs, brave as terriers, but with the strength to defeat a large beast.

The dogs, due to their affinity for water, were often called water terriers, and the puppies were quickly snapped up by local hunters and sportsmen who knew firsthand about their excellent working/fighting characteristics. Until now, some dog handlers are convinced that during the selection of Airedales, who are ready to protect herds if necessary, they used herding breeds (possibly border collies). Modern Airedale Terriers are capable of fighting, fiercely and silently, which, according to some breeders, indicates the presence of bull terrier genes.

The breed was introduced to the public in 1864, but it was only in 1886 that its current name was approved. Not all British dog breeders received the Airedale with a bang: they were not embarrassed by the “terrier” dimensions (15 kg of weight with a height of 0.4–0.6 m). In 1900, the Airedale Terrier Club of America (American club) arose, and 14 years later new breed came in handy on the fronts of the First World War, where Airedales rescued the wounded, transmitted messages, delivered ammunition and provisions, guarded important objects and caught rats.

Description of the Airedale Terrier

Muscular, strong, compact and the largest of the terrier group. The Airedale displays an energetic look and a characteristic terrier stance with tense ears and tail. This is an active dog with quick and sudden movements, gaining up to 20–30 kg of weight with a height at the withers of 58–61 cm (males) and 56–59 cm (females).

Breed standard

Breed standard No. 7 was approved by the FCI in June 1987. The Airedale has a well-balanced head with an elongated and flat skull (approximately the same length as the muzzle), not particularly wide between the ears and slightly tapering towards the eyes. The transition from forehead to muzzle is barely noticeable. V-shaped adjacent ears, where the upper fold line is slightly higher than the level of the skull, are proportional to the size of the animal. Avoids floppy ears or standing too high ears.

The muzzle is voluminous, not upturned, with level cheekbones and well-filled under the eyes. There is a slight slope from the eyes to the nose, eliminating the impression of simplicity and wedge-shape. The nose is black, the lips are tightly closed, both jaws are deep, powerful and muscular. The Airedale has large teeth. Scissor bite: A straight bite is acceptable, but both over and under bite are undesirable. The dark, small eyes are not protruding; they have a typically terrier, attentive and intelligent expression. An evil look and light eyes are undesirable.

The neck is dry and muscular, free of dewlap and gradually widens towards the shoulders.. Body with a short (without sagging) topline, strong and level. The chest is not wide, but deep to the elbows, with fairly prominent ribs. The loin is muscular. The forelegs are flat and long, with a smooth slope, well laid back shoulder blades, and straight, bony forearms/pascarpus. Hips and shins hind limbs muscular, powerful and long.

Important! The Airedale Terrier has compact and rounded paws (with well-developed pads and moderately arched toes), which he places without turning in or out. Driving force create the hind legs, while the front ones work freely, parallel to the body.

A strong and strong tail (usually docked) is set high, does not curl over the back and is carried cheerfully. The end of the tail is approximately at the height of the back of the head. The guard coat is slightly wire-like - it is stiff and dense (with a break), usually slightly curly, but cannot be curly or soft. The guard coat is not so long as to look shaggy: it fits tightly to the body and limbs. The undercoat is softer and shorter.

The color allowed is black or gray saddlecloth (these colors are observed on the upper surfaces of the tail and neck). The rest of the body is colored reddish-brown with darker tones on the ears. Darker markings under the ears and around the neck are allowed, as well as some white hair on the chest.

Dog character

American journalist and dog breeder Albert Payson Terhune highly regarded the Airedale, calling it “a machine with a developed brain and phenomenal mental abilities not observed in other breeds.”

Terhune believed that the hardy and compact Airedale, every inch of which was put to good use, was not subject to fashion - too many people realized that it was superior to any other breed. The Airedale Terrier is "always here" and has no side effects. It does excellent work for a variety of dogs, including setters and pointers.

Important! The Airedale Terrier is contraindicated for lethargic and sedentary people, as it needs a lot of space and constant movement. This is a confident and friendly, smart and fearless dog, from whose vigilant attention not a single detail escapes.

Airedale puppies are characterized by their ebullient restlessness, penetrating into all the cracks, actively picking up things (socks, children's toys, clothes) and gnawing on objects available to them. Erdeli are independent and stubborn, but they love to feel like family members and are unconditionally devoted to their owner.. These are big and energetic dogs They get along well with children, even very young ones, without crossing the dangerous line in joint games. The Airedale Terrier will be happy to accompany you on your daily jog and will support you on your bike ride.


Airedale Terriers are not among the longest-livers of the canine world, living on average to 8–12 years.

Representatives of the breed remain active and highly energetic until a very old age, which is why they are not particularly adapted to cramped city apartments. A country cottage with a spacious yard is more suitable for them, the absence of which can be compensated for by long walks (within the city) and trips to the forest, for example, hunting.

Care and hygiene

Caring for the Airedale Terrier's coat is not difficult: you need to periodically comb it with a stiff brush or a comb with rounded teeth, using a furminator to remove the undercoat. During seasonal shedding, hair is combed more often.

In addition there are 2 additional ways coat care:

  • trimming (approximately once every 2–3 weeks) for show dogs;
  • haircut (once every 2–5 months) for airedales that rarely or not participate in exhibitions at all.

Haircut and trimming services (if you do not have the necessary skills) can be obtained from a professional groomer. In addition, once a month it is necessary to trim the hair between the toes so that there are no tangles there. If a dog does not wear down its claws when running on asphalt, they should be trimmed regularly.

This is interesting! Bathing procedures are arranged as soon as the Airedale becomes dirty or in preparation for an exhibition. Airedale Terriers, as a rule, do not emit the characteristic dog smell.

Start accustoming your puppy to all hygiene procedures as early as possible so as not to encounter resistance in the future. Check your pet's ears once a week for any foul odor, redness, or foreign bodies.

Diet, diet

Puppies up to 2 months are fed a varied and satisfying diet, serving dishes (meat, cottage cheese, porridge, etc.) in the form of purees, not forgetting about milk. After 2–3 months, the meat is cut into pieces without replacing it with offal.

Airedale Terrier diet (per day):

  • up to 4 months – 6 times;
  • from 4 to 6 months – 4 rubles;
  • from 6 to 8 months – three times;
  • after 8 months - twice.

Important! Four-month-old puppies are given fish (no more than 2 times a week). By 8 months, the Airedale reaches the size of an adult dog, and its diet changes somewhat.

The adult Airedale menu includes the following products:

  • raw lean meat (chicken, rabbit, beef and lamb);
  • bones (sugar beef haunches, shoulder or ribs);
  • offal (especially unpeeled tripe);
  • cereals (buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal);
  • fillet of ocean fish (per serving there should be 1.5 times more than meat);
  • soaked cheese, homemade cottage cheese and kefir;
  • raw yolk or boiled egg (every 3-4 days).

Many Airedale Terriers willingly nibble on, for example, cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, apples, rutabaga, turnips and beets, without giving up forest/garden berries.

Diseases and breed defects

Airedale Terriers stoically endure pain, which is why their owners need to be extremely attentive to the slightest sign ailments. True, the Airedales strong immunity, protecting them from many canine infections even in the absence of vaccinations.

The most common acquired diseases in the breed are:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • helminthic infestation (usually puppies become infected);
  • chronic inflammation of the liver (manifests itself through otitis media);
  • dermatitis, raw eczema and allergies.

Skin diseases, as a rule, indicate malfunctions of the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! According to the UK Kennel Club, published in 2004, the causes of death for Airedale Terriers were identified as cancer (39.5%), age-related (14%), urological (9%) and cardiovascular (6%) pathologies.

TO hereditary diseases breeds include:

  • corneal dystrophy, superficial chronic keratitis;
  • retinal atrophy and entropion of the eyelid;
  • dilated cardiomyopathy;
  • hip dysplasia,
  • hyperadrenocorticism;
  • cerebellar hypoplasia and hypothyroidism;
  • umbilical hernia, renal dysplasia, absence of 1 or 2 kidneys;
  • von Willebrand disease (rare).

Extend the dog's life, even if detected congenital ailments, proper lifelong therapy, nutrition and maintenance will help.

Education and training

Airedale Terriers quickly learn new knowledge and skills, and almost as quickly lose interest in them.. It is easy to train Airedales, but it is better to do it in the form of a game, using encouragement rather than punishment. An Erdel cannot be trained as harshly as a shepherd, so as not to get the opposite result.

This is interesting! For such large breed, as an Airedale Terrier, passing is recommended general course training (OKD) to easily control the dog in any situation.

We must remember that the Airedale (like all terriers) will run after small animals, bark a lot, notifying the owner, and constantly dig the ground, climbing into the center of the flowerbed. The Airedale enjoys being let off the leash, but should immediately follow your commands (especially in the city). Walk adult dog it takes a long time. The minimum your pet can expect is half an hour of exercise twice a day.

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