If there was protected contact with HIV. Probability of HIV infection. Swimming in pools and open water

IN Lately The immunodeficiency virus affects everything more people. And this is not surprising. After all, many lead an unhealthy lifestyle and a chaotic personal life. Frequent change partners, unprotected sexual intercourse lead to similar problems.

What is the likelihood of contracting HIV through unprotected sex?

It is important to carefully and carefully approach the choice of the other half. Otherwise, serious consequences cannot be avoided. As practice shows, there is a high probability of HIV infection with a single unprotected sex. This must be remembered in any situation and behave extremely carefully.

You can become infected in different ways. This mainly happens through:

  • Blood;
  • Mother's milk;
  • Sexual intercourse.

Any contact with a sick person is dangerous for a healthy person. Even if there is minor abrasions Infection may occur on the body. Based on statistics, this mainly occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. Especially if the mucous membrane on the genitals is inflamed, the uterus is eroded, or the woman is menstruating. At the same time, the risk of infection increases significantly. Contact with unfamiliar partner may have fatal consequences. After all, treat similar diseases very difficult.

The process of the virus entering the body of a healthy person is quite simple. It occurs due to the release of lymphocytes by tissues in large quantities. This substance helps the virus survive. As a result, the person himself becomes the source of the disease. Ten hours later he becomes a spreader of the virus.

It is difficult to diagnose the disease yourself. It manifests itself in the form of a common cold. Moreover, three months may pass after infection. A doctor will help determine the cause of the illness. He will prescribe a series of tests, the results of which can make a diagnosis. Moreover, they are carried out several times at certain intervals.

Another common way of contracting the virus is through an injection. Infection occurs through a needle. This situation observed mainly when administering drugs by infusion therapy.

Great risk for women

As practice shows, the likelihood of infection hiv women with one-time unprotected sex it is several times higher. Moreover, this has been proven by numerous studies conducted by scientists. This is explained physiological characteristics female body. Also, do not forget about the many factors that accompany this process. This includes various damages genital organs, specifically the vagina and uterus.

The most dangerous is erosion. Thanks to open injury microorganisms contained in male ejaculate enter both the mucous membrane of the organ and the blood itself. As a result, the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body. Moreover, the guarantee of infection is one hundred percent.

The period of menstruation for a woman is no less dangerous. Since semen contains large numbers of virus cells. Once in the vagina, they immediately mix with the blood. Thus, the possibility of infection increases several times.

On various forums you can find numerous reviews that it is unlikely that you will become infected through one-time unprotected sex. But this is fundamentally wrong. Having sexual contact with a carrier of the virus, the risk of getting sick is very high.

A woman is also susceptible to the virus if she already suffers from sexually transmitted diseases. Basically, she has a number of problems: ulcers, erosion on the genitals. Their presence indicates that you can become infected with HIV even through one single unprotected sexual intercourse. The immunity of such representatives of the fair sex is much weaker, and therefore is not resistant to various viruses.

Chances of getting infected in men

Everyone has a chance of contracting the virus. Men are no exception. Moreover, one time of sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection is enough for this. The only way to protect yourself is to have one hundred percent confidence in your partner. Thus, it is better to exclude casual relationships and give preference to a permanent partner.

If you compare representatives of the stronger sex with women, then the risk is less. But it is worth remembering that it increases with unprotected sexual intercourse. Contraception may not guarantee one hundred percent protection, but it still reduces the likelihood of infection. In addition, sex with a woman who is a carrier of the virus is dangerous during menstruation, during erosion, etc.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is not a protection against the disease. In this case, both the woman and the man can get sick. equally. This is explained by the fact that the secret fluid produced by the vagina contains an infection. It is also present in the sperm secreted by the male genital organ before orgasm. It follows that interrupted sex should not be considered as effective method protection from illness.

Dangerous types of sex

Today, not all couples prefer the traditional version of sex. Recently, other types of it have become very common. The probability of infection in the first case is high, but with other methods of intercourse it is no less.

First, let's look at anal sex. If it occurs without contraception, then the likelihood of infection is greater than with traditional sexual intercourse. And this is not surprising and is explained by the structural features of the anus. Its mucous membrane is covered with cracks and ulcers. The reason for their appearance is not sexual intercourse in this way, but poor nutrition, hemorrhoids, etc.

Sperm, which contains virus cells, quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Infection occurs within minutes. Therefore, the likelihood of HIV transmission anal sex high.

This type of relationship is typical for representatives of non-traditional orientations. This virus is especially popular among homosexuals. To become infected with the disease, one sexual act is enough.

If we talk about oral risk, it can also lead to transmission of the virus. But if you compare it with other types of sex, then the risk of infection is low. This process is facilitated by various damages that are located in oral cavity. There are many reasons for their occurrence. The main ones include:

  • Tooth extraction;
  • Gum diseases;
  • Injuries and stuff.

You can become infected with HIV in different ways. It is necessary not only to know about them, but also to take measures to exclude them. As practice shows, the lack of contraception during casual sexual contact leads to infection. Moreover, the patient himself may not suspect about the illness at first. Thus, become a spreader of the virus.


This virus quickly affects the entire body. As a result, the patient will soon notice changes in his well-being. It will get significantly worse. Basically, the first signs of the disease appear a few weeks after infection. Quite often the patient confuses them with common cold. Since the first symptoms are very similar to it. These include:

  • Subfebrile condition;
  • Sore throat;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes that are located in the armpits and groin.

These symptoms are characteristic of the first stage of the disease. After this he acquires new uniform. This is called the latent stage and can last for many months and in some cases years. It depends on the lifestyle the patient leads and the state of his immune system. During this period, a person begins to get sick often colds, wounds on the skin take a long time to heal and can rot.

To determine the cause feeling unwell, you need to consult a doctor.

A condom will help protect you from illness. But it is worth remembering that it does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection. Therefore, you should not give in to impulses of passion and have sexual relations with a casual acquaintance. It is better to give preference to a proven and reliable partner. Otherwise, even one time will be enough to catch a serious disease.

The likelihood of contracting HIV infection through various routes indicated in the article “ How is HIV infection transmitted?", is not the same. To assess the risk of HIV transmission, we will use percentages.

Almost 100% probability of contracting and developing HIV infection through transfusion of an infected donated blood and its components.

The probability of transmission of the virus from a pregnant woman to a child is about 30%. However, when modern level antiretroviral drugs and provided that the pregnant HIV-infected woman registers with the antenatal clinic on time, is observed by doctors and receives antiviral therapy, the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child will decrease by 3 times.

The most dangerous moment for a child is the moment of childbirth, since it is associated with trauma. birth canal mother and child tissues and blood. Preventive measures lead to the fact that at the time of birth there are no free viruses left in the woman’s blood that could enter the baby’s blood. This effective method prevention, which, I repeat, reduces the risk of infection of a newborn from 30% to 10%

At intravenous administration drugs together with an HIV-infected person, the probability of infection is about 30%

The risk of infection during unprotected heterosexual (vaginal) contact is 0.1%. Quite a low probability, isn't it? Only 1 in 1000 cases. I don't want you to assess this risk in exactly that way. Among my patients there are those who became infected through a single heterosexual contact with an HIV-infected person.

During homosexual (anal) contact with an HIV-infected person, the possibility of infection is 1% and this is 10 times more than with heterosexual (vaginal) contact. In both cases, the partner receiving the seminal fluid is at greater risk.

In emergency and traumatic situations, contact with the blood of an HIV-infected person can occur and the virus can enter the blood of a healthy person through wounds, cuts, and through mucous membranes. The probability of contracting an infection through such contact is from 0.03% to 0.3%.

When kissing, shaking hands, hugging, when being HIV-infected in the same room, when using a shared shower, toilet, swimming pool, through food, household items, or with blood-sucking insects, the risk of transmitting the virus is zero.

No one has studied the risks of infection from non-sterile instruments during tattooing, piercing, or when sharing a razor (possible cuts) and a toothbrush (possible wounds on the mucous membrane and bleeding gums) with an infected person. The probability of infection in these cases is low, but it exists.

I will dwell on one more point. At the very beginning of the disease, when antibodies are not yet detected in the blood, the concentration of the virus in the blood of the infected person is high and the risk of infection from him during this period increases. Also, patients with HIV infection at the AIDS stage become more infectious for the same reason because the virus content in the blood increases.

Based on statistics, we can say that men are infected with HIV more often than women. This is due to the profession, position and lifestyle to which representatives are exposed strong point throughout its entire existence.

What is the percentage of a man who gets HIV from a woman and vice versa?

The rate of HIV infection in men is much higher than in women. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics, they are more likely to inject drugs and have more casual sexual relationships. These two factors are the main causes of HIV in men. However, it is easier for a woman to become infected with a retrovirus from her partner due to anatomical features. This difference is justified by the fact that during sexual intercourse seminal fluid enters the vagina, while sperm containing the pathogen spread a huge number of viral units throughout the pelvis, which equates the risk of infection to 100%.

What is the likelihood of contracting HIV in men?

Transmission of a retrovirus is possible through any contact with an environment that may contain a pathogen. Of course, there are situations with more high probability infection, and there are times when the risk is practically zero.

Life situations with a high probability of infection through sexual contact with infected person om:

Transmission of HIV from woman to man: risk at home

Everyday and medical situations in which there is a small chance of contracting immunodeficiency:

Can a man get HIV from a man by sharing household items?

The likelihood of becoming infected with HIV in men similar situation is equal to zero, since the virus is on the surface skin is not located, and for its penetration an entrance gate is needed - injuries, wounds. Infection when using cutlery alone for eating food is also impossible. Although it is believed that saliva retains the virus for some time, such a transmission mechanism has not been confirmed scientific research. It is also worth noting that the likelihood of HIV transmission from a woman to a man through kissing is minimal. Theoretically, this is only possible if both partners have significant damage to the oral mucous membranes.

The rate at which the infection progresses and subsequent therapy depends on how a man becomes infected with HIV. Therefore, you should not neglect prevention and periodic testing for immunodeficiency.

HIV infection is quite difficult to contract, but at the same time, people can become HIV positive even after a single exposure to the virus.

The risk of transmitting HIV infection depends on the amount of viruses contained in the biological fluid of an HIV-infected person with whom he comes into contact healthy man. The concentration of the virus is not the same in different periods development of infection and different liquids human body - the source of HIV infection.

Biological fluids in which the virus is contained in maximum concentration (or concentration sufficient for infection):

− Blood;
− Sperm;
− Vaginal, vaginal secretion;
− Breast milk;
Cerebrospinal fluid, contact with which can only occur in extreme cases, for example, with spinal injuries with leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.

Biological fluids that contain the virus in low concentrations and do not pose a danger in terms of infection:

− Urine;
− Tears;
− Saliva;
− Sputum;

A person becomes infected with a virus when they enter biological fluids containing HIV in maximum concentration, into the bloodstream or onto the mucous membrane.

Natural and artificial transmission routes

HIV infection can be transmitted both naturally and artificially.

Natural routes of transmission of HIV include:

− Contact, which occurs primarily during sexual intercourse (both homo- and heterosexual) and when the mucous or wound surface comes into contact with blood.
− Vertical - infection of a child from an HIV-infected mother: during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Artificial routes of HIV transmission include:

− Artificial - for non-medical invasive procedures, including intravenous drug administration; when applying tattoos; when performing cosmetic, manicure and pedicure procedures using non-sterile instruments.
− Artificial - for medical invasive interventions in medical institutions. HIV infection can occur through transfusion of blood, its components, organ and tissue transplantation, use of donor sperm, breast milk from an HIV-infected donor, as well as through medical instruments for parenteral interventions, products medical purposes, contaminated with HIV and not processed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

HIV is not transmitted

HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets, water, personal contact, through the use of shared utensils, the same toilet, transport, when visiting school, during sports games, swimming in the pool, shaking hands, hugging, kissing.

Blood-sucking insects and arthropods (mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice, ticks) do not participate in the transmission of the virus.

Possibility of HIV transmission

Possibility of HIV transmission in various ways is not the same, literature data on the risk of HIV infection through various contacts are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Possibility of HIV transmission
Transmission path Probability of transmission

HIV infections, %

From man to woman with unprotected vaginal intercourse 0,01–0,2
From woman to man with unprotected vaginal intercourse 0,003–0,01
From man to man with unprotected anal intercourse 0,03–0,5
Vertical transmission from mother to child 13–50
Injected with an HIV-contaminated needle 0,03–0,3
When using non-sterile equipment for injecting drugs 1–70
When transfusing infected blood products 80–100

The greatest risk of HIV infection occurs when damaged skin comes into contact with HIV-infected blood. There is almost a 100 percent chance of contracting HIV through transfusion of an infected HIV blood, blood components and organ and tissue transplantation. Transmission of HIV infection around the world is also recorded through the use of donor sperm and breast milk. In the Perm region, only 1 case of HIV infection was registered through the transfusion of blood components in 2001.

Another option for transmitting HIV infection artificially is infection through drug use with non-sterile equipment. This is the most common route of HIV transmission worldwide. Data on the likelihood of contracting HIV vary widely (from less than 1% to 70%). This is due to the presence of various drug use practices that are risky for HIV transmission: sharing needles, syringes or containers for drug use.

TO natural ways transmission of HIV infection includes sexual intercourse through homo and heterosexual contacts and transmission of HIV infection from mother to child. When it comes to sexual intercourse, the riskiest ones are unprotected anal intercourse. The lowest risk of infection occurs during vaginal sexual intercourse between an uninfected man and an HIV-infected woman.

Condoms effectively protect against HIV infection through sexual contact. The risk of HIV infection can only arise if they are damaged, torn or misused.

The risk of transmission of HIV infection from mother to child using modern highly active chemoprophylaxis regimens can be reduced to 2% or less. In their absence, up to 45% of children become infected.

To understand the likelihood of contracting HIV with a single unprotected contact, it is necessary to understand how human viral immunodeficiency is transmitted and how it is not transmitted. You should know that there are three main ways of transmitting HIV.

Firstly, through blood. This can happen during transfusion therapy, when administering drugs or drugs with a syringe used by a sick person. Also, upon contact of the wound surface, infection occurs in 100% of cases.

Secondly, the sexual route of infection. This method is the most common. The likelihood of contracting HIV from a single unprotected contact depends on many factors. Using a condom greatly minimizes the risk of transmission. According to the study, it became known that the virus can leak through latex. The risk increases if thin, low-quality products are used.

It is also important to know that a woman risks 3 times more than a man, since the suction surface of the vagina is larger than that of the penis. The risk increases when sperm enters the vagina, in the presence of trauma (including cervical erosion), during menstrual bleeding, or in the presence of a concomitant sexually transmitted disease.

Oral sexual contact can lead to infection if there is a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa or seminal fluid gets into the mouth.

Anal sex is the most dangerous option, as it is almost always associated with the formation of microcracks in the anus and rectum. Therefore, the likelihood of contracting HIV even with one such unprotected contact is very high.

Thirdly, during pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, if the infected mother receives appropriate treatment and is under constant medical supervision, the risk of infection of the baby is reduced to 1%. In 20 cases out of 100, transmission of the virus from mother to child occurs during lactation, so in the case positive analysis, artificial feeding is recommended.

According to average statistical data in percentage The picture of how HIV spreads looks like this:

  • Infection during sexual intercourse is 70-80%.
  • Infection among injection drug users is 5-10%.
  • From a sick mother during pregnancy and lactation 5-10%.
  • During blood transfusion 3-5%.
  • Healthcare facility staff in contact with patients 0.01%.


On the forum you can find information that causes reassurance that one episode of vaginal intercourse does not lead to infection. This is a rather dangerous myth.

The chance of contracting HIV with one unprotected contact is the same as with several. It all depends not on the frequency, but on the type of sex, gender and the presence of aggravating factors. For example, the entry of infected sperm into the vagina during menstruation significantly increases the risks. Therefore, the use of a condom is mandatory, and in the case of unprotected casual sex, post-exposure prophylaxis and consultation with a specialist are necessary.

The risk of HIV infection and factors that increase this likelihood

The risk of contracting HIV depends on many factors, most notably the route of transmission. Lowest chance of infection medical workers(less than 0.01%). If all safety rules are followed, even direct contact with patients does not pose a potential threat.

The largest percentage of infections occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. Moreover, a woman is exposed to danger 3 times more than her partner. This is due to physiological characteristics, since through the surface of the vagina it enters the body along with sperm. a large number of viruses. The risk of HIV infection increases during defloration, in the presence of microtraumas on the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, as well as the presence of cervical erosion. The possibility of the virus entering the body increases significantly when concomitant diseases PPP, since these ailments cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, ulcers and other damage.

A huge number of lymphocytes are released into the tissue, including T-4, which are a target for immunodeficiency viruses. After contact with an HIV-infected person, within 10 hours a person becomes a source and distributor of viruses. Diagnosis becomes effective at least three months after suspicious contact; repeated tests must be taken 6 and 12 months after it. The second highest risk of contracting AIDS or HIV infection is getting an injection from a contaminated needle. This usually happens during infusion therapy or during drug administration.

The likelihood of contracting HIV in men through traditional sexual intercourse is several times lower than in women. If infection does occur, then a few weeks after the virus enters the body, a deterioration in well-being is observed, which resembles the symptoms of a cold.

Low-grade fever appears, painful sensations and sore throat, enlargement and inflammation of the groin and axillary lymph nodes. The infection then goes into a latent stage for several months or years. Duration of this period depends on lifestyle and condition immune system sick. During the latent stage, acute respiratory infections may become more frequent and worsen fungal infections, fester and do not heal for a long time minor damage skin. Such signs should be a reason to consult a doctor.

The first signs of the disease in women:

  1. Causeless sharp increase temperatures up to 40 degrees, which do not go down for a week or more.
  2. Headache, asthenia, excessive sweating, lymphopathy.
  3. Decreased or lack of appetite, dyspepsia.
  4. Violation menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation, profuse mucous vaginal discharge.

Despite the fact that the likelihood of contracting HIV infection in men is slightly lower than in women, both should remember the methods of preventing this dangerous illness. Routine pharmacoprophylaxis is recommended for persons with negative HIV status but associated with increased risk infections (homosexuals who do not have a regular partner; sex workers).

Prevention is aimed at preventing the development HIV infection and represents daily use antiviral drugs. To increase efficiency, the method should be used in combination with condoms. For this purpose, combinations of 2 or 3 antiviral agents, namely fusion, reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors.

Emergency prophylaxis is a short course of using antiviral drugs after unprotected sexual contact with an HIV-infected person or if such is suspected, as well as contact with contaminated blood, seminal fluid or medical instruments. Prevention must begin within 12 hours after sexual intercourse. A delay of 24 hours is allowed, but not later than 72 hours. The minimum preventive course is 28 days.

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