Characteristics of the Shih Tzu breed. Typical diseases and vaccinations of the Shih Tzu breed Shih Tzu dog liver problems

When buying a small dog, people try to choose the most beautiful and healthy puppy, but more often than not they have a very superficial idea of ​​what kind of health problems a dog of a particular breed may face in the future.

If your choice is the majestic beauty Shih Tzu, then we can congratulate you. This breed is quite strong, with good immunity. But this does not mean at all that chrysanthemum dogs do not suffer from anything serious. It’s just that their risk of developing certain ailments is much lower than, for example, Yorkshire Terriers and, with proper care and proper nutrition, the pet can live a long and full life without frequent visits to the veterinarian.

And yet, there are some Shih Tzu diseases that these charming creatures are more prone to than other breeds, due to the specifics of their anatomy and exterior. These include problems with the eyes, teeth, skin, ears, less often with the spine, and in old age with the heart.

It's all because of the short muzzle

The flat, doll-like face of a Shih Tzu, - hallmark and peculiar business card breeds And she became like this because of the specific structure of the skull and short jaws. And it is this feature, on the one hand, that gives the dog a unique charm and charm, and on the other hand, it provokes the occurrence of a variety of eye diseases and early loss pet's teeth

Shih Tzu illnesses often occur due to injury or inflammation eyeball, which in some cases can even lead to its loss. And here you need to urgently run to the veterinarian. However, most often, eye ailments of the Shih Tzu are manifested by profuse tearing and redness of the whites of the eyes.

Daily inspection and proper care – best prevention problems with your pet's eyes. Experienced breeders recommend wiping Shih Tzu eyes only with special lotions, and at the first symptoms of inflammation, using special ophthalmic ointments and drops. Well, to avoid injuries and dislocations of the eyeball, do not let the dog fight, and also avoid strong jerks on the leash.

It’s not common, but it still happens that Shih Tzus suffer from hereditary eye diseases. These include: cataracts, entropion and eversion of the eyelid, retinal detachment and atrophy, aberrant eyelashes , keratoconjunctivitis, etc. In this case, all your efforts and the most careful care will not yield any results, which, in fact, is the first indicator of the seriousness of the problem.

Tartar, paradontosis and tooth loss (usually incisors) are another problem for short-faced dogs. Therefore, it is very important from the very early age teach the puppy to calmly examine his mouth and brush his teeth. Well, tartar (if it does appear) must be regularly removed at the veterinary clinic.

Due to long hair

The luxurious fur of the Shih Tzu is another potential threat to a dog's health. True, it only becomes like this if the owners neglect the rules of caring for it. And yet, some Shih Tzu diseases develop precisely because they were not seen in time under a thick “fur coat.”

Firstly, these are minor wounds on the skin. In hot weather and under dirty fur, they can easily become inflamed and turn into an abscess ( purulent inflammation fabrics). And here it’s impossible without a veterinarian.

The second point is the dog's ears. The thick fur inside the ear is an ideal breeding ground for the most different bacteria And ear mites. And if your Shih Tzu begins to shake its head frequently or rubs its ears against furniture and the floor, it means that it has already developed some kind of ear disease. But all that was needed was to remove dirt and excess hair from the ear in a timely manner. Such simple but regular prevention is guaranteed to protect your pet from ear problems.

Irregular brushing of your Shih Tzu can cause problems such as swallowing balls of matted hair while licking. Dogs are not cats and will not specifically clean themselves with their fur, and vomiting after such a “meal” is not at all the norm for them. In addition, sometimes hairballs can get into the Airways dog and lead to suffocation.

And, of course, it’s not so easy to see fleas and ticks in a Shih Tzu’s thick coat. The latter are especially dangerous. Therefore, make it a rule to regularly and carefully examine your dog’s skin, and during periods of tick activity, do this after every walk.

What if your Shih Tzu itches often?

When a dog itches a lot and often, the first thing that comes to the owner’s mind is the presence of fleas. Yes, flea bites are itchy, but their presence on your pet is very easy to detect. Firstly, by finding the flea itself, and secondly, by looking at the characteristic, slightly inflamed, bite points on the skin.

In addition, your Shih Tzu may be constantly itching due to an unbalanced diet. For example, if there is an excess of protein or fat in the menu, incorrectly selected or low-quality food, allergies to certain grains.

Other health problems

Another Shih Tzu breed ailment can be spinal injuries. And all because of some elongation of the body and short legs. In this regard, try to minimize all your pet jumping from heights, especially for puppies and older dogs.

After 8-10 years, chrysanthemum dogs sometimes develop heart problems. Characteristic symptoms in this case, rapid breathing, drowsiness, fast fatiguability, as well as a hard cough. A timely visit to a specialist, conservative treatment and a special diet will help you cope with the disease.

Shih Tzu diseases, of course, are not limited to the above list. Like all other dogs, they can experience digestive problems, liver problems, or kidney stones. They are not immune from fungal infections and the possibility of contracting serious infectious diseases.

And no matter how healthy and cheerful the puppy is, the future condition of the dog depends on your attention and provision of all the animal’s needs. Timely vaccination and parasite prevention, proper nutrition, hygiene and regular grooming are the main components of perfect Shih Tzu health.

You can hear about her: chrysanthemum dog, little lion, the furriest dog, the emperor's favorite. And all this is about one breed – Shih Tzu! Of course, all the names sound beautiful... But you don’t need to pay much attention to them when you choose a dog. You choose your friend, not your decoration. When planning to have a new family member, you need to find out everything about him in advance in order to avoid problems in the future.

Complicated story

The origin of this breed is a truly complicated story. There is still no consensus on where the breed came from and who its closest relatives are. There are several assumptions about this.

The first version says that Shih Tzus appeared in Europe. They were used as herding, hunting and watch dogs. Around the 7th century, the breed was transported to Asia.

The second version insists that the breed was bred in Tibet. This breed attracted the Dalai Lama, who went everywhere with the dog. According to legend, this dog could turn into a lion to protect its owner. The Dalai Lama gave several Shih Tzu dogs to the Chinese Emperor. In China, only the emperor could breed and keep these dogs, so they became a symbol of power.

INTERESTING! The analysis showed that the DNA of the Shih Tzu is most similar to that of the wolf.

Description of the breed with photos

On the RKF website, this breed belongs to the group of decorative and companion breeds, as well as Tibetan breeds.


Adult dog

The choice of dog breed largely depends on size. The Shih Tzu will delight those who love small dogs. Height at withers no more than 27 cm. Required condition according to proportions for Shih Tzu: the distance between the withers and the tail is greater than the height of the dog at the withers.

How much does it weigh? To carry such a dog in your arms, no special physical training is required, because... The weight of an adult dog is from 4.5 to 7.5 kg (this is the ideal weight, large specimens reach a weight of 8 kg).

Puppy by month: to what age do they grow?

When puppies are born their weight is 150-220 g, after two weeks it already ranges from 300 to 400 g. Next by month:

ATTENTION! If you are offered mini shih tzu, so-called dwarf, think about it! Small height and weight are a genetic defect of the dog and a discrepancy with the breed. According to the RKF, there is no such “mini” breed separately. Mating of two Shih Tzus that are small in weight and size is not recommended.

Mini version in the photo on the right


The second thing to pay attention to is color. This is where the Shih Tzu breed has an advantage due to its wide variety of colors.

According to RKF good dog must correspond to the next standard this breed:


Round, wide, large. Covered with fur, the fur grows upward, there is a mustache and a beard. Because of this, it looks similar to a chrysanthemum flower. Widely spaced eyes are located on the head. But at the same time, the flowing hair does not interfere with the dog’s vision.


Straight or slightly upturned. Color black or cinnamon. The nostrils are wide and open.


large, round, widely spaced. When positioned correctly, the whites of the eyes are not visible.


About 2.5 cm long, flat, wide, square, covered with wool.


The jaws are wide according to the muzzle. The bite is either straight or there is a slight undershot.


Hanging, long. Due to the fact that they are covered with long hair, they blend in with the hair on the neck.


Curved and proportional. Thanks to this neck position, it seems that the dog is holding his head proudly.


Straight back and wide chest.


Located high on the back. Covered with long hair. Throw it on your back and highest point the bend is located at the same height as the skull.


Strong, round, heavily covered with hair, short and muscular.

Lifespan: how many years do they live?

For us, dogs are a part of our life, and for a dog, a person is their whole life. When you think about it, you immediately start searching and reading how long your pet will live. So how long can a dog live at home? Shih Tzu can live up to 18-20 years old. This is the most long duration life among breeds.

But no one guarantees you that they will live 20 years, because... it depends on many factors: living conditions, nutrition, genetic predisposition and etc.


When purchasing a Shih Tzu puppy, be prepared to face some problems that are caused by the structure of the body.


The eyes are large, so you should pay special attention to caring for them at home. Dust and fur get into the eyes, causing increased lacrimation, so-called "eyes are running." If your pet's eyes are watery, you need to wipe them with cotton swabs. Sometimes a special lotion is used for wiping.

Owners tie and decorate the fur on the top of the head not only for beauty, but also to prevent it from getting into the eyes and causing irritation.

Eye loss

You may also encounter proptosis, i.e. eye loss. This dangerous condition when the eyes seem to fall out of their sockets, it can even lead to blindness. Let's look at this disease in more detail.

Why does this breed have eyes that fall out?

  • This can happen due to a traumatic brain injury or severe bruise.
  • From birth, a puppy may have underdeveloped eye orbits, which increases the risk of developing proptosis.
  • Worsening of the swelling of the eyes after allergies, dirt or dust, or being outside for a long time in hot weather.

ATTENTION! Even pressure on the neck can lead to this problem. This can only be prevented by using a harness, not a leash.

big> Signs

  • the eyeball begins to crawl out of the orbit;
  • redness of the white;
  • The dog often scratches its eye.

Look at the photo of what it looks like when a dog’s eye falls out:

Eye loss in photo

First aid

If this happens, immediately contact the nearest veterinary clinic. The swelling will develop quickly and before getting to the clinic, you can lubricate the eye around the circumference with any eye ointment. Moisten warm water a sterile bandage and place it on the eye (but do not press on the eye!). You can give a countercurrent agent if you have it in your first aid kit.


The result depends on the severity of the disease. The disease can only be treated surgically. The eye is either replaced or removed. Even if the eye is preserved, the consequences can be: headaches, blindness, blurred vision, strabismus.

So, if God forbid, your eyes fall out, we go to the doctor, alas, there is no video!

Problems with teeth and ears

  1. Development periodontitis– this is the most common problem. Brushing your teeth starting in puppyhood will help prevent it. You can clean with soda or tooth powder mixed with a few drops lemon juice.
  2. The ears are drooping and pressed to the head. Consequently, there is no access to air and ventilation. This may lead to otitis media. Shih Tzus often have hair removed from their ears to avoid unnecessary problems. The only remedy in this case - maintaining hygiene and careful care of the ears, cleaning them. Before this procedure, you can instill special drops or use hydrogen peroxide. How to make this a pleasant procedure for your pet, read here:


This name refers to all mobility impairments. pelvic limbs(that's what they're called correctly) hind legs dogs). Actually, disc diseases are very common in dogs of those breeds that are prone to chondrodystrophy - these are terriers, Shihtz, poodles, dachshunds, Pekingese.

It is important to take this into account at the very first signs - even with mild pain syndrome and the slightest movement disturbances in the paws - consult a doctor!

Prices: how much does it cost

Why do people buy purebred puppies? The price and cost of puppies depends on the purpose of acquisition and the purity of the dog’s breed. There are three groups of owners and it will depend on them how much a puppy of this dog breed costs:

  1. take a dog for themselves or family, because... they liked the appearance or character of the breed. For such people, documents are not important and there is no need for a stigma. The prices for such puppies are lower, but there is no guarantee that you will get a healthy puppy that matches the breed. The price varies from 8 to 10 thousand rubles.
  2. they take a dog for themselves or their family, but want to be sure that the puppy is healthy and has a pedigree. The price is already higher. A puppy with documents costs up to 15 thousand rubles.
  3. taken from professional interests for breeding and exhibitions. Here the price range is from 30 to 200 thousand rubles.


In the second and third cases, you should contact nurseries that specialize in breeding Shih Tzu. For example,

  1. TI AI SHI or Moscow
  2. LegendaPleskova or St. Petersburg
  3. advertisements for the sale of puppies from nurseries can be found in the group
  4. pay attention to the website, where there are many addresses of nurseries throughout Russia.

Characteristics: pros and cons

Let's discuss the pros and cons of detailed description breeds:

  1. Due to the high carriage of the head and tail, the dogs look proud and mannered. Shitzus are proud not only on the outside, but also on the inside! Remember the narcissistic character inherited from your ancestors, after all, the imperial dog! Loves attention and respect.
  2. This baby will not tolerate disdain, so It is not recommended to adopt this breed if you have small children at home. They treat older children well, because... The dogs are very active and love to play.
  3. According to RKF standards, dogs are attentive, intelligent, friendly, and active. But despite all this independent. Cowardly and aggressive dogs are disqualified.
  4. In the family they do not choose a favorite. A big plus of the Shih Tzu is that they treat and become attached to all family members equally.
  5. If you do not have time to communicate with your pet, then it is better not to adopt a Shih Tzu. They love communication and attention, and if they are left at home alone, they are very bored.
  6. Cats in the house are treated neutrally, and they do not show aggression towards any other pets.
  7. These dogs are well suited for older people, it’s not for nothing that they were included in the RKF group companion dogs. They will always be nearby, carefully observing the mood of the owner. If they notice that the owner is sad, they will try to cheer him up. Many dogs can walk on their hind legs.
  8. At all dogs are people oriented People are more interesting to them than other dogs.
  9. They react to human speech and are smart. Well trained, because have a good memory.
  10. Of course, the defenders of these small creatures, due to their size, are so-so; many specimens rarely even bark. However, they also meet loudly barking puppies, which will signal any attack on your home. If the genetic memory of a shepherd dog has awakened, then they can start barking and biting their household members on the legs. All this can be easily fixed if you not only take care of the puppy, but also educate him.

Training and education

To obtain an obedient and well-mannered pet, it is important to train him from an early age. Yes, the Shih Tzu has a complex character, but if training is turned into a game, he will easily learn all the required commands. If you cannot cope with the character of your pet, it is better to contact specialists in this breed.

Under no circumstances should you shout, try to break the psyche or hit the dog during training!

Conditions of detention

Shih Tzus are small but very active creatures. Despite this, they are ideal for city residents, because... do not require long walks. In general, they can even be trained to use a tray or a sanitary diaper. These dogs are also good for apartments because they are very clean and odorless.

Be sure to organize a place for your pet. Nowadays there is a large selection of pillows and houses in stores. The rule for all households should be the following: if the dog has gone to its place, then it must not be touched!

Many are also concerned about the issue of shedding when kept in city apartments.


Proper care and maintenance is the key to the beauty and health of your Shih Tzu.

Wool: does it shed or not?

Long-haired dogs have more problems with grooming, so keep this in mind when getting a Shih Tzu. They believe that these dogs do not shed - but this is not true! It is necessary to comb the coat every day, observing the following rules:

  • combing time is at least half an hour;
  • Dry fur should not be combed. It is pre-sprayed with water or conditioner;
  • for combing, you need two combs: with wide teeth (use this tool first) and a massage comb (completes the procedure);
  • if there are tangles on the wool, they are cut off;
  • Before the exhibition, the coat is trimmed by professional groomers.

All these rules must be followed by breeders if they exhibit dogs at shows. If it's yours a pet and you don’t have half an hour every day, then you can get a haircut.

Haircuts and hairstyles

Dog owners can cut their pet's hair themselves, after washing and combing it. For convenience, the dog is placed on a table covered with a non-slip coating. It should be trimmed once a month. You can cut your pet's hair from the age of four months.

List of haircut types with photos:

Mini Teddy Bear Haircut: the body and paws are trimmed, leaving the hair the same length, approximately 5-7 cm, the hair on the tail and head is trimmed, but the muzzle is trimmed so that a round muzzle is obtained.

Korean haircut: the body is cut short, long hair is left on the paws, and the hair on the head and ears is cut evenly, as in a bob cut.

Personally, we also liked this style, we called it “pure madness” 😉

How to cut your Shih Tzu at home: a useful video about haircuts

Wash your Shih Tzu at least once a month. Use special shampoos and conditioners. The water temperature for swimming is approximately 39 degrees. After bathing, it is recommended to dry the coat with a hairdryer.

Nutrition: what to feed an adult

When a puppy is small, he is fed up to 6 times a day, then this amount decreases with age and after a year adult dog can be fed 2-3 times a day. What and how much do they eat?

There are two nutritional plans: balanced feed or feeding with natural products.

Considering the tendency of this breed to become obese, many choose ready-made food, especially since there is now a huge selection on the market of premium and super premium dry food for small breed dogs. For example, many breeders recommend food Purina.

You can feed dry and raw food. But it is better to choose canned food from the same company as dry food. These foods take into account all the needs of the dog’s body. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates and vitamins are balanced specifically for such dogs.

Some owners fundamentally refuse dry food and choose natural nutrition. The rules are as follows:

Vaccination schedule

Puppy vaccination schedule:


a drug

from 1.5 to 2 months

nobi-vak DHP+L

in 10-14 days

nobi-vak DHPPi+RL

from 6 to 7 months

4 and all subsequent ones

in a year

nobi-vak DHPPi+R+L+rabies vaccine

ATTENTION! 1) 10 days before vaccination, the dog is given an anti-worm medication; 2) vaccination is done only healthy dog; 3) after the first vaccination, the puppy cannot be walked outside; after the second, walking is allowed after 2 weeks.

Nicknames for boys and girls: what to call

If a puppy has a pedigree and is taken from a kennel, then the official nickname is given in the kennel by the breeder and this choice is subject to the rules of the RKF. This nickname cannot be changed. All nicknames are registered, and the nickname can be used in the nursery once every 30 years. In one litter, all puppies' yens begin with the same letter.

Many owners then come up with a “pet” nickname for their pet. They shorten the official nickname or select a completely new one. Some focus on the meaning of the word, some name the dog after someone, and many simply choose the name they like. In any case, this name should be short, simple and euphonious.

  • Popular names for boys: Archie, Chucky, Barney, Spikey, Bucks, Dobie, Gray, Umka, Tim, Smile, Jacques, Toby, Scooby, Messi, Troy.
  • For girls: Bonya, Molly, Cassie, Laima, Vesta, Bessie, Beauty, Keri, Alba, Moska, Chelsea, Adele, Masya, Fanny, Lucky.

Estrus and mating

When getting a female dog, be prepared for the fact that she will go into heat for the first time between 6 months and 9 months. Then estrus 2 times a year, i.e. next one in six months. During estrus, do not let the dog off the leash during walks, because the dog may be prone to escape.

The best period for mating a Shih Tzu is after the second heat, but up to 7 years. The dog is ready for mating between 2 and 16 days from the day of the first discharge. In general, these numbers are very approximate and professional breeders resort to tests (for example, smear or hormone analysis) to determine a specific period.

Comparison with other breeds

Let's look at dog breeds that are similar to this one. Shitzu, Maltese or Bichon Frize? Yorkie or Shih Tzu, who is better?

Shihzu and Bichon mix

The Maltese dog sinned with the Shih Tzu and this is the result
Maltese purebred

Just look at the photo of a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Yorkie -

Mixed Yorkie with Shitzu

shih tzu

Yorkshire Terrier

bichon frize



companion dog

companion dog

companion dog

companions and toi


only steel, golden color

only white

only white

dimensions and weight

no more than 27 cm

4.5-7.5 kg

no more than 23 cm

about 5 kg


long, straight or slightly wavy with good undercoat.

moderately long, only straight, without undercoat.

The long hair on the head is gathered into a ponytail.

curls tightly adjacent to each other form a dense coat, the undercoat is soft and dense

long, glossy, straight without waves, no undercoat

set high on the back and curved over the back, covered with long hair

the tail can be docked; if the tail is left, it is straight and covered with long hair

tail below the back line, raised up in line with the back

thick at the base, thin at the tip, located at the level of the croup, curved,


smart, attentive, active, friendly, independent

smart, attentive, brave, balanced



very attached to the owners

smart, active, loyal, gentle

Other differences

of all the compared breeds, the calmest in terms of activity on the street and at home,

the biggest

the smallest and does not shed

Less trainable, but gets along better with children

good watchman

The Shih Tzu is a small dog with a toy appearance, but despite this, representatives of this breed have good health and excellent immunity. They are the real long-livers of the canine world and live on average 15-17 years, remaining active for a long time.

With proper nutrition and good care, Shih Tzus are healthy, although there are diseases to which representatives of this breed are more susceptible. Due to their short muzzle, Shih Tzus can begin to lose their incisors early. Teeth loss may be accompanied by pain: the dog will begin to rub its head on the floor and refuse to eat. A tumor may appear in the mouth. To prevent dental problems, you need to monitor their occurrence and remove it in time.

From minor wounds In thick fur, an abscess can develop unnoticed, especially in hot weather. This is a very painful growth and may require the help of a veterinarian to open it. Abscesses can occur anywhere on a dog's body.

Ear diseases in Shih Tzus are likely due to the fact that they become overgrown with hair and become a favorable environment for the accumulation of excess wax. Untimely care can result in the appearance of ulcers. The dog constantly shakes his head. Therefore, the animal’s ears need to be carefully monitored and cleaned regularly. As a dog gets older, it may experience partial or complete deafness.

Often, Shih Tzus, while grooming themselves, swallow clumps of their luxurious fur. This may result in vomiting or choking. Therefore, it is important to brush your dog regularly.

Due to the peculiarities in the structure of the skull for the Shih Tzu, eye damage becomes a real problem. These problems manifest themselves constant allocation tears. You need to carefully examine your eyes, and if there are no obvious signs of damage, you can use regular eye ointment. In more serious cases, you should consult a specialist.

Symptoms of some Shih Tzu diseases

If your Shih Tzu rubs his butt on the floor or ground, this may be a sign that his anal glands need to be emptied.

Older Shih Tzus often have weak hearts. The dog often sleeps, coughs, and its breathing quickens. Timely contact a veterinarian proper diet and treatment will help cope with this problem.

If your dog has yellowed whites of his eyes and mucous membranes in his mouth, this may indicate liver disease. In parallel, loss of appetite, constipation, and the release of heavily colored urine may be observed. In such cases, an urgent examination by a specialist and prescription of treatment is necessary.

Shih Tzu dogs also have: inguinal hernia, renal failure, fungi, cataracts, urolithiasis disease, atopy, defect interventricular septum, distichiasis (extra eyelashes), entropion (entropion).

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Shih Tzu - ancient breed dogs, which are also called little lions and Chinese chrysanthemums. They are amazingly beautiful and have high intelligence. Luxurious appearance, strength of character and awareness of their own greatness make Shih Tzus royal, or rather, imperial, of the dog world.

History of the origin of the breed

According to one version, Tibet is considered the birthplace of the breed. There is a story that in the middle of the 17th century, the Dalai Lama made an offering to the Chinese emperor in the form of dogs of rare beauty. The ruler of the Celestial Empire appreciated this - the animals made an indelible impression on him. The “gift” was settled in the imperial palace, and the breed was named Shih Tzu and declared the property of the ruling family. This meant that no mortal had the right to receive a wonderful dog except by the will or from the hands of the emperor himself. Those who dared to break the sacred rule faced the death penalty.

Show Shih Tzus have imperial grandeur

According to another version, the Shih Tzu is a European dog, since it was brought to Tibet in the first half of the 7th century from Byzantium. The breed returned to Europe in the 30s of the last century along with the Norwegian ambassador to China, who was lucky enough to receive an expensive puppy as a gift. With great difficulty, the diplomat managed to acquire two more animals. Upon returning to Norway, he began breeding Shih Tzus in earnest.

The first breed club was formed in Great Britain in 1933, and the first version of the standard was developed and described only 15 years later. There are different hypotheses about the ancestors of the chrysanthemum dog. According to one of them, animals with the characteristics of a Shih Tzu appeared as a result of crossing Pekingese and representatives of the Lhasa Apso breed. To date, the origin of the Chinese mini-lion has not been established with certainty, however, the fact that the breed appeared a very long time ago is beyond doubt.

Description and breed standard

The Shih Tzu is a small dog with smooth hair, the length of which exceeds the size of the animal's body. The undercoat is well developed, and its tuft on the head resembles a chrysanthemum flower.

The parameters of a dog's correct physique are as follows:

  • height at withers 25–28 cm, adult weight 4.5–8 kg;
  • The body is rectangular in shape, strong build. The back is straight, the croup muscles are well developed;
  • the head is round in shape, with wide-set eyes, the color of which depends on the color of the coat. A lush mustache and beard stand out on the square muzzle. The ears are wide and drooping;
  • the tail, densely covered with hair, is set high and curled towards the back;
  • paws are short, strong and strong;
  • overbite - straight or tight underbite.

American breeders strive to obtain dogs with a shorter body and high legs, the priority is to obtain show-class dogs. They are elegant, tall on their legs, have pronounced angles and long necks.

The breed standard allows for a variety of coat colors, including:

  • white in combination with red, gold, black and shades of blue;
  • black and black and tan;
  • cream;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • blue and even brindle.

Coat color can be white with shades of black

It is noteworthy that chrysanthemums do not shed, but lose hair only when combed.


Those who meet a Shih Tzu for the first time will be surprised by the character and mannered behavior of the dog. She demonstrates theatrical arrogance and distrust of strangers, and shows her love and affection to her owners in every possible way.

The dog has a hard time with indifference towards his own person. Chrysanthemum loves to be the center of attention. However, in pursuit of a moment of fame, she is unlikely to allow herself to cross the rules of decency and become intrusive. When the owner is busy, the dog is ready to wait a long time, but such kindness must certainly be rewarded with a treat, fun games, or at least a friendly stroking - the Shih Tzu loves to sit on the owner’s lap.

According to statistics, many people choose the Shih Tzu as a pet.

Chrysanthemum loves itself very much, and owners will have to respect the dog's narcissism. At the same time, the animal is attached to people, equally adoring all family members. With proper upbringing, the Chinese mini-lion will grow up to be an excellent companion with an even and easy-going character. In return, he will demand love and respect for himself.

Dogs of this breed love to sleep in their master's beds.

The Shih Tzu calmly coexists with other animals, even agreeing to the presence of cats in the house. But he is wary of children, as he does not tolerate careless treatment of himself. At the same time, the dog will never offend a child if he does not frighten or hurt her. Still, you should think carefully before bringing a Chinese mini-lion into a family with kids.

Shih Tzus are extremely cheerful and inquisitive as puppies. With age, apathy and laziness appear, the dog becomes calm and imposing, which can be considered as an advantage when the dog’s owners are elderly people. At the same time, chrysanthemum cannot be called boring. She perfectly senses a person’s mood and is always ready to give him a bouquet of joy and positivity.

For those who dream of a furry guard, the Shih Tzu is not suitable, because she is a dog for the soul.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include:

  • unusual exterior and compact size of the animal;
  • the ability to dress up the dog and do its hair;

Hairstyles can be done independently or at a grooming salon.

  • moderate temperament and high cleanliness;
  • flexible disposition, with a touch of worldly wisdom;
  • learning and training abilities.

Dog experts consider the following disadvantages of the Shih Tzu:

  • lack of security qualities;
  • genetically determined health disorders;
  • tendency to be very sad when alone.

As for Shih Tzu owners and breeders, they unanimously consider this dog breed to be the best in the world.

Chinese chrysanthemums - decorative dogs, caring for which is not very difficult. They feel great both in a house with a garden and in a modest city apartment. It is important that the Shih Tzu has its own place with soft bedding, as well as a walking area near the house.

Shih Tzu food

One of the characteristics of the breed is a predisposition to obesity. Taking this into account, you should make sure that your pet’s food is balanced and not too high in calories. The ideal solution will become premium food for small dogs, and from individual manufacturers you can also buy formulations that take into account the characteristics of the breed.

For those who prefer to feed the Chinese lion with natural products, it is important to know:

  • he should not be given food from the table. Firstly, not all human food is allowed for an animal, and secondly, this can lead to the dog becoming capricious in food;
  • the diet should consist of 60–70% boiled meat, but at least occasionally it should be given raw meat, which is pre-frozen in the refrigerator to eliminate the risk of infection with intestinal worms. It is better to feed the Chinese chrysanthemum with beef and offal, as well as rabbit and turkey. Chicken can cause allergies;
  • boiled sea fish, cleaned of bones, is beneficial for dogs;
  • fresh milk is not advisable for adults, but dairy products, including cottage cheese, must be included in the diet;
  • You should definitely cook porridge from rice, buckwheat, rolled oats based on broth with pieces of meat. Barley is difficult to digest.

As for vegetables, they are given raw and boiled, excluding those that have a strong taste and smell (onions, garlic, radishes and radishes), as well as avocados. It is recommended to add fresh herbs in the form of dill and parsley to porridge. Fruits are good for your Shih Tzu, except for grapes and raisins, which can cause kidney problems.

Meat and bone meal will be a useful addition to the menu, as well as fish fat and seaweed.


When keeping a mini-lion, there are a number of important points to consider.

Grooming and cutting

Beautiful coat is the calling card of the Shih Tzu. To prevent the dog from collecting dust from the ground, the strands must be periodically trimmed from below, and also combed daily with a comb and a wire brush. Dandruff and tangles should not be allowed to occur so that you don’t have to fight them, and if they appear, a tangle cutter will help.

The Shih Tzu breed standard stipulates long hair, so it is not customary to cut show animals. But for pet-class dogs there are model haircuts that make them easier to care for and also make it possible to change the image of the Chinese chrysanthemum.

If you have long hair, a top coat is required, otherwise your pet will have eye problems.

A topknot is an original hairstyle that resembles a bun, decorated with a bow with an elastic band or an elastic band.

Not every owner has time to visit a grooming salon with their pet, so many cut their dogs themselves. If you have the skills, this is not difficult to do. Beauty is restored after bathing and combing. The simplest and most popular look is the haircut, which gives the Chinese mini lion a touching puppy look. To do this, the fur is shortened so that it is the same length throughout the body.

Sometimes the American standard is taken as a basis, when the back along the midline of the sides is cut to a moiré pattern. The paws can be left fluffy, marking only the contours. As a result, the dog looks like a teddy bear with furry limbs. The haircut is performed with a clipper, in the direction from the tail.

If you purchased a Shih Tzu “for yourself,” then caring for it will require much less effort than caring for a show specimen.

How to wash

Washing a mini lion in warm water(40 o C), using grooming shampoos. The day before, the animal’s fur must be combed, and at the end of the bath procedure, dried and tidied up using a comb. Dark streaks under the eyes are removed with a swab dipped in lemon juice or aqueous solution boric acid.

Ear care

An important point is plucking hairs from the ear canals, which is required twice a month. This will save your pet from the accumulation of small debris, and therefore from inflammation in the ears. The treatment area is wiped with pharmacy hydrogen peroxide before and after.

Eye care

The eyes of small dogs are constantly damaged by hair and dust. If they become inflamed or begin to fester, they are washed with a weak solution of boric acid and instilled with special eye drops. It is important to take care of the hair on your head. To prevent the fur from getting into the eyes and disturbing the pet, it is collected in a high ponytail.

Dental care

Shih Tzus have a tendency to develop hard plaque on their teeth, which can only be removed by a veterinarian. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to occasionally add tomatoes to your animal’s diet.

Paw care

It consists of periodically cutting the hair on the fingers and trimming the claws. After each walk, the paws should be inspected for scratches and cuts.

Proper care of your Shih Tzu will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the incredible beauty of this animal, and will also protect the dog from many health problems.

Education and training

The Chinese mini-lion needs training and education, otherwise the dog risks turning into a wayward bully. You need to teach your puppy good manners from the first days of his arrival in the house.

How to train to the tray

One of the key points is adaptation to the toilet at home, because you cannot walk your baby before vaccination. You can use the following as a latrine:

  • newspapers or diaper on the floor;
  • tray.

Shih Tzus are very clean and easy to litter train.

The second option is preferable as it is more hygienic. A plastic “potty” is easier to care for, and the risk of stepping on your pet’s excrement in this case is reduced to zero. The process of a dog getting used to the toilet occurs in stages and requires patience from the owner.

  1. It is necessary to fence off the puppy’s habitat by placing a bed there and a tray a little further away. At first, the floor will have to be cleared of carpets and covered with newspapers.
  2. The need to urinate and defecate occurs in dogs after eating, active games and sleep. The dog will begin to sniff around him, choosing a place. At this point, it should be carefully placed in a tray where it can do its business. It is worth petting the puppy, encouraging him to sit down and relieve himself. Thus, in order not to miss the “moment,” you should always keep your baby in sight.
  3. In the absence of control, he will most likely prefer to go to the newspaper. It will also help you get used to the tray faster if you put a piece of it that your pet has wetted in it. The floor should be washed clean so that there is no smell left.
  4. “Scents” from the tray will help the baby figure out where to “squat” in Once again. Over time, the dog will get used to his potty, and the owner will have less trouble.

How to stop biting

When raising a puppy, it is important to teach him not to bite without reason. You can try to do this by reacting in a special way to your pet’s behavior. As a rule, the dog grabs the person's hands during play. To stop this, you should abruptly stop fiddling with it:

  • first - after sensitive bites;
  • then - after the middle ones;
  • in the future - after any attempts to claw with teeth.

How it works? Very simple. Playing is fun for an animal. As a result of his incorrect action, it abruptly stops. The dog will quickly begin to understand why this is happening. Impossible to wean off bad habit immediately, which is why first he must stop biting the owner strongly, then weakly, and eventually completely.

How to teach commands

Next important point in raising a pet - teaching simple commands such as “place”, “come to me”, “no”. The Shih Tzu is an intelligent and quick-witted dog with a good memory. The problem may be her stubborn and proud character, as well as an exaggerated sense of self-esteem. It has already been said that chrysanthemums do not tolerate rudeness and pressure in their direction. A sharp tone and an angry shout from the owner can cause the animal to become offended, withdraw into itself and refuse to follow commands.

At the right approach You can teach your Shih Tzu even simple tricks. However, you should not expect that the dog will perform them at the first whistle and demonstrate absolute submission.

The secret to successfully raising dogs of this breed is considered to be:

  • understanding the physiology and character traits of the pet;
  • the owner’s patience and perseverance, as well as the ability to get his way without rudeness and aggression.

Raising and training the Chinese chrysanthemum should begin at an early age, and it is better to do this with the support of a dog handler who knows the breed well.

Diseases and how to treat them

Shih Tzu dogs are predisposed to a number of pathologies. One of the characteristic symptoms is the loss of eyeballs. This is due to the anatomical features of the head; eyeballs can fall out:

  • after mechanical injuries to the head and neck area;
  • lifting the dog by the scruff of the neck;
  • compression of the cervical area.

The animal's eyes become bulging and their whites turn red. To avoid complications, the dog must be taken to the vet immediately. Signs of many diseases include lethargy, drowsiness and poor appetite.

Shih Tzus naturally have shallow eye orbits, but when they are underdeveloped, the risk of eye loss increases significantly.

Proptosis is loss of the eyeball in dogs. At risk are small dogs with a rounded skull and all four-legged dogs with a shortened or upturned muzzle.

Other health problems include:

  • food allergies and skin problems;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system;
  • congenital cardiac anomalies;
  • breathing problems - chronic respiratory failure syndrome;
  • predisposition to abdominal hernia and luxation of the kneecap;
  • other problems.

Having such risks, a dog is able to live long and happily if the owner is attentive to its health, nutrition and maintenance.

What vaccinations to give

In this context, timely and complete vaccination is extremely important:

  • from plague and parainfluenza;
  • rabies and leptospirosis;
  • parovirus enteritis;
  • Lyme disease.

Vaccinations are given in courses:

  • first time at 8–9 weeks of age;
  • the second - at 2–3 months;
  • further - annually.

More information about the specifics of Shih Tzu vaccination can be found in the veterinary clinic at your place of residence.


Chrysanthemum dogs are considered long-lived. At proper care For Shih Tzus, their life expectancy can reach 20 years.


For breeding work, mature animals are used, whose breed is documented by pedigree. It is in this case that the offspring will be considered representatives of the Shih Tzu breed.

At what age do they knit?

The optimal period for a dog to bear and give birth to puppies is considered to be the age of a bitch from one and a half to seven years. In order for conception to occur for sure, it is necessary to organize mating during the period of ovulation, which occurs at the end of estrus. Test strips used to detect sugar in the urine of diabetics will help to accurately determine it. The strip is inserted into the dog's vagina for a minute. If the color turns green, you can breed the dogs.

Caring for puppies

In the first three weeks, the bitch takes care of the newborn puppies herself. The owner must take good care of the dog during this period, and also ensure that the puppies have access to the nipples and receive the right amount of milk.

It is advisable that the mother feeds the babies for as long as possible. As long as they have enough food, they don't need complementary feeding. To determine this, babies are weighed every day. As soon as the weight gain stops, it is time to introduce complementary foods. It starts with cow's milk and chicken eggs, and from 20 days of age continue with liquid milk porridges.

Choosing a Shih Tzu is a responsible matter, sometimes it seems that it is not the person who chooses the dog, but the dog who chooses its owner

Gradually they introduce into the menu Ground beef and vegetable soups. Upon reaching one month of age, food is flavored with vitamin and mineral supplements.

All this time, it is important to monitor the babies’ digestion - they should periodically defecate with yellow feces. If one of the puppies squeaks for a long time, he may have stomach problems or constipation and needs a massage. Usually the chrysanthemum mother herself monitors this and takes measures, but the owner should keep the situation under control.

At the age of one and a half months, puppies begin to develop teeth. This means that they are ready to undergo examination (certification) by experts in order to obtain puppy metrics. After two months of age, young chrysanthemums are ready to move to new owners. If you decide to keep the puppies, make sure they have their own place to sleep. The norm for changing teeth is 4–6 months.

What to name a dog

It is advisable to choose a nickname that is short and easy to pronounce.

Nicknames for girls

Suitable names for chrysanthemum ladies include:

  • Jess, Hannie or Fanny;
  • Bonya, Sunny, Darcy or Kelly;
  • Zosya, Esya or Betty.

What to name a boy

The little Chinese lion cub can be given a nickname:

  • Fry, Simon or Bush;
  • Barney, Alex or Skye;
  • Ball, Fluff or Funtik.

Shih Tzu - (translated from Chinese as “lion”) is one of the TOP 3 most shaggy dog ​​breeds on the planet (together with the Afghan hound and the Maltese). But unlike them, shih tzu appeared so long ago that dog handlers are confused both in the exact time and place of origin of these shaggy creatures.

History of the breed

Some sources claim that the ancestors of the Shih Tzu were “Europeans” and lived in Byzantium, and only later (around the 7th century) migrated to Tibet. Rumor has it that before getting to the imperial palaces, these small dogs worked as shepherds in the Tibetan highlands, herding livestock and searching for lost animals. In addition, Shih Tzu guarded yards and even hunted with their owners.

According to one legend, in the mid-17th century, owning a Shih Tzu became the prerogative of the family of the Chinese Emperor, after the Tibetan Dalai Lama presented him with several funny dogs with flowing hair.

The Shih Tzu began a heavenly life: they reclined on silk pillows, ate “royal” dishes and walked in spacious courtyards, closed from prying eyes and lined with marble.

The emperor himself decided which of his close associates could be encouraged by giving him a Shih Tzu puppy. A dog obtained in a different way brought punishment on the thief - he was executed.

This is interesting! According to legend, Buddha never went on a journey without a miniature dog, which could at the right moment turn into a lion, fearlessly protecting its owner. They say that the Shih Tzu was the brave companion of the Buddha.

In 1912, China became a republic, and Shih Tzus began to slowly arrive in Europe.. The breed was officially returned to its homeland by the Ambassador of Norway, to whom the Chinese presented a female Shih Tzu named Leidza. This happened at the end of the 1930s. The Ambassador decided to start breeding exotic breed, bought two Shih Tzu males and, returning to Europe, began breeding work. The first Shih Tzu club appeared in England (1933), a year later the breed was recognized as independent, having approved the first breed standard in 1948.

Shih Tzu character

Thanks to the hair that grows upward on the back of the dog's nose, the Shih Tzu is sometimes called a chrysanthemum dog. However, despite the toy appearance of its representatives, the breed is not classified as decorative. This is a companion dog, active and independent, with good intelligence and peaceful disposition.

Shih Tzus know how to distribute their affection among all members of the household, but if the owner is alone, the dog will relentlessly accompany him everywhere. Animals are great for lonely and elderly people, and puppies and young dogs are especially popular with children, as they are ready to play with them endlessly.

Oddly enough, Shih Tzus are more interested in people than other dogs. Left at home alone, the dog may whine and cry, but rarely barks. That is why the breed is considered quite silent.

There are, however, also loudly barking individuals: such an animal will begin to vocalize already in puppyhood.

Shih Tzu can be completely transferred to a home regime, excluding walking: they are easily accustomed to the tray. Excessive love and compact size prevent the Shih Tzu from being a reliable guard, although the dog is naturally endowed with a strong physique and strength.


According to modern standard FCI breeds, published in February 2011, a height at the withers of no more than 27 cm is allowed. The Shih Tzu can weigh from 4.5 to 8.1 kg, but up to 7.5 kg is preferable.

The coat is long and dense (does not curl). The undercoat is not frizzy. The length of the coat does not restrict movement. An important parameter is the length of the body (from the withers to the base of the tail), which exceeds the height at the withers.


With a wide range of colors, a white spot on the forehead and a white end of the tail are desirable(in multi-colored Shih Tzus). It’s great if the white “Buddha mark” stands out on the beard.

The Shih Tzu's coat most often has the following colors:

  • white-red and white-gold;
  • white-blue and light blue;
  • white and red in a mask and red in a mask;
  • white and black and black and tan;
  • white, brindle and cream;
  • gray, black and brown (“liver”).

Completely black specimens are very rare. And the brightest Shih Tzu are considered to be those whose White wool diluted with vanilla color.


Dark, widely spaced eyes (not protruding) stand out on the rounded head.. Dense “vegetation” on the head and face, including a beard and mustache, does not interfere with the dog’s ability to see well.

Large ears, covered with abundant hair, are set below the line of the crown and hang down. Dog breeders believe that the Shih Tzu's face (square and flat) has a rather arrogant appearance.

The nose is usually black or brown (for animals with brown coats). The nostrils are wide open: narrowed ones are considered a fault. The bridge of the nose is slightly upturned or straight.

The jaws are wide with a straight/pincer bite. Proud carriage of the head is possible due to the proportional and harmoniously curved neck.

Body and limbs

The straight back is reinforced by a strong lumbar region. The dog's chest is well lowered, the shoulders are noticeably laid back.
The limbs are round in shape (both hind and front) strong, muscular and covered with long hair.

The shaggy, high-set tail is carried over the back and is at the same height as the line of the skull, which gives the Shih Tzu a special balance.

In motion, the animal maintains an arrogant posture, demonstrating a particularly smooth running, in which the hind legs give a good push, and the front legs come forward.

Under internal corner Your flat-faced pet's eye has folds where dirt will constantly accumulate.

Every day you will have to do the following:

  1. Using a fine-toothed, short-toothed comb, remove hair from the area around the eyes.
  2. Brush with a soft toothbrush boric acid(powder) all the folds.
  3. Use a comb to remove any remaining used paste.

Important! Also, every day you will need to make sure that the hairs above and around your eyes do not get tangled into balls.

Ear care

Hanging ears are washed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (10%). You can do the following manipulation:

  1. Drop some hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal.
  2. Massage lightly auricle, starting from the base (no more than a minute).
  3. Tilt your pet's head to allow the peroxide to flow out.
  4. Blot the dirty liquid with cotton wool, helping if necessary with tweezers.

If your ears are not very dirty, clean them with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. olive oil or Vaseline.

Dental care

Shih Tzus often have inflamed gums: due to tartar, which prevents the gum from tightly adhering to the tooth.. This happens if the dog does not chew hard natural foods, including carrots, potatoes, apples and crackers.

If this is due to some health problems, take the trouble (once every 7 days) to sanitize the dog’s mouth. Clean her jaws cotton swab with tooth powder (no flavorings). At the end of the procedure, the teeth are wiped with a soft cloth.

There are a few folk ways fight against tartar:

  • systematically adding tomatoes to the feed or 2-3 times a week tomato juice(without salt);
  • lubricating gums with propolis;
  • applying a mixture of baking soda and 3-5 drops of lemon juice (once a week).

Paw and claw care

To make it more productive, it is recommended to trim the fur on its paws regularly.

If you go outside every day, check your paws after each walk. Plant thorns and glass shards can get stuck into the pads, and chewing gum or resin can stick (they are cut with wool). Seeds and street debris get stuck between the fingers - these are also removed.

If a dog runs a lot on rocks, gravel and asphalt, its nails will wear down on their own. But you will have to pick up a pedicure tool if the animal is walking on snow or soft ground. In this case, the dog will grow claws that can break at any moment, which will cause him not only discomfort, but also pain.

A haircut

The Shih Tzu stoically endures the persistent touches of its owner's hands, which are forced to groom the dog's long hair every day.
You can simplify care in a radical way: cut the fur almost to the ground.

But this method is only suitable for those animals who do not compete for championship titles.

Short fur is combed with a brush with metal teeth or massage brush. Long strands tidy up with a comb and a brush with long metal teeth.

Important! The strands are combed slowly and carefully, and tangled tangles are removed using a tangle cutter (if this is not possible otherwise).

the washing up

They resort to it 1-2 times a month, not forgetting to drop it before bathing eye drops, protecting the cornea from the caustic components of shampoo.

The tangles are untangled or cut out before the pet is placed in the water. The ideal container is a bathtub, the bottom of which is covered with water heated to approximately 39°C.

After finishing bathing, dry the coat with a terry towel. The final drying is done with a hairdryer, directing a warm stream to individual strands.

Prescribe water treatments for your dog (to avoid colds) in the evening, after completing your walk.

Proper nutrition for Shih Tzu

The growing Shih Tzu is fed in one, constant corner: up to 6 times a day - at the age of 1.5-3 months; 4 times - at the age of 3-6 months; three times a day - from six months to a year.

Until they reach 3 months, puppies are fed milk porridge (buckwheat and rolled oatmeal), passing dry cereal through a coffee grinder.
It’s good to feed with homemade cottage cheese: dip into boiled milk (0.5 l) calcium chloride(tbsp.)

After 3 months, puppies are given natural foods, including boiled sea fish fillets, boiled meat, raw and boiled vegetables/fruits. Also recommended:

  • Apple and grated carrots (with added vegetable oil).
  • Broth with chopped meat pulp (possibly chicken).
  • Lightly boiled meat or sea fish.
  • Buckwheat porridge (not crushed) and rolled oats, steamed with boiling water. Throw a piece of butter and a little salt into the porridge.
  • Cheese and cottage cheese, to which sour cream and sugar (a little) are added.
  • Homemade juices.

During the change of teeth (4-6 months), the puppy is not given very hard foods, so as not to spoil the bite.

A one-year-old pet is transferred to an adult diet and schedule - 2 times a day (morning and evening).

You can buy a Shih Tzu puppy for 8-10 thousand rubles. It is unlikely that such a baby will please with the selected breed characteristics, but for narrow family entertainment it will be quite suitable.

For 15 thousand rubles, the dog already comes with the appropriate documents, which, however, are not sufficient for visiting dog shows.
Exhibition copies are valued much more expensive: their initial price starts around 450-500 dollars and reaches up to 2000 dollars. These are puppies obtained from parents with champion regalia, guaranteeing the offspring pure blood and the best breed qualities.

Interesting! There are more and more breeders offering dwarf Shih Tzus. This is a marketing ploy designed to attract amateur buyers. The incredibly miniature Shih Tzus are the result of a genetic glitch and have very short lives.

Visit the kennel and see the puppy's parents to get an idea of ​​what to expect from their offspring. Take the puppy in your arms: he should be strong, with a straight, elastic back (no weakness or lethargy). Consider the mark on the tummy - it must coincide with the entry in the puppy's metric, which is subsequently replaced by the pedigree.

A healthy Shih Tzu has thick and supple fur, well-developed bone structure, lean muscles, and straight and parallel limbs. Now dogs of this breed are bred in more than 80 nurseries in the country, including Krasnoyarsk, Kirov, Volgograd, Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslavl Novosibirsk, Izhevsk, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Chita, Tula, Moscow, Khabarovsk. Shih Tzus are also raised in neighboring countries - in Odessa, Minsk, Kyiv and Donetsk.

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