The use of burdock, anise, castor and other oils for lice and nits: effectiveness and methods of application. How to get rid of lice and nits using tea tree oil

From the number folk recipes, used to treat head lice, essential oils for lice occupy a prominent place. These natural remedies have proven their effectiveness. And unlike medical supplies, they have almost no contraindications or side effects.

You should not expect that contact with an oily substance on the outer covering of an insect will lead to its death. Components that can harm the body will not pass through dense chitin.

Thus, the peculiarities of the effect of oils on bloodsuckers make this method of therapy most effective in combination with any insecticide with high content alcohol At the same time, the ether will weaken the insects, and the poison will completely kill them.

Medicinal Oil Options and Applications

Choice healing agents big enough. The recipe for their use is generally the same, so it can be called a classic one.

Tea tree

This ingredient is found in many anti-pediculosis drugs. Mainly it positive quality is nice smell, blocking the “aroma” of other stronger components.

You can quickly get rid of lice by combining ethers with alcohol in the proportion: 30 drops of viscous liquid per 50 grams of ethylene. The resulting solution should be applied to the head in a circular motion.

To prevent the substance from causing irritation, it can be washed off a few hours after application. This time will be enough for the oil tea tree It worked against lice. Having smelled tea tree oil, lice will try to leave the unfavorable environment.

The method of application is no different from other treatments essential oils. The only thing is that the substance should be warmed to room temperature before application.

For prevention, the method can be used weekly; during therapy, the procedure can be performed two to three times more often.

Lavender oil

This substance has an auxiliary effect. Helping slightly against lice directly, lavender oil:

The smell of lavender, like other essential oils, will be unpleasant to insects and will worsen their condition. Therefore, it is advisable to use an ointment based on this component before using the main medicine.

Anise oil for lice is significantly more expensive than similar products. However, in the treatment of pediculosis, it also acts only as an auxiliary component against the background of the main therapy.

Its advantage is considered to be an inhibitory effect on lice embryos, preventing the accelerated development of nits. Anise also strengthens the skin on the surface of the head and stimulates hair growth. A persistent natural smell substance repels lice. So as a preventative measure, you can periodically smear your head with anise extract for one or two hours before washing.

Olive and sunflower oil

With the help of olive and vegetable oils you can completely get rid of lice. The point is that these natural products create a dense, airtight film on the infected person’s scalp. As a result, being under this veil, the louse cannot breathe and dies within 3-8 hours. The product has the same effect on nits. Deprived of oxygen, the embryos stop forming in their cocoons and die.

Ridding hair of sticky substances will require thorough shampooing. regular shampoo at least twice. For better deliverance To remove oil, you can lather your hair with household dishwashing gel and then wash by simple means personal hygiene.

If you repeat the procedure three times within a week, then in about a month the lice will disappear completely.


Natural components have almost no specific contraindications, since they do not contain artificial, highly toxic ingredients. However, they should not be used by the following categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding baby;
  • asthmatics, since the rich smell can cause an attack;
  • children under six years of age;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to certain types of esters.

The use of products requires certain precautions. Ethers should not be allowed to enter digestive system, this can cause serious poisoning, accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • hallucinations;
  • headache;
  • convulsions.

Ether substrates have been used for many years to combat head lice. They are relatively harmless to humans, but are toxic to lice and nits, since these are more primitive biological forms. Tea tree oil stands out among these solutions in a special way.

On early stages diseases and as a preventative measure, the product may be the only one necessary drug. In other, more advanced situations, medical intervention will be required.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Sometimes the aromatic substance is sold in oriental spice and sweet shops, and in cosmetic departments of stores.

When information appears that at school, camp, kindergarten or at playground children with lice were noticed, it is worth doing preventive treatment of linen, clothing and some areas of the head of family members who came into contact with them.

Does it help against lice and nits?

Beneficial features

Liquid with tea tree juice extract is best used to prevent head lice in family members who live in the same apartment with an infected person. It is capable of preventing the development of the disease or destroying individual insects.

After troubleshooting using medical intervention This solution is also suitable to prevent relapses of the disease. Sometimes doctors recommend such a substance as a complementary option to insecticides. It is rich in vitamins, antibacterial and antimicrobial components, and can eliminate the consequences of lice: itching, redness of the skin, and inflammation.

At mild flow disease or in an attempt to prevent it, shampoos with the addition of oil to them will do. Can also be wiped cotton swabs, soaked in this substance, some parts of the head:

  • Whiskey.
  • Top of the head.
  • BTE zones.
  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Infants.
  3. People with allergies to the components of the substance.

It should be used with caution for children under 6 years of age, for asthmatics and people prone to frequent colds.

If oil gets into the digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Treatment of these symptoms is carried out as in the case of other causes that caused them. However, it is advisable to use the substance for children under the supervision of adults.


Oil with tea tree extract can be used to kill lice and prevent their reproduction, to eliminate nits.

After eliminating the disease and treating things, it is recommended to comb your hair from time to time for several weeks with a comb dipped in alcohol solution tea tree oil. It is permissible to use the same recipe that is suitable for removing nits.

The tea tree is a plant from the myrtle family, native mainly to Australia. Its antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial action have been known to mankind for a long time.

As for nits, their cover is even more dense, which ensures their complete resistance to oil. You will have to use ether more than once to get at least some effect.


The first thing to remember is that it is inadmissible to use tea tree essential oil undiluted: high concentration its composition can lead to disastrous results, including skin irritation or a severe allergic reaction. It is advisable to add a certain number of drops to shampoo, hair mask or prepare an alcohol tincture.

Plus, tea tree has several other important benefits in situations where lice and nits appear:

  • heals scratches;
  • soothes itching and irritation;
  • reduces swelling and redness.

Used successfully as aid not only for pediculosis, but also for lichen and psoriasis.


As you can see, there is no very strong effect from using tea tree against lice: the desired result is possible only when used together with insecticidal agents. However, sometimes you can be cured of anything using this aromatic oil contraindicated:

  • allergic reaction (especially in children);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • age up to 6 years

Make sure that the ether does not get inside: this will lead to poisoning including hallucinations, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and stomach pains.

According to some ancient sources, essential oils from various plants have been used for many years to combat lice. Of course, compared to modern chemical anti-pediculosis drugs, the effectiveness of such treatment methods is much lower. But there are still people who give their preference to essential oils, because, in their opinion, they are natural and less hazardous to health. One such oil is tea tree oil.

There is a widespread belief that tea tree oil can destroy lice, since it is quite toxic to them and has a strong, unpleasant odor. But at the same time, the toxicity of tea tree oil is not so dangerous for people, since it is very often used in for cosmetic purposes in the compositions of various creams, lotions, shampoos, etc. It is this opinion that underlies the use of tea tree oil in the treatment and prevention of head lice. But how are things really?

Yes, indeed, tea tree oil has certain toxic properties. But you should know that it is toxic only when ingested. Only in such cases can it cause serious poisoning and lead to the death of insects. In normal contact with insects, it does not have a detrimental effect on them, since lice have a fairly strong chitinous cover, through which the oil practically does not enter their body. Thus, tea tree oil does not pose a great danger to lice. The maximum effect of its use against lice will be to weaken them, as well as to inhibit development and reproduction, but not to destroy insects.

Since tea tree oil does not have a harmful effect on lice, you don’t have to think about nits at all. They are so well protected from external influence its shell, that even potent insecticides are not always able to penetrate inside the egg. Essential oil will not cope with such a task at all. And not only tea tree essential oil, but also any other.

Despite the ineffectiveness of using tea tree oil to remove lice as a primary remedy, it can be used in combination with other components, thus achieving the desired effect in the treatment of lice. The most common advice is to add oil to shampoos or alcohol tinctures. Moreover, the first option is no more effective than using oil alone. The combination of tea tree oil and alcohol gives certain positive results, but this happens directly due to the effect of alcohol on insects. The oil in such a mixture acts more as a flavoring agent than as the main active ingredient.

If the intention to use tea tree oil to treat head lice has not disappeared, the most effective way Its use in combination with alcohol looks like this:

  • A solution is prepared in the proportion of 50 grams of undiluted alcohol and 30 drops of tea tree oil.
  • The resulting solution is mixed well, then 50 grams of distilled water is added to it.
  • Thoroughly wet the hair and scalp with the prepared solution, and then rinse it off with water.

The procedure is carried out daily for a week, or better until the lice completely disappear.
When using tea tree oil to treat head lice, you should be aware that it is not as safe for health as it might seem at first glance. In addition, the naturalness of a product does not always guarantee its safety. Therefore, it is recommended to use tea tree oil with great caution, since its effect on the human body, as well as possible side effects were not studied separately. Moreover, you should refrain from using tea tree oil in the treatment of head lice in children, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from various allergic diseases, since it is reliably known that it has certain toxic properties. Consequently, if this product is handled incorrectly and carelessly, it can pose a health hazard.

For example, the practice of using tea tree oil shows that if it is ingested human body it can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, hallucinations, headaches and stomach pain may occur. No less dangerous may be simply its effect on the skin in large quantities, since it can not only cause skin irritation, but sometimes even serious allergies.

However, you should not completely abandon the use of tea tree oil. It is quite effective, if not in the treatment of head lice, then in its prevention. Due to strong smell it scares insects away from their potential prey. Therefore, you can often find recommendations for applying a few drops of tea tree oil to the temples and crown, as well as behind the ears. In addition, you can add a few drops of oil to shampoo when washing your hair, since this event also increases the likelihood of avoiding lice infestation.

Therefore, tea tree oil cannot be called effective means for the treatment of head lice, but at the same time it may well cope with the task of its prevention.

Pediculosis is rightfully considered one of the most unpleasant diseases, which do not have the best effect on the quality indicators of a person’s life, causing not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort.

When determining the optimal treatment, it is important to be guided by criteria such as effectiveness and safety for the patient. The listed requirements are met by various essential oils, which are recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies against pediculosis.

Beneficial features various oils in the fight against pediculosis were known to mankind long before the advent of modern pharmaceutical drugs containing chemicals. Today, their popularity is not decreasing, because it is due to absolute safety, which cannot be guaranteed when treating head lice with traditional methods.

Concerning negative aspects the use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice, then we are talking about in this case goes about hypersensitivity, as well as individual intolerance to the constituent components of the oily substance used.

Essential compositions can cause severe allergic reactions, therefore, immediately before treating the head, it is recommended to conduct a test to exclude an allergy to the composition.

Most high efficiency in the treatment of head lice is attributed to essential oils, which are represented by:

  • burdock;
  • tea tree;
  • anise;
  • castor;
  • lavender.

Burr oil It has been actively used for several millennia in the fight against many hair problems, including lice. The undeniable advantages of using burdock oil are its availability, low cost, and high efficiency.

Characterized by lower efficiency anise maslo , which is recommended for use as an additional component to eucalyptus, lavender and bergamot analogues.

Usage castor oils in the treatment of pediculosis will also have an additional effect, which consists in strengthening fragile hair, preventing severe loss and nutrition of the scalp.

It is recommended to use only in combination with more effective components lavender oil , which has a pronounced healing and antimicrobial effect.

Lavender oil is also great for preventive purposes, so it can be added in small quantities to shampoos and other hair care products. Any of these essential oils will be more effective if you use a complex of several ingredients.

Before using any of the above ethereal compositions Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. We are talking about:

  • individual intolerance and allergies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • treatment of children under 3 years of age.

If you ignore these warnings, as well as the penetration of the oil used into the stomach, you risk encountering unpleasant side effects represented by the disorder digestive tract, diarrhea, vomiting and painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Often, the consequences of using essential oils are various allergic reactions. In this case we are talking about peeling of the scalp, rashes and severe itching or burning.

The use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice is attractive due to the simplicity of the procedure. So, step-by-step instruction for using the most popular burdock oil includes the following steps:

As already noted, sunflower oil It is recommended to use only in close tandem with other oils and more effective components. Otherwise, you risk facing a lack of any positive results procedures. You can prepare an oil mixture from existing essential oils by adding sunflower oil in small quantities.

Anise mixture is used much less frequently in the fight against pediculosis due to its lack of effectiveness and high cost. Anise oil should be used in the same way as burdock oil, preheated and distributed over skin head and hair. After keeping the composition under polyethylene for two hours, the hair should be rinsed under running water.

As an independent medicinal substance can also be used Castor oil, heating it in a water bath and generously distributing it on the head. As in previous recipes, the hair is thoroughly washed after 2-3 hours.

Concerning lavender oil, then it should be used as additional ingredient to more effective components medicinal mixture. Oil composition in this case it is used according to the already familiar scheme.

If you are aiming for quick results, it is recommended to choose recipes based on the use of several essential oils at the same time. In this case, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

An acidic environment is also recommended as an additional ingredient to help separate lice larvae from the hair and make them easier to comb out.

The effectiveness of essential oils is several times lower than modern pharmaceutical preparations, so they will need to be used repeatedly. So, treatment of the head and hair burdock oil It is recommended to perform daily for 3-4 days. If this oil is used in for preventive purposes, 1-2 treatments per month will be enough.

Due to low efficiency natural compositions Treatment of head lice with selected essential oils may take several weeks. Therefore, modern experts recommend using such compositions only as a supplement to traditional methods treatment.

It is also important to consider that without the procedure of combing out lice and nits with a special comb, the use of any oil will not give positive results. Therefore, you should not ignore regular brushing, which is recognized as the key to success in the fight against head lice.

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