How to be cheerful and active all day. How to stay in good shape throughout the working day

After the velvet season and the summer lull, the busiest time comes for everyone except the producers of soda (the Coca Cola company does not count) and ice cream - the last quarter. It is at this time that we hope to grab a bigger jackpot and earn ourselves not only annual bonuses, but also new clients who are ready to work with us in the new year.

In this regard, tension in all workplaces is increasing and in order not to burn out in this gold rush, you need to control yourself. If you don't want to spend the New Year holidays recovering from... nervous breakdown and burnouts under a blanket, drinking some broth with a sedative, these 6 simple tips from Grant Cardone, author of The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure, will help you stay alive and end this year with a positive balance.

Healthy sleep

Lifehackers and scientists from all over the world constantly warn that lack of sleep causes a lot of problems in work and life. “Working more” does not mean “working productively” and what a tired person will do for two hours will take half as much time for a well-rested and well-slept person. Healthy sleep is an important component of a healthy and successful person. Trying to curry favor with management or make a project “for yesterday” will not make anyone better off.

Write down your goals twice a day

Make a list of your main goals in the morning and before bed. This will help you focus on what you want and adjust your goals as you go. And these may not necessarily be exclusively work to-do lists. These could be your personal goals. For example, why do you go to work every morning? What exactly do you want to achieve? What is your main motive? Focusing on your main goals, understanding their importance and passion for your work will provide you with the necessary fuel that will help you achieve the desired results.

Play sports

Physical activity is as much fuel for our body as passion for work. Even if you are completely overwhelmed, find at least 5 minutes for yourself to warm up a little. If the terrain allows (walking along a busy highway has never done anyone any good) and distance, walk part of the way to work. There are a huge number of options even for very busy people - 15-20 per day will be enough to ensure that the ship does not fall apart on the way to the harbor.

Watch what you wear

Don't underestimate the influence appearance person, including clothing, on others. It’s not for nothing that wise people say that people are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their minds. The right clothes can not only inspire respect and interest, but also give confidence to the one who wears them correctly. Grant believes that respectful and admiring glances can add positive energy that will help you get through the rest of the work day in a productive state. And a person who feels confident stops worrying about little things and focuses on the main goals.

Surround yourself with support and like-minded people

It is difficult to work among people who do not support you and who are not at all interested in your ideas. The best and strongest support is the support of loved ones, family and friends. If you manage to interest them and infect them with your passion, they will happily support all your endeavors. And then it will be doubly pleasant to celebrate success.

No negativity at home or at work

Try to eliminate negativity and all words that start with “not” from your work before submitting an important project. Everyone already understands perfectly well that it will be difficult, and in some places almost impossible, but statements in the style of “we will NOT be able to”, “we will NOT succeed”, “we will NOT make it”, “this is IMPOSSIBLE” and so on and so forth are clearly will not add energy and confidence. This will in no way motivate people; already scarce resources will be completely exhausted. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, you’ll have to strain and push, but only without “no”! And you shouldn’t take your anger out on your colleagues either. Just like you shouldn’t bring negativity from work into your family’s home. Homes are your castle. This is your harbor where the ship can rest peacefully and hide from the storm. Why carry the storm with you?

As someone who worked for almost two years in an online gift store, I understand perfectly well what it means to be overwhelmed at work before New Year holidays. Everything Grant says works, and if you try to adhere to these rules, adding to them a few of your own, empirically derived, the last quarter of the year will pass without losses;)

A difficult morning awakening, a stressful day at work, and now you've finally arrived home. But I no longer have the strength to do household chores or communicate with loved ones. You want to immediately fall asleep, because your legs can hardly support you anymore. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this lifestyle is typical for many people. But you really want to be energetic and cheerful all day long, so that you still have strength for life outside of work.

How to stay alert and strong throughout the day

Wake up right

An alarm clock ringing in the morning is one of the most hated sounds in the world, especially for those who like to sleep sweetly. And surely each of us is familiar with the feeling of “getting out of bed, but not waking up yet.” And the longer this state drags on, the more difficult it will be for you to get out of it. Instead of setting your alarm clock another 10 minutes later, do a simple self-massage without getting out of bed. Massage the pad of each finger with circular movements, gradually moving to its base. Do this 2-3 times with each hand. Then start massaging your earlobes using the same circular movements. First one ear, then the other, and then both at the same time.

The point of massaging your fingers and earlobes is that in these places there is a lot nerve endings. Their active stimulation will “turn on” the entire body, making it wake up quickly and easily. And of course, it will be much easier to wake up in the morning if you get enough sleep at night - at least seven hours. This is obvious, but having slept only a couple of hours at night, it is unlikely that you will be able to feel alert the entire next day, no matter what methods you resort to.

Before work

As soon as you wake up, go out onto the balcony or simply open the window wider. You should feel the fresh air. Breathe it in full breasts and feel a surge of strength. Do a short 10-minute exercise, thoroughly stretching your body muscles. Accept cold and hot shower. It will allow you not only to wake up completely, but also strengthen your body’s immunity. It is better to choose shower gels with citrus scents - they are best invigorating.

Let's move on to breakfast. You should never neglect breakfast, because it is the main source of your strength for the entire next day. Have a big breakfast, but don't overeat. Great for breakfast oatmeal(can be with berries, dried fruits or honey), chicken eggs, cottage cheese, legumes, cheese, fresh fruits, hot sandwiches with whole grain bread. As a drink, choose milk, green tea (mint, herbal) or juice.

Work with pleasure

A job you hate will not add energy and vigor to you. By doing something you don’t like, you will make yourself a morally exhausted and chronically tired person. If you are still not delighted with your job, but for some reason you cannot change it yet, often repeat to yourself how useful what you do is for people. After all, any profession is necessary and carries with it important. Be clear about the goals you strive for in your work. Rejoice in your achievements and results of your work. At the end of each working day, mentally summarize: what you have achieved during the day today and what good things happened at work and in the team. But think only about good results. This way, you will be at least a little closer to truly loving what you do, which means you will be much less tired of it.

Breathe fresh air

Good indoor ventilation is one of the keys to your excellent health and vigor. Throughout the working day, your body should receive a sufficient amount fresh air. If your workplace is not equipped with good air ventilation, open the windows and ventilate the room. This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the room (it will simply ventilate outside), which, according to climate control researchers, directly affects our overwork and decreased performance. For the same reason, it is useful to keep in the work area houseplants– they will “take on” part of the excess carbon dioxide. During your lunch break, go outside to get some fresh air.

Use aromatic oils

Essential aroma oils are famous for their use in cosmetology, but they can play a very useful role and in increasing your energy and vigor. The most invigorating aromatic oils are lavender, rosemary, mint, and all citrus fruits. In addition to a surge of strength, they will also give you a stable nervous system and calm you down after stress. And stress at work happens very often.

You most likely will not be able to use an aroma lamp at your workplace. Firstly, it is a fire hazard, and secondly, your colleagues may be allergic to essential oils, or such aromas are simply unpleasant. Therefore, choose one of the listed essential oils for yourself and carry it with you in a small bottle. Just one breath of the aroma oil (just don’t bring it close to your nose, essential oils are very concentrated) and your body will be filled with energy.

More good mood

To stay energetic after a working day, it is important that you are in a good mood throughout it. Smile and laugh more. During a break, you can go to your favorite entertainment site and laugh heartily at new jokes or funny photos. Make jokes with your colleagues. This way you will ensure a good mood for both yourself and them. And in the end, laughter prolongs life.

Sit upright at your desk

Poor body position while working will keep your muscles tense. But tension and vigor are not very compatible things. If your body sits slumped over the entire 8 working hours, then the only thing it will give at the end of the working day is enormous fatigue, but not vigor and lightness. When working at a computer, follow the rules for acceptable distances from your eyes to the monitor. Use only a comfortable chair that will ideally suit the size and physiology of your body. But still, sitting for a long time in one position, even if it is the most comfortable, provokes a decrease in muscle tone. Therefore, get up from your chair from time to time, and at least walk around the room, and at maximum, do a little warm-up.

Be sure to have lunch

Many people often neglect lunch, especially if there is a lot of work and you don’t have time to get everything done before the end of the working day. This is fundamentally wrong. Lunch is almost as important as breakfast. If you skip lunch, your blood sugar may drop. And this will provoke a decrease in energy and performance. However, you also need to dine wisely. For your daily meal, choose low-fat and non-preserved food, as its consumption will increase your feeling of drowsiness and laziness.

Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. Instead of a sandwich with a regular white roll, a sandwich with bran bread or whole grain bread. Snack on fruit, nuts or dark chocolate during the workday. And in general, always watch what you put in your mouth: it’s obvious that people who eat right are much more energetic and cheerful, simply for the reason that they feel much better.

Do the work consistently

At the beginning of each working day, you should have a clear to-do list for the day. Arrange all tasks according to priority and urgency and do not deviate from the plan. If there is a glitch in your task schedule and you realize that you don’t have time to do or can’t do a particularly important task for today, this will significantly take away your energy reserves and put you in a state of stress. And after the end of the working day, you will only think about work troubles. If you do everything according to plan, you will be satisfied with yourself, which means your energy and mood will be at a high level.

Drink more water

Fresh water is a symbol of excellent health and energy. Drinking regular fresh water is good for everyone. And especially for those whose work involves frequent phone calls or simply talking with clients. When talking, moisture from the mucous membrane oral cavity gradually evaporates, causing dehydration. And this phenomenon worsens oxygen tolerance in the blood. Therefore after each phone call or conversations with a client, take at least a few sips of clean, fresh water, and your well-being and vigor will improve.

People have been thinking about the fact that the morning sets the mood for the whole day since ancient times and reflected their thoughts in proverbs and aphorisms: “The first hour of the morning is the steering wheel for the whole day”, “What a “ Good morning“- such and “good afternoon”, etc.

Those who like to lie in bed in the morning have a harder time starting their day and getting ready for important tasks than those who know the secret of morning routines. good habits. You don't have to follow them all.

It is enough to choose a few of them, but stick to them regularly. Your attention - best habits for morning:

Those who wake up early, according to popular sayings, are favored by God and get slippers. But one of the main advantages of waking up early is the lack of fuss: thanks to the extra time, you can take your time and do everything thoroughly. In the wee hours of the morning, a person's mind is clearer and more focused. He can handle it better important tasks and accept complex solutions, which was more difficult to do last evening. Early morning - the right time to plan the day, think about problems unresolved yesterday, reflect on life, or just take a walk down the street.

2. Open windows

In the morning it is useful to let not only sunlight, by opening the curtains, but also fresh air by opening the windows and ventilating the room. These are very healthy morning habits. Even in winter, the invigorating frosty air will help you wake up quickly and energize you. In summer, the rays of the morning sun will fill the body with natural vitamin D and increase the production of serotonin, known as the “happy hormone.” Therefore, “opening the windows to a new day” is not only a metaphor, but also a useful morning habit.

3. Meditation

Waking up early will help you find time for short, but no less useful meditation. Before you start water procedures, take a pillow, sit cross-legged on it and meditate for 15 minutes. Meditation helps clear the mind of negative thoughts, relax the body and achieve a state of harmony with oneself and the world around us.

Of course, it will not be possible to comprehend all the secrets of meditation in one go. But with regular exercise, supported by theory, the tendency to stress and anxiety will noticeably decrease. Thoughts will become clearer and decision-making easier. Meditation can be done both during the day and in the evening, however, according to the advice of professionals, best time The day for this activity is precisely the morning.

Using regular drinking water in the morning it promotes digestion and regulates bowel function. But it’s even better if you add a slice of lemon or a little to your drinking water. lemon juice. This drink effectively cleanses the body of harmful toxins. Due to the abundance of vitamin C in the pulp of this fruit, it has powerful antioxidant activity, helps maintain healthy skin and blood vessels, promotes wound healing by forming scar tissue. Another bonus from this antioxidant vitamin is that it helps the body absorb iron and fight cell-damaging free radicals.

According to 2011 research, regular use citrus fruits, including lemons, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, citrus flavonoids suppress excess blood sugar, preventing them from progressing. Therefore, a glass of warm drinking water with lemon is a wonderful morning habit for those who have diabetes.

5. Contrast shower

You should not give up the habit of taking a shower in the morning. It is useful both for hygiene and for a cheerful mood for the whole day. Under running water the body is refreshed, the mind wakes up and the body is charged with energy. But for greater effect, make a contrast shower: turn on the hot water first, and then cool water. This improves blood circulation, strengthens the body, improves immunity and wakes you up perfectly. It's good to relax in the shower and think about the upcoming tasks for the day. Especially often, creative ideas come under running water.

6. Reading inspirational texts

Let the first thing you read in the morning be an inspiring text that will lift your spirits and perfectly motivate you for a productive day. If running and exercise help keep your body in good physical fitness, then motivational reading is a psychological training for the spirit, increasing inner strength and energy for the whole day. Starting the morning by reading a positive and uplifting text makes it easier to prepare for any possible setbacks during the day. While reading a news column in a daily newspaper can, on the contrary, upset a person by filling his mind with anxious, negative thoughts. They will disturb your peace of mind and ruin your mood.

7. Refusal of electrical gadgets

Of course for modern man it is extremely difficult to comply with this condition, especially for business people for whom mobile devices similar to oxygen. Many people end and start their day by looking at the screen of a smartphone or tablet. But, if you try and get up early, you can carve out at least half an hour (or better yet, an hour) to forget about gadgets for a while. Instead, read your favorite book, write a plan for the day on a piece of paper, water your indoor plants, do your morning exercises, or simply reflect on life.

8. The habit of being grateful

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to forget about the good things that do happen in the lives of each of us from time to time. The ability to be grateful for the day you live is a very valuable habit. It helps maintain an optimistic mood and inspiration to achieve new goals. Even on the most difficult days, you can definitely find something good for which life is worth thanking. It can be helpful to keep a “gratitude day” journal or notebook. Fill it out better in the morning to start the day with positive emotions. Do not skimp on “thank you” to those people who make your life better.

It’s worth noting right away that starting the morning without breakfast is no good. Morning meals are very important for the body, and you need to approach this matter responsibly. Common breakfast eating habits include fried bacon, choco-flavored muffins, white toast, cookies, sugary cereals, etc. can hardly be called useful.

Most of the blood from the brain can go to the stomach to quickly digest saturated with fat and carbohydrate foods, and the person will feel tired and drowsy in the first half of the day. This will not have the best effect on his performance and health. The healthiest foods to eat for breakfast include: slow carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, wholemeal products, mushrooms, berries, lean meat, etc. The listed products help keep the body in shape and health in order.

10. Body exercises

This could be a workout in the gym, cycling or regular home exercises - the choice is yours. It is important that physical exercise became regular in the morning. This great way improve blood circulation and invigorate. Morning exercises significantly increase energy production by burning food fats and activate the release of happiness hormones - endorphins into the body. Without such a habit it is difficult to tune in healthy image life and maintain a diet.

Energy throughout the day– a state of high performance and Have a good mood, supported by a system of rituals and healthy habits.

To feel energized throughout the day, follow the tips and tricks below.

Ways to stay energized throughout the day

* Meals in several sittings

Food is a source of energy and heat. Therefore, it is important not to allow complete reduction charge and passion fast carbohydrates like candy. Eat little, but several times a day. If your activity is associated with high intellectual stress, take a second breakfast (vitamin breakfast) and an afternoon snack with the main three meals, similar to sanatorium treatment.

Flaw useful substances This is what leads to apathy and fatigue. Take care of your brain regularly.

* Life according to the schedule both on weekends and on weekdays

Once a month you can completely afford to “be a vegetable.” But the rest of the time, the same daily routine gives the body and spirit vigor and energy. Regardless of whether it’s a day off or a workday, get up at the same time, eat the same, and generally have a similar routine of active-passive activities.

Some forced measures help to develop this habit well. For example, caring for an elderly person or a small child, gardening chores. Then you will naturally adapt to living with the same rhythm on all days of the week, and you will not need to crawl out of the depression on Monday.

It is life in an established regime that keeps the body in good shape throughout the day.

* Constant shift classes

No matter how interesting your activity may seem to you, quit it after an hour of intense work to do something else. Our brain needs to switch; mild stress keeps it in good shape and prevents it from becoming sour. Choose a variety of tasks for your day, from tidying up your desk and washing windows to creating a concept for a new project. And shuffle them around. It is precisely this change in the rhythms of life, different durations of work and the alternation of relaxation and tension that allows you to maintain a charge of vivacity throughout the day.

* Complete inactivity for several minutes

In order to hear the signals of your body, and not your brain, you need to “put to sleep” the latter for a while. You can do breathing exercises, listen to music, or just lie on the couch. Such moments of micro-rest throughout the day help you feel the joy of your actions and prolong your enjoyment of life.

Bad habits that prevent you from being in good shape

*TV is confusing

Watching TV in the morning and evening completely disrupts your personal aspirations. As soon as you turn on the remote control button and settle into a chair, fatigue and lethargy fall on you. Don't give in to this temptation! Watch recorded programs, and sit in a chair only with needlework in your hands or another activity that prevents you from completely immersing yourself in other people’s problems.

* Low physical activity in the morning

It is the high energy start that allows the body to stay at the same level until the evening. Don't be too lazy to jog or do gymnastics in the morning instead of sluggishly eating a dry breakfast. The scourge of our time is physical inactivity ( low mobility), do not join these ranks of apathetic and overweight people. Better get your blood flowing with a good morning exercise.

* Lack of discipline, irregularity of classes

A completely free day is just as bad as an overloaded day. Create guidelines for yourself throughout the day that are obligatory to follow, and free minutes for impromptu. This is the best routine, giving vigor and good performance.

* Life without a goal

If you do not have a global goal for the year and a tactical goal for the month, then you will not receive any energy charge from life. Have you noticed what happens to you when something good, long-planned, finally comes true? Most likely, you are sinking into depression. After all, the greater the goal you achieve, the less you want to do anything further. And gradually you find yourself depressed.

And most effective means To create good spirits is to set a new goal, a new dream for the near future.

A list of useful things to do to help maintain energy throughout the day

  • Have a hearty breakfast
  • Do mental gymnastics from time to time

Puzzles, crosswords, logic problems, a guessing game or other intellectual exercise helps you not to fall asleep or slow down, but, on the contrary, to shake yourself up and move on.

  • Walk everywhere you can

Armed with expert advice, we've put together eight rules that you can follow to wake up rested, stay toned throughout the day, and go to the bedroom relaxed.

1. May the morning be good.

It was believed. Sleep exactly as much as your body needs.

In fact. Always wake up at the same time, no matter what day it is - a lazy Sunday or a busy Monday.

The first thing to do is let the sun's rays into the room. This will help synchronize your circadian rhythms with nature's 24-hour cycle. In the absence of a signal light, the sleep-wake cycle will shift by approximately 12 minutes each day, operating within a 24.2-hour cycle. As a result, the body adjusts to longer sleep periods as the phases shift, says Marianna Fiquerro, director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Center for Light Research. As a result, if you have to get up at an inconvenient time for the body, you will feel tired.

To keep your circadian rhythm in line with nature's cycle, open a window as soon as you open your eyes. Regardless of the day of the week and your workload. You need to be in daylight for half an hour - a morning walk with a hot Americano is quite suitable. IN as a last resort, have breakfast by the open sunny window.

2. Add protein to your diet

Believed to be: to maintain vitality go heavy on carbohydrates.

Reality: Don't overdo it. Despite the fact that carbohydrates are “fast-burning” substances, they are capable of consuming a large number of energy. According to a study from the University of Illinois, women who reduced the amount of carbohydrates in their diet in favor of protein foods noted high degree activity throughout the day. Make sure that the amount of carbohydrate consumed daily does not exceed 150 grams, distributing, for example, as follows: 5 servings of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit, and 3-4 servings of starchy foods (preferably whole grain bread).

3. Forget about energy drinks

It was believed: cheer up during the day with a cup of coffee.

In fact: Come back to the idea of ​​a latte later - when you really need coffee. Caffeine keeps your performance levels high by blocking the effects of adenosine, a substance that causes drowsiness. Adenosine secreted by the brain, together with receptors, inhibits activity nerve cells. Meanwhile, the amount of adenosine released during the day increases as fatigue and drowsiness accumulate and reaches the highest high level after noon. And by this point, morning coffee has already exhausted its potential.

Experts remind that drinking large amounts of coffee (more than 2 ounces) will adversely affect the condition. nervous system. To avoid anxiety, it is better not to overuse caffeine. But, the presence in the diet of 1.2 - 1 cup of coffee (or caffeine equivalent to this amount), drunk in the afternoon (when the level of drowsiness is unusually high), will not harm the body.

4. Eat at specific times

It was believed: Have a snack. By eating small portions throughout the day at the first sign of hunger, you maintain vitality and energy.

Reality: Stick to a schedule. The heat exchange system is clearly tied to other rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle, as well as to the moment of the most energy-consuming event - for example, a fitness club after a hard day. Departure from your eating schedule is fraught with danger fatigue, say professionals. Chaotic eating leads to gluttony, experts warn.

Plan your morning (including breakfast) in the evening, thus giving the new day a deliberately positive impulse. Take a lunch with you if your office day doesn't allow you to leave your desk at lunchtime. Prepare a few meals over the weekend; when reheated quickly, they won't give you the chance to go astray. established schedule. This way you will have enough energy left for an afternoon game of badminton.

5. Meditate in short sessions

It was believed: Meditation makes sense if the session lasts at least 20 minutes.

In fact: achieve positive result through short sessions.

"Relaxing for as little as three minutes can relieve stress symptoms, such as muscle tension and constricted blood vessels, and increase endorphins," says Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist and author of Positive Energy. “Quick meditation” sessions can be carried out throughout the day, since it does not require much time.

Find a secluded place where you won't be disturbed. If we are talking about an office, you can take refuge in the toilet room. Sit down and close your eyes. Listen to your breathing: how you slowly inhale and exhale. Visually turn annoying thoughts into clouds. Then imagine something that makes you happy. This could be a place where you vacationed, a person you love, or some kind of enjoyable activity for you.

6. A breath of fresh air when you're feeling down

Counted: Afternoon nap? Get some sleep.

In fact: Give yourself some “solar therapy.” Sun rays during the day they can do the same good service as upon awakening. Because the homeostatic and circadian systems interact, most people experience a decline in activity 17 to 18 hours after they fell asleep the previous night.

Go out for a short walk. It could be anything - a business call on mobile phone, go to the nearest branch of your bank. And note: special equipment for offices is now being produced that changes the level of light in the room depending on the time of day.

7. Conquer Olympus with music

It was believed: reward yourself for hard work with a “yummy”

In fact: Cheer up with pleasant music. Physical activity is a great way to keep your spirits up and keep you in good shape. But what to do if you are already too tired for all kinds of jogging and walking? It seems that no force can pull you off the couch and teleport you to the park? Try putting on headphones and turning on the player, and only then start lacing up your sneakers. Music will simply help you forget about fatigue. According to the study, volunteers who exercised while listening to music for 30 minutes felt that they "didn't give it their all," in contrast to the same workout without music.

8. Turn off the lights

It was believed: Watching television programs late at night will keep you from falling asleep.

In fact: TV is not the best the best remedy combating drowsiness, but when it comes to the computer monitor, everything is different. Research shows that very bright light equivalent to morning natural light and can actually enhance brain activity. But, you can increase your attentiveness with much less energy. Some scientists believe that the light emanating from a computer monitor late in the evening can just disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, especially when combined with a fun, addictive game you're playing while away the evening. Watch TV instead.

Most people are far enough away from the screen when watching TV that the bright light from the screen is not dangerous. It's best to read a book or magazine. Just make sure that the light bulb you use is no more than 60 watts.

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