How to give a drainage massage to a child. Massage for a child’s cough as an effective method for sputum removal

Children's problem inflammatory diseases respiratory system is that infectious process with inadequate treatment, it progresses from acute to chronic. Massage for coughs in children will help clear the airways of difficult-to-clear mucus, which helps prevent relapse of inflammation.


Cough massage is called drainage massage. Physical impact on the chest improves the discharge of mucus from respiratory tract. This method is good not only for middle-aged children, but also for infants and adult patients. If a child cannot cope with coughing up mucus and it stagnates in the lungs, a massage session is indicated for him.

Drainage massage for children with cough effective only in the stage of disease resolution, when the symptoms of intoxication and dehydration are eliminated. Usually it is 2-3 days acute bronchitis, 3-4 days for pneumonia.

Airway drainage should not be performed in the following cases:

    Elevated body temperature remains above 38 °C. A massage for a feverish baby will be painful and will not be beneficial.

Massage procedures are one of the most effective methods for removing phlegm from a cough. They help relieve the baby's condition without using medications. The principle of operation is to apply pressure to certain points on the back, transmitting a signal to spinal cord To nervous system. As a result of this process, the entire body relaxes, which facilitates the smooth discharge of sputum.

Execution technique

There are several techniques that help remove phlegm when infants cough. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The peculiarity of this technique is that the baby’s head should be lower than the body. To do this, you need to place a small pillow or cushion under the child. After correct placement, you should proceed to the following manipulations:

After the procedure, the baby must be wrapped in a warm blanket. It should remain in this state for about 1-2 hours. During this period, every 15 minutes you should turn it over to the other side. This will help prevent mucus from stagnating in the lungs.

The duration of 1 session should be 10 minutes. In this case, the number of procedures per day should be at least 2. Full course Treatment in this way is designed for 5 days.

Watch a video on how to do cough drainage massage:


Vibration massage involves tapping on the baby's back. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the baby on his tummy.
  2. Mom should place her open palm on her back, avoiding the area of ​​the spine.
  3. The other hand should be clenched into a fist and gentle tapping should be done from the fingers to the wrist.

The duration of 1 procedure should be no more than 3-4 minutes, their number should be 3 per day. The entire course of treatment takes on average 4-6 days. It all depends on the severity of the cough.

Expectorant (postural)

This type of influence is similar to drainage massage. Let's look at how it is done step by step:

  1. Place the child on a pillow or bolster so that his head is lower than his body; you can also place him on your lap.
  2. The baby should lie face down.
  3. Grab some skin on both sides of the middle of the spine.
  4. As you move through it, move towards the shoulders.
  5. Step back a couple of cm to the edges of the sides and do the same manipulation.
  6. Do 10-20 approaches.

The duration of 1 session is no more than 3-5 minutes. Such manipulations must be done 3 times a day for 5 days. After each session, the baby will produce sputum. For maximum efficiency You can give him an expectorant medicinal syrup before the massage.

Percussion (Komarovsky method)

This method consists of the following steps:

The duration of such treatment is 5 days. Number of procedures - 3 per day. In this case, you need to know about the following rules for performing percussion massage:

  • He is not independent method therapy, used as an adjunct to drug treatment.
  • This type of massage should not be done when elevated temperature bodies.
  • Do not use this method while taking medications that inhibit the cough reflex.
  • During the massage, you need to avoid the spine area.

Cough massage to expel phlegm has high efficiency. But to achieve the desired result, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations from experts:

  • During the procedure, use baby cream or warming oil.
  • Massages must be agreed upon with the attending physician.
  • The first procedure is carried out on the fourth day of the child’s illness.
  • During the procedure, the baby must be without clothes, so care must be taken to ensure a comfortable air temperature.
  • Movements should not cause discomfort, the child should not cry after such exposure.
  • If the condition worsens, massage procedures must be stopped and then consult a doctor.
  • For faster and more effective coughing, the child needs to press the root of the tongue with a teaspoon.

Mandatory It is necessary to monitor the baby's body temperature. If he has a fever, then massage is not suitable as a cough treatment.

Massage for coughs in children is an effective auxiliary technique used along with drug treatment to improve cold and cough symptoms. A properly performed massage increases blood circulation in the lungs, promotes the removal of mucus, easier coughing, and also speedy recovery. Massage is generally accepted therapeutic technique, the use of any massage for children must be agreed with the pediatrician. How to properly massage a child’s cough? What benefits does massage of the collar area help children? How to properly massage a child to remove sputum?

Massage for coughs in children: basic types of massage and rules of implementation

The baby's respiratory system begins to develop at 3-4 weeks embryonic development, at 11-12 weeks, the formation of areas of lung tissue occurs. At 4-6 months of fetal development, fast growth vascular system pulmonary apparatus. At the 7th month of development, the child’s lung tissue acquires the features of a porous channel structure. Future air spaces are filled with liquid. The first significant changes in the airways occur immediately after the baby is born, requiring immediate lung function. The period of intensive growth of the pulmonary lobes lasts from 3 months to 3 years of a child’s life. Between the ages of 3 and 7 years, complete differentiation of the entire pulmonary system occurs. By the time of birth, the baby's bronchi are fully formed. However, elastic and muscle fibers rather poorly developed. Underdevelopment of the respiratory muscles contributes to a weakened cough reflex. That is why even with minor inflammatory processes In children, mucus stagnation forms in the bronchi, the main symptom of which is coughing.

Cough massage in children is one of the recognized effective auxiliary methods for relieving the symptoms of colds and coughs. Massage promotes:

  • Increased blood flow in the bronchi;
  • Sputum discharge;
  • Mild coughing and expectoration;
  • Improving muscle contractions of the bronchial walls;
  • Improving the movements of the bronchial ciliated epithelium.

Timely discharge of sputum helps reduce the risk of developing intoxication of the body, as well as rapid recovery. Cough massage is prescribed at any age, but the massage technique requires special execution. The main types of massage for coughs in children are:

  • Vibration massage involves rhythmic tapping on the baby's back, which improves expectoration and mucus removal. Vibration massage for coughs is prescribed to the youngest patients. You can do it yourself, taking into account the peculiarities of the technology. This massage requires a gentle and soft influence. Tapping must be done without touching the spine. To minimize the impact, it is recommended to tap your palm placed on the baby’s back;
  • Drainage massage when coughing in children also promotes effective mucus discharge. To perform such a massage, it is necessary to place the child with his stomach on the cushion so that his head is lower than his legs. This position promotes the removal of mucus and easier expectoration. Using light massaging movements, you need to work the intercostal spaces from bottom to top, then pat the same areas with the edge of your palm in the same direction. Then you need to compress the diaphragm from the sides at the base. After this, the child must be seated and given the opportunity to cough. If a child does not have a cough reflex, doctors recommend lightly pressing on the root of the child’s tongue (this procedure is performed with a warm teaspoon). Then massage practices are repeated again;
  • Cupping massage for coughs in children is a massage performed with cupping. A vacuum is formed at the point of contact between the jar and the child’s back, the effect of which promotes lymph and blood circulation, which increases tissue nutrition. This massage helps strengthen the immune system and improves respiratory function;
  • Acupressure for coughs is based on the principle of influencing certain points located on the shoulder blades, neck, back of the head, behind the ears, on the legs and hands. To perform this massage, you need to know the exact location of such points;
  • Honey massage for coughs in children is indicated for prolonged course of the disease and chronic cough. Honey contains a large number of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and nutrients. Honey helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

Basic rules for performing cough massage:

  • No high temperature;
  • No complications of the underlying disease;
  • Massage for coughs in children should be carried out on warm skin (stroking or a warm bath before the massage);
  • The massage is performed on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals and 1 hour before bedtime.

Massage of the collar area for children: technique

Massage of the collar area for children should be carried out according to a certain technique. The use of any massage technique must be agreed with a pediatrician, who will tell you how to properly perform such a massage. Massage of the collar area for children includes the following techniques:

  • Stroking - light rhythmic stroking with an open palm helps to warm up the skin and muscles, as well as prepare them for further massage actions. When giving a massage to a child, it is necessary to monitor the force of pressure on the massaged area;
  • Rubbing involves more intense movements. At this stage, it is necessary to monitor the intensity of redness of the skin of the cervical region, as well as the child’s reaction to actions;
  • Kneading is done with your fingertips quite carefully. The child, feeling discomfort, will not lie still, so it is extremely important to use gentle movements;
  • Vibration - tapping must be performed extremely carefully, avoiding the spine area. Many children's massage therapists recommend performing a vibration massage on their palm to avoid excessive force;
  • Relaxation – any massage should end with a warming and relaxing massage technique.

5 rules for performing a massage on a child to remove phlegm

There are certain rules for performing a massage on a child to remove sputum:

Massage for coughs in children is excellent auxiliary for easier expectoration and Get well soon. Apply the described massage techniques possible both during illness and for general strengthening baby's body.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

  • With temperature
  • No temperature
  • Massage
  • Drainage massage
  • All children experience such a symptom of respiratory system diseases as cough. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage that harmlessly helps get rid of cough.


    • Cold.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Pneumonia.
    • Emphysema.
    • Pneumosclerosis.

    Why does massage help remove mucus?

    During the massage bronchial tree warms up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes more liquid. As a result, sputum is better coughed up and removed from small bronchi into larger ones, and then into the trachea, which helps the body get rid of excess mucus and germs or viruses.


    Cough massage is a good alternative to using medicines. This procedure can be carried out from birth, and parents can learn how to carry it out without involving specialists.

    In addition to stimulating mucus discharge, the following massage:

    • Stimulates blood and lymph flow.
    • Strengthens muscle fibers involved in breathing.
    • Increases rib mobility.
    • Stabilizes respiratory function.
    • Enhances the effect of using medications.


    • The child's body temperature is elevated.
    • The baby has just eaten.
    • A cold or other respiratory tract disease has just begun (massage is indicated only from the 4-5th day of the disease, when acute stage passed).
    • The baby feels discomfort in the tummy position.
    • Complications of the underlying disease appeared.
    • The baby has skin diseases.
    • The baby's body weight is too low.

    During the period of exacerbation of the disease, massage is prohibited!

    Types of massages

    Cough massage can be performed using different methods, so it happens:

    • Drainage. The main feature of this massage, which promotes better removal of mucus, is the position of the body - the child’s head should be lower than the body.
    • Pointed. This is very effective massage, but it should only be carried out by a specialist who knows well which areas need to be affected.
    • Canned. This massage has a good effect and positive influence for immunity, but its implementation is not always possible due to the need to use available means.
    • Vibrating. For this massage, gentle tapping is performed on the child’s back. It is also called percussion.
    • Medov. This type of massage is highly effective for coughs caused by chronic or protracted illness. The limitation to its use is high risk allergies.

    For more information about this, see next video.

    For more information about vibration massage for coughs, see the next program.

    Massage technique

    Since the most accessible and frequently used massage option for coughs is drainage, let us consider in more detail the technique of performing it. First, the child is massaged on the back and then on the chest, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples and kidneys. The room should be ventilated before the procedure.

    Back massage

    Start by rubbing your back with the entire surface of your palms from your shoulders to your lower back and back. Next you need to do:

    • Quick pinching movements with fingers. Perform the first pinching near the spine, and then repeat, stepping back a few centimeters to the sides until you reach the sides chest.
    • Patting with fingertips collected in a handful.
    • Tapping with the ribs of the palms. It is better to perform them diagonally, moving from the area above the lower back to the shoulders.
    • Pounding the ribs with fists. They are also carried out diagonally.

    All movements should not be rough, but quite active to cause slight redness of the skin.

    Chest massage

    With the baby lying on his back, rub the chest with your palms (the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the collarbones. The pressure should be small, but sufficient to cause slight redness to appear. Finally, sit the child down and rub the jugular cavity, which is located between the collarbones. Press it gently so as not to compress the larynx. Next, ask your baby to cough.

    After the procedure, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie for a while in a calm environment. The duration of the massage is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to perform it twice a day for 5 days. To make it easier for your hands to glide, you can use oil or cream.

    For techniques for performing drainage massage after pneumonia or bronchitis, see the following video.

    Percussion massage - Komarovsky’s opinion

    A well-known pediatrician considers this type of massage to be effective for coughs and explains its name by its connection with the word percussion (as tapping is called in Latin). During such a massage, the child’s bronchi begin to vibrate, and sputum is separated from their surface. And if it was difficult for the baby to cough up the “adherent” mucus, then after the mucus enters the lumen of the bronchi, the cough becomes more productive.

    Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that percussion massage, while effective, cannot be called an independent method of therapy. The famous doctor emphasizes that such a procedure must be combined with taking medications and, more importantly, with sufficient drinking and air humidification. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be performed at elevated body temperatures.

    According to a popular pediatrician, percussion massage, which parents can perform at home, should look like this:

    1. Place the baby on his stomach and place a pillow under the pelvis so that he is higher than his head.
    2. Sit next to the baby and use your fingertips to perform intense and frequent tapping, which should not cause pain to the baby. It is advisable that the fingers touch the skin at an angle directed towards the head. While tapping, change the position of your baby's head every 30 seconds.
    3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised and then asked to cough.
    4. Repeat this series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

    This procedure can be performed up to 6 times a day.

    For more information on how to do massage for bronchitis, see the program by Dr. Komarovsky.

    In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky shows how to massage a cough.

    The first symptom that occurs with a variety of ailments is a cough, which can cause a lot of discomfort to the baby, especially during night sleep. Massage for a child’s cough is a very effective way to get rid of such symptoms and alleviate the baby’s condition. Insufficiently developed muscles of the chest do not yet allow children to fully cough up accumulated mucus, therefore, during the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia, careful tapping and stroking can become a very significant addition to the main treatment.

    Massage for coughs in children

    Is it possible to give a massage to a child who coughs?

    Of course, massage cannot always help overcome a cough. For example, if the cough is dry and significantly complicates the ability to breathe fully, such actions will be useless. But in the case of wet cough, when there is a characteristic “squelching” in the airways, such manipulations will very well help improve the discharge of stagnant mucus. It is better to perform a massage five days after the onset of the disease, when acute period go into decline. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications for which massage is not recommended:

    1. massage should not be given to babies under one month;
    2. prohibited during acute progression of the disease;
    3. if there is an increase in general body temperature;
    4. for acute infectious diseases;
    5. if there is a rash on the skin;
    6. for general malaise and feeling unwell baby.

    It is worth understanding that all actions during the massage must clearly correspond to the age of the baby - than smaller child, the more gentle all manipulations should be.

    Types of massage

    When a child has a cough, before performing a massage it is necessary to select the right technique its implementation:

    • Vibrating - recommended for very young children, and promotes discharge bronchial mucus and improvement of expectoration.
    • Cupping - helps strengthen immune system and stabilizes the functioning of the airways;
    • Honey - more often used in cases of chronic or lingering cough. The use of honey helps remove toxins and waste from the child’s body.
    • Drainage - performed four days after the onset of the disease. Improves the discharge of bronchial mucus.
    • Acupressure is the most difficult massage technique, which requires an accurate understanding of the location of certain points of influence.

    Depending on the age of the baby and the nature of the cough, it is necessary to choose the right technique to perform the massage.

    Vibration and cupping types of massage

    During runtime vibration massage perform rhythmic tapping on the back area, while avoiding the spine. Touches should be soft and gentle, it is possible to do this through your own palm, having previously placed it on the baby’s back. The time of manipulation should be no more than five minutes

    During cupping massage, rubber or glass jars are used, under which a vacuum is created. This technique is very effective for relieving muscle swelling, improving blood circulation and removing excess fluid from the body. It is not recommended to carry out cupping massage when a child coughs during an exacerbation chronic diseases, such as cancer or epilepsy. Before installing the cups, it is necessary to carry out warming manipulations on the skin by rubbing the back with baby cream.

    You need to install no more than 4 cans between the shoulder blades and the spine, then moving them in different directions, without tearing them off the skin. After completing all the steps, the baby needs to be covered with a blanket and put to bed.

    Drainage massage for children with cough video

    To carry out this technique, you need to place a small pillow under the baby’s belly so that the baby’s head is further below the legs. Preliminary rubbing of the skin of the back should be done with your fingertips until skin covering It won't blush a little. Afterwards, you need to massage your back for fifteen minutes, while stepping back a little from the spine, pinching about twenty times is carried out, in the direction from the lower back to the shoulder blades. The indentation must be increased until the fingers reach the child’s sides; similar movements must be repeated several times.

    In the future, adhering to the same trajectories, you need to tap with the edge of your palm, and then with your fist. You should definitely let your child clear his throat after completing all the steps. If the result is unsatisfactory, you can very gently press on the root of the tongue using a pre-heated teaspoon. You can also lay the child on his back and rub him clockwise from the center of the chest towards the collarbones. At the end of the procedure, wrap the baby in a blanket and put him to bed.

    Honey type of massage

    Before you begin the procedure, you should make sure that your baby is not allergic to honey! Massage should be carried out by adhering to the following rules:

    1. Honey should be applied warm, exclusively to the upper back or collar area.
    2. Movements must be performed from bottom to top and from left to right.
    3. The movement of the palm should be smooth, after which it should be abruptly torn away from the skin. If the baby finds it difficult to tolerate, all manipulations should be stopped.
    4. At the end of the manipulations, the baby’s back should be thoroughly wiped with a towel previously soaked in water.
    5. The child should be wrapped in a blanket and put to sleep at night.

    If all actions are performed correctly, you can get rid of your baby’s cough much faster, but all movements must be as precise and careful as possible.


    For execution acupressure it is necessary to have certain medical knowledge in this direction. It is important not only to know and understand where the necessary points are, but also to correctly distribute the force of pressure. Insufficient force when pressing will not give the expected result, and excessively strong movements can lead to undesirable consequences.

    Complex treatment

    Massages are most effective when combined with other cough treatment methods. For example, if a baby has difficulty clearing sputum, the pediatrician may prescribe:

    • syrups that improve expectoration of stagnant mucus;
    • breast collection, decoctions and teas from medicinal herbs;
    • performing inhalations;
    • walks outside (under optimal weather conditions).

    The abundance of medications is so large that any parent can get confused when choosing the most effective medicine. Any treatment for a baby’s cough must be approved by a pediatrician. Experienced children's doctor will prescribe remedies based on the nature of the cough and the cause of its occurrence.

    If you massage a child’s cough for ten days, you can achieve a significant improvement in his well-being. The technique is not very complicated, and every parent can learn. Massages can also be carried out for the purpose of prevention to prevent the recurrence of cough.

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