How to improve hair condition using ordinary yeast? “Knead” a mask with yeast or how to make your hair luxurious With honey against hair loss

Yeast contains the most necessary
substances that promote the growth of our
hair. Yeast contains protein from
which builds the hair structure, as well as all
B vitamins that help
hair grows strong and healthy.

It is useful to make hair masks from yeast
for everyone who wants to provide their hair with
good nutrition and care. Yeast helps
against hair loss, enhance hair growth,
improve structure. We offer several
most options effective masks With
yeast for hair growth and strengthening.

Yeast hair masks
Yeast mask with kefir and honey. 2
teaspoons of dry yeast stir in
warm water or milk, leave for an hour.
Then add 2 tablespoons to the mixture
honey and 0.5 cups of kefir or yogurt,
stir well. Distribute the mask
over hair, rub into hair roots. Cover
head with cellophane, put on a cap and
leave the mask on for an hour. Wash your hair warm
water or decoction medicinal herbs.

Yeast mask with protein. Stir
a tablespoon of dry yeast in warm water
(1 teaspoon). Add to the resulting slurry
beaten egg white and stir. Rub in the mask
into the hair and scalp. Wrap up your head
polyethylene and leave the mask on for an hour.
Wash your hair warm water with shampoo.

Yeast mask for dry hair. Cup
lightly heat kefir, stir in 1
table. spoon of dry yeast and leave for an hour in
warm place. Apply the mixture to your hair
Rub into scalp and leave for 30 minutes.
After half an hour, wash your hair with warm water.
then rinse with water with added
apple cider vinegar. The mask helps eliminate
dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes hair, accelerates
their growth.

Yeast mask with onions. Dissolve 1 tbsp.
a spoonful of dry yeast in the same quantity
warm water. Add 1 tablespoon to the mask
onion juice, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon
burdock or castor oil. All
mix and rub the resulting mask into
hair roots. Warm your head and keep your mask on
1 hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Dry yeast for hair with mustard and honey.
Stir a tablespoon of dry yeast into
a little warm water, add
a teaspoon of sugar. Leave the mixture warm
place for an hour. Then add 1 to the mask
a tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of mustard. All
mix and apply to hair roots. Through
Wash your hair with shampoo for an hour. Make a mask
1 time per week for 2 months and
You will notice that your hair is growing by leaps and bounds!

Brewer's yeast for hair with egg.
Warm half a glass of milk slightly.
Add a tablespoon of dry yeast and
leave for half an hour in a warm place. Then
add 1-2 eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable
oil (burdock, almond, etc.),
Stir thoroughly. Massage
Apply the mask onto your hair using movements
cover your head with cellophane and insulate it
with a towel. After 1-2 hours, wash your hair.
The mask nourishes and strengthens the hair, making it
thicker and stronger.

Yeast with sugar for thin naughty ones
hair. Dissolve 30 grams of yeast in warm
water, add a teaspoon of sugar. When
the mixture will begin to ferment, apply the mask to
hair for 1 hour.
Yeast with honey. Take yeast and honey in
equal proportions, stir in warm water
and leave for an hour. Apply the mask to your hair
insulate with a towel for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse it off

Yeast and pepper mask for hair growth.
Stir 30 gr. yeast in a tablespoon
warm water. Add 2 tablespoons
pepper tincture. Apply the mask to your hair
for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Yeast mask for hair growth. Composition: 1
yolk, tablespoon yeast, herbal
decoction (from chamomile, sage or nettle), 1
tablespoon burdock oil, some
drops of any essential oil(to your taste).
Dissolve the yeast in a small amount
warm herbal decoction, leave for 30
minutes in a warm place. Then add
the remaining ingredients of the mask and carefully
stir. Apply to hair roots, then
distribute over the entire length. Cover your head
polyethylene and insulate. After an hour, wash off
shampoo. Course – 2 times a week for

In the article we discuss yeast for hair - what types of yeast there are, and how to use them correctly. You will learn how to prepare masks from yeast for hair growth and thickness, against dandruff and hair loss.

Yeasts are single-celled living organisms called fungi. For several thousand years, people have been using yeast in the preparation of bread and fermentation-based drinks. IN home cosmetology yeast is valued for its extensive vitamin and mineral composition and is used for rejuvenation, treatment and nutrition of skin, hair and nails. To restore hair, yeast is added to cosmetic masks or taken orally.

Composition and benefits

The benefits of yeast are due to their rich chemical composition. It is permissible to change the chemical composition depending on the type of product.

  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - reduces dry scalp, restores natural shine and smoothness to hair;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - reduces fragility and split ends of the hair, restores the fat balance of the scalp, moisturizes the hair;
  • vitamin B3 ( a nicotinic acid) - regulates metabolism at the cellular level, increases blood microcirculation in the scalp;
  • vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) - rejuvenates the hair structure, indispensable in metabolic processes cells of the whole body;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - strengthens hair roots, prevents premature hair loss, relieves inflammation of the skin and helps fight dandruff;
  • vitamin B9 ( folic acid) - stimulates hair growth, participates in the regeneration of damaged hair fibers;
  • vitamin H (biotin) - regulates the biochemical composition of the blood, on which the proper nutrition of the hair depends;
  • potassium - indispensable in regulating the vital activity of cells throughout the body; a lack of potassium leads to the destruction of the structure of the hair follicle and the death of the root;
  • magnesium - provides hair with vitamins and microelements, prevents the early appearance of gray hair;
  • phosphorus - makes hair elastic, preserves natural pigmentation;
  • iron - rejuvenates and strengthens hair, a sufficient amount of iron in the body ensures healthy growth hair;
  • copper is indispensable in all cellular processes of the body, helps prolong active phase hair growth;
  • zinc - helps fight baldness and premature aging hairline, treats seborrhea.


Baker's yeast - sold in stores in raw and dry form. To prepare masks, it is better to use raw (fresh) yeast, because... quantitative content useful substances in them is significantly higher than in dry ones. The cost of fresh yeast is on average 60 rubles per 50 gram pack.

Brewer's yeast is present in cosmetics and dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are taken orally to treat hair and nails. It is quite problematic to find pure brewer's yeast for free sale in grocery stores. They can be ordered online from home brewing sites or healthy eating. Cost: on average 250 rubles per 10 gram pack.

How to use

Any yeast is equally suitable for preparing yeast hair masks: raw or dry, baker's or brewer's. There are several rules for how to prepare them and use them for cosmetic and medicinal purposes:

  1. Before use, dilute the required amount of yeast in warm water or another liquid product(depending on the recipe) and keep the mixture at room temperature for at least 40 minutes so that the yeast has time to swell and ferment. Stir the mixture periodically to prevent lumps from forming.
  2. Before using the yeast mask, perform an allergy test on a small area of ​​skin behind the ear. The duration of the test is 20-30 minutes. If there is no reaction on the skin in the form of redness and itching, then yeast can be used.
  3. Apply masks to clean and slightly damp hair. Water helps nutrients penetrate the hair faster and deeper.
  4. The procedure for applying the mask is to first treat the roots, and then distribute the mixture over the strands using a comb.
  5. In order for the yeast to begin to actively act on the hair, immediately after applying the mask, wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap it in a warm scarf or put on a knitted hat.
  6. Do not leave yeast mask on the hair longer than expected. The yeast will dry out and the mask will be very difficult to wash off.
  7. Always wash off the mask with warm water. To rinse your hair from yeast residues, use shampoo or lemon-acidified water.

Yeast-based products

DNC for hair growth

A drug Russian production helps restore and strengthen hair, and also acts as a growth activator on hair follicles. In addition to yeast, the composition includes milk protein, dry mustard, extracts of chamomile, nettle and cornflower.

How to use: dilute the preparation in warm water (about 45 degrees) until it becomes thick sour cream. Keep the mixture warm for about 15 minutes and apply it to damp hair roots. Wrap your head with film and a warm scarf. The mask is valid for 30 minutes.

Cost: about 120 rubles.


The Russian-made drug is sold in the form of biologically active additive for oral administration and hair shampoo.

Dietary supplement Evisent - vitamin preparation, which is taken for a lack of B vitamins, for stress and for the restoration of nails and hair. The drug is produced without adding synthetic vitamins And mineral salts, it contains only purified brewer's yeast and sulfur.

How to take: 2-3 tablets three times a day with meals. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Cost: from 220 rubles.

Evisent shampoo - gently cleanses hair, normalizes hair function sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, nourishes and strengthens roots and hair. The shampoo contains: brewer's yeast extract, sulfur, garlic extract and panthenol. Suitable for daily hair washing.

Cost: about 300 rubles.

It is necessary to remember the negative impact of yeast on the body. Uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements containing yeast can be harmful gastrointestinal tract- microflora disturbance, increased gas formation and cause the development of fungal diseases - candidiasis, folliculitis, cryptococcosis.

It is also important that the yeast is natural. Artificial yeast can cause malfunctions in the body.

Mask recipes

Alternating yeast with different ingredients in masks healthy products, you can achieve different therapeutic effects- accelerate hair growth, increase hair volume, reduce hair loss and get rid of dandruff.

With kefir against dandruff


  1. Raw yeast - 40 g.
  2. Kefir - 60 ml.

How to cook: Too thick and full fat kefir dilute with a small amount of water. Heat kefir in a water bath. Grind the yeast with a fork and add it to the heated kefir. Mix well and place in a warm place for one hour. Kefir can be replaced with the same amount of milk.

How to use: Apply the mask to the hair roots and massage the skin, then wrap your head. Validity period: 1.5 hours. The frequency of applying the mask is once a week for 3 months.

Result: Cleanses the scalp of dead cells and reduces the greasiness of the scalp. The mask helps relieve the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

With mustard for growth and thickness


  1. Dry yeast - 30 g.
  2. Mustard powder - 5 g.
  3. Milk - 100 ml.
  4. Granulated sugar - 20 g.

How to cook: Heat the milk to 40 degrees microwave oven or in a water bath. Dissolve sugar and yeast in it. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 20 minutes. Add mustard to the mixture and mix well.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair and massage your scalp. Cover your head. Validity period: from 20 minutes. If you felt strong burning sensation, immediately rinse off the composition with running water. The mask is not suitable for sensitive and damaged scalp. Frequency of mask use: for oily hair— once a week for 2 months; for dry hair - once every two weeks for 2 months.

Result: Strengthening and fast growth hair.

With egg for nutrition


  1. Raw yeast - 40 g.
  2. Water - 60 ml.
  3. Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Stir crushed raw yeast in warm water. Place the mixture in a warm place for 60 minutes. Break the egg into the mixture and mix well.

How to use: Apply the mask first to the hair roots and massage the skin. Then spread the egg-yeast mixture over the entire length. Cover your head. Validity period: 15 minutes. The frequency of applying the mask is 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

Result: Nutrition and stimulation of hair growth. Egg protein fills damaged areas of hair fibers.

With honey against hair loss


  1. Brewer's yeast - 40 g.
  2. Honey - 20 g.
  3. Mustard powder - 10 g.
  4. Water - 60 ml.
  5. Granulated sugar - 20 g.

How to cook: Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour to allow the yeast to swell. Add mustard and honey to the mixture. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask to the hair roots and massage it into the skin. Cover your head. Validity period: 20 minutes. If your scalp burns severely, wash off the mask before the due time, do not endure the pain.

Result: Reduce hair loss. The strong warming effect of the mask increases blood microcirculation and activates the “dormant” bulbs.

A package of yeast prepared by a thrifty housewife for baking can be used in other, for cosmetic purposes, for example, in order to improve the condition of your hair.

How does yeast affect hair?

A mask made from brewer's or regular yeast can help solve a whole range of problems, not only with hair, but also with the scalp, and, moreover, improving not only them appearance, but also the structure, literally filling it with health and beauty. Hair becomes softer, thicker, more manageable and less brittle, and in addition, begins to grow actively.

Why is yeast so powerful? The whole point lies in the composition of the product, each component of which has a certain chemical activity. So, the composition of yeast includes:

  • vitamins belonging to group B (thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin), which activate blood microcirculation in the capillaries located in skin head, which, in turn, improves metabolism even at the cellular level. As a result, the skin and hair follicle gets the maximum possible number of active nutrients, so the hair becomes fresher and more elastic, filled with healthy shine and strength;
  • folic acid (or B9) protects curls from negative impact environment, especially in regions where the level of environmental danger is increased. This element also protects strands from the consequences heat treatment, which occurs during styling with a hot hairdryer, heated curling iron or iron;
  • the amino acid series strengthens the hair, gives it elasticity, elasticity, and strength;
  • vitamin E, which is not for nothing called the vitamin of youth, makes strands shiny;
  • niacin (vitamin PP) preserves the natural hair color for a long time, and biotin (vitamin H) is necessary to fill the hair with invaluable moisture, as well as promote the production of creatine, a sufficient amount of which prevents early baldness;
  • mineral elements (zinc, iodine, potassium, copper, calcium, etc.) also nourish the hair, helping to improve its condition and the condition of the skin.

In addition, yeast has a comprehensive effect on dandruff, completely curing hair from this disease, and also normalizes lipid and water balance, so the hair gets greasy more slowly, which means it can be washed less often.

In general, yeast has countless advantages, and considering that they cost literally pennies, it would be unforgivable stupidity not to try to improve the condition of your hair with yeast masks.

Frequency of applying masks

Depending on the range of problems that need to be solved, procedures can be divided into two types: therapeutic and preventive.

It is enough to do preventive masks once a week - the mask will saturate the hair with useful substances, “start” the recovery mechanism and activate the growth process.

Therapeutic and restorative masks should be practiced once every 2-3 days.

But in both cases, masks should not be used randomly; it is necessary to carry out a certain course, consisting of a minimum of 15, maximum of 20 procedures. After a course of yeast masks, you should make 3-4 month break and then use them as an excellent prophylactic, no more than twice a season. By the way, you should only use fresh bread or brewer's yeast to create masks.

Rules for preparing yeast masks

Yeast is a rather “complex” product, a rather specific product, so it should be used in accordance with the recipes of cosmetologists, so that it “gives away” the maximum of useful substances contained in it. Here are the basic rules for using yeast:

  1. You can use any yeast that you find on the farm - in packs, in granules, baker's and brewer's.
  2. For a mask for short hair, just take 1 tsp. yeast, if the mask is needed for long hair you need to take 2 tsp. yeast. They should be diluted in a warm liquid (1 tablespoon) specified in the recipe (water, milk, kefir, decoction of medicinal herbs) and leave the mixture in a large container for an hour so that the bacteria begin to ferment.
  3. The mixture must be stirred periodically for an hour, otherwise lumps will form in it, which will get stuck in the hair and will require special combing.
  4. Please note that yeast, although not an allergen in pure form, but may cause a reaction, so you should test the mixture on the skin behind the ear.
  5. The yeast mask is applied to clean and damp strands, unlike most other cosmetic mixtures that can be applied to unwashed hair.
  6. The yeast mixture is applied in a certain order. You should start with the scalp, gently rubbing it with your fingers into the hair roots. Then the mixture will need to be distributed along the length of the hair (with your hands or a comb). If possible, it is better not to touch the ends of the hair - the yeast dries out a little, and the ends of the hair are already the driest part of the hair.
  7. Hair should definitely be “insulated” with a cellophane or plastic bag - this way the fermentation process will take place as actively as possible.
  8. The time for applying the mask varies from 20-40 minutes, but this time scale can vary up or down, depending on the additional components included in the mask.
  9. You need to wash off the mask with warm water, in which 2-3 tablespoons of lime or fresh lemon or vinegar are diluted, which will give your hair a silky and shiny look.

Several useful recipes

Yeast mask with oils

A mask made from castor, olive or burdock oil, chopped onion and raw yeast will very effectively enhance hair growth. First, prepare the yeast, to which after an hour you need to add the onion and 3 tablespoons of oil. The mixed mass is applied for 30 minutes and then washed off (it is better to use shampoo, since onions have a specific smell).

Honey mask

A mask based on fresh yeast diluted in milk and linden or acacia honey (2 tablespoons) accelerates hair growth. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, and then it should be washed off with water.

Dry yeast and egg mask

Yeast is diluted in kefir or sour milk, and when they swell, add the yolk of one egg and 2-3 drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil. The mask is kneaded until the mixture is homogeneous and rubbed into the hair. After half an hour, wash off with soapy water and rinse with water in which a couple of drops of the same oil are diluted so that the hair does not “smell” of sour milk.

Yeast for hair loss

Yeast is diluted in warm water, 1 tsp is added. mustard, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. buckwheat honey All components are added to the yeast only after it has increased in volume and the mixture is kneaded until smooth. After applying to the hair, it should be left for 30 minutes so that the yeast does not have time to dry, and then rinsed off with warm water and shampoo.

This mask, thanks to the presence of mustard, activates the appearance of keratin, and it stops natural process baldness.

Yeast with rosemary infusion

Yeast diluted in rosemary infusion (1 tbsp of dry rosemary per glass of boiling water) should be mixed with 2 tbsp. kefir and 1 protein. The mask is applied for 40 minutes and then washed off clean water(can be done with shampoo) and rinsed with clean water in which 2 drops of rosemary essential oil are diluted. This mask perfectly moisturizes the scalp, preventing the occurrence of seboria and dandruff, and in addition, it perfectly nourishes dry hair, making it much more elastic and beautiful.

As you can see, there are a lot of yeast-based masks and they are all very effective. Choose the most acceptable option for yourself, which will help deal with this or that set of problems. In just a month, your hair will respond to your care and affection, turning into beautiful, shiny curls that amaze with their strength and health.

Beneficial features and the chemical composition of yeast, contraindications and rules for using yeast masks for different types hair at home, as well as recipes effective treatment damaged curls using products based on them.

Benefits of yeast masks for hair

With regular use of yeast masks, you can see significant changes in the internal and external condition of your hair. The curls will become softer, fuller, more elastic and stronger, and the hair roots will become stronger. Main benefit procedures using yeast masks activate hair growth, which will become noticeable after the first month of treatment.

Beneficial effects on the hair of this cosmetic product is achieved thanks to the unique chemical composition main ingredient. Each substance contained in yeast penetrates deeply into the hair structure and performs its main functions:

  • Vitamin B. Other names: riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid. Getting into the layers of the skin, it activates blood circulation, thereby improving cellular metabolism and resolving stagnant processes in the blood vessels scalp. Due to the influence of these elements, the strands acquire freshness, energy and tone, no longer looking dull and lifeless.
  • Folic acid. Perfectly protects curls from negative influence environment and heat treatment with household styling products: hair dryer, curling irons, straighteners and other hair styling tools.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Refreshes curls and gives them natural shine.
  • Vitamin PP (niacin). Gives dull and colored hair a rich color and inhibits the appearance of early gray hair.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Has moisturizing properties.
  • Amino acids. Strengthens hair, makes it elastic and bouncy. Yeast can be used as medicine from hair loss.
  • Minerals. Have nutritional properties and participate in metabolism, which helps improve the condition of human skin and hair.
The complex of vitamins and minerals contained in yeast simply does not leave a chance for diseases of the scalp and hair in general. It guarantees relief from dandruff, strengthening hair follicles, restoration of split ends and getting rid of many other problems associated with the deterioration of the condition of curls.

Contraindications to the use of a yeast mask

Among the many positive qualities yeast hair mask can be found and negative reviews about its application. Criticism towards the use of the product is caused only by non-compliance with preparation technologies or contraindications to the constituent components.

It is known that yeast can cause allergic reaction in people who are allergic. That is why, before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to test cosmetic product on the skin in the ear area. If burning and redness occur, wash off the mixture immediately and treat with an antiseptic.

In general, a yeast mask has no contraindications and cannot harm hair or health.

Recipes for yeast masks for hair

There are many recipes for preparing a mixture for a yeast mask. For these purposes, it is recommended to use only live yeast. The choice of additional components of the composition depends on the desired effect and the type of existing problem.

Classic recipe for yeast hair mask with sugar

This simple mask for hair based on yeast. To prepare the mixture you will need: 100-125 g of warm water, 10 g of pressed yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.

Prepare and use the mask like this:

  1. We dilute sugar and live yeast in warm water and mix thoroughly until they are completely dissolved.
  2. Cover the container with a towel and set aside in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  3. When the fermentation process is over, apply the finished mass to the scalp and hair roots.
  4. Cover the mask with cellophane and a towel and wait about 1 hour.
  5. After the time has passed, wash your hair with warm water and regular shampoo.
After just a few procedures, your hair will become much softer and stronger.

Hair mask made from kefir and yeast

This formulation is used to enhance growth, prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff. To prepare it you will need: small piece live yeast (1 x 2 cm), 125 g warm kefir, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Dissolve yeast and honey in kefir and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes. The mixture should acquire a foamy consistency. Apply the mask to the head and distribute along the entire length of the hair. We put on a plastic cap and wrap our head in a warm terry towel. Leave it on for 45 minutes and don’t wash it off. hot water with regular shampoo.

Hair mask made from live yeast and yolk

This recipe is perfect for treating thin and weakened hair. To prepare the mixture you will need: 20 g of live yeast, 120 g of milk, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Mix milk heated to 35 degrees with yeast and set aside in a warm place for 20 minutes until fluffy foam forms on the surface. Add the yolk to the mash and olive oil and mix thoroughly. Ready mixture Gradually apply to the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Wrap it in plastic wrap and a terry towel and wait about 50 minutes. Wash off the mask with water several times using shampoo.

Hair mask made from yeast and mustard with yolk

This composition of components has strengthening properties, stimulates growth and adds shine to hair. To prepare the mask you will need: 10 g of live yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of warm water, 1 tbsp. spoon mustard powder, 1 yolk.

We dilute the yeast in warm water and let it brew for about 1 hour. Add the yolk and mustard to the foamy mixture. Mix until smooth and rub thoroughly into the scalp. We put a cellophane cap or film on top. We insulate with a towel and wait 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Technology for preparing yeast hair mask

Both dry and live yeast are suitable for preparing a strengthening and restorative hair mask.

There are a number of nuances for preparing yeast masks at home:

  • For oily hair, use drying ingredients - cinnamon, onion, rosemary or ginger.
  • For dry hair, olive, burdock, sunflower or castor oil is suitable.
  • To give the mask nutritional properties, you need to add honey and yolk to its composition.
  • The main process is preparing mash. Yeast is bred in warm boiled water or other liquid specified in the recipe.
  • To prepare a yeast mask, you must use components whose temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees.
  • The mixture is left to ferment for 30-60 minutes until foam forms.
  • Additional components are added only when the yeast mass has acquired a foamy consistency.
  • The yeast mixture must be constantly stirred so that lumps do not form in it, which will complicate hair washing and combing after the mask is applied.
  • Salt will help increase blood circulation in the scalp and hair growth.
  • Add cognac to the yeast mask and you will get rid of dandruff and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • The added protein will dry out the skin and completely eliminate the effect of greasy strands.

Remember that to receive positive result it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe for preparing the composition.

Rules for applying yeast masks to hair

The maximum positive effect can be achieved when using a yeast mask for hair, only by following all the rules for preparing and using the drug.

It is important to follow the technology for applying a mask to your hair:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to wash your hair and dry it lightly with a towel.
  2. It is very important to apply the mask in stages: first coat the scalp with circular movements, and then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Because main process the action of yeast is fermentation, so it is very important to create everything for this the necessary conditions. Apply the mask in a warm room, and cover your head with a cellophane cap and towel.
  4. The period of validity of the mask in each formulation is different. This is justified by the addition of additional ingredients that can inhibit the fermentation process. The average time to keep a yeast mask on your head is 40 minutes.
  5. It is recommended to wash your hair after applying the yeast mixture with warm water and lemon juice. This combination can enhance the effect of the mask. You can also use shampoo, especially in cases where the recipe calls for additional ingredient is oil.
  6. Additional rinsing of hair with herbal infusions will help enhance the effect of the yeast mask.
  7. The course of hair treatment with yeast masks lasts about 2 months with a frequency of use once a week.
How to make a hair mask from yeast - watch the video:

Masks based on live yeast are the most effective means in the fight against hair loss at home. The beneficial properties of this product have been proven by research in many medical laboratories. After just a few months of diligent treatment, your curls will gain healthy shine and vitality.

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