What is the reaction after DDT? Possible consequences of DPT vaccination in children

Today, you can often hear from young mothers about refusing any vaccinations for their baby. Parents are often afraid of complications that arise in the post-vaccination days.

Any intervention in the human body can have two scenarios - benefit or harm. But sometimes it is difficult to imagine what will be better - to postpone the vaccination and possible complications after it, or to expose the child to the risk of contracting a serious disease, after which the baby may simply die.

Today we will look at the DTP vaccine and talk about complications that arise after the vaccine. What is a normal reaction of the body, and what should alert parents and be ready to provide the child with the right help.

Is DTP vaccination necessary?

Modern medicine is quite developed and offers cures for almost all diseases. But for some reason, we still hear reports about the mortality of children and adults from acute respiratory infections or influenza.

People do not always strive to seek medical advice and proper treatment, so advanced situations arise when it is no longer possible to help.

DPT vaccination is aimed at creating natural immunity against three serious viruses:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus.

The causative agents of these diseases can easily enter a person. The consequences after infection are very serious. Sometimes there is not enough time for proper treatment. Some symptoms of whooping cough and diphtheria are similar to common cold. The person does not understand that he is infected with whooping cough or diphtheria.

DTP vaccination allows the body to develop antibodies in advance, which, if infected, will immediately begin to fight the enemy and prevent complications. This will allow the person not to progress the disease to a critical state.

To form an immune response to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, it is necessary to administer DPT or DPT vaccines several times.

In children, vaccination is carried out three times up to a year, and then drugs are used for revaccination, that is, to prolong the effect. You cannot get one vaccination and consider yourself safe for the rest of your life.

8–10 years after vaccination, the immune system weakens and reacts incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to administer a new dose of DPT vaccine. After 7 years of age, serum without a pertussis component is used for children, because the main risk of infection exists only for a small child.

Reaction to DTP vaccination - complications or normal

If your baby has yet to receive the DPT vaccine, then you should not ask incompetent friends about complications. All children are different and cope with any change differently. Vaccination is an individual procedure. Concerning questions should be asked to a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist who plans the timing of childhood vaccinations.

It is impossible to say that the vaccination is easy and you will not notice changes in the condition and behavior of the newborn. There will be a reaction, but everyone has their own way.

Please note that manifestations after vaccination can be general and local.

External reactions after DTP

Local reaction after DTP, these are changes in the injection area. Redness, induration and slight swelling on the thigh are considered normal.

Let us remind you that any vaccination in children under 3 years of age should be done in the leg, or more precisely, in the top part. The thigh of newborns has the most developed muscle and has little subcutaneous fat.

Until a certain time, vaccines were placed in the buttock. Butt has a large number of fat to protect the baby from serious injuries if it falls. If the serum gets into the fat layer, the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and does not give the desired effect. With stagnation, sepsis could form, which was serious complication. The site of inflammation had to be opened, which caused trouble and pain for the baby.

Currently, such problems do not arise because the injection is given into the muscle. Complications in the form of inflammation may appear if the mother does not properly care for the vaccination site.

Post-vaccination complications of a local nature manifest themselves in lameness or temporary immobility of children, when the leg is swollen and it is painful for the baby to lean while walking.

Individual manifestations are expressed in infants, when the baby stops even crawling or rolling over. Everything goes away in a few days. The serum dissolves and the pain disappears. During this period, you can use resorption gels or a compress with Vishnevsky ointment.

Carefully! Sometimes well-wishers advise applying alcohol compress to the injection site. But alcohol only has a warming effect and will not relieve swelling. Alcohol vapor is well absorbed through the skin, which can harm the baby, causing intoxication.

General symptoms

After observing patients who were vaccinated with DPT, certain manifestations were noted after vaccination. The most common symptoms are listed as follows:

Increased body temperature

The average thermometer readings usually do not exceed 39 degrees. It should be noted that in some babies it can rise to 40 or higher. Usually temperature jumps last no more than three days.

If the situation does not change after the third day, then there are complications. This indicates the penetration of another virus into the body that is not related to the vaccine.

Post-vaccination complications occur due to weakened immunity, which is aimed at producing antibodies to serum components. A high temperature signals the development of some kind of disease. It is necessary to report all the symptoms to the doctor, give the baby an antipyretic, or apply a compress to the forehead and wipe with a damp towel.

Intestinal disorders

They are a manifestation of the body’s reaction to vaccination in the form of vomiting or diarrhea. Diarrhea can be sporadic or continuous.

  • Diarrhea occurs if children have problems with digestion or any organ. A weak stomach always reacts to a new product.
  • Diarrhea can also be a reaction to the polio vaccine if it was administered orally in the form of drops.

Typically, the nurse warns parents not to give the child anything to drink or eat for an hour so that the vaccine is well absorbed. If the mother does not follow the post-vaccination recommendations, diarrhea may occur. It usually goes away on the first day and does not require treatment. For prevention, you can give Enterosgel, which will collect toxins and eliminate diarrhea.

But sometimes bacteria that cause intestinal disorders can join a weakened body. Then the diarrhea becomes prolonged and can cause harm to the child in the form of dehydration.

Limit the baby from new foods and walks in crowded places, communication with other people's animals to avoid development intestinal infections, which will be signaled severe diarrhea at the baby's.

Rash all over the body

Manifests itself as an allergic reaction to vaccine components. It is necessary to monitor how the rash spreads:

  • It can appear in only one place or cover the entire skin.
  • Rarely, but there are situations when a rash on the body is not a manifestation of an allergy, but side complication. A child may have chickenpox, which appears due to a weakened immune system by vaccination.

Then the rash has a different character - not small dots, but a red spot with a watery head. This spot appears in single quantities or spreads throughout the body. Another difference between chickenpox is that the rash begins to itch very much. The itching does not go away until the rash crusts over, which indicates the passing of the disease.

If you see a rash on your baby in the post-vaccination days, be sure to call a doctor and give him an antihistamine.

The temperature can rise not only from vaccination, but also due to the development of chickenpox. Sometimes it reaches 40 degrees. The disease is more severe because the body has to fight more than one virus. Chicken rash is rare because it is not always likely that an infected person will be near the baby at the time of vaccination or after it.

Allergic rash

Usually appears on the first day and even in the first hour. Dangerous allergies that cause swelling respiratory tract(Quincke). In this case, a rash may not appear, but it will be difficult for the child to breathe due to the rapid development of edema.

When receiving the first DTP vaccination, it is advisable to spend 40 minutes or more near the clinic in order to have time to receive necessary help. The temperature may remain normal.

Subsequent vaccination is usually canceled or the ADS vaccine without the pertussis component is prescribed. Serum ADS is less reagent and is usually tolerated without serious complications.

Cough and snot

This is another one side symptoms after DTP vaccination. The whooping cough component is a weakened form dangerous virus. Direct contact causes the disease coughing. It can reach such a form and frequency that a person cannot breathe air. This cough is especially difficult for young children. Their lungs are very weak and may simply not withstand endless attacks. Cough with whooping cough has a paroxysmal character.

After DPT vaccination, some children may develop a cough. But these are not complications, but a reaction to the whooping cough component. Typically, such a cough does not require a special solution and goes away within a few days.

Temperature and cramps

These are the side symptoms that parents fear most. Convulsive state can occur in two cases:

The temperature rose, which provoked convulsions. The parameters usually exceed 39 degrees. This temperature is undesirable for a small body, so it is necessary to bring it down and constantly monitor the general condition of the baby. Temperature can be reduced:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • warm water-based compress;
  • rubbing.

The temperature of the compress should be equal to body temperature to prevent shock spasms.

Cramps can occur not only due to fever. Sometimes the temperature on the thermometer is below 38, and the child has a seizure. This indicates damage to the central nervous system in the brain area. Such complications are very dangerous and can harm the development and growth of the baby.


We talked about complications after DTP vaccination, which are possible in the first days after vaccination. Many mothers share their stories on forums where they learned about the dangers of vaccinations several months or years later. Facts are noted.

This is the most effective way to protect the human body from serious illnesses, infectious nature. One of the first vaccines used in childhood, is DPT. The uniqueness of this vaccine lies in the fact that it protects the child’s body from the development of several serious infectious diseases at once.


The abbreviation DTP stands for adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This drug is universal, since its administration protects the child’s body from several severe infectious diseases at once. Pharmaceutical market offers this vaccine as in pure form, and in combination with other drugs for vaccination.

The following vaccine options are available:

  • Polio vaccine + DTP + Haemophilus influenzae vaccine (Pentaxim);
  • Hepatitis B vaccine + diphtheria vaccine + tetanus vaccine (Bubo - M);
  • Hepatitis B vaccine + DTP (Tritanrix);
  • Polio vaccine + DPT (Tetracok).

The anti-pertussis component of the DTP drug causes a high risk of side effects during the administration of the vaccine. If a child is prone to allergic reactions, or requires revaccination only against tetanus and diphtheria, then it is recommended to use the following vaccines:

  • AD-m (d) - anti-diphtheria drug;
  • ADS - a combination of vaccines against tetanus and diphtheria;
  • AC - pure tetanus vaccine;
  • ADS-m is a diphtheria-tetanus vaccine used for vaccination of adults and children over 6 years of age.

Purpose of the vaccine

Vaccination of children with this drug is mandatory in all developed countries. Thanks to this drug managed to save millions of children's lives and prevent outbreaks of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Some countries have tried to remove the pertussis component from the vaccine. As a result of such experiments, a serious epidemic of whooping cough arose, claiming the lives of thousands of children.

From the moment a child is born, young parents are faced with the question of the advisability of vaccination. Refusal to vaccinate can be argued as fear of possible complications. But the real reason refusal is insufficient knowledge of what function the DPT vaccination performs.

When the vaccine components enter the child’s body, they contribute to the production of specific antibodies (immunity), which will protect the child’s body from tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria throughout his life. The load that the drug puts on a child’s body is not comparable to the risk that an unvaccinated child is exposed to.

A serious advantage of the DPT drug is that it combines 3 vaccines that are administered simultaneously. In this case, there is no need to give several injections and take the child to the clinic several times.

Consequences of refusing DTP vaccination

In order to understand whether this vaccine is necessary for a child or whether it can be ignored, it is recommended to study morbidity statistics. Before the invention of the DTP drug, constant outbreaks of epidemics of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough were observed in our country.

At least 25% of children fell ill with diphtheria. The mortality rate for this pathology was 50%. People with tetanus died from it in 90% of all cases. Before the invention of the vaccine, there was a widespread incidence of whooping cough. These disappointing statistics speak for themselves.

DTP vaccination plays a role reliable defender child's body, despite possible risk complications. To reduce the risk of complications, parents are advised to pre-examine their baby.

Vaccination schedule

In order to form necessary immunity, the child will need vaccination in several stages. The frequency of administration of DPT is 4 times. Primary vaccination is carried out at the age of 3 months. Secondary - 4-5 months, and tertiary - 6 months. An increase in the frequency of vaccinations is associated with the need for revaccination and maintaining immunity at the proper level.

The first DPT revaccination is carried out at the age of 6 years, and the rest at 7 and 14 years. Subsequent revaccinations are recommended every 10 years.

If the child has no contraindications for the administration of the DTP drug, then the vaccination schedule is as follows:

  • 3 months from birth;
  • 4-5 months:
  • Half a year:
  • 18 months;
  • Revaccination at 6-7 years;
  • 14 years old;
  • 24 years;
  • 34 years;
  • 44 years old;
  • 54 years old;
  • 64 years old:
  • 74 years old.

The interval between the first three vaccinations should be at least 30 days. The remaining vaccines are administered at intervals of 1 month. If the child falls ill on the eve of the next vaccination, it is recommended to postpone vaccination. It is recommended to resume the vaccination schedule immediately after the baby recovers.

If a child gets sick after the first vaccination, then at the time of recovery, the 2nd and 3rd vaccines should be administered, with an interval of 30 to 45 days.

Primary vaccination

The first vaccine is administered when the child is 3 months old. This period is due to the fact that until the age of three months, the mother’s antibodies, transmitted to the child through the umbilical cord, retain their influence in the child’s body.

In some countries, DPT vaccination is practiced from 2 months. If at the time of administration of the drug contraindications were found in the child, then primary vaccination can be carried out at any age, up to 4 years.

If the baby is over 4 years old, it is recommended that he be given ADS vaccinations, containing anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus components.
To reduce the risk of complications, the child must be healthy and prepared. A serious obstacle to DTP vaccination is an increase in the size of the thymus gland.

For vaccination, both a domestic drug and its imported analogues. The drug Infanrix has a mild effect and is easily tolerated by the child’s body compared to other vaccines.

Secondary vaccination

A month after the first administration of the vaccine, the child can be vaccinated for the second time. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a previously administered drug, however, DTP vaccines are interchangeable.

The reaction of the child's body to repeated immunization is more pronounced. This should not be a cause for alarm. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the entry of microbial particles into the child’s body provokes the development immune reaction. If the secondary vaccination was missed, it should be carried out as soon as possible.

If the baby reacted severely to the first vaccine, then it is recommended to choose another drug (Infanrix) for the second vaccination.

Tertiary vaccination

The administration of the DTP vaccine in the third round is carried out 30-40 days after the second vaccination. It is recommended that each vaccination be performed with the same drug. If for a number of reasons it was not possible to obtain it, then you should use analogues.

Vaccine administration technique

In order for the vaccine components to quickly spread throughout the body, the drug is recommended to be administered intramuscularly. Subcutaneous administration slows down the rate of spread and formation of immunity. For young children, the vaccine is given in the thigh muscle. In older children, the drug is injected into the shoulder area.

It is strictly forbidden to administer the vaccine into the gluteal region, as this risks getting into the sciatic nerve or large vessel. According to research, maximum antibody production is achieved when the vaccine is administered into the thigh area.


The entire list of restrictions for DTP vaccination is conditionally divided into absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the vaccine;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • pathological conditions associated with immunodeficiency.

Vaccination of a baby is unacceptable if there is at least one contraindication.

If a child suffers from a neurological pathology, which is accompanied by convulsive syndrome, then he is recommended to receive the ADS vaccine, which does not contain an antipertussis component. Vaccination of pregnant and lactating women, as well as children suffering from leukemia is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to postpone vaccination if the child has an allergic diathesis in the acute stage.

Relative contraindications for DTP vaccination include:

  • early birth due date(prematurity);
  • neonatal encephalopathy;
  • cases severe reaction the child's close relatives receive the drug;
  • adverse reactions to the vaccine in close relatives of the child (convulsions, allergies).

These contraindications are not a reason for complete failure from vaccination, however, the child must be carefully examined. The baby's parents must obtain permission for vaccination from a neurologist. Children with relative contraindications It is recommended to administer drugs with a gentle effect (Infanrix).

How to prepare your child for vaccination

Given the high risk of developing adverse reactions, the issue of preparation should be approached very responsibly. There are a number of key conditions that must be met:

  • vaccination takes place on an empty stomach;
  • at the time of vaccination the child must be absolutely healthy;
  • on the eve of going to the clinic, the child must empty his intestines;
  • Parents are advised to dress their baby according to weather conditions.

Vaccination of a child should be carried out against the background of the use of antipyretic drugs. For this purpose, use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Both drugs help reduce the risk of negative reactions.

  • If a child is prone to developing allergies, then 2 days before vaccination he is recommended to take Erius or Fenistil.
  • After returning from the clinic, parents are advised to give their baby an antipyretic rectal suppository. During the first day after vaccination, you should regularly measure the baby's body temperature and give him antihistamines.
  • The day after vaccination, it is recommended to monitor the child’s body temperature. If increased, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen should be given. Antihistamines should be continued.
  • 2 days after vaccination, the use of antihistamines should be continued.
  • On the third day, it is recommended to stop using antihistamines, as the child’s condition returns to normal.

The dosage of antipyretics and antihistamines is selected by the attending pediatrician in individually for every child.

Restrictions after vaccination

After vaccination, parents are advised to walk with their baby for 30 minutes, without leaving the clinic. This is necessary to monitor the child’s condition. If the child feels well and there are no signs of allergies, then you can go home.

Arriving home, parents should give the baby an antihistamine and an antipyretic.

It is strictly forbidden to overfeed a child after vaccination. Fluids should be given more than usual. On this day, the consumption of fruit juices and food products previously unknown to the child’s body is prohibited.

Bathing the baby is permissible only if he is in good health.

Consequences and complications

When administering DTP, complications may develop such as elevated temperature, skin rash, cough and general malaise. Each symptom is caused by the pertussis component of the vaccine. To prevent and treat complications, antiallergic and antipyretic drugs are used. medicines. They eliminate how general manifestations allergies, and local in the form of compaction and pain in the injection area.

DTP vaccine is an immunobiologically active product, after the administration of which the immune system The child’s body begins to produce antibodies. This causes the formation of immunity to the pathogens of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, due to the nature of the vaccine, complications and side effects sometimes occur after DTP vaccination in children.


Why do children react hard to DTP?

Side effects in children after DTP vaccination occur because The vaccine contains whole cells of whooping cough bacilli (Bordetella pertussis). And in the cell wall there are special substances - peptidoglycans, which are not destroyed and circulate in the body for a long time, constantly provoking the production of substances that support inflammation (pro-inflammatory cytokines). Temporary and moderate production of cytokines is useful in the first stages of interaction with a microbial cell, but constant synthesis leads to the maintenance of a chronic inflammatory process and can lead to organ destruction and proliferation of connective tissue.

Pros and cons of vaccination

What are the reactions to the DTP vaccine?

The official instructions for use of the vaccine indicate the occurrence of side effects that may develop in the first two days. They can be of varying degrees of severity, but all these phenomena are reversible. They should not be mistaken for complications that occur in rare cases.

Local reactions

Occurs at the injection site:

  • redness;
  • swelling, no more than 8–10 cm in diameter;
  • tissue compaction;
  • painful sensations.

General reactions

DTP vaccination can have the following consequences for the child’s body:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nervous excitement;
  • slow reactions from the nervous system;
  • sleeping too long;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • decreased appetite.


Possible complications:

  • convulsions (usually associated with fever);
  • episodes of high-pitched screaming;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hives;
  • polymorphic rash;
  • Quincke's edema.

Treatment of side effects

These phenomena do not require treatment as such and go away on their own within 1–3 days.

However, you can relieve the main symptoms:

  1. If body temperature rises to 38.5ºС or to 38ºС, if there were previously convulsions against the background of the increase, use antipyretic drugs. For example, Ibuprofen (from 3 months) or Paracetamol (children from 6 years).
  2. For redness and swelling - antihistamines, for example, Fenistil, Suprastin (from 1 month of the child’s life).
  3. For nausea and vomiting, give more fluids, preferably special ones. saline solutions, and do not force feed.

The drug and dose are prescribed strictly by a doctor; you cannot prescribe medications to a child yourself.

Fenistil (370 rub.) Hydrovit (105 rub.) Nurofen (95 rub.)

How to avoid side effects?

The child must be examined by a pediatrician and specialists (mainly a neurologist) and have normal results analyses. If there is a predisposition to allergies, then the vaccine is given against the background of a precautionary dose antihistamine(for example, Fenistil).

The video explains how to prepare your child for vaccination. Taken from the channel “Doctor Komarovsky”

It is recommended to monitor the child’s bowel movements 1–2 days before vaccination. If necessary, give laxative foods, drinks or mild laxatives, for example, Microlax (allowed for use from birth). The vaccination is carried out on an empty stomach or an hour after eating.

  • do not overheat the child with excess clothing;
  • if you still sweat, then before the procedure, unfasten your clothes and allow some time to restore the thermal balance - “cool down”;
  • do not overcool;
  • give enough fluid.

After vaccination, certain standards are also required:

  • You should sit in the corridor for 20–30 minutes after the procedure, in case severe allergic reactions develop;
  • a walk is possible in the absence of fever or any other reaction to the injection;
  • sometimes doctors recommend taking antipyretics without waiting for the temperature to rise;
  • You can bathe your child, but it is important not to rub the injection site with a washcloth/soap;
  • carefully monitor the child for 2–3 days;
  • Do not try to feed the child if his appetite has decreased; it is enough to give him more liquid.

In our country there is national calendar vaccination, which is regularly reviewed. It contains information about the vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, indicating the age of the child when they should be given. Some vaccinations are quite difficult for children to tolerate, primarily DPT.

DPT vaccinations are included in the list of mandatory vaccinations

What diseases are DPT vaccinated against?

DTP is complex vaccination designed to protect little patient from three at a time dangerous diseases: pertussis infection, diphtheria and tetanus. Vaccination does not always prevent infection, but it does help light current diseases and protects against the development of dangerous consequences.

Whooping cough – acute illness respiratory tract, characterized by paroxysmal spasmodic cough. Transmitted by airborne droplets, the probability of infection upon contact (contagiousness) is 90%. The infection is especially dangerous for children under one year of age, including death. Since the introduction of immunization of the population, the incidence of whooping cough has decreased significantly.

Diphtheria – infection, which can cause blockage of the airways with film. Transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact ( cutaneous forms). Due to the severity of the disease, children are at particular risk.

Tetanus is an acute bacterial infection that affects the nervous system, manifesting itself in the form of cramps and muscle tension in the body. The disease has a traumatic route of infection: wounds, burns, frostbite, surgery. Mortality from tetanus today is about 40% of the total number of cases.

Types of vaccine

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Several types of DTP vaccines are allowed to be used in our country. In clinics serving the population under compulsory medical insurance, they use domestic DTP vaccine produced by NPO Microgen. It contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, as well as killed whooping cough cells - i.e. the drug is whole cell.

Pertussis infection is most dangerous under the age of 1 year, so children older than this age are allowed to use the ADS and ADS-M vaccinations. These are lightweight versions of the vaccine that do not contain the pertussis component. Considering that it is this component that most often causes allergies in children, ADS is especially indicated for allergy sufferers.

You can also get imported vaccinations at your local clinic, but at your own expense. Similar services are provided by various private clinics and centers.

Foreign analogues approved for use in Russia:

  • Infanrix (Belgium, GlaxoSmithKline) is an acellular vaccine, due to which there are virtually no post-vaccination reactions and complications. It has been used all over the world for 10 years, its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, immunity is formed in more than 88% of those vaccinated. In Russia, an examination was carried out at the GISC named after. Academician Tarasevich. Other injectable vaccines can be administered at the same time as Infanrix.

Pentaxim vaccine is generally well tolerated without complications
  • Pentaxim (France, Sanofi Pasteur) is a five-component immunization drug that protects, in addition to whooping cough, deftheria and tetanus, from polio and meningococcal infection. This vaccine significantly reduces the number of vaccinations (eliminates the separate administration of a substance against polio). Pentaxim can be administered simultaneously with the vaccine against hepatitis B, measles, rubella and mumps. If the first dose was administered to a child over one year of age, then the rest are given without the hemophilic component. The vaccine is well tolerated, which is why it has become widespread around the world - used in 71 countries. Registered in Russia since 2008. According to research results, the effectiveness of immunization against whooping cough reaches 99% (after three administrations, without delays).

Previously, another whole-cell vaccine, Tetracok, produced in France, was presented, but due to frequent development complications, it was discontinued. Imported vaccines without the pertussis component are not registered in Russia, which means they are not used.

It is worth noting that, according to indications, foreign vaccines should be provided in clinics free of charge. The list of diseases is constantly changing, so you need to check with your pediatrician or call your insurance company.

Preparing a child for vaccination

Regardless of which DTP vaccination the child will be given, he must first be examined.

Before immunization, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests and measure the child’s temperature.

If your baby is about to receive the vaccine for the first time, or neurological reactions have been noted to previous ones, you should get clearance from a neurologist. Any manifestations of disease are grounds for postponing vaccination.

Due to the fact that doctors are often negligent in pre-vaccination examinations, parents should be vigilant. This will help avoid serious complications from DTP.

A few days before the procedure, it is not recommended to introduce new foods into the baby’s diet. Children prone to allergies are advised to “cover up” vaccination with an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug. Usually the medicine is given for several days before and after the vaccination.

How is a baby vaccinated?

Usually, during vaccination, parents hold the baby in their arms, having previously freed the necessary part of the body from clothing. The nurse wipes the injection site disinfectant and administers the injection. Vaccination is an unpleasant procedure, so after the injection it is recommended to breastfeed the child so that he calms down faster.

Vaccination schedule

The full course of immunization consists of 3 vaccinations. The first injection is given to the child at 3 months. Two subsequent ones with an interval of 1.5 months each, and revaccination is performed after a year. The second revaccination is carried out at the age of 6-7 years, the third at 14 years and then every 10 years. By medical indications An individual schedule can be created.

The first DTP is given to the child at 3 months

Where and how should a doctor give an injection?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, children under school age vaccinations are given in the thigh. This is also confirmed by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” which clearly states that intramuscular injections Injected into children of the first years of life exclusively into the upper outer surface of the thigh. Starting from school age, vaccinations are given in the shoulder area (we recommend reading:).

Care after vaccination

No special care is required after vaccination; most children tolerate it absolutely normally. Walking and swimming on the day of vaccination are not contraindicated, however, for their peace of mind, parents can refrain from them. If side effects occur after vaccination, walking should be avoided.

After the DPT vaccination, the main thing is to carefully monitor the child for several days. It is worth paying attention to any unusual behavior of the baby - tearfulness, drowsiness and monitoring body temperature.

Normal baby reaction to vaccination

Post-vaccination complications include side effects that begin in a child within three days after vaccination, although the vast majority of symptoms appear in the first 24 hours. What reaction the child will have and how long it will last depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The reaction to vaccination can be general and local.

Local manifestations of the reaction

Local reaction to DTP can be of the following types:

  • Lump at the injection site. This can happen as a result of part of the vaccine getting under the skin, or it can be the body’s reaction to its composition. For speedy deliverance Absorbable gels and ointments, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Badyaga, will help with swelling.
  • Redness around the injection site. If the spot is small, then you don’t need to do anything - it will go away on its own.
  • Hives around the injection site indicate allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving the child antihistamine. Additionally, you can anoint the inflamed areas with an antiallergic gel, for example, Fenistil.
  • Pain at the injection site. It happens that after the administration of DPT, the baby complains of pain in the leg, limps and does not step on his leg. To alleviate the condition, you can apply cold to the sore spot. The pain should subside after some time, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Compaction after DPT vaccination (we recommend reading:)

The photo shows a reaction at the site of DTP vaccination in a child. Such swelling is acceptable and does not require seeking medical help.

General condition of the body

TO general reactions Vaccinations include:

  • Increased body temperature. In this case, it is worth giving the child the antipyretic drug Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  • The cough may be caused by the whooping cough component. Usually goes away on its own. Any other catarrhal phenomena, most likely, are not complications of DTP, but indicate the development respiratory disease. It often turns out that a weakened immune system (the body is busy producing antibodies for vaccination) is overlaid with viruses accidentally picked up at the clinic on the day of vaccination.
  • Moody, restlessness, refusal to eat. When similar symptoms the baby should be offered the breast, the older child should be given a drink and put to bed, probably the baby was just nervous (more details in the article:).

If, despite following preventive measures, it was not possible to avoid a reaction after vaccination, you need to act in accordance with the symptoms that arise.

Although the DTP vaccination is considered one of the most difficult for a child’s body, the consequences usually disappear within a few days.

The main task of parents is not to really miss alarming symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

When should you consult a doctor?

Contact for medical assistance necessary in the following cases:

  • unbeatable temperature above 39°C;
  • high-pitched crying for a long time (longer than 2-3 hours);
  • profuse swelling at the injection site - more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • severe allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis skin, convulsions.

Serious complications after vaccination

Serious side effects after vaccination they occur extremely rarely, less than 1 case per 100 thousand vaccinated children. The main reason for such consequences is the doctor’s negligence when examining the baby before vaccination.

Post-vaccination encephalitis

Such complications include:

  • The appearance of seizures without an increase in body temperature. This symptom accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  • Post-vaccination encephalitis. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, vomiting, and headache. As with meningoencephalitis, characteristic feature is tension in the neck muscles. The condition may be accompanied by an attack of epilepsy. Damage to the cerebral membranes occurs.
  • Anaphylactic shock is a rapid allergic reaction accompanied by severe swelling, sharp drop blood pressure, difficulty breathing, bluish skin, and sometimes fainting. Death occurs in 20% of cases.
  • Quincke's edema is another type of reaction to an allergen, also characterized by severe swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. The greatest danger is swelling of the respiratory tract.


There are a number of absolute contraindications to DTP vaccination, which should be reported to the attending physician

Absolute contraindications are.

When appears in the family Small child, young parents are already knocked off their feet: what to feed, how to dress, what to do if they suddenly get sick... And here, not even three months have passed since birth, pediatricians call for DTP vaccination (abbreviation for adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria- tetanus). After reading about Negative consequences, mothers clutch their heads. Let's try to figure out together what is worse: getting vaccinated or leaving a child defenseless against dangerous diseases?

What is DPT vaccination?

At the age of six months, the child’s own immunity is formed, which, of course, is facilitated by breast-feeding. Therefore, it is during this period that DPT is included in the vaccination calendar. The decoding indicates that it contains killed cells of pathogens of all three diseases. This is necessary so that the baby’s body becomes familiar with dangerous cells and the immune system develops antibodies.

This is how “cellular memory” is formed: if it encounters a similar pathogen in the future, the system will remember the virus. Ready-made antibodies will immediately begin to be produced, which will help quickly cope with the disease. The causative agents of whooping cough cause the most violent reaction in the body (fever, swelling), so weakened children are offered an analogue of the vaccine - ADS (adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus).

How dangerous are these diseases?

This is enough insidious infections, and their consequences are especially severe. Let's look at them separately:

1. Whooping cough. It is easy to confuse it with a common flu or cold: the same cough and runny nose. And only a few weeks later, when the symptoms of ARVI should have already passed, it becomes clear that the picture is completely different. With whooping cough, the condition only gets worse every day, painful cough may last up to 15 minutes, accompanied by vomiting or bleeding. In babies, this can lead to respiratory arrest. The consequence may be a “residual form”, when each cold occurs with the same severe cough.

In the case of diphtheria and tetanus, the worst thing is not the bacteria themselves, but the poison that they produce.

2. Diphtheria. Toxins affect the heart, liver and kidneys, and nervous system. The consequence may be suffocation.

3. Tetanus. An even more dangerous toxin produced by these bacteria causes severe muscle spasms, which are accompanied by pain and cramps. Cardiac or respiratory arrest is not uncommon.

The only one reliable protection is the DTP vaccine. Decoding sometimes frightens parents with its multicomponent nature. But what is important here is not quantity, but compatibility. It is this combination that has been considered ideal since the 1940s. Additionally, along with DTP, it is permissible to do hepatitis B.

Types of vaccines used

Today, parents can choose how to vaccinate their child. For routine vaccination The domestic version of DTP is usually used (the explanation is presented just above). The Infanrix vaccine can be supplied for a fee.

Combination drugs are also used:

  • "Pentaxim" is a standard DTP + against polio +
  • "Tritanrix-HB" - DTP +

Vaccination schedule

The local pediatrician usually warns that it is time to get vaccinated. IN different countries The schedule is slightly different. Today in Russia, a child receives his first DTP at 3 months. The second should follow at 4.5, the third - in six months. After a long break (a year), the last vaccination is given at 18 months. This ends full course vaccination, and the child receives 100% protection against these diseases.

Despite this, the question of how many DPT vaccinations a baby should receive remains open. In some countries they are done at 3, 6 and 18 months. In addition, there are medical exemptions for health reasons. If the first vaccination is given, and then a break is taken, then there is no need to start vaccination all over again, it is enough to continue the interrupted chain. Revaccination is carried out at 6 and 14 years of age, and then every ten years.

It should be noted that whooping cough is most dangerous for children early age. Therefore, if a child has not been vaccinated with DPT before the age of 4 years, then vaccination with DPT can be carried out, because whooping cough is much easier to tolerate at an older age.

Preparing for vaccination

The local pediatrician does not always prescribe a full examination and collection of tests before vaccinations. This is easy to explain, given his workload. Sometimes doctors simply ask parents if the child is healthy, and based on this they issue permission for vaccination. Since the responsibility for the health of their children lies with the parents, they should take active actions:

  • Choose an independent doctor.
  • Take a referral from him for tests and an ultrasound.
  • Visit a neurologist.
  • Get full information about the vaccines available in your country and recommendations on which one is best to choose.

If the child is absolutely healthy, then he can receive the DPT vaccine with virtually no risk. The decoding of this abbreviation should remind you of what terrible diseases you are giving him protection from. Imagine a restless boy who has not been vaccinated against tetanus. How many times will he break his knee, scratch himself on a rusty fence? And each such injury is a risk of contracting an infection, which is fatal in 85% of cases.

If the date of vaccination has already been set, for 6 days (3 before and 3 after vaccination) you need to give the child half a Suprastin tablet in the morning and evening. Do not feed your baby before the visit. After DPT is administered, it is not recommended to leave the clinic for 30 minutes in order to quickly get help in case of an allergic reaction. When you arrive home, immediately give an antipyretic drug, for example, Nurofen, or put suppositories with paracetamol. They also have an analgesic effect, which will help the baby tolerate vaccination more easily. If on the second day the temperature is normal, the antipyretic can be discontinued. If the high temperature persists on the third day, call a doctor.

Deterioration of condition after vaccination

Of all the obligatory ones, the most difficult to tolerate is the DTP vaccine, the decoding of which sounds like adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus. Today you can find a lot of materials speaking against vaccination in general, and they all refer specifically to dire consequences DPT vaccinations.

In approximately 30% of cases, the following side effects occur:

  • redness and swelling of the injection site;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • increased anxiety;
  • digestive system disorders.

It should be noted that this is a normal reaction to DTP, the consequences of the body’s fight against foreign and hostile cells. Symptoms disappear within 24 hours after vaccination. Today's realities are such that while children are waiting in line at the office for a referral, they are in contact with patients who have come for examination. Therefore, runny nose and diarrhea after vaccination may not be directly related to it.

Unfortunately, this is not the worst thing that can happen after receiving the DTP vaccine. Consequences in the form severe swelling(more than 10 cm), setting and continuous temperature over 39 degrees, are considered severe. Such reactions occur approximately once in 15,000 children.

In rare cases, vaccination may result in the manifestation of previously hidden pathologies of the kidneys, liver, and diseases of the central nervous system. A case of rapid development of glomerulonephritis and death of a child a week after DTP was recorded. In addition, anaphylactic shock, convulsions, and encephalopathy are possible. The frequency of such complications is very low, approximately 1 case per 500,000-1,000,000 children. But for some this incident is fatal...

First vaccination: important points

So, you are already 3 months old, and here it is - the first invitation to get vaccinated. Why at this age? Because during intrauterine development, the fetus received antibodies from the mother through the umbilical cord. And if a vaccine is administered immediately after the birth of a child, they will interfere with the production own immunity. But gradually the natural protective barrier decreases and needs to be restored. This is how the doctors explain it. By the way, most likely, you will definitely be asked which vaccine to get. Choose an imported, purified vaccine, even though it is paid.

And one more very important point. If something bothers you about your baby’s condition (snot, malaise), postpone vaccination, do not listen to urgent recommendations to go to the treatment room immediately. It can be delivered at 4 months or later. Health workers are forced people, they are obliged to do their work on time. But on by and large, few people care about the health of your child. They want a “tick” on the report, and you will have to reap the sad fruits. God forbid, of course.

After vaccination, carefully monitor your child's behavior. Severe crying, severe swelling, high temperature - all this should be a reason to cancel subsequent vaccinations temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity of the reaction. Only a slight rise in temperature (37-38 degrees) can be considered a normal reaction to DPT. Induration and redness at the site of vaccine administration should not last more than a day and exceed 5 cm in diameter. By the way, the drug Infanrix, as a rule, does not cause reactions or complications and is well tolerated.

Second vaccination

After 30-45 days, if the first vaccination was well tolerated, the doctor will invite you for a second vaccination. If the child falls ill at this time, the procedure is postponed until recovery. Please be aware that the reaction may be stronger than the first time. This counts normal occurrence, because the body has already managed to produce a certain amount of antibodies.

If the pediatrician does not ask, be sure to remind him about the reaction to the first vaccination. If it was pronounced, then you need to use an imported vaccine, as it is better tolerated. If vaccination occurs with complications, then replace DTP with ADS (without the pertussis component) or cancel it altogether, despite persuasion.

Third vaccination

Sometimes it is this, and not the second vaccination, that causes the strongest reaction in the body. By this time you already know how the child tolerates this drug, and you can take correct solution. Of course, there is no need to risk your health if complications have been experienced. It is after the administration of the third dose of the vaccine that the body is considered to be completely protected from these three diseases.

Does the effectiveness of vaccination depend on the injection site?

Yes. The drug is intended for intramuscular injection. In young children, the thigh muscle is well developed, and this is where the DTP vaccine is given. The explanation (reviews often contain dissatisfaction with the content of aluminum, which acts as an adjuvant) is necessarily present on the packaging, which you can verify by looking at the first photo of the article. Unfortunately, a specialist will not always explain to worried parents why the above-mentioned aluminum is needed, but meanwhile, this is directly related to the question raised in the subtitle. Aluminum hydroxide adsorbs all vaccine elements and holds them at the injection site for a long time so that the immune response has time to form before they enter the bloodstream and are excreted from the body. Therefore, the drug is not administered under the skin or into adipose tissue, namely into the muscle. Children over 4 years old are given an injection in the forearm area.

Do I need to get vaccinated?

Today, parents are truly put in a bind. If you don’t want to, don’t do it, answer it yourself and blame yourself if the baby gets seriously ill. Put? Fine. But keep in mind: if there are complications, you yourself wanted the vaccine. And the necessary comprehensive survey, by the way, no one suggests or prescribes. Parents are trying to find the answer in books, articles, and discussions on forums dedicated to DTP. Decoding those same rare cases, when the consequences were the most severe - all this clearly does not speak in favor of vaccination. What to do?

Let's turn to history. Before immunization, all children suffered from whooping cough, and at least 5% died. About 25% of children suffered from diphtheria, and mortality was observed in almost 50% of cases. Tetanus is a very dangerous disease. And today, despite modern achievements medicine, the mortality rate is about 80% among those sick.

Another thing is that due to mass immunization, the risk of an epidemic has significantly decreased, so your child can grow up and not get sick. Again, in the 70s there was a wave of vaccine refusals in Europe. The number of diseases, complications and deaths that followed in the next decade is incomparable with cases of complications after vaccination.

To summarize, we can say that DPT is a vaccine about which you can find a wide variety of reviews, often sharply negative, due to its high reactogenicity. But if you carefully approach the choice of drug, take preliminary tests and prepare the baby’s body, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications and protect the child from dangerous diseases. You are the parents, it's up to you to decide.

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