When and how can yolk be introduced into complementary foods for infants? Only eggs are cooler. Yolk as complementary food for infants

Egg yolk is one of the components of complementary feeding for infants.

Chicken yolk for babies

Chicken yolk contains:

1) irreplaceable fatty acid, essential for normal development and complete differentiation of metabolism, nervous system and vision, affecting intelligence and memory;

2) important minerals: zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and potassium, which affect the growth of bones and teeth, normal function thyroid gland and hematopoietic organs;

3) vitamins (groups B, A, PP, D) - vital for the functioning of all organs and systems of the child’s body.

When to give egg yolk to a baby

According to the timing of the introduction of complementary feeding, which was developed by the World Health Organization, egg yolk is introduced into the child’s diet from 7 months. Previously, this product was one of the first courses of complementary feeding, which was introduced to infants from 3-4 months of life. But today, most experts believe that yolk should not be given to children earlier than 6 months, due to high content fat in its composition (23%) and instability of the liver, so it is quite heavy product. With him early introduction in the diet in the future the child may experience functional disorders in the form of gallbladder dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome. If the baby has a tendency to develop allergic reactions, the introduction of the yolk is postponed until 8-9 months.

The yolk is introduced along with formula or breast milk or added to vegetable puree or porridge.

The egg is hard-boiled (15-20 minutes), separated from the white, and a paste is made from the yolk, which is mixed with any liquid (mixture, milk).

It is necessary to introduce this product into the diet gradually - starting with the baby and monitoring the baby’s condition throughout the day. If there are no allergic reactions, you can give your baby about a quarter of a teaspoon of the new product. Then the portion is slowly increased to a quarter of a yolk twice a week, and from 11 months it is gradually increased to half a yolk. Egg whites can be given to a child only after one year. When cooking, some of the allergens from egg yolk are inactivated, but the body may react to the introduction of a new product in the form of an allergic reaction - in this case, it is better to exclude the yolk from the child’s diet for a year and a half.

Quail yolk for babies

Quail eggs are considered more useful in their qualitative composition (contain more essential amino acids– histidine, glycine, lysine and threonine), and are less likely to develop allergic reactions. Therefore, you can start complementary feeding with them. But it is important to monitor the single dose - the amount of yolk; it should not be large, because allergies sometimes occur to quail eggs.

Quail eggs need to be cooked no less carefully than chicken eggs.

The article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding eggs on children's menus.

From what month can you give an egg to a baby?

Not enough for a six-month-old child useful substances, which are contained in breast milk. Basically, there is not enough protein and mineral salts- iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. In addition, the child’s gastrointestinal tract is ready to receive food that is coarser than milk or formula. This means it's time to introduce complementary foods.

  • It is recommended to introduce eggs into the diet at the age of 6 ½ months, provided that there are no allergy sufferers among the baby’s relatives.
  • Otherwise, introduction to this food product should be postponed until the child reaches the age of 9 months.

The modern view of complementary feeding is somewhat different from the above recommendations: many Russian pediatricians, including Ph.D. medical sciences Yakovlev Ya.Ya., they believe that it is better to start introducing a child to eggs at 12 months. This is associated with a high risk of allergic reactions to this product nutrition.

WHO about benefits chicken egg in the child's diet

How to introduce an egg into complementary foods for a child, how to give it for the first time?

A child's introduction to eggs begins with very small dosages (literally the size of a match head). Hard-boiled egg yolk, as the less allergenic part of the egg, - best option for children's diet. The yolk is thoroughly ground and mixed with a small amount breast milk or formula milk.

Important: an insufficiently heated yolk (soft-boiled egg or fried egg) can become a source of salmonellosis infection!

Important: frequency of taking egg yolk - 2-3 times a week.

When can a child be given an egg yolk?

No pediatrician will give a definite answer. It all depends on the health of the child and... Basic recommendations for introduction egg feeding were discussed at the beginning of the article.

Important. Complementary feeding products, including eggs, are introduced taking into account several rules.

  1. Getting acquainted with a new product on the menu occurs after a morning walk on fresh air during the daily meal.
  2. Be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction to the yolk. Be careful: the body’s reaction to the allergen may not occur immediately, but within 1-2 days after eating!
  3. The second intake of the yolk occurs two days after the first acquaintance with the product (provided there are no allergic reactions). If negative reactions are still present, remove the egg from the child’s diet for 4-5 weeks.

When can you give egg whites to your baby?

Egg white is enough strong allergen. It is introduced into the child’s diet after a year and only after successful acquaintance with egg yolk.

The whole egg can be consumed by a child aged 1+.

From the age of one, you can also gradually introduce products into your child’s menu, which include:

  • egg powder
  • egg yolk
  • egg white
  • egg albumin

Important: Finished vaccines also contain a small amount of egg protein. This can provoke very severe reactions in children prone to allergies.

How many chicken eggs can a child eat per day, per week up to a year, a one-year-old, a 2-year-old?

The serving size and frequency of consumption are as follows:

  • ½ hard-boiled egg (chicken) - 2-3 times a week at the age of 1-3 years
  • 1 whole hard-boiled egg (chicken) - 2-3 times a week from 3 years
  • omelette from 1 chicken egg - 2-3 times a week from 2.5-3 years of age

Quail eggs for children: from what age? How many quail eggs can a child under one year old, one year old, or 2 years old have?

Important: the rules for introducing eggs into a child’s diet are the same for all types of eggs!

Based on the above:

  • quail egg yolk is introduced into the child’s menu from 6½ months (provided there is no risk of allergic reactions). At the age of 7-12 months, a child can eat 1 quail egg yolk 2 times a week
  • the white of any egg, including quail, is perceived by the human body as a foreign substance and is allergenic product. Quail egg whites should be introduced into a child’s diet very carefully.
  • at the age of 1-3 years, a child can eat 1 quail egg per day, 2 times a week. The egg should be hard-boiled or served as an omelet
  • at the age of 4-7 years it is recommended to consume 2-3 quail eggs per day 2-3 times a week

Please note: hypoallergenic quail eggs- food myth!

The percentage of people suffering from allergies to quail eggs is quite low. But this is due to the fact that quail eggs are not as accessible as chicken eggs.

Can children eat raw quail eggs?

Unfortunately, quail are susceptible to pullorosis, a disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. In adult birds, the disease occurs in a latent form.

Heat treatment of quail meat and eggs minimizes the risk of salmonella infection.

Quail eggs for atopic dermatitis in children

Quail eggs are products that can cause a cross-allergic reaction. What does this mean? If atopic dermatitis was caused by a chicken egg, then quail eggs should be excluded from the child’s diet, since they contain similar allergens.

Can a child with allergies eat quail eggs?

It all depends on general condition child's health. In any case, all innovations in the menu of a child with allergies should be discussed with the attending physician.

Practicing pediatricians note that little allergy sufferers can tolerate quail eggs quite well. But they must be introduced into the child’s diet with extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist, since quail products may cause cross-reaction.

Can children eat eggs every day?

  • eggs are a strong allergen
  • eggs are a high cholesterol food
  • an excess of protein in the body disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Children's menus should be healthy and balanced. In addition to eggs, it should contain vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, dairy and dairy products.

Can children have soft-boiled and raw eggs?

It is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • your child has reached the age of “7+”
  • you are confident in the freshness and quality of the egg
  • are you sure that the bird that laid the egg is absolutely healthy?

In other cases, the egg, raw or not sufficiently heat treatment, can cause salmonellosis.

Group D infection occurs through poultry products (data from the Russian Ministry of Health)

In addition, raw egg whites are poorly absorbed by the body. Egg white that has undergone heat treatment has the most high degree digestibility among protein products of animal origin.

How does egg allergy manifest in children?

Clinical symptoms of manifestation food allergies, incl. taking into account the age of the child, are presented in the table.

Egg shells for allergies for children

Important: shells are used only in folk medicine as a medicine for allergies.

At the same time, leading practicing pediatricians in the post-Soviet space, for example E.O. Komarovsky, agree that one of the causes of food allergies in children early age is a deficiency of calcium in the body. From this point of view, the use eggshells, How natural source calcium, quite justified.

How to make eggshell powder?

Important: eggs must be homemade!

  1. Raw chicken eggs (preferably white) wash thoroughly with soda solution and rinse cold water. Soda solution can be replaced soap solution from ordinary laundry or baby soap.
  2. Empty the eggshell from the contents and remove the inner film.
  3. Let the shell dry thoroughly (30-40 minutes). You can leave it for several hours.
  4. Grind the shells thoroughly into powder. Healers do not recommend using a coffee grinder or blender. The ideal grinding device is a porcelain mortar and pestle.
  5. Pour the powder (0.5 tbsp) with the juice of ½ lemon and mix thoroughly to speed up the chemical reaction.
  6. During the interaction of calcium and citric acid foam will form, which should be knocked down by gently stirring the solution.
  7. The solution should sit for 8-10 hours dark place at room temperature.
  8. After the specified time, the mixture can be used either as food additives, or, as an independent medicinal product(time of administration does not depend on meal time).

Important: The solution is stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

Number of doses: 1 time per day.


  • up to 6 months - 1 g of mixture
  • 6-12 months - 2 g mixture
  • 1-2 years - 3-4 g
  • 7 years - 0.5 tsp. mixtures
  • 14 years old - 1 tbsp. mixtures (can be eaten in small portions throughout the day)

Duration of treatment: from 1 month.

Important: How Alternative option you can use regular calcium gluconate tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet/day. The tablet should be crushed into powder and added to any food/drink containing milk. Course: 1-2 weeks.

When can a child eat a guinea fowl egg?

Guinea fowl eggs are introduced into children's menus at the same age as chicken or quail eggs.

When can children have duck eggs?

Duck eggs are introduced into a child’s diet after 6 years. This is due to the fact that duck eggs belong to the so-called “heavy” food, which is characterized by:

  • high calorie content
  • slow digestion in the gastrointestinal tract

Video: Complementary feeding: how to give yolk to a baby?

Yolks appear in children's diets even before one year, as they are a source of valuable nutrients for the development of the baby. How exactly are they useful, do they have harmful effects, when can you introduce them into the baby’s menu and in what quantity is it permissible to give them to children? Let us examine these and other questions in their relation in more detail.

Egg yolk is very healthy and is introduced into complementary foods quite early.


Egg yolk is a valuable food product primarily because of its composition. Here are the substances it is rich in and what effect they have on the body:

Vitamin A

Participates in the formation of bones and teeth

Improves vision

Affects skin condition

Facilitates the progression of infectious diseases

Vitamin D

Strengthens bones

Affects general health body

Important for calcium absorption

Strengthens muscles and relieves muscle pain


Refers to "good" cholesterol

Helps with absorption fat-soluble vitamins

Important for hormone synthesis and bile formation

Promotes cell regeneration

Important for speech development, as well as psycho-emotional development

Amino acids

Participate in the construction of body tissues

Important for a child's growth

Reduces “bad” cholesterol levels

Participates in fat metabolism

Calms the nervous system

Improves memory and brain function

B vitamins

Participate in metabolic processes

Promotes the formation of blood cells

Provide normal work nervous system

Important for the skeletal system

Eliminates drowsiness, irritation and headaches

Important for the functioning of many internal organs

Known for its anti-cancer effects

Iron and cobalt

Important for hematopoiesis

Prevents the occurrence of anemia

Gives energy to the body

Important for the absorption of certain vitamins

Affects the development and growth of the child’s body


Protects against heart disease

Harm and contraindications

  • Is pretty high-calorie product, which is high in saturated fat, so its excess consumption can be harmful if you are overweight.
  • In its raw form, it is less digestible and can cause infections.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Not recommended for problems with the bile ducts.

As with the consumption of most foods, the inclusion of yolk in the baby’s diet should be dosed.

Why give?

By the age of 6 months, the baby becomes insufficient in the nutrients contained in breast milk. It is at this age that new dishes begin to appear on children’s menus that provide valuable nutrients for babies. When the baby has become familiar with vegetables (a source of vitamins and fiber) and cereals (a source of carbohydrates), it’s time for chicken yolks. They act as a source of fats, fat-soluble vitamins, important minerals and other useful compounds. And that’s why they are included in children’s menus at an early age.

Why is yolk better than white?

  • All the fat-soluble vitamins contained in eggs are found in them.
  • Yolks contain carotenoids and lecithin, but whites do not contain these beneficial substances.
  • Most of the calcium, vitamin B6, zinc, folic acid, iron, vitamin B12 and thiamine are contained in them.
  • Protein molecules in the composition are combined with fats, which promotes their absorption.

Are allergies common?

Allergic reactions to it occur much less frequently than to whole eggs and egg whites, but are also possible. They most often manifest themselves as redness of the skin and rash, as well as digestive problems (vomiting, constipation, upset stomach). If the baby has a tendency to allergies, introduction into the diet should be done extremely carefully and in small portions.

Introduce yolk into your baby's menu with caution

About quail yolks

The yolk of quail eggs contains more nutrients that are important for the health and growth of babies. It is recommended to introduce it into the baby’s diet if the baby has exudative-catarrhal diathesis, since allergic reactions to this product are much less common. For babies who tolerate well chicken yolks, great idea There will be an alternation of chicken and quail in the children's menu.

From how many months can you give it?

If a child is fed breast milk, the yolk is included in his menu from the age of 9 months. For kids who receive artificial nutrition, it is introduced into the diet at 7 months.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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Introducing yolk into complementary foods: how to give it to a child under one year old?

After boiling the egg for 10 minutes, cut it open and remove the yolk, being careful not to capture even the slightest part of the white. For the first test, a small crumb the size of a match head is enough. Mash the product and mix with mother's milk or formula, or add to vegetables that your child has been eating for a long time. You can also add the yolk to the porridge. Gradually the amount for the baby is increased to the age norm.

It is better to mash the yolk with a fork or grind through a sieve.

How to quickly separate the yolk from the white, watch the video of the Life Hacks and Experiments channel.

Can it be given raw?

Eating raw egg yolks is not recommended for children under one year of age. Such a product is not only less digestible in children's body, but can also cause disease (if a child is given raw chicken yolks, there is always high risk salmonellosis infection). If parents want to give them to their baby, it is best to do this after a year, but stick to quail yolk and wash the eggs thoroughly.

Norms by age

It should be offered to a child of the first year of life, taking into account the baby’s age and type of feeding. Recommendations for the consumption of chicken egg yolk under the age of one year are as follows:

As for the quail egg yolk, in the first month of administration its amount is increased to half a day, and then increased to a whole and given in this quantity for up to a year. Children older than one year begin to be given whole eggs.

Yolks along with whites can be eaten by children after 1 year

  • To prepare yolks for your baby, be sure to buy fresh eggs from a trusted seller. In this case, the shells of the eggs must be whole, and before boiling they should be lowered into water - if the egg floats to the surface, then it is spoiled.
  • Before boiling the egg baby food, it is important to rinse it thoroughly. This is especially important in relation to domestic chicken eggs, which can cause salmonella infection.
  • If you are giving yolk to your baby for the first time, it is best to choose morning feeding. In this case, by the end of the day it will already be noticeable whether the baby tolerated the new product normally.
  • If your child is prone to constipation, give it only 1-2 times a week.

Before cooking eggs, check their freshness

Until the age of six months, breast milk is the ideal food for the baby. It is more than enough to satisfy the child's needs for both food and water. It contains a complete set of vitamins and mineral elements necessary for a growing organism. And only from 6 months, according to WHO recommendations, complementary foods are introduced into the baby’s diet: vegetables, cereals, meat, fermented milk products and yolk. And here parents have a lot of questions regarding at what age to add an egg to the menu, which one is better to choose (chicken or quail), how often this should be done, etc. In our article we will talk about how to give a child a yolk and how it is good for the baby. In addition, we will answer all the questions indicated above.

This product is valuable source fats and fat-soluble vitamins and it must be present in the diet of children who are already 6 months old. But why egg yolk?

The fact is that protein is a strong allergen, so it can harm the child. At the same time, the yolk of an egg contains much more useful substances, vitamins (A, D, PP, E, group B), minerals (iodine, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron), and amino acids. With him regular use It is possible to establish metabolism, improve vision and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

Egg yolk contains the substance lecithin, which prevents the occurrence of liver diseases, as well as carotenoids, which are responsible for visual acuity. When lecithins are broken down into small intestine is formed organic compound choline, which protects cells from destruction. The absence of this element in the body leads to fat deposition in the liver, kidney damage and bleeding.

Unlike protein, yolk is very rarely allergic. Most often it manifests itself in the form of redness on the skin and digestive disorders. In this case, the product should be excluded from the child’s diet for some time.

At what months can a baby eat yolk?

Today, when introducing complementary foods, pediatricians are guided by the recommendations and standards developed by the World Health Organization. When the baby is 6 months old, family doctor should advise the mother at what time to give the baby yolk, and how to do it correctly so as not to cause disruptions in the digestive system.

According to modern standards, egg yolk should be introduced into the diet from 7 months. If the child is completely on breastfeeding and has a tendency to allergic reactions, it is recommended to postpone introduction to this product until 8-9 months.

You should not rush into complementary feeding and introduce yolk into the menu before six months of age. But some grandmothers may insist that the baby try this product as early as 4 months, as was the case 20-30 years ago. In fact, the yolk contains 23% fat, which can further negatively affect liver function in adulthood.

Which eggs are best for complementary feeding?

It is believed that quail eggs have a more beneficial qualitative composition compared to chicken eggs and are less likely to cause allergic reactions in a child. This yolk contains more essential amino acids. Otherwise, both chicken and quail eggs are equally useful. They contain equally high amounts of fat, so they should be introduced into the diet with caution.

The important point is that you should give your child yolk, like any other product, in small doses. Their excess may have unpleasant consequences for the baby.

How long to cook chicken and quail eggs?

Product preparation is important stage first feeding. You need to know how long to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs after boiling and in what form to give them to your child so as not to harm them.

To begin with, both chicken and quail eggs must be thoroughly washed with soda before boiling. Then they should be placed in a saucepan with cold water, add a pinch of salt and put on medium heat. You need to cook the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling. After this they are transferred to cold water. This manipulation will allow you to quickly clear them of the shell in the future.

As for how to boil quail eggs for a child, you can do it even faster. It is enough to cook them for just 5 minutes after boiling, then cool and remove the shells. Only fresh foods should be used for complementary feeding. Eggs should be boiled for your baby immediately before feeding.

first time?

The baby's introduction to eggs occurs after he has tried vegetables (a source of fiber) and porridge (a source of carbohydrates). But this does not mean that the baby can be given a whole yolk at once. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually, starting with minimal doses.

The boiled egg is cut in half and then the yolk is removed. It is important to try not to grab even the smallest part of the protein. For the first feeding, it is enough to give the baby a quarter teaspoon of yolk. Most children refuse to try the yolk pure form. That is why it is recommended to mix it with breast milk or vegetable puree, with which the child is already familiar. Gradually, the amount of yolk eaten is increased to the norm for age. This product should be given to the child every other day, and if you are prone to constipation, no more than twice a week.

Norms for children of the first year of life

The first feeding always starts with small doses. As for the question of how to give a child yolk, literally one crumb the size of a match head will be enough to get acquainted with a new product. Next, you should offer the child an egg taking into account his age and type of feeding (breastfeeding and bottle-feeding).

For children who consume formula instead of breast milk, complementary foods are introduced 1-2 months earlier. For example, getting to know a baby who is on artificial feeding, with yolk begins at 7 months, and for infants at 9 months. For the first month, it will be enough to give ¼ of a portion every other day, gradually increasing the rate to ½ or half a yolk.

Quail eggs can be used for first feeding instead of chicken eggs. To begin with, a child will only need ½ yolk for a month. Gradually, by the child’s year, the norm should be increased to a whole egg. One-year-old children are given both yolk and white at the same time.

Is it possible to give raw eggs to a child?

For the baby's first feeding, only fresh, carefully treated with soda and hard-boiled eggs are suitable. The consumption of raw egg yolks is strictly prohibited. Not only are they poorly absorbed by a fragile child’s body, but they also carry a risk of infection. dangerous disease- salmonellosis. The risk of infection when eating quail eggs is much lower, but they should not be consumed raw for up to a year. If parents want to give their child a raw yolk, then it is better to do this when the baby turns 3 years old. In this case, eggs should be thoroughly washed and processed before use.

Recipes for dishes with egg yolk

Few children like the taste of egg yolk. Therefore, it is better to introduce this product as complementary food as part of other dishes (vegetable, fruit puree, porridge, etc.). The yolks must be well cooked for at least 10 minutes. Therefore, first you need to study the question of how long to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs after boiling.

So, to prepare carrot puree you will need: 100 g of carrots, breast or cow's milk(25 ml), 3 g butter, ½ quail egg. First you need to peel the carrots, cut into slices and cook until tender. This will take 10-15 minutes. Place the warm carrots in a glass and add butter, milk, yolk, then thoroughly beat all ingredients with a blender. This dish can be offered to the baby only after he gets acquainted with carrot puree separately.

To prepare vegetable soup with yolk, you need to boil young zucchini (70 g) and 30 g of carrots. Add 75 ml or more of breast milk or formula and ¼ of a chicken egg yolk to the vegetables. Grind the soup to a smooth consistency and offer it to your baby for lunch.

Before introducing yolk into complementary foods for a child, a young mother should know how it is useful and also how it is harmful for him. First of all, weigh the pros and cons when choosing an egg to feed your baby. Give your baby a chicken or quail egg, store-bought or homemade. This will be discussed in the article.

Since ancient times, wonderful, even magical properties. This product is a treasure trove. useful elements, without which the human body cannot do. It contains more than 20 elements, among which:

  • Vitamins A, B, B2, B4, D;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Selenium;
  • Iron;
  • Chlorine;
  • Sulfur;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Amino acids.

Each of these elements, as well as the antioxidants they contain, are essential for normal functioning body. Cholesterol is responsible for hormonal background person.

The yolk mass also contains a substance called lecithin.

Lecithin nourishes nerve and brain cells, and the element is also responsible for the smooth functioning of the liver. Big role for human body carotenoids play. They maintain visual acuity.

But there are cases when an egg causes harm to the human body, especially to a baby. This food product is a strong allergen, so you need to be careful when feeding your baby yolk.

Chicken or quail, what to choose

Before introducing the yolk into complementary foods for the baby, let's find out what is better to use - a chicken or quail egg.

Some time ago, people ate only chicken, because... Widespread eggs from other birds were difficult to find in stores.

Now everyone knows about the benefits of quail egg yolk. If we analyze the composition of both of their types, quail eggs contain much more useful substances than chicken eggs.

Quail is different positive qualities, namely:

  1. Small size, allowing you to conveniently feed your baby;
  2. The shelf life is much longer than chicken;
  3. The unusual appearance of eggs attracts children.

Regardless of the opinion of most people, quail yolk brings both benefits and harm. Many claim the safety of quail eggs, which do not cause allergies. Unfortunately, it is not. Just allergic reaction It is much less common on them. This is due to their low consumption.

Many people talk about beneficial properties raw quail eggs, their advantages over boiled ones. This is where people make a big mistake. Quail eggs, like chicken eggs, should not be eaten raw. They especially should not be given in this form to children. The reason for this is the risk of salmonella colonization through the thin shell.

Home or industrial

The yolk of domestic chickens is brighter, almost orange, the products of poultry farms are significantly paler (different in intensity yellow colors)

There is an opinion about the advantage of domestic eggs over the products of industrial poultry farms. Of course, there is a difference between them.

The first obvious difference is the color of the yolk itself. Domestic ones have a richer color due to the diet of chickens.

There are significant differences between the colors of eggshells. For industrial ones, it is either white or brown. Domestic chickens lay eggs with shells different colors, as well as different sizes.

In poultry farms, chickens are kept in cages and fed balanced diet. Besides, chickens are given anti-salmonellosis drugs. However, poultry do not receive these drugs. Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind that there is a risk of contamination with salmonella bacteria in domestic eggs. If infant discovered - this alarming symptom, which you need to pay attention to.

Industrial egg or egg from domestic chicken, somehow contains a large number of Nutrients and beneficial substances useful for the human body. Which one to give to children is the choice of the parents themselves, taste preferences and habits.

When to start introducing eggs into your baby's diet?

Children begin to introduce yolk into complementary foods already in the eighth month of their life. To do this, the egg must be hard-boiled. The baby is first given a small grain, mixed with vegetables.

Gradually increase the amount to a quarter of the total mass. After a year daily norm increases to half.

But when you introduce the yolk into complementary foods large doses, make sure the baby does not have an allergic reaction. When it is not detected, the amount is raised to half a day. The baby should eat it no more than 2-3 times a week.

How to prepare yolk feeding and what to give it with

Before introducing the yolk into the little person's food, you need to boil the whole egg for 10 minutes. Cool it, remove the shell, divide it in half, take out the yolk mass, making sure that there is not the slightest grain of protein on it.

The first time the baby is given a very small piece of yolk pulp, grind it and add it to porridge or pureed vegetables. The gruel can be diluted with mother's milk or baby food, which he constantly eats. , a separate article talks about the intricacies of such a crucial moment.

Recipes for healthy dishes that can be given as complementary foods

All of the recipes below are simple and quick to prepare, while these ingredients minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

Mashed potatoes


  • 110 g potatoes;
  • 3 g butter;
  • 40 g milk;
  • ¼ egg yolk.

Cooking method

To prepare the dish, potatoes should be boiled with their skins on. Clean it and grind it very thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency. Continuing to stir, add milk and butter. Salt the puree a little. Then add the required portion of yolk.

Carrot puree


  • 100 g carrots;
  • 3 g butter;
  • 25 g milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • ¼ egg yolk.

Cooking method

Wash the carrots, remove the skin, chop, boil until full readiness. Then grind it until smooth, add sugar, salt, milk. Boil the resulting mixture for another 2 minutes. Put butter and grated yolk there.

Vegetable puree


  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 75 g breast or regular milk;
  • 1 tsp. fructose;
  • ¼ egg yolk.

Cooking method

Chop the vegetables and pour into a cooking container. Pour in liquid and simmer until tender. Strain, add milk, fructose, mix with a blender. Add the yolk mass.

It is important to remember that dishes prepared for your baby cannot be stored and can only be consumed when freshly prepared.

About the dangers of egg whites for an infant: allergy and its signs

It is not recommended to feed babies with protein. It doesn’t matter whether it comes from chicken or quail. Both proteins are difficult for the child’s body to perceive; his tiny organs are still developing and are not able to efficiently process and help absorb such heavy food.

After careful heat treatment, this product can be fed to the baby only after the first year of life.

Allergies in infants are considered the most dangerous pathology. After all, having seen the first signs of an allergic reaction, parents will have to exclude a large number of products that contain chicken eggs from the baby’s diet.

The child himself will have to beware of them all his life. Signs of an allergy include:

  • Skin rashes, photos of a rash on the face of a baby and its causes you can read;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Suffocation;
  • Vomiting (how to stop vomiting can be found in the article on).

There are cases when a baby begins to have an allergic reaction to the smell of eggs that comes from cooked dishes. Fried pancakes, omelettes, and cheesecakes can cause a reaction. You should also be careful when introducing juices into your child’s diet. Which of them are suitable first of all, what portion should be, you will learn all this in this.

Prohibited dishes containing egg or its derivatives include:

The egg must be boiled in boiling water for at least 10 minutes.
  1. Tartar sauce, mayonnaise;
  2. Breakfast cereals;
  3. Ice cream, waffles;
  4. Pasta;
  5. Flour products;
  6. Meat sausages, rolls, sausages.

By the way, Many vaccinations are contraindicated for such children. The reason for this is the composition of the vaccines, which includes a chicken embryo.

The drugs can be dangerous to the baby's health. In addition, it is impossible to get rid of allergies.

No help here folk remedies, neither traditional medicine. Using anti-allergy medications can only temporarily relieve symptoms.


In conclusion of the above, it should be noted that consuming yolk is of great benefit to the baby’s body, but extreme caution should be used when preparing food. An overdose can lead to allergies, which can have consequences in the baby’s later life.

Besides, negative reaction may occur on its own. To avoid complications, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s health when introducing new foods to the diet.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about the intricacies of introducing a child’s first complementary foods:

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