Bone structure of the leg. What are the parts of the human leg called?

There are many bones in the human body, they are all different in shape and structure, each performs its own strictly defined functions. And some, like those on the foot, complement each other, making the body more functional. The bones of the foot are interconnected, part of them is included in the structure of the ankle joint. Also, each bone that makes up the foot, together with ligaments and muscles, forms an arch, thanks to which a person can walk comfortably. In connection with all of the above, it remains to figure out what structure the bones of the human foot have.

General information

A normal person has 26 bones, all of them of different sizes, connected by numerous joints. However, each part complements each other, creating a single system that allows you to perform multiple functions.

Scientists in the field of anatomy have conventionally divided the foot into three zones; an understanding of them allows us to better understand its structure. In its external structure, the foot resembles a hand, although it is less functional. So, the skeleton of the foot includes:

  • tarsus;
  • metatarsus;
  • phalanges of fingers.

First department

The tarsus includes two large bones in their structure - the talus and calcaneus, while others are smaller. The remaining bones are the scaphoid, the cuboid, and nearby there are three bones called the sphenoid. The anatomy located above is designed in such a way that it participates in the formation of the ankle joint and gives it flexibility. The heel has support; it is one of the points to which many ligaments are fixed, as well as tendons, the largest of which is the Achilles.

Second, third department

The metatarsus is formed by five tubular bones, which pass into the phalanges of the fingers, at the base they are connected to the tarsal joints, strengthened by ligaments.

The final part is the phalanges of the fingers, which, like the metatarsals, have only five bones. All fingers, except the first, contain three small bones that are movable in relation to each other. The first contains only two bones, which differ from the rest in their massive size. In total, the section is formed by fourteen bones.

The terminal section ensures the balance of the body in space, and the mobility of the fingers is often used by people who, for one reason or another, do not have hands. Such people adapt well to using their legs. Such anatomy is associated with the characteristics of the joints and their relative positions.


The largest bones in the foot are the talus and calcaneus, with the latter being the most massive. The human foot is designed in such a way that the maximum load falls on the heel area, the structure of which resembles a sponge. A significant part of this bone is involved in the formation of the sole of the foot and arch, evenly distributing the load.

The surface of the calcaneus is heterogeneous; it has six surfaces that it needs to form joints.

On the upper surface there is a more powerful surface, which serves for optimal articulation with the overlying talus. The posterior part forms the tubercle to which the Achilles tendon is attached, the anatomy of the lower surface provides for contact with the ground. In front there is an articular surface, which is necessary for the formation of a joint with. There are also many protrusions, notches, through which vessels, nerves, and tendons pass. Ligaments are fixed to the protrusions, which with flat feet become weaker, due to which the arch decreases.


The talus differs slightly in size from the calcaneus; it is the one that takes part in the formation of the ankle joint block. The anatomy of this bone is such that two-thirds of it is covered with cartilage tissue, there is no attachment of any tendon or muscle, the bone is fixed only with the help of ligaments. Among all the bones that make up the foot, this one has five surfaces covered hyaline cartilage. In the structure of the bone, there is a body that passes into the head; between these two formations there is a neck.

Its most anterior part is the head, on which there is an articular surface necessary for the formation of articulation with the adjacent scaphoid bone. The neck is a connecting link and can often be damaged by injury. But the body has its own structural features, participates not only in the formation of the ankle joint, but is also connected to the heel bone with the help of a powerful ligamentous apparatus.

Other components of the anatomy of the tarsus

Other bones are no less significant, but differ from the rest in smaller sizes and some anatomical features. So, the cuboid is located with, it is a kind of cube, which is why it was called that.

The scaphoid bone resembles a small boat in its external structure; it is connected to the bone through a joint. This joint is used in diagnosing the degree of flatfoot. In order to diagnose damage, it can be felt on the body of the foot; with its help, the anatomical arch is formed.

Three small bones are called wedge-shaped. Behind them, the scaphoid bone articulates, and in front there are articular surfaces for the base of the metatarsal bones.


The metatarsal bones are of great importance in the anatomy of the foot, especially in ballerinas, because they experience constant stress. These bones are represented by tubes located at a certain angle, of different sizes and diameters, but with the same structure. In the main part, due to the bending of these bones, an arch is formed, and the leg has support.

There are two ends in total, the proximal or base, which is located closer to the tarsus. This end is massive; all five bones participate in the formation of the Lisfranc joint, through which the foot is amputated. There is a tuberosity at these ends to which ligaments and articular surfaces are attached. The body is a tube, at its end there is a head or distal end, it is rounded, has a smooth articular surface necessary for connection with the phalanges of the fingers.


The fingers on the foot are less functional than on the hand, and they are also smaller in size. The bones in diameter, in comparison with the hand, are more massive and thick, which is associated with the constant load on the foot. The connection of the phalanges is carried out using joints, which are additionally strengthened by ligaments.

It is also noteworthy that the X-ray image sometimes shows some grains located in the thickness of the ligaments. These are sesamoid bones, they act as additional levers and are located above the joints.


In order for the leg to be more functional, all the bones are firmly connected into a single system through joints. There are some joints in the foot that involve two or more bones. In the foot, the subtalar joint has a small range of motion. With its help, the calcaneus and talus bones are connected into a not very mobile joint. The calcaneocuboid joint gives an idea of ​​which bones are involved. The same meaning as described above is the talonavicular joint, which together is called Chopart's joint.

In practical healthcare, foot amputation surgery is performed on this joint. It allows you to maintain, although defective, the support of the limb. There is also a “key” or ligament, which, by damaging it with a scalpel, the doctor can easily disconnect the bones. In this joint, the “key” is the bifurcated ligament. It starts from the calcaneus, and then follows to the scaphoid and cuboid.

The joints of the bones of the metatarsus and the front are inactive, strengthened by powerful ligaments that participate in the formation of the arch. There are joints between the metatarsal bones themselves. The bones are then connected using the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

Ligaments that strengthen bones

The longitudinal plantar ligament is important in the formation of the arch and strengthening of the bones. It starts from the heel bone, follows to the base of the metatarsus, there it gives off fibers that help maintain the correct anatomical position. It is also complemented by other ligaments, including interarticular ones.

The foot is a unique formation that not only bears the function of support, it is it and the spine that perform a shock-absorbing function, which proves its anatomical structure. There are many diseases that affect the skeleton of the foot, and knowledge about anatomical features are able to predict the nature of the likely injury. But this applies to doctors; for the average person, knowledge about the anatomy of the bones of the foot will help them get a deferment from the army or exemption. And you should always remember that it is better to take care of your feet from a young age, then they will not make themselves felt in the future.

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Front view.


3rd superior ramus of the pubis ( ramus superior ossis pubis)
4-symphyseal surface of the pubis
5-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
6th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
7th ischial tuberosity
8-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
9-medial epicondyle of the femur
10-medial condyle of the tibia
11-tuberosity tibia (tuberositas tibiae)
12-body of the tibia
13 medial malleolus
14-phalanx fingers
15 metatarsal bones
16-tarsal bones
17 lateral malleolus
18 fibula
19-leading edge
20-head of fibula
21-lateral condyle of the tibia
22nd lateral epicondyle of the femur
23-patella ( patella)
25-greater trochanter of the femur ( trochanter major ossis femoris)
26-neck femur
27-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
28-wing of the ilium
29-iliac feb.

Inner surface. 1st iliac crest ( Christa Iliaca)
2nd wing of the ilium (iliac fossa)
3-border line (arc-shaped line)
4-ear-shaped surface ( facies auricularis)
5-iliac puffiness
6th superior posterior iliac spine
7-inferior posterior iliac spine ( )
8-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
9-ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
10-minor sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica minor)
11-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
12th ischial tuberosity
13th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
16-symphyseal surface ( facies symphysialis)
17-pubic feb
18-inferior iliac spine
19-superior anterior iliac spine.

1-ileal feb
2-inner lip of the iliac crest
3-intermediate line ( linea intermedia)
4-outer lip ( labium externum)
5-anterior gluteal line
7-inferior gluteal line
8-inferior anterior iliac spine ( )
9-lunate surface of the acetabulum
10th fossa of the acetabulum
11-crest of the pubic bone
12-obturator groove ( sulcus obturatorius)
13-pubic tubercle ( tuberculum pubicum)
14-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15-notch of the acetabulum ( incisura acetabuli)
16-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
17th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
18-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
19th ischial tuberosity
20-minor sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica minor)
21st ischial spine
22-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
23-inferior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior inferior)
24-superior posterior iliac spine ( )
25-posterior gluteal line.

1-base of the sacrum ( basis ossis sacri)

3-sacroiliac joint
4th February of the ilium
5-wing of the ilium
6-superior anterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca anterior superior)
7-inferior anterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca anterior inferior)
8-border line
9-acetabulum ( acetabulum)
Feb 10 pubic bone
11-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
12-pubic tubercle ( tuberculum pubicum)
13-subpubic angle
14-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
16th ischial tuberosity ( tuber ischiadicum)
17-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
18 ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
19-superior part of the pubic bone
20-body of the ilium
21-anterior (gas) surface of the sacrum

1-posterior (dorsal) surface of the sacrum
2nd superior articular process of the sacrum
3rd iliac crest
4-superior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior superior)
5-wing of the ilium
6-inferior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior inferior)
7-body of the ilium
8-pubic bone ( os pubis)
9-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
10-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
11th ischial tuberosity ( tuber ischiadicum)
12th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
14 ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
15-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
16-dorsal sacral foramina

View from above.

2-sacroiliac joint
3-wing of the ilium
4-oblique diameter - 13 cm
5-cross diameter - 12 cm
6-straight diameter (true conjugate) - 11 cm
7-pubic symphysis ( symphysis pubica)
8-ischial spine

3-outer diameter (outer conjugate)
4-straight diameter of the pelvic cavity
5-distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the apex of the sacrum
6-straight diameter of the outlet from the pelvic cavity
7-diameter of the entrance to the small pelvis
8-true (gynecological) conjugate
9-diagonal conjugate

A-front surface
B-posterior surface ( facies posterior)
B-patella. A: 1-large skewer ( trochanter major)
2-trochanteric fossa
3-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
4-neck of the femur ( collum ossis femoris)
5-intertrochanteric line ( linea intertrochanterica)
6-small trochanter ( trochanter minor)
7-body of the femur ( corpus femoris)
8-medial epicondyle
9-medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
10-patellar surface
11-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
12-lateral epicondyle. B: 1st fossa of the femoral head
2-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
3-neck of the femur ( collum ossis femoris)
4-large skewer ( trochanter major)
5-gluteal tuberosity
6-lateral lip of linea aspera
7-body of the femur ( corpus femoris)
8-popliteal surface ( facies poplitea)
9-lateral epicondyle ( epicondylus lateralis)
10-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
11th intercondylar fossa
12-medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
13th medial epicondyle
14 adductor tubercle
15-medial lip of linea aspera
16-comb line ( linea pectinia)
17-lesser trochanter ( trochanter minor)
18-intertrochanteric ridge. IN
1-base of the patella
2-front surface. 3-apex of the patella.

1-head of fibula
2-lateral tibial condyle ( condylus lateralis tibiae)
3-intermuscular eminence
4-medial mouse
5-tuberosity of the tibia ( tuberositas tibiae)
6-interosseous edge
7-lateral surface
8-leading edge
9-medial surface
10-articular surface of the ankle
11 medial malleolus
12 lateral malleolus (fibula)
13-articular surface of the ankle (lateral)
14-body of fibula
15-medial (interosseous) edge
16-medial surface, 17-anterior edge
18-lateral edge ( margo lateralis)
19-lateral surface

1st medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
2nd superior articular surface
3-intercondylar eminence
4-posterior intercondylar field
5-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
6-apex of the head of the peroneal bone
7-head of fibula
8-body of fibula
9-medial (interosseous) edge
10-articular surface of the ankle (fibula)
11th fossa of the lateral malleolus
12-groove of the lateral malleolus
13-articular surface of the medial malleolus
14 medial malleolus
15-malleolar groove (medial malleolar groove)
16-medial border of the tibia
17-body of the tibia
18-lateral (interosseous) edge of the tibia
19-line soleus muscle

1-distal (nail) phalanges
2-proximal phalanges
3-middle phalanges
4 metatarsal bones ( ossa metatarsi)
5-buffiness of the fifth metatarsal bone
6-cuboid bone ( os cubeideum)
7-talus ( talus)
8-lateral malleolar surface ( facies malleolaris lateralis)
9-calcaneus ( calcaneus)
10-lateral process of the buffalo calcaneus
11-tubercle of the calcaneus
12-posterior process talus (processus posterior tali)
13-block of the talus ( trochlea tali)
14-support of the talus, 15-neck of the talus
16-scaphoid bone ( os scaphoideum)
17-latsral sphenoid bone
18-intermediate sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme intermedium)
19-medial sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme mediale)
20-sesamoid bone

A-tarsal bones, B-tarsal bones, B-bones of the toes (phalanx). 1-phalanx ( phalanges)
2-sesamoid bones
3rd metatarsal bones ( ossa metatarsi)
4-tuberosity of the first metatarsal bone
5-lateral sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme laterale)
6-intermediate sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme intermedium)
7-medial sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme mediale)
8-tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone
9-groove of the peroneus longus tendon ( sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi)
10-scaphoid bone ( os scaphoideum)
11-cuboid bone ( os cubeideum)
12-head of the talus ( caput tali)
13-support of the talus ( sustentaculum tali)
14-calcaneus ( calcaneus)
15-tuberosity of the calcaneus

Bones of the lower limb, ossa membri inferioris, divided into bones that form the girdle of the lower limb, cingulum membri inferioris(pelvic bones, ossa coxae), skeleton of the free lower limb, skeleton membrane inferioris liberi, which in the hip area is represented by the femur, femur, in the area of ​​the lower leg - the tibia, tibia, and fibula, fibula, and in the area of ​​the foot - with the tarsal bones, ossa tarsi (tarsalia), metatarsal bones, ossa metatarsi (metatarsalia), and finger bones, ossa digitorum.

Hip bone

Hip bone, os coxae, steam room, in children consists of three separate bones: ilium, ischium and pubis. In an adult, these three bones fuse into a single pelvic bone.

The bodies of these bones, connecting with each other, form on the outer surface pelvic bone acetabulum. The ilium represents the upper part of the acetabulum, the ischium represents the posteroinferior part, and the pubis represents the anterioinferior part. In the process of development, independent points of ossification appear in each of these bones, so that until the age of 16-17 years in the area of ​​the acetabulum, the ilium, ischium and pubic bone connected by cartilage. Subsequently, the cartilage ossifies and the boundaries between the bones are smoothed out.

acetabulum, acetabulum, limited by the thickened edge of the acetabulum, limbus acetabuli, which is in front lower section is broken by the notch of the acetabulum, incisura acetabuli.

Inward from this edge, the inner surface of the acetabulum bears a smooth articular lunate surface, facies lunata, which limits the acetabulum fossa located at the bottom of the acetabulum, fossa acetabuli.


Femur, os femoris, the longest and thickest of all the long bones of the human skeleton. It distinguishes between a body and two epiphyses - proximal and distal.

Body of the femur corpus ossis femoris, cylindrical in shape, somewhat twisted along the axis and curved anteriorly. The anterior surface of the body is smooth. There is a rough line on the back surface, linea aspera, which is the site of both the origin and attachment of muscles. It is divided into two parts: the lateral and medial lips. Lateral lip labium laterale, in the lower third of the bone it deviates to the side, heading towards the lateral condyle, condylus lateralis, and in the upper third it passes into the gluteal tuberosity, tuberositas glutea, the upper section of which protrudes somewhat and is called the third trochanter, trochanter tertius. medial lip, labium mediale, in the lower third of the thigh it deviates towards the medial condyle, condylus medialis, limiting here, together with the triangular lateral lip, the popliteal surface, facies poplitea. This surface is limited at the edges by vertically running, vaguely defined medial epicondylar line, linea supracondylaris medialis, and lateral epicondylar line, linea supracondylaris lateralis. The latter seem to be a continuation of the distal sections of the medial and lateral lips and reach the corresponding epicondyles. In the upper part, the medial lip continues into the pectineal line, linea pectinea. Approximately in the middle section of the body of the femur, on the side of the line aspera, there is a nutrient foramen, foramen nutricium, – entrance to the proximally directed nutrient canal, canalis nutricius.

Upper, proximal, epiphysis of the femur, epiphysis proximalis femoris, at the border with the body has two rough processes - the greater and lesser trochanters. Big skewer, trochanter major, directed upward and backward; it occupies the lateral part of the proximal epiphysis of the bone. Its outer surface can be easily felt through the skin, and on the inner surface there is a trochanteric fossa, fossa trochanterica. On the anterior surface of the femur, the intertrochanteric line is directed downward and medially from the apex of the greater trochanter, linea intertrochanterica, turning into a comb line. On the posterior surface of the proximal epiphysis of the femur, the intertrochanteric ridge runs in the same direction, crista intertrochanterica, which ends at the lesser trochanter, trochanter minor, located on the posteromedial surface of the upper end of the bone. The rest of the proximal epiphysis of the bone is directed upward and medially and is called the femoral neck, collum ossis femoris, which ends with a spherical head, caput ossis femoris. The femoral neck is somewhat compressed in the frontal plane. It forms an angle with the long axis of the femur, which in women approaches a straight line, and in men it is more obtuse. On the surface of the femoral head there is a small rough fossa of the femoral head, fovea capitis ossis femoris(trace of attachment of the femoral head ligament).

Lower, distal, epiphysis of the femur, epiphysis distalis femoris, thickened and expanded in the transverse direction and ends with two condyles: medial, condylus medialis, and lateral, condylus lateralis. The medial femoral condyle is larger than the lateral one. On the outer surface of the lateral condyle and the inner surface of the medial condyle there are the lateral and medial epicondyles, respectively, epicondylus lateralis et epicondylus medialis. Slightly above the medial epicondyle there is a small adductor tubercle, tuberculum adductorium, – the place of attachment of the adductor magnus muscle. The surfaces of the condyles, facing one another, are delimited by the intercondylar fossa, fossa intercondylaris, which at the top is separated from the popliteal surface by the intercondylar line, linea intercondylaris. The surface of each condyle is smooth. The anterior surfaces of the condyles pass into one another, forming the patellar surface, facies patellaris, – the place of articulation of the patella with the femur.


Tibia, tibia, long. It consists of a body and two epiphyses - upper and lower.

Body of the tibia, corpus tibiae, triangular shape. It has three edges: anterior, interosseous (outer) and medial - and three surfaces: medial, lateral and posterior. Front edge, margo anterior, the bones are pointed and have the appearance of a ridge. In the upper part of the bone it passes into the tibial tuberosity, tuberositas tibiae. interosseous edge, margo interosseus, pointed in the form of a comb and directed towards the corresponding edge of the fibula. Medial edge, margo medialis, rounded

medial surface, facies medialis or anterointernal, somewhat convex. It and the anterior edge of the body of the tibia, which limits it in front, can be easily felt through the skin.

Lateral surface facies lateralis or anterior outer, slightly concave.

back surface, facies posterior, flat. The line of the soleus muscle is distinguished on it, linea m. solei, which runs from the lateral condyle down and medially. Below it is a nutrient opening that leads into a distally directed nutrient canal.

Upper, proximal, epiphysis of the tibia, epiphysis proximalis tibiae, extended. Its lateral sections are the medial condyle, condylus medialis, and lateral condyle, condylus lateralis. On the outer surface of the lateral condyle there is a flat fibular articular surface, facies articularis fibularis. On the proximal surface of the proximal epiphysis of the bone in the middle section there is an intercondylar eminence, eminentia intercondylaris. It distinguishes two tubercles: the internal medial intercondylar tubercle, tuberculum intercondylare mediale, posterior to which is the posterior intercondylar area, area intercondylaris posterior, and the external lateral intercondylar tubercle, tuberculum intercondylare laterale. In front of it is the anterior intercondylar field, area intercondylaris anterior; both fields serve as attachment sites for the cruciate ligaments of the knee. On the sides of the intercondylar eminence there is an upper mounting surface, facies articularis superior, carries, respectively, concave articular surfaces for each condyle - medial and lateral. The latter are limited on the periphery by the edge of the tibia.

Lower, distal, epiphysis of the tibia, epiphysis distalis tibiae, quadrangular in shape. On its lateral surface there is a fibular notch, incisura fibularis, to which the lower epiphysis of the fibula is adjacent. The ankle groove runs along the posterior surface, sulcus malleolaris. Anterior to this groove, the medial edge of the lower epiphysis of the tibia passes into a downward process - the medial malleolus, malleolus medialis, which can be easily felt through the skin. The lateral surface of the ankle is occupied by the articular surface of the ankle, facies articularis malleoli. The latter passes to the lower surface of the bone, where it continues into the concave lower articular surface of the tibia, facies articularis inferior tibiae.


Fibula, fibula, is a long and thin bone. It has a body and two epiphyses - upper and lower.

Body of the fibula, corpus fibulae, triangular, prismatic shape. It is twisted around the longitudinal axis and curved posteriorly. Three surfaces of the fibula: lateral surface, facies lateralis, medial surface, facies medialis, and the back surface, facies posterior, - are separated from one another by three edges, or ridges. Front edge, margo anterior, in the form of the sharpest ridge, separates the lateral surface from the medial; medial ridge, crista medialis, is located between the posterior and medial surfaces of the bone, and the posterior edge passes between the posterior and lateral surfaces, margo posterior. On the back surface of the body there is a nutrient opening, foramen nutricium, leading into the distally directed nutrient canal, canalis nutricius. On the medial surface of the bone is the interosseous edge, margo interosseus.

Upper, proximal, fibular epiphysis, epiphysis proximalis fibulae, forms the head of the fibula, caput fibulae, which has an articular surface, facies articularis capitis fibulae, for articulation with the tibia. Upper section the head is pointed - this is the top of the head, apex capitis fibulae. The head is separated from the body by the neck of the fibula, collum fibulae.

Lower, distal, fibular epiphysis, epiphysis distalis fibulae, forms the lateral malleolus, malleolus lateralis. The outer surface of the ankle can be easily felt through the skin. On the medial surface of the ankle there is an articular surface of the ankle, facies articularis malleoli, through which the fibula is connected to the outer surface of the talus, and the superior rough surface is connected to the fibular notch of the tibia.

A shallow malleolar groove runs along the posterior surface of the lateral malleolus, sulcus malleolaris, – trace of the peroneus longus tendon.

Foot bones

Bones of the foot in the tarsal area, tarsus, are represented by the following bones: talus, calcaneus, navicular, three wedge-shaped bones: medial, intermediate and lateral, and cuboid. The tarsal bones, ossa tarsi, are located in two rows: the proximal one includes the talus and calcaneus, the distal one includes the scaphoid, cuboid and three sphenoid bones. The tarsal bones articulate with the tibia bones; the distal row of tarsal bones articulates with the metatarsal bones.

Talus, talus, is the only bone of the foot that articulates with the bones of the lower leg. Its posterior section is the body of the talus, corpus tali. In front, the body passes into a narrowed section of the bone - the neck of the talus, collum tali; the latter connects the body with the head of the talus directed forward, caput tali. The talus bone is covered from above and on the sides in the form of a fork by the bones of the lower leg. The ankle joint is formed between the bones of the leg and the talus, articulatio talocruralis. Accordingly to him articular surfaces are: the upper surface of the talus, facies superior ossis tali, having the shape of a block - the block of the talus, trochlea tali, and lateral, lateral and medial, ankle surfaces, facies malleolaris lateralis et facies malleolaris medialis. The upper surface of the block is convex in the sagittal direction and concave in the transverse direction.

The lateral and medial ankle surfaces are flat. The lateral malleolar surface extends onto the superior surface of the lateral process of the talus, processus lateralis tali. The posterior surface of the body of the talus is crossed from top to bottom by the groove of the flexor hallucis longus tendon sulcus tendinis m. flexoris hallucis longi. The groove divides the posterior edge of the bone into two tubercles: the larger medial tubercle, tuberculum mediale, and the lesser lateral tubercle, tuberculum laterale. Both tubercles, separated by a groove, form the posterior process of the talus, processus posterior tali. The lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the talus sometimes, in the case of its independent ossification, is a separate triangular bone, os trigonum.

On the lower surface of the body in the posterolateral region there is a concave posterior calcaneal articular surface, facies articularis calcanea posterior. The anteromedial sections of this surface are limited by the groove of the talus running from back to front and laterally, sulcus tali. Anterior and lateral to this groove is the middle calcaneal articular surface, facies articularis calcanea media. The anterior calcaneal articular surface does not lie in front, facies articularis calcanea anterior.

Through the articular surfaces, the lower part of the talus articulates with the calcaneus. On the anterior part of the head of the talus there is a spherical scaphoid articular surface, facies articularis navicularis, through which it articulates with the scaphoid bone.

calcaneus, calcaneus, located inferiorly and posteriorly to the talus. Its posteroinferior section is formed by a well-defined tubercle of the calcaneus, tuber calcanei. The lower parts of the tubercle from the lateral and medial sides pass into the lateral process of the tubercle of the calcaneus, processus lateralis tuberis calcanei, and into the medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus, processus medialis tuberis calcanei. On the lower surface of the tubercle there is a calcaneal tubercle, tuberculum calcanei, located at the anterior end of the line of attachment of the long plantar ligament, lig. plantare longum.

On the anterior surface of the calcaneus there is a saddle-shaped cuboid articular surface, facies articularis cuboidea, for articulation with the cuboid bone.

In the anterior section of the medial surface of the calcaneus there is a short and thick process - the support of the talus, sustentaculum tali. The groove of the flexor hallucis longus tendon runs along the lower surface of this process. sulcus tendinis m. flexoris hallucis longi.

On the lateral surface of the calcaneus, in the anterior section, there is a small fibular block, trochlea fibularis, behind which runs the groove of the peroneus longus tendon, sulcus tendinis m. peronei (fibularis) longi.

On the upper surface of the bone, in the middle section, there is an extensive posterior talar articular surface, facies articularis talaris posterior. Anterior to it lies the groove of the calcaneus, sulcus calcanei, passing from back to front and laterally. Anterior to the groove, along the medial edge of the bone, two articular surfaces stand out: the middle talar articular surface, facses articularis talaris media, and in front of it is the anterior talar articular surface, facies articularis talaris anterior, corresponding to the surfaces of the same name on the talus. When the talus is superimposed on the calcaneus, the anterior sections of the grooves of the talus and the grooves of the calcaneus form a depression - the sinus of the tarsus, sinus tarsi, which can be felt as a slight depression.

Scaphoid, os naviculare, flattened in front and behind, lies in the area of ​​​​the inner edge of the foot. On the posterior surface of the bone there is a concave articular surface, through which it articulates with the articular surface of the head of the talus. The upper surface of the bone is convex. The anterior surface of the bone bears an articular surface for articulation with the three sphenoid bones. The boundaries that define the places of articulation of the scaphoid with each sphenoid bone are small ridges.

On the lateral surface of the bone there is a small articular surface - the place of articulation with the cuboid bone. The inferior surface of the scaphoid is concave. In its medial section is the tuberosity of the scaphoid bone, tuberositas ossis navicularis.

sphenoid bones, ossa cuneiformia, three in number, are located in front of the scaphoid bone. There are medial, intermediate and lateral sphenoid bones. The intermediate sphenoid bone is shorter than the others, so the anterior, distal, surfaces of these bones are not at the same level. They have articular surfaces for articulation with the corresponding metatarsal bones.

The base of the wedge (the wider part of the bone) faces downwards at the medial sphenoid bone, and upwards at the intermediate and lateral sphenoid bones.

The posterior surfaces of the sphenoid bones have articular platforms for articulation with the scaphoid bone.

medial sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme mediale, on its concave lateral side bears two articular surfaces for articulation with the intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, and from II metatarsal bone, os metatarsale II.

Intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, has articular platforms: on the medial surface - for articulation with the medial sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme mediale, on the lateral side - for articulation with the lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale.

Lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale, also has two articular surfaces: on the medial side for articulation with the intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, and the base of the second metatarsal bone, os metatarsale II, and with the lateral one - with the cuboid bone, os cubeideum.

Cuboid, os cubeideum, located outward from the lateral sphenoid bone, in front of the calcaneus and behind the base of the IV and V metatarsals.

The upper surface of the bone is rough, on the medial there are articular platforms for articulation with the lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale, and scaphoid bone, os naviculare. On the lateral edge of the bone there is a tuberosity of the cuboid bone directed downwards, tuberositas ossis cuboidei. Anterior to it begins the groove of the peroneus longus tendon, sulcus tendinis m. peronei longi, which passes to the lower surface of the bone and crosses it obliquely from behind and outside, anteriorly and inwardly, according to the course of the tendon of the muscle of the same name.

The posterior surface of the bone has a saddle-shaped articular surface for articulation with the same articular surface of the calcaneus. The protrusion of the inferomedial portion of the cuboid bone, bordering the edge of this articular surface, is called the calcaneal process, processus calcaneus. It provides support to the anterior end of the heel bone.

The anterior surface of the cuboid bone has an articular surface divided by a scallop for articulation with the IV and V metatarsals, os metatarsale IV et os metatarsale V.

The metatarsus, metatarsus, includes 5 metatarsal bones.

metatarsal bones, ossa metatarsalia, are represented by five (I-V) thin long bones located in front of the tarsus. Each metatarsal bone has a body, corpus, and two epiphyses: proximal - base, basis, and distal – the head, saput.

The bones are counted from the medial edge of the foot (from the big toe to the little toe). Of the 5 metatarsal bones, bone I is shorter but thicker than the others, bone II is the longest. The bodies of the metatarsal bones are triangular. The upper, dorsal surface of the body is somewhat convex, the other two are the lower (plantar) surfaces, converging at the bottom, forming a pointed ridge.

The bases of the metatarsal bones represent their most massive part. They have the shape of a wedge, which, with its widened part, is directed upward at the I-IV metatarsal bones, and towards the medial side at the V metatarsal bone. The lateral surfaces of the bases have articular platforms through which adjacent metatarsal bones articulate with each other.

On the posterior surfaces of the bases there are articular surfaces for articulation with the tarsal bones. On the lower surface of the base of the first metatarsal bone there is a tuberosity of the first metatarsal bone, tuberositas ossis metatarsalis primi. The fifth metatarsal bone also has a tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone in the lateral part of the base, tuberositas ossis metatarsalis quinti, which can be easily palpated. The anterior ends, or heads, of the metatarsal bones are compressed laterally. Peripheral department the heads have spherical articular surfaces that articulate with the phalanges of the fingers. On the lower surface of the head of the first metatarsal bone, on the sides, there are two small smooth areas to which the sesamoid bones are adjacent, ossa sesamoidea, big toe. The head of the first metatarsal bone can be easily palpated.

In addition to the indicated sesamoid bones in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb, there is one sesamoid bone in the interphalangeal joint of the same finger, as well as unstable sesamoid bones in the thickness of the tendon of the long peroneal muscle, in the area of ​​the plantar surface of the cuboid bone.

There are 4 interosseous spaces between the metatarsal bones, spatia interossea metatarsi which are filled with interosseous muscles.

Phalanxes, phalanges, toes:

Finger bones ossa digitorum, represented by phalanges, phalanges. In shape, number and relationship they correspond to the phalanges of the fingers of the hand. In each phalanx a body is distinguished, corpus phalangis, and two epiphyses: posterior, proximal, epiphysis - base of the phalanx, basis phalangis, and the anterior, distal, epiphysis - the head of the phalanx, caput phalangis. The surfaces of the heads of the proximal and middle phalanges, phalanx proximalis et phalanx medialis, have the shape of a block.

At the distal end of each distal phalanx, phalanx distalis, the tubercle of the distal phalanx is located, tuberositas phalangis distalis.

Legs - a unique structure thanks to which HomoSapiens became what it is today. It was the transformation of walking that became the main feature of crossing the border of a humanoid creature into a full-fledged Homo. We no longer have to walk with our legs and arms.

The latter are better used for more suitable purposes. Thanks to upright walking, people have the opportunity to look higher, run and walk faster, fight and run away, play football and dance. With the help of their feet, people discovered new lands and stepped on the surface of the Moon.

With the transition to a straight form of walking, a person's legs became stronger over time. The muscles have developed, and with their help a person can jump 9 meters in length. Some craftsmen even play musical instruments using the lower extremities.

But this is all for a reason. In parallel with the development of the aesthetic purpose of the legs, the aesthetics of their structure also developed. With every tens of thousands of years, the legs became an increasingly complex structure. So how does this massive biomechanism of movement work?

For a deeper understanding of the structure of the leg below the knee, it is necessary to know about the general plan of the structure of the lower limb as a whole.

The leg, like a limb, has an oblong formation consisting of bones, ligaments and muscles. The cornerstones are the bones, which are connected by joints and ligaments. Each of the joints of the leg performs its own specific function, which ensures free movement of the leg.

Leg structure below the knee:

Patella (patella)– has the appearance of a flattened structure in the shape of an oval.

Knee bones:

  1. Tibia. It is located more medially (that is, closer to the body).
    The tibia, like other tubular bones, has a body and two ends (epiphyses) and includes the following components:
    • Two condyles: medial and lateral;
    • Connections from the condyles to the superior bone– thigh bone; Lateral depression of the tibia; Tuberosity;
  2. Small tibia. Located in a lateral position (closer to the axis of the center of the body). The fibula is thinner than its counterpart. Its proximal thickened extension forms the head of the fibula. And on its articular part, the articular surface of the head is isolated for articulation with the tibia. The body of the bone has a triangular shape. The distal extension of the fibula forms a lateral bone, on the lateral surface of which the articular surface of the lateral bone is located for articulation with the tarsal bones.

What are the functions of the knee and ankle joint?

In order to determine the function of any structure, it is necessary to understand the structure of the structure itself.

Knee-joint- This is a complex, two-pronged, complex biaxial (frontal and vertical axes) mechanism.

It consists of the following articular surfaces:

  • Processes and patellar surface of the femur;
  • Upper articular surface of the tibia;
  • Articular surface of the patella;
  • Lateral and medial meniscus.

Hence the following functions of the joint:

  • Around the frontal axis– the ability to flex (reduce the angle of the joint) of the lower leg up to 120 degrees and extend (return the limb to the anatomical position) up to 180.
  • With the shin bent at an angle of 85 degrees– its rotation around a vertical axis – towards the middle up to 10 degrees and outwards up to 40 degrees.

Ankle joint: the connection between the bones of the lower leg and each other

The upper ends of the tibia and fibula form a flat joint that moves little.

The bodies of the bones are connected by special education– syndesmosis – interosseous membrane. The lower ends are with the help of ligaments.

Ankle joint formed by the lower ends of the small and large tibia bones, the articular surfaces of which, like a fork, cover the talus.

This joint is complex in structure, block-shaped in shape, and uniaxial in function. This articulation involves flexion and extension of the foot around the frontal axis.

In humans, the knee joint is the most complex, as it has many additional components. Anatomists explain why. The knee is formed by the longest bones in the human body, therefore, they have the greatest range and movement, which leads to a high load on the joint.

The bones of the lower leg are held between themselves thanks to the fibrous ligaments present between them. One of the functions of such ligamentous apparatus is overvoltage protection.

In anatomy, the lower leg ligaments are divided into 3 subgroups:

Group one:

  1. The ligament that is located directly between the bones. It is stretched along the entire length of the bones;
  2. Transverse ligament. It is a small element consisting of fibers. Provides the function of fixing the bones of the foot from internal rotation;
  3. Anterior ligament of the fibula. Provides the braking function of the foot against significant external rotation;
  4. The ligament that is located behind and below the bones. Does not allow the foot to turn inward.

In addition to the above functions, the ligaments also guarantee stable fixation of the thin fibula to its massive neighbor

The second group of fibers includes the lateral ligaments of the leg.

  1. Ligament connecting the talus and fibula. Located at the front;
  2. The same connection, but behind the bones;
  3. Connection of the calcaneus and fibula;

This group of ligaments can be combined under the general name “deltoid ligaments.”

Third group of ligaments:

  1. Scaphotibial joint;
  2. Calcaneotibial ligament;
  3. Anterior tibiotalar;
  4. The same, only the back.

Calf muscles

The muscles of the lower leg are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Front group:
    • The anterior tibia muscle. Its main function is to extend the foot. This muscle is rather narrow and long, located superficially;
    • Muscle that extends the fingers. Its task is to extend the II-V fingers. In addition, it also extends the foot;
    • The muscle that extends the big toe and the foot itself, including.
  2. Side group:
    • Longus muscle of the fibula. Its task is to abduct the foot. Located on the lateral surface;
    • Short muscle of the same bone. Flexes the foot. It is located on the outside, but is covered on top by the peroneus longus muscle.
  3. Posterior muscle group, outer layer:
    • Soleus muscle. Located under the triceps muscle;
    • Plantar muscle. The main task is to tension the capsule of the lower leg joint during rotation and flexion of the lower leg.
    • Triceps calf. It bends the lower limb at the knee joint. In addition, the muscle rotates and bends the foot outward;
    • Deep layer of the posterior muscle group:
        • Popliteus muscle. It rotates and retracts the knee joint capsule;
        • A long muscle that flexes the fingers. Responsible for the second finger, also raises the medial edge of the foot;
        • Flexor pollicis muscle. Its name speaks for the very function of the muscle.

The lower leg, as a structure, has many different muscles. This means that she has a rich blood supply.

Blood comes from numerous branches that arise from the femoral artery, which, in turn, passes into popliteal artery, which divides into branches of the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

The anterior part of the leg is supplied by the anterior artery. Whereas the rear, respectively, is the rear.

Anterior tibial artery passes under the popliteal fossa to the front surface of the lower leg and enters the space between the tibia and fibula.

Then the vessel moves to the back of the foot, and is called differently: the dorsal artery of the foot. At this point, as one of the options, the doctor checks the qualitative characteristics of the pulse (filling, rhythm and height).

The leg muscles are the largest in the human body. This means that the larger the muscle, the more nerve it needs. Pathologists, for example, compare the femoral nerve to a girl's little finger.

Innervation the lower leg is provided by the sacral nerve plexus, which has many connections with the lumbar cluster of motor nerve roots. In the heap of all this, the lumbosacral trunk is formed.

Nerves, like components of a huge chain, go from one to another. The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve branches off from the sacral plexus.

Subsequently, he goes to sciatic nerve, which, in turn, into the tibial branch. With its processes, the nerve clings to all the muscles of the lower leg, and it ends with the lateral and medial nerve of the sole.

Frequent pathologies of the lower leg

Deforming arthrosis (osteoarthrosis). This term refers to long-term and dystrophic (malnutrition of the structure) disease of the joint. First of all, the articular cartilage is destroyed, then the epiphyses of the bones included in the joint are included in the process.

Any reason that mechanically damages the cartilage can give rise to a painful course.

Hard work and professional sports are the main causes of joint disease

Articular cartilage is a rather delicate structure: it is hypersensitive to nutrition.

Any disturbance in the supply of cartilage leads to its deformation (“dry joint”). Subsequent changes in the structure of the cartilage lead to a weakening of its resistance even to ordinary loads.

All this leads to its destruction.

The body reacts to this with pathological growth of bone substance (osteophytes), which subsequently leads to irritation of the articular membrane, inflammatory processes and clinical consequences. As the disease progresses, there are so many osteophytes that the joint space x-ray examination just disappears.

Arthritis– a gradually progressive disease, which is accompanied by frequent stabbing pain, inflammation and significant discomfort when moving. The causes of the disease have not been studied.

During the course of the disease, autoimmune disorders predominate, which manifests itself in the form of excessive synthesis of rheumatoid factor. This leads to inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint with subsequent proliferation of granulation tissue, destroying cartilage and adjacent bones.

The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Joint pain;
  • Edema;
  • Swelling;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Difficulty in moving the joint.

Achilles tendon rupture. Everyone knows about Achilles and his tendon, which was his only weak point.

Nowadays, this is the weak point of a professional athlete.

Any injury, be it a sprain or a tear, can force a football player, runner or basketball player to leave his profession and forget about it forever.

But be that as it may, this tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body.

Its rupture occurs when the load on the fiber does not correspond to its depreciation capabilities. In people who are not athletes, ligament injuries occur in people aged 35-45 years. A rupture occurs when there is a sudden unexpected load, such as an impact or sudden flexion of the foot.

Symptoms of tendon damage:

  1. Acute, unbearable pain;
  2. Swelling;
  3. Flexing the foot becomes difficult or completely impossible.

Frequent knee injuries:

  • Sprains and tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. As a rule, athletes suffer;
  • Injury to the internal collateral ligament. Also found among representatives of sports professions;
  • Injuries of articular cartilage and meniscus;
  • Posterior cruciate ligament injuries. It occurs mainly with increased posterior movement of the lower leg.
  • And, of course, fractures and cracks of bones.

Thus, it became clear that the knee, lower leg and foot are massive, strong and stable structures, but at the same time, sometimes very delicate and sensitive. How to prevent damage?

  • First of all: simple gymnastics and light physical education. Such exercises strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, making the ligaments strong and resistant to damage.
  • Situational prevention:
    • Do not carry unbearable weights;
    • Use seat belts;
    • Before playing sports, warm up and do a warm-up;
  • Wear shoes by size;
  • Girls and women: high heels are, of course, good, but too high and often bad.


The structure of the human leg: joints and bones, muscles, blood vessels, innervation

The lower limbs are used to move the body in space. The natural organization of the legs allows people to walk freely, minimizing the load on internal organs and systems during movement.

Human leg anatomy

The structure of the human leg involves the presence of bones, tendons, muscles and nerves, which are closely interconnected. Highlight:

  1. belt upper limbs(pelvis-forming elements);
  2. hip;
  3. shin;
  4. foot.

Bones and joints

The first section is involved in the construction of the pelvic joint (it includes the pubic, ilium and ischium bones, the sacrum and the thigh muscle, which serve to strengthen and normal functioning; the underlying elements are fastened through the hip joint).

The second involves the femur. It is the largest in the body.

The description is similar to a tube, bent at a certain angle, inside which is yellow bone marrow.

Tendons and muscles are attached to its body to provide mobility to the leg; the lower part takes part in creating the knee joint.

The third is formed by the tibia and fibula. The first is part of the knee joint and has condyles to which tendons are attached. The second is placed lower and serves to strengthen the knee.

Blood vessels and nerve endings

The lower extremities are supplied with oxygen through the anterior and posterior tibial arteries (come from the aorta and have high blood pressure in the vessels). The knee joint is supplied by eight arterial trunks.

The main innervating links of the muscle structures are the sciatic nerve, which originates in the sacrolumbar plexus, passes along the back of the thigh, covering the entire length of the legs and ending in the foot area, as well as the femoral nerve fiber, connected to the related branching of sensitive cells. Both of them begin in the spine, pass in the back of the thigh, encircle the gluteal region, and are responsible for sensitivity and mobility of all components.

Leg muscles

The anatomy of the leg muscles divides all the muscle structures of the lower extremities into:

  • anterior thigh;
  • posterior group;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • shin.

Anterior thigh

It is formed by the quadriceps muscle (the most massive in this section), which ensures the process of straightening the limb in the knee joint. It stretches along the entire front surface of the thigh, and is crossed by a sartorial oblique.

The quadriceps muscle includes:

  1. straight head (two-pinnate, longer than all the others, widens to the middle part of the thigh, then narrows into a tendon, attached to the patella, or kneecap);
  2. internal (prevails in width, covers the rectus muscle on the front side, is covered by the sartorius, goes obliquely to the thigh, where it forms a tendon) and wide middle (flat and thin, located on the front surface, its top is covered by the straight);
  3. external rectus (flat, located on the front outer surface; covered by the fascia lata muscle, in front - the rectus muscle; the muscles go obliquely, descend down, cover the femur from the front side, below are included in the tendon of the rectus muscle).

Posterior thigh

This part includes the biceps muscle (located on both sides of the thigh), consisting of:

  • long head (starts from the ischial tuberosity);
  • short (runs in the middle from the third of the lateral lip).

Its functional purpose is due to the fact that it flexes the tibia at the knee joint and extends the hip.


They consist of the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus.

The first extends to the entire gluteal region and determines its shape; begins in the area of ​​the ilium, dorsal sacral surface and coccyx, is responsible for the mobility of the hip joint, straightening the body, and abducting the legs back.

Calf muscles (triceps muscles)

The muscular apparatus of this part is formed by the triceps muscle, which includes the gastrocnemius (comes out of the thigh, passes into the Achilles tendon connected to the heel), soleus (starts on the fibula, descends along the tibia, and also ends with the Achilles tendon).

The last part of the limb is the foot. It includes:

  1. talus and calcaneus (tarsus);
  2. cuboid and scaphoid bones;
  3. tubular, having a body, base, head (metatarsus);
  4. phalanges of fingers.

Muscle structures are represented by flexors and extensors. They provide finger mobility.

The limbs include ligaments (long cords formed from connective tissue, attached to the joints and preventing their loosening) and cartilage (preventing friction of the condylar surfaces and destruction of bones, contributing to their normal performance).

Functions of the feet and their care

The functional purpose of the lower extremities is to create support and move the body in space. Thanks to the ability to move, a person is capable of full-fledged life activities, can engage in active sports, run, and dance.

To provide optimal foot care and improve foot health, you should:

  • do not overload the joints, distribute the load evenly;
  • avoid injury;
  • keep limbs clean at all times;
  • avoid hypothermia (many diseases originate from cold and wet feet), excessive overheating in the sun;
  • use nourishing creams and masks to get rid of skin pathologies, maintain good condition epithelium (decongestants, anti-varicose medicinal mixtures, as well as medications that prevent the occurrence of fungus; such names as “Vorozheya”, “DeoControl”, etc. are known);
  • conduct massage sessions (such work with muscles prevents fluid stagnation in tissues, stimulates blood circulation, improves cell nutrition, affects biologically active points, and improves the health of the whole body);
  • eat right (consume enough vitamins and beneficial microelements contained in vegetables, fruits, fresh and natural products) and lead a healthy lifestyle (refuse bad habits, commit regular walks in the fresh air, harden the body);
  • A mandatory method of caring for the skin of women's legs is epilation (getting rid of unwanted hair using cosmetic ointments and creams or through mechanical removal);
  • It is important to properly maintain physical activity (regularly do gymnastics, strengthen the muscular-ligamentous system, go swimming).

To care for and constantly maintain good condition of the feet, folk remedies are widely used. Alternative medicine recommends regularly preparing and taking foot baths.

Among the most popular are solutions that include:

  1. herbal mixture (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage are brewed in boiling water for ten minutes, filtered; limbs are immersed in water for half an hour);
  2. white wine (alcohol is heated until bubbles appear, linden blossom is added, boiled for five minutes; this method is used once a month);
  3. milk (liquid soap and salt are poured into it; the liquid is used after the salt crystals have completely dissolved; a recipe with the addition of baking soda is also known);
  4. apple cider vinegar (5 tablespoons of acid are poured into warm water, the session lasts no more than a quarter of an hour).

Legs are the most important part of the body. They ensure the musculoskeletal capacity of a person. Knowledge of the features of their structure and functioning gives an idea of ​​how important it is to monitor your health, normal development and functioning of all systems and organs.


With the help of legs, a person moves in space due to its complex structure.

In relative position A person has bones, muscles, tendons extending from them, as well as joints, nerves and blood vessels.

Nature has created the leg in such a way that when walking there is minimal stress on the organs.

Despite the complexity of its structure, the leg has four sections.

The first is called the “upper limb girdle” and includes the pelvic bones, the second – the thigh, the third – the lower leg and, finally, the foot closes the whole.

The classification is topographical and is most often used in clinical practice.

First department

The leg originates from the girdle of the lower limb, which are the pelvic bones; it is to them that the fixation occurs with the help of the hip joint, it is formed by the head of the femur.

The pelvis consists of two bones, the pelvis and the sacrum, with which everything is connected at the back.

The pelvic bones themselves include the pubis, ischium, and ilium, the bodies of which fuse in the acetabulum area by about 16 years of age.

The entire bone frame is covered with muscles; they can extend from the pelvis and reach the thigh.

Some muscles overlap each other to provide movement and strength to the hip joint.

Numerous vessels exit from the pelvic space to the lower limb; nerves are located nearby; they have their own anatomical features.

Hip structure

We should begin to correctly describe the structure of this part of the human leg with the femur. In any person, the right or left lower limb has the same structure.

The peculiarities are that the femur is the largest formation in the skeleton.

In a vertical position, it can withstand significant weight due to its unique structure.

Bone base

The structure of the hip will be incomplete without a bone base - the femur. It has a body, two ends, one of which takes part in the formation of the hip joint.

It consists of a head, a neck, two trochanters (lesser, greater) - all these components are involved in the formation of the hip joint. The hip joint capsule is further strengthened by ligaments.

In humans, the ligaments are so powerful that they prevent dislocation and are able to support the weight of the body.

The body of the femur is a strong tube, bent at an angle. Its walls are thick and strong, containing yellow bone marrow inside. The joint ligaments and muscle tendons that provide movement of the hip joint are attached to the body of the femur.

The lower part of the femur is involved in the formation of the knee joint. The body smoothly passes into the condyles, on the sides of which the epicondyles are located.

There are also articular surfaces, which are two articular platforms with a notch in the center. Ligaments and muscle tendons are attached to all bony protrusions.

Unlike the hip joint, in the knee joint the capsule is attached along the edge of the articular surface, and the patella is located in front.

This bone is the largest sesamoid, it acts as an additional lever that is woven into the tendons of the quadriceps muscle. The inside of this bone in humans is smooth, which allows it to glide over the surface of the femoral condyles.


The anatomy of this section, in addition to the femur, also includes muscles. The red fleshy part is the muscle and the white part is the tendons.

This is the connecting link that connects bone and muscle fibers. It is thanks to the muscles that the legs have a beautiful shape if they are constantly toned.

The main ones on the thigh are:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle is responsible for the shape of the buttocks. It is large and located on top, covering top part femur and hip joint. Its function is to move the leg to the side, in the area of ​​the hip joint, and extend it posteriorly. This muscle also promotes extension of the torso when the legs are fixed.
  2. The gluteus minimus and medius muscles are located below the one described above. They are necessary in order to move the leg to the side in the hip joint area.
  3. The most massive and strong muscle in humans is the quadriceps muscle. It participates in the formation of the anterior and partially lateral thigh. Its task is to extend the knee joint.
  4. But the longest is the sartorius muscle, which is located on the inner surface. Its purpose is to bend the leg at the knee and hip joint.
  5. There is also an internal group, which includes the pectineus, semimembranosus and gracilis muscles. They all have their own tendons that are attached to the femur. Their function is to adduct the leg medially. They have their own topographical feature, which is used to guide them along the femoral artery and vein.
  6. The posterior group ensures extension of the femur in hip joint. Also, in addition to the fact that it is retracted back, the muscles in humans contribute to the flexion of the knee joint. This group in humans includes the biceps, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.

Vessels and nerves of the thigh

This area has its own characteristics of blood supply and innervation. Vessels and nerves occupy special spaces between the muscles that help with orientation.

The largest artery is the femoral, next to it is a vein that has the same exact name. The peculiarities of the artery are that it originates almost from the aorta and has enormous pressure in its cavity.

Occupying certain spaces, it sends out branches to nearby formations.

But in the region of the posterior section passes the largest nerve, which is called the sciatic. In addition to it, there is her femoral nerve, which is located in the area internal department, and many others. All of them provide sensitivity, innervate muscles, due to which movement occurs.

Shin is not only beauty

After the femur and tissues comes the tibia, which contains its anatomical formations. As in the femoral region, it also has its own skeleton, muscles and tendons, as well as blood supply and innervation.


The lower leg consists of two bones: one, which bears the load, is called the tibia, the second is the fibula.

The first is involved in the formation of the knee joint, for which there are corresponding articular fields on the upper platform, called the condyles. In the area of ​​this section of the bone there are protrusions to which tendons are attached.

The fibula is strengthened somewhat lower and does not participate in the structure of the knee joint.

In humans, the bones of the lower leg form a fork that encloses the trochlea of ​​the talus. On the sides of the joint are the ankles, one internal and the other external. In the middle part, a tendon membrane is stretched between the bones, which limits the anatomical spaces.

Muscles in the calf area

In total, there are twenty muscles located in the lower leg area; they ensure movement and movement of the leg.

For any person in the area of ​​this department, they allow you to raise or lower your leg and make movements with your fingers.

Some muscles originate behind the knee joint and end in the foot area.

There is also a topographic classification, which allows you to divide all muscles into anterior, external and posterior groups.

The anterior group is responsible for extension of the fingers and toes. External, or fibular, allows you to make movements in the area of ​​​​the outer edge of the foot.

With the help of the hind ones, it becomes possible to bend the fingers and foot.

In the area of ​​this section, the gastrocnemius is considered the most powerful; it originates from the heel in the form of the Achilles tendon.

Its peculiarity is that it consists of a two-headed one, which, in fact, is visible, as well as a soleus, located under it.

There are also long flexor and extensor muscles of the digitorum, which provide movement of the fingers. They, of course, are not as complex as those on the hand; everything is connected with their functional purpose, which is support.

Blood supply and innervation

The vessels and nerves of the lower leg originate from those that pass on the thigh. They fill certain spaces called channels.

Arterial blood supply is provided by the anterior and posterior tibial arteries, which are separated from the popliteal artery. In turn, the knee joint is supplied with blood by eight arterial trunks.

There are two veins in the area of ​​this section (one large and the other small saphenous), which connect with many small veins and ultimately flow into the femoral vein.

Innervation is provided by the tibial nerve and peroneal nerve, which arise from larger trunks. They innervate muscles, and sensitivity is provided by cutaneous nerves.

Foot – support and stability

Due to the foot, support occurs on the surface, a person has the opportunity to move as steadily as possible in space.

In total, the foot has three sections onto which bones are projected: tarsus, metatarsus and toes.

The tarsal bones consist of the talus and calcaneus, which are the largest. These are followed by smaller bones:

  • scaphoid;
  • cuboid;
  • three cuboid bones.

All the bones of this section have their own characteristics; spaces and joints with their own ligaments are formed between them.

The metatarsal bones are represented by five tubular bones, which have a body, a head and a base. The most massive is the first, but the smallest is the fifth.

Then follow the bones of the phalanges of the fingers, which have three bones each.

The exception is the first phalanx, which contains the nail and main phalanx, the rest have a middle one between them.

Muscular apparatus

In total, the muscles of the rear and plantar surface are distinguished, which contribute to the flexion and extension of the fingers, additional support of the arch. On the rear there are:

  1. The short extensor of the toes, the task of which is to move the toes in the metatarsophalangeal joints and abduct outward. The muscle gives off its tendons from the second to the fourth fingers.
  2. The extensor pollicis brevis not only straightens it, but also abducts it outward.

The muscles on the plantar side have their own characteristics; in the area of ​​this section there are more of them. The list can be presented like this:

  1. The little finger has its own muscle that abducts and flexes it.
  2. There is a short flexor digitorum, the function of which is clear from the name.
  3. The abductor pollicis muscle flexes and moves it to the side, helping to strengthen the inner part of the arch of the foot.
  4. In the area of ​​this section there is a short flexor pollicis muscle.
  5. The lumbrical muscles also help flex the fingers.
  6. The flexor digiti brevis not only flexes the toe, but also abducts it and helps strengthen the arch of the foot.

Between the metatarsal bones in the area of ​​this section there are also muscles. They are located on the dorsal surface, occupying the spaces between the bones. In addition to the fact that in the area of ​​this department they strengthen the arch of the foot, occupying their spaces, they promote the movement of the toes.

Blood supply and innervation

Certain spaces are occupied by blood vessels and nerves on the foot. In the area of ​​the sole there are several arterial arches that provide normal blood supply to the tissues when the feet are loaded. The largest number of nerves are concentrated in the rear area; this area is the most sensitive.

The structure of the human leg is so complex that it provides the greatest possible functionality. All components are closely interconnected, performing certain functions. If any component fails, the function of the entire leg is disrupted.

If we consider the foot as a whole, then, as in any other part of the human musculoskeletal system, three main structures can be distinguished: the bones of the foot; ligaments of the foot, which hold the bones and form joints; foot muscles.

Foot bones

The foot skeleton consists of three sections: tarsus, metatarsus and toes.
Tarsal bones
The posterior part of the tarsus is made up of the talus and calcaneus, the anterior part is made up of the navicular, cuboid and three cuneiform bones.

Talus located between the end of the leg bones and the heel bone, being a kind of bone meniscus between the bones of the leg and the bones of the foot. The talus has a body and a head, between which there is a narrowed place - the neck. The body on the upper surface has an articular surface - the block of the talus, which serves for articulation with the bones of the lower leg. On the anterior surface of the head there is also an articular surface for articulation with the scaphoid bone. On the inner and outer surfaces of the body there are articular surfaces that articulate with the ankles; on the lower surface there is a deep groove separating the articular surfaces, which serve for its articulation with the calcaneus.

Calcaneus makes up the posteroinferior part of the tarsus. It has an elongated, laterally flattened shape and is the largest among all the bones of the foot. It reveals the body and a well-palpable tubercle of the calcaneus protruding posteriorly. This bone has articular surfaces that serve to articulate superiorly with the talus and anteriorly with the cuboid. There is a protrusion on the inside of the heel bone that supports the talus.

Scaphoid located at the inner edge of the foot. It lies in front of the talus, behind the sphenoid bones and inside the cuboid bones. At the inner edge, it has a tuberosity of the navicular bone, facing downwards, which can be easily felt under the skin and serves as an identification point for determining the height of the inner part of the longitudinal arch of the foot. This bone is convex anteriorly. It has articular surfaces that articulate with adjacent bones.

Cuboid is located at the outer edge of the foot and articulates at the back with the heel, inside with the navicular and external cuneiform, and in front with the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. Along its lower surface there is a groove in which the tendon of the peroneus longus muscle lies.

Sphenoid bones(, intermediate and) lie in front of the scaphoid, inside the cuboid, behind the first three metatarsal bones and make up the anterior internal section of the tarsus.
Metatarsus bones

Each of the five metatarsal bones is tubular in shape. They distinguish between the base, body and head. The body of any metatarsal bone is shaped like a triangular prism. The longest bone is the second, the shortest and thickest is the first. At the bases of the metatarsal bones there are articular surfaces that serve for articulation with the tarsal bones, as well as with the adjacent metatarsal bones, and on the heads there are articular surfaces for articulation with the phalanges of the fingers. All metatarsal bones are easy to palpate on the dorsal side, since they are covered with a relatively thin layer of soft tissue. The metatarsal bones are located in different planes and form an arch in the transverse direction.
Finger bones

The toes are made up of phalanges. As on the hand, the first toe has two phalanges, and the rest have three. Often the two phalanges of the fifth finger grow together so that its skeleton can have two phalanges. There are middle and phalanges. Their significant difference from the phalanges of the hand is that they are short, especially the distal phalanges.

On the foot, as well as on the hand, there are sesamoid bones. Here they are expressed much better. They are most often found in the area where the first and fifth metatarsals meet the proximal phalanges. Sesamoid bones increase the transverse arch of the metatarsus in its anterior section.

Ligamentous apparatus of the foot

The mobility of the foot is ensured by several joints - ankle, subtalar, talocaleonavicular, tarsometatarsal, metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal.
Ankle joint

The ankle joint is formed by the bones of the lower leg and the talus. The articular surfaces of the bones of the lower leg and their ankles, like a fork, cover the block of the talus. The ankle joint has a block-like shape. In this joint around the transverse axis passing through the block of the talus, the following are possible: flexion (movement towards the plantar surface of the foot) and extension (movement towards its dorsal surface). The amount of mobility during flexion and extension reaches 90°. Due to the fact that the block at the back narrows somewhat, when the foot is flexed, some adduction and abduction becomes possible. The joint is strengthened ligaments located on its inner and outer sides. The medial (deltoid) ligament, located on the inner side, has approximately triangular shape and runs from the medial malleolus towards the scaphoid, talus and calcaneus. On the outside there are also ligaments running from the fibula to the talus and calcaneus (anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and calcaneofibular ligament).
One of the characteristic age-related features of this joint is that in adults it has greater mobility towards the plantar surface of the foot, while in children, especially newborns, it moves towards the dorsum of the foot.
Subtalar joint

The subtalar joint is formed by the talus and calcaneus and is located in their posterior section. It has a cylindrical (somewhat spiral) shape with an axis of rotation in the sagittal plane. The joint is surrounded by a thin capsule equipped with small ligaments.
Talocaleonavicular joint

In the anterior section between the talus and calcaneus is the talocaleonavicular joint. It is formed by the head of the talus, the calcaneus (with its anterior superior articular surface) and the scaphoid. The talocaleonavicular joint has a spherical shape. Movements in it and in the subtalar joints are functionally related; they form one combined articulation with an axis of rotation passing through the head of the talus and the calcaneal tubercle. The feet also occur around this axis; range of motion reaches approximately 55°. Both joints are strengthened by a powerful syndesmosis - the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament.
One of the age-related features of the position of the bones and their movements in the joints of the foot is that with age the foot pronates somewhat and its internal arch drops. A child’s foot, especially in the first year of life, has a distinctly supinator position, as a result of which the child, when starting to walk, often places it not on the entire plantar surface, but only on the outer edge.
Tarsometatarsal joints

The tarsometatarsal joints are located between the tarsal bones and between the tarsal and metatarsal bones. These joints are small, mostly flat in shape, with very limited mobility. On the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the foot there are well-developed ligaments, among which it is necessary to note the powerful syndesmosis- a long plantar ligament that runs from the heel bone to the bases of the II-V metatarsal bones. Thanks to numerous ligaments, the tarsal bones (scaphoid, cuboid and three cuneiform) and the I-V metatarsal bones are almost immovably connected to each other and form the so-called hard base of the foot.
Metatarsophalangeal joints

The metatarsophalangeal joints have a spherical shape, but their mobility is relatively low. They are formed by the heads of the metatarsal bones and the bases of the proximal phalanges of the toes. Mostly they allow flexion and extension of the fingers.
Interphalangeal joints

The interphalangeal joints of the foot are located between the individual phalanges of the fingers and have a block-like shape; on the sides they are strengthened by collateral ligaments.

Foot muscles

Muscles that are attached by their tendons to various bones of the foot (tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, extensor longus and flexor toes), but begin in the lower leg area, are referred to as the calf muscles.

On rear There are two muscles on the surface of the foot: the extensor digitorum brevis and the extensor hallucis brevis muscle. Both of these muscles originate from the outer and inner surfaces of the calcaneus and attach to the proximal phalanges of the corresponding fingers. The function of the muscles is to extend the toes.

On plantar On the surface of the foot, the muscles are divided into internal, external and middle groups.
Internal the group consists of muscles acting on the big toe: the abductor pollicis muscle; flexor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis muscle. All these muscles begin from the bones of the metatarsus and tarsus, and are attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the big toe. The function of these muscles is clear from their name.

TO outdoor This group includes muscles that act on the fifth toe: the abductor of the little toe and the flexor of the little toe. Both of these muscles attach to the proximal phalanx of the fifth finger.
Average group is the most significant. It includes: the short flexor digitorum, which is attached to the middle phalanges of the second to fifth fingers; the quadratus plantae muscle, which attaches to the flexor digitorum longus tendon; lumbrical muscles, as well as dorsal and plantar interosseous muscles, which are directed to the proximal phalanges of the second to fifth fingers. All of these muscles originate on the tarsal and metatarsal bones on the plantar side of the foot, with the exception of the lumbrical muscles, which originate from the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus. All of them are involved in flexing the toes, as well as in spreading them and bringing them together.

When comparing the muscles of the plantar and dorsum of the foot, it is clear that the former are much stronger than the latter. This is due to the difference in their functions. The muscles of the plantar surface of the foot are involved in maintaining the arches of the foot and largely provide its spring properties. The muscles of the dorsal surface of the foot are involved in some extension of the toes when moving it forward when walking and running.
Fascia of the foot

In the lower section, the fascia of the lower leg has a thickening - ligaments, which serve to strengthen the position of the muscles passing under them. In front there is a ligament - the upper retinaculum of the extensor tendons, and at the transition point to the dorsum of the foot - the lower retinaculum of the extensor tendons. Under these ligaments there are fibrous canals in which the encircled tendons of the anterior group of leg muscles pass.

Between the medial malleolus and the calcaneus there is a groove through which the tendons of the deep muscles of the back of the leg pass. Above the groove, the fascia of the leg, passing into the fascia of the foot, forms a thickening in the form of a ligament - the retinaculum of the flexor tendons. Under this ligament are fibrous canals; in three of them there are muscle tendons surrounded by synovial sheaths, in the fourth there are blood vessels and nerves.
Below the lateral malleolus, the crural fascia also forms a thickening called the retinaculum peronealis, which serves to strengthen these tendons.

The fascia of the foot on the dorsal surface is much thinner than on the plantar surface. On the plantar surface there is a well-defined fascial thickening - the plantar aponeurosis, up to 2 mm thick. Fibers plantar aponeurosis have an anteroposterior direction and go mainly from the calcaneal tubercle anteriorly. This aponeurosis has processes in the form of fibrous plates that reach the bones of the metatarsus. Thanks to the intermuscular septa, three fibrous sheaths are formed on the plantar side of the foot, in which the corresponding muscle groups are located.

Used literature
Human anatomy: textbook. for students inst. physical cult. /Ed. Kozlova V.I. - M., “Physical Education and Sports”, 1978
Sapin M.R., Nikityuk D.K. Pocket atlas of human anatomy. M., Elista: APP "Dzhangar", 1999
Sinelnikov R. D. Atlas of human anatomy: in 3 volumes. 3rd ed. M.: “Medicine”, 1967

Since a person moves in an upright position, the lion's share of the load falls on the lower extremities. Therefore, it is important to monitor your body weight, making it easier for the bones of the foot to work.

The structure of the ankle joint in humans is represented by the articulation of the bones of the foot with the shin bones, ensuring the performance of complex functions.

Human ankle joint

The bones are clearly shown in the diagram and classified into groups.

These include:

  1. Articulation of the bones of the lower leg with the bones of the foot.
  2. Internal articulation of the tarsal bones.
  3. Articulations between the bones of the metatarsus and tarsus.
  4. Articulations of the proximal phalanges with the metatarsal bones.
  5. Articulation of the phalanges of the fingers with each other.

The anatomical abilities of the foot require a high level of motor activity. For this reason, a person can perform heavy physical activity.

Both the foot and the entire leg are designed to help a person move freely in the environment.

The structure of the foot is divided into 3 working parts:

  1. Bones.
  2. Ligaments.
  3. Muscles.

The skeletal base of the foot includes 3 sections: toes, metatarsus and tarsus.

The design of the toes includes phalanges. Just like the hand, the big toe consists of 2 phalanges, and the remaining 4 fingers - of 3.

There are often cases when the 2 components of the 5th fingers grow together, forming a finger structure of 2 phalanges.

The structure has proximal, distal and middle phalanges. They differ from the phalanges of the hand in that their length is shorter. A clear expression of this is seen in the distal phalanges.

The tarsal bones of the posterior section have talus and calcaneal components, and the posterior section is divided into cuboid, scaphoid and sphenoid bones.

The talus lies at a distance from the distal end of the tibia, becoming the bony meniscus between the bones of the foot and knee.

It consists of a head, neck and body, and is designed to connect with the shin bones, ankle bones and calcaneus.

The calcaneus is part of the posterior lower lobe of the tarsus. It is the largest part of the foot and has a laterally flattened, elongated appearance. At the same time, the calcaneus is the connecting link between the cuboid and talus bones.

The navicular bone is located on the inside of the foot. It has a convex forward appearance with articular components connecting to nearby bones.

The cuboid part is located on the outer side of the foot, articulating with the calcaneus, navicular, cuneiform and metatarsal bones. At the bottom of the cuboid bone there is a groove in which the tendon of the elongated peroneus muscle is laid.

The composition of the sphenoid bones includes:

  • Medial.
  • Intermediate.
  • Lateral.

They lie in front of the scaphoid, inboard of the cuboid, behind the first 3 metatarsal fragments and represent the anterior inner part of the tarsus.

The skeleton of the metatarsus appears in tubular segments, consisting of a head, body and base, where the body is similar to a triangular prism. In this case, the longest bone is the second, and the thickest and shortest is the first.

Bases of the metatarsal bones equipped with articular surfaces, serving as a connection with the bony components of the tarsus. In addition, it articulates with the adjacent bones of the metatarsus. At the same time, the heads equipped with articular surfaces are connected to the proximal phalanges.

The metatarsal bones are easily palpated due to the fairly thin covering soft tissues. They are placed in multi-angle planes, creating a vault in a transverse line.

Circulatory and nervous systems of the foot

An important component of the foot is considered nerve endings and blood arteries.

Distinguish 2 main arteries of the foot:

  • Rear.
  • Posterior tibial.

Also, the circulatory system includes small arteries that distribute to all tissue areas.

Due to the distance of the arteries of the feet from the heart, circulatory disorders are often recorded due to oxygen deficiency. The results of this manifest themselves in the form of atherosclerosis.

The longest vein that carries blood to the heart area is located at the point of the big toe, extending inside the leg. It is commonly called the great saphenous vein. In this case, the small saphenous vein runs along the outside of the leg.

Placed deep into the legs tibial anterior and posterior veins, and small ones drive blood into large veins. Moreover, small arteries supply tissues with blood, and tiny capillaries connect veins and arteries.

A person suffering from circulatory disorders notes the presence of edema in the afternoon. In addition, it may appear varicose veins veins

As in other parts of the body, nerve roots in the foot read all sensations and transmit them to the brain, controlling movement.

TO nervous system feet include:

  1. Superficial fibular.
  2. Deep fibula.
  3. Posterior tibial.
  4. Calf.

Tight shoes can compress any nerve, causing swelling, which will lead to discomfort, numbness and pain.

Diagnostic measures

At the moment when alarming symptoms arise in the foot area, a person comes to an orthopedist and traumatologist, who, knowing the complete structure of the ankle joint, can determine a lot by external signs. But at the same time, specialists prescribe the examination necessary for a 100% correct diagnosis.

Examination methods include:

  • X-ray examination.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Athroscopy.

Detection of pathologies using x-rays is the most budget option. Pictures are taken from several sides, recording possible dislocations, tumors, fractures and other processes.

Ultrasound helps to detect concentrations of blood, find foreign bodies, a possible swelling process in the joint capsule, and also check the condition of the ligaments.

Computed tomography provides a complete examination of bone tissue for neoplasms, fractures and arthrosis. Magnetic resonance imaging is an expensive research technique that provides maximum reliable information about the Achilles tendon, ligaments and articular cartilage.

Athroscopy– a minimally invasive intervention that involves inserting a special camera into the joint capsule, through which the doctor will be able to see all the pathologies of the ankle joint.

After collecting all the information using instrumental and hardware means, examining doctors and obtaining laboratory test results, an accurate diagnosis is made with the determination of treatment methods.

Pathologies of the ankle and feet

Frequent pain, external changes, swelling and impaired motor functions can be signs of foot ailments.

Typically, a person may experience the following diseases:

  • Arthrosis in the ankle joint.
  • Arthrosis of the toes.
  • Valgus change of the thumb.

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is characterized by crunching, pain, swelling, and fatigue during running and walking. This is due to the flow inflammatory process, which damages cartilage tissue, leading to typical deformation of joint tissue.

The causes of the disease can be constant increased loads and injuries, provoking the development of dysplasia, osteodystrophy and negative changes in statics.

Treatment is carried out based on the degree of arthrosis with means that reduce pain, restore blood circulation and block the spread of the disease. In difficult cases surgery is performed, relieving the patient of damaged joint segments, restoring mobility and eliminating pain.

Arthrosis of the toes is noted as a result of disruption of metabolic processes and typical blood circulation in the metatarsophalangeal joints. This is facilitated by a lack of moderation in exercise, uncomfortable narrow shoes, injuries, excess weight and frequent hypothermia.

Symptoms of the disease include swelling, deformation of the structure of the fingers, pain during movement and crunching.

On initial stage arthrosis of the fingers, measures are taken to avoid deformation and relieve pain. If an advanced stage is detected, in most cases the doctor prescribes arthrodesis, endoprosthesis replacement or surgical arthroplasty, which should completely solve the problem of the disease.

Hallux valgus, better known as a “bump” at the base of the big toe. This disease is characterized displacement of the head of one phalangeal bone, inclination of the big toe towards the other four, weakening of the muscles and resulting deformation of the foot.

Treatment that inhibits the development of the disease is determined by prescribing baths, physiotherapy, and physical therapy. When the form of changes becomes obvious, an operation is performed, the method of which is determined by the attending orthopedist, taking into account the stage of the disease and the general well-being of the patient.

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