Therapeutic diet 8. Prohibited and restricted foods. Porridges and cereals


Basic principles of this diet. In what cases is it applied? Which products are allowed and which are prohibited. Sample menu.

The works of nutritionist M.I. Pevzner are addressed to the epidemic of the century - obesity, a disease that is curable with the help of proper nutrition. Reason overweight the body becomes disturbed metabolism due to uncontrolled energy intake, low energy consumption and hormonal imbalances. Diet 8 contains basic principles for excess weight management:

  • limit food quantitatively;
  • manage the quality of macronutrients;
  • be individual for each person.

However, the standard treatment table hardly supports the last point, as well as other options for dietary plans.

The main rules of this table:

  • caloric intake - up to 1720 kcal;
  • proteins – 100 g and 60% animals;
  • fats – up to 80 g and 30% vegetable;
  • carbohydrates - up to 150 g(recommendations are given separately).

For a person weighing more than 90 kg, this diet will be protein, but with complete calories and fat content.

Appetite management

You can stop overeating with self-discipline or a competent diet plan. The nutritionist focused on protein, which keeps you full longer. However, he did not limit fats in order to keep metabolic processes normal.

It is easier for overweight people to replace harmful products useful than to exclude from the menu. Therefore, you can find answers to the questions of what you can and cannot eat on a diet in the following table:

ProhibitedAllowed substitution
Full-fat homemade dairy products, hard cheeses, yoghurts, cheeses and curds with sugarCottage cheese, kefir, milk with a fat content of no more than 9%, low-fat cheeses, homemade yogurt with low-fat raw materials
Pasta, semolina, corn, wheat and oatmeal(especially cereal)Crumbly buckwheat, barley and pearl barley porridge in soups
Salted and pickled vegetablesWashed sauerkraut, all vegetables, preferably raw. No more than 200 g per day of starchy vegetables (carrots, potatoes, green peas)
Sweets, cookies, ice cream, cakes, jams, preserves, sugar, honey, chocolate. Raisins, figs, bananas, dates, peaches, grapes and other sweet fruits.Sweet and sour fruits and berries, jelly with sweetener
Mayonnaise, sauces, spices, seasonings, ketchupsHomemade tomato and mushroom sauces with a minimum of fat, light sour cream for dressing or homemade low-fat yogurt
Packaged juices, compotes with sugar, cocoa, alcohol, milkshakesTea, coffee without sugar, unsweetened coffee drinks and decoctions
Scrambled eggs and salads large quantity eggsTwo eggs a day, scrambled or hard-boiled
Sausages, smoked products (meat and fish), frankfurters, fried meat and fish, caviar and canned foodDishes from boiled/stewed beef, chicken, turkey. Low-fat varieties of fish or seafood, boiled or baked in foil/steamed
Butter products, white bread, lavashWhole grain and rye bread, but not more than 150 g per day
Borscht and soups made with pork, concentrated broths, mushroom soups with sour creamSoup - no more than 250 ml per meal, vegetable, in third broths, once a week with meatballs

The sources of protein in diet menu number 8 are:

  • lean meat up to 150-200 g;
  • fish up to 100-200 g;
  • two eggs;
  • dairy products up to 400 g, cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • vegetable proteins (legumes, mushrooms).

Even the listed products will give the body the norm for animal fats, the rest are vegetable oil in salads. Carbohydrates come from unprocessed grains and vegetables.

Weekly menu with recipes

Diet 8 for obesity provides five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and dinner, as well as a snack two hours before bedtime if you have the habit of going to bed late:

Efficiency of dieting

Many sources describing the menu for this table without hesitation reduce it to breast or other boiled meat, eggs and kefir, leaving a small part of vegetables. This is fraught with the development of carbohydrate starvation, weakness and breakdowns.

To withstand a week or several months, as long as necessary for the result, either a regimen or a strict doctor’s prescription will help. The diet table has the following risks:

  • going on a low-carbohydrate diet due to low carbohydrate intake;
  • the appearance of constipation and gastrointestinal problems;
  • signs of ketosis: change in urine color, bad smell from mouth.

No hunger - main principle in losing weight. Diet number 8 for obesity for a person who is used to eating a lot fatty foods, will be lean and tasteless.

The way out of the situation is to calculate the daily calorie content and the distribution of dietary fat, as actually indicated in the Pevzner diet: 20-25% proteins with a corridor for increasing from 150 to 170 g while reducing fat to 60 g ( 30-40% in proportions). Croup and bakery products leave a minimum amount of up to 200 g per day, increase vegetables to 300 g and unsweetened fruits - up to 200 g. Total 30-35% carbohydrates in the diet.

Features of nutrition for obesity

The menu for each day needs to be balanced by macronutrients, trying to eat protein food with vegetables at every meal. Animal fats from meat and dairy products will take about 30 g, the rest are vegetable oils in salads or up to 30 g of nuts for a snack. Small meals in the first stages of weight loss help get rid of the haunting feeling of hunger.

People who are overweight often say: “I eat little, but I’m not losing weight.” Although they simply do not realize what they eat in addition to the main food. Starting with porridge and eggs for breakfast, people move on to sausage sandwiches for lunch, liver for snacks and salad for dinner in order to keep themselves in line. Each unaccounted chocolate candy- this is 100 kcal, the bar is 300 kcal. An enormous amount of bread is consumed with sausage, because you can’t get away with just one piece.

As a result, the process of losing weight comes down to control and thoughtful consumption of food, even food diary followed by menu analysis and error correction.

The cause of obesity is hidden starvation of the body due to lack of useful components and trying to eat empty calories. As soon as the body receives the correct balance of exercise and movement, the need to constantly “throw wood” into the fire of appetite disappears.


What is table 8 in dietary nutrition

Indications for use:

Dietary table No. 8 is recommended for obese people. The basis of this disease is a metabolic disorder. Obesity develops when the energy supplied from food calories exceeds the body's energy expenditure. Simply put, a person suffers from overeating. And if this is added sedentary lifestyle life, then obesity is inevitable. And against its background develop hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, diabetes and other diseases. Treatment of obesity is always comprehensive, including diet – table No. 8.

Nutrition Features:

Diet food No. 8 is distinguished, first of all, by its low calorie content. The diet significantly limits carbohydrates, which quickly turn into fat in the human body. The restriction also applies to fats of animal origin, and preference is given vegetable fats. Since the diet is low in calories, the feeling of fullness is created by the volume of food, e.g. raw vegetables, fruits. Foods that stimulate the appetite, such as savory snacks and spices, are excluded. The amount of salt in food and liquid is significantly limited - up to 1–1.5 liters per day, which leads to normal water-salt balance. Plus, the diet is complemented by regular fasting days.

Thus, the chemical and energy composition of diet No. 8 looks like this: in daily ration contains 100 g of proteins, 80 g of fats, 250 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the diet is 2000 kcal.

The temperature of the food should be normal.

Dos and don'ts:

It is a mistake to think that diet No. 8 contains a lot of prohibited foods, or rather, more than permitted ones. This is wrong. Even dietary nutrition for obesity can be varied and rich. Here are the foods that are allowed when following dietary table No. 8.

Bread and flour products: rye and wheat bread from wholemeal flour, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread in the amount of 100–150 g per day.

Soups should be 250–300 g per serving. First courses of various vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals are allowed; cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup. Two or three times a week it is permissible to eat soups in weak low-fat meat or fish broth with vegetables and meatballs.

Meat and poultry are allowed in the amount of 150 g per day. This should be low fatness beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. In strictly limited quantities - lean pork and lamb, which should be mainly boiled, stewed or baked in large and small pieces. Fry the meat only after boiling. You can also eat beef jelly and sausages.

Of fish, only low-fat types up to 150–200 g per day are acceptable. It should be boiled, baked or Fried fish, as well as seafood.

Milk and fermented milk drinks should be chosen only with low fat content. Sour cream is added to dishes. Cottage cheese is allowed low-fat and 9% fat (100–200 g per day). It can be natural and in the form of cheesecakes and puddings. Low-fat cheeses should be consumed sparingly.

Eggs are allowed 1-2 per day: hard-boiled, egg white omelettes, omelettes with vegetables.

As for cereals, the diet should include crumbly porridges made from buckwheat, pearl barley, and barley due to the reduction of bread.

Vegetables are used especially widely in diet No. 8, in all forms, some of them always raw. It is advisable to diversify your diet with all types of cabbage and include fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips. Sauerkraut is recommended only after washing.

Snacks for dietary table No. 8 are salads from raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish and seafood. Jellied fish or meat and low-fat ham are also allowed.

Fruits and sweets are represented in the diet by fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties. They must be raw and cooked. Jelly and mousses containing methylcellulose, xylitol, and sorbitol are also allowed. You can drink unsweetened compotes.

Of the fats, butter is allowed in very limited quantities; vegetable oils should be predominantly in the diet - in dishes.

Sauces and spices – tomato, red, white with vegetables, mild mushroom; vinegar.

Allowed drinks are tea, black coffee and coffee with milk, as well as low-sweet juices of all types: fruit, berry, vegetable.

Next, about what is prohibited to eat while following dietary nutrition No. 8. Bread and flour products made from premium and 1st grade wheat flour, butter and puff pastry. Soups exclude dairy, potato, cereal, legume, and pasta soups. Meat and poultry fatty varieties should also not be in the diet, namely: goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, canned food. Fatty fish, salted, smoked, canned fish in oil, caviar - this is also not in the diet of diet No. 8. As for dairy products, you will have to give up fatty cottage cheese, sweet cheeses, cream, sweet yoghurts, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses. Prohibited fried eggs. Rice, semolina and oatmeal are excluded from cereals, pasta, legumes. Vegetables are limited to dishes made from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, rutabaga (a total of up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables. If you are obese, you should not eat fatty and spicy snacks. Forbidden fruits and sweets are grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly. Fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, and all spices are also unacceptable dishes. Grape and other sweet juices, as well as cocoa, are excluded from drinks.

Diet, table 8, menu for every day

Sample menu:

  • First breakfast: boiled meat (100 g) with green peas, sauerkraut or other vegetables; black coffee.
  • Second breakfast: boiled meat stew – 150 g; low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g; fruit jelly with xylitol.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht – 1/2 serving; beef stroganoff (100 g) with stewed carrots; apple compote (xylitol).
  • Dinner: boiled fish (100 g) with boiled potatoes; tea.
  • At night: kefir – 1 glass.

Useful recipes:

Beet and bean salad with pear. 2 tbsp. tablespoons hazelnuts, 500 g beets, 100 g green beans, 2 small leeks, 1 pear, 100 g canned beans. For dressing: 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped dill, 1 crushed clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 60 ml olive oil.

Preheat the oven to 20°C and roast the hazelnuts until golden brown for 6-8 minutes. Then cool the nuts slightly and chop them. Boil the beets, peel, cut into cubes and place in a large bowl. Blanch green beans in boiling water until soft for 1–2 minutes, then rinse cold water, dry and cut. Wash the leek and chop into thin rings. Cut the pear into four parts, remove the core and cut into slices. Place blanched green beans, leeks, beans and pear slices in bowl with beets. To prepare the dressing, grind dill, garlic, mustard seeds, vinegar and olive oil well. Season the salad and leave for 1 hour. Decorate the dish with nuts and serve.

Salad with tongue. 80 g beef tongue, 30 g carrots, 35 g potatoes, 15 g celery, 25 g pickles, 5 ml vinegar, 15 ml vegetable oil, pepper, parsley, salt.

Boil the tongue and cut into strips. Peel the boiled carrots and potatoes and cut them into medium-sized cubes. Also chop the celery root and peeled pickles. Mix the products, add pepper, salt, vinegar and season vegetable oil. Before serving, add salt to the prepared dish. You can decorate with pieces of tongue, cucumbers and parsley.

Fish in green sauce. 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 4 pieces of hake (or cod) 170 each, butter, 4 pieces of hake (or cod) 170 each, 1/2 finely chopped onion, 3 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 100 ml fish broth, 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, 100 g of toasted almonds, salt and freshly ground black pepper, sprigs of dill.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the fish and fry it for 2 minutes on each side. Then transfer the fish to a heated dish, cover with a lid and keep warm. Place the onion in the remaining oil in the pan and fry for 3 minutes. Then pour in the broth, add parsley and almonds. Simmer until slightly thickened, another 3 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a mixer and beat until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place the fish back into the pan, pour over the sauce and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Before serving, garnish with dill.

Diet cabbage rolls. 180 g white cabbage, 40 g carrots, 10 g white roots, 15 g pumpkin, 10 g onions, 1/2 egg, 10 g butter, 50 g rice, 4 g dill (or parsley), 90 g sauce.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water over it. Stew it with butter, adding diced carrots, white roots and pumpkin. Mix stewed vegetables with cooked rice, boiled egg(or one protein) and greens. Cut the stalk from the peeled head of cabbage. Boil the cabbage until half cooked. Then remove it from the water, disassemble it into leaves, lightly beat the petioles with a hammer or cut off the thickenings. Place the filling on the prepared leaves and wrap them in the form of an envelope. Place the cabbage rolls in a frying pan, season with sour cream sauce and bake. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill.

Based on the book by A. Sinelnikova “Dietary nutrition. Cooking recipes for Your health".

Diet therapy is an important component in the treatment of all diseases human body. Developed in Soviet times by the head of the Institute of Nutrition, world-famous scientist M.I. Pevzner, treatment tables (1-15) have been successfully helping to quickly recover from various acute and chronic pathological conditions for many decades.

Experienced doctors prescribe to their patients therapeutic diet to normalize the functioning of certain organs and systems. One of the most relevant diets at present is table No. 8, designed for weight loss.

In addition to obesity, this type of nutrition is relevant for all pathologies that are accompanied by an increase in fat mass and do not require special diets.

The 8 table diet for obesity is completely balanced and meets all the needs of both adults and child's body. It is no secret that about 30% of the world's population suffers from excess weight, of which more than 10% are children of various ages.

  • Despite appearing in last years newfangled diets, doctors strongly recommend their patients to lose weight using table No. 8, the menu of which is rich in all the necessary biologically active ingredients.

A completely safe diet is relevant for people with varying degrees obesity, as well as for everyone who strives to maintain their body in ideal shape, especially after 35 years, when metabolic processes slow down every year and the risk of gaining body fat increases many times over.

The daily calorie content of menu table 8 ranges from 1550 to 1860 kcal, but in a hospital setting it can be reduced to 1200 kcal.

Basic principles of diet table No. 8

In the process of following therapeutic nutrition, body weight decreases, activation lipid metabolism, restoration of water and electrolyte balance, cleansing the intestines of fecal debris, toxic substances and accumulated waste, gaining ideal body proportions, getting rid of unaesthetic cellulite and tissue swelling.

Healing occurs in a harmonious way by minimizing table salt in the diet, which delays the removal of fluid, as well as giving up sugar and confectionery products, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates.

An important component of the diet is reducing fat intake by reducing the daily lipid intake. Small, compared to the usual diet, energy value leads to the fact that calorie consumption significantly exceeds their intake from food, which leads to weight loss.

Sugar in the diet is replaced with sweeteners (stevia, saccharin, cyclomat). The number of meals is increased to 6, and portions are reduced. The penultimate meal (dinner) should take place at least 4 hours before going to bed. The diet is rich in foods with fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and reduce the body's ability to absorb and metabolize fats.

  • Sodium chloride ( salt) no food is added during the cooking process, only salt is added ready meals. Daily norm salt no more than 3 grams. It is recommended to boil, stew, bake, steam all food.
  • The amount of proteins (proteins) of plant and animal origin in the table menu is 8 to 110 g, fats (mainly plant lipids) - about 85 g, complex carbohydrates– up to 150 gr.
  • The drinking regime for diet No. 8 is from 1 to 1.2 liters per day.

Diet 8 table - what is possible, what is not (table)

The diet is quite rich; based on the food table, you can easily create your own menu for the week, or you can use our example below as a guide. It should be noted that the nutrition of adults and children (in terms of products) is no different.

Table of products for table 8
Authorized Products
(can be eaten)
  • bran bread, whole grain, from wholemeal flour (no more than 150 g/day);
  • lean meat, low-fat varieties fish, seafood (no more than 170 g/day);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 200 g/day);
  • hard cheeses with low fat content (up to 30 g/day);
  • all low-calorie dairy products (fat percentage no more than 9);
  • eggs (1-2 pieces per day);
  • soups cooked in water or weak meat/fish broth, always low-fat, with the addition of cereals, one potato and any vegetables (single serving 200-300 g)
  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, oats, pearl barley, serving no more than 150 g/day);
  • all fruits and berries, except those that are prohibited (about 400 g/day);
  • all vegetables, especially rich in dietary fiber: any cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, leafy greens, celery roots, parsley, parsnips (about 0.5 kg/day), beets and carrots (no more than 200 g/day) ; some vegetables must be raw, for example, in salads;
  • compotes cooked without added sugar or sweetened with sweeteners;
  • jellies, mousses;
  • butter (a teaspoon per day, add to porridge or other ready-made dishes);
  • vegetable oil (up to 15 ml per day, for dressing salads or side dishes).
Prohibited Products
(can't eat)
  • cereals: semolina, white rice;
  • potatoes (it is possible to add root vegetables to the soup in limited quantities, no more than 2 times a week);
  • strong and fatty broths;
  • bakery products and baked goods made from premium flour;
  • pasta products;
  • all foods with added sugar, including sweets, sweet yoghurts, curd desserts, pastries, cakes, pies, any pastries, halva;
  • honey, ice cream, jam, jam, jelly;
  • cocoa, chocolate;
  • grape juice and all packaged juices that contain sugar;
  • sweet fruits rich in quickly digestible carbohydrates: grapes (raisins), banana, figs, dates, dried fruits, in the manufacturing process of which sugar syrup is used;
  • seasonings, spices, mustard, horseradish, vinegar and other products that stimulate the appetite;
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • spicy, fatty, fried, salted, pickled, smoked dishes;
  • sausages;
  • fried eggs;
  • fatty meats;
  • carbonated drinks (any);
  • dairy products with a high lipid content (over 15%, for example, cream, homemade sour cream).

Diet table 8 - menu for every day

Try to diversify your diet as much as possible, thereby providing the body with all the necessary biologically active compounds. Approximate diet, based on which you can create a weekly nutrition plan:

  • Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge with butter, steamed omelette on water, green tea.
  • Lunch: apple, glass of tomato juice without salt.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht, a portion of boiled turkey breast, fresh cabbage salad, carrot salad with leafy greens, seasoned olive oil, stewed eggplants, rosehip decoction.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of cottage cheese + 100 g of raspberries.
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, steamed pike perch meatballs, chicory drink with skim milk and sweetener.
  • Late dinner: a glass of Narine or acidophilus.

Menu for a child on a diet of 8 tables

Restriction in the diet of children stabilizes weight, making it possible to eliminate obesity caused by physical inactivity and overeating. To ensure that the child does not feel discomfort, you should prepare the most delicious and varied dishes from the permitted list of products.

The principles of nutrition for children and adults when assigning table 8 are similar.

Diet therapy, especially in combination with lifestyle changes (exercising and increasing motor activity), allows you to quickly and painlessly normalize body weight and get rid of excess fat deposits in the body. And to improve the condition of obese patients, it is recommended to additionally use the following techniques:

  • reception biologically active additives under the supervision of a doctor;
  • breathing exercises, for example, bodyflex;
  • massage, aromatherapy;
  • relaxation;
  • meditation;
  • work with a psychologist;
  • visiting the steam room and bath procedures (if there are no contraindications).

Never try to lose weight at the expense of your health, being seduced by the promises of newfangled methods. Diet table 8 is an ideal, effective and time-tested path to slimness at any age.

Always be cheerful and cheerful!

Obesity - global problem humanity. The main reasons for its appearance are overeating and abuse junk food. Metabolism plays a huge role in the process of maintaining figure and health. Gaining excess weight means a failure in metabolism, as well as a predominance of calories entering the body over the process of their expenditure. Therapeutic diet No. 8 from Manuil Pevzner is designed to defeat obesity by eliminating its causes.

The nutritionist’s work on creating special diets was not in vain. Medical “tables”, formed in the middle of the last century, are successfully used by modern doctors. The range of products changes according to the expansion of nutritional opportunities. The principles of diets remain unchanged, which ensures the effectiveness of treatment using a special diet.

A therapeutic diet will not only help you lose weight, it will positive influence on metabolism, gradually bringing it to a physiological norm. The diet plan is also designed to change the patient's eating habits. This will ensure weight stability and prevent weight gain in the future.

For whom is the therapeutic diet No. 8 developed?

Medical Diet No. 8 is designed to help people with obesity. Excessive weight is indicated by a body mass index exceeding 30. People with a lower index can also take advantage of the diet rules. Important terms for applying this nutrition method are:

  • moderation of physical and mental stress;
  • absence of concomitant diseases;
  • normal state of the gastrointestinal tract.

The fact is that the diet involves eating foods with reduced energy value. If you eat this way during intense physical or mental stress, the patient will feel weakness and loss of strength. Contraindications also include pathologies digestive tract and other organs. These conditions require adherence to special diets provided by Pevzner within the framework of other “tables”.

Among other things, this nutrition system stops weight gain. Its principles can be used by people who are not obese and who notice a regular increase in kilograms. Indications for diet No. 8 also include disorders of lipid metabolism. This can be indicated by the progression of obesity for no apparent reason.

According to doctors, the eighth diet plan allows you to normalize nutrition, taking into account energy needs. This is a healthy way to get rid of obesity without significant risk to the digestive system. The principle of operation of the selected diet is to optimize the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Mechanism of weight loss

Dieting involves making major adjustments to the patient's eating habits. Its success depends on the unquestioning implementation of the plan, compliance medical recommendations And general rules limited food regime. The purpose of treatment table No. 8 is to force the body to burn accumulated body fat. This will happen under the following conditions:

  • reducing caloric intake- the deficit of calories necessary for the patient’s life forces the body to take energy from fat depots;
  • normalization of lipid processing- this is facilitated by a decrease in the amount of refractory fats in food and an increase in high-density lipoproteins;
  • normalization of insulin levels- occurs due to exclusion from nutrition simple carbohydrates and leads to the prevention of sudden attacks of hunger;
  • correction of stomach volumes- carried out using a fractional diet with a reduced volume of portions;
  • improvement of lipid metabolism- leads to the effective consumption of fats as a source of energy, realized through the use of lipotropic substances;
  • eliminating the fact of overeating- occurs due to a decrease in appetite through correction taste qualities food and filling it with fiber.

The diet should provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Nutrients may come from chemical composition products or special medications. Otherwise, the patient will face worsening problems metabolic processes and general well-being.

Principles of medical weight loss

Diet No. 8 (table No. 8) will completely transform the eating style of an obese person. The presence of a weight problem already indicates that the patient has an unhealthy lifestyle. A specific approach to your diet will put it back on track and also eliminate the consequences of neglecting your health.

Table 8 is classified as hyposodium. It involves minimizing the amount of salt consumed. This will remove it from the body excess liquid and make fat depots available for natural breakdown.

Reducing the daily amount of free fluid to 1.8 liters will reduce the load on the heart and kidneys and prevent changes in blood pressure. The volume of liquid should be reduced correctly:

  • sweet soda- exclude completely;
  • alcohol - any alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • liquid dishes - reduce the portion by half;
  • tea, coffee, milk- reduce total drinks up to four glasses;
  • pure still water- makes up the entire remaining volume of liquid.

The total caloric content of the diet is reduced by reducing the amount of bread and fatty foods consumed. Sources will provide satiety dietary fiber and vitamins - fruits and vegetables. Stability of insulin levels is achieved by excluding simple carbohydrates and starchy foods from the diet.

You should drink frequently, in small sips. Do not drink liquid before or immediately after a meal. This will disrupt the digestion process and reduce the efficiency of digesting nutrients.

Accelerates metabolism and reduces appetite

To speed up your metabolism and use energy in the process of digesting food, following physiological norm proteins. They take a long time to digest, and the process itself requires additional energy from the body. Avoiding mashed, slimy and pureed foods will have a positive effect on weight loss. It is better to cook all foods in pieces. Recipes with boiling, steaming, and baking are used. Cooking helps get rid of excess fat and purine compounds in meat products.

To reduce appetite and prevent overeating, you will need to minimize your consumption of:

  • salt (up to 5 g per day);
  • pepper;
  • mustard;
  • horseradish;
  • garlic
  • Luke;
  • strong-smelling seasonings;
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol.

Quitting alcohol is a prerequisite for losing weight - in addition to stimulating appetite, alcohol serves as a source of additional calories.

As part of the fractional diet, the patient is allowed up to six meals per day. It is important to maintain equal intervals between them and restrictions on portion sizes. Food should be healthy and rational in order to prevent depletion of the body and the occurrence of diseases. An important role is given to maintaining the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in the daily diet:

  • 100 g proteins;
  • 40 g vegetable fats;
  • 40 g animal fats;
  • 200 g carbohydrates.

If all conditions are met, the calorie content of the diet will not exceed 1900 kcal. If the purpose of this power system is quick release from a large amount of excess weight, calorie content can be reduced to 1200 kcal. As a rule, so strict diets are held in inpatient conditions under the supervision of a doctor.

Grocery supplies for the patient

The list of what you can eat on diet No. 8 includes only healthy food. There is no place for sweets and fast food. How to fill the refrigerator to comply with table No. 8 is described in detail in the food table.

Table - Products and dishes for dietary table No. 8

CategoryList of productsSubtleties of preparation and consumption
Bakery products- Rye bread;
- bread with bran;
- protein diabetic bread
Consume no more than 150 g per day
Cereals and pasta- Barley grits;
- buckwheat;
- pearl barley;
- durum wheat pasta
Added to soups
Vegetables and fruits- All non-starchy and unsweetened vegetables;
- sweet and sour fruits and berries
- Prepare all types of dishes from vegetables;
- make fruit desserts: jelly, jelly with corn starch;
- preference is given to raw vegetables and fruits;
Milk and eggs- Skimmed milk;
- any types fermented milk products;
- limited amount of sour cream;
- skim cheese;
- 1 yolk and several whites
- Milk is used to prepare milk soups;
- sour cream is added as a dressing for dishes;
- unsweetened cheesecakes and casseroles are prepared from cottage cheese;
- eggs are cooked soft-boiled;
- an omelet is made from whites
Meat and fish products- Rabbit meat;
- turkey;
- chicken without skin;
- veal;
- lean beef;
- any types of fish;
- all seafood
- Meat is consumed boiled in pieces;
- the fish is baked after boiling;
- prepare fish cutlets and meatballs;
- seafood is consumed in quantities of up to 200 g per day
First meal- Soups with vegetable broth;
- milk soups;
- dishes with weak fish or meat broth
- Cooked with vegetables;
- permitted cereals are added in minimal quantities;
- fish and meat dishes consume no more than twice a week;
- eat half the standard portion (recommended volume);
- in case of severe obesity, do not eat first courses

You can add to the list of recommended products plant sources fat: olive, corn and flaxseed oil for salad dressing. It is better to use sugar substitutes as sweeteners. Sorbitol, xylitol, and saccharin are suitable for adding to drinks and preparing dietary fruit desserts. As for drinks, weak tea is allowed, green is better, as well. It will serve as a source of vitamin C for the body.

The general trend in therapeutic nutrition is the predominance of vegetables and dishes made from them in the diet, along with dietary sources of proteins. The best way to achieve satiety is a vegetable side dish or salad. You should season your dishes with oil sparingly. Give preference to olive oil, mixing it with lemon juice.

Banned: what to exclude from the diet

For each Manuel Pevzner diet, there is a list of excluded foods. It is designed to orient the patient among gastronomic pleasures in order to prevent the consumption of foods that provoke obesity.

  • High-calorie flour. This includes first-class bread made from wheat flour with various additives, as well as any types of baked goods.
  • Sources of starch. These include all starchy cereals - semolina, rice, as well as any types of legumes. Pasta made from soft varieties of wheat also provokes obesity.
  • Harmful vegetables and fruits. Prevent the patient from “fighting” excess weight Can potatoes and sweet vegetables - beets and carrots. They should be excluded during the diet. Too much sugar is found in any variety of grapes, bananas, as well as in all varieties of dried fruits.
  • Milk fat. During the diet you should avoid full fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and cream. It is better not to add milk to drinks so as not to increase their calorie content.
  • Fat meat. Pork and lamb contain refractory fats that contribute to obesity. While observing the healing “table”, you should only eat dietary meat. Sausages, fish and canned meat are also considered sources of harmful calories.

The list of what you cannot eat on diet No. 8 automatically includes industrially produced foods - snacks, sauces, spicy spreads. All types of confectionery products and homemade desserts - jam, jam - are completely excluded. A very small amount of honey is allowed. It is better to dissolve it in a glass warm water, intended for morning intake on an empty stomach.

Pickles and preserves are sources of large amounts of salt, so their consumption should also be stopped. Strong teas, coffee, and seasonings can stimulate appetite. You cannot drink packaged coffee drinks, cocoa, fruit juices and nectars.

Table: menu for the week

With drawing up a diagram healthy eating Problems rarely arise for one day. However medical diet can last a long time. It will help people fighting obesity sample menu diet No. 8, compiled for a week, from the following table.

Table - Weekly meal plan for diet No. 8

Monday- Boiled chicken breast;
- chopped cucumber
- Vegetable soup with buckwheat;
- vegetable salad with boiled veal
- Vegetable stew;
- a piece of boiled fish
Tuesday- Vegetable salad with boiled meat;
- omelet from 1 egg
- Borscht in vegetable broth with a spoonful of sour cream;
- stewed cabbage
- Canned stewed meat;
- cutting fresh vegetables
WednesdaySalad of fresh tomatoes and cottage cheese- Okroshka with chicken meat on serum;
- vegetable stew with veal
- Fish baked with zucchini and pepper;
- vinaigrette without beans
Thursday- Seafood-based salad;
- boiled egg
- Soup in a second fish broth with pieces of fish;
- boiled cauliflower under olive oil
- Jellied fish;
- side dish of stewed vegetables
Friday- Cabbage and cucumber salad;
- steamed scrambled eggs
- Rassolnik without salt;
- steamed chicken meatballs
- Omelette with ham;
- tomato and pepper salad
Saturday (fasting day)Cottage cheese with apple slicesCurd casserole with vegetablesA portion of cottage cheese with berries
Sunday- Sauerkraut with apple in vegetable oil;
- soft-boiled egg
- Borscht on chicken broth with pieces of boiled chicken;
- seafood salad
- Boiled fish fried in sunflower oil;
- vegetable stew

Suitable snacks:

  • raw apples;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with added milk;
  • cranberry jelly;
  • curd pudding;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir;
  • cheesecakes without flour;
  • citrus;
  • a slice of watermelon or melon;
  • apple baked with cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • apples;
  • berry jelly;
  • grapefruit.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to carry out fasting days with a low-calorie menu - once a week is enough. The diet can include not only dairy products, but also raw or cooked vegetables, as well as fish or poultry. The total calorie content of meals consumed per day should not exceed 1500 kcal. The entire daily amount of food is divided into six meals.

Treatment table No. 8, like Manuil Pevzner’s other diets, should be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will discuss individual recommendations regarding diet and its calorie content. For independent use you can use general principles therapeutic weight loss. Introducing too strict restrictions without a good reason is fraught with health problems, as well as exacerbation chronic diseases.

In order to get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists most often advise teenagers and children to use diet number 8 for obesity. This type diets should be considered not only as therapeutic, but also as preventive, which is very necessary for the growing body. By using the recipes for the dishes that will be presented below, you can not only reduce the amount of body fat, but also improve your metabolism.

Numerous reviews, which can be found on the Internet resource, indicate that the use of this technique significantly improves metabolism and general state the whole body. We will analyze examples of recommended dishes, as well as permitted and not permitted foods using this method.

What foods are allowed to be consumed using this method?

Diet number 8 is based on fractional meals. According to this technique, the consumption of carbohydrates and baked goods is reduced to a minimum, so it is recommended even for 3rd degree obesity. IN daily menu practically does not include foods rich in sodium chloride, which stimulate the appetite, as well as free liquid. During the day, you are allowed to drink approximately 4.5-5 glasses of liquid, including first courses, and from drinking alcoholic drinks I'll have to give it up altogether.

The following foods are allowed to be consumed using this method:

  1. Bakery products made from rye flour or wholemeal flour, no more than 170 g per day.
  2. First courses are necessarily used in the daily diet, but preference should be given to vegetable ones, to which it is advisable to add a little grain, for example, buckwheat. You can prepare soup with meatballs from dietary meat once a week; a serving of such soup should not exceed 250 g.
  3. Vegetable dishes and a side dish of cereals are welcome in this method. Vegetables can be served either raw or boiled. It is recommended to give preference
  • radishes and cucumbers;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • carrots and tomatoes;
  • turnips and various salads.

The above vegetables should be steamed. As a side dish, you can serve boiled potatoes, crumbly porridge, seasoned with vegetable oil.

And you should avoid salted or pickled vegetables altogether.

During the day, as previously mentioned, you can drink no more than 1 liter of water.

The following foods are not allowed to be included in the daily diet:

  • sweet pastries and bread made from premium quality flour;
  • pasta;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • various types of sausages, sausages and canned food;
  • sweet fruits, any kind of dried fruits;
  • concentrated juices, heavily sweetened drinks.

Alcohol of any strength should be completely excluded from the diet

Sample menu for 7 days

Knowing exactly which foods can be consumed according to diet number 8 and which ones are recommended to be abandoned, it’s time to make indicative menu for 7 days:

  1. Monday:
  • coffee without added sugar, steamed meat;
  • vegetable soup, stewed cabbage or zucchini, meat salad, compote without sweeteners;
  • any kind of porridge with lean fish, herbal tea.
  1. Tuesday:
  • vegetable salad, small piece boiled lean meat, coffee or tea without adding sweetener;
  • vegetable soup, boiled fish, optional drink;
  • cabbage rolls without minced meat, boiled potatoes without butter, rosehip compote.
  1. Wednesday:

  1. Thursday:
  • vegetable puree and some meat, tea or coffee without sweetener;
  • vegetable soup or beetroot soup, boiled chicken, fruit jelly with honey;
  • carrot or mashed potatoes, lean fish or meat, drink without sweetener if desired.
  1. Friday:
  • stewed carrots or cabbage with fish, drink optional;
  • okroshka, stewed vegetables, compote without sweetener;
  • steamed omelette, vegetable puree, herbal tea.
  1. Saturday:
  • boiled lean meat, salad of any vegetables, coffee or tea;
  • vegetable borscht, maybe green, omelette or boiled egg, baked fruit;
  • steamed fish, stewed vegetables, tea.
  1. Sunday:
  • boiled beef or chicken, vegetable casserole, tea or coffee;
  • mushroom soup, steamed meat with vegetables, rosehip compote;
  • boiled mashed potatoes or carrots, a piece of fish, herbal tea.

If you feel hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

According to statistics, more than 15% of children suffer from to varying degrees obesity. This is influenced by: a sedentary lifestyle, constant snacking on the go, wrong diet nutrition. According to doctors, this problem can be overcome with the help of diet number 8, since the main goal of this technique is to reduce calorie intake by about 25% daily. If a child has grade 3 obesity, then a therapeutic dietary method is prescribed by an experienced nutritionist, and it is best to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Calorie content daily diet nutrition should not exceed 1450 Kcal.

By following the rules of diet number 8 and regularly arranging fasting days, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds, both for adults and children, improve the metabolic process in the body, and make your figure slim and attractive.

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