Causes and symptoms of various degrees of enlargement of the thyroid gland. Forms of thyroid enlargement. Etiology and pathogenesis of goiter

As the analysis of medical practice shows, patients are most often diagnosed with an increase in thyroid gland 1 degree. It is at this stage of development that pathology responds best to ongoing therapeutic measures. Surely, very many and more than once in their lives had to deal with such a thing as goiter. And anticipating possible questions about what a goiter is, it should immediately be said that this concept means a pathological increase in the size of the gland.

It is important to understand that an increase in the thyroid gland, or, as it is also called, hyperplasia, can occur both in absolutely healthy people and in patients. This process can be benign or malignant. At the same time, depending on the size, symptoms of the condition and complaints of the patient, several degrees of hyperplasia are distinguished.

As for such a condition as goiter of the thyroid gland of the 1st degree, it is rather difficult to discern it, since external manifestations in given state No, and the patient does not feel any discomfort. However, this does not mean at all that thyroid in this condition does not require appropriate treatment.

Moreover, it should be borne in mind that such asymptomatic course disease is an even greater danger, since in this case the patient may miss the opportunity to eliminate the disease even at the initial stage of its development and bring the state of health to the point that there will be a further increase in the size of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance will progress and the risk of developing inflammatory or tumor diseases will increase. processes.

According to the results of ongoing statistical studies, the fairer sex is much more likely than men to suffer from this pathology.

Common factors that provoke an increase in the thyroid gland, experts include:

  1. Lack of iodine and other trace elements in the food and water consumed can also increase the value of the size of the endocrine gland.
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions can lead to the fact that toxins from environment are in the body, which negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. The thyroid gland can increase with hypovitaminosis or a lack of vitamin D.
  4. Bacterial infections that develop in the body can also lead to a condition in which the activity of the thyroid gland (TG) is suppressed.
  5. Chronic stress can lead to thyroid hyperplasia.
  6. With insufficient physical activity the thyroid gland may also increase in size.
  7. genetic predisposition.
  8. Diseases of the pituitary and hypothalamus, whose hormones control the functioning of the thyroid gland, can contribute to the development of goiter of the 1st degree.

All of these reasons can contribute to the development of one of the syndromes, which are characterized by an increase in the thyroid gland of the first degree. These syndromes can be:

  • hypothyroidism - a condition in which iodine deficiency has led to a lack of thyroid hormones, as a result of which the gland begins to grow;
  • hyperthyroidism when an excessive amount of hormones is produced;
  • and, finally, euthyroidism, in which, against the background of an increasing size of the thyroid gland, the level of hormones remains unchanged.

Signs of thyroid hyperplasia

About the possible signs of this endocrine pathology everyone needs to know in order to pay attention to them in a timely manner and make an appointment with an endocrinologist for an examination. Noting early symptoms pathology, discomfort in the cervical region should be highlighted. It is quite natural that the growing thyroid gland compresses adjacent organs, which leads to a feeling of pressure in the cervical area, difficulty breathing, and swallowing.

At the same time, with the development of goiter of the 1st degree, patients may experience a manifestation of lethargy, a state of apathy and lethargy. One of the reasons why there is an increase in body weight may be precisely in thyroid hyperplasia. Excess weight, along with dry skin, constipation and a rare heartbeat, can also be considered as a sign of pathology.

As for job changes of cardio-vascular system against the background of developing hyperplasia, then in the case of hyperthyroidism, the heart rate, on the contrary, becomes more frequent. If the goiter is localized in the retrosternal region, then the patient may develop shortness of breath, as well as a dry cough.

In addition to the above signs of endocrine gland dysfunction, such as sleep disturbance and irritability, menstrual irregularities, decreased visual acuity and disruption of the digestive system should be noted.

Patients usually only show some of these symptoms. In the case of elderly patients, symptoms may be completely absent.

Methods for diagnosing thyroid hyperplasia

In order for the doctor to be able to assess the patient's condition and put correct diagnosis the following procedures are required:

  1. Visual inspection, during which the endocrinologist collects information about existing complaints and palpates the thyroid gland. In the course of probing the organ, the doctor determines its general size and the nature of hyperplasia. Deep palpation allows you to analyze the consistency of the gland, to identify the presence of a painful reaction during such manipulations, as well as the mobility of the organ.
  2. Laboratory blood test for hormones. To detect thyroid diseases, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH, as well as the hormones T3 and T4, is determined. The first hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. If the level of the hormone is elevated, then the function of the gland is reduced. In turn, the hormonal activity of the gland is determined by the level of hormones T3 and T4. But, if we give a general assessment, then an increased content of these hormones indicates hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, and a lower one indicates the development of hypothyroidism.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland allows you to accurately determine the size of the organ, the degree of its enlargement, as well as the presence or absence of nodules.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe general tests, including:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • a biochemical blood test to determine the level of indicators such as the level of bilirubin, liver enzymes, etc.;
  • analysis for cholesterol levels;
  • chest x-ray;
  • ECG, etc.

Treatment of goiter 1 degree

It is always important to remember that early detection pathological process enables successful treatment and elimination Negative consequences pathology of the endocrine gland. Grade 1 goiter responds very well to conservative methods therapy. In some cases, it is quite sufficient to review the patient's diet.

However, in medical practice exist following methods therapy of thyroid hyperplasia of the 1st degree:

  1. Treatment of goiter 1 degree, as a rule, is carried out by taking appropriate medications. These drugs include corticosteroids to eliminate the inflammatory process, medicines to compensate for the lack of iodine and hormonal agents to saturate the gland with the necessary elements.
  2. Already at the 2nd or 3rd stage of the development of the pathology, as well as in the case of degeneration of the nodular goiter, surgical intervention may be required, within the framework of which a partial or complete excision of the gland is performed.

Thus, the treatment of grade 1 thyroid enlargement is limited only to taking drugs to saturate the body with iodine and eating foods rich in iodine:

  • walnuts;
  • seafood;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • buckwheat grain.

In addition to passing necessary treatment, patients are advised to undergo periodic examination by a doctor to monitor the course of the disease.

In conclusion, I would like to add that, despite the seeming frivolity of the problem, goiter of the 1st degree cannot be ignored, since this is fraught with the transition of the pathological process to later stages of development. In this case, the prognosis for the patient's health may become disappointing. The life expectancy of the patient with such a development of events will depend on the rate of complications. Therefore, even at the initial stage, it is worth listening to the recommendations of the attending physician, which will allow you to easily and quickly achieve recovery.

The thyroid gland is involved in many processes in the body. An increase in the thyroid gland of the 1st degree can be observed in many individuals, even in healthy ones. The degree of enlarged goiter depends on the size, shape, complaints of the patient and external manifestations of the disease. When you find yourself various pathologies should be diagnosed and treated.

An enlarged thyroid gland is called hyperplasia. This disease in degree 1 is most often observed in medical practice. It may not cause discomfort to a person, which makes it difficult to identify it in a timely manner.

However, degree 1 hyperplasia can quickly move on to the next stages, when pathological symptoms and various disorders are noted. We remind you on the website that we are talking about a benign formation that can become malignant, that is, further developments can lead to the appearance.

  • Changes in metabolism.
  • Improper development of tissues, bones, growth.
  • Incorrect work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
  • Loss of energy due to absence good nutrition cells.

Types of iodine deficiency

The work of the thyroid gland largely depends on the amount of iodine that enters the body. However, the person himself can rarely notice the various disorders that occur with iodine deficiency. This may include hormonal disorders, loss of sexual desire, fatigue, susceptibility to infectious diseases, sleep disturbance, even weight loss or rapid weight gain. There are many types of iodine deficiency, which are divided depending on the manifestation of the disease:

  1. Violation of the thyroid gland, goiter.
  2. Pain and muscle weakness.
  3. Radiculitis lumbar or thoracic.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Violation of the formation of tissues and their consumption of oxygen.
  6. Job disruption internal secretion: exchange of water and salt, lipids, proteins, etc.
  7. Violation of the reproductive and nervous systems, mammary glands, brain.
  8. Negative impact on the work of the cardiovascular system and liver, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia.
  9. Changes in skin color, appearance of hair, nails due to an imbalance in the amount of calcium.
  10. Lag in the mental and physical development of the child: dementia, deafness, cretinism, etc.
  11. Pathologies in the reproductive function: stillbirth, miscarriage, infertility, toxicosis, premature birth, lack of milk.

Depending on the amount of iodine in the body, various pathologies develop in the thyroid gland in case of deficiency of this element:

  • Hyperthyroidism is an increased production of hormones.
  • Euthyroidism is the normal production of hormones during the destruction of tissue structure.
  • Hypothyroidism - a decrease in the amount of active substances.

Division according to the degree of goiter enlargement

Hyperplasia has many degrees of its development. Consider the division of the increase in goiter by degrees:

  1. Zero degree - an increase in the thyroid gland is insignificant, which is not felt, not visible externally and not palpable. It can be found during a random examination or an annual physical examination.
  2. The first degree is a significant increase in the thyroid gland above the norm, which is palpated by the doctor and observed on ultrasound. Outwardly, it can be detected only when swallowing saliva or eating food; in other cases, the gland can not be seen. Benign cysts may appear and disappear on their own.
  3. The second degree is marked by significant changes in the lobes of the thyroid gland and isthmus. It is also palpable on palpation and swallowing.
  4. The third degree is marked by external manifestations of diseases, when a protruding thyroid gland is visible on the throat. This is especially evident when turning the head to the side. The neck externally acquires a full and even rounded shape.
  5. The fourth degree is a significant increase in the thyroid gland, which is impossible not to notice. The patient complains of pain when breathing and swallowing.
  6. Fifth degree - a significant increase in the thyroid gland, which can be seen during an external examination. Discomfort is felt by the patient himself, who feels pain not only when breathing and swallowing. On palpation, hardened, non-elastic foci are felt, which may indicate the development of oncology.

Depending on the structure of the disease, different types of goiter are distinguished:

  • Nodular - seals are in the tissues endocrine organ. Since it is difficult to identify in the early stages, it is called "thyroid goiter of the 1st degree." It is divided into the following types:
  1. Endemic formation associated with iodine deficiency.
  2. cystic formation.
  3. Multiple or single nodes.
  4. Follicular adenoma.
  5. A conglomerate of soldered nodules.
  • Colloidal goiter is the safest. It is formed due to the accumulation of colloid in the thyroid gland - follicular connective tissue containing iodine, thyroglobulin and amino acids.
  • Diffuse goiter - a uniform increase in the volume of the thyroid gland.
  • Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter).
  • Toxic goiter - when the body is intoxicated with a large amount of iodine and thyroid hormones.

Diagnosis of an enlarged thyroid gland of the 1st degree

Examination of the thyroid gland should be done even in the absence of obvious signs of hyperplasia. It is better to undergo a diagnosis of an enlarged thyroid gland of the 1st degree annually after the age of 30. The risk group includes women over 60 years of age. If a person has previously had diseases associated with the thyroid gland, then a physical examination should be carried out regularly to early detection diseases.

Initially, a person can conduct a self-examination. To do this, we stand in front of a mirror, fill our mouths with water and throw our heads back. We swallow water, while paying attention to the part of the neck below the Adam's apple. If a bulge or swelling appears there, then you should immediately contact an endocrinologist.

When examining the thyroid gland to detect an increase in 1 degree, the following procedures are carried out:

  • Palpation and visual inspection.
  • A blood test to detect thyroid hormones: thyrotropin, triiodothyronine, calcitonin and thyroxine.
  • Puncture biopsy in the thyroid gland.
  • radioisotope scanning.
  • Thyroid ultrasound.

Treatment of an enlarged goiter

An enlarged goiter should be treated by a doctor. After receiving all the analyzes, it is determined with the right treatment. Enlargement of the thyroid gland by 1 degree can be marked by such treatment:

  • Medications. These include:
  1. Corticosteroids and aspirin to relieve inflammation.
  2. Drugs to compensate for iodine deficiency.
  3. Hormonal preparations to replenish the thyroid gland with the necessary elements.
  • Radioactive iodine for implantation desired element directly to the thyroid gland.
  • laser destruction.

Already at the 2nd and 3rd stages of the disease, more radical measures are prescribed, which include surgical intervention - partial or complete removal of the gland (thyroidectomy).

Basically, treatment of the 1st degree of hyperplasia is limited to drugs that replenish the body with iodine, and eating food full of this element:

  1. Seafood.
  2. Walnuts.
  3. Herbs and plants: madder, licorice, dandelion, white cinquefoil, St.
  4. Buckwheat grain.
  5. Black berries.

The patient is periodically examined by a doctor to monitor the course of the disease. If improvements are noted, then treatment in the form of replenishing the body with iodine continues until complete recovery.


You should not ignore the 1st degree of an enlarged thyroid gland, since the disease has its further development and transition to more severe stages. The prognosis can be disappointing if a person is not treated by a doctor.

Life expectancy depends on how quickly complications develop:

  • Pressure on neighboring organs, which may cause loss of voice or the ability to breathe.
  • Change in the appearance of the patient.
  • Loosening of the nervous system, which leads to tearfulness, irritability, nervousness and imbalance.
  • Disruption of the cardiovascular respiratory systems and liver function (leading to atherosclerosis).
  • Thyrotoxicosis, which develops with an increase in the amount of thyroid hormones. Dangerous for life.

To avoid all possible pathological changes, you should use medical recommendations, which at the 1st stage of the disease are easy and quickly leading to recovery.

An enlarged thyroid gland is a serious pathology of the endocrine system. Not only adults, but also children are subject to such serious changes in the structure of the organ. The danger of disruption of the thyroid gland is that at the initial stage it is completely asymptomatic. The first symptoms are mild and are often taken by the patient as a slight malaise, for example, due to overwork.

Treatment not started on time can have serious consequences in the form of a deterioration in well-being, continued growth of the thyroid gland and the formation of goiter, various pathologies (up to oncological neoplasms) and a negative effect on neighboring organs, as well as a deterioration in general well-being.

There are situations when an enlarged thyroid gland may not have serious pathologies, but in any case, each violation in the size or work of the thyroid gland requires close attention to itself.

The work of the endocrine system can be disrupted under the influence of the following factors, due to which the thyroid gland enlarges:

The negative impact of the above factors can cause the appearance of a pathology that characterizes an increase in the thyroid gland:

  1. Hypothyroidism. Occurs when there is a lack of iodine in the human body. In order to restore the normal level of thyroid hormones, the thyroid gland begins to work excessively intensively, which leads to an increase in its size. Often, hypothyroidism occurs against the background of impaired functioning of the pituitary gland or with the formation of a pituitary adenoma.
  2. Hyperthyroidism. Occurs when there is an excess of iodine in the human body. Excessive production of thyroid hormones leads to an increase in the thyroid gland. The main symptomatology of hyperthyroidism is inflammation of the thyroid gland and the formation of diffuse toxic goiter.
  3. Euthyroidism. Unlike hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, an enlarged thyroid gland in euthyroidism is accompanied by the production of normal hormone levels. Iodine deficiency in the human body is replenished by increased production of thyroid-stimulating hormones by the pituitary gland of the brain, thereby supporting normal functioning thyroid glands. Most often, euthyroidism occurs during puberty, during pregnancy and lactation.


An enlarged thyroid gland has characteristic symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort in the neck;
  • labored breathing;
  • difficulty and discomfort when swallowing;
  • hoarse or completely lost voice;
  • obvious deformation of the structure of the neck in the area of ​​the thyroid gland (the appearance of a noticeable tubercle).

Thanks to such obvious symptoms, a person can independently suspect the occurrence of a pathology of the endocrine system. This will allow you to apply for medical care get tested and start treatment.

Degrees of enlargement of the endocrine gland

Six degrees will allow you to determine as accurately as possible how much the enlarged thyroid gland is running and what treatment it requires:

ZeroZero is the degree to which there is no discomfort in the neck, there is no pain on palpation, no external deformation of the neck structure is observed.
FirstThe first degree is characterized by a slight enlargement of the thyroid gland and a sensation of a lump in the throat during swallowing.
SecondIn the second degree, there is a characteristic tubercle on the neck in the thyroid gland (isthmus), which is easily palpable on palpation.
ThirdIn the third degree, there is an increase in both lobes of the thyroid gland. Probing (palpation) gives a clear picture of the degree of thickening.
FourthThe fourth erase is characterized by a significant increase in the thyroid gland, asymmetry of the lobes, a tubercle stands out strongly and sticks out on the neck - a goiter that has reached its maximum size. At the time of palpation - moderate pain. Swallowing saliva is accompanied by severe discomfort, a feeling of a large lump in the throat and a tickle like a cold. The thyroid gland, greatly enlarged in size (even one of its lobe), begins to compress nearby organs, making breathing much more difficult.
FifthAt the fifth degree, the goiter reaches its maximum excess of normal size. Possible total loss voices, feeling severe pain on palpation. At this stage of the disease, the patient is often unable to swallow food. An enlarged thyroid gland requires urgent surgical intervention.

Detailed description of the first stages of the disease

Medical care at the initial stage is able to protect a person from complications of the development of pathology.

First degree of magnification

Enlargement of the thyroid gland of the 1st degree is the initial stage of the development of pathology. Timely diagnosis and promptly taken corrective action hormonal background, significantly increase the chance of bringing the endocrine system back to normal.

First of all, even having undergone a slight malaise and noticing the first symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, it is necessary to consult an experienced endocrinologist. According to blood tests for T3, T4 and TSH (hormones produced by the thyroid gland), as well as an ultrasound examination, the doctor prescribes medication. Drugs are prescribed depending on the diagnosis. Additionally, having detected a malfunction in the thyroid gland, the endocrinologist may prescribe a special diet menu (basic rule diet food- food rich in iodine during hypothyroidism, or limited intake of foods containing iodine in hyperthyroidism).

Second degree of magnification

Enlargement of the thyroid gland of the 2nd degree is characterized by a clear visual observation of compaction. The tubercle on the neck is especially well visible when swallowing. According to statistics based on the result of an endocrinological examination, the size of the node in the second stage of thyroid enlargement usually does not exceed 3 centimeters. In this case, the attending physician prescribes medication. An ultrasound examination is also prescribed once every six months to monitor the size of the gland.

If at the second stage of the disease there is an excess of the optimal for given period sizes, it is likely the formation of cysts or oncological pathology. In this case, a cytological examination (biopsy or puncture) is performed.

Forms of thyroid enlargement

Enlargement of the thyroid gland can be expressed in different forms.


Diffuse pathology contributes to an increase in the functioning of the thyroid gland as a result of the aggressive effects of antibodies. This form in most cases it is hereditary. The weak half of humanity is more susceptible to this form of pathology than men.

The main symptomatology of the diffuse form: nervousness, severe unreasonable weight loss, tachycardia, convulsions. For more later dates diseases, a violation of the work of the cardiovascular system, a violation of the psycho-emotional state of a person (depression, apathy, nervous breakdowns) is possible.

In case of suspicion of a diffuse form, the endocrinologist prescribes a blood test for hormones and an ultrasound examination. Then he prescribes medication. In addition, a special diet is prescribed.

According to statistics, positive result treatment - more than 70% of all cases of the disease.

nodular formation

A knot is a specific area of ​​tissue surrounded by a capsule. Nodular formation on palpation is easy to determine, since the node has a denser, more solid structure than a healthy organ. For cytological diagnosis of the node, a puncture or biopsy is performed. In most cases (about 95%) the node is benign neoplasm and only in rare cases is malignant. In case of occurrence, urgent surgical intervention is required. Also, the removal of a nodular formation is indicated when there is a rapid increase in its size and severe discomfort.

Enlargement of one lobe of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland consists of the left and right lobes. Often one of the most complex pathologies of the endocrine system is an increase in one of the lobes. A change in the size of the thyroid lobe may indicate cystic formation or severe inflammation. It is also likely that the development malignant neoplasm and diffuse nodular goiter.

Thyroid enlargement in adolescents and young children

Enlargement of the thyroid gland in children is no less common than in adults. The main reason is the lack of iodine in the body of the child and hereditary predisposition. Also, a serious negative impact on the body of a baby or teenager has an unfavorable environment, stress, overwork at school.

The first symptoms of thyroid pathology in children are: apathy, weakness, sudden weight gain or loss. If the slightest ailment occurs, the child must be taken to an endocrinologist. Also, for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to conduct a routine examination for disruption of the endocrine system at least once a year.

Treatment of thyroid pathologies

In most cases, the optimal method of treating pathologies of the endocrine system is medication. It is strictly forbidden to choose which drugs to take on your own! Treatment of the thyroid gland is aimed at adjusting the hormonal background of a person, and with improperly selected drugs, it can cause serious harm to the entire body.

Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist after complete examination patient and diagnosis. In addition to drug treatment, the endocrinologist recommends compliance with a special diet.

In case of failure to establish the work of the endocrine system with the help of drugs, the attending physician prescribes treatment radioactive iodine.

Treatment with radioactive iodine requires serious preparation of the patient. In addition, it is carried out exclusively in a closed hospital. Radioiodine therapy in the correct dosage is absolutely safe for the patient, but can harm others. The patient is treated by doctors in special protective suits.

If conservative methods of treating a problematic focus do not have the desired result, surgical removal of a lobe of the gland or an entire organ is prescribed. After the operation, the patient is prescribed replacement therapy - reception hormonal drugs requiring strict adherence to the admission schedule.

The thyroid gland is a small organ of the endocrine system that has a huge impact on the state of the entire human body. At the slightest indisposition, it is recommended to immediately contact an endocrinologist. Even a minimal increase in the thyroid gland can lead to serious problems with health.

Thyroid goiter - what is it? This question can be heard in various parts of the world due to the fairly wide distribution of the phenomenon. The thyroid gland may be enlarged different reasons, but for some areas the level of the disease is such that it is ranked as a regional disease.

The question of goiter rises sharply when a person suddenly discovers that an incomprehensible and frightening formation begins to grow on his throat. Goiter itself is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease that can really be very dangerous and requires serious attention and treatment.

Features of thyroid goiter

A goiter is an increase in the size of an organ, being a sign of a number of its diseases, expressed in functional disorders. This pathology may present as a slight swelling in the region of the Adam's apple, but may grow so that it deforms the neck and puts pressure on other organs.

Goiter different type much more often manifested in women than in men, which is associated with hormonal processes.

The type of manifestation of goiter depends on the type of violation of the secretory function of the gland:

  • Hypothyroidism: a decrease in secretory function, leading to a decrease in the release of hormones, which causes such consequences as the attenuation of metabolic processes, swelling, obesity, inhibition of the reaction.
  • Hyperthyroidism: excessive activation of secretion; accompanied by an abnormal acceleration of metabolic processes and leads to weight loss and overload of the nervous system.
  • Euthyroidism: normal production of hormones, but the growth of the goiter is due to the pathological size of the gland itself.

The main types of goiter

What is a goiter is determined by the type of thyroid disease. The following main varieties can be distinguished:

  • Endemic goiter: described by an increase in the volume of the organ and a decrease in the secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine; has a characteristic geographical dependence, is common in places where there is a clear lack of iodine in water and products. The pathogenesis of the disease is due to the fact that iodine in the body is necessary for the production of the necessary hormones, and in case of its acute deficiency, it is necessary to pump much more blood through itself, and iron reflexively increases the number of cells responsible for the production of this hormone. To correct the situation, the pituitary gland produces thyrotropin, which activates the cell division of the organ and increases its volume and mass.
  • Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's goiter): similar in etiology to diffuse goiter, but related to hypothyroidism. As a result of erroneous actions of the immune system, excess leukocytes attack the gland, and fibrous tissue forms at the site of cell death. This type of disease is mainly hereditary causes, but can sometimes be initiated by trauma, infections, cervical inflammation, chronic pharyngitis, iodine anomaly and atmospheric pollution with toxic substances.
  • Diffuse toxic goiter: this is a disease that can be attributed to thyrotoxicosis, and an excess of iodine leads to poisoning of the body; provoked by the pathology of the autoimmune system at the genetic level, with infections, head injuries, nervous shocks.
  • Nodular goiter (thyroid adenoma): the formation of a node as a result of excessive secretion of thyrotropin, as well as impaired functioning of the nerve processes. Cell proliferation leads to poisoning of the body with hormones (thyrotoxicosis).
  • Congenital goiter: appears in children if the mother had a significant iodine deficiency during pregnancy or due to a genetic predisposition.
  • Fibrous thyroiditis (fibroplastic goiter): the thyroid gland grows due to the manifestation autoimmune pathology inflammatory, by growth connective tissue from fibrin fibers.

Degrees of enlargement of the thyroid gland

In the course of the development of the disease, various degrees of enlargement of the gland are observed. IN international classification the following degrees are distinguished:

  • Grade 0: Goiter is not visible or palpable.
  • Grade 1: Grade 1 thyroid enlargement is not noticeable, but the gland isthmus is palpable.
  • Grade 2: Grade 2 goiter is noticeable during swallowing and is easily palpated.
  • Grade 3: The gland is enlarged, which visually looks like the effect of a thick neck.
  • Grade 4: Grade 4 goiter has a pronounced appearance, the configuration of the neck is disturbed, the neck is deformed.
  • Grade 5: Huge goiter that compresses the neck problematic when breathing and swallowing.

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of nodular goiter

Nodular goiter is a local proliferation of glandular tissue, which can be single-nodular or multi-nodular (more than 2) type. It is mainly of the cellular type.

Exercises for the thyroid gland will help even with nodes and hypothyroidism!

Causes of nodular goiter

Nodular goiter can be a manifestation of diseases such as:

  • nodular colloid goiter: the most common nodular formation in the form of an enlarged follicle filled with viscous colloid;
  • thyroid adenoma;
  • thyroid cancer: malignant formation with the ability to metastasize;
  • pituitary adenoma: an increase in the thyroid gland as a result of an excess of thyrotropin;
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • cyst: goiter associated with dermoid cyst, refers to the congenital form.

These causes are provoked by a number of internal and external factors: deficiency of iodine and some other minerals in water and food; violation of the outflow of blood and lymph from the gland associated with atherosclerosis; hereditary predisposition; dysfunction of nerve endings in any part of the gland; polluted habitat (increased radiation background, nitrite pollution, soil oversaturation with calcium, etc.); psychological stress; head injuries; hormonal changes; decrease in immune defense after past illnesses.

Symptoms of nodular goiter

The nodes appear when probing in the form of seals or visually when they reach a size of more than 10-20 mm. Starting from stage 3, the symptoms become pronounced, causing an asymmetrical neck shape; e.g. swelling right lobe. Thickening of the neck can also occur on both sides with a multinodular type of development.

Symptoms also have a general manifestation, depending on the nature of the pathology. In hypothyroidism, one can distinguish the following signs, such as low temperature and blood pressure; swelling of the face, lips, limbs; night insomnia but desire to sleep during the day; weight gain; depression; decreased attention and memory; dry skin; hair loss; constipation; lack of appetite.

With thyrotoxicosis, the symptoms are as follows: fever and fever; rapid heart rate; irritability; weight loss with good appetite; feeling hot on the skin; increased sweating; hand trembling; diarrhea. Less obvious signs are manifested in euthyroidism: shortness of breath when turning the head; cough turning into bronchitis; sore throat; feeling of a lump in the throat; swallowing problems.

Diagnosis and treatment

The initial diagnosis is made by examination and general analysis blood (for hormones). More accurate results are obtained after ultrasound of the thyroid gland, biochemical analysis blood, scintigraphy. The final differentiation of the disease is carried out according to the results of radiographic studies, puncture biopsy and computed tomography.

Drug treatment includes the appointment of drugs such as antithyroid drugs (mercasolil, propylthiouracil); thyroid drugs (levothyroxine, thyrotomy); combined iodine-containing substances (potassium iodide 200, iodothyrox).

An effective method for treating nodular goiter is radioiodine therapy using the radioactive isotope of iodine 131. Thyromegaly is controlled during treatment. At the risk of malignancy of the formation, the outgrowth of the disease in 4-5 degrees, multinodal development, surgical treatment is performed.

Symptoms and treatment of colloid goiter

Colloidal goiter of the thyroid gland is its increase as a result of filling the follicles with colloidal fluid in a volume of more than 18 ml (in women) and 25 ml (in men).

It is possible to distinguish the main forms of colloid goiter.

  • Diffuse colloid goiter: distribution of colloid throughout the organ.
  • Nodular colloid goiter: localized placement of filled follicles.
  • Cystic colloid goiter: an accumulation of colloids in a cyst surrounded by an elastic membrane.

The main causes of colloid goiter: deficiency of iodine intake; age anomalies (after 40 years); female hormonal surges; pathology of the organs of the endocrine system; increased background radiation; genetic predisposition; nervous stress; infectious and inflammatory diseases; hypothermia.

Symptoms of colloid goiter

Symptoms begin to appear from the 3rd degree of development of the disease. Goiter in the form of a wide roller or butterfly is visible visually. To the touch, the formation is an elastic outgrowth containing many small vesicles with colloid. Feeling signs: pressure in the neck; swallowing problems; coughing; hoarseness; feeling foreign body in the throat. Additionally, it can be noted: with hypothyroidism - inhibition of the reaction, weakness, constipation, slowing down heart rate, low temperature; with hyperthyroidism - excitability, insomnia, increased heart rate, fever.

Thyroid nodes: diagnosis, puncture (biopsy), types, consequences

Thyroid nodules. Causes

Treatment of colloid goiter

Drug treatment includes the appointment of funds containing iodine (iodomarin 100, potassium iodide); thyreostatics (thiamazole, propylthiouracil); preparations based on thyroid hormones (L-thyroxine, eutiroks).

Causes of toxic goiter

Toxic goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, in which the body is poisoned by thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis). The main causes of this type of disease are:

  • heredity;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland;
  • excessive consumption of iodine-containing drugs and thyroid hormones;
  • psychological and hormonal changes in the female body;
  • infections (flu, tonsillitis, tuberculosis);
  • head injury;
  • encephalitis;
  • psychological stress;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Causes and treatment of diffuse goiter

Diffuse goiter is a uniform expansion of the volume of the thyroid gland. It can have a toxic and non-toxic type of disease. Quite often there is a combination of nodular and diffuse types of the disease - mixed goiter.

Types and causes of the disease

The main diseases characterized by a diffuse nature: diffuse toxic species(Graves' disease); diffuse colloidal type; endemic goiter. These diseases lead the following reasons: deficiency of iodine intake, hereditary pathologies; uncontrolled intake of drugs containing iodine; female hormonal changes; diseases affecting the immune system (diabetes, arthritis, scleroderma); age factor; prolonged stress or nervous shock; surgical operations on the thyroid gland.

TO specific symptoms diffuse goiter can be attributed noisy breathing; shortness of breath appearing in lying position; dizziness. Main outward manifestation- a characteristic convex formation on the front surface of the neck with a uniform growth of both halves.

Treatment of diffuse goiter. In the medical treatment of diffuse goiter, iodine preparations (diiodotyrosine) are prescribed; thyreostatics and antithyroids (mercasolil); thyroid hormones (propranolol, anaprilin); sedatives(primidone); steroid hormones - corticosteroids (prednisolone). Surgical treatment is carried out with the development of a severe form of thyrotoxicosis, too large a goiter, the occurrence of complications in the form of atrial fibrillation.

An overview of the causes of sporadic goiter

The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with relative iodine deficiency in the body, which occurs for a number of reasons. These include:

  1. Violation of the biosynthesis of hormones of intrathyroid hormone genesis, which is hereditary in nature:
    • congenital decrease in the ability of thyrocytes to absorb and store iodine;
    • insufficiency of enzyme systems to ensure oxidative reactions involving iodine;
    • violation of iodine exchange processes during the production of thyrotropes.
  2. 2. Entry into the body of goitrogenic substances that block the participation of iodine in the production of thyroid hormones. Goitrogenic effect is exerted by such foodstuffs: cabbage, turnip, carrots, rutabaga, legumes. The consequence of their use is an increase in the production of TSH, causing a hyperplastic change in the thyroid gland - its growth.
  3. 3. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, violating the processes of absorption and metabolism of iodine.
  4. 4. High content humic substances in water and soil, leading to the entry of iodine into the body in a form inaccessible for absorption.
  5. 5. Taking oral contraceptives that reduce the percentage of free thyroxine in the blood.

As a result of an increase in the biosynthesis of thyrotropin in the thyroid gland, cell hypertrophy and tissue proliferation are noted, regardless of the causes that caused sporadic goiter.

The development of the disease is usually gradual, but a number of factors contribute to its progression:

  • systematic nervous strain;
  • childbearing and lactation;
  • intercurrent diseases (acute infections accompanying the underlying disease);
  • injury.

Disease classification

The classification of sporadic goiter corresponds to the observed goiter transformation.

The disease is of the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • nodal;
  • mixed.
diffuse goiter

diffuse non-toxic goiter- this is a general increase in the size of the thyroid gland, in which its function does not change. The initial stages are safe, but with its strong growth, the trachea and esophagus are compressed and there are difficulties in breathing and swallowing food.

Diffuse modifications divide sporadic goiter into types:

  • parenchymal - a change in the tissues of the thyroid gland at the microfollicular level;
  • colloidal - an increase in follicles containing a thick colloidal substance, with a gradual thickening of the walls.

The follicle is a structural element of the thyroid gland, containing the basis for the production of thyroid-stimulating hormones - a colloid.

nodular goiter

Nodular sporadic goiter is characterized by the transformation of thyroid tissue with a parenchymal or colloidal structure of a focal nature. The nodes are isolated from the surrounding parenchyma by a connective tissue capsule.

Colloidal nodular (endemic) is of two types:

  • single node;
  • multisite.

The sizes, density, location of nodule formations differ. Large knots squeeze the surrounding tissues, causing atrophic phenomena.

The degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland (according to WHO)

According to the size of the thyroid gland, the following degrees of sporadic goiter are distinguished:

There are difficulties in determining the increase in 0 and 1 degrees - due to the fact that they are visually invisible, and there are no other symptoms yet.

True goiter is considered to be an increase in the thyroid gland of the third degree and above. In stages zero through two, this term is used only when nodes are found.

Symptoms corresponding to different types of disease

Functional manifestations include sporadic goiter to one of the following types:

  • euthyroid (without disruption in hormone production);
  • hypothyroid (with a reduced level of TSH);
  • hyperthyroid (with increased hormone production).

Hyperthyroidism is most often a complication of the disease.

The size and topography of the goiter determine the manifestation of symptoms:

With a small euthyroid goiter, the clinic is not pronounced, but there are gradual disturbances in the functioning of the body:

  1. 1. First of all, there are disorders of the nervous system: nervousness, increased fatigue.
  2. 2. Further, cardiovascular manifestations join in the form of an accelerated heart rate - tachycardia.
  3. 3. Violations reproductive system manifested by a decrease in libido, infertility.

Large sporadic goiter or its location behind the sternum leads to compression nearby organs: esophagus, trachea, blood vessels. The following symptoms appear:

  • difficulty breathing or swallowing;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • venous congestion.

The hypothyroid manifestation of sporadic goiter is characterized by the clinical picture and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroid symptoms caused by an increase in thyroid function are consistent with thyrotoxicosis.

The long course of sporadic goiter is complicated by:

  • connective tissue hyperplasia;
  • calcification of the walls of blood vessels and layers of connective tissue;
  • cystic or malignant degeneration of tissues;
  • strumitis: subacute or acute inflammation;
  • hemorrhage in the nodes.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the diagnosis, the endocrinologist needs to take the following measures: external examination, instrumental and laboratory research:

Methods for the treatment of sporadic goiter

Treatment methods for sporadic goiter are determined by its size and functional state.

Potassium iodide is considered the most effective thyroid drug.

With its help, the progression of the disease is restrained, the function of the thyroid gland is restored. It is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition because of the risk of excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones - thyrotoxicosis.

In diffuse forms of hypothyroid and euthyroid goiter, not accompanied by large destructive changes characteristic of the initial period, thyroidin 0.05-0.1 g per day or triiodothyronine hydrochloride - 75 mcg per day is prescribed.

Antistrumine is added to one of these drugs for euthyroid goiter.

Treatment is long, from six months to a year.

Turning to surgery is necessary for nodular or mixed goiter, in cases where the enlarged thyroid gland compresses Airways, esophagus, vessels, nerve endings. The indication for surgery is the suspicion of the degeneration of goiter into a malignant tumor. IN preventive purposes to prevent the recurrence of goiter in the postoperative period, the following drugs are prescribed: antistrumine - 1 tablet each or thyroidin - 0.05 g each. They should be drunk once a week for a year.

HAIT: treatment, symptoms, causes and diet for the disease

Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis thyroid gland, is an inflammatory process of the thyroid gland, in which the formed antibodies and lymphocytes affect their own cellular structure. In the normal state, such a reaction occurs only to foreign substances.

Causes and symptoms of appearance

There are several main signs of inflammation of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland:

  • Previously transferred colds and infectious diseases;
  • Abuse medicines hormonal nature;
  • Radiation damage to the thyroid gland;
  • Nervous strain and frequent stressful situations;
  • Environmental influence.

The main symptoms of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis are associated with structural change thyroid gland. Pain occurs when swallowing, as well as inhaling and exhaling. On palpation, you can feel some density and nodularity of the lymph nodes. In some cases, the patient experiences constant feeling discomfort associated with sexual dysfunction, swelling and weight gain. Often a person experiences constant chilliness and anemia in the neck. With all the above signs and symptoms of the disease, you should consult with a specialized specialist, and, if necessary, receive qualified medical care.

Diagnosis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis

The clinical picture of thyroid lesions, followed by the detection of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, most often occurs in middle-aged and older women. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), every sixth woman suffers from this type of disease. The thyroid tumor is benign and should not cause panic in the patient.

To determine chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, you can use a thorough examination. An initial examination by an endocrinologist gives a general picture of the disease. In the future, confirmatory laboratory studies of a biochemical blood test and a general ultrasound of the thyroid gland are needed. Diagnosis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis includes the following steps:

  1. Hormonal examination. Determined thyroid-stimulating hormone(TTG) and percentage thyroxin-binding globulin (TSG). Increased or decreased set indicators determine the picture of the functional state of the thyroid gland;
  2. Determination of the level of antithyroid autoantibodies;
  3. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) determines the echogenic state of thyroid tissue. They can be enlarged and reduced in size.

When making an accurate diagnosis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, it is required to identify all of the above components. In the absence of any abnormal indicators, the accuracy of diagnosis is reduced to zero.

Treatment of the disease

The strategic goal of treating this type of disease is to maintain the stability of euthyroidism, that is, the optimal quantitative state of thyroid hormones in the blood. Treatment of chronic thyroiditis in the normal state of euthyroidism is not carried out. Monitoring of hormonal parameters should be carried out at least once every six months. With unstable indicators of the hormonal state in the thyroid gland, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. The essence of the treatment is the constant intake of synthetically balanced hormonal pills. The required dosage is selected according to individual program. All recommendations and appointments of an endocrinologist should be strictly followed. With the correct substitution hormone therapy problems with treatment chronic form autoimmune thyroiditis does not occur.

You should not self-medicate autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, this can lead to irreversible processes.

Treatment with folk remedies

Exist various methods treatment of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland at home. All folk remedies are time-tested and are no less effective than drug therapy. The main condition for the use of this type of treatment is a consultation with the attending physician. Here are some of the most common home medicine recipes:

  1. Seaweed. Thanks to great content iodine and minerals, this product is especially effective in the treatment of the thyroid gland. You need to take 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper, seaweed and lungwort herbs, Mix and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 8 hours. After that, strain, and consume 50 g of decoction three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is designed for two weeks;
  2. Walnut. This fruit also contains a large number of iodine. To prepare the tincture, you will need green fruits. A glass of chopped nuts, a glass natural honey and one liter of vodka. All this mixture to insist for 2 weeks in a dark cool place. At the end of the period, strain, and let it brew for another 5-7 days. It is necessary to take the drug 1 time per day before meals, one tablespoon;
  3. Pine buds. Fill a half-liter jar with grated pine buds, and pour them with a liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a dark cool place. After that, such alcohol tincture it is necessary to rub the sore spot 3 times a day.

Throughout the course of treatment of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, high-quality balanced diet with adequate mineral content.

Diet for HAIT

Dietary recommendations do not provide for adherence to strict caloric content. However, proper nutrition in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis must be present. A low content of kilocalories in the body can aggravate the situation of the development of the disease. Therefore, in the diet of the dinner table, a sufficient amount of foods enriched with vitamins A, B and D is necessary. The presence on the table should be the norm. meat products as well as fruits and vegetables. Foods that contain isoflavone (soy, millet) should be avoided. These are obvious provocateurs of the appearance of goiter.

Nutrition in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland should be fractional, preferably every 3 hours. All recommendations on proper nutrition can be obtained from your doctor or dietitian.

Prevention of thyroid diseases

Main preventive measure diseases of the thyroid gland in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, is the observance of simple sanitary and hygienic rules. The norm of life should be frequent walks on fresh air and contrast hardening of the body. Avoid gassy places and eat organic food. Particularly dangerous are places with high radioactive contamination.

As far as possible, it is necessary to visit the sea coast more often. It is there that you can get the iodine necessary for the body by natural airborne droplets.

Diffuse goiter of the thyroid gland: symptoms and manifestations of the disease

The article describes the symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter, all the variety of its manifestations, the concept of the forms of this severe pathology is given. It also lists and characterizes the degree of development of the disease with visual photos and videos.

Severe chronic endocrine disease - diffuse goiter of the thyroid gland, the symptoms of which come from almost all systems of the human body, has an autoimmune nature. Its development is associated with the appearance of a defect in the immune system, manifested in the production of antibodies directed against TSH receptors that stimulate the thyroid gland.

The consequence of this is:

  1. Uniform growth of thyroid tissue.
  2. Hyperfunction of the gland.
  3. An increase in the concentration of hormones produced by the thyroid gland - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

The hypertrophied thyroid gland has its own name - goiter.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

This pathology most often affects women in age category 20 - 50 years. In children and the elderly, diffuse goiter occurs very rarely. As for the causes of the disease and the mechanisms that trigger the autoimmune process, they currently remain a task for endocrinology that has yet to be solved.

So far, we can only talk about hereditary predisposition, which is realized under the influence of a complex of factors, both internal and external:

  1. Psychic trauma.
  2. Diseases of an infectious-toxic nature.
  3. Organic lesions of brain structures (trauma, encephalitis).
  4. autoimmune pathologies.
  5. Smoking (see Thyroid gland and smoking: dangers lie in wait).
  6. Endocrine disorders and so on.

Further, thyroid hormones produced with a significant excess of norms accelerate metabolic reactions, which leads to a rapid depletion of energy resources, like tissues. individual bodies and the whole human body in general. First of all, the structural elements of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer. Detailed description all stages of the development of pathology describes the video in this article.


In a disease such as diffuse goiter, the symptoms largely depend on its form and degree of manifestation. Pathology has several classifications.

Depending on the increase in the thyroid gland, the following degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Zero - no goiter.
  2. The first - the goiter is determined by palpation, but is not visually distinguishable. The size of the shares does not exceed in length distal phalanx I finger.
  3. The second - Goiter is determined both by palpation and visually.

Goiter, depending on the form, it happens:

  1. diffuse.
  2. Nodal.
  3. Diffuse-nodular (mixed).

According to the severity of the process:

  1. Easy degree.
  2. Average.
  3. Heavy.

Depending on the functional state of the thyroid gland, goiter can be:

  1. Euthyroid.
  2. Hypothyroid.

According to localization, it can be:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. Partially chesty.
  3. Koltsev.
  4. Dystopirovannym from the bookmarks of the embryo.

The symptomatology of the disease depends on all the characteristics mentioned in the classification.

Manifestations of the disease, depending on the severity of the course of the pathological process

Diffuse-toxic goiter, the symptoms of which are very diverse, depending on the severity of the process, has the following manifestations:

  1. At mild form neurotic complaints predominate. Tachycardia is observed, but the heart rate does not exceed 100 beats / min, without rhythm disturbances. Other endocrine glands are not included in the pathological process.
  2. At medium degree The severity of the diffuse thyroid gland has somewhat different symptoms - in addition to tachycardia exceeding 110 beats / min, weight loss is added, reaching 10 kg within a month.
  3. The severe form is characterized by progressive weight loss, up to cachexia. In addition, the first signs of impaired functioning of the heart, as well as the liver and kidneys, appear.

A severe form of the development of the disease, as a rule, is observed in the absence of treatment for diffuse toxic goiter for a long time, and also when people without proper knowledge try to cope with this disease on their own.

Features of the manifestation of the euthyroid state

Since the thyroid gland functions normally with euthyroid goiter, but clinical picture entirely depends on the degree of enlargement of the gland. The zero degree against the background of maintaining the normal working capacity of the organ is absolutely not manifested. As the size of the thyroid gland increases, its influence on other body systems appears and gradually increases.

For example, euthyroid goiter, diffuse 1st degree, the symptoms are not yet very obvious:

  1. General weakness.
  2. Increased fatigue.
  3. Headache.
  4. Behind the sternum, in the projection of the heart, unpleasant sensations appear.
  1. Difficulties in breathing.
  2. Sensation of pressure in the neck.
  3. Difficulties with swallowing.
  4. Compression of the trachea, leading to attacks of suffocation and dry cough.

In order to prevent aggravation of the condition, you should seek medical help in a timely manner and do not self-medicate. In addition, it should be remembered that the cost of treatment is the greater, the more advanced the disease.

Features of manifestations of diffuse nodular goiter

In addition to diffuse goiter, there are also mixed (diffuse-nodular) and nodular forms. Diffuse goiter is a uniform increase in the thyroid gland, provided there are no local seals in the tissues. In the nodular form, pathological nodular growths appear in normal structures.

Mixed goiter is a complex of nodular formations and diffuse growth. It occupies one of the first places in the structure of thyroid gland pathologies in terms of frequency of occurrence.

The first stages of the disease can give meager symptoms or not give it at all. But further progression pathological process makes the manifestation of the disease more vivid.

Development diffuse nodular goiter occurs in three degrees according to the international WHO classification or in five according to the Russian:

  • Zero degree (I according to WHO). No symptoms, discovered incidentally during examination of other organs
  • First degree (I according to WHO). It is manifested by a slight increase in the patient's weight, an unreasonable decrease in body temperature, chronic fatigue, hypotension.
  • Second degree (II according to WHO). It is manifested by problems with swallowing, pain in the head and neck when performing torso and head tilts. Since diffuse nodular goiter, the symptoms of which gradually increase, continues to grow and increase hormone production, manifestations of hyperthyroidism begin to join, blood pressure rises, edema, exophthalmos, pathological psychomotor reactions, and tremor appear. Also, due to compression of the trachea by the tissues of the thyroid gland, shortness of breath develops.
  • Third degree (II according to WHO). At this stage of its development, diffuse nodular goiter of the thyroid gland demonstrates symptoms even more pronounced. Suffer from the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system. The shape of the neck has been greatly changed. The skin is either dry or waterlogged due to excess production of iodine-containing hormones, it develops a reddish tint. From the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea alternates with constipation. The patient is concerned about severe tremor, hypotension, bradycardia up to 40 beats/min or tachycardia over 100 beats/min. Despite increased appetite, patients lose weight. Changing the position of the head feel a sharp attack of suffocation. They suffer from constant shortness of breath.
  • Fourth degree (III according to WHO). It differs from the previous one only in the shape and size of the goiter, which completely changes the configuration of the neck.
  • Fifth degree (III according to WHO). The extreme severity of the course of the disease is characterized, in which many systems of the human body suffer: endocrine, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular. Sometimes possible death. The size of the goiter is huge, which ceremoniously changes appearance sick. His voice becomes hoarse or completely disappears. Decreased intelligence, memory, reproductive functions.

Doctors use both types of classification, but the Russian one is more valuable, since with its help the course of goiter is described in much more detail.

Cretinism is one of the strongest manifestations of the depletion of thyroid gland resources - hypothyroidism, which developed in childhood. It is characterized by a pronounced lag of the physical, mental, mental and intellectual development, short stature, tongue-tied, slow maturation of bones, in some cases deaf-mute.

Separate syndromes characteristic of diffuse goiter

The defeat of each body system leads to the appearance of specific complaints, in addition, there are a number of individual syndromes, characteristic this disease with hyperthyroidism.

The cardiovascular system

Violation of the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels is manifested by:

  1. Tachycardia at rest (up to 130 beats / min), in which the pulsation is felt in various parts body, such as arms, abdomen, head, chest.
  2. Rise in systolic blood pressure and fall in diastolic.
  3. Severe myocardial dystrophy (especially in the elderly).
  4. Cardiosclerosis.

Violations of the cardiovascular system are a direct threat to the life of the patient. The fight against them should be carried out jointly by endocrinologists and cardiologists, and patients should clearly follow the treatment instructions developed by these specialists.

catabolic syndrome

It is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Sharp weight loss (up to 15 kg) with increased appetite.
  2. General weakness.
  3. Hyperhidrosis.
  4. Subfebrile condition in the evenings (occurs in a limited number of elderly patients).
  5. Thermoregulation disorder.

The latter manifestation is characterized by a constant sensation of heat, due to which patients do not freeze even at a noticeably low ambient temperature.

organs of vision

Thyrotoxicosis leads to endocrine ophthalmopathy, characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Expansion of the eye slits.
  2. Incomplete closure of the eyelids, leading to "sand in the eyes", dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, chronic conjunctivitis.
  3. bug-eyed.
  4. Glitter of eyes.
  5. Periorbital edema in combination with proliferation of periorbital tissues.

The last symptom is perhaps the most threatening, as it leads to compression of the optic nerve and eyeball, increase intraocular pressure, the appearance of pain in the eyes, and even to complete blindness.

Nervous system

Thyrotoxicosis primarily leads to mental instability from mild excitability and tearfulness to aggressiveness and difficulty concentrating.

The disease also leads to other disorders:

  1. depression.
  2. Sleep disorders.
  3. Tremor of varying severity.
  4. Muscle weakness with a decrease in the volume of the muscles of the limbs.
  5. Increased tendon reflexes.

At severe forms thyrotoxicosis patients may develop persistent mental disorders of the patient and his personality.

Skeleton bones

The prolonged course of thyrotoxicosis, with an excess of thyroxine, leads to the leaching of phosphorus and calcium ions from the bones, which causes:

  1. Destruction of bone tissue.
  2. Decreased bone mass and density.
  3. Pain in the bones.

The fingers on the hands gradually become like "drumsticks".

Gastrointestinal tract

Digestive disorders are expressed in pain syndrome, instability of the stool up to diarrhea, sometimes nausea and vomiting. A severe form of the disease leads to thyrotoxic hapatosis, fatty degeneration of the liver and cirrhosis.

Endocrine glands

Since all the components of the endocrine system are interconnected, thyroid disorders lead to malfunctions of many other glands.

The adrenal glands may suffer from relative thyroid insufficiency, the symptoms of which are:

  1. Skin hyperpigmentation (especially in open areas).
  2. Hypotension.

Disruption of the ovaries due to thyrotoxicosis is a rather rare phenomenon in which such changes occur:

  1. The frequency and intensity of menstruation decreases.
  2. Fibrocystic mastopathy develops.

Moderate thyrotoxicosis may not affect a woman's reproductive function. The threat here is different - antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland are able to pass the transplacental barrier, leading in some cases to the manifestation of transient neonotal thyrotoxicosis in newborns.

The sexual sphere of men suffers quite often and is expressed in gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction.

Respiratory system

In patients with thyrotoxicosis, there is an increase in breathing, as well as a tendency to develop pneumonia.


Thyrotoxicosis affects the condition of the skin. It becomes soft, warm and moist. Sometimes vitiligo develops, the skin folds darken, which is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the elbows, neck, and lower back. Hair falls out, nails are affected by onychomycosis and thyroid acropachia.

A small number of patients suffer from pretibial myxedema, which is expressed in swelling, induration, and erythema of the skin on the feet and legs, which also itch.

In order for diffuse goiter not to reach its late stages and not endanger not only health, but also the life of the patient, when the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a therapist or endocrinologist.

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