Lethargic sleep, cases. Imaginary death. Lethargy (lethargic sleep)

Greek lete - oblivion, argia - inaction). A form of permanent hypersomnia, according to A.M. Vein, occurring with a decrease in the level of all vital functions - immobility, decreased metabolism, weakening or absence of reactions to external stimuli. Observed when organic lesions Central nervous system (epidemic lethargic encephalitis) and in functional mental disorders (hysteria). It can last from several hours to several days, weeks. When distinguishing L. functional from epidemic encephalitis the combination of hypersomnia with fever and oculomotor disorders(triad C. Economo, inherent in the clinic of encephalitis).


lethargy) - mental and physical lethargy; painful sleep lasting from several hours to several weeks with almost imperceptible severe cases pulse and breathing; the degree of loss of activity in this case is close to complete loss consciousness. This condition observed when various diseases person (for example, when sleeping sickness) or during hypnosis.


Syn: Lethargic sleep. Pathological sleep, long-term, characterized by a significant decrease in severity metabolic processes, weakening or absence of reactions to external stimuli. With prolonged lethargy, the phenomenon of imaginary death: pallor of the integumentary tissues, hypothermia, absence of pupillary reactions to light, muscle atony, areflexia, respiratory depression, rare pulse, low arterial pressure, pharyngeal reflex fades, dehydration. Possible manifestation epidemic encephalitis A ( lethargic encephalitis Economo).


A pathological form of long-term (from several days to several years) sleep with a decrease in all vital manifestations: immobility, impaired thermoregulation (body temperature approaches ambient), decreased or absent reactions to external stimuli, etc.


from Greek lethe “oblivion” and argia “lack of action”) - painful condition, similar to a long sleep with almost imperceptible breathing and pulse.

He slowly sat down on the sofa, in his former place in the corner, and closed his eyes, as if from fatigue... Quietly, as before, she knocked on the door and, again receiving no answer, opened it herself. And seeing that Nicolas was sitting too motionless, with a beating heart she carefully approached the sofa. She seemed amazed that he fell asleep so quickly and that he could sleep like that, sitting so straight and so motionless; even breathing was almost impossible to notice. The face was pale and stern, but completely frozen and motionless; the eyebrows are slightly knitted and frowned; decisively, he looked like a soulless wax figure(F. Dostoevsky, Demons).


a state of pathological sleep, accompanied by a weakening of the physiological manifestations of life, a significant decrease in metabolism, depression or complete absence reactions to irritations. In mild cases, only immobility, even breathing, and muscle relaxation are observed; the eyes are closed. With more severe forms lethargy, difficult to distinguish from death, physiological manifestations lives become barely perceptible. The widespread belief that some patients were mistaken for dead and buried prematurely is not based on reliable facts. An erroneous declaration of death in a patient with lethargy due to an inattentive examination can lead to failure to provide the necessary medical care, which is a professional offense.

The causes of lethargy have not been established. Usually it occurs suddenly, more often after severe neuropsychic shocks, with hysteria, against the background of a pronounced physical exhaustion(for example, after childbirth, significant blood loss), and also suddenly stops. The attack can last from a few minutes and hours to days, weeks and even years.

A patient in a state of lethargic sleep should be monitored medical personnel. Rest and symptomatic treatment. If it is impossible to feed the patient, use parenteral nutrition, vitamin therapy.

Lethargy is shrouded in numerous secrets and myths. Even in ancient times, cases of resurrection of the “dead” or burial alive were known. Medically, Sopor relates to very serious illnesses. In this state, the body freezes, all metabolic processes are suspended. There is breathing, but it is almost impossible to notice. No reaction to environment. Let's try to understand the main causes of the disease and how it can be prevented.

According to modern idea, lethargy belongs to serious diseases with several clinical signs. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Sudden slowdown in functions internal organs, as well as metabolism.
  2. Breathing is not visually detected.
  3. There is no or suppressed reaction to external stimuli (light, sound), pain.
  4. The aging process slows down. But after awakening, a person quickly catches up with biological age.

There is still no clear answer why a person falls into lethargic sleep. Let's consider the main versions of scientists.

Causes of imaginary death

In fact, it has been proven that lethargy has nothing to do with physiological sleep. A study of the results of electroencephalograms showed that all biocurrents correspond to indicators in a state of wakefulness. Besides, human brain able to react in lethargy to external stimuli.

According to contemporaries, lethargy occurs at an extreme stage hysterical neurosis. Therefore, the disease is also called “hysterical lethargy.” This theory is supported by several well-known facts:

  1. Imaginary death occurs after a strong nervous shock. After all, people prone to hysteria overreact even to the most trivial everyday problems.
  2. On initial stage the sympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for conducting impulses to various internal organs) responds to the process, as in normal stressful situation. Blood pressure and body temperature rise, breathing rate and heart function increase.
  3. Statistical studies have found that lethargic sleep often occurs in young women. It is this category that is susceptible to hysterical neuroses.

Indeed, a woman named Nadezhda Artemovna Lebedina, who slept for 20 years, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. After awakening in 1974, she was declared completely healthy.

But there are also other world famous male representatives who have suffered a terrible fate. After the service, the English priest plunged into lethargy for 6 days. According to legend, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was found during reburial in an unusual position and with torn clothes. Scientists also explain the illness of these individuals by moral experiences associated with their occupation.

Not a single scientist undertakes to claim to have uncovered the secret of lethargy. There are people who have repeatedly fallen into hysterical sleep. They even learned to predict the condition in advance based on certain signs.

Basic theories and hypotheses

As a result of research, scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov came to the conclusion that lethargic sleep occurs as the body’s response to overexcitation in the cerebral cortex, as well as subcortical formations. A weak nervous system is especially susceptible to the influence of irritants.

Experiments on animals have shown that when exposed to a certain pathogen, at the initial stage it is activated defense mechanism. Then the subjects (dogs) froze motionless, as they lost their conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. All vital processes were fully restored only after fourteen days.

There is also an alternative theory. The occurrence of lethargy is associated with genetics. Dysfunction of the aging gene (autosomal - recessive type inheritance) explains the rarity of the disease.

Proponents of the infectious theory are of the opinion that lethargic sleep is caused by bacteria, as well as exposure to viral particles. The culprits of the disease are considered to be diplococcus bacteria and the Spanish flu virus. The immune system In some individuals, it is built in such a way that protective cells allow infection into the CNS (central nervous system) at the site of inflammation.

You can learn medical facts about lethargic sleep from the story:

The borderline between life and death

The existence of such a disease terrifies many people. For example, in England, it is established at the legislative level to ensure the presence of bells in the morgue. A person, after waking up from a lethargic sleep, will be able to call for help. In Slovakia, a cell phone is placed in the coffin of the deceased.

Impressionable people are affected by the phobia of fear of death and the possibility of being buried alive. A condition such as taphophobia has become widespread. But the probability of burying a living person in modern world reduced to zero for several reasons. Let's look at them in more detail.

Mild and severe forms of hysterical sleep are known. In the first case, in a person, despite visible oppression important functions, signs of life can be easily recognized. Decline muscle tone, and also immobility occurs against the background of even breathing.

In severe cases, the person may appear to have died. It is quite difficult to determine the pulse and recognize breathing. The skin becomes pale and cold. There is no reaction of the pupils to light. No response to painful stimuli. But deep lethargic sleep, despite the rarity of the phenomenon, is easily diagnosed by a doctor.

In modern medical institutions there is sufficient equipment and knowledge to reliably confirm death. Doctors can conduct instrumental method assessing the vital activity of internal organs to record the biocurrents of the heart using an electrocardiogram. Brain activity is checked by electroencephalography.

By directly examining a person using a simple mirror, breathing can be detected. But this method does not always work. Heart sounds are also heard.

During lethargic sleep, a small incision or puncture of the fingertip will cause capillary bleeding.

In fact, a lethargic state should not be scary. Sleep does not pose a danger to human life. All organs continue to function. Prolonged lethargy leads to exhaustion. Therefore, such people are provided artificial nutrition. With proper care, even after a long sleep, all functions of the internal organs can be fully restored.

Lethargic sleep and coma: the difference

These diseases can be confused. But they are very different. A comatose state occurs due to physiological disturbances (severe injuries or trauma). The nervous system does not work full force, and vital functions are supported by special devices. In a coma, a person is unable to respond to external stimuli.

A person is able to independently emerge from lethargic sleep after some time. To restore consciousness after a coma, a long course of therapy will be required.

How to prevent lethargy?

Doctors cannot come to a consensus about the cause of the disease. Therefore, even now there is no uniform method of treating and preventing lethargy. According to reports, people should follow several rules to avoid apathetic as well as lethargic attacks.

Several centuries ago, lethargic coma was a nightmare for humanity. Almost everyone was afraid of being buried alive. To fall into such a state means to resemble the deceased so much that the relatives had no choice but to prepare to see them off on their last journey.

What is lethargic sleep

Translated, the word “lethargy” means hibernation, lethargy or inaction. A person falls into a deep sleep, then stops responding to stimuli from the outside, he is as if in a coma. Vital functions are preserved in full, but the patient is almost impossible to wake up. In severe cases there isimaginary death, in which the body temperature decreases, the heartbeat slows down and breathing movements disappear. Sometimes catatonic stupor is mistaken for lethargy, in which a person hears and understands everything, but he does not have enough strength to move and open his eyes.

There are several types long sleep:

  • medicinal (under the influence medicines);
  • secondary (consequence of past infections nervous system);
  • true (in the absence of obvious reasons).

Lethargic sleep - reasons

No specialist can give an exact answer to the question of what lethargy is and what are its causes. According to existing hypotheses, people who are at risk of falling into a prolonged sleepy state are:

The disease often appears after blood loss, head injuries or severe poisoning. With the syndrome chronic fatigue Some people periodically fall asleep for a long time. According to psychologists, the world of oblivion awaits people with increased emotionality; for them it becomes a place without fears and unresolved life problems.Causes of lethargic sleepmay be hidden in some unknown modern medicine a virus that attacks the brain.

How long does lethargic sleep last?

The illness continues in different ways: someone may fall into unconsciousness for several hours, for others the illness lasts days, weeks and even months. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sureHow long does lethargic sleep last?Sometimes pathology has precursors: constant lethargy and headache. When trying to enter a state of hypnosis, a similarity is observed deep sleep, which lasts the time set by the hypnotist.

The longest lethargic sleep

Medicine knows of cases where awakening occurred after several decades of observation. The peasant Kachalkin was in the power of Morpheus for 22 years, and a resident of Dnepropetrovsk, Nadezhda Lebedina, for 20 years. It is difficult to predict how long a patient's oblivion will last. The disease is still one of the interesting riddles for humanity.

Lethargic sleep - symptoms

External lethargic sleep symptomsare the same for all forms of the disease: the patient is in a sleeping state and does not respond to questions or touches addressed to him. Otherwise, everything remains the same, even the ability to chew and swallow is preserved. Severe form of the disease is characterized by pallor skin. In addition, the human body stops taking in food and excreting urine and feces.

Prolonged immobility does not go unnoticed for the patient. Vascular atrophy, diseases of internal organs, bedsores, metabolic disorders - this is far from full list complications of the disease. There is no treatment as such; hypnosis and the use of drugs with stimulant effects are used with varying success.

Distinctive feature people after a long period of rest is rapid aging. Literally before our eyes, a person’s appearance changes, and soon he looks older than his peers. It is not uncommon for a patient to die for real shortly after awakening. Some people acquire the rare ability to foresee the future and speak previously unfamiliar languages. foreign languages, heal the sick.

How to distinguish lethargic sleep from death

Cases of lethargic sleep occur to this day. There is no need to worry about premature burial; now experts have already learneddistinguish lethargic sleep from deaththanks to new diagnostic rules. Methods such as the EEG, which records brain activity, and the ECG make it possible to quickly and accurately recognize whether this is true death or whether oblivion is temporary.

Video: lethargic sleep - interesting facts

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