A capillary in the eye burst when... Hemorrhages are dangerous for vision! Types of hemorrhages in the eye area

The capillary-venous network is responsible for normal work retina, supplying it with oxygen and micronutrients.

If a red spot is found in the eyeball, this indicates that a blood vessel in the eye has burst.

The causes of this condition can be both harmless and serious pathological conditions.

If a person notices that blood vessels in his eyes often burst, he should urgently consult a doctor to diagnose the disease.

Why do blood capillaries burst?

The duration of action of the drops is about eight hours. Drops are also suitable for lesions allergic reactions and conjunctivitis, as well as for patients with contact lenses.

The drops are used several times a day until the inflammatory processes are completely eliminated..

After drops get into the eye, you may experience pain, tearing, burning and a desire to scratch the eye. Blurred vision often occurs.

If used for longer than two days and lack of effectiveness, it is necessary to prescribe other drops.


These drops have the property of strengthening the eye vessels, as well as protecting the eyeballs from irritants.

The drug effectively reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels in the eye and stimulates normal fluid circulation inside the eye. Emoxipine helps to effectively resolve hemorrhages.

Indications for use are glaucoma, retinopathy, myopia and corneal burns.

These drops can be used for preventive purposes to prevent rupture of eye capillaries and normal blood circulation. Allowed when using lenses.
Application occurs at least twice a day.

If you feel discomfort in the eyes, redness, burning, etc., you need to change the drug.

If a person wears lenses, they must be removed before instillation and put on within half an hour after instillation. Simultaneous use with other types eye drops Not recommended.


The drug has a low price, but great efficiency actions for burst blood vessels, cataracts, corneal disorders, conjunctivitis.

Helps restore normal blood circulation, stimulating metabolic processes. It also restores cell membranes and normalizes pressure inside the eye.

What's the forecast?

Prognosis in the event that a vessel in the eye bursts depends on the factor that provoked this condition. If it is external, then it is enough to simply eliminate it and the condition will be restored in 2-4 days.

When hemorrhages in the eyeball are provoked by pathological conditions of the body, the original disease must be treated.

If left untreated, serious consequences may develop with vision loss or complete loss.

Do not self-medicate and be healthy!

One of the most important systems in the human body is the capillary system. Thanks to it, every cell of the body is supplied nutrients and oxygen. All important organs– the heart, brain, skin, muscles cannot function without the work of the vascular network. This web of blood vessels can be examined using a special device - a capillaroscope. It is this that allows us to answer the question of why capillaries burst.

A person’s well-being and health depend on how capillaries function. Small vessels are in constant development: if a person gets fat, they grow, and on the contrary, they become smaller if a person loses weight. Capillaries influence arterial pressure: when they expand, it falls, when they narrow, it rises. Damage to capillaries leads to disruption of nutrition of entire zones, which can serve as the beginning of irreversible processes in tissues.


Capillaries can for a long time be in an expanded state and not burst, but then, under the influence of some reason, they rupture, which can be determined even visually. The prerequisites may be different: this is an overload lower limbs, injuries, hormonal disbalance. The main reason that a vessel burst is considered to be the weakness of its walls, due to which it cannot withstand even a slight load.

High blood pressure plays an important role in this: it automatically increases the pressure in the smallest vessels, from which they also begin to suffer. Hypertensive patients should periodically examine their skin: burst capillaries are alarm bell, which indicates that an undetected pressure surge has occurred. Such people must strictly adhere to the regimen of taking medications prescribed by the doctor and not refuse treatment. Vessels may have pathological fragility and react even to changes in weather.

Let's consider the main reasons for capillary fragility according to most experts:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • injuries;
  • increased physical activity;
  • problems in the endocrine sphere.

After a stroke or heart attack, people often complain that their blood vessels burst. This condition must be reported to the treating specialist. This suggests that a stroke or heart attack may recur, so it is necessary to follow doctors' orders to avoid a relapse.

A very common condition these days - vegetative-vascular dystonia– may cause vascular fragility. This pathology is not life-threatening for the patient, but requires that he constantly monitor the condition of his blood vessels. If problems with blood vessels are observed frequently, then you should consult a doctor with a specific complaint. This way you can identify the problem in time, preventing it from becoming chronic.

Why is vascular fragility often observed in athletes? This is especially true for those who increase muscle mass. The muscles increase significantly in volume, and the smallest vessels do not have time to grow enough to fully supply them with blood. Therefore, the load on the capillaries increases many times over, and they cannot cope with it. In this case, you can get out of the situation by taking appropriate medications aimed at maintaining and strengthening blood vessels - Ascorutin, vitamin C, and vitamin complexes.

What other reasons could there be for vascular fragility? These are such states reproductive system, like cysts, abortions, menopause, childbirth, hormonal treatment. Also has an impact external factors: frequent ultraviolet baths in solariums, chemical peels, hypothermia, injuries. If a vein in your arm bursts, you can assume an allergy to some substances, in particular to household chemicals. In this case, you need to avoid contact of the skin of your hands with such products and work exclusively with gloves.

Capillary fragility is caused by a lack of certain vitamins. So, if there is not enough vitamin C or P in the body, this leads to vascular walls lose their elastic properties. In addition, symptoms such as chills and blueness of the skin on the legs and arms are also observed. Most often this happens in the autumn and winter.

How is it diagnosed?

In order to find out how far vascular damage has progressed, such diagnostic methods are used. It is necessary to pinch a fold of skin in the chest area: this place is chosen because there are practically no accidental injuries there, which means that the pinch method will be indicative. When a bruise forms, it is concluded that the vessels are significantly affected. A specialist can conduct a similar test by tapping the same area with a special hammer.

The tourniquet method involves tightening the arm in the shoulder area with a tourniquet to stop the outflow venous blood without interfering with circulation arterial blood. Then remove the tourniquet and inspect the place where it is applied. If petechiae have formed there, it is necessary to treat the blood vessels.

Often vascular problems are accompanied by certain symptoms: dizziness, black spots in the field of vision, vascular network, clearly visible through skin covering, chills, bruises after very minor physical interactions.


First of all, it is necessary to find answers to the question of why capillaries burst on the legs, arms, and other parts of the body. It is necessary to find the pathology that provokes this problem, and only after that begin to solve it. Practice shows that getting rid of the problem of vascular fragility is quite difficult, but this cannot be ignored.

Monitor your blood pressure carefully and try to keep it within normal limits. A specialist can recommend an appointment vitamin preparations. Vitamin C improves blood transport through the vascular system. Under the influence of vitamin P, vascular elasticity is restored faster.

It has long been known that good influence Vibrations affect the condition of blood vessels. Therefore, vibration therapy has gained popularity, under the influence of which blood circulation improves in the bloodstream, strengthens venous system, atherosclerotic deposits are reduced.

Massage has proven effective in treating fragile capillaries. It doesn’t have to be done by a specialist: you can carry out simple manipulations yourself at home. Massage the limbs with your hands, pressing them well and using force. This must be done regularly, and a professional massage course can be taken twice a year in a medical institution.

If you have problems with capillaries, you should include chokeberry, currants, and rose hips in your diet. Hardening leads to good results. Physical activity in the form of walks, jogging, swimming, morning exercises can significantly improve the condition of blood vessels. Smoking actively affects the condition circulatory system, so it should be abandoned. Bad habits can negate all the results of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Among the methods of physiotherapy, microsclerotherapy is widespread. It involves injecting a special medicine – sclerosant – directly into the burst vessel. It restores the integrity of the vessel. The session lasts 30 minutes or more, depending on how widespread the problem is. Among modern methods Treatments include the use of laser and elos-coagulation.

Why does a blood vessel burst in the eye? Why does my eye hurt? To begin with, it is worth remembering one important thing - only a specialist can find out the reason why the vessel ruptured or the eye disease occurred. However, the most likely factors contributing to vascular fragility and the occurrence of similar situation, is worth considering.

So, most common reason rupture of the blood vessels of the eye - fatigue, overstrain and spasm of the capillaries of the eyes, which in modern life happens to almost any of us. Why? The causes of bursting capillaries in the eyeball are as follows:

Spasm of the blood vessels of the eye, firstly, due to bright light office lamps, under which some of us spend most of the day.

Secondly, pollution plays an important role in increasing the fragility of blood vessels in the eyes. environment, such, for example, as an indispensable companion of a large team - tobacco smoke. Smoke getting into the eyes increases the fragility of the eye blood vessels. Of course, it’s just great that many people today quit smoking and become adherents healthy image life, however, there are still quite a lot of heavy smokers. Their eye condition worsens over time. However, let's hope that with the entry into force of the law banning smoking in in public places, the health of our eyes will be threatened by fewer factors.

Thirdly, a factor that contributes to dry eyes and increased fragility of blood vessels may be the computer monitor, on which some of us spend an unreasonable amount of time. The eyes get very tired. A spasm of the capillaries in the eyes occurs.

Actually, the computer takes up a very large part of our lives: both during the day at work and in the evening at home, adversely affecting our overall health. That is why, in order to protect yourself and not worsen the condition of your eye, you must observe occupational hygiene - take short breaks from work about every half hour (go outside and breathe fresh air, and also perform the most simple gymnastics for eyes in the workplace). Only this way can improve the condition of the blood vessels of the organ of vision.

In addition, the cause of fragility of the blood vessels of the eye can be the fragile walls of the capillaries. This usually happens in the background systemic diseases, due to the use of certain types medicines. In this case, the most correct thing would be to contact a specialist to prescribe necessary examinations. Eyes should be protected.

Patients often complain that a vessel in their eye has burst and their eye hurts. The red color of the eyeball bothers them. Sometimes blood vessels burst due to lack of certain substances, for example, vitamins C, P. In this situation, it is necessary to take Urgent measures by changing your diet to include foods rich in these as well as others useful substances. Undoubtedly the best choice- fruits and vegetables. However, they can be easily replaced with special vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies, although experts still recommend giving preference natural products, because it is unknown what may be contained in a closed jar that says “Vitamins”.

At the same time, in some people, fragility of the blood vessels in the eyes occurs due to the individual structure of the eye, or due to the background past illness, such as (a group of diseases whose unifying symptom is periodically or constantly increased intraocular pressure, often accompanied by decreased vision). Their capillaries may be dilated. In addition, capillary spasm often occurs. In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Often blood vessels burst due to high physical activity, such as exercise gym, or after visiting a sauna or steam bath. You will see symptoms of the disease immediately. Do not forget about the banal vitamin deficiency, which can darken the first days of spring. Therefore, do not forget about the use of additional vitamins, which are quite sufficient in fresh fruit and vegetables. They help prevent vascular disorders eye

It is also sometimes accompanied by burst blood vessels, especially in its advanced state. The condition is aggravated by capillary spasm. By the way, it is simply impossible not to notice this disease, because it is characterized by following symptoms eye diseases: itching, redness of the eyelids, suppuration.

And finally, people who have once suffered a head injury may encounter a similar problem, when the vessels in the eyes are dilated or there is spasm. Treatment of traumatic brain injury should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. According to doctors, when strong impact the process of blood circulation to the brain changes and symptoms of traumatic brain injury occur. Therefore, in addition to burst capillaries in the eyes, migraines are likely to occur, chronic fatigue, insomnia. Capillary spasm also leads to this. In this case, it is worth undergoing an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain.

A vessel under my eye burst. What to do?

How to treat eye vessels? First you need to calm down and not give way to your nerves. First of all, the causes of the disease must be eliminated. Indeed, in most cases, the culprit of a burst vessel turns out to be banal eye fatigue, which means that after a week or two the red spot will disappear. A broken capillary usually poses no threat. You can narrow the blood vessels in the eyes using special drops. However, there are no ways to mask this defect yet. Sometimes it is necessary to relieve capillary spasm. Treatment is not difficult at first. However, if a vessel in the eye has burst, this fact should be a serious warning to you - your eyes need more rest than you provide! This means stop spending all your time in front of a TV screen or computer monitor, try to sleep more - up to 9 hours every day. Otherwise, you are guaranteed a spasm of the capillaries of the eyeball. If you have ruptured an eye vessel in the conjunctiva at least once, or have a burst capillary, then in the near future you may need serious treatment. If possible, avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. And, of course, quit smoking. Then eye treatment may not be necessary.

If a vessel in the eye bursts, this should be a serious signal. What to do? Since a burst capillary under the eye may indicate not only eye fatigue, be sure to visit a specialist, this will help protect you from developing dangerous diseases. Do not try to treat your eyes yourself. Treatment of vascular pathology of the organ of vision requires certain specialist skills. The spasm is relieved with appropriate drops. At the same time, if a vessel in the eye bursts, the doctor will prescribe medications to treat the eyes that will increase immunity, strengthen the blood vessels of the eyes and help avoid similar problems in the future (subject to proper rest). The vasospasm will also pass. Vascular pathology of the organ of vision should be treated only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

It is important to choose one eye clinic, where you will really be shown competent treatment vascular pathology of the eyes, they will help, and will not “brush it off” or “pull” money without solving the problem. A broken capillary in the eyeball should make you pay attention to the condition of your organ of vision. The organ of vision should be treated good specialists. Below is a rating of specialized ophthalmological institutions where you can undergo eye examination and treatment if your capillaries burst.

The eye, like any other organ, is penetrated by tiny vessels. The capillary wall consists of only one layer of cells (endothelium) and a membrane, which regulate the lumen of blood vessels and are responsible for its strength.

Before deciding what to do when a capillary in the eye bursts, you need to be able to distinguish between two conditions of blood vessels:

  1. Vascular paresis with hyperemia.
  2. Rupture of blood vessels with hemorrhage.

Both conditions are characterized by redness of the eye, sometimes focal, sometimes diffuse, but paretic dilatation of blood vessels is more reminiscent of a bloody haze with a traceable course of overcrowded capillaries, and the rupture is a clearly demarcated blood-colored spot. Sometimes, as a result of impaired permeability, the vessels do not rupture, but cease to be an impenetrable barrier for red blood cells and they exit into the surrounding tissues through endothelial gaps formed in the capillaries - diapedetic hemorrhage or petechial (point-like) hemorrhage.

Hemorrhages can be both visible and hidden. For example, a bloody spot on the sclera will catch the eye of everyone, but such a process in the inner membranes, despite the fact that it carries with it much more serious consequences, is noticeable only to a specialist. In this case, the patient is forced to contact an ophthalmologist due to sudden visual impairment.

A capillary burst in the eye - reasons

The reasons for a capillary burst in the eye vary. The capillary wall is more likely to rupture due to sharp jump blood pressure, which can happen in the following situations:

  1. Labor attempts in women in labor.
  2. With a sudden physical movement that requires intense muscle tension, for example, weightlifting.
  3. Crisis course of hypertension.
  4. Intense vomiting or persistent constipation.

Bleeding in the eye can be the result of ophthalmic surgery or serious traumatic injury eyeball. Disorders in the hemostatic system can contribute to hemorrhage in the eye due to physical trauma or a jump in blood pressure, especially with uncontrolled use of anticoagulants.

Diapedetic hemorrhages are more common when internal pathology related to autoimmune diseases. Subconjunctival or episcleral petechiae, as well as paretic capillary dilatation, may accompany infectious diseases with high intoxication syndrome, ranging from influenza to leptospirosis. They become business card septic endocarditis.

Paresis of capillaries occurs much more often and can be caused either by intoxication syndrome during a severe infection, or by simply being in conditions that are not comfortable for the eye.

For example, a bloody haze on the eye can appear from electromagnetic radiation from a computer or television monitor, dry hot air, strong wind, or rubbing the eye with your hands when trying to eliminate discomfort(burning, itching, blurred vision). In addition, paretic expansion of capillaries accompanies chronic lack of sleep, intake of alcohol and other psychotropic substances.

If a capillary bursts in a child’s eye, then the search for causes narrows significantly, but this does not make it any less stressful. Basically, in search of the cause of hemorrhage in child's eye, we have to differentiate between the result active games(sports) and blood pressure pathology. In addition to a jump in blood pressure, there may be an increase in blood pressure in the veins. And any of these conditions requires detailed research and consultation with specialists.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do, what drops to take

When a bloody spot or petechiae is detected on the sclera or conjunctiva, the first step should be to evaluate general state victim, find out what preceded this event. If there are no previous memorable factors and health problems at the current time, this fact can be simply left under observation or (which is better) consult an ophthalmologist. The same should be done if the visible part of the eye is in a vascular haze.

Sometimes just getting enough sleep is enough. If lack of sleep is not the cause of a red eye, or a situation arises when you need to decide how to quickly remove the consequences when a vessel in the eye bursts, then it should be said that you can only fight vascular paresis.

The hemorrhage will not go away until it resolves itself. And the speed of its resorption from the use of any drops or other means will not change. Therefore, the question of what to do, what drops to use if a vessel in the eye bursts does not make sense. If paralysis of the capillaries with visible stagnation of blood is due to external, physical reasons:

  1. overwork
  2. dry, hot air or frosty and windy weather
  3. elimination discomfort in the eye by rubbing it with your hand,

then in this case, both folk “grandmother’s” methods and medicinal drops can help.

How to quickly remove

You can simply make contrasting compresses with alternate use of lotions from cold and hot water. Or use strong tea leaves for the same purposes.

What drops to drip

On the pharmacy counter, to solve the problem of unpleasant sensations in the eye against the background of its redness, there are also eye drops and eye gels.

There are many products that replenish the lack of moisture. Moisturizing the eyeball will solve the issue of its redness, if this change is associated with dryness as a result of either a lack of own tears (changes in its qualities) or weather conditions.

Such drugs can be: natural tear, and oftagel, systein ultra. A drug with a slightly different effect is Visine. It has a certain effect on nerve endings vessels, as a result of which the lumen of the capillaries narrows and they become invisible.

A blood vessel burst in the eye: how to treat it if it doesn’t go away for a long time

It is difficult for an uninitiated person to determine whether capillary paresis or vascular rupture has occurred. Therefore, if the question arises of how to treat if a vessel in the eye has burst, it is better to go for a face-to-face consultation with a specialist, if your general health allows.

If changes in the eyeball are accompanied by other symptoms (fever, headache, vomiting, a feeling of acute malaise, confusion), then it is better to call an ambulance.

In any case, if the burst capillary is not caused by internal pathology, its treatment does not make sense. The blood will resolve itself within the time allotted by nature, and the damaged vessel will become empty. It will not be possible to change the course of events by any means. If hemorrhage accompanies some disease, then it is necessary to treat it, and not it. external manifestations, such as bleeding in the eye.

A blood vessel bursting in the eye is quite common occurrence. Let's consider the reasons why capillaries burst and rupture, what to do in such a situation, what treatment to use with drops and when more complex therapy is needed.

The retina consists of vascular elements, which are capillary-venous network. Due to this structure, it receives the nutrition and oxygen necessary for normal functioning. By various reasons, sometimes there is a rupture of a vessel in the eye. A broken capillary is an elongated or irregularly shaped bloody spot.

Photo 1. Symptoms of a burst vessel in the eye

Why is this happening? Factors leading to similar symptoms to differ. Often it is simply too dry air in the room, in more in rare cases the reasons are more serious and caused by various diseases. In children, the vessel can burst due to tears during crying, in an adult - due to excessive physical strain. When a vessel bursts, a person does not feel pain, so minor lesions are usually not noticed and treatment is not carried out. With a single detection, this does not threaten complications, but it is better to treat the disease in order to get rid of the symptoms as quickly as possible. Typically, drops are used for therapy.


Why a vessel ruptures in the eye and what the consequences are, besides cosmetic discomfort, we will consider below. Ocular hemorrhage occurred in every adult at least once. It is known that there are no symptoms of pain, so if a vessel bursts in the eye once and the pathology does not recur later, then there is no need to worry too much. Most likely it's a one-time thing external influence and the red spot will resolve itself without a trace in a few days.

It’s another matter if vascular lesions occur regularly and occupy a large area. In such a situation, you need to visit an ophthalmologist to establish the causes and develop a treatment method for the disease.

External reasons

We list one-time factors that can affect the integrity of the ocular vessels:

  • Weather conditions: stay on strong wind, under the strong sun or in conditions of high atmospheric pressure.
  • Excessively dry air, presence of smoke or large quantity dust in the room where a person stays.
  • Long stay in conditions elevated temperature, for example, in a sauna, steam bath or at a hot resort. This factor worsens at low ambient humidity.
  • Eye injury when a vessel bursts due to trapped debris or as a result mechanical impact.

External factors are more important in children.

Internal reasons

Action internal factors is systemic in nature; when they are identified, a person most often needs in qualified treatment not only with the help of drops to act directly on the ruptured vessel, but by other means, sometimes quite serious, to affect the initiating disease.

  • Hypertension and These are quite common causes of burst eye capillaries, which the doctor thinks about first. With these diseases, red spots on the eyes tend to occur periodically. When, during a hypertensive crisis, a patient’s blood pressure rises sharply above normal, then the load on vascular system the eye sharply enlarges, which is why one of the weakened blood vessels can burst. Such lesions can be accompanied by nosebleeds. Similar pathological condition Only at first glance does it seem harmless, since after the eye arteries, the arteries of the brain can also rupture, which is fraught with hemorrhagic stroke and its serious consequences. Therefore, if detected high pressure the patient must develop the habit of constant monitoring and undergo the necessary treatment.
  • Diabetes- another reason why it develops rapidly vascular pathology eye. Due to metabolic disorders, the body's arteries become thinner and become brittle. Ophthalmic vessels, as the smallest and most fragile, become the first target of this process. The vessel can burst at the moment of insignificant load, for example, during a squat or bend, or simply on its own. What to do in such conditions? Go to an appointment with an endocrinologist to adjust the level of hormones that are not provided normal exchange substances in the body.
  • Ophthalmic diseases also a common cause of broken capillaries. The range of diseases is quite wide and includes both eye lesions infectious nature(conjunctivitis), and development malignant tumors and immunodeficiency conditions, for example, blepharitis.
  • Diseases hematological nature, leading to high probability bleeding throughout the body. Among the symptoms of this type of deviation can be identified increased sensitivity of the skin, when after minor mechanical impact traces of a hematoma remain on it.
  • Conditions of immunodeficiency and vitamin deficiency when the vascular walls lose their elasticity.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the ophthalmologist must not only examine the patient’s eyes using special devices, but also look at his card for earlier eye lesions, and also find out what happened to the patient some time before the vessel in the eye burst. This means that the patient should prepare for the examination and remember all the nuances that can affect the diagnosis and the development of what to do and how to treat in a particular case.

Photo 2. Capillary rupture

Other reasons affecting the blood vessels of the eyes are:

  1. State of fatigue chronic lack of sleep, increased load on the visual apparatus, which is more typical for busy adults
  2. Physical overload associated with heavy lifting. Professional athletes are at risk here power types sports In addition, in women, rupture of the vessel can accompany childbirth.
  3. Increased body temperature, which accompanies a huge number of diseases and pathological conditions.
  4. Severe allergies
  5. Alcohol abuse, when the vessel first intensively expands and then sharply narrows, which creates conditions for it to burst.
  6. In children, capillary ruptures occur against the background of strong anguished crying.


The main symptom that a blood vessel has burst in the eye is the presence of a red bloody spot against the background of white. When several capillaries are damaged at once, the damage is significant in volume. Sometimes a vessel from the back of the eye ruptures, in this case visible signs there is no evidence that it burst. Among the symptoms, only the presence of slight severity is distinguished, which is usually not even noticed.


How to treat and what to do if an eye capillary bursts? At single occurrence the reason in most cases is in external environment. Some kind of special treatment however, they are not prescribed; the symptoms of the red spot go away on their own within 3-5 days. During this period, it is better to reduce the load on the visual organs.

If after of this period signs of the disease do not go away, but on the contrary are aggravated by dryness, irritation, swelling, additional hemorrhages, then you must definitely consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe medications used in the form of drops in the eyes.

Typically treatment is carried out:

  • Visin, these drops relieve swelling and redness well.
  • Taufon, which activates regeneration processes.
  • Emoxipine, which has a resolving effect on areas where blood vessels have burst. In addition, it strengthens the vascular wall.
  • Ascorutin, which eliminates the lack of essential vitamin complexes.
  • Hyphenate - drops that have a softening and lubricating effect, thereby avoiding dryness and irritation.

Specified drops it is forbidden Only a doctor can prescribe for himself or select a specific set of medications based on the results of examination and diagnosis.

Periodically recurring hemorrhages indicate the existence of strong internal reasons, causing pathology. The fact that a vessel has burst in the eye will only be a reflection of the existing pathological process. To ensure that symptoms are eliminated, you should find out the root cause why capillaries regularly burst. This requires additional diagnostics organs and systems, often not related to vision. An ophthalmologist or therapist will refer you for related examinations.

What to do when a vessel rupture is detected

  1. At physical activity give it up and have a good rest. If it comes to amateur sports, then training should be canceled during treatment and recovery.
  2. Job. associated with vision should be limited. It is important to periodically (every 30 minutes) take breaks and warm up your eyes.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol
  4. When outside, protect yourself from the wind and the sun hitting your face. Large sunglasses that block ultraviolet light work well for this. The indoor air should be humidified.

What not to do in case of hemorrhage when a vessel bursts

  1. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are prohibited.
  2. Application to closed eyes cotton pads soaked in tea leaves. With the help of such folk methods the situation is only getting worse.
  3. The eyes should be at rest, especially in children who constantly try to comb and rub them.
  4. Conduct self-diagnosis and prescribe drops or other medications.


Kit preventive measures will help minimize the effect of internal causes and eliminate external factors:

  • Natural saturation with vitamins due to the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits and bell peppers are especially beneficial for the blood vessels of the eyes.
  • It is important to refuse bad habits, as well as minimize coffee drinks and overly strong tea.
  • The work and rest schedule must always be maintained.
  • Lifting weights and playing sports should not harm your health
  • When working at the monitor for a long time, do not neglect breaks for visual gymnastics.
  • For dry eyes, it is important to regularly instill the prescribed drops to avoid excessive drying.
  • Wear safety glasses in sunny and windy weather

In addition, to prevent the blood vessels in the eye from bursting, it is necessary in a timely manner treat existing ones ophthalmological diseases, apply the prescribed drops, monitor your overall health, avoiding an increase in internal causes leading to hemorrhages.

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