Metal-ceramic crowns for the front teeth are the best solution for a dazzling smile. Everyone needs to know about metal-ceramic crowns

Metal-ceramics has not been a know-how in dentistry for a long time. These types of prostheses have successfully entered into medical practice and the current combination of two seemingly incompatible materials no longer surprises anyone. Metal-ceramic prosthetics are used both when it is necessary to install one tooth, and when replenishing a whole row.

Metal ceramics is a combination of two different materials– ceramics and metal. Such a prosthesis turns out to be very durable during manufacture and patients do not have to worry that it will deteriorate. At the same time, his ceramic surface does not wear off, while the height of healthy crowns becomes smaller every year. Therefore, doctors advise grinding the metal-ceramic surface from time to time to adjust it to the bite.

Externally, they are indistinguishable from healthy crowns - they have exactly the same shape, surface color and height. This is achieved by coating with a special ceramic layer.

The prosthesis has a metal base - a frame. It is made from alloys of nickel and chromium or chromium and cobalt - these are hypoallergenic materials specifically for medical use. If the patient is suffering hypersensitivity, then a metal-ceramic prosthesis can be individually made for him from gold, palladium or platinum, but such a design is more expensive.

The cermet frame is very thin and ranges from a third to a half of one millimeter in thickness, i.e. almost imperceptible in weight. On top of the metal base is covered with a ceramic mass of natural color.

The shape of the prosthesis frame is individual, because it is made according to a cast taken from the patient’s jaw. Outwardly, it resembles a metal cap that is placed in a problem area. Once the fitting is completed, the product is covered with layers of ceramic and baked in an oven at a temperature of 960 degrees.

When using metal-ceramic prosthetics, it is important that the frame fits as accurately as possible. A metal-ceramic prosthesis has replaced the ugly yellow and white metal that was used a couple of decades ago, which means it should provide maximum identity to one’s own.

A positive feature of metal-ceramic prostheses is their availability. With constant rise in price medical services, including dental ones, metal-ceramic prosthetics remains feasible for a wide segment of the population.

Metal-ceramics as a material is used quite widely in dentistry - these are not only crowns and dentures, but also abutments, clasps, and root inlays. Using metal-ceramics, doctors are able to make products that are indistinguishable from the real thing.

Metal-ceramic crowns They differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in the production technique:

Metal-ceramics as a material has a lot of undeniable advantages, so dentures made of metal-ceramics deserve to be relied upon in the most different situation. The advantages of such prostheses are as follows.

The use of ceramics when covering the surface of a metal frame makes it possible to achieve maximum similarity with its neighbors, which is very important when installing metal-ceramic bridges in the frontal zone.

Individual production of the frame allows you to bring the new crown as close in shape as possible to your own, so outwardly it will not look like something foreign, different from the others. Since metal-ceramic products have long been included in dental practice, then the price for them is low - there are opportunities to reduce the cost of production without losing quality.

There is a high duration of practical use of such crowns: according to the observations of dentists, a metal-ceramic prosthesis lasts on average about seventeen years, which is an excellent indicator.

When making a prosthesis technological process provides maximum strength of metal ceramics due to firing in a furnace at high temperatures. The undeniable advantage of metal-ceramics is its accessibility; such prostheses and crowns can be installed in any clinic.

When installing a metal-ceramic prosthesis, speech and chewing function are not impaired; the person does not have characteristic whistling sounds or other speech defects.

The product can be used even with complete edentia (no teeth) by making a metal-ceramic bridge with fastening on implants. Durability is one of the leading advantages of metal-ceramic dentures; they do not wear down even when the height of healthy crowns naturally decreases.

Since cermets are universal material, then it can be used both for prosthetics of one element, installing a crown on a supporting stump or metal inlay, and for installing metal-ceramic bridges consisting of several crowns in a row.

Dental prosthetics with metal-ceramics ensures the tightest possible fit of the frame to the stump, so the design is strong and durable in use.

If bridge prosthetics is done on implants, then the risk of implant rejection is minimal, because the prosthesis is made of hypoallergenic material and is most suitable as a substitute for one’s own tissues.

Not the least advantage of prostheses is the patient’s quick adaptation to the design - since it is ideally part of the series, people do not feel discomfort after acquiring it. One of the advantages of metal-ceramic dentures is the ease of caring for them through the most common cleaning.

Observations of patients with metal-ceramic dentures have shown that during their use they are not stained by coffee and other substances, so they always remain in their original tone.

When using metal-ceramics, not only the advantages of such structures, but also disadvantages were identified. Among the main ones we list:

  • the need to remove the nerve in case of severe destruction of supporting tissues, which subsequently leads to fragility of the walls;

  • grinding down healthy enamel to install a metal-ceramic prosthesis;
  • If the installation is incorrect or there are errors in its manufacture, patients suffer from gingivitis;
  • antagonists, that is, teeth opposite the metal-ceramic prosthesis, wear down more strongly due to the strength of the prosthesis material;
  • if in the future the patient suffers from atrophic pathologies of the gums, then when the gums recede, the metal border of the prosthesis frame becomes visible from under it;

  • V in rare cases, if you choose the wrong color or an insufficient layer of ceramic is applied to the frame, the prosthesis will differ in color from healthy crowns, which does not look aesthetically pleasing in the smile area;
  • metal-ceramics, like any other material, wears out, and when the prosthesis is aggressively exposed to high temperatures and hard food, cracks form on it, and subsequently chips;
  • in rare cases, metal ceramics oxidize and cause allergic reaction in patients.

If, when a patient comes to the clinic, the dentist decides to use metal-ceramic prosthetics, then several stages must be completed before the person receives dentures. On initial stage prosthetics doctor prepares oral cavity in the place where the metal-ceramic structure is installed.

The doctor does X-ray to determine pathologies of neighboring supporting elements. They are treated, thus the patient gets rid of caries and plaque, the gums are restored during inflammatory processes, and tartar is removed.

If there is inflammation in the root, the pulp is removed, and in the frontal zone this is done even with a normal root, since further interventions in the frontal zone are undesirable, which is what depulpation helps to avoid. If there is severe destruction and more than half of the tissue is missing, then additional reinforcement is done with a pin or stump metal insert.

As soon as the preparation of the jaw for prosthetics is completed and the supporting elements are ready to accept the structure, the doctor proceeds to turning. Excess fabric will be removed from the surface until it takes the shape of the frame.

When installing a metal-ceramic dental bridge in case of complete edentia (absence of teeth), implants are placed. Then an impression is made in the laboratory, after which they begin casting the metal frame or bridge.

The production time for metal ceramics depends on many circumstances, but on average it takes about two weeks. During this time, people can wear temporary crowns to cover the row defect. Adjustment of the prosthesis is quite possible long time– if metal-ceramics can be placed on cement immediately, then with metal bridges patients are advised to walk for several weeks to fully ensure the comfortable use of the structure.

After this, the final adjustment is carried out, and if the person is satisfied with everything, a new metal-ceramic frame is attached to cement or an abutment (special adapter) to the implants.

Dentists call those teeth in which the nerve is preserved alive. When using metal-ceramic dental prosthetics, it is possible to preserve the pulp, but this requires especially careful preparation for the installation of dentures. It is necessary to undergo thorough treatment in order to, if possible, exclude new dental intervention, because it will negate all the successes of prosthetics.

A living tooth is always much better - there is an opportunity to preserve innervation and blood circulation, so the tissue is much stronger. Depulpated ones, on the contrary, are brittle, therefore there is always a risk of a fracture in the neck area, as a result of which the prosthesis will have to be redone.

Features of working with living elements are as follows:

  • when processing, it is necessary to use a larger amount of liquid to remove even the smallest foreign particles;
  • there is no need to rush to get prosthetics - it is best to carry out all manipulations step by step during long-term anesthesia, allowing the tissues to rest during the procedure, because this will eliminate the risk of non-infectious inflammation in response to the intervention;

  • for processing you need to use a special tip, and the bur must be exclusively new, otherwise working with a worn-out bur will lead to prolonged manipulation, heating and death of the nerve;
  • After finishing the treatment, the pulp is covered with a special material that will protect it from infection;
  • When attaching metal ceramics, the glue is mixed with an antiseptic substance.

The metal-ceramic bridge structure is attached to both healthy teeth and implants. In this case, fixed bridges are even replaced complete absence them in the jaw. Metal-ceramic construction in in this case attached to special abutments - adapters between the prosthesis itself and the implant.

How many implants are placed in the jaw is decided by the doctor in each individual case. Some abutments are attached separately to the implants, while other implants are initially connected to the abutment, which have the required shape and angle of inclination.

When installing a metal-ceramic bridge, the fastening is also done on implants or on healthy supports. Installation on implants will not require grinding, but if the prosthesis is attached to the remaining supports, then they are first prepared for installation. With any type of fastening, the metal-ceramic structure is dense and can withstand the chewing load.

Metal-ceramic prosthetics is an excellent way to restore both one tooth and several missing ones. The versatility of the material makes it possible to make prosthetics that are indistinguishable from your own, and caring for them is as easy as caring for living ones.

Today, dental prosthetics has reached unprecedented heights. You can create a beautiful smile with many the latest materials. One of these is metal ceramics.

What is metal-ceramic prosthetics? Everything is very simple - first a metal frame is created, and a hypoallergenic ceramic coating is applied on top. The undoubted advantage of such prosthetics is that the teeth cannot be distinguished from real ones.

It’s worth saying right away: there is a misconception that dentures are done forever. Alas, this is not true. The service life of a metal-ceramic prosthesis is about 10 years. If the frame is made of platinum, then this time increases to 15 years.

Much depends on the professionalism of the doctor. In addition, often the tooth under the crown begins to be affected by caries. That is why after dentures it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. Only a professional inspection can identify the problem. initial stage. The main metal-ceramic prosthesis is a crown - a micro-prosthesis for restoring tooth defects that cannot be treated conventionally.

Differences between metal-ceramic crowns and other types.

The advantages include:

  • A crown can be placed even if the tooth is in poor condition;
  • Metal-ceramic prostheses can withstand loads well;
  • The crown looks natural;
  • The color of the ceramics can be matched to the color of the remaining teeth;
  • The price of crowns is quite affordable;
  • The prosthesis does not darken or deteriorate;
  • The possibility of allergies is practically excluded.

If we talk about downsides, there are practically none. The only thing that can overshadow the joy of a metal-ceramic denture is the appearance of an allergy to the metal. Therefore, it is best, even at the stage of making the crown, to check the body’s sensitivity to the metal from which it will be made.

An allergic reaction to a prosthesis manifests itself as follows:

  1. Burning gums;
  2. Redness of the gums around the denture;
  3. Swelling of the gums;
  4. The appearance of bleeding.

If after installing the prosthesis you experience such sensations, you should immediately contact your dentist. May need to be replaced metal-ceramic tooth to ceramic.

Larisa Kopylova


It is rare, but it happens that the metal begins to show through the ceramic coating of the crown. Therefore, they try to use metal-ceramics on chewing teeth. Fortunately, strength allows.

Zirconium crowns, which are now actively gaining popularity, do not have this drawback. This is not surprising, see for yourself:

  1. They allow you to preserve the nerve in case of severe destruction of dental tissue;
  2. Zirconium very, very rarely causes allergic reactions;
  3. Zirconium is a metal white, it is not painted. You will have an exclusively white crown, without any shades.

Stages of prosthetics

The first and most important stage is the treatment of caries. If there are areas of destruction near the future crown, this can have a bad effect on the tooth underneath it. Some doctors prescribe an x-ray to see if there is an inflammatory process at the roots.

Step 2 – If the tooth is more than half destroyed, it is necessary to build it up using a pin. Next, using a special dental material, the doctor creates flat surface tooth

Stage 3 – the doctor grinds the surface of the tooth until desired result. Then an impression is taken. An extremely important stage on which the production of a comfortable prosthesis depends.

Step 4 – since the production of a prosthesis can take quite a long time, the doctor may suggest that the patient install temporary plastic crowns. In addition to getting rid of the discomfort caused by a void instead of a tooth, this will prevent external influence on this area.

Stage 5 – the dentist installs the finished crown on a temporary composition to fix it. After which the patient is given time to get used to the prosthesis and understand whether it causes discomfort. If there is discomfort, you must inform your doctor. Perhaps the crown needs to be sharpened or extended. Perhaps this is one of the most important stages– even the slightest discomfort is unacceptable. Only after all the nuances have been eliminated, the doctor secures the prosthesis thoroughly.

Removable prosthetics

If a person has lost several teeth at once, the doctor may suggest installing them. It is removable. The price for such prosthetics will be much lower than for a crown in case of loss of several teeth.

Removable bridge prosthesis.

So, how does a metal-ceramic bridge work? It consists of two support points and a bridge-like structure. Dentures are installed in it, which allows you to take up empty space on the gums. The teeth on which the anchor points are attached must be prepared for this.

If it is necessary to insert no more than three teeth, then the first installation option is used. In this case, metal-ceramic bridges are held in place by hooks that are attached to healthy teeth. These fasteners are absolutely invisible because they are installed at the very bottom of a healthy tooth.

The second option is that the clasps are attached to the root of the tooth on which the crown is installed. This method is more complex, so it is performed by experienced doctors in good clinics. The result is worth it - even if you open your mouth completely and wide in the light, the attachment points will not be visible.

Removable dentures are made using special molds, which are usually available ready-made. The doctor processes the workpiece independently. If ready-made impressions are not suitable, then the doctor can make it individually for you. A special acrylic material is poured into these molds, then processed in a special way and a prosthesis is made.

A removable metal-ceramic bridge requires careful care. It is not necessary to remove it at night; however, once a day the prosthesis is removed, thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Healthy teeth and the gums should also be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed to remove food debris. In addition, the denture must be removed to allow the gum tissue to “breathe.”

It would be best to buy a device such as an irrigator. This device helps to clean those places that cannot be reached with a brush. Its essence is simple - a strong stream of water simply “knocks out” various contaminants. You can use the irrigator without removing the prosthesis - this will also clean it.

Larisa Kopylova


Metal-ceramics on gold are made for greater biocompatibility (gold is used instead of a metal base). Such a system, of course, costs more.

Buy a dental brush. It will help remove food debris from your teeth if you are away from home. When removing a denture, carefully inspect the gums underneath - even the smallest piece of food can cause rotting in the mouth, which can lead to unpleasant odor. It will be extremely difficult to remove it even with the help of strong pastes. Therefore, it is better to avoid such situations at all and promptly remove all remaining food from the gums and teeth.

If you have just had such a prosthesis made, then for faster adaptation, doctors recommend leaving it on at night. Do not forget that cigarettes and alcohol will quickly darken the metal. In addition, smoking impairs blood circulation in the gums, which can lead to periodontal disease.

Caring for metal ceramics

Caring for a metal-ceramic prosthesis is practically no different from caring for natural teeth. First of all, it is necessary to exclude such phenomena as opening cans or bottles with teeth, cracking nuts or eating too hard food (crackers). Yes, and sweets can be minimized - they create unfavorable environment in the mouth.

It is important to brush your teeth after every meal. Of course, it is not always possible to use a toothbrush and toothpaste. Can be chewed chewing gum 10 minutes to get rid of leftover food. note that Toothbrush should not be too hard. The paste should not contain abrasive cleaning particles.

It is worth considering that crowns will not be stained by cigarettes and coffee, but natural teeth will be. Eventually the difference between the teeth and the crown may become apparent. Real teeth can be whitened, but the shade will still be different. Therefore, try to get rid of bad habits.

It is important to brush your teeth correctly - from the root upward with sweeping movements. Don't rub your teeth with all your might. An irrigator should appear in your arsenal. The first device, using a jet of water under pressure, cleans those places that are difficult to reach with a regular brush.

Most likely, you will have to buy a special one. It will effectively help remove food debris from your teeth if you are away from home. The doctor will tell you about caring for your new teeth in more detail.

It is absolutely not permissible to overload your teeth - chewing nuts, biting threads or opening bottles. And finally, the main rule for all types of prostheses is regular visits to the doctor. The dentist will be able to see any changes in the gums and natural teeth in time.

Now you know everything about the various methods of prosthetics. Knowing the pros and cons of each method will help you make the right choice.

Metal-ceramic dentures are popular and popular orthopedic structures. On the positive side of this type of prosthetics is its cost - about pricing policy This article will help you find out about the capital’s clinics offering their patients the installation of metal-ceramic structures.

They are loved by both patients and dentists - metal-ceramics have good aesthetic properties, which make it possible to produce prostheses that are indistinguishable from real teeth with the naked eye, are not difficult to care for, and are easy to manufacture.

Expert opinion. Dentist Avdeev R.K.: “Removable prosthetics in dentistry are used when the patient does not have a large number of teeth. In this case, the remaining intact teeth act as a base for attaching structures. A large area of ​​prosthetics requires the manufacture of special products: caring for dental prostheses made of removable metal-ceramics takes time and additional funds. They must be removed every day for rinsing and cleaning, as well as so that the oral cavity can rest from constant exposure to a foreign object during night sleep.”

There are many types of removable dentures on the dental market, but not all of them allow the use of metal-ceramic teeth. The most popular are durable and reliable, named after the German word bugel (arc). Indeed, their base is a metal arch lined with a polymer material that imitates gums. In combination with metal-ceramic prostheses, the clasp is in a great way restoration of missing teeth.

With the help of a clasp prosthesis you can restore chewing teeth.

With the help of a clasp metal-ceramic prosthesis, it is possible to restore both the chewing teeth, on both sides, and the front ones, however, in the case of the latter, we must not forget that this type prosthetics involves the use of metal fasteners, which can be visible from the outside. The locking device allows the patient to remove the prosthesis independently at any time when he needs it.

The cost of a dental prosthesis made of metal-ceramic on a clasp base cannot be called low, but it justifies itself with reliable fixation, the possibility of inexpensive partial repairs and a long service life.

Conditionally removable prosthetics using metal ceramics

No less in demand in the field of dental services are conditionally removable dentures: bridges and. They are called conditionally removable because, unlike clasps, they cannot be removed independently - however, during their operation such a need does not arise. The use of bridges allows you to restore several missing teeth in a row - usually no more than three. As for crowns, they are intended for the restoration of severely damaged teeth.

Which denture is better: metal-ceramic or plastic?

In addition to those listed above, it can boast of a number of other advantages:

All of the above factors clearly outweigh when choosing between metal-ceramics and plastic, because polymer is significantly inferior in all respects: it quickly loses its visual appeal, does not allow you to chew hard food, in case of even minor breakdowns it must be completely replaced, and it will last only 2-3 years .

How to care for metal-ceramic dentures?

Caring for dentures depends on their type. In the case of removable prosthetics, it is necessary to remove the structure as often as possible and rinse it under running water, and then rinse it with a special disinfectant solution. Such care will allow you to wash away food and other deposits from under the prosthesis, neutralize bacteria, and prevent the appearance of inflammatory diseases periodontal If the clasp prosthesis rubs a lot during the first time after installation, it is recommended to use special creams that have a slight analgesic effect and promote a better fit.

As for dentures, in this case, regular daily brushing and rinsing of teeth is sufficient. It is important to remember that the presence of any dentures in the oral cavity requires regular (at least once every 6 months) visits to an orthopedic dentist - he will help carry out general cleaning, check the reliability of fixation, and, if necessary, carry out minor repairs.

Metal-ceramic dental prosthetics is becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because this type of prosthetics is an excellent combination of quality, attractive appearance and completely affordable price. Because of this, many people prefer metal-ceramic prosthetics.

Let's figure out what's special about this prosthetic technology. To do this, you need to take a closer look at what metal-ceramic crowns are and how they are installed. It is also worth learning about the disadvantages and advantages, as well as possible problems that you may encounter when choosing metal-ceramic prostheses.

Metal ceramics: what is it?

Metal-ceramic prostheses are combination of ceramics and metal. The frame is made of metal, which ensures strength and top part consists of ceramics, which gives the smile an aesthetic appearance. Such a prosthesis lasts quite a long time and does not cost too much. Caracas are made from alloys of various metals. Ceramics are sprayed on top. There is also an option when the ceramics are poured. It depends on the method of manufacturing such an overlay.

Metal-ceramic crowns can be used individually, on specific teeth, or they can be used to create a long prosthesis in the form of a bridge. Most often, such onlays are installed directly on the patient’s damaged teeth. These teeth are first strengthened using pins.

Metal-ceramic dentures allow you to fill gaps in the dentition. The color of the coating is selected so that there is no visible difference between your tooth and the crown.

Installation technology and its features

Before installing metal-ceramic prostheses, the doctor conducts full diagnostics oral cavity. Most often, a photograph is taken of those teeth on which a crown will subsequently be installed. You need to make sure that there is no inflammatory processes. If the canals have been sealed previously, you need to make sure that this was done correctly. If this is not the case, then the doctor does it again to avoid complications. Having dental caries can also be a problem. That is why you need to make sure that all the teeth that will be replaced are healthy and ready for crowns.

Then the doctor processes the teeth and makes an impression from which the crown will be made. Also a common occurrence Prosthetics involves removing the nerve and treating the dental canal. If the patient's tooth is healthy, it can be left alive and the nerve not removed.

The patient's teeth are ground down so that the prosthesis does not reach the gums. This will help avoid swelling, allergies and other unpleasant consequences. A pin or a special tab is inserted into the tooth. A pin is installed if the tooth is approximately half destroyed. If there is only one wall left, then the root tab is already used. This allows the tooth to have higher density and not break.

Then the doctor selects the material for prosthetics. Precious, semi-precious and base metals are used for the frame. IN modern dentistry Most often, special alloys are used: either cobalt-chromium or nickel-chromium. There are also options using alloys with precious metals: such as gold, palladium, platinum. Ceramic coating is made using a layer-by-layer method. Each subsequent layer is baked in an oven at a high temperature of 950 degrees. Exactly like this heat ensures perfect adhesion between the metal ceramic layer and the frame.

While metal-ceramic dentures are being made, the patient is given temporary crowns. After metal-ceramic crowns for prosthetics have been made, they can be installed on the treated teeth. When the doctor is satisfied that the dentures are suitable for the patient and are no different from other teeth, they are fixed. This is done using adhesive materials.

Features of denture care

Many people are interested in how to care for prosthetic teeth. Caring for metal-ceramic crowns no different from daily care of your own teeth. They also need to be cleaned and oral hygiene monitored. It is advisable to clean your mouth not only in the morning and evening, but also after every meal to prevent caries. It will be unpleasant if it appears under a metal-ceramic crown.

Metal ceramics: pros and cons

It is worth saying a few words about the advantages and disadvantages of metal-ceramic prosthetics. Among the advantages of metal-ceramics, one can note the high reliability and strength of crowns. Another plus is the ability to match the color of the ceramic coating to match your own teeth. The low price for this type of prosthetics is also an advantage of metal-ceramics.

When choosing a frame made of an alloy of gold and platinum, metal-ceramic crowns can last up to 20 years! This is a very high show. Having once spent money on good clinic and you can enjoy high-quality metal-ceramic prostheses beautiful smile long years.

Among the disadvantages of metal-ceramics, the following aspects can be noted: the teeth need to be sharpened quite strongly in order to be able to install metal-ceramics. Often there are no special indications for this, which is why many patients do not like metal-ceramic dentures. Over time, under the influence of saliva, some metals may oxidize, and the patient may also be allergic to some type of metal. If the gums recede, the metal frame will be visible.

Indications for installation of metal ceramics

Metal ceramics can be safely used to eliminate empty spaces in the dentition if the patient is not allergic to metals. The likelihood of rejection occurring is quite small, but it is still present. Prosthetics in this way are recommended in cases where the tooth can no longer be restored. Some people have a problem with their enamel. It can quickly wear out or a person suffers from dentin. In such cases, metal ceramics are an indispensable assistant. For brittle teeth, this type of prosthetics is also the most suitable.

If you have one of the problems listed above, then metal ceramics are ideal for you. Given the few shortcomings this method you can choose the most suitable option for you and install metal-ceramic dentures that will last from 12 to 20 years. Low price makes metal-ceramic prosthetics the most profitable investment of money.

Briefly and clearly about the process of installing a metal-ceramic prosthesis

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