Microprosthetics of damaged teeth with inlays, veneers and pins. Microprostheses are an ideal choice for restoring the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition

Microprosthetics is the restoration of missing or damaged teeth with extensive defects. This technology may become an alternative traditional ways prosthetics in the absence of a tooth. In contrast, microprosthetics allows you to restore the dentition in a more gentle way without damage healthy teeth, located nearby. Thus, aesthetic results and chewing function are quickly ensured without numerous visits to a specialist.

Adhesive microprosthetics

When it comes to the most affordable solution to the problem of a missing tooth, we talk about adhesive microprosthetics. Adhesive bonding is a technology that helps fill the dentition by attaching an artificial tooth to two adjacent ones. By design this method Reminiscent of a bridge, but it is significantly different from this type of prosthetics. When using a bridge artificial tooth fixed on the crowns of adjacent teeth. They have to be sacrificed, since the supporting teeth become pulpless and become lifeless.

Articles on the topic

Which crowns are better?

Dental prosthetics is the most popular method of correcting dental defects. Among patients, the most acceptable are metal-ceramic and zirconium crowns, which meet all the requirements of convenience, reliability and aesthetics.

Service life of a metal-ceramic crown

Thanks to affordable price metal ceramic crowns are in great demand. They are durable and quite aesthetic, and with proper care their service life will be as long as possible.

Contraindications for dental prosthetics

Before undergoing dental prosthetics, familiarize yourself with the available contraindications. Sometimes, in order to install crowns or dentures, it is necessary to carry out dental preparation of the oral cavity and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Temporary removable dentures

Temporary removable dentures are still actively used in dentistry. They are divided into several groups and are used when it is impossible to use fixed prosthetics.

Composite Tabs

Composite inlays are made from high-quality filling material. Their cost is acceptable for many patients. Unlike fillings, which quickly stain, wear out and fall out, a composite inlay is much more durable and comfortable.

We place zirconium dioxide crowns

New dental methods of prosthetics greatly facilitate the dentist’s work and improve the patient’s quality of life. One of best options solutions to aesthetic problems are zirconium crowns.

Nylon prosthetics - a new word in prosthetics

Dental prosthetics with nylon dentures is a compromise between aesthetics and reliability. Nylon prostheses are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, although they have some disadvantages that you should know about before using this prosthetic technique.

Jaw in a glass? Forget it!

Removable prosthetics is an outdated and unpromising method of correcting dental defects. Metal-ceramic and metal-free ceramic crowns offer endless possibilities for dental excellence.

Ceramic crowns

Metal-free ceramic crowns allow you to achieve highly aesthetic prosthetics. Unlike metal-ceramics, they are no different from natural teeth, although they are considered less durable.


Adhesive bridge prosthetics using French technologies using modern European materials. You will not feel pain and will not notice how the installation of the prosthesis has been completed.

Removable dentures

Removable dentures are dentures that can be removed temporarily (usually at night). As a rule, they require special care, without which they begin to ooze bad smell, change color, which negatively affects their aesthetic properties.

Zirconium abutments

Zirconium abutments are in great demand in modern dentistry. The use of zirconium dioxide for the production of structures that are used in dental prosthetics solves many problems, including aesthetic ones.

Temporary cement for fixing crowns

Temporary crown luting cement is used to place a temporary crown if an unexpected reaction may occur from a living tooth. The dentist is able to adjust the final properties of the permanent prosthesis, taking into account the peculiarities of the patient’s adaptation to the temporary dental structure.

Temporary crowns for front teeth

Temporary crowns on the front teeth are actively used in prosthetics. Making a prosthesis can take more than one week, and during this time patients cannot walk around with unsightly ground teeth. Temporary structures preserve the aesthetics of teeth and allow you to feel comfortable during the intermediate stage of prosthetics.

Temporary crown for implant

A temporary crown is installed on the implant immediately after implantation of the artificial root. And this helps the gums take the desired shape, form a beautiful relief, restore the chewing load and increase the patient’s comfort during communication.

Plastic for making temporary crowns

Plastic for the manufacture of temporary crowns is used in the intermediate period of prosthetics, when the patient is waiting for permanent crowns and bridges. The materials used in this case can be either low or High Quality. The better the temporary plastic crown, the more comfortable it will be for the patient to get used to permanent artificial teeth.

Installation of ataments in dentistry

The installation of abutments in dentistry is most often carried out after the artificial root has fused with the patient’s bone tissue. After screwing in the abutment and final healing of the tissues, you can begin the final stage of prosthetics.

Locking fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses

Lock fastening clasp and bridge prostheses reliably fixes prosthetic structures, removes excess load from the teeth and ensures stable aesthetics of the smile. Today, dentists have the opportunity to select individual micro-locks that are suitable for each specific clinical case.

What types of dental injuries are there?

Even the most calm people Those living a measured life run the risk of getting bruised or wounded. We need to talk separately about children - their love of movement and restlessness is often the reason various kinds damage. Moreover, not only children’s knees are injured; teeth are often the object of impact. Dental injuries will be discussed below.

Pathology of hard dental tissues in orthopedics

According to the principle of the origin of the pathology, they are divided into lesions of carious and non-carious origin, including both congenital and acquired phenomena. Dental caries is a disease that appears on the teeth after their eruption, and is expressed in demineralization, softening of dental tissue and the subsequent formation of a defect, expressed in the form of a pathological cavity.

Dental orthopedics. Which prosthesis to choose

Today dentistry uses several types of dentures, attached both to the upper and to the lower jaw, and when choosing a method and type, take into account individual characteristics the patient, his state of health and in particular bone tissue jaws. The installation process is the same removable dentures does not involve taking into account the condition of bone tissue. How to decide on the choice of prosthesis?

Adhesive dental prosthetics is a new progressive and efficient technology, which is offered by modern orthopedic dentists. It is a type of microprosthetics.

At the same time, all the unpleasant procedures that patients are afraid of due to the association with prosthetics are not required at all (for example, the same turning of abutment teeth, their preparation, installation of a crown, depulpation and other inconveniences).

Even if you lose just one of a row of teeth traditional methods its restoration involves preparing adjacent teeth and covering them with crowns. And using adhesive prosthetics, you can save everything healthy teeth intact, while restoring the lost. A problem such as the loss of one tooth generally has whole line solutions, but adhesive microprosthetics is the simplest and most effective technique.

Adhesive prosthetics without turning

No matter how much we would like it, grinding of the supporting teeth is necessary for installing many types of dentures. First of all, it means bridge(or "bridge") The whole point of this method of prosthetics is that an artificial tooth or a row of them is attached to crowns.

They are placed over the healthy teeth that serve as the base for the crowns, on either side of the empty space in the dentition. But in order for the installation of a crown to be possible, these supporting teeth must be ground down.

With the help of modern sedatives They are trying to make this procedure easier, but it still remains unpleasant. And it is quite understandable that it is a pity to spoil strong, healthy teeth for the sake of this procedure. Fortunately, in modern medicine A new high-tech method has appeared that allows you to restore teeth without grinding their healthy “neighbors.”

Adhesive prosthetics without turning is the most gentle method because:

  • the nerves of the teeth are preserved;
  • their enamel is not damaged;
  • functional features remain the same;
  • The service life of teeth is significantly increased.

The method of dental prosthetics without turning is divided into two groups:

  • invasive (small grooves or holes are created in the teeth along the edges of the defect, and fiberglass supports or micro-locks are installed there, depending on the situation, after which the missing tooth is restored);
  • non-invasive (the supporting teeth remain intact; the optimal prosthetic technique is first selected, after which impressions are made, a design is developed and the tooth is recreated).

The adhesive prosthetics procedure itself takes place in a strictly defined sequence:

  1. The specialist examines the patient, takes an anamnesis (it plays an important role for clinical picture diseases), makes a diagnosis and draws up a treatment plan.
  2. After the examination, a diagnosis is carried out using a computer RG-visiogram or electroodontodiagnosis.
  3. The oral cavity is prepared for prosthetics. The teeth are treated using diamond-coated instruments to improve the adhesion of the composite to the enamel.
  4. Impressions are taken and working models are created. Colored wax is applied.
  5. The surface of the teeth is treated with medications, the teeth and prosthesis are covered with a composite. Then the excess is removed, and polymerization is carried out using a special lamp. The bite is adjusted and the teeth are polished.

Adhesive dentures cannot be installed if:

  • the supporting teeth are badly damaged and are in the wrong position;
  • teeth are mobile and easily worn out;
  • available serious disease periodontal;
  • the patient has a tendency to bite his nails;
  • there are pathological trema.

Video: Adhesive bridge

Adhesive prosthetics technology

Translated from Latin language"adhaesio" literally means "adhesion". This is what gave this method its name, because the prosthesis is attached to the supporting teeth thanks to a special glue. The technology of adhesive prosthetics is as follows. Let's start with the fact that there are two main methods that are used in this method.

One of them involves applying micro-notches to the supporting teeth.

It takes place in several stages:

  • Applying notches (if there are fillings, they can be cut out).
  • Laying and securing fiberglass threads in the formed recesses, which provide stability and high strength for the future prosthesis.
  • The use of metal-ceramics or composite materials to restore a lost tooth. Making a metal-ceramic prosthesis is quite difficult and time-consuming, so this process is carried out in dental laboratories using a dental impression, which is made first in the dental office. Most often, metal-ceramic adhesive prostheses are used for bridge prosthetics.
  • Installation of an adhesive prosthesis.
  • Adjustment or adjustment (if necessary) using special tools.

The second option is the so-called Maryland Bridge.

It is also a prosthesis attached to the supporting teeth, but not with the help of fiberglass threads, but with the use of metal overlays. Orthopedic dentists have been successfully using this method since 1973.

In this case, the supporting teeth are also not ground down, but instead the lingual surface of the teeth is only slightly etched. The supporting elements are attached precisely to it. The time it takes to install it (for example, one or two visits) depends on what material was used to make the prosthesis. The Maryland bridge is made from metal-ceramics or metal in special dental laboratories. Photos will help you get acquainted with all the information in more detail.

Prices for adhesive dentures

Exist different kinds adhesive prostheses and, of course, they all have different costs. For example, the adhesive butterfly prosthesis is one of the most popular because its price is much lower than other prostheses.

“Butterflies” are comfortable to wear and you quickly get used to them.

However, in order to produce a splinting adhesive prosthesis, materials and manufacturing costs are required, so such a service has an appropriate cost. Prices may fluctuate depending on the materials and complexity of the design, so in Russia these amounts are within 3.6 thousand rubles. up to 16 thousand rub.

And regardless of the cost, this procedure is worth it, because adhesive prosthetics technology is suitable for absolutely all ages: from young patients to the elderly, even after heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, beautiful and healthy teeth are now available to everyone without unnecessary losses and with the most pleasant sensations.

Video: Adhesive prosthetics

In modern aesthetic dentistry Special attention is devoted to microprosthetics of teeth. It’s not difficult to understand what it is, you just need to look at what problems the technique solves. It is used in cases of significant tooth decay in order to preserve them. Microprostheses not only return your smile to its former aesthetics, but also allow you to restore chewing functions.

Microprosthetics is the process of restoring teeth without taking into account the degree of their destruction. To achieve this goal, materials are usually used that, in their characteristics, are as close as possible to natural tissues.

Such designs are considered permanent prostheses; the patient wears them for many years. It should be understood that microprosthetics of a missing tooth does not imply its complete replacement. This is just a restoration of part of it. The main goal of the procedure is to restore the anatomical shape and partially restore chewing functions. Here aesthetics come first, not functionality.

Microprosthetics has a number of significant differences from conventional methods of prosthetics. These include:

  1. Accelerated smile restoration process without the use of adjacent teeth.
  2. Increased durability of the materials used. They last longer than conventional photo seals.
  3. Inlays and onlays are made according to individual casts, so they look more aesthetically pleasing.

The techniques used to install microprostheses are considered gentle. When prescribing treatment, doctors take into account the degree of tooth decay, possible damage roots and the state of neighboring units. Dentists also take into account the wishes of the patient himself. At the same time, they can choose one of several types of microprosthetics.

Adhesive method

This is a progressive technology that is increasingly used in aesthetic dentistry. Patients also love her. The popularity is based on the advantages this technique provides:

  1. Significant time savings. The doctor does not need to waste time and energy on grinding the supporting teeth.
  2. The ability to replace a missing unit, even if there is no support nearby.
  3. If a change in the method of prosthetics is required, there is no need to restore adjacent teeth.

You also need to take into account the reduction in the cost of work. This is explained by a decrease in the amount of materials used.

The use of this technology is indicated for young patients, as well as elderly people who, due to health problems, find it difficult to undergo traditional prosthetics.

The technique cannot be used if teeth are damaged by caries, bruxism, increased abrasion of enamel, various malocclusions and the presence of large defects.

Previously, adhesive microprostheses for 1 tooth were considered a temporary solution. They were placed during the production of full-fledged implants. But thanks to improved quality of materials, everything has changed. Now such microprostheses are considered permanent and can last for more than one year.

Using inlays and veneers

These elements are also considered microprostheses. They are made in laboratories using individual impressions and look no different from real dental tissue.

Dentists use 2 types of inlays: crown and pin. The first ones are used to eliminate caries, chips, wedge-shaped defects, fluorosis. These inlays are very similar in function to regular fillings. They also close existing cavities, but are made from other materials (metals, ceramics and composites).

The use of one or another option is determined by the location of the damaged unit and the condition of the pulp. If the latter died, then doctors limit themselves to using. It is better not to restore pulpless teeth with metal. Because of high density it can crack dentin.

Pin tabs are used if there is major damage or complete destruction tooth crowns. They are made individually for each channel. Technologies such as Cerec and CAD/CAM are used for this. The products consist of two parts - a stump and a pin. The first is located above the gum and follows the shape of the tooth or its remaining part. The second is attached to the root canal.

Precious, semi-precious and base metals are used to make products. But titanium is considered the best. When using microprosthetics with inlays made of this material, there is no rejection.

Veneers are most often made from composite materials and pressed ceramics using high-precision milling. They are used exclusively for visual correction (with changed enamel color, slightly incorrect position of teeth).

Removable dentures

This method is used when one to three units in a row need to be replaced. For this purpose, “bird” or “butterfly” prostheses are used. They are made from nylon, acrylic and dental plastic. This takes approximately 2 weeks.

First, the doctor takes impressions of the jaw, and then a technician in the laboratory makes a removable microprosthesis based on them. On final stage the doctor adjusts the product to its location and fastens it. The advantages of such structures include:

  • external resemblance to living tissues oral cavity;
  • no need to sharpen adjacent teeth;
  • the ability to install even with periodontal disease;
  • minimum production time;
  • low cost.

This technology has only one drawback - rapid wear. Such prostheses are designed to be worn for one year. In addition, when using them, the patient has to adjust his diet.

Stages of treatment

Restoring missing teeth occurs in several stages. During this time, the patient will have to visit the dentist twice.

During the first visit, the doctor examines the patient’s oral cavity, identifies problems and outlines a work plan. In addition, it treats damaged teeth. If the defect is due to caries, then dead tissue is removed to form a cavity into which the deposit will then be installed.

After primary processing Dental paste is applied to the teeth on both sides. It is needed to obtain impressions of the jaws and for subsequent fine adjustment of products.

The resulting models, indicating the enamel color, are sent to the laboratory. There's a dental technician using modern techniques, manufactures microprostheses. This process is long. During this time, the cavity in the prepared tooth is sealed with a temporary filling.

The second time the patient comes to the dentist is when the prosthesis is already ready. The doctor checks it to ensure it matches the color of your natural teeth and the ordered shape, makes adjustments if necessary and installs it in a previously prepared cavity.

This treatment algorithm is used when using pins, veneers and bird-type prostheses. Only the timing of the work may change.

Modern microdental prosthetics makes it possible to preserve dental units or several nearby standing teeth which were practically destroyed. This is done by using a single prosthesis made of ceramic or composite type material. The latter may be smaller in size and made of cement. Thanks to this type of work, the original appearance of the tooth and its function are restored.

This is an innovative direction in the field of dental services. The main goal of the operation is to preserve a hopelessly damaged tooth and restore its functionality and improve its appearance.

Microprosthetics differs from other procedures:

  1. Recovery method. The reconstruction work is carried out in a gentle way; during the process of microprosthetics, the teeth that are located nearby are not affected.
  2. The structures are made according to individual casts. Their service life is longer than that of crowns or fillings.
  3. Microprosthetics are used to obtain an ideal tooth appearance. Due to this, it is popular in aesthetic dentistry. This type The operation allows the client to get perfect teeth.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Aspects of indications for the procedure and contraindications can be considered using the table below.

Types of microprosthetics

Dental microprosthetics of a missing tooth is currently performed using 4 types of operations.

The procedure could be:

  • adhesive;
  • using ;
  • using ;
  • with the installation of pins.

The first method makes it possible to replace several missing teeth at once. To carry out such work, dentists use fiberglass as the main material. The product is characterized by increased strength, which makes it possible to create prosthetic bridges with a long service life.

Anna Losyakova


Important! The material allows you to install the bridge already on the second visit to the clinic.

The bar is connected to adjacent units using an adhesive, while the teeth that are connected are not affected. This type of prosthetics is suitable for those who are allergic to component materials or to individual parts of the prosthesis made of metal, while the cost of the material will be an order of magnitude lower than other methods of dental restoration, but the strength of the structure remains at the highest level.

Restoration using onlays (veneers) allows you to improve the appearance of your teeth by correcting their shape and color. Thin plates that are placed on the enamel hide areas of abrasion and darkened enamel. The material protects the coating of teeth, preventing the influence of tea, cigarette smoke and coffee on the surface. The procedure allows clients to remove gaps located between teeth.

The use of inlays means placing fillings in the damaged cavity, which are created in laboratories. Treatment materials are distinguished by their durability and aesthetics; they do not negatively affect the functionality of the jaw.

The procedure using pins is indicated in cases where dental crown was completely destroyed, but the root remained intact. During the operation, the pin is placed in the root. Based on it, a new crown is created. This newest technique allows you to correct the problem of a damaged area without turning adjacent units.

Stages of prosthetics

The process of treatment, manufacturing of the structure and its installation takes several stages. Most often, the patient requires several visits to the clinic.

At the first visit, the specialist treats the affected area, removes dead tissue and creates a special cavity, which will later be closed with an inlay. After the cavity is formed, a paste is applied to each jaw, which takes the shape of the jaw and the missing area, it hardens and forms an impression, on the basis of which a microprosthesis will be made.

An impression is made of each jaw, even if there is no damage on one of them. Both sides are needed in order to accurately adjust the microprosthesis to the shape of the dentition and ensure full chewing function. The client’s impression and shade of enamel are transferred to specialists to produce the final structure.

Anna Losyakova


Important! To produce a high-quality prosthesis, a period of 1 to 2 weeks is required.

During the second visit, the conformity of the manufactured microprosthesis is checked according to shape and shade, and it will be installed in the place that was prepared earlier.

The same algorithm of actions is used in the manufacture of pins, veneers and temporary dentures.

Service life of microprostheses

The main advantage of microprosthetics is that each element for the operation is manufactured in a separate laboratory; such procedures cannot be carried out in the oral cavity.

Thanks to special conditions, the finished material is provided by polymerization, strength and lightness (if the question is the manufacture of a bridge). Using microprosthetics, it is possible to ensure a lower percentage of damage to the tooth tissue that is being restored, and this affects the service life.

So, what is microdental prosthetics? This modern procedure, which makes it possible to solve the problem of missing or damaged teeth in just a few visits. By agreeing to such a restoration operation, the client receives prostheses with high rate strength and durability. Despite the fact that the cost of such a service differs from the usual ones, the price will be justified over time.

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