Dairy diet for weight loss: daily menu and products. Kefir diet for a week. Types of milk and their effect on weight loss

Dairy products are very good for health, because the body needs a sufficient amount of vitamin D, and calcium is needed in the diet for its synthesis. In addition, dairy products contain large quantities of protein, various microelements and other useful material. Thus, a diet using these products is a good option if you care about your health. The only contraindication to this weight loss method may be lactose intolerance.

Of all the variety of dairy products, kefir is perhaps the most healthy. It perfectly satisfies hunger and is ideally suited for use in various diets, of which there are many. In medicine, it is also noted beneficial influence for health, such as a sedative for the central nervous system, restoring the whole body and improving blood circulation.

Kefir diet "3 days"

This is the most popular and effective diet on kefir. The result is clear and quite fast, but the power system is strict. Apart from kefir, nothing else is allowed for three days. There are, of course, some nuances and rules:

  • the amount of kefir per day should be from a liter to one and a half;
  • Divide the intake of the product into 6 times, approximately every three hours;
  • no additives or sweeteners, this is strictly prohibited;
  • Active sports are recommended in conjunction with this diet and the result will definitely please you - up to 4 kilograms in 3 days.

Kefir diet for a week

This is a simpler nutrition option than the previous one, although less effective. We break down the menu by day of the week:

  1. During the first day we drink up to one and a half liters low-fat kefir and eat up to a kilogram of any fruit.
  2. For daily ration next day select several (4-5 pieces) potatoes baked in the oven and also up to one and a half liters of kefir.
  3. This day will be a fasting day. Only kefir and mineral water without gases.
  4. On the fourth day you can have boiled meat, ideally lean, dietary option- chicken or turkey, no more than 500 grams per day and definitely kefir.
  5. On the fifth day, apples are allowed, no more than a kilogram and, of course, kefir.
  6. The penultimate day is kefir and vegetable day. Any vegetables, but without salt, if it’s a salad, then without dressing.
  7. Complete the diet with a fasting day under the same conditions.

The result is approximately 4 kg per week. If combined with regular physical activity, you can lose 6-7 kilograms.

Diet for 21 days

This diet is not fast, not complicated and quite gentle. Perfect for regular use, but it’s still a good idea to give your body a week’s rest in between. The bottom line is this: throughout the day, approximately every 2-3 hours, you eat whatever you want, except for foods on the list of prohibited foods (will be given below) and drink a glass of kefir, preferably low-fat. Thus, it turns out that you just have to exclude it from your diet. harmful products, you will quickly get used to this and lose up to 15 kg over the entire period.

Prohibited foods include: sugar, any bread, potatoes, fatty meat.

Cottage cheese diet

Cottage cheese - very healthy and tasty milk product, has a strengthening effect on bone tissue and is rich in a huge amount of nutrients and minerals. Doctors recommend the cottage cheese diet as a healthy one, thanks to useful qualities cottage cheese, it is recommended to use it in case of possible psycho-emotional instability, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and inactive phase of liver diseases.

For any type of cottage cheese diet there are general recommendations: take only fresh and low-fat product, drink more liquid (clean still water and), at the end of the diet, leave the habit of eating wisely, in order to avoid the rapid “fading” of the effect obtained.

Curd mono-diet for three days

As is already clear from the name, you can only eat cottage cheese, 6 times a day, 70 grams each. You can drink water and tea, but it is better to abstain from the latter. Naturally everything is sugar-free. You can drink any liquid half an hour before meals, or no earlier than an hour later. The result is up to 2 kg over the entire period.

Cottage cheese diet "Week"

  1. Have breakfast with citrus juice and any porridge (you can have muesli with milk). For lunch, prepare cottage cheese casserole, boiled potatoes with a small piece ham and lettuce. Have dinner with bran bread (can be spread with butter) and tea.
  2. Citrus juice and cereal with milk for breakfast. For lunch, prepare brine curd cream - cottage cheese, mix it with grated pickled cucumber, half a boiled egg, parsley and add brine. You can eat a piece oily fish. You have dinner with vegetable soup, maybe some bread and cheese.
  3. For breakfast, a sandwich with butter and green tea without sugar. For lunch, bake cottage cheese with carrots, green peas, grated cheese and your favorite spices. Dinner - bread with bran and butter, possibly vegetable broth.
  4. For breakfast, a little boiled dietary meat and half fresh cucumber. Have lunch with cottage cheese and vegetables. For dinner, prepare cottage cheese and berry casserole.
  5. Citrus juice and some boiled turkey for breakfast. For lunch, cottage cheese with fruit and muesli. Have dinner with unsweetened cottage cheese and herbs.
  6. Citrus juice, cereal porridge for breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with semolina ( classic recipe) and compote for lunch. Dinner - boiled lean fish with vegetables.
  7. A sandwich of bread with butter and honey, unsweetened tea is breakfast. For lunch, cottage cheese puree with cucumber, kefir, radish and sugar. For dinner, squash soup and a slice of bran bread.

Yogurt diet

Yogurt helps the body improve immunity and fight various fungal diseases. Very balanced product, contains many vitamins and minerals, is enriched with protein and calcium, and provides the body with beneficial bacteria. Among other things, it is capable of eliminating eating disorders and remove toxins from the body. And it's not even yet full list beneficial properties of this fermented milk product.

Yogurt diet, 14 days

Throughout the entire period, the menu should remain virtually unchanged; it is possible to diversify only with equivalent products.

Breakfast: tea without sugar (black/green), yogurt with dried fruits/berries/fresh fruits and orange/pomegranate/grapefruit juice, diluted with water.

Lunch: options vegetable soups(cucumber/zucchini/carrots) with herbs and yogurt, boiled dietary meat with vegetable salad and diluted juice.

Dinner: boiled asparagus salad with yogurt dressing, diluted juice.

Milk diet

Milk gives a feeling of fullness and has a high nutritional value and rich various vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. There are several rules for a milk diet.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - useful tips nutritionists

In the process of losing weight, the most important place is occupied by the restructuring of nutrition. If your weight is far from ideal, this indicates that you either did not think about it at all, or made mistakes in its organization. The concept of “proper nutrition for weight loss” does not have a clear definition. Some argue that meat is poison, others advise avoiding potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes, and still others suggest losing weight on various mono-diets. Which version is considered correct and what is the best way to eat to lose weight?

Proper nutrition for weight loss and the number of calories

The main truth about proper nutrition for weight loss is one: “Consume fewer calories than your body can burn during daily activity.” At the same time, you should remember the nutritional value of food, which, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with calorie content. Nutritional value food is hers chemical composition, content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. Compose yourself daily menu and losing weight on your own will not be at all difficult.

First of all, proper nutrition for weight loss involves a balanced diet so as not to be exhausted all day from hunger and to remain calm. Remember, in order to achieve results in weight loss, it is necessary, oddly enough, to avoid the feeling of hunger. Proper nutrition for weight loss is not strictly prohibited certain products. What is important here, on the contrary, is their presence. This is the main difference from various diets.

What foods are best to eat when eating properly for weight loss?

The “right” products for weight loss. These are a variety of fruits: grapes, kiwi, bananas, apples or pears. Vegetables: celery, radishes, carrots or cucumbers. Pumpkin or sunflower seeds, but not salted. Dried apricots or dried figs, Walnut and almonds, also not salted. Instead of bread, it is better to eat bread (made from wholemeal flour), grain bread. Vegetable salad (tomatoes and peppers, with olive oil). Among dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened low-calorie fruit yoghurts (without flavorings and various synthetic additives) are useful. You can also use soy products. It is recommended to drink green tea.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - breakfast comes first!

Many people who are unsuccessfully trying to lose weight have one thing in common - they don't eat breakfast. Do you know what the daily routine is like? fat people trying unsuccessfully to lose weight? They almost never have breakfast. System proper nutrition designed primarily for them. When refusing to eat in the morning becomes regular, the body becomes weaned from breakfast and in the morning we simply have no appetite. It would seem that eating less is the main rule for losing weight. However, a hearty breakfast is the best helper for anyone losing weight.

A breakfast that includes proteins and carbohydrates, in addition to helping you lose weight, develops good eating habits. People who eat a large breakfast do not need small snacks and eat less at night. This is the main help correct mode nutrition. In addition, it improves metabolism. Proper breakfast improves mood, gives vigor and energy for the whole day.

It must be borne in mind that even the most balanced, healthy and proper diet for weight loss cannot fully provide the body with vitamins and minerals. Calorie restriction makes this impossible, so it is recommended to consume additional vitamin complex. It is better to choose some universal complex, and not limit yourself to special vitamins for losing weight.

The best diet for weight loss is balanced

Proper nutrition includes the presence of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the diet. The carbohydrate component is an essential element of proper nutrition. Often we choose those carbohydrate products, which are quickly digested and do not satiate at all, as a result of which we break off our diets. Therefore, you need to eat at least two servings slow carbohydrates. These products include: oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice porridge, whole grain or rye pasta, millet, whole grain bread, bread without sugar and yeast, baked potatoes. To avoid feeling hungry in the evening, you should eat these carbohydrates for lunch and breakfast.

Eating protein foods is an integral element of proper nutrition. Protein products must be included in the menu of every main meal. When studying in gym, protein should also be present in snacks. Excellent sources of protein for weight loss are the following foods: lean meats, turkey, chicken, fish, egg white, low-fat dairy products and cheeses (up to 40 grams).

Proper nutrition for weight loss also requires mandatory consumption healthy fats. The daily norm is two spoons of any vegetable oil or 30 grams of nuts. In addition, we should not forget about the sources of dietary fiber and fiber. A proper diet should contain at least 300-400 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of unsweetened fruits. It is recommended to avoid only vegetables canned peas and corn. All other products are not included in the weight loss menu.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - give up sweets

If you cannot give up sweets, then replace it with two spoons (teaspoons) of honey, or a couple of pieces of dates, dried apricots, and marmalade. IN as a last resort, you can eat about 20 grams of dark chocolate. You can eat any fruit, but sweet fruits like bananas, mangoes, and grapes are best eaten in small quantities and only in the first half of the day.

Cleansing the body of toxins and waste while losing weight

Nutritionists consider cleansing with enterosorbent Enterosgel to be a necessary step in any weight loss program, since it actively absorbs waste and toxins that enter the body in abundance during the breakdown of fat deposits. When intensively split body fat, toxins enter the bloodstream, causing exacerbation of chronic diseases, nausea and bad taste in the mouth, gastritis and stool disorders, dullness of the skin with the appearance of pimples and spots on it. People mistakenly believe that these phenomena are associated with a decrease in calorie intake, but in fact the problem is toxins!

It is also important that Enterosgel fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of fullness, and at the same time absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes. This neutralizes them irritant effect on the walls of the stomach, that is, losing weight will not end with gastritis.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - light dinners and fasting days

Many people mistakenly believe that fasting days are “fasting” days. But that's not true. It is possible to give your body a rest by reducing the amount of food and changing the composition of your diet. There are many menu options that can be used throughout the day. So, somehow replacing the main meal.

1. Brown bread and milk. Milk is rich in calcium, carbohydrates (milk sugar), and contains a certain percentage of fat. In combination with black bread, it gives a noticeable feeling of fullness. On average, the daily norm is a liter of milk and 150 grams of bread. If desired, you can change the quantity of products.

2. Kefir. Like any other fermented milk product, it is beneficial for the body and is less likely to cause allergic reactions, unlike whole milk. Therefore, kefir is acceptable for most people. You can drink it in quantities of up to 1.5 liters per day. If desired, you can eat a small handful of homemade crackers on this day.

3. Apples. With normal stomach acidity, apple day will be an excellent relief. This product can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Apples not only relieve the digestive system, but also replenish the supply of iron, potassium and many other useful elements.

4. Rice or buckwheat. To carry out such fasting day The rice is boiled, and the buckwheat is soaked overnight in a certain amount of water. They can be supplemented with carrots, fresh or steamed. The volume of cereal per day is not clearly established. For one fasting day, you can choose only buckwheat or only rice.
5. Cabbage. Daily norm Divide the product (about 1.5 kg) into 5-6 portions, preparing the salad with the addition of vegetable oil (about 5 ml per serving).

Each of these days must be supplemented mineral water. Repeat fasting days no more than 1-2 times a week.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - how to reduce appetite?

It is recommended to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before meals, perhaps with a slice of lemon. If there is strong feeling hunger, then choose low-calorie foods: low-fat yogurt, vegetables, fruits. Another way is to do some business and take your mind off thoughts about food. It is recommended to drink red tea, it promotes weight loss. If you put food on a small plate, the portion will seem much larger. Aromatherapy helps reduce appetite quite effectively.

If you feel hungry, you need to smell the peel of a grapefruit or some other aromatic oil, perfume. There is one more very important and significant rule proper nutrition for weight loss is all about serving size. A serving of porridge should be the size of a fist, meat and fish - the size of a palm, bread or crispbread - about 30 grams (2 tablespoons). Cottage cheese - about two hundred grams, milk no more than a glass. You can consume about half a glass of yogurt without filler per day, vegetables and fruits - a serving the size of two of your fists.

In addition, most nutritionists, when recommending weight loss, prescribe the selective enterosorbent Enterosgel. It helps reduce the aggressive effects of gastric juice during weight loss. Thanks to its innovative structure, the drug gently envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby protecting it from “attack” digestive enzymes and preventing exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the drug removes toxins and waste from the body, enhancing the effect of the diet. Another pleasant “bonus” of enterosorbent is the suppression of hunger due to partial filling of the stomach.

Many people who want to lose weight, one way or another, face different types diets One of these is the milk diet. What are its advantages, pros and cons?

What properties should milk have during a diet?

ABOUT beneficial properties This drink, which is familiar to everyone since childhood, has been said very, very much. Milk contains optimal quantity proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the body. And you can drink it in large quantities thanks to delicate taste, which will never get boring. So, what is the dairy diet?

  • A strict milk diet (mono-diet) involves drinking only this drink. It can be used as a fasting day, or extended to three, five or even seven days. You shouldn’t sit on it for longer, because in this case the body will experience enormous stress. Such fast diet on milk will allow you to lose about one kilogram per day. That is, its effectiveness is quite high. And the dairy diet is perfect for those who need to get rid of a couple of extra pounds fast. How to drink milk on such a mono-diet? The most optimal interval would be from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. During it you drink only milk (without any heat treatment and adding sugar, honey, cocoa). You will consume about 1200 ml of milk per day. You need to drink one glass every two hours. And, of course, you can drink unlimited amounts of water throughout the day.
  • Combined milk diet. It involves adding additional components to the diet. The most suitable would be other dairy products (low-fat and unsweetened cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), fruits (apples, bananas), and vegetables. The effectiveness of such a diet will be slightly lower, but you will be able to stay on it longer.

The choice of diet, of course, is yours. But in any case, a dairy diet is acceptable for both health and figure.

Why is the milk diet so popular? There are many reasons for this:

  • Milk creates a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  • It contains amino acids, vitamins, and calcium that are important for health.
  • Milk is inexpensive and can be bought at any store.
  • On a diet you don't have to cook.
  • You can follow a dairy diet not only at home, but also at work or on a business trip.
  • Milk has low energy value(calorie content).
  • Milk on a diet will quickly extinguish the painful feeling of hunger.
  • The drink makes the digestive system work more intensively and speeds up metabolism. And all this will not give harmful and toxic substances linger in the body.

In addition, milk is beneficial for certain diseases gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by an increase in production of hydrochloric acid, as well as inflammation (reflux esophagitis, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer). Milk will also be a good “friend” for people suffering from atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and gout.

It should be noted that milk during the diet must correspond to several important criteria. First, be fresh and fit to eat. Secondly, have low fat content (up to 3.2%). Therefore the freshest cow's milk definitely won't fit.

The dairy diet also has its contraindications. The most important thing is lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency). After all, lactose, or milk sugar- This is the main carbohydrate of our drink. But lactose-free milk is already being produced for people with this disease. In principle, they can go on a diet with such “special” milk. However, it costs more than the usual one.

So, milk during a weight loss diet can help you lose weight and even improve your body’s health. But do not forget that you should not sit on a dairy mono-diet for a long time (more than five to seven days). Although it will quickly get rid of several kilograms, you also need to remember about health.

The dairy diet is ideal for people who love milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and other fermented milk products. These foods are the main components of the diet. With its help you can easily part with extra pounds and at the same time improve your health, because the milk diet is recommended for use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Basic principles of the dairy diet

Dairy diets are different, it depends on the combination of products introduced into the diet. There arestrict milk diet, they are suitable for people who have a strong and persistent character. This diet is called a mono-diet. It contains only one milk. To use the diet correctly, you must adhere to a special scheme, which is given below in the diet menu. This gives maximum weight loss effect. When following a strict diet, it is recommended to consume milk from 8 am to 8 pm. If you combine a mono-diet with physical exercise, you will be very pleased with the quick results - problem areas on the stomach will be eliminated. You need to gradually exit the strict dairy diet.

Mixed milk diet. In a dairy diet, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and low-fat milk are combined with low-calorie foods nutrition. What differentiates mixed milk diets from other diets is more or less balanced composition menu. If using most popular diets, especially mono-diets, we can deplete the body, then with a mixed milk diet the body receives quite a lot of vitamins and microelements.

Milk protein casein in the form of calcium caseinate (about 80% of it in whole milk) is slowly and not completely absorbed by people and creates a feeling of fullness.But whey proteins (albumin and globulin) are quickly absorbed, which stimulate the processes of protein synthesis and at the same time go on building muscle proteins. Considering that the acceleration of metabolism also activates the breakdown of fats (subcutaneous and internal), whey protein should be a mandatory component of the diet for those wishing to normalize their body weight.

In addition to milk, the menu can include such products as: eggs, cereal porridge with milk, cheese, fruits and vegetables, bran bread. At the same time, you can drink fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, mineral water, jelly and tea with milk. Can be cooked various dishes using dairy and fermented milk products, or combining meals with kefir, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

A single meal should be no more than 200 g, and the intervals between snacks should not be more than 3 hours.

There are dairy diets where there is no fresh milk- it is only replaced fermented milk products(this is, for example, a kefir diet or a cottage cheese diet, or a mixed sour-milk diet). In fermented milk products, casein protein is in a more easily digestible form, like calcium. This version of the dairy diet is preferable for people prone to digestive problems.

Milk-fruit diet. Very useful and nice diet, dairy and sour-milk products can be combined with low-calorie fruits and berries.

Contraindications to the dairy diet

For most people, a dairy diet is fine. But there is still a small percentage of people who have individual intolerance to dairy products (lactase deficiency); naturally, a dairy diet is contraindicated for them.

If you decide to use a milk diet, where only milk is consumed for five days, you should still consult your doctor. This must be done even if the body tolerates milk well.

It must be remembered that when using any diet, it is necessary to monitor the amount of food consumed. Each portion should be no larger than a fist (this is approximately 200 grams)

Advantages and disadvantages of a dairy diet for weight loss

Everyone knows that milk is good for our health. On digestive system it has a beneficial effect. Dairy products contain vitamins such as: C, A, E, B. It contains enough minerals. Dairy products are rich in calcium, as well as amino acids, milk sugar, and enzymes. Whey proteins also help normalize cholesterol levels (and this prevents atherosclerosis) and lipoproteins in the blood, and increase cell sensitivity to insulin. In addition to all the advantages described above, milk whey proteins are the most effective anti-stress agent. Just don’t think that whey protein has a calming effect and thereby prevents the onset of distress (negative stress). Lactoalbumin helps reduce the level of the main stress hormone cortisol and increase the level of the “happy substance” serotonin. When drinking milk, the immune status increases, which increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

Products for the dairy diet and their preparation

For the diet, we select dairy and fermented milk products very carefully and carefully. It is recommended to use natural whole milk rather than powdered milk. Milk "from the cow" is also not suitable due to its high fat content. Pay attention to the expiration date of the milk indicated on the packaging. The ideal fat content of milk for a diet is 5%. There is no need to boil milk before drinking.

You are allowed to drink water between meals during the diet. To do this, choose mineral water without gas. If fruits and vegetables are allowed to be added to the menu, they must be absolutely fresh and ripe.

Duration of the milk diet for weight loss

It is strictly not recommended to use a milk diet for more than 5-7 days. After a week of dieting, try to eat less than usual. Almost the diet remains the same, but try to avoid baked goods and fatty meats.

Sample dairy diet menu for a day - a week

Menu of a “strict” mono-diet:

Days 1 and 2: drink 1 glass of fresh milk every 1.5 hours;
Day 3: drink 1 tbsp every hour. milk;
on other days, drink 1 tbsp. milk every 30 min.

It is necessary to exit the mono-diet gradually: on days 1 and 2 after its end, before lunch, you need to drink a glass of milk every 2 hours. After lunch, you can eat light salads and switch to your usual diet.

Daily intake of a diet based on fermented milk products:

Breakfast: 1 glass of kefir, tea with milk or yogurt;
Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese about 200 g;
Lunch: salad dressed with yogurt or kefir, cottage cheese and fruit casserole;
Dinner: 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or tea with milk.

This light diet can be used for a week. It is interesting because dairy products can be alternated.

Milk-fruit diet:

Breakfast: tea without sugar with milk;
second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 200 g; after 2-3 hours, eat 200 g of sour fruits: apples, prunes, pears;
lunch: 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt;
dinner: 200 g of fruit.

Mixed milk diet:

Breakfast from Monday to Thursday:

1 yogurt (low fat); 250 g of any cheese; 2 teaspoons honey. Honey drink: third part mineral water without gas, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and add lemon juice;

Menu for Friday:

Drink half a glass before breakfast hot water.
Breakfast: 1 glass of milk with 1 teaspoon of honey with added cocoa;
Second breakfast: drink 1 liter of water (in small portions) and eat an orange;
Lunch: 150 g steak, or 200 g boiled low-fat fish or 200 g white chicken meat with the addition of herbs and lemon;
Afternoon snack: yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey;
Dinner: vegetable broth without salt and boiled vegetables;
At night you can drink yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Menu for Saturday:

Breakfast: 2 hours before you need to drink 1.5 liters of clean water;
Lunch: grapefruit juice, 1 glass of milk with 1 tsp added. cocoa and honey; 0.5 liters of broth;
Afternoon snack: yogurt with honey;
Dinner: 200 g baked trout, light vinaigrette with green vegetables;

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink yogurt with honey.

Menu for Sunday:

Breakfast: 0.5 liters of water, grapefruit juice, milk with honey and cocoa;
Second breakfast: drink 1 liter of water every half hour, 1 glass;
Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken or 200 g of baked or boiled fish, vegetable salad, sprinkled with lemon juice;
Dinner: vegetable salad with added sauce and olive oil, or potatoes baked in foil; Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Forecast for weight loss on a milk diet

By choosing a comfortable type of dairy diet for yourself, you can lose six kilograms in one week excess weight. For example, per week of use fermented milk diet You can lose up to six kilograms. When using a milk-fruit diet, you can lose up to 4-5 kg ​​in a week.

The dairy diet is very beneficial for the body and for general condition person, but it must be observed for at least 1-3 days.

If you have experience losing weight on a milk diet, leave a review about it in the comments. Which version of the milk diet did you follow, did you manage to lose weight and by how much, did the weight return after the diet?

Despite the fact that in last years It has become fashionable to question the benefits of milk; it firmly occupies a very honorable place in the diets of almost all nations. And this is not surprising, because milk is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, various microelements (including calcium, which is so necessary for our body), and many minerals. In addition, by drinking one liter of milk, we provide our daily requirement in protein.

Milk also has positive impact on the digestive system and metabolic processes in the human body, thanks to beneficial bacteria contained in it. That is why the milk diet is used not only as a means of combating extra pounds, but also for therapeutic and preventive purposes. When a person’s diet for a certain amount of time consists of only milk (cow, goat or mare) or dairy products, his body begins to more actively absorb all the beneficial substances contained in it, which helps improve all body functions and fast weight loss.

However, the dairy diet is a fairly strict diet, so you should always consult your doctor before using it, even if you do not have milk intolerance, which some people suffer from.

Typically, a strict milk diet is followed for three to five days. Following it for a longer period of time may be fraught with various unpleasant consequences for the body, such as digestive disorders, decreased vitality etc. Many nutritionists believe that the most optimal time To follow a milk diet is one day, then it will bring one benefit to the body.

Dairy diet - what foods can you eat?

Since the diet is dairy, the basis of the diet is milk, which must be present in any form in every meal. You can diversify your diet with fermented milk products- fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt containing live bacteria. You can make it yourself from fresh milk and yogurt starter; this product will be the healthiest.

During a dairy diet, preference should be given to skim milk or kefir (1.5% fat), low-fat cottage cheese, and cheeses with a fat content of no more than 5%. With a gentle dairy diet, this list of products can be supplemented with lean beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, fresh or boiled. You can snack between meals with apples, grapefruits, and oranges.

Dairy diet - what foods should not be consumed

When following a dairy diet, you must categorically avoid salt and sugar, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, fatty meat, alcohol, flour products.

Dairy diet - menu examples

Exist different variants dairy diet. The toughest one is that throughout the diet you can only drink fresh milk, and your first intake should be at eight o’clock in the morning, and the last at eight in the evening, since at this time the body absorbs dairy products best. On the first day of such a diet, you should drink a glass of milk every two hours; in the second - every hour and a half, in the third - every hour.

The second option of the dairy diet is more gentle. Its menu could be, for example, like this:

- the first breakfast consists of a glass of kefir;
— for second breakfast you can eat 150 grams. low-fat cottage cheese;
- you can have lunch cottage cheese casserole and a glass of kefir;
— for an afternoon snack you can drink a glass of milk;
- You can have dinner with toast and a glass of milk or yogurt.

There is also a more complex version of the dairy diet. His menu from Monday to Thursday will not be much different from the usual, but you should cut down the portions a little and be sure to introduce dairy products into your diet (you can choose from milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.).

Friday, Saturday and Sunday have a special menu, which, in fact, is the essence of this diet. On Friday, after waking up, preferably while still in bed, you should drink 100 grams. hot water. Then you should eat like this.

— for breakfast you should drink 200 grams. skim milk, to which you need to add a teaspoon of cocoa and honey;
- second breakfast should consist of grapefruit or orange;
— for lunch you can eat 200 grams. white chicken meat or 200 gr. boiled fish seasoned with lemon and herbs;
- an afternoon snack can consist of low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey;
- for dinner, which should be no later than 19:00, you can drink two cups of unsalted vegetable broth and eat 200 grams. boiled vegetables;
— before going to bed, you can treat yourself to low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

The Saturday menu looks like this:

- replace breakfast with two liters of water drunk within 2 hours;
— you can have lunch with the juice of one grapefruit, a cup of broth and a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey and cocoa;
— for an afternoon snack you should eat low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.
- dinner should consist of 200 g of baked fish, a cup of green vegetables, a light vinaigrette;
- Before going to bed, you can eat low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

On Sunday the menu should be like this:

- for breakfast, drink 0.5 liters of water with the juice of one grapefruit within half an hour, as well as a glass of skim milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and cocoa;
- replace the second breakfast with 1 liter of water, drunk in four doses of 250 ml every 30 minutes;
— for lunch you can eat 200 grams. boiled white chicken meat or 200 gr. fish and vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice.
- You can have dinner with a salad of green vegetables, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil;
— at night you can traditionally eat low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

It is known that the correct way out of the diet has a very great importance for the well-being of those losing weight, and the dairy diet is no exception. After its three-day course ends, on the morning of the fourth day you should drink a glass of milk; you can have lunch light salad topped with yogurt, and for dinner - cottage cheese with a glass of kefir.

Numerous reviews about the milk diet confirm that it is quite effective. However, its results are different people can vary greatly, because each body is unique, so our reaction to a particular diet can be very different.

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