Features of rehabilitation of patients after operations of various types. Diet after surgery: basic rules for nutrition after surgery

Any surgical operation is a serious intervention in the body, and one should not expect that everything will be “as before” after it. Even if the surgeon who performed the operation is a real genius of medicine and everything went well, rehabilitation is necessary to restore the strength and functions of the body.

Rehabilitation after surgery: is it really necessary?

“Why do we need rehabilitation after surgery? Everything will heal, and the body will recover itself, ”so, alas, many people in our country think. But it should be borne in mind that in a weakened organism, the possibilities for self-healing are reduced. Some operations, in particular on the joints and spine, require mandatory restorative measures, otherwise there is a risk that a person will never return to his usual way of life. In addition, without rehabilitation after surgery, there is a high risk of complications caused by prolonged immobility. And not only physical - such as muscle atrophy and bedsores, as well as pneumonia caused by congestion - but also psychological. A man who until recently could move and serve himself, is chained to a hospital bed. This is a very difficult situation, and the task of rehabilitation is to return the person and good health and spiritual comfort.

Modern rehabilitation provides not only recovery motor functions, but also the removal pain syndrome.

Stages, terms and methods of postoperative rehabilitation

When to start postoperative rehabilitation? The answer is simple - the sooner the better. In fact, effective rehabilitation should begin immediately after the end of the operation and continue until an acceptable result is achieved.

The first stage of rehabilitation after surgery called immobilization. It continues from the moment the operation is completed until the plaster or sutures are removed. The duration of this period depends on what kind of surgery the person underwent, but usually does not exceed 10-14 days. At this stage, rehabilitation measures include breathing exercises for the prevention of pneumonia, preparing the patient for physiotherapy exercises and the exercises themselves. As a rule, they are very simple and at first they represent only weak muscle contractions, but as the condition improves, the exercises become more difficult.

From 3-4 days after the operation, physiotherapy is indicated - UHF therapy, electrical stimulation and other methods.

Second phase , post-immobilization, begins after the removal of plaster or sutures and lasts up to 3 months. Now great attention is given to increase the range of motion, strengthen muscles, reduce pain. The basis of rehabilitation measures during this period are physiotherapy and physiotherapy.

Post-immobilization period divided into two stages: inpatient and outpatient . This is due to the fact that rehabilitation measures must be continued after discharge from the hospital.

Stationary stage involves intensive recovery measures, as the patient must leave the hospital as soon as possible. At this stage, the rehabilitation complex includes physiotherapy exercises, classes on special simulators, if possible - exercises in the pool, as well as self-study in the ward. Important role physiotherapy also plays, especially its varieties such as massage, electrophoresis, ultrasound treatment (SWT).

Outpatient stage is also necessary, because without maintaining results achieved they will quickly fade away. Usually this period lasts from 3 months to 3 years. IN outpatient settings patients continue physical therapy in sanatoriums and dispensaries, polyclinic offices physical therapy, medical and physical education dispensaries, as well as at home. Medical monitoring of the condition of patients is carried out twice a year.

Features of the recovery of patients after medical manipulations of various types

Abdominal operation

Like all bedridden patients, patients after abdominal operations should perform breathing exercises for the prevention of pneumonia, especially in cases where the period of forced immobility is prolonged. Physiotherapy exercises after surgery are first performed in the supine position, and only after the stitches begin to heal, the doctor allows you to perform exercises in a sitting and standing position.

Physiotherapy is also prescribed, in particular, UHF therapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, diadynamic therapy and electrophoresis.

After abdominal operations, patients are shown a special sparing diet, especially if the operation was performed on the gastrointestinal tract. Patients should wear supportive underwear and bandages, this will help the muscles quickly restore tone.

Joint operations

Early postoperative period during surgical manipulations on the joints, includes exercise therapy and exercises that reduce the risk of complications from the respiratory system and of cardio-vascular system, as well as stimulation of peripheral blood flow in the extremities and improvement of mobility in the operated joint.

After that, strengthening the muscles of the limbs and restoring the normal movement pattern (and in cases where this is not possible, developing a new one that takes into account changes in the state) comes to the fore. At this stage, in addition to physical education, methods of mechanotherapy, exercises on simulators, massage, reflexology are used.

After discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to maintain the result with regular exercises and conduct classes to adapt to normal daily physical activity (ergotherapy).

Endoprosthetics of the femoral neck

Despite the seriousness of the operation, rehabilitation for femoral neck prosthetics usually passes relatively quickly. In the early stages, the patient needs to perform exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the new joint and restore its mobility, as well as prevent blood clots from forming. Rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty also includes learning new motor skills - the doctor will show you how to sit, stand up and bend over correctly, how to perform normal daily movements without the risk of injuring the hip. Great importance have exercise therapy in the pool. Water allows free movement and relieves the load on the operated hip. It is very important not to stop the rehabilitation course ahead of schedule - in the case of hip surgery, this is especially dangerous. Often people, feeling that they can safely move around without outside help drop out of classes. But weak muscles quickly weaken, and this increases the risk of falling and injury, after which everything will have to start over.

Medical rehabilitation is not a new idea. Also in Ancient Egypt healers used some tricks occupational therapy to speed up the recovery of their patients. Doctors ancient Greece and Rima also used physical education and massage in the treatment. The founder of medicine Hippocrates owns the following saying: "The doctor must be experienced in many things and, among other things, in massage."

Operations on the heart

Such operations are a real miracle. modern medicine. But a speedy recovery after such an intervention depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the patient himself and his responsible attitude to his health. Yes, heart surgery does not restrict mobility as much as surgical procedures on the joints or spine, but this does not mean that rehabilitation treatment can be neglected. Without it, patients often suffer from depression, and their vision deteriorates due to swelling of the structures of the eye. Statistics show that every third patient who has not completed a course of rehabilitation soon finds himself on the operating table again.

The rehabilitation program after heart surgery necessarily includes diet therapy. Patients are shown dosed cardio loads under the supervision of a doctor and physiotherapy exercises, classes in the pool (six months after surgery), balneotherapy and circular showers, massage and physiotherapy. An important part rehabilitation program psychotherapy, both group and individual.

Is it possible to carry out rehabilitation at home? Experts believe not. At home, it is simply impossible to organize all the necessary events. Of course, the patient can perform the simplest exercises without the supervision of a doctor, but what about physiotherapy procedures, exercises on simulators, therapeutic baths, massage, psychological support and others necessary measures? In addition, at home, both the patient and his family often forget about the need for systematic rehabilitation. Therefore, recovery should take place in a special institution - a sanatorium or rehabilitation center.

Behavior rules.

(memo to the patient)


Immediately after surgery

On the day of the operation - before and after bandaging - you should not eat, but during the first 4-5 hours after the operation - drink. You can periodically take 1-2 sips of water or rinse your mouth to moisten its cavity. Five hours after the operation, you can drink water without gas.

After surgery, nausea and vomiting should be avoided. If you feel sick - let me know medical staff clinics. You will be prescribed medicines for nausea and vomiting. You will also be given pain medication after the operation.

After gastric banding surgery, it is important to start breathing actively immediately. If you want to clear your throat, you have to do it. To prevent congestive pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), it is helpful to inflate balloons or rubber toys several times every hour.

You can get up in the evening after the operation. The first time, it is recommended to get up with the help of a nurse or relatives. If you do not feel dizzy and do not have other problems, you can walk without restrictions. Physical activitygood prevention the formation of blood clots in the veins of the legs and the prevention of the development of congestive pneumonia, therefore, on the first evening after the operation, you need to get up at least once.

1-3 days after surgery

Drinking is allowed the next day after bandaging. During the day you need to drink 2-3 liters of fluid. Drinks without sugar and without gas are recommended, for example: mineral water, not hot and not strong tea or coffee without sugar (it is allowed to sweeten them with any sugar substitutes). This diet should be observed for 3 days after surgery until the patient has no stool (either spontaneous or after an enema). If there is no stool, contact the clinic staff, you will be prescribed bowel stimulants or an enema.

To prevent stagnation of blood in the legs and the formation of blood clots, you should do simple exercises: Lying in bed, bend as much as possible, and then straighten your feet. Repeat this exercise several times a day.

Discharge from the clinic

Discharge of patients after endoscopic surgery gastric banding usually disappears on day 3 (if the operation was performed through an incision, the patient remains in the hospital for about a week).


Your doctor may prescribe painkillers (3-4 days) and antibiotics (up to 7 days). Do not swallow tablets whole! If you need to take a tablet, crush it and drink it with water.

Call your doctor if:

  • Pain, redness, swelling in the puncture area.
  • Cloudy or odorous discharge from punctures.
  • Temperature above 38, two or more times.
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate over 120 beats per minute).
  • Chills or sweats at night.
  • Constant pain in the abdomen.
  • The occurrence of back pain chest or on the left shoulder.
  • Persistent nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea lasting more than 7 days.
  • Hiccups lasting more than 2 hours.
  • Severe weakness, disorientation, confusion or depression.
  • Burning, blood in urine, frequent urination- may be signs of infection Bladder. A urine test should be taken. A course of antibiotic treatment effectively solves this problem.

Nutrition and digestion

Two weeks after gastric banding, you can start eating soft pureed food. Recommended yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, bananas, vegetable puree. Meat, fish or chicken (whipped).

You can return to your normal diet four weeks after surgery. Try to chew your food very carefully - the time spent chewing food should increase 4 times! Maintain the habit of thoroughly chewing food for life!

Quite often, in the first time after surgery, there are violations of bowel function (gas and lack of stool). If after more than 3 days after the operation these functions do not recover on their own, it is necessary to use means to stimulate the bowels or an enema. Sometimes, the opposite situation is possible. Diarrhea may occur after surgery (frequent liquid stool). If the diarrhea is severe or lasts more than 7 days, use Imodium, if there is no effect, contact your doctor.


The puncture sites are sealed with sterile stickers. If the stickers remain clean, you do not need to change them, but if you notice blood stains on them, the stickers need to be changed. To do this, you can come to the clinic or, if you want, change them yourself. Wipe your hands with alcohol, peel off the old sticker, treat the wounds with alcohol, and stick new ones.

If you have a Tegaderm sticker, you can shower. If there is no such sticker, the bandage cannot be wetted.

The sutures are removed in the clinic 2 weeks after the bandage operation. After removing the stitches, you can take a bath and swim in the pool.

After gastric banding for 2 months, get out of bed without using the abdominals: gently hang your legs, and get up, helping yourself with your hands. After returning from the clinic, it is recommended to move more, walk, swim (after removing the stitches). However, motor mode should not be too tiring. Physical activity and rest should be alternated, focusing on well-being.

You can return to work a week after the operation if your work is not related to physical activity. At least 3-4 months after the operation, you can not perform heavy physical work, any heavy physical exercise And power types sports.


You can have sex 2 weeks after discharge. In this case, stress on the abdominal muscles should not be avoided.


The lumen of the bandage is adjusted by inflating the cuff. Usually the first time this is done in x-ray or in treatment room 2 months after the operation (after the bandage ring is well fixed in the tissues). This virtually painless procedure is done by piercing the skin with a regular thin needle. Adjustment of the bandage takes 3-5 minutes, after which the patient goes home. 2-4 adjustments are required for the final "tuning".

If, after inflating the cuff in response to even a large number of solid food causes vomiting, further adjustment may be required, in which the diameter of the ring on the stomach increases. By increasing or decreasing the lumen of the ring, the doctor achieves optimal mode weight loss. The adjustment is repeated each time the weight loss is suspended.

Nutrition after cuff inflation

After the gastric band is placed, the patient must develop new eating habits. The following principles must be observed:

  1. There are small portions.
  2. Chew food very carefully.
  3. You can not eat and drink at the same time (you can drink before a meal or 1–1.5 hours after a meal).
  4. The volume of liquid is unlimited (up to 2-3 liters of liquid per day). However, you need to take into account the calorie content of sweet drinks (fruit juices, smoothies, tea with sugar, etc.).
  5. Do not lie down after eating.
  6. For a full intake of nutrients, you need to eat at least 5 times a day.
  7. Avoid foods such as ice cream, chocolate, milkshakes. Stop taking sugary carbonated drinks (Pepsi, cola, sprite, etc.).
  8. Gradually expand the diet, given that some food products may be poorly tolerated. These foods include: hard meats, pasta, some vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, sausages and ham, drinks containing a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. That is why the diet after it should be as varied and correct as possible and contain a sufficient amount of useful substances needed for a speedy recovery. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to compile it, because most right products can be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

For many of us, food is a source of strength and energy necessary to carry out daily work, but no more. Meanwhile, actually regular products nutrition is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that can have a huge impact on our body, including promoting the rapid healing of wounds after operations.

This is happening, according to orthopedic surgeon and author of numerous publications Selena Parekha, “ due to the content in them of special substances with anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Thus, including these products in daily diet, you can quickly return to normal life after surgery».

Due to the fact that there are several types of operations, to make daily menu it is necessary only together with the attending physician, since he alone knows how the treatment is going and what to fear.

General rules for diet planning

In order for the recovery process to proceed faster, and the person himself does not encounter all sorts of complications, such as constipation or digestive problems, in the postoperative period it is necessary:

  1. 1 eat fractionally, but often (5-6 times a day);
  2. 2 give preference to whole foods, refusing "processed". In other words, eating an orange instead of orange juice, a baked potato instead of french fries, etc. Simply because processed foods not only lose their beneficial features, but also contain more fat, salt, sugar and all kinds of additives to extend their shelf life. Is it worth talking about what harm the latter can bring to an already exhausted organism?
  3. 3 remember fiber. This substance improves digestion and relieves constipation. It is found in cereals, cereals, fruits and vegetables;
  4. 4 choose only products with easily digestible protein. He has essential amino acids promoting rapid wound healing and skin regeneration. You can find it in lean meats like chicken, turkey, or lean pork, as well as fish and seafood;
  5. 5 refuse solid food in favor of light pureed soups, semi-liquid cereals and broths;
  6. 6 Eat only fresh foods, refusing frozen or canned foods in order to get the maximum benefit.

What the body may need after surgery

Exists whole line vitamins and microelements that help speedy recovery. This:

  • Vitamin C . After the operation, its reserves in the body are quickly depleted, since during this period the immune system tries to prevent the development of any diseases and struggles with pathogenic microorganisms. Nevertheless, regular use products with vitamin C not only restores protective body forces, but also allows it to more actively produce collagen, which is necessary for skin regeneration.
  • Vitamin A . Takes part in the formation of connective tissue components, promotes skin regeneration.
  • Zinc is a mineral that boosts immunity and promotes faster healing of wounds.
  • Iron - it is responsible for the formation of red blood cells and the optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Its deficiency leads to anemia, or anemia, while its content in the diet leads to a quick recovery.
  • Vitamin D - ensures the growth and development of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin E - protects cells from toxins, has antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Folic acid - takes part in the formation of red blood cells. The body especially needs it after strip operations.
  • Phosphorus - doctors can prescribe it after stomach or kidney surgery. IN last case, for example, in the postoperative period, the body actively restores the bone mass lost as a result of kidney failure, while using more phosphorus than usual. In order to avoid problems associated with its lack, you need to increase the number of foods with its content in your diet.

Top 12 Fast Recovery Foods

Almonds are a source of vitamin E and an essential mineral needed for fast healing wounds.

Beans are a source of iron, on which the formation of red blood cells depends.

Chicken breast- source of protein responsible for growth and development muscle tissue, which after surgical intervention damaged and needs to be repaired.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, which is involved in the process of collagen production and skin regeneration.

Bell pepper- a source of vitamins A, C, E and fibrin, which are actively involved in the process of skin regeneration.

Ginger - contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also gingerol, which improves blood flow and metabolic processes, including on damaged body area due to which the wound healing process is faster.

Water ensures the functioning of all organs and systems, reduces the feeling of nausea and fatigue, relieves dizziness, and also removes toxins from the body that are formed as a result of inflammation in the wound after surgery. You can replace it with green tea, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoctions and jelly. Meanwhile, the amount of water drunk per day should be determined by the doctor, based on the type of operation and its course.

Seafood - they are rich in zinc, on which the speed of wound healing depends.

Recovery after abdominal surgery is a process that requires a certain amount of time and a serious attitude.

Although modern surgery behind Lately has reached a certain perfection, carrying out the most complex operations with minimal damage, high-quality rehabilitation plays an important role in the healing of the patient after surgery. After all, healing and restoration does not occur immediately after surgical intervention, much depends on how the rehabilitation course will take place. Where to conduct a recovery course, at home or in a medical sanatorium, is a personal matter for everyone.

In the postoperative period, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The room should be well ventilated, the lighting should be subdued.
  2. The position of the patient depends on the type of operation performed. During operations on the chest - raised, on the spine - recumbent, etc.
  3. After the permission of the attending physician, it is necessary to start moving - this will prevent bedsores, thromboembolism, etc.
  4. In the first days after the operation, the patient may experience abdominal pain in the area of ​​the suture. In this case, painkillers are used, ice is applied to the excision site. If the bandage is too tight, it should be replaced or trimmed.
  5. Any operation is accompanied by profuse fluid loss. IN rehabilitation period daily allowance liquid is from 2 to 4 liters.
  6. A therapeutic diet is simply necessary, its composition depends on the type of pathology.

Hygiene measures

The bandage is usually removed two weeks after application, before that it should not be wetted. You can take a shower with a special waterproof sticker. If the bandage becomes wet, peeled off or excessively dirty, it should be replaced. It is not recommended to do this on your own, there is a risk of infection, it is better if an experienced nurse changes the bandage. It is better if special sterile stickers are applied to the seams, they need to be changed from time to time.

Recovery Methods

  1. Physical exercise. A tool tested for decades, it perfectly helps to recover from various injuries, stroke, and joints. But any physical activity should be carried out only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision. Physiotherapy should be combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, heating and magnetotherapy. These include ergotherapy - a complex restorative technique aimed at adapting the body to physical activity.
  2. Massage. Universal remedy, which helps with many diseases, in particular, accelerates regeneration processes in the postoperative period, improves blood circulation, and contributes to the tone of the central nervous system. Combined with various massage oils and medicinal ointments gives excellent results.
  3. mineral therapy. Mineral water contribute speedy recovery, increasing the protective functions of the body. Special baths with mineral additives or natural water especially effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal functions.
  4. Electrical stimulation. The impact on the body of specific electrical impulses has a very positive effect on the tone of muscles and nerves. This method is indicated for various disorders of motor functions, stimulating muscles and nerves, improves blood flow in all systems, activates the cellular structure of the brain.
  5. Diet. A special way of eating after various operations is a whole layer of information.
  6. The goal of any restorative nutrition system after abdominal surgery is to minimize the load on the operated organ, but at the same time provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. For various types diseases and related operations, specific nutritional schemes have been developed.

The optimal, but rather tough option in the first days after the surgery is considered to be zero diet. It consists of lightly sweetened tea, various decoctions and jelly, fresh diluted juices, low-fat meat broths, rice water. Meals should be frequent, but in small portions.

In many diseases, nutrition in the full sense of the word is prescribed only after a few days, before that the body is fed only through a special probe. Special nutritional preparations and vitamins are administered intravenously.

The zero diet is divided into three options:

  • 1st option (surgical) - described above;
  • Option 2 - includes the use of various cereals;
  • Option 3 - it is allowed to introduce lean meat, various mashed potatoes, fermented milk products, bread crumbs into the diet.

In gynecology, for example, after surgery on the uterus, there are some nuances. Liquid soups and purees are excluded, the emphasis is on dairy products, cereal porridge, vegetable salads, with the exception of cabbage.

What else do you need to know?

Sex. It is not recommended to have sex earlier than two weeks later, in order to avoid divergence of the seams.

Restoration of working ability. Return to work after the operation occurs strictly after consultation with the doctor. It all depends on the severity past illness, the quality of the operation and the intensity of rehabilitation. Typically, the recovery period averages about 2 months. If the job involves physical labor, then lifting weights is not recommended for six months.

Psychological condition. For a certain time after the operation, there is a high probability of a general breakdown, apathy and depression. Don't be afraid of it, it's normal. During the rehabilitation period, changes in metabolism occur, the body adapts to new circumstances. After some time, these symptoms should pass, a course of psychotherapy is not excluded.

Pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth should be strictly regulated by the attending physician. Timing possible pregnancy after the surgery depends on the patient's condition, the specifics of the disease, the characteristics of the rehabilitation period.

Warning signs. If you have these signs, you should immediately seek medical help:

  1. Persistent pain, swelling, inflammation in the area of ​​​​the sutures.
  2. Continuous release of fluid from the seam.
  3. Regular temperature increase, over 38 C ̊.
  4. Systematic increase in heart rate above 120 beats per minute.
  5. The occurrence of night chills or sweating.
  6. Recurrence of pain in the affected area.
  7. Regular nausea and vomiting.
  8. Chronic diarrhea.
  9. Prolonged bouts of hiccups.
  10. Protracted weakness, disorientation, depression.
  11. Signs of infection.

It is not so important what kind of operation was performed, no one canceled elementary caution and attention to one's body.

Respect for the doctor's prescriptions and a careful lifestyle are the basis of any rehabilitation course.

If the hysterectomy was performed under general anesthesia, then in the first hours after the operation you may feel nausea. You will be able to drink water 1-2 hours after surgery and eat 3-4 hours later, or when the nausea subsides.

You may still have a catheter in your bladder for up to 1-2 days after the operation, through which urine will be excreted into an airtight container.

When can you get out of bed?

Get out of bed as early as possible. If during the operation a large incision was made on the skin of the abdomen, then it will be possible to rise on the second day after the operation. If the operation was performed using laparoscopy, then you can get out of bed on the day of the operation, in the late afternoon. The sooner you can get up and walk, the faster your recovery from surgery will be and the lower your risk of future complications.

Pain after surgery

After a hysterectomy, the pain can be quite severe. It's connected with inflammatory process, which is the very first stage of wound healing. Pain can be felt both in the suture area and inside.

Pain medications will be prescribed to relieve pain. At very severe pain narcotic analgesics may be required.

Some women experience tingling or aching pain in the abdomen for several months after the operation. This is normal and due to damage. nerve endings, without which no surgical intervention can do. Usually, all these symptoms gradually disappear.

When will they be released from the hospital?

How long you have to stay in the hospital after surgery depends on the type of surgery. After a laparoscopic hysterectomy, you may be discharged from the hospital the very next day. If the operation was performed through a large incision in the skin, then they are discharged from the hospital 2-3 days after the operation. The duration of hospitalization also depends on your diagnosis (the reason for the removal of the uterus), your well-being, the presence or absence of complications.

How long does recovery take after hysterectomy?

Recovery after surgery can take several weeks:

  • after abdominal hysterectomy: 4-6 weeks
  • after vaginal hysterectomy: 3-4 weeks
  • after laparoscopic hysterectomy: 2-4 weeks

You can leave the city no earlier than 3 weeks after the operation if you do not have a large abdominal stitch, or no earlier than 6 weeks after an abdominal hysterectomy (if you have a large abdominal stitch). The same applies to air travel.

How long can you not lift weights after removal of the uterus?

For at least another 6 weeks, you should not lift anything heavy, as this can lead to abdominal pain, smearing vaginal discharge, or even a hernia, which will have to be operated on again.

How long can you not have sex after removing the uterus?

You will have to refrain from sex for at least 6 weeks after the operation.

How long can you swim after removing the uterus?

Diet after hysterectomy

You can return to your normal diet immediately after you leave the hospital. But try to avoid foods that make you bloated (gas in the intestines) at first.

Suture after hysterectomy

After an abdominal hysterectomy, the suture on the skin of the abdomen can be quite large. It must be carefully looked after until complete healing.

If suture material does not resolve itself, then you will need to return to the hospital in a few days: your surgeon will tell you on what day after the operation it will be possible to remove the stitches. If the stitches should dissolve on their own (the surgeon will tell you this), then they usually dissolve 6 weeks after the operation.

In the first days after the operation, it will be necessary to additionally process the suture to reduce the risk of inflammation. Betadine, which can be found in a pharmacy, is suitable for this.

You can take a shower or bath without fear: the skin in the area of ​​the seam can be gently washed with shower gel and then rinsed with water.

The skin around the seam may itch due to stretching: to relieve itching, gently lubricate the skin with lotion or cream.

Some women report that the skin around the seam "bakes" or vice versa, becomes numb. All these phenomena are also normal and usually disappear a few months after the operation.

Brown vaginal discharge after hysterectomy

After a hysterectomy, there are almost always bloody issues from the vagina: they can be dark brown, reddish, light brown or pink. All this is normal.

Discharge usually persists for several weeks after surgery: 4 to 6 weeks. In the first 2 weeks, the discharge will be most noticeable, and then it will become more and more scarce. The amount of discharge is individual, but almost always depends on physical activity: The more you move, the more secretions.

The discharge may have a peculiar smell and this is also normal. But if the discharge still smells unpleasant, then you need to contact a gynecologist. After removal of the uterus local immunity vagina may be lowered, which is accompanied by several increased risk inflammation. Discharges from bad smell will be the first sign that something is wrong.

If the discharge is profuse, as with normal menstruation, or comes out with blood clots, then you should also consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate that one of the vessels is bleeding and without the help of a gynecologist, the bleeding will not stop.

Temperature after hysterectomy

In the first days after the operation, the body temperature may be slightly elevated. During this time, you will still be under the supervision of doctors and, if necessary, you will be prescribed antibiotics.

After being discharged home, you may also notice that the body temperature stays around 37C, or rises to 37C in the late afternoon. And that's okay. You should consult a doctor if the body temperature is above 37.5C.

Removal of the uterus and menopause

If during the hysterectomy not only the uterus, but also the ovaries were removed, then already in the first weeks after the operation you may notice symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, mood swings, excessive sweating, insomnia, etc. This is due to a sudden decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood: before they were produced by the ovaries, but now there are no ovaries. This condition is called surgical or artificial menopause.

Surgical menopause is no different from natural (when menopause occurs on its own), and yet, after surgery, menopause symptoms may be more pronounced. If you cannot cope with the symptoms of menopause on your own, consult a gynecologist. Your doctor may prescribe a replacement course for you. hormone therapy, which will help to move more smoothly to menopause (the only exception is women who have had their uterus removed due to cancer, - in this situation, hormones are contraindicated).

If only the uterus was removed during the operation, and the ovaries remained, then the only difference that you will notice after the operation is the absence of menstruation. At the same time, hormones will be produced in the ovaries, which means that there will be no other symptoms of menopause. However, it has been observed that even if the ovaries remain, the removal of the uterus "accelerates" the onset of menopause: in many women, the first symptoms of menopause (, sweating, mood swings, etc.) appear within the first 5 years after hysterectomy.

There is a whole section on our website dedicated to the problems of menopause:

What complications are possible after removal of the uterus?

Complications of a hysterectomy are rare, but you need to be aware of them in order to seek medical help in time.

In the first weeks or months after surgery, the following complications are possible:

  • Inflammation of the wound: the skin around the suture becomes red, swollen, it hurts or pulsates a lot, the body temperature rises to 38C and above, there are bad feeling, headaches, nausea.
  • Bleeding: After surgery, some blood vessels may open again, and blood begins to flow from them. In this case, abundant bloody discharge from the vagina appears. The blood is usually red or dark red in color and may come out in clots.
  • Inflammation of the urethra or bladder: Some women experience pain or cramps during urination after the catheter is removed. It's connected with mechanical damage mucous membranes urinary catheter. Usually, after 4-5 days the pain disappears. If the symptoms do not go away and get worse, then you need to see a doctor again.
  • Thromboembolism: this is a blockage of blood vessels blood clots, thrombi. To prevent this complication, it is recommended to get out of bed as soon as possible and start moving after the operation.

In the following months or years after surgery, the following complications are possible:

  • The onset of menopause: even if the ovaries were not removed along with the uterus, menopause may occur after the operation. See Removal of the uterus and menopause.
  • The prolapse of the walls of the vagina: manifested by sensation foreign body in the vagina, incontinence of urine or feces. Our website has .
  • Urinary incontinence: unpleasant consequence hysterectomy, which is most often associated with the prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina. Our website has .
  • chronic pain: This is a rare complication that can develop after any operation. Chronic pain can last for years, impairing the quality of life. To cope with this problem, you need to contact a doctor who treats pain.

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