Can breastfeeding mothers of newborns eat bananas? Bananas during breastfeeding: pros and cons. recipes for healthy dishes based on them

Breastfeeding has a huge impact on the physiological, mental, emotional health baby, forms resistance to action harmful factors environment. A woman’s diet after childbirth should be rational and balanced in terms of basic macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates.) A woman should receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals from food. Are bananas used for breastfeeding as a source of micronutrients, how and how much is best to consume them?

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Everyone knows about nutritional value fetus Can a nursing mother eat bananas? The ingredients contained in the fruits help preserve and strengthen women's health when breastfeeding:

  1. Serotonin (the hormone of joy), synthesized in the human body when consuming the fruit, helps avoid depression and improves mood.
  2. Vitamin B6, relieves fatigue, helps women during PMS, improves well-being.
  3. Iron normalizes hemoglobin content in the blood, potassium has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.
  4. Carbohydrates increase the energy supply needed while caring for a baby during breastfeeding.

Many parents are interested in whether children with breastfeeding can have bananas as complementary foods? Pediatricians suggest adding fruit complementary foods after 8-9 months of breastfeeding. Baby during breastfeeding will already try food made from vegetables and seasonal fruits. First serving of banana small piece. With good tolerance and no allergies, a child can eat a small fruit at 1 year of age.

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A nursing mother can eat bananas, but in limited quantities. They contain substances that help a young mother restore strength, normalize blood pressure, digestion and the state of the nervous system:


  1. Yellow elongated fruits are certainly among those recommended for nutrition, including for women after childbirth.
  2. Bananas are included in the menu when breastfeeding a newborn, subject to the following conditions:
    • using the fetus for food while carrying a baby;
    • absence of rash, redness in children during breastfeeding.
  3. Eat bananas fresh. They are the most useful.

When preparing to feed a child, a woman is mentally prepared for various restrictions in food. Young mothers have heard that many fruits and berries can cause allergic reactions in infants, and they treat them with caution. Concerns increase when it comes to such an exotic fruit as a banana.

Often, nursing women refuse the usual sweet fruit, believing that eating such a product can harm the baby. Others, on the contrary, consider bananas healthy and enjoy them.

Who is right? Is it possible to eat bananas while breastfeeding, in what quantity should they be consumed without harm to the health of the mother and the newborn?

Beneficial properties of fruit during lactation

In tropical countries, the banana takes the same place of honor on the table as bread does in our country. Some species are even used to prepare flour and hot dishes.

IN European countries The product is mainly used as a dessert.

The pulp of the fruit is rich in useful substances. Contains vitamins B, E, C, A, proteins, carbohydrates, microelements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron).

IN postpartum period a young mother especially needs to “feed” her body weakened by recent childbirth and caring for the baby.

Influenced by a sense of responsibility for new life women can fall into long-term depression, which can be overcome by the hormone of happiness - serotonin, contained in bananas in sufficient quantities.

If a woman consumed them during pregnancy, the baby’s body gradually absorbed the nutrients of the product. That's why There is no need to stop eating it.

They are nutritious and high in calories and rarely cause allergies in a child.. Eating them will help:

  • increase performance, give energy to the body;
  • calm down nervous system, eliminate stress;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • restore physical strength, increase muscle tone;
  • regulate the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • improve appetite, normalize sleep.

Bananas are available at any time of the year, which is important in winter in the absence of fresh fruits and berries.

What can be harmful during breastfeeding?

Although banana is a hypoallergenic product, When breastfeeding, a newborn may experience individual intolerance to starch, which is included in the composition.

Consequences - bloating of the baby's belly, colic, sudden changes in stool, restless behavior of the baby. The product must be temporarily excluded from the diet, since the baby’s body is not yet ready for it.

Mom should also remember that banana - very high-calorie product and does not promote weight loss after childbirth. It is not recommended if the mother or baby has poor clotting blood, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

They say banana makes you weak. Many are afraid that it will cause stomach upset in the child. In fact, it has a positive effect both on diarrhea and.

To avoid negative reactions, introduce the product into the menu gradually and moderate amount . It's better to play it safe and avoid eating bananas during the first month of breastfeeding. A month after the baby is born, you can eat one fruit every three days.

If your baby has no negative reactions while breastfeeding, you can eat bananas more often. To reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions in infants to a minimum, You should start eating bananas during pregnancy.

There is no need to limit yourself to the fruits themselves. They can be eaten in fruit salads along with apples, pears and cottage cheese, or added to cheesecakes and porridge. The pulp of the fruit is very tasty in baked goods: cookies, muffins, cakes.

When and how to give it to your baby

So at what age can you give a banana to your baby? Pediatricians recommend giving complementary foods starting from 5-6 months. The best choice- This vegetable purees and porridge.

Banana while feeding recommended to give starting from 7 months when can you start giving infant and other fruits and berries. Earlier inclusion of the fetus in the child’s menu is inappropriate; digestive system He still doesn’t accept this kind of food well.

If the baby excess weight, it is better to refuse such a dessert even after 8 months, since the sucrose contained in it can cause more harm than good.

Like any complementary food, Bananas are given in small portions. First give 1/3 teaspoon. If there are no rashes or problems with stool, the amount is gradually increased.

The desire of mothers to prepare delicious puree themselves at home is absolutely understandable. However, it is very convenient and safe to use factory-produced fruit purees.

This product has the consistency necessary for the baby’s digestive system and all the necessary vitamins. If you still prepare the dessert yourself, you need to be very careful when choosing fruits.

Since the banana is brought from afar, it is picked while still green. They enter our country having lost a certain proportion of their beneficial substances.

  • choose bright yellow ripe fruits;
  • do not buy the most fragrant specimens - they may be overripe;
  • do not take fruits from brown spots- they may be damaged;
  • gray spots on the peel indicate storage problems;
  • Do not buy a product with damaged skin.

There is an opinion that small bananas are tastier and healthier than large ones. It is a myth. The size of the fruit does not affect its taste and beneficial qualities.

Find out even more about nutritional rules when breastfeeding, the list of allowed and prohibited foods from the following video:

Finding a tasty and healthy treat for little ones at the same time is difficult. Banana will be a good choice for shaping good health beloved child.

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Not everyone knows whether a nursing mother can eat bananas in the first month. Meanwhile, in winter this fruit is the most accessible of the vitamin-containing fruits. delicious products. Let's figure out whether a nursing mother of a newborn can eat bananas.

All period breastfeeding you need to be very careful with your diet, especially in the first month. To be honest, having given birth to my middle daughter in the winter, I understood that citrus fruits are not a good option for vitamins now - they can cause allergies and diathesis. There were apples, lemons and bananas left. Of course, after asking the doctors, I chose these fruits. I'll tell you my story.

Can a nursing mother have bananas in the first month?

In fact, wisely and little by little, you can eat everything, including this sweet delicious berry Same. I hope you know that banana palms don't exist. It may be gigantic, but it is, in fact, a shrub, and bananas are its fruits.

Regular getting up at night, motion sickness, plus household chores, lessons with my eldest son - it was chronic lack of sleep and fatigue. These goodies were brought to me by my neighbor in the vestibule, elderly Aunt Rosa. Like any sensible mother, I hesitated. The assurance that all her 3 daughters-in-law ate bananas during breastfeeding convinced me a little. I washed the skin of the banana, which I always advise everyone to do (the fruits are transported from afar, so they are packaged green and for ripening, then placed in chambers with ethylene) and with great pleasure I ate a quarter, then another quarter, and then I called my son from the street and the remaining 2 bananas I gave half and half to him and his friend. I understood that if I left it in the refrigerator, I wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation. I checked after 2 hours skin my baby, there was no rash, no bloating.

What are the benefits of bananas when breastfeeding?

Bananas are ideal for quick breakfast. They don’t need to be cooked, because even cottage cheese needs to be seasoned with sour cream and a little salt, but then peel it and eat. Due to the fact that it contains " slow carbohydrates“The level of blood sugar, having increased, does not then drop sharply (the harm of sugar is partly in these surges in vigor and loss of strength). Realizing that my daughter didn’t like bananas, I started making these snacks every morning, since I often didn’t have time to sit down and eat properly.

The feeling of fullness came instantly, and this allowed me not to think about the fact that there were dark flies in my eyes and I needed to quickly refresh myself. I got up at 6.30, but had breakfast at about nine. The son was sent to school, the daughter ate boobs and is sleeping. That's it, you can relax for 10-15 minutes, and then like everyone else: clean up, prepare to eat the first and second course, and preferably something tasty. Let's return to the benefits of bananas for a nursing mother:

  • First of all, eating bananas during breastfeeding will help avoid postpartum depression, since it contains many vegetable protein– tryptophan. In the body of a nursing mother, it is transformed into serotonin, which lifts the mood. Here's to some energy early in the morning! Tryptophan plus everything helps regulate the body The biological clock so that you can more easily adapt to your new sleep and wakefulness patterns.
  • Nutritionists have calculated that in terms of nutritional value, one medium fruit replaces a small portion of oatmeal steamed in milk
  • Our appearance needs vitamin B, and there is plenty of it here. The benefits of bananas during breastfeeding are becoming more and more obvious!
  • Next on vitamins: A (improves vision), E (vitamin of youth), PP, C (antioxidant).
  • Contains malic acid and pectin.
  • Chemical elements: phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium. Calcium and magnesium for the heart. Great composition!
  • Magnesium (who drank Magne B6 during pregnancy will understand what I mean) makes your nervous system more resistant to increased emotional stress.
  • Everyone has heard about serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Yes, yes, it is also present in bananas.
  • And of course, finally, I would like to note that the yellow, colorful fruit, due to its fiber, gently regulates the functioning of the intestines.

The conclusion is obvious. It is not only possible for a nursing mother to eat bananas, but also necessary, introducing them little by little into her diet.

Proper introduction of bananas into the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn

Our doctors, as usual, have different theories and practices. The therapist recommends half a banana early in the morning, after feeding, so that after 3 hours, when you feed the baby this milk, you will know for sure that it is pouring it on this particular product and not on some other. If the fruit is spoiled, then after 2 hours you will become ill. not good, and you will express the “bad milk”, replacing one feeding with formula. You might think that all mothers keep 100% of their babies formula at home. The second mismatch is that some mothers feed their children not on a schedule every 3 hours, but on demand (like my youngest). And what? The child is torn. Will you give him breasts only after 3 hours? Fortunately, Anechka and I had plenty of milk. The freezer always smelled of ice cream in disposable ziplock bags + freshly expressed in a bottle.

Of course, I agree that the introduction of any innovations in the nutrition of a nursing mother needs to be planned. This is the theory, in practice it is often difficult to resist something tasty.
Properly introducing banana into your diet should be in small portions, and it would be optimal if you use banana as an additive to porridge.

It is quite possible to introduce bananas into the diet of a nursing mother by adding the fruit to cottage cheese baked goods instead of sugar ().

Now I’ll tell you again personal experience about how a nursing mother should not eat bananas.

Having found out that my princess doesn’t get sick on them, I decided to treat myself to something delicious. Organize a mini stomach holiday for yourself. I would never do that now. This is probably why my daughter had diathesis, because I always hesitated between giving up everything red and fatty and practically eating only soups and buckwheat, then allowing myself to relax. As a result, Nastya fell asleep, and my asceticism began anew.

Having squeezed out a can of whipped cream (fatty!!!), I cut it into a kiwi, 2 orange slices (2 slices in total), a whole banana and poured melted water on top. steam bath chocolate (100% allergen) was incredibly delicious. The next morning the child was stained and itchy, and I was ready to beat my hands off. In a strange way, it seemed to me that once the diathesis had passed, it would not return.
Don't make my mistakes!!!

If you want to pamper yourself, make it exclusively with berries - fruit salads without any refills. Mix kiwi with banana and apple, add pomegranate seeds - a masterpiece of taste and benefits in one bowl!

Pomegranate and kiwi will give acidity, banana and apple will give sweetness, everything will be in moderation.

How can bananas harm nursing mothers?

In addition to the fact that these fruits are artificially ripened upon delivery to our latitudes, they are then also treated with preservatives E 232, E 231, as well as phenol to avoid mold. It is believed that thanks to the thick skin, all this chemical remains on the surface. Do you understand why bananas should be washed, or at least wiped, before eating?

Although bananas are considered hypoallergenic and seem to be ideal for feeding a nursing mother, they also have a number of minor disadvantages.

  • They are high in calories because high content they contain sucrose. By eating 2 bananas every day, you risk gaining excess weight. Having consumed only 340 gr. bananas (about 2) will give you 290 calories.
  • Place increased stress on the pancreas.
  • They can cause fermentation and bloating in the mother, which means colic in the baby.

How to choose the right bananas

First of all, by color. We do not take green fruits. Ribbed - where the edges are clearly felt, they were clearly packaged unripe. These are also not worth taking. Yellow correct, but always an indicator of ripeness. The skin of the yellow fruit should be small, barely visible in places, but the banana itself should not be soft. But to add to baked goods, you can safely take those fruits that are already soft, but make sure that there are few dark spots and certainly not a solid dark side on any side.

I hope I answered the question of whether a nursing mother can have bananas in the first month and my experience will be useful to you.

During breastfeeding, a woman needs to be extremely careful about her diet and eat only foods that are safe for the baby. Treating yourself to something tasty is not always possible. Ripe bananas during breastfeeding are ideal healthy treats. It pleasantly pleases with its sweetness, and also perfectly nourishes and saturates the body of a nursing mother. Taste and benefits in one fruit.

Ripe sweet bananas are one of the best options natural dessert for a nursing mother. Now this fruit, which was previously considered scarce, remains one of the most accessible exotic fruits

Benefits of bananas

You can eat bananas while breastfeeding - summarizing information about the benefits of this fruit, we were able to collect the following information:

  • Bananas contain a lot of vitamins (A, C, B, E, PP) and microelements (calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus), and they also hold the record for the content of heart-healthy potassium.
  • Sweet and nutritious, it helps to quickly restore strength: a feeling of satiety is provided by slow carbohydrates that take a long time to break down. Two-hour physical activity will be possible after eating two bananas.
  • A nursing mother's mood will improve due to the increase in serotonin, which is obtained from converted tryptophan, a protein found in bananas.
  • Digestion will begin to work better, because the viscous starchy consistency of the fruit pleasantly envelops the stomach and intestines.
  • Sweet fruits increase hemoglobin in the blood, and in nursing mothers it is often below normal.
  • The low-calorie composition of the fruit will help you snack with taste. There are only 89 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features The bananas don't end there. Let's continue: help with constipation, normalization of blood pressure, prevention of cancer, reduction of bleeding and pain during menstruation, improvement of the quality of hair and skin, help with insomnia and in the fight against stress.

After intestinal disorders, the first fruit that doctors recommend to introduce is banana. Can a nursing mother eat bananas? Of course, it is only necessary to take into account some other features of this fruit.

Are bananas harmful?

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With all the positive aspects of sweet fruits, they have a number of disadvantages when consumed during breastfeeding. Cases of negative reactions in mothers and children are very rare, but they still occur:

  • individual intolerance to the fruit by the child, which will be expressed in the form of an allergic reaction;
  • loose stools (when eating green, unripe fruits);
  • stool consolidation (if you eat very overripe fruits);
  • increased gas formation With possible appearance colic (high risk when choosing unripe fruits);
  • The sugar in bananas is well absorbed by the body, which is why nutritionists do not recommend eating them in the evening so as not to gain weight.

Reduce risk adverse reactions for mother and baby can be achieved through a more careful selection of fruits on store shelves. You should also not eat them in excessive quantities. There are diseases in which the consumption of sweet fruits is completely excluded - for example, diabetes.

We introduce gradually

When introducing bananas into the diet of a nursing mother, you should adhere to the classical principles. You need to start consuming fruits gradually, in small quantities, carefully monitoring the response child's body(rash, redness, etc.).

A nursing mother can eat a little banana in the first half of the day so that she has more time to analyze the baby’s reaction to the new product:

  1. Seeing the positive response of the child’s body (no allergies), the next day you can eat half of the sweet fruit. Thus, you can subsequently eat a whole banana a day.
  2. Noticing negative reactions to a new fruit - the newborn has a rash or the quality of the stool has changed, excessive moodiness and anxiety have appeared, it is better to give up the delicious dessert for at least a couple of weeks.
  3. Seeing allergic reaction for fruit even some time after the break, put off the sweetness for another month and a half. There may be cases of individual intolerance to bananas by a child - then, unfortunately, the fruits will have to be completely excluded from the mother’s diet for the entire lactation period.

To check the baby’s reaction to the fruit, it is necessary to introduce bananas in small portions, starting with a few pieces of the fruit. In most cases, an allergy to bananas does not occur (we recommend reading:)

Selection rules

You need to choose bananas carefully, so follow certain rules. Then you guarantee yourself and your child maximum benefit from these fruits:

  • Bringing bananas from afar is not so easy. They are transported while still immature and this has a big disadvantage, especially for nursing mothers. Upon arrival in Russia, bananas are kept in special chambers where they ripen under the influence of ethylene. There will be no harm from such bananas, but there is very little benefit, because this method of ripening kills almost everything useful material. Previously healthy carbohydrates are converted into sugar by the action of ethylene.
  • When buying bananas for future use, choose slightly unripe fruits. After lying in dark place, the fruit will ripen and be ready for consumption. It is not recommended to eat green fruits because they contain poorly digestible starch. It can cause increased gas formation in mother and child.
  • Unripe bananas can be identified by their pronounced edges. This sign indicates that they were picked too early or that the fruits belong to forage varieties. Preference should be given to small, streamlined fruits. Fruits that are damaged, gray or brown should not be taken. Brown color- a sign of a spoiled product, and gray - a frozen one. The presence of small spots is a good sign; they indicate the sweetness and ripeness of the fruit.
  • Bananas should not be stored with other fruits or placed in the refrigerator. Such errors in storage will “help” them spoil faster.
  • Fruits are often treated with harmful preservatives (E 232, E 231) and poisonous phenol to protect them from pests and mold. Always wash fruit thoroughly before eating.

We combine correctly

There are people who find the combination of bananas and milk difficult to digest, so do not rush to consume such mixtures. Dairy products on the contrary, they will go well with bananas. Ripe fruit will add tenderness and sweetness to your smoothie.

Many people love dried bananas. When cooked correctly they retain a lot useful vitamins and microelements, however, it must be borne in mind that sugars in dried fruits a lot more.

Despite the fact that the traditional opinion regarding the use of exotic fruits by breastfeeding women is very categorical, bananas have long and firmly entered the lives of Russian people and, one might say, have become “intimate” with them. The soft, pleasant texture of the fruit makes them a favorite in the diet of children under 1 year old, which means they will also be useful for a breastfed baby. Always choose your bananas carefully, store them properly, and don't overeat. You can also bake bananas and make hot desserts from them.

Can I eat bananas while breastfeeding? Of course this one delicious fruit You can eat it during lactation, but, as with all foods, you need to know the limits and possible side effects.

Bananas are one of the most valuable foods. They contain many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary when breastfeeding. If you eat them every day, you can feel an increase in performance, mood, and improved digestion.

Beneficial features

During breastfeeding, the mother's body bears an increased load, so it is necessary to constantly replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements. And in order to avoid disruptions in the body of not only the mother, but also the newborn, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition. A variety of fruits must be included in the diet of a nursing woman.

There are practically no questions about the fruits that are familiar to us, such as apples, pears, plums. But can breastfeeding mothers eat bananas? This is of interest to many mothers. Interesting Facts about the benefits of bananas:

  1. They are rich in phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin C.
  2. Thanks to substances such as dopamine, serotonin and nopinephrine, bananas are excellent for treatment intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers.
  3. These fruits improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also help normalize stool.
  4. They contain the so-called “happiness hormone”. It is thanks to him that you can cope with depression, which often occurs after childbirth.
  5. This product is hypoallergenic. Therefore, you can eat it, starting with small portions.
  6. You can eat bananas to cope with hunger. They are usually eaten between meals.
  7. They will help a nursing mother cope with loss of strength, normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.
  8. As reviews say, bananas help normalize stool. For constipation they weaken, and for diarrhea they strengthen. Each body reacts to this product in its own way, so a nursing mother should eat it with caution.
  9. Magnesium and vitamin B, which this sweet fruit is rich in, help cope with stress, improve concentration and memory.
  10. Thanks to tryptophan, you can normalize sleep and regulate appetite. This is very important for those women who want to lose weight quickly overweight after childbirth.

In tropical countries where banana is not considered exotic fruit, is not inferior in importance to bread in the diet. Unsweetened bananas are used to make flour, which is used in various hot dishes.

Eating bananas while breastfeeding can help keep your blood sugar levels down. the right level. In terms of the amount of nutrients they are not inferior to a serving oatmeal with milk. And if you eat them every day, you can constantly fill your body essential vitamins and minerals, which is very important when breastfeeding.

If a pregnant mother ate these fruits constantly, then after giving birth she will be able to eat them calmly. However, in the first month of breastfeeding, you cannot eat as many of them as your heart desires. It is enough to eat one fruit a day.

If during pregnancy a woman did not eat these fruits and does not like them very much, you can replace them with other foods that are rich in tryptophan and carbohydrates. For example, with breastfeeding it is useful to eat baked potatoes.

There are cases when a woman begins to eat these fruits only after giving birth. In these cases, you need to eat them little by little, constantly monitoring the child’s well-being.

Help with bowel problems

Many people wonder: can a nursing mother eat bananas if she has problems with bowel movements? These fruits are rich in pectin, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It helps remove all harmful substances from the body. It is also able to retain fluid in the body, which makes it possible to avoid dehydration due to diarrhea. That is why this substance is included in drugs aimed at treating diarrhea.

If a young mother and her newborn baby do not have digestive problems, bananas will not harm during breastfeeding. And for constipation, some mothers recommend eating unripe fruits to cope with this problem. They contain pectin in small quantities, but starch, on the contrary, predominates. This may lead to the formation of gases. Therefore, you should not eat green fruits. Some women eat yellow-green bananas while breastfeeding to normalize bowel movements and not cause problems with the baby's well-being.

Fruits for baby

In other countries, doctors suggest introducing bananas into complementary foods for children starting at 6 months. Our pediatricians advise starting the first complementary foods with vegetables. It is better to give sweet fruits only 8 months after birth.

There are babies who do not gain weight well and are prone to frequent bowel movements. Such children are prescribed rice porridge as a first complementary food, to which a banana is added after a while.

Side effects

Despite the fact that bananas during lactation mainly bring only benefits to the body, one cannot help but mention some negative aspects. These fruits due to their sugar content large quantities may cause:

  • colic;
  • gases;
  • constipation;
  • bloating.

To avoid troubles in the body of a newborn, a nursing mother should not eat bananas in the first month after birth. At this time, work has not yet been established gastrointestinal tract baby.


To diversify the menu of a young mother, you can prepare a variety of dishes with the addition of your favorite fruit.

Tender banana salad with cottage cheese

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 2-3 apples;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a little sour cream.

First you need to cut the fruits into small cubes, then add cottage cheese and sour cream to them. Mix all ingredients. If desired, you can add a little sugar.

Banana porridge

To prepare this porridge you need to take:

  • 100 grams of any cereal;
  • 1 banana;
  • A little butter and sugar.

First you need to boil the porridge, add butter and sugar to taste. Then grind the banana in a blender and add it to the porridge.

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