Is it possible to become infected with syphilis from being treated? Household method of infection with syphilis. How does household syphilis manifest?

Many people know that venereal diseases most often transmitted sexually. However, despite this, the question of whether there is a chance of getting syphilis through a kiss remains relevant, especially among teenagers. To understand this issue, you need to study the main routes of infection with this disease.

The routes of infection can be different, and the danger of infection lies in the fact that syphilis does not have pronounced signs noticeable at the first stage of the disease. There are such ways of transmitting this disease:

Majority medical literature claims that there is a possibility of contracting syphilis through physiological secretions, but does not give an exact answer to the question of whether syphilis is transmitted through a kiss. Venereologists are inclined to believe that not every kiss causes syphilis. The causative agent of the disease lives in a liquid medium, for example, in saliva, so there is a possibility of contracting this disease through a kiss. Infection occurs through microcracks in the oral cavity or during any dental diseases.

Syphilis may not be transmitted with every kiss. If it is friendly and only the skin of the lips touches, then the percentage of infection entering the blood is minimal. But when the mucous membrane of the mouth is connected during the kiss, the chance of infection increases. A moist and warm oral cavity is a favorable environment for the pathogen of syphilis to live. Infected saliva that gets on the skin quickly loses its activity, and within 30–40 minutes it becomes absolutely safe if it does not get into the area of ​​scratches and or cracks existing on the skin.

In the process of close kissing, not only skin, but also the saliva of an infected person, so such contact becomes a direct cause of infection with syphilis through a kiss.

When comparing infection through saliva from a close kiss and sexual intercourse, the likelihood of acquiring the disease in the first way is much lower. But under certain conditions, it is still possible to become infected with a disease through a kiss, since the slightest microcrack in the oral cavity will become a conductor of infection into the body healthy person.

Signs of infection

Many people naively believe that if they rinse their mouth with an antibiotic, they will protect themselves from infection. This is actually not true. If the causative agent of the disease enters the body, it will not be possible to get rid of it in this way. To protect yourself, you need to stop close contact with a carrier of syphilis. You should be attentive to yourself, as symptoms of infection may be as follows:

If these signs appear, you should consult a venereologist.

Treatment options

If you contracted syphilis through a kiss, it is extremely important to begin treatment initial stage, since an advanced form of syphilis will have severe consequences. Drugs used for therapy primary stage, are antibiotics of such groups as:

  • penicillins;
  • macrolites;
  • tetracyclines.

Together with them, the following are prescribed for treatment:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • multivitamins;
  • probiotics

At the initial stage of development, syphilis is treated in inpatient conditions by administering penicillin group injections every 4 hours for 24 days. Patients with an early latent type of disease are treated for 20 days, after which they can continue with outpatient treatment.

Duration therapeutic effects depends on the stage of syphilis and the severity of its manifestations.

When allergic reaction for penicillin, the patient is administered macrolites, tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones, as well as drugs based on iodine and bismuth. This complex of medications enhances the effect of the antibiotic. If one person is diagnosed with syphilis, both partners must undergo treatment.

The causes and ways of infection with syphilis are external and internal factors, contributing to the development of the disease, in addition, these are the sources from which Treponema pallidum enters human body, forming a defeat in him. The disease is chronic and occurs as a change of successive stages of development - primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis. In some cases, a fourth stage is also distinguished - advanced syphilis, in which the patient develops neurosyphilis (damage to the nervous system), pathologies of the musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, lesions and defects of all internal organs.

Human infection occurs when a pathogen, treponema pallidum, a pale spirochete, enters the body through damaged skin or mucous membranes.

Characteristics of the microorganism treponema pallidum

According to the science of microbiology, the Treponema bacterium is the shape of a curved spiral, namely a cylinder twisted into 10-12 curls. One of the ends of the cell has 3 periplasmic flagella. Treponema is identified by staining it with aniline dyes, for example, Romanovsky-Giemsa paint.

The study of a microorganism usually occurs using a dark-field or phase-contrast microscope. Treponema is a microaerophile and does not grow in an artificial nutrient medium.

The antigenic structure of the microbe is associated with lipoproteins, proteins outer membrane. Lipoproteins are used as antigens in the Wassermann reaction to serological diagnostics syphilis.

The virulence of the spirochete is explained by the presence of outer membrane proteins and LPS, which exhibit their toxic properties after they are released from the cell. When dividing, treponema can form separate fragments that can penetrate deep into the tissue.

Treponema pallidum has the ability of active movement - it rotates around its axis, bends, and makes forward movement.

When exposed to oxygen, the microbe does not die, and this microorganism does not need it to breathe.

The internal structure of the microbe looks like this: outer shell It is a three-layer membrane consisting of layers of proteins and polysaccharides, a cell wall, and a mucopolysaccharide capsule. From the inside, a cytoplasmic membrane is adjacent to the shell, which has processes - fibrils. It is these processes that are “organs” that provide the possibility of movement for the cell.

Antigens are mainly located in the cell wall and are represented by lipid, carbohydrate and protein molecules.

Carrier and carriage of infection

A carrier of syphilis is an infected person in whose body treponemes live and multiply. The patient may not show signs of the disease, but he will still be a carrier, dangerous to others. In the environment, outside the human body, the bacterium is not particularly resistant - at a temperature of 42 degrees above zero Celsius, microorganisms die in 4-6 hours. Treponema tolerates lower temperatures better; it is not afraid of freezing; in the cold, bacteria can live for four days. When frozen, treponemes can be stored for up to a year.

Microorganisms are sensitive to:

  • salts of heavy metals, for example, arsenic, bismuth, mercury;
  • ethyl alcohol;
  • alkalis;
  • acids.

The human body, with its temperature and composition of physiological fluids, is the optimal environment for the existence of a pale spirochete. The person affected by it is the only source of infection for others.

The entry gate for infection is the mucous tissue of the genital organs (external and internal), as well as the membranes of the mouth; in some cases, the “gate” is the skin in other parts of the body.

In some cases, treponema can form so-called cysts and L-forms, which keep the pathogen in the body in a latent state, due to which the disease takes on a latent form and can manifest itself as late latent syphilis.

People who have previously been ill, even if syphilis has been treated, can remain carriers of pathogens until serological tests blood tests will not show completely negative results.

How is treponema pallidum transmitted: main routes of transmission

Where does a person get syphilis? Infection of a healthy person can only occur if two conditions are present:

  • a sufficient concentration of Treponema pallidum in the tissue or fluid of the carrier;
  • the presence of damage to the skin or mucous membranes of a person exposed to infection.

The cause of the disease can be just two microorganisms that have invaded the human body. The more pathogens that enter the body, the shorter the incubation period will be.

Violation of the integrity of the stratum corneum of the skin or cover epithelium mucous membrane is prerequisite for bacteria to penetrate the body, even minimal damage that is invisible to the eye is sufficient - they can be caused, for example, by active friction. Because of this, some doctors say that infection can occur through entire skin. Taking these factors into account, experts note that reliable factors that accurately determine the likelihood of infection cannot be named today, therefore all persons who have had contact with people infected with syphilis over the past 4 months are subject to clinical examination.

Doctors call the following ways of contracting syphilis:

  • direct: sexual, domestic, intrauterine, transfusion;
  • indirect: through various objects of the surrounding world containing active pathogens on their surfaces.

Of all cases of syphilis transmission, approximately 90-95% are carried out directly, and the most common of these is the sexual method, that is, infection during sex (oral, vaginal or anal). The pathogen is transmitted through any unprotected contact with an infected person. A condom can trap treponema, but if the contraceptive breaks or slips during the process, this can result in the pathogen entering the body of an initially healthy partner. Treponema is found in vaginal discharge in women, in sperm in men.

The direct non-sexual route is infection through kisses, bites, and breastfeeding.

Direct occupational infection occurs during the examination of patients with syphilis, and affects medical staff who implements it. In addition, occupational infection with syphilis can be observed during operations or pathological examinations.

Transfusion syphilis - this category refers to infection that occurs through blood transfusions from sick donors. Drug addicts who use disposable syringes for injections can also become infected through blood. different people. It is drug addicts, together with people leading disorderly sex life, are most at risk of contracting syphilis.

Intrauterine infection occurs during pregnancy. During this period, the fetus receives pathogens from the mother through the placenta - thus unborn child becomes infected congenital syphilis. Children become ill with acquired syphilis while passing through the infected genital tract during childbirth, that is, during the perinatal period.

A fetus with congenital syphilis most often dies in the womb, but even if it remains alive, it is born with severe pathologies.

To prevent acquired infection from the mother, a sick woman is prescribed C-section, and also prohibit breastfeeding.

In an indirect way, the pale spirochete can be obtained through close everyday contact with the affected person, for example, using a toothbrush or dishes of the affected person, if particles of the patient’s secretion remain on them, that is, infection occurs, most often, in everyday life, between partners and family members.

It should be noted that infection cannot occur by airborne droplets, since treponema dies very quickly in the air, unlike, for example, viruses. The disease is also not transmitted genetically, or by inheritance - if a fetus or newborn becomes infected from the mother, this occurs due to the direct entry of pathogens into its body from the mother.

Can you get syphilis through a handshake? This method of infection can occur in very in rare cases, if the patient has a lesion on the palm - syphilitic chancre, and the second person has abrasions, burns, cuts on the skin of the palm. As for infection in public swimming pools, baths, saunas, doctors note that the likelihood of catching household syphilis in this way is very low.

As for masturbation, you can become infected with syphilis during masturbation only if there are, on the one hand, damage to the mucous membranes or skin on the hands and genitals, and, on the other, physiological fluids containing the causative agent of the disease.

Behavior of Treponema pallidum at different stages of syphilis development

By conducting experimental medical research It was found that the detection of treponema pallidum microorganisms is possible at any stage of the formation of the disease.

The result of the incubation period from the moment of infection is the appearance of the primary syphilitic chancre. At this point, the multiplied bacteria are in the lesions, in the tissue fluid, and the patient himself is the spreader of the infection. Pathogens are found not only in the blood, but also in physiological fluids - saliva, semen, and in children with congenital syphilis - in nasal discharge. The primary period can last up to 7 weeks.

During the secondary period of infection, pathogens reach all internal organs and multiply in the lymph nodes. The course of the stage can take from 2 to 5 years.

Untreated syphilis goes into the tertiary stage. At this point, treponemes are present in all internal tissues, cells, vessels, bones.

The infectivity of carriers depends on the duration of the disease - patients with early forms are most contagious, especially in the first two years of the formation of the disease. Patients with the most advanced stages are usually less dangerous and contagious.

Risk groups: who is most susceptible to syphilis infection

The main part of the population susceptible to developing the disease is people aged 20 to 45 years. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 20 and 29 years. Even 10-20 years ago, the disease was more often recorded in men who used the services of prostitutes; now women of childbearing age are increasingly affected.

People who have promiscuous sex, drug addicts, homeless people - they all represent a part of the population that suffers from syphilis more often.

At the beginning of the last century, syphilis infection was catastrophic, mostly in the countryside. Now, a century later, the disease is equally distributed among both rural and urban residents. Infection can occur through sexual contact, through blood, saliva, and even through household objects.

The dangerous disease household syphilis is characterized by a long incubation period and specific symptoms. Infection with it occurs due to poor personal hygiene, when people use other people's toothbrushes, drink from mugs other than their own, and smoke the same cigarette with friends. Worth knowing characteristic features illnesses and possible options diagnosis, treatment.

What is household syphilis

Sexual syphilis and domestic syphilis are the same disease, differing in the method of transmission. IN medical terminology This disease is understood as a chronic infectious venereal disease that affects all human organs and tissues and progresses very quickly. Through close household contact, you can become infected with syphilis, which has similar symptoms to sexual syphilis.

Is syphilis transmitted through household contact?

People mistakenly believe that it is difficult to become infected with syphilis, but this is not true. Through blood transfusion taken from a patient, ordinary contact such as a handshake or a kiss, you can easily get this disease without even knowing the risk. Doctors, having discovered symptoms in a patient, check not only his sexual partners, but also family members. Often the disease is detected in close relatives at the same time.

How is it transmitted?

The modes of transmission of syphilis are domestic and sexual. Rapid infection is possible through objects contaminated with syphilitic elements of the skin and mucous membranes, because the causative agent of the disease remains active for a long time in a humid environment. You can become infected through bites, kisses, dishes, cigarettes, towels, and underwear. The most dangerous are the first two stages of the disease, when the patient has ulcers and erosions in the oral cavity, which will be a source of infection.

The contagiousness of the urine and sweat of a patient with syphilis has not yet been proven, but there is a possibility of infecting a child through the milk of a nursing mother. Doctors, if they do not use gloves, are at risk when performing medical procedures, contact with the patient’s internal organs during surgery. There is also a transfusion method of transmission - through blood transfusion.

What is the causative agent of the disease?

Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum, a gram-negative spirochete that looks like a spiral. It is not very resistant to external influences - it disappears after household items dry out, but it persists for a long time in a humid environment. Treponema pallidum activates at a temperature of 40-42 degrees, then dies; at 55 degrees it dies in 15 minutes. Low temperature does not have a detrimental effect on the microorganism - during 9 years of experimental storage at minus 70 degrees, its activity did not disappear. Treponema is sensitive to chemicals.

How to recognize

Infection with domestic syphilis is similar to genital syphilis - the patient feels tired, aching joints, and his temperature rises. The disease weakens the immune system, so other diseases occur in parallel. You shouldn’t see a doctor if these are the only signs you notice, but you should regularly undergo examinations, medical examinations and donate blood.


In accordance with the stages of development, the symptoms of household syphilis also differ. The incubation period lasts 3-4 weeks, during which the disease is asymptomatic. Only at the primary and secondary stages do destructive signs begin, which by the third stage become very noticeable and cannot be ignored. In the first two stages, the disease can actually be cured, but advanced cases cannot.

The primary stage of household syphilis

Signs of household syphilis at the primary stage begin with the appearance of a small reddish spot at the site of penetration into the body treponema pallidum. After a few days, a hard round chancre appears in this place - an ulcer with hard edges several millimeters in diameter that does not hurt. Everything gradually increases The lymph nodes. Chancre appears on the lips, tongue, tonsils, and gums, while with sexual syphilis, its location is the genitals.

Rarely, chancre may appear on the chin, eyelid mucosa, eyeball, on the nipples of the mammary glands, fingers. Asymptomatic initial cases occur. The duration of the period is 6-7 weeks. Additional signs diseases are general malaise, headaches, bone pain, insomnia, anemia. The transition to the second stage is characterized by weakness, fatigue, rare pain in muscles and joints, insomnia, and appetite disturbances.

Secondary period

As the infection and virus spread throughout the body, secondary syphilis, which without treatment can last up to four years, accompanied by several relapses. At this stage, rashes of various shapes, sizes, and colors appear on the skin or mucous membranes. They can often be found in areas subject to friction.

Without treatment, the rashes grow powerfully, form lesions and abrasions with oozing tissue fluid. During the secondary period, whitish spots appear on the neck - evidence of damage to the nervous system. In addition, they become infected blood vessels, heart, eyes, ears, joints, bones, internal organs, bones, hair loss. Spots and papules are prone to spontaneous disappearance or reappearance.

Tertiary syphilis

After the secondary period, the tertiary period begins, characterized by a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Lumps appear, and subcutaneous tissue, bones and internal organs– gummas containing the causative agent of the disease. They are dense formations in the shape of a ball, in appearance resembling nodes the size of a hazelnut kernel. The formations develop into scars and ulcers, tissue damage is irreversible. The period lasts for decades. If gummas affect the face, the skeleton is destroyed - the patient’s nose collapses, as in the photo, and disfiguring deformities appear.

Household syphilis in children

Young children - between the ages of six months and one and a half years - are susceptible to infection with household syphilis. A hard chancre appears on the child’s body, which is localized in areas on the head, forehead, lips, mouth and tonsils. A nursing mother or another relative can infect a baby through kisses, dishes, or bedding.

How can household syphilis affect pregnancy?

A woman infected with syphilis during pregnancy receives hormonal imbalance. This leads to a risk of miscarriage or premature birth, anemia occurs. In most cases, a child is born infected - infection occurs through the blood and placenta. Secondary syphilis of the expectant mother is dangerous for children. At this stage the most Great chance miscarriage or stillbirth. The tertiary period allows you to carry and give birth healthy child even in the absence of therapy.

If treatment was carried out before the 16th week of pregnancy, the chances of having a healthy baby are greatly increased. Congenital syphilis is also considered domestic - infection occurs in the womb during 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. If the child survives and is born, he suffers from signs of the disease. Children are found extensive rashes and wounds on the skin, damage to the heart, eyes, liver, dropsy. Children suffer from diseases of the bones, joints, brain, deformation of the teeth, skull, nose, and later lag in development, mental characteristics, is not gaining weight well.

During pregnancy, syphilis can be diagnosed by taking a blood test - the Wasserman reaction. Later, treponemal methods are used to double-check the positive result. A CT scan is performed, smears are taken, and antibiotic treatment is prescribed. The fetus can be protected from congenital disease if you start taking medications at 20 weeks of pregnancy.


To identify syphilis, you need to contact a venereologist or dermatovenerologist. After the examination, a blood test for RW is performed. If identified positive reaction, carry out additional research. The immunofluorescence reaction (RIF), Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction (TPI) and treponemal antigen (TPNA) are used. IN special cases carry out computed tomography to detect damage to the central nervous system. Swabs are taken from the skin rash to check for the presence of Treponema pallidum. At the first two stages, PCR diagnostics are carried out.


For household syphilis, it is prescribed ambulatory treatment and home quarantine. For each patient it is prescribed individual treatment, combining specific and nonspecific therapy. This will help only in the first two stages of the disease; in the tertiary stage, damage to tissues and organs is irreversible. Here are some popular drugs to get rid of the disease:

  1. Antibiotics - penicillin groups (Oxacillin, Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Carbenicillin) quickly penetrate into the blood and are excreted. Prescribed use every three hours in the form of tablets or injections. Bicillin, Erythromycin, Oletetrin or Tetracycline may be prescribed in combination with antihistamines. The course lasts two weeks with primary period and a month for secondary.
  2. Preparations with bismuth - contain heavy metal, which fights the spiral microorganism and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Biyoquinol - a suspension of bismuth salts in peach oil destroys bacteria, but has many contraindications. It should not be used by infants, people with heart and vascular diseases, tuberculosis, or stomatitis. Injections are prescribed once every three days, one ampoule, and can be used for late and recurrent syphilis. For individual intolerance to quinine, liver and kidney diseases, Bismoverol is used.
  3. Immunostimulants – strengthen the body’s protective functions, relieve inflammatory processes. These include Pyrogenal, Peat, preparations with aloe.
  4. Vitamins – to support the immune system, it is recommended to drink vitamins B, C, A, E.


To prevent the occurrence of household syphilis, it is worth remembering the following points, which will be good prevention:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • use of individual underwear, towel, toothbrush, razor;
  • washing dishes with hot water.


Syphilis is a disease infectious nature, affecting the skin, bone tissue, central nervous system and all internal organs. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that after infection the disease can have a long incubation character or a hidden course, which significantly complicates diagnosis and leads to serious complications.

Therefore, everyone should know how to become infected with syphilis in order to avoid irreparable consequences and prevent infection.

The causative agent of syphilis is the pathogenic microorganism Treponema pallidum or spirochete. This rod-like bacterium, entering the body, concentrates in the lymphatic system, then penetrates through the walls of small vessels into the bloodstream.

The infection adapts very quickly and begins to actively multiply in the blood, spreading throughout the body and affecting internal organs and tissues. During its life, Treponema pallidum secretes dangerous toxins that dissolve red blood cells and affect white blood cells.

About 12 million cases of infection are registered annually in the world, and not all of them occur among risk groups (drug addicts, homosexuals). A lot of diseases occur in people who correct image life. Therefore, everyone should know how to become infected with syphilis, so as not to become one of the victims, because it is always better to prevent the disease than to treat it.

Sexual route of infection

The most common route of transmission is through sexual intercourse. The fact is that the highest concentration of the pathogen is observed in all body fluids, including sperm, vaginal fluid, and saliva.

Even if the lifespan of bacteria outside the body is very short, this time is enough to infect a healthy person. During sex, the bacterium is transmitted to the sexual partner through vaginal fluid or lubricant in the presence of even microscopic cracks. The likelihood of contracting syphilis through sex with infected partner makes up 95% of cases of the total number of cases and 30% of them occur during the first and only contact.

There is an opinion that you can avoid syphilis by interrupting sex before ejaculation (in cases infected man), but this is far from a method of protection. During sex, contact occurs between the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which contain fluids released during arousal (lubricant). Namely, they are the largest concentration of the pathogen and in the presence of the smallest damage to the skin, infection occurs.

At oral sex the risk of infection is no less, since the same exchange of fluids occurs as during normal sexual intercourse. Saliva contains treponema in high concentrations and at the slightest damage to the skin it penetrates the body.

Infection with anal sex happens no less often than usual. This is confirmed by statistics showing that syphilis is much more common among homosexuals.

The fact is that the main route of infection is through wounds and damage to the skin and mucous membranes, and microcracks in the rectum are a common occurrence. During normal vaginal sex, some of the bacteria are neutralized due to the acidic environment of the vagina, but in the rectum there is no such protection, and accordingly the concentration of pathogens will be greater.

Infection during a kiss is rare, but still occurs. It is worth clarifying that a kiss on the cheek is less likely to cause infection, since for this there must be a fresh lesion on the skin.

But a kiss on the lips can carry a hidden threat, since the infectious agent retains the ability to reproduce only in humid environments, which is the exchange of saliva.

Important. Once in the body, Treponema pallidum, after an adaptation period, multiplies by dividing segments every thirty hours and within 90 minutes grows to a full-fledged microorganism.

Household route of infection

Infection by everyday means occur very rarely, but still not excluded. Treponema pallidum is sensitive to exposure environment, but nevertheless due to its ability to survive in liquid media it remains active until they dry out. For example, an infected cup will be a source of infection until the traces of saliva on it have completely dried.

Ways of contracting syphilis at home:

  • utensils and common items;
  • taking a shared bath, even if available hot water(treponema does not die immediately, even at 55°C, but only after 20 minutes);
  • a joint sleeping area with a patient whose skin external manifestations syphilis (the liquid released through them enters the skin of a healthy person and if there are microdamages, infection occurs);
  • during a kiss (the likelihood of infection increases significantly if the infected person has primary manifestations of the disease in the oral cavity - chancre or erosive rashes;
  • the use of handkerchiefs and towels on which there may be discharge from the nasopharynx of an infected person, the risk of infection increases if there are manifestations chancre in the nose or on the tonsils;
  • Personal hygiene items carry a huge risk of infection.

How to protect yourself from contracting household syphilis:

  • maintaining personal hygiene rules– use strictly your own things;
  • washing clothes at elevated temperatures (starting from 55°C is a lethal temperature for the pathogen);
  • disinfection of common items using alkaline and acidic solutions;
  • exception skin-to-skin contact with an infected person(kisses, hugs);
  • to exclude the disease it is necessary to undergo tests, a venereologist diagnoses syphilis.

Important. The spirochete has the ability to survive low temperatures(up to -70°C), but is very sensitive to alkaline and acidic solutions, which can be used to prevent the disease (0.01% Chlorhexidine bigluconate, Gebitan solution).

Transplacental route of transmission

The transplacental route of infection or vertical is the most common route of infection with syphilis in children. Infection occurs during pregnancy from an infected mother to the unborn child, through the placenta (congenital syphilis) or during childbirth (acquired syphilis) when the child passes through the birth canal.

Infant infection urgent problem For modern medicine, which is why every pregnant woman undergoes diagnostics and is tested for the disease. A timely diagnosed disease can be treated and will not complicate the health of either the mother or the child.

An advanced disease during pregnancy threatens:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • stillbirth;
  • the birth of a newborn with congenital syphilis.

How does a child become infected in the womb?

  • through the placenta no earlier than in the fourth month of pregnancy, before this period the placenta is not permeable to treponema;
  • along the lymphatic slits of the vessels, through the umbilical vein;
  • with blood through damage to the placenta.

At what stage is syphilis most contagious to the unborn child and what is the likelihood of infection?

Infection of the fetus directly depends on the stage of the mother’s disease; the longer it is and the higher the stage, the more the activity of the pathogen decreases and the risk of illness in the child decreases. Infection most rarely occurs from the mother at the third stage of the disease, as well as at the primary stage, when the pathogen has not had time to adapt to the body. 100% of infection occurs from the mother in the secondary stage of syphilis.

Important. Treponema damage to the fetus during pregnancy is accompanied by severe damage to all internal organs, the central nervous system, bone tissue, which leads to the birth of a stillborn child.

Other routes of infection

The least likely routes of infection are blood transfusion and occupational routes of infection.

Transfusion or blood transfusion infection occurs as a result of contaminated blood entering a healthy body. The blood of an infected person at any stage of the disease has high concentration pathogen and leads to 100% infection.

Blood transfusion methods of infection with syphilis:

  • through medical instruments with traces of infected blood;
  • through a syringe (most likely in drug addicts);
  • during transfusion of infected donor blood.

The occupational route of transmission of infection poses the greatest danger to medical workers; they are the ones who have direct contact with infected people.

How does syphilis become infected among medical staff?

  1. Gynecologists are at risk of infection due to contact with vaginal secretions and blood during childbirth.
  2. Pathologists are personnel at risk, since Treponema pallidum remains active in dead body person up to several days.
  3. Venereologists have a direct relationship with patients with syphilis and can become infected when examining a patient with external signs of the disease (papules, roseola, chancroid);
  4. Dentists in case of contact with saliva or if the patient has signs of syphilis in the oral cavity.

A prerequisite for infection among doctors is the presence of damage to the skin. If the pathogen comes into contact with intact skin, infection is excluded.

Important. When contracted by infected blood, syphilis is called transfusion or decapitation syphilis. This form of the disease has a specific manifestation - complete absence primary signs and the manifestation of the disease after ten weeks immediately from the secondary stage (secondary syphilides).

Signs and stages of the disease, how therapy is carried out

After infection with Treponema pallidum, it adapts to the body without showing itself in any way; this period is called the incubation period. Its duration can vary from 10 to 90 days.

Such a large difference in timing is due to individual characteristics organism and the factors affecting it. For example, diseases with a hyperthermic reaction and taking antibacterial agents significantly increase the incubation of the disease, and in case of weakened immunity and as a result of entry into the body large quantity pathogen incubation is reduced to a minimum period.

But, in most cases, the first signs of syphilis infection appear after 20-45 days.

Stages of the disease

A distinctive feature of the disease is the presence of several stages, which are characterized by certain symptoms.

Table No. 1. Stages of the disease, characteristic symptoms:

Stage Time frame Clinical picture
Primary syphilisFrom 10 to 90 days depending on the condition of the body. Average time frame is 20-45 daysThe primary signs of syphilis infection are a hard neoplasm at the site of infection - a chancre. External signs chancre - size up to 10 mm, red or bluish tint. In some cases, when mechanical impact may cause pain, but most often does not bother.

After the formation of a chancre, inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes begins within two weeks. If the formation on the genitals bothers the groin, when the chancre is localized in the oral cavity, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed.

Secondary syphilis70 days after manifestation primary symptoms(beginning of the first stage)Clinical symptoms:
  • The appearance of syphilides on the skin in the form of papules, roseolas or purulent ulcers, which disappear after a certain period.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body.
  • Hyperthermic reaction within 37.5°C.
  • Symptoms of intoxication – general weakness, malaise (in rare cases).
Tertiary syphilis5-6 years from the moment of infectionAt this stage of the disease, the entire body is infected with treponema pallidum and damage to the body systems and all internal organs begins. Symptoms on the skin are syphilitic gummas in the form of bumps.

They arise as a result pathological change structures cartilage tissue. gummas gradually form on all internal organs, leading to failure and death.

Syphilides of the mucous membranes appear, which destroy cartilage and tissue, causing irreversible deformations. For example, gumma of the nose leads to the collapse of the nose.

Fourth stage10-15 years from the moment of infectionOfficially, medicine does not distinguish the fourth stage of the disease, but there is clinical picture characteristic of long-term course syphilis in which all systems are affected:
  • Damage to the central nervous system – cerebral vessels, formation of gummas in the brain, paralysis.
  • Damage to the musculoskeletal system - osteomyelitis, arthritis.
  • Cardiovascular system – myocarditis aortitis.
  • Liver – hepatitis.

Important. The last fourth stage of syphilis is not completely cured, since pathological irreversible changes have already occurred in the entire body. Therapy at this stage is aimed at relieving symptoms and slowing down destructive processes in the body.


After confirming the disease and before prescribing therapy, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen for each patient.

It and the set of measures included in it will depend on:

  • age category of the patient;
  • gender;
  • the stage at which the disease is located;
  • clinical symptoms;
  • from the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases;
  • from general condition body and immunity.

The main direction in the treatment of syphilis is reception antibacterial drugs from the group of penicillins, which are most active against Treponema pallidum and the price of the drugs is not high, unlike analogues.

They have good absorption, but are quickly eliminated. Therefore, treatment with penicillins requires constant maintenance of a therapeutic dose in the blood; they are administered every three hours.

Medicines of the penicillin group:

  • Benzylpencillin;
  • Oxacycline;
  • Doxacillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Carbenicillin.

In case of individual intolerance to drugs from the penicillin group, substitute drugs from other groups are used.

The most common:

  1. Doxycycline is administered intramuscularly. The instructions for the drug recommend for the period of use medicine Avoid exposure to the sun. The medication increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Tetracycline is an alternative to penicillin, but is prohibited for patients with kidney or hearing impairment.

Important. Sexual partners of an infected person should be tested, even if they do not show signs of syphilis infection. When syphilis is detected in the first stage, sexual partners over the past three months are diagnosed; in the second stage of the disease, everyone who has been in contact with the patient over the past year.

The video in this article shows the stages of Treponema pallidum infection.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Contagious or not

Good afternoon, a month ago I was treated for syphilis and will soon go for a repeat test. Tell me, is syphilis contagious after treatment?

Hello, the insidiousness of the disease is the periodic change of remissions and exacerbations, as well as the negative development of immunity. It is not always possible to recognize a relapse of the disease after treatment, therefore, after treatment, each patient is registered and undergoes periodic examinations for three years. If after this period no negative changes have occurred, the patient is considered completely healthy. Previously, it was impossible to give an exact answer.

What to do if you have sexual contact with an infected person

Good afternoon, I had casual and one-time sex, and I suspect that my sexual partner has syphilis. What should I do?

Hello, within two hours after sex you need to seek help from a venereologist. In this case, it is assigned preventive treatment, which consists of taking drugs of choice - antibacterial agents.

Self-administered local treatment of the genitals will also help reduce the likelihood of infection. During oral and anal sex, the rectum is treated and oral cavity. Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are used for this purpose.

How not to get infected

Good afternoon, one of my family members was diagnosed with syphilis. Tell me how to avoid infection and what is the most common route of infection with syphilis?

Hello, the most common is sexual intercourse with an infected person. 95% of all cases of disease occur this way. But there is a possibility of infection at home if you are in contact with a sick person.

To avoid this, follow the rules of personal hygiene (linen, towels, dishes), constant disinfection of household items using alkaline and acidic solutions. And remember, you can become infected by taking a bath after a patient (the bacteria die only at a temperature of 55°C), use means to neutralize the pathogen.

Pregnancy and syphilis

Hello, I am planning a pregnancy, but 4 years ago I was treated for syphilis. Tell me, is there a danger for my unborn baby?

Good afternoon, if you were deregistered after an illness (after three years) and the MRI and RV tests showed negative result, the risk is minimal. But to be completely sure, take a repeat MRI test during pregnancy. If the results are negative, the risk is zero; if the result is positive, a preventive course of therapy is required.

How not to infect your partner

Hello, is it possible to infect your partner with syphilis after treatment? The disease occurred 5 years ago, and I undergo repeated tests every year.

Good afternoon, with adequate therapy and negative tests For syphilis, the risk of infection is zero.

Signs of syphilis during pregnancy

Good afternoon, I found out that the father of my unborn child has syphilis. I’m very worried, even though there is no visible infection. Tell me, how long does it take for syphilis to appear after infection during pregnancy?

Good afternoon, the difficulty of the situation is that during pregnancy the disease can occur in a latent form, that is, completely asymptomatic, or it manifests itself as in other cases. But with any infection, the incubation period of the disease has ambiguous terms and depends on many factors (age, immune status). It is better for you to go to the clinic and undergo all the necessary tests.

Syphilis is the most common disease infection, which is transmitted predominantly sexually, prone to a chronic and progressive (increasing number of symptoms) course. The cause of syphilis and its causative agent is Treponema pallidum. The disease is characterized by damage individual organs and systems (nervous, lymphoid systems). You can learn about how syphilis is transmitted and how it manifests itself in our article.

In contact with

Features of the pathogen

Treponema pallidum is a thin spiral-shaped microorganism. Due to its ability to absorb dyes, it received the prefix “pale”. It is difficult to detect with a simple light microscope due to its negligible diameter. Therefore, to identify treponema, a dark-field microscope examination of a specimen that has not been subjected to fixatives is used. The drug is made from the serous secretions of primary syphiloma.

Sexual transmission

The route of transmission of Treponema pallidum is only anthroponotic (that is, one person to another), the source of infection is a patient with syphilis of the primary and secondary period.

Patients with syphilis are the most dangerous in the first 1.5-2 years disease, after - the likelihood of infection decreases.

Sexual tract infection The most common, refers to the direct contact method of infection (in 98% of cases).

Infection occurs during sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, anal) without the use of contraceptives. Biological fluids (such as semen, menstrual blood) are sources of Treponema pallidum.

Is syphilis transmitted through saliva, touch, kiss or blood?

There is also a known type of disease called household syphilis. In everyday life, small children can be exposed to this method of infection if their parents have an active form of syphilis.

There is an indirect route of infection with syphilis through objects that have been in contact with biological material and contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Such items can be toothbrushes, household items (spoons, forks, dishes), hygiene items (razors) that came into contact with the oral mucosa, and towels. In this case, family members and people from closed groups are at risk of infection.

When carelessly processing instruments on which biological material is preserved (rectal and uterine mirrors, burs and endo-instruments in dentistry), in medical and cosmetology institutions there is also a risk of infection with Treponema pallidum.

How can you become infected with syphilis:

Healthcare workers can become infected while working with infected patients if they ignore protective rules.

The risk group includes the following specialists:

  • Venereologists;
  • Surgeons (if the patient’s blood comes into contact with the unprotected damaged skin of the doctor during a surgical operation);
  • Dentists (possible infection through dental instruments that were in contact with an infected patient, as well as when working without gloves with contaminated oral mucosa and blood);
  • Obstetricians-gynecologists (infection during childbirth infected woman through blood, birth secretions, and also from the blood of the child).

Although venereologists encounter patients with syphilis during the most active periods of the disease, they are extremely rarely exposed to infection. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Doctors know what diseases they are dealing with and what consequences they face;
  2. They always work with rubber gloves, or carry out their manipulations through cotton wool; take care of the skin of your hands, preventing it from being injured;
  3. Disinfectants (70° alcohol or carbolic acid) are always available, which can be used to disinfect the affected area if infection is suspected.

Prevention of syphilis is simple and does not require much effort:

  • Compliance with generally accepted hygiene standards (use only your personal hygiene items and separate utensils);
  • During sexual intercourse, refuse casual sexual contacts;
  • If there was a fact intimacy With stranger it is necessary after some time (during the incubation period there are no manifestations of syphilis) to consult a venereologist for consultation, examination and subsequent treatment;
  • Regularly visit a venereologist for preventive examinations, both yourself and with your sexual partner, in order to exclude infections with sexual diseases, including syphilis;
  • Do not treat syphilis yourself and folk remedies. Such actions will make it difficult to diagnose syphilis and lead to questionable analyzes further;
  • Before a planned pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo screening for the presence of sexual diseases; during pregnancy, serological test in order to protect the child from congenital syphilis;
  • Conduct additional treatment syphilis during pregnancy in women who have had this disease and are removed from medical registration;
  • Limit close communication and contact with people with syphilis.

Avoiding casual sex and early contact with a specialist will help you protect yourself and your family from Treponema pallidum.

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