Nemozol instructions for use for children 3. Review: Nemozol against worms for children - quickly and effectively. Composition and release forms

Worms, or helminths, as a disease are common to many people on the planet. It is generally accepted that this disease is characteristic only of children, but this is not so. Worms also live in adult organisms, affecting all organs without exception. To get rid of uninvited guests, you can use Nemozol suspension for both children and adults if there are difficulties taking pills.

In general, people know very little about helminths. Many people hear such names as roundworms, lamblia, and pinworms. They infect the gastrointestinal tract, live there and feed at the expense of humans. However, these are not the only representatives of the helminth class.

Worms can affect any organs and systems in the human body, from the brain to the kidneys and liver. Sometimes people don’t even realize that a good half of their ailments come from worms, since it’s an ordinary tank. culture from the intestines does not show them. Helminths can cause:

o dermatitis;

o gastritis;

o cholecystitis;

o psoriasis;

o Crohn's disease.

Helminths need to be treated, especially in children, otherwise they will gradually destroy organs and cause the development of diseases.

What is Nemozol?

According to the instructions for use, the Nemozol suspension is anthelmintic drug, the main substance in which is benzimidazole carbamate. It's pretty effective medicine, much more effective than mebendazole.

Nemozol has a destructive effect on intestinal tract helminths, as well as:

o inhibits ATP synthesis;

o reduces the level of glucose they consume;

o blocks the movement of worms by affecting their muscle secretions.

After eating, the suspension penetrates through the blood into all organs. The drug is poorly absorbed in the intestines, especially when consuming fatty foods.


The instructions for use state that the Nemozol suspension is used for the following diseases:

o damage by echinococcus to the liver and peritoneum;

o roundworms;

o strongyloides;

o trichocephalus;

o Giardia;

o canine tapeworm;

o mixed lesions by helminths.


The instructions for use warn that the drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components or are pregnant.

When prescribing Nemozol, the doctor should be careful in the following cases:

o for liver and kidney diseases;

o for cerebrovascular accidents;

o for diseases of the retina;

o children under 6 years of age.

Release form, dosage

Nemozol suspension is sold in 20 ml bottles. 5 ml contains 100 g of active substance. The dosage is prescribed depending on the age of the patient. Instructions for use dictate following rules upon appointment:

o For children and adults weighing up to 60 kg, a dosage of 15 mg per kilogram of body weight is prescribed. This norm is divided into two parts and taken throughout the day. This formulation is effective against Echonococcus lesions and neurocysticircosis. The course of therapy ranges from a week to a month.

o For giardiasis, the instructions for use advise taking 10-15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. The course of therapy is 5-7 days.

o For toxocariasis, patients over 14 years of age, if body weight is not more than 60 kg, should take 400 mg twice a day. For children under 14 years of age or adults weighing less than 60 kg, the dose is 10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. The prescribed dose should be divided into two times and taken throughout the day. The course of therapy ranges from 7 to 14 days.

o For roundworms and enterobiasis, drink 200 ml once and then repeat the dose after 3 weeks.

o If Nemozol is used for children over 2 years of age, the dosage is calculated individually.

Side effects

In some cases, as well as in case of overdose, as stated in the instructions for use, side effects are possible:

o nausea, vomiting;

o painful sensations in a stomach;

o changes in blood composition;

o migraine, dizziness;

o hair loss;

o increased pressure;

o allergies.

The instructions for use advise stopping taking the drug if any side effects.

Nemazol should be taken with caution during lactation and pregnancy. If a woman is breastfeeding and this drug is prescribed for a course of therapy, the issue of stopping lactation should be decided. Penetration of the drug into breast milk may be dangerous for a newborn.

After taking the drug you should take a control tests blood every 2 weeks. If the decrease in the number of leukocytes does not progress, you can continue treatment with Nemozol.


The price of Nemozol in Russian pharmacies ranges from 150-170 rubles. This is the cheapest form of the drug. Tablets for adults will cost a little more - 160-180 rubles, and chewable tablets- twice as expensive.

Tablet Nemozol 400 mg

Composition and therapeutic effect of the drug Nemozol

Nemozol for children is developed in accordance with all norms and regulations of the pharmaceutical industry. This drug is available on the shelves of any pharmacy. All forms contain the following substances:

  • albendazole;
  • in the production of tablets the following are additionally used: gelatin, povidone-30, purified talc, corn starch, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate;
  • the suspension is prepared using sorbitol, acids, purified water, and flavoring agents.

The main active ingredient is albendazole. It is he who is responsible for cleansing the body of helminthic infestation. Let us analyze the mechanism of its influence.

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Nemozol has several varieties. Each form of medication comes with its own characteristics. The doctor prescribes one or another option, based on the collected medical history of the child and his age. Each form of medication comes with detailed instructions in order to choose the right dosage, study contraindications and negative effects on a fragile child’s body.

Suspension (syrup)

Suspension Nemozol 100 mg / 5 ml

Nemozol small child best prescribed as a suspension. This fact is due to the fact that the taste of the syrup does not cause the baby to reject the drug. He drinks the medicine without much difficulty. The suspension is available in a transparent bottle of 20 ml (100 mg of albendazole per 5 ml of medication) in the form of a white liquid.


The tablet form is made in the form of hard tablets and chewable strips. The first ones are covered with a film shell, very bitter in taste, round and convex on both sides. Packed in packs of 2 - 3 pieces. They contain 400 mg of albendazole per tablet. Chewing plates have a pleasant taste. One blister contains one piece (active ingredient - 400 mg per tablet).

Indications for use in children

If you notice helminths in your child’s stool on your own or the test results reveal mature individuals, larvae or eggs, prescribe Nemozol. The effectiveness of the drug is high when used to combat Giardia, roundworms, pinworms and other helminths that can live in the intestines of children.

Indications for the use of this medicine are:

Instructions for use with dosage calculation

How to use Nemozol correctly? Medicine for children is prescribed orally. The baby should take the medicine before meals or 30 minutes after finishing the meal. Stick to strict diet not necessary. However, when treating with Nemozol, doctors recommend eating bread with plenty of butter or other high-calorie foods and citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lemon, tangerine), since the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract is very low. With such nutrition, the effectiveness anthelmintic increases. In the liver, the substance undergoes biotransformation.

Be sure to read the instructions. Syrup therapy is recommended for children under 6 years of age. Treatment can last a maximum of 28 days.

If echinococcosis is diagnosed, the patient undergoes 3 courses (4 weeks each) with a break of fourteen days. As can be seen from the table, treatment with Nemozol varies in each specific case. Always follow the specialist's instructions.

It is advisable that the entire family undergo a preventive course of treatment after completion of primary therapy in order to prevent reinfection. During therapy, it is not recommended to additionally use drugs with a laxative effect.

When is the drug contraindicated?

Any medicinal product should be taken with caution. The medication Nemozol has a number of contraindications. Women should take a pregnancy test before starting treatment (if positive result therapy is excluded, since the fetus may have developmental abnormalities). If there is an individual increased sensitivity to the active substance or other components of the drug, another drug is selected for treatment. The main contraindications are:

  • disturbance in the structure of the retina;
  • problems associated with hematopoiesis (bone marrow hematopoiesis);
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • Many doctors recommend careful use of the medicine for cirrhosis.

Possible side effects

When treated with any drug, there may be side effects. If they appear, stop the course immediately and immediately contact your doctor for necessary consultation. The specialist will determine whether it is worth replacing or continuing therapy with this drug. Most often, side effects occur in:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • hair loss (reversible alopecia) and other dermatological symptoms (rash, peeling, burning, redness);
  • high blood pressure;
  • pain in the abdomen, nausea, possible spontaneous vomiting;
  • functional changes in liver function;
  • shifts in circulatory system(pancytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia);
  • loss of one or more visual fields;
  • increased excitability;
  • hallucinations;
  • symptoms close to those of meningitis.

Analogues of the drug

Sanoxal 400 mg tablet - direct analogue of Nemozol

All analogues of Nemozol can be divided according to the type of active substance. By replacing it with products from the first list, you can do without consulting a doctor, since they all undergo quality control (we recommend reading:). The first group includes those drugs that contain albendazole:

  1. Angelmin is the cheapest medicine among all Nemozol analogues. Best suited for preventing worm infection. Not inferior in efficiency.
  2. Sanoxal is more expensive than the previous product. It is worth purchasing it only if there are no other drugs. Produced in tablet form.
  3. Gelmodol-VM is very rarely found in pharmacies in Russia. More expensive than Nemozol, but one tablet is not enough to completely destroy worms the first time.

The second group is the most familiar medications to all mothers, which do not contain albendazole. Previously, it was believed that only their use for the purpose of prevention could protect a child from helminthic infestation. They often began to be given with quite early age, which contradicts modern canons of medicine. It is unacceptable to replace Nemozol with any of the drugs listed below, since they all have their own contraindications and side effects. Let's compare them:

Tablets Dekaris 50 mg - an indirect analogue of the drug with levamisole
  1. Decaris is an excellent anthelmintic medicine based on levamisole (we recommend reading:). Contraindication for use is childhood under three years of age, while Nemozol is given from 2 years of age.
  2. Pyrantel - is made from the substance of the same name (more details in the article:). It is prohibited for children under six months to take. It is considered to be safest and well tolerated by adults.
  3. Vermox - anthelmintic medicine, which is produced on the basis of mebendazole (more details in the article:). Used in the treatment of enterobiasis, as the most effective drug. Can be used as a prophylaxis against helminth infestation.
  4. McMiror - combination medicine. The active ingredients are nifuratel and nystatin. Among other things, it has fungicidal and antiprotozoal effects.
  5. Piperazine (Piperazine adipate) is a harmless analogue of Nemozol from synthetic drugs. It is used for therapy in infants. Unfortunately, it is ineffective against ascariasis and.
  6. Biltricide (praziquantel) is a very toxic drug, so its use as a prophylaxis is prohibited. Used to treat opisthorchiasis and cysticercosis (the only similarity with Nemozol).
  7. Fumagilin-B (the active ingredient of the same name) is mainly used in veterinary medicine. The only indication for therapy in humans is eye microsporidosis.

Nemozol tablets PO contains 0.4 g albendazole , corn starch, povidone-30, purified talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, gelatin, silicon dioxide (colloidal form), sodium starch glycolate, methyl and propyl paraben, magnesium stearate. Composition p/o: titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, propylene glycol; methylene chloride and isopropanol (evaporate when dried).

Chewable tablets Nemozol contain 0.4 g albendazole , corn starch, povidone-30, purified talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, silicon dioxide (colloidal form), gelatin, citric acid, methyl and propyl paraben, sodium starch glycolate, aspartame, magnesium stearate, flavors (pineapple/mint).

Part Nemozol suspensions albendazole included in a concentration of 20 mg/ml. Auxiliary components: MCC, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, solution, benzoic and sorbic acids, glycerin (glycerol), potassium hydrochloride, polysorbate-80, flavors (ice cream essences/mixed fruit flavor), purified water.

Release form

  • tablets 0.4 g (chewable and po);
  • oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml.

The tablets are packaged in blister packs, one at a time, with one package in each pack. The suspension is available in 20 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main mechanism of action of the substance is associated with its ability to inhibit the polymerization of the beta-tubulin protein.

Most effective against tapeworm larvae (pork tapeworm and echinococcus), as well as against roundworms Strongyloides stercolatis(eel intestinalis).


From digestive tract the substance is poorly absorbed and is not found in plasma unchanged. Characterized by low bioavailability (approximately 30%).

An increase in absorption and Cmax (5 times) is facilitated by taking the drug simultaneously with fatty foods.

The substance quickly undergoes biotransformation in the liver. The primary metabolite (M1) is albendazole sulfoxide, which also has anthelmintic activity .

TCmax M1 varies from 2 to 5 hours. About 70% of albendazole sulfoxide is bound to plasma proteins. The substance is almost completely distributed throughout the body; determined in the liver, bile, urine, cystic fluid and cyst wall, cerebrospinal fluid.

In the liver, M1 is converted to albendazole sulfone (M2) and other oxidized products. T1/2 M1 - from 8 to 12 hours. Excreted by the kidneys as various products metabolism.

If renal function is impaired, excretion albendazole and M1 does not change.

With impaired liver function, the bioavailability of the substance and Cmax M1 increase (2 times), and T1/2 also lengthens.

Albendazole helps increase the activity of microsomal enzymes of the CYP system; accelerates the metabolism of many drugs.

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat:

  • nematodes ( , ascariasis , trichocephalosis , necatoria , );
  • strongyloidiasis ;
  • toxocariasis ;
  • giardiasis ;
  • neurocysticercosis , the causative agent of which is the larvae of the armed (pork) tapeworm;
  • peritoneal echinococcosis , lungs and liver, the causative agent of which is the larvae of the tapeworm echinococcus;
  • mixed helminthic infestations.

It is also advisable to use the drug as an addition to the main treatment for surgical interventions for the removal of echinococcal cysts.


The use of Nemozol is contraindicated in cases of retinal damage, hypersensitivity to any of the components of the tablets/suspension, and during pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

  • hematopoiesis disorders;
  • liver dysfunction (regular monitoring is required before and during treatment functional state organ);
  • lactation.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug may manifest themselves as:

  • liver dysfunction , in which there is an increase (weak/moderate)
  • transaminase activity ;
  • nausea/vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis (, leukopenia , pancytopenia , granulocytopenia , thrombocytopenia );
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • clinical signs of irritation of the meninges ( meningeal symptoms ).
  • (reversible);
  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • hyperthermia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • acute renal failure .

Instructions for use of Nemozol (Method and dosage)

Nemozol suspension, instructions for use

The medicine is taken orally with meals. To increase bioavailability albendazole it should be taken with fatty foods.

Nemozol for children 12-24 months of age with ascariasis, hookworm, trichinosis, enterobiasis, necatoriasis is indicated for a one-time dose of 1 dessert spoon of suspension (10 ml).

  • at , hookworm ,trichinosis , enterobiasis , necatorosa - the child is given 20 ml of the drug once (it is recommended that all people living together take Nemozol for worms at the same time).
  • At taeniasis And strongyloidiasis suspension for children is given 1 r./day, 20 ml for 3 days.
  • At toxocariasis It is recommended to take 20 ml of suspension once a day for 10 days.
  • At polyhelminthiasis caused by infection of the body Clonorchis sinensis(Chinese fluke) and Opisthorchis viverrini(Viverra fluke), patients are recommended to give 20 ml of suspension twice a day for 3 days.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Regardless of the release form, the drug should be stored at temperatures up to 25ºC in a place protected from moisture and light.

Best before date

Three years.

special instructions

During treatment with the drug, it is necessary to monitor changes in the cellular composition of the blood (level leukocytes checked before starting treatment and then every 2 weeks of the cycle) and liver enzyme activity.

If, as a result of using Nemozol, the patient develops leukopenia , treatment should be suspended. You can continue the course only if the degree of decrease in concentration neutrophils And leukocytes is insignificant, and leukopenia not progressing.

If liver enzyme activity levels exceed upper limit norms are more than doubled, the use of Nemozol is stopped until they are completely normalized.

At neurocysticercosis the drug is prescribed in combination with anticonvulsants and corticosteroids. Oral and parenteral forms of GCS in the first week of using Nemozol are used to prevent an attack hypertension .

Nemozol's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Structural analogues of Nemozol: Gelmodol-VM , Albendazole .

Nemozol or Vermox - which is better?

Vermox most effective when trichocephalosis And enterobiasis . Nemozol exhibits the greatest activity against pork tapeworm larvae and Echinococcus , as well as in relation to intestinal acne .

Vermox can be used from the age of two, while the Nemozol suspension is prescribed to children from the age of one.

Which is better: Dekaris or Nemozol?

  • Ancylostoma duodenale;
  • Ascaris lumbrocoides;
  • Necator Americanus.

The drug is approved for use in patients over three years of age.

Nemozol for children

Suspension in pediatric practice used from 12 months, tablets - from 3 years.

Nemozol and alcohol

Nemozol and alcohol are incompatible.

During pregnancy

Use during pregnancy/lactation albendazole contraindicated. If it is necessary to prescribe the drug to nursing women, breast-feeding must be stopped.

To prevent the use of Nemozol on early stages pregnancy women childbearing age Treatment should be started only after pregnancy has been ruled out.

During the period of use of the suspension/tablets, reliable contraception must be provided.

The medicine Nemozol is an anthelmintic drug that acts as follows:

Helminths in a child preschool age- a common occurrence. Children can take Nemozol - the drug is safe for children, but only when parents follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The medicine is produced in two forms - tablets and suspension (see photo), both of which have their own methods and rules of administration. A child who is ill can be very capricious, so you need to choose an option that will not provide the baby with discomfort.


The tablet form of release involves taking one tablet orally with food (eating fatty foods improves the absorption of the enzyme that kills helminths), without chewing or crushing in other ways. Nemozol tablets are taken one at a time and once for the following diseases: hookworm, enterobiasis, ascariasis, necatoriasis and trichinosis. It is correct to treat the whole family at the same time.


If the child’s condition sharply worsens, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain appear, immediately contact ambulance. Do not take the drug without consulting a doctor. Increasing the dose or taking it in a different order than indicated in the instructions or as indicated by the doctor is not recommended. The active substance is strong, health problems can be serious.


One unit of each release form contains additional components - pineapple flavor, mint flavor, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, povidone-30, propylparaben, lemon acid, aspartame, corn starch, gelatin, sodium starch glycolate, methylparaben, purified talc. Nemozol contains the following proportion of the active substance:

  • Chewable tablet Nemozol contains 0.4 g of albendazole.
  • Tablet in film casing includes 0.4 g of active ingredient. Shell composition: polyethylene glycol-400, titanium dioxide; sodium lauryl sulfate, methylene chloride (evaporates during drying), methanol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, purified talc.
  • Nemozol suspension, volume 5 ml, contains 100 mg of active substance. Jar volume 20 ml.

Indications for use

The effectiveness of the medicine is high when used to destroy Giardia, pinworms, roundworms and other helminths that can exist in the human intestines. Indications for use of Nemozol:

  • giardiasis;
  • echinococcosis of the peritoneum, liver, lungs;
  • neurocysticercosis;
  • microsporidiosis;
  • neurocysticercosis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • nematodes (enterobiasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, ascariasis);
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • mixed helminthic infestations;
  • for surgery of echinococcal cysts (additional medicine);
  • toxocariasis.


Tablet dosage:

  • Doses for patients over 3 years of age to take Nemozol for necatoriasis, ascariasis, hookworm, trichinosis, enterobiasis is 1 tablet at a time.
  • Strongyloidiasis, toxocariasis, taeniasis are treated with 1 tablet of the drug per day. Therapy lasts 10 days for toxocariasis, 3 days for taeniasis and strongyloidiasis.
  • In case of mixed infection, tablets are prescribed twice a day for 3 days in a row.

Side effects

The medicine contains toxic components that can cause some organ systems to fail. Side effects Nemozola:

  • dry mouth;
  • bloating;
  • insomnia;
  • stool disorder;
  • vomit;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin redness;
  • acute renal failure;
  • impaired renal function.


Restrictions on taking an anthelmintic drug - Nemozol contraindications include restrictions on the age of patients: the tablet form is allowed for children from 2 years of age, suspensions - from 1 year, as well as the following health characteristics:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • retinal diseases;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • instability of hematopoietic function;
  • reduced quantity leukocytes.
  • Albendazole. Active ingredient of the same name. Albendazole is not applicable to children under 2 years of age, during pregnancy or lactation. Tablet form of release. Side effects of the medicine: migraines, dizziness, itching and others allergic reactions, increased body temperature. How much does Albendazole cost? The answer depends on the region of the country. You can buy Albendazole at a price of 160 rubles per pack (3 tablets).
  • Pirantel with the same name active substance. Use for ascariasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, enterobiasis. The dosage is prescribed individually, based on the patient’s body weight. A pack of 3 tablets or 20 ml of syrup costs from 36 rubles
  • Video: Nemozol for worms

    Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics-1 at Osh State University. Neonatologist-reanimatologist
    RS OMKB. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

    The drug is indicated for the treatment of children, but only after the recommendation of a doctor. It is produced as a suspension and in tablet form. The medicine is prescribed for the following indications:

    1. Helminthic infestations and nematodes.
    2. Echinococcosis.
    3. Toxocariasis.
    4. Giardiasis.

    In liquid form, the composition is available as a suspension. Take orally with meals. Fatty foods improve the absorption of the component. The suspension is suitable for children from one year old. The duration of treatment and the required dosage are determined by the doctor.

    Instructions for use for children will help you use Nemozol correctly. Treatment of children under two years of age has the following features:

    1. The medicine is not prescribed to children under one year of age.
    2. A doctor may prescribe medicine for necatoriasis, enetrobiosis and ascariasis.
    3. A dosage of 10 ml is applied at one time.

    When treating a child over two years old, certain rules must be followed. The medicine is used for hookworm, trichinosis and ascariasis. A single dose consists of 20 ml. For helminthiasis, it is recommended that the whole family use this medicine.

    Taking the drug depends on the type of disease:

    1. For Stroingyloidosis or Teniosis, the amount of medicine is 20 ml, but treatment should last three days.
    2. For mixed forms of lesions, the same dose is recommended, but in the morning and evening for two days.
    3. For Giardiasis, a single dose is taken, but for five days.
    4. Echinococcosis is treated with 20 ml of syrup for a weight of 60 kg or more. If the weight is less, then 15 mg is required for every 1 kg of weight. The dosage should be divided into morning and evening.

    At severe lesions the course is repeated. Full treatment consists of 3 courses.

    Nemozol suspension - instructions for use for children - reviews

    1. Few side effects.
    2. Suitable for prevention.
    3. May cause stress on the liver.


    Good anthelmintic

    12.05.2018 17:47

    Ascaris eggs were found in my son's tests when he was two years old. The doctor prescribed Nemozol. The suspension should be drunk four times, 5 ml each. Varmin told my husband and I to drink it. I was very worried about the child, but my son was all cheerful day, and in the evening it was loose stool twice


    Convenient to dose

    Easy to give to a small child




    Adverse reactions - in our case, loose stools

    Nizhny Novgorod

    19.08.2018 14:477

    At the beginning of summer, my daughter unexpectedly fell ill. They asked me to pick him up from kindergarten because he started vomiting. Was heat. I had to call a doctor who diagnosed intestinal infection. In the evening, while using the toilet, a pink worm came out of the child. Although tests were taken before and nothing was found. The pharmacy suggested trying Nemazol, I chose a suspension, which is more convenient for a three-year-old child.


    An effective remedy

    Easy to take

    Wide spectrum of action


    Not found during use

    Nemozol suspension - instructions for use for children - price

    The drug in the form of a suspension has average price in the amount of 180 rubles. Depending on the region, the cost of the medicine may vary. The pharmacy also has alternative means, among which are Sanoxal and Gelmodol - VM.

    Nemazol tablets can be given to children from three years of age. The tablets must be crushed well before use or chewed during meals. The periods of therapy and the amount of medication are determined by the doctor.

    Features of the drug:

    1. Ascariasis, hookworm, enterobiasis and trichinosis are treated with a 200 mg tablet.
    2. For Toxicarosis, the medication is prescribed for 10 days, 1 tablet. To cure Strongyloidiasis and Teniasis, 3 days are enough.
    3. In the presence of mixed lesions, the drug is prescribed one tablet for 3 days.
    4. Children under 12 years of age with a diagnosis such as Giardiasis need to consume 1 tablet per day for 5 days.
    5. For Echinococcosis, the doctor prescribes tablets or suspension.
    6. The course of treatment for the “migratory larva” consists of taking tablets for three days.

    Note! If the child’s condition worsens, vomiting, headaches and nausea appear, then you should immediately consult a doctor. You cannot increase the dosage on your own, since the active ingredient is strong and health problems may arise.

    Nemozol tablets - instructions for use for children - reviews

    Many speak of Nemozole as safe medicine By affordable price. The medicine should not be used during pregnancy, with ophthalmological pathologies and high sensitivity to individual components of the drug. You should take the drug with caution in case of liver pathologies and problems with hematopoiesis. In addition, when using the drug, itching, increased blood pressure, skin rash and allergic deficiency.


    Works, but there are side effects

    25.09.2018 16:53

    I would like to warn you about possible consequences drug Nemazol. We have a dog at home, so we periodically take anthelmintic medications for prevention. This time we used Nemazol. The whole family took the pills. My son is 10 years old. After the drug, nausea and loose stools began. The next day the condition returned to normal.


    Affordable price


    The child exhibited adverse reactions

    Nemozol 200 - instructions for use for children

    Tablets with a dosage of 200 mg are biconvex and round shape. The main substance in the composition is albendazole (200 mg). From the auxiliary ones:

    • gelatin (3.70 mg);
    • corn starch (129.70 mg);
    • propylparaben (0.030 mg);
    • magnesium stearate (2 mg);
    • sodium lauryl sulfate (4 mg);

    When prescribing 400 mg per day, two tablets are used at once. Most often, two pills of 200 mg or one of 400 are used. The package contains 2 tablets of 200 mg.
    Attention! Daily dosage should not exceed 800 mg for adults.

    The drug can be taken by children from 3 years of age. A single dosage is 200 mg, that is, one tablet.

    The 400 mg package includes regular tablets and chewable tablets. One tablet contains 400 mg of albendazole. Regular pills have White color and rounded shape. Chewable ones are distinguished by a capsule-shaped and oval configuration with marks on one side.

    For prevention, children can choose Nemozol syrup; in the instructions for use, select the appropriate dosage. 5 ml of syrup contains 100 mg active ingredient albendazole. So that the medicine can be preserved for a long time and remained sweet in taste, purified water, benzoic acid, glycerol, potassium hydrochloride, sorbic acid and flavorings are added.

    For better absorption syrup can be used together with fatty foods. The use of the medicine for young children is not recommended without consulting a pediatrician. To purchase the drug, a prescription from a doctor is required. The medicine must be stored out of the reach of children. The syrup is valid for three years.


    1. Decaris in a dosage of 50 mg. The main active ingredient is levamisole. The drug is used from three years of age.
    2. can be given to children starting from six months. The medicine is available in 250 mg tablets.
    3. Helmintox syrup contains active substance pyrantel. It is prescribed to children from 6 months.
    4. Contains tablets

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