Do I need to remove dentures at night? Which dentures are better in case of complete absence of teeth: review of procedures with prices

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our time, but prostheses with complete absence teeth will help solve this problem.

Today, there are several methods of prosthetics, which depend on the patient’s budget and individual characteristics.

What kind of dentures can be installed if there is not a single tooth left in the mouth?

There are practically no people in the world who have not been affected by tooth decay.

At first, a person tries to solve it, goes to dentist sessions, looks for best solutions, however, over time, one gets used to this situation, and most often the problem remains unresolved until complications arise.

Everyone knows that our body is perfect, and the loss of any of its organs will sooner or later lead to undesirable consequences.

Over time, the body’s work is restructured, the absence of one organ is compensated for by another.

The same thing happens in oral cavity: load extracted tooth is distributed between the last teeth, and their work becomes more complicated.

Different groups of teeth perform their functions. So, the front ones help to bite off food, and the side ones crush food and form them into food bolus required consistency.

The absence of at least one tooth in the dentition significantly affects a person’s appearance. The skin at the site of the missing tooth becomes not as elastic as before, and wrinkles appear. The lower third of the face is distorted.

After a tooth has been removed, the bone atrophies and becomes thinner, which disrupts nutrition in the tissue.

This process is manifested by a decrease in the number of blood vessels in the place where the tooth was removed and a weakening of the bone structure. As a result of such processes, teeth can shift and the bite is disrupted.

Due to a lack of teeth, muscle tone is disrupted, wrinkles form, the cheeks can fall inward, and the oval of the face changes.

If the teeth were removed from the front, the lips fall inward, the nasolabial fold deepens, and the corners of the mouth droop. All this leads to facial asymmetry, muscle tone weakens, and signs of aging appear.

The main function of teeth is to grind food. If food is not chewed enough, it can cause digestive difficulties and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently chewed and undigested food is poorly absorbed by the body, causing a lack of useful substances, vitamins, microelements. All this affects general condition the body and its protective abilities.

In addition, the absence of teeth also affects a person’s speech. Due to the lack of teeth, articulation is impaired, sometimes a person cannot pronounce individual sounds.

Types of removable prosthetics

Today medicine offers people with edentia. There are dentures removable and non-removable.

The simplest method of prosthetics is a complete removable denture, which is available to almost every patient. Doctors offer acrylic and nylon dentures in the complete absence of all teeth.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is its low price. The product will be affordable for almost every patient. However, the prosthesis also has many disadvantages.

Firstly, the design does not adhere well to soft tissues. The product is fixed by vacuum, sticking to the gums.

When a person moves his jaw, the soft tissues also move, air gets under the suction cup, which is why the denture no longer holds so firmly on the gums.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is its rather large size. Because of this, the patient has to get used to this design for a long time, and diction and taste perception may be temporarily impaired.

Plastic jaws, and especially acrylic ones, can crack and even break under heavy chewing loads.

After such damage, the implant must be repaired in a special laboratory; repairs take not only money, but also time.

A complete removable denture with fixation on ball-shaped implants is a denture with special clamps on which it is securely attached.

The retainers consist of a plastic matrix and a spherical abutment. The matrix is ​​attached to the jaw itself, and the spherical element is attached to the implant.

When the patient puts on the jaw, the matrix snaps onto the ball-shaped element and the structure is securely fixed in the mouth. To ensure that the prosthesis is well secured and does not move out of place, you need to use at least two implants.

This type of jaw rests well on the gums; it does not move or fall off. In addition, this type of implant-based prosthesis is one of the most affordable for patients.

However, the design also has disadvantages. The plastic parts that cover the gums and palate are quite large, so it takes some time for the patient to get used to the new sensations, and diction may be impaired.

The prosthesis does not have a rigid frame; it is made entirely of plastic, so it can become covered with cracks and breaks.

The implants on which the structure is attached can withstand the entire load. If you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations and use the prosthesis incorrectly, the implant can be overloaded, which causes pain. bone under him. Such careless attitude to the prosthesis can lead to jaw loss.

A removable denture with beam fixation on implants for edentulous patients is the most comfortable and reliable way prosthetic mouth without teeth.

Making such a jaw is quite difficult - both the doctor and the dental technician must have extensive knowledge and skills.

To make and mill a beam system, you need modern, high-precision equipment. The structure consists of the beam itself on implants and a plastic matrix, which is placed in the removable part of the prosthesis.

To ensure that the chewing load is distributed evenly, the patient has 4 implants installed in the front part of the jaw.

This prosthesis fits perfectly on the gums: thanks to the presence of the beam, the prosthesis does not move, which is especially important for the patient.

The loads are distributed optimally, so the implants are not loaded and the surrounding tissues remain in normal condition.

The jaws are made on the basis of a metal frame, so they are quite durable. In addition, the beam structure perfectly holds the prosthesis, so a minimal amount of plastic is used for its manufacture. The gums and palate remain open.

The main disadvantage of such prosthetics is its high price. This method is the most expensive among removable prosthetics, but the result of the work is worth it.

The jaw must be removed twice a day during hygiene procedures.

Fixed prosthetics

The title of which indicates main principle this method.

Such a jaw is quick to make, it is convenient for the patient, and it is also affordable. In this case, the prosthesis is non-removable and is fixed on 4 supporting implants.

Such prosthetics do not in any way affect the patient’s food tastes or diction, and does not cause any unpleasant phenomena.

With this technology, posterior implants are implanted at an angle, so vertical bone restoration is not required.

This suggests that such prosthetics are performed quickly enough and are not delayed.

This latest technology allows you to perform prosthetics for a completely empty mouth according to an exact plan that the doctor draws up in advance.

The installation process of such an implant takes place in 4 stages:

  • At the first visit, the doctor takes an X-ray of the jaw, consults the patient in detail and takes impressions, while the tone of the teeth is also selected;
  • at the second visit, the doctor will model the chewing planes and form the correct support for the lip;
  • During the third visit, the doctor will carry out necessary correction and give recommendations for further treatment;
  • At the last session, the doctor will install a prosthesis, which will be made according to the patient’s individual parameters.

Another option is a fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis on implants in the absence of teeth.

To install such a jaw, the doctor places four or more implants in the patient’s mouth in a special way, which will serve as a support for a stationary prosthesis.

This design is much more convenient than plastic removable analogues, since it feels more like natural teeth.

There are no plastic additives in metal-ceramic structures, so they are comfortable and compact.

If the patient has a deficiency of gums in some places, then it is replenished with ceramics, which are painted to match the color of the soft tissues.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is ease of use. It does not need to be removed every day.

In addition, diction and taste sensations are not impaired when worn. Soft fabrics remain completely open in the mouth, which is very important.

Metal-ceramic prostheses are very durable, made on the basis of a chrome-cobalt frame, which is resistant to damage and deformation. In addition, the prosthesis will last for many years, remaining in its original form.

Metal ceramics perfectly imitate natural teeth, which looks very aesthetically pleasing.

A technician with extensive experience can make the difference between false gums and your own gums virtually invisible to strangers.

The main disadvantage of such prostheses is their high price. To produce such teeth, special equipment is required and high qualification dental technician and doctor.

Therefore, in the end, the work is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it. However natural look prosthesis and its quality are much superior to plastic removable analogues.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is the presence of metal, to which some patients may be allergic. However, such cases are very rare.

The newest method of prosthetics is a fixed jaw based on zirconium dioxide, which is attached to implants.

This is an innovative, biocompatible, comfortable and aesthetic type of prosthetics for a mouth without teeth. This material is very durable, while the entire structure is quite light, much smaller than metal.

The material allows you to create the most natural imitation of teeth and gums; the prosthesis will look “alive” and natural.

Such a prosthesis is attached according to the same principle as a metal-ceramic one, but in all other respects it is much superior to it.

Which prosthesis to choose?

If the patient is faced with the problem of complete absence of teeth, then the most important thing in this case is to choose correct view prosthetics.

In recent years, patients have increasingly preferred implant-supported prosthetics.

This design is securely fixed in the mouth and will not fall out while talking or eating, while at the same time this happens quite often with removable dentures.

Doctors recommend securing removable dentures with special gels, but this solution is not suitable for everyone: gels can cause allergic reaction the patient, and they only help when the distance between the prosthesis and the gum is minimal.

It is important to note that there are methods that can improve the fixation and stabilization of a removable denture, but no matter how experienced the doctor is, the removable denture still significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

In addition, when wearing dentures, the bone tissue atrophies over time, so future implantation may be difficult.

Another disadvantage of wearing complete removable dentures is vomiting reflex, which is individual reaction organism to a foreign body.

Often the patient's gag reflex is so strong that even during the taking of impressions the patient feels severe discomfort. In this case, the doctor should raise the question of the reasonableness of installing a removable denture.

As for prosthetics with implants, the patient can grind food much better, which affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body, but owners of removable dentures often complain of discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

Modern dentistry allows you to restore the beauty and health of the oral cavity even if there are no teeth left. A denture in the case of complete absence of teeth is chosen depending on the financial capabilities of the patient and the capabilities of the clinic to which he applied.

Removable dentures are represented by structures that are fixed on the gums not with glue, but with the help of special clasps. Such dentures are made when the patient has lost one tooth unit or, most often, several. Most of the current designs are made from modern acrylic plastic. This material is durable for a long time retains both color and shape.

Why it may be necessary to remove a prosthesis

If we discuss modern prostheses, then it is not at all necessary to take them off every night. Orthopedists recommend removing them if you feel a burning sensation on the mucous membranes or dryness in the oral cavity. It also happens that a rash appears on the body. But these cases are rare and allergic in nature. If it occurs, you need to go to the doctor to eliminate the causes of this pathological situation.

Another point why a patient may need to remove dentures at night is his own fears. A certain percentage of people are quite suspicious of their own health and the manipulations that doctors perform with it. Removable dentures are an innovation in their lifestyle, they need to get used to them, realize that they now replace missing teeth. A person may be afraid that the prosthesis will fall out of place in a dream, that it could be injured. Some prosthetic owners even worry that they will be able to swallow a small prosthesis (although this is very problematic).

Of course, a doctor can dispel such fears. If the patient trusts his orthopedist, and he, in turn, explained to the person everything about the use of prostheses, worries will disappear on their own. But if the person himself decides that it is safer for him to remove the prosthesis at night, then he may well do so.

Many fears and anxieties arise due to ignorance and incompetence in a particular issue. The same applies to prosthetics: people have many prejudices regarding them. And even though almost a third of all the inhabitants of the planet have removable structures, people may be embarrassed by their prostheses, not give themselves the opportunity to remember them as little as possible, and use them without any discomfort.

Useful information about removable dentures

There is only one conclusion: it is quite possible to leave the denture in the mouth overnight, the main condition is to clean it before going to bed. If you want to take a break from the prosthesis, you can remove it. And for storage, purchase special containers.

How to store dentures at night

Previous rubber prostheses, which were used before modern acrylic structures, had to be removed every night. And they left them overnight in a regular glass of water. Today, with prosthetics, things are a little different. Only on initial stage the structure requires a humid environment, no more than one and a half months. Best view acrylic plastic acquires its properties precisely in air, which is explained by the passage of monomers.

The logic is simple: the human mouth already has a humid environment, which means that dentures can be worn in the mouth, removing them only occasionally. And they need to be stored not in glasses, but in convenient containers. In some cases, dentures may be wrapped in cotton cloth.

If you are going to take out your dentures before going to bed, you need to follow simple instructions.

How to properly remove dentures at night:

  • structures are removed and washed thoroughly boiled water(but not flow-through!);
  • cleaning of the prosthesis can be carried out special liquid with an antiseptic effect, as well as a brush;
  • place the structure in a special solution: this composition destroys bacteria that have accumulated during the day, and also removes the remnants of the fixing cream.

Korega tablets for cleaning dentures

About once a year, dentures should be professionally cleaned. dental clinic. Immediately after installing the structure, ask the doctor how to properly clean them, where to get the composition and storage container, and how often to come for preventive appointments. The doctor is obliged to provide you with comprehensive information.

Consequences of insufficient denture care

Dental removable structures require ongoing care. If you neglect it, you can face a whole list of problems. Therefore, from the very first day of using dentures, you need to follow the rules of care.

Possible consequences of insufficient denture care:

  • repulsive odor emanating from dentures;
  • carious destruction of native teeth;
  • ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane;
  • inflammatory process on the gums;
  • change taste sensations for the worse;
  • aesthetic defects of removable structures.

It is imperative to seek help from specialists so that they professional cleaning returned the dentures to their previous appearance. This will extend the life of the dentures. As a rule, all modern clinics carry out such cleaning.

How to get used to dentures faster

The problem of leaving the denture overnight or removing it usually occurs among those who are not fully accustomed to such teeth. At the same time, the person himself must show some effort; addiction requires the involvement of the owner of the prosthesis in this adaptation period.

How to get used to removable dentures

Adaptation measuresHow often to doNotes

At least three to four times a day for at least five minutes.At the same time, you need to read expressively and measuredly so that the articulatory apparatus gets used to the new teeth.

The dentures do not need to be removed at all for at least 4-5 days.This mandatory measure– the key to successful addiction.

An ordinary apple will help: cut it into pieces, chew gradually. Eat one or two apples a day this way.Listen to your feelings; if the discomfort is severe, you should go to the doctor.

You need to clean your denture twice a day, morning and evening.After every meal, rinse your mouth.

Although not often, it happens that at first a new design can cause vomiting. There is no need to panic and remove the prosthesis: breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids. Sucking mints will help relieve the urge.

How common is denture intolerance?

There is a small percentage of patients who still cannot get used to removable structures. If the person himself follows all the instructions for successful adaptation, but the discomfort does not go away, this indicates intolerance to the prostheses. Usually, in this case, the prosthesis gets in the way, is perceived as a hindrance in the mouth, rubs the gums, spoils pronunciation, and makes it impossible to eat without feeling uncomfortable.

Oddly enough, the dentist is a bad helper in such a situation. In the majority similar cases We are talking about psychological intolerance. Some internal attitudes prevent a person from accepting a prosthesis. It is logical to assume that you need to see a psychologist. This practice exists, and it is quite successful.

How to reduce pain symptoms when wearing a prosthesis

At first, a person may feel some pain while chewing. This is explained by the unusual load; over time, such sensations should go away. The gums, a certain area of ​​which was without teeth for some time, “forgot” this condition with a full row of teeth, so it can be uncomfortable. Some patients say that they feel as if the denture is pressing on their gums.

To remove these negative feelings, give up solid food for the first month - food should be as soft and comfortable as possible. Solid foods are allowed only as you get used to the dentures.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane: any damage, even the slightest, should be prevented. They are fraught with an inflammatory process that will interfere with the use of prostheses. Prolonged pain during the use of prostheses is explained by only two reasons: hypersensitivity of the patient’s mucous membrane or an incorrectly made prosthesis, the size of which did not suit the patient.

To ease the condition of your gums in the first days of adaptation, you can do self-massage. Using fingers treated with an antiseptic, you need to stroke the gum itself in a circular motion. There is only one movement - from the healthy gum area to the inflamed side. When the stroking becomes as comfortable as possible, the pressure can be increased.

Adaptation to prostheses is the work of the patient, his own efforts. Follow all instructions, do not remove the prosthesis too often, remember that you can sleep in it without any precautions.

Video - How to get used to removable dentures

Anastasia Vorontsova

After the long-awaited denture is made and the patient finally acquires new teeth, using the structure will require a little patience from the patient.

The doctor will tell the patient how to wear dentures correctly , to get used to them faster.

At first, the denture in the oral cavity feels like a foreign body.

This feeling prevents the patient from leading his usual lifestyle.

Persons suffering from increased irritability strive to get rid of the prosthesis as soon as possible. But it's better not to do this.

The effectiveness of dentures depends both on the quality of the structures themselves and on the desire to use them, and, consequently, on the awareness that one must get used to dentures.

Complete adaptation to the structures in different patients occurs from one month to one year. This depends both on the size of the prosthesis and the features nervous system patient.

Sometimes, when using dentures, painful sensations may occur.

In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But before you go to the dentist, you need to prepare:

  • The denture should be in the mouth for at least five hours before the appointment so that the dentist has the opportunity to determine the place where pain is felt.
  • Any design flaws can only be corrected by a doctor.
  • The patient is not recommended to independently make any amendments to the design, as this may lead to its further unsuitability.
  • It is also necessary to urgently visit a doctor if you have inflammatory process oral mucosa, spots, ulcers and other formations.

Video: “Removable dental prosthetics”

How to get used to wearing dentures

  • In the first days, to get rid of such discomfort For nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to suck on lozenges, drink hot tea with lemon, and rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions.
  • When wearing prostheses, diction is often impaired, this is due to the fact that the prosthesis is upper jaw covers part of the palate, and on the bottom - the space under the tongue. In this case, you need to talk a lot or read out loud. If the prosthesis is well fixed, diction will return to normal in a few days. If the prosthesis design is without a palate, then speech restoration occurs much faster
  • The structure can only be removed for hygienic cleaning.
  • During the first three days, you must visit the dentist to have the prosthesis adjusted. In the following days, correction of the structure will be required at least once a week for one month and in the future it will be necessary once a month until complete adaptation to the prosthesis. You need to know that dental correction is a free service.
  • It is important to learn how to remove and put on the structure correctly. It is better to practice putting on and taking off your prosthesis in front of a mirror.
  • Getting used to chewing food should happen gradually. At first, food should be chewed slowly in small portions.
  • Accustoming to dental structures is influenced by their hygienic condition. Dentures require careful care, the same as real teeth - at least twice a day. Cleaning the structure from food debris using a toothbrush and paste, and then thoroughly rinsing under running water should be done after each meal. The mouth also needs to be rinsed after eating.
  • At night, the prosthesis must be placed in antiseptic solution for disinfection. If the doctor does not recommend removing the prosthesis before going to bed, then it can be disinfected at any other time.
  • A useful tool to help reduce the discomfort associated with denture use is the use of retaining agents to secure the denture in the mouth.

How to wear removable dentures in the first days after their installation:

  • It is necessary to remain calm during the first days after installation of the structures.
  • You need to eat crushed soft food, gradually switching to the usual. You should not eat hard, viscous, sticky foods, as this may cause the prosthesis to break.
  • When eating, avoid increased stress on the jaws.
  • There is no need to remove dentures before going to bed.
  • When cleaning the structure, you must use all possible ways: toothbrush, paste, disinfectants.
  • If chafing appears on the oral mucosa, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • For better fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity, use fixing agents.

As the denture is used, it may become loose.

During eating and talking, the structures may move or fall off. This is due to changes in the relief of the prosthetic bed.

To avoid this, it is necessary to reline the denture once every six months.

If the patient has a clasp denture with locks, then the retention rings may need to be replaced.

The question of whether replacement of the dental structure is necessary should be decided after three years after the start of its use.

When balancing of the prosthesis occurs, frequent breakdowns, the appearance of pores in the base, or a change in the material of the prosthetic bed, a decision may be made to replace the structure at an earlier date.

Video: “How reliable are removable dentures”

Removable dentures are used for complete or partial loss of teeth, in the latter case this is especially true for the loss of chewing teeth. Removable dentures can be used even in case of loss of one chewing tooth. In the arsenal modern dentistry There are technologies for manufacturing removable dentures that have extraordinary comfort, high wear resistance and aesthetic properties. Bulky and unsightly removable dentures, which our grandparents left in a glass of water at night, are forever a thing of the past. Complete removable plate dentures are used when there is complete absence of teeth on one or both jaws. Their task is to compensate for the absence of all teeth. Partial removable dentures are used in the absence of single teeth or a group of teeth in the dentition. This type prostheses are used in case of loss of the main chewing teeth and in cases of long-term defects in the dentition. They can also be used as a temporary prosthesis or when one tooth is missing. Plate partial dentures are used to restore lost fragments of the dentition and are the simplest and most affordable.

An immediate denture can be used as a temporary structure, which is applied to the jaw immediately after tooth extraction or in preparation for prosthetics with a permanent denture.

Clasp dentures (from the German “clasp” - arch) can be used in almost all cases associated with the absence of teeth, both complete and partial. Clasp prosthesis is the most reliable, expensive and comfortable design. Its main difference is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gingival surface of the jaw and the remaining teeth, in contrast to partial dentures, where the entire load falls on the gum. In the manufacture of such prostheses, accurate calculations and modeling of all elements of the prosthesis are performed. Clasp denture is used for periodontal disease and increased mobility teeth.

Removable segments are one-sided dentures used when a row of chewing teeth is lost on one side of the jaw.

Conditionally removable dentures are usually used when one chewing tooth is lost. Such a prosthesis can be secured to adjacent supporting teeth using metal claws. The supporting elements of such a prosthesis can be glued to the tooth or fixed using light-curing cements. The patient does not need to remove such a prosthesis, which is why it is called conditionally removable.

Modern dentures are made from dental acrylic plastics using injection molding, hot and cold compression polymerization. The use of such plastics allows the prosthesis to retain its properties for a very long time - shape, color, density and strength. Artificial teeth, which are used in the manufacture of such prostheses, are produced in the form of ready-made sets, differing in color shades, shape, and size. This allows you to select exactly the set of teeth that the patient desires.

Modern removable dentures are secured in the mouth in different ways. They can be secured using clasps - metal hooks that “hold” onto the abutment teeth closest to the defect. Clasps are made of stainless steel or noble metals with high spring properties. Thanks to these properties, the clasp securely holds the denture in the mouth. The clasps are fixed at the very base of the tooth and are not visible when laughing and talking. This type of attachment can be used in partial plate dentures.

Removable dentures can also be secured using attachments - locks consisting of two elements. One of these elements is inside artificial tooth or the base of the prosthesis, and the other - on the abutment tooth closed with a crown or at the root of the tooth. This option has a number of advantages compared to clasps - higher reliability and aesthetic properties.

Removable dentures require periodic cleaning, as they lie on the gingival surface of the jaw and create poorly washed areas. It is also necessary to periodically remove dentures after eating to clean surfaces. After this, you need to rinse your mouth well and return the denture to its place. It is optimal to clean dentures daily, at least before bed, and at maximum after each meal.

Is it possible to leave a removable denture in place overnight? After evening hygiene procedures for cleaning the denture and oral cavity, this is quite acceptable. Here everything depends on the desire of the owner of the prosthesis to leave it in the mouth overnight or, conversely, to take a break from its presence. Many dentists recommend leaving the removable denture in the mouth overnight in the first weeks after dentures for better adaptation.

Patients with removable dentures are advised not to consume viscous and sticky foods such as toffees, chewing gum etc. These products can stick to the denture and cause it to break. At first, you should not eat solid food. We are not talking about any special diet here, but in the first weeks after prosthetics you need to take well-chopped food in small portions. To practice chewing skills, you can use fruit cut into slices - they are tough enough, but not hard enough to break the denture.

If a removable denture causes discomfort in the mouth or is rubbing the gums, you need to contact your dentist to correct it.

Previously, when the base of removable dentures was made of rubber, placing them in a glass of water overnight was absolutely necessary, since the rubber could crack and lose shape in the air. When plastic dentures appeared, they also began to be placed in a glass of water overnight - apparently from old memory, although plastic is not afraid of air. Then publications began to appear that water in a glass is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, and dentures must be kept dry.

What about modern removable dentures? Some dentists recommend that during the first months the denture should be constantly kept in a moist environment - in the mouth or in a glass of water at night. They explain this by saying that wet conditions contribute to the final formation and consolidation of the properties of the prosthesis.

Lack of teeth is harmful not only to the jaw, but also to the body as a whole. When a single tooth is missing, load distribution is disrupted, and when all teeth are missing, permanent damage is caused to the mouth and gums. In this regard, many people are advised to immediately contact the dentist for dental restoration. In case of complete absence, prosthetics comes to the rescue. See below for all options for dental prosthetics in complete absence and conditions.

If patients are completely missing teeth, they may be offered several options for prosthetics. Prosthetic options can be very different. It all depends on the quality of workmanship, the material used and the patient’s wallet. We recommend that you consider each option and choose the one that is considered most suitable for you. It all starts with economical options and ends with expensive ones.

One-piece removable denture

This option is the most economical. It is made from cheaper materials: nylon or acrylic plastic. It also gained popularity because of its ease of use.

The undoubted advantage of such a prosthesis is its cost.

But there are many more shortcomings. These include:

  • unreliable fastening. The prosthesis rests exclusively on the mandibular part due to the vacuum created, and, therefore, when moving the mouth air particles will enter the prosthesis and the prosthesis may fly off;
  • size. The size of a one-piece removable denture is quite large. Due to its size, it causes long-term addiction to the patient. Diction and work may also be temporarily impaired taste buds;
  • fragility. Due to the fact that the prosthesis is made of materials such as acrylic plastic, it often collapses. Due to high loads Cracks appear on the prosthesis, leading to breakage. Plastic prosthesis is simple unable to stand it heavy load , so it constantly breaks down. You constantly have to repair it or buy a new one. Is it worth it? The purchase of such a prosthesis will constantly require financial investments.

One-piece removable denture with fastening from spherical abutments (locators)

This option is more improved. Its main difference from the first option is fixation. It is attached to the gums using special elements. This fixation allows you to stay in the same place. Fastening elements:

  • locator. Fixed to a dental implant;
  • plastic matrix. It is fixed in the prosthetic structure itself.

The matrix is ​​snapped onto a ball-shaped abutment, which allows the prosthesis to remain in the same place for a long time. It is recommended to use at least two locators on 2 implants.


  • reliable fastening. Due to mounting on locators reliable fixation is carried out, which allows you to stay in place and not move;
  • price. Despite the fact that this design also received good fixation to the jaws price policy is saved. This prosthetic option is the most budget-friendly.


  • fragility. In this option, the fastening already appears, but its quality does not change. The prosthesis is made of plastic. The lack of a high-quality frame means that the prosthesis is short-lived and is susceptible to various types of breakdowns;
  • size. The size of a removable denture with fixation has sufficient scale dimensions for the oral cavity. Large pieces of plastic cover most of the gums and palate. You will need to get used to such a prosthesis. A violation of diction necessarily follows;
  • load during chewing movement. When chewing, almost the entire load is directed to the 2 implants, which are the base. Necessarily need specialist advice and compliance with instructions. Due to the heavy load, there is a risk of being left without bone mass around the prosthetic area.

Of all the above, this option for dental prosthetics in the absence of teeth is the most suitable. This is due to improvements in reliability and convenience. Only high-quality equipment is used for production. You will need the knowledge of not only the dental technician, but also the dentist himself. Using high technology, the structure is made from beams, and it is milled. The beam fixation has 2 parts:

  • a beam that is fixed to the implants;
  • plastic matrices that are installed in the prosthesis itself.


  • good fastening. Due to the beam used, the prosthesis is securely fastened, which allows it to remain stationary. This fastening allows the patient to feel much more comfortable;
  • feeling of satisfaction with prosthetics. Using a beam structure Much less plastic is used to manufacture, which means that most of the gums and palate remain open. No disturbances in diction and taste buds were observed;
  • strength. Metal is used here as a frame, which ultimately indicates its durability and strength;
  • load. There are 4 implants in the oral cavity. The entire chewing load is directed to them, which confirms the safety of the bone around the prosthetic area.


  • price. Thanks to reliability and quality the patient feels comfortable, but at the same time most of his wallet suffers. The price of such dental prosthetics in case of complete absence is much higher;
  • removable design. For proper hygiene It is necessary to clean the denture at least 2 times a day. It will take no more than a minute.

When using prosthetics, in the case of complete absence of teeth, a minimum of 4 implants are required. They are also the support. A prosthesis that doesn't have to be removed very convenient and comfortable due to high-quality imitation of real teeth. A fixed prosthesis is made of metal ceramics. You simply won't find plastic here. This makes it the most compact and convenient. If there is no natural gum, ceramics are installed and repainted in the desired natural color.


  • convenience. Convenience and comfort is that this prosthesis is not removable. As a result, diction is not impaired, the taste buds work correctly, and the palate and gums are completely open;
  • beauty. A fixed prosthesis made of metal-ceramics allows you to get closer to the natural feeling of teeth. An experienced and qualified professional will “ Hollywood smile", which no one can distinguish a common person. Teeth are like teeth;
  • quality. The frame is made of cobalt chrome frame, which allows it to be of high quality, strong and durable. This kind of prosthetics will please you for a long time. Fractures and cracks are not inherent.


  • price. This is not the case when we can say: quality at an affordable price. The level of qualification of the dental technician, doctor and expensive equipment dictate a very decent amount. Is it worth it for each individual to decide? Not every person can afford such prosthetics. Especially if this person is a pensioner and his main income is a pension.
  • metal. Metal in in rare cases may cause a mild allergic reaction and a metallic taste on the tongue.

Fixed prosthesis supported on zirconium dioxide implants

In case of complete absence of teeth, this prosthetic option is the most beautiful, comfortable, innovative, progressive and biocompatible. Zirconium dioxide is stronger than even metal, which means there should be no aftertaste.

In addition to the fact that it is durable, it is practically weightless, so it will be more comfortable and easier to wear. This type of prosthesis is the closest to natural teeth. Just like zirconia teeth has little transparency and depth. The fastening of a fixed dental prosthesis based on zirconium dioxide is similar to a fixed prosthesis made of metal ceramics. But the rest is several times better. It really is superior to all other prostheses in terms of feel, comfort and naturalness.

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