Volume of water for goldfish. Goldfish - an unpretentious and bright pet

Experienced aquarists know what a huge number of fish species, including goldfish, exist today. And if you consider that each of them has varieties, then we can assume that the aquarium world is truly huge. In this article, our heroine will be the aquarium gold fish. You will learn what types of it exist, how it should be maintained and how to care for this silent beauty.

Aquarium goldfish - types

It often happens that the owner of an aquarium, when asked by a guest: “What kind of fish is this?” - finds it difficult to answer. This is not surprising - it is difficult for a beginner to understand all the diversity. We bring to your attention a description of aquarium fish (some species).


It will not be an exaggeration on our part if we say that the veiltail is the most common and popular goldfish. It has an ovoid (almost round) body shape. The eyes are well marked on the large head.

The veiltail can be scaly or scaleless. It can have a very diverse color - from solid golden colors to black. In addition, these fish are spotted and sometimes have multi-colored, highly elongated fins.

But its beauty lies not only in color - it is a fish with a bushy tail. It consists of three or four fins fused together, which create folds and descend downwards, like a veil. According to the observations of aquarists, there are individuals whose tail is six times the length of their body. There are certain requirements for exhibition exhibits, which relate to the length of the fins, their location, and body shape. These beauties do not exceed 20 cm in length.

The aquarium goldfish veiltail is a peaceful creature. But it needs space - two individuals should be placed in a 100-liter aquarium, at the bottom of which there will be coarse soil, hard-leaved plants (pod, elodea) and shelter. Water temperature +25 degrees. Veiltail prefers natural light. About a quarter of the water needs to be changed every day.

Golden carp

As already mentioned, aquarium fish, the species of which are numerous, are usually the result of the work of breeders. But goldfish live in nature in China, Korea and Japan. But it was not always so. More than 1500 years ago, these aquarium fish were bred in China. Their types are widespread today. Golden crucian carp came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century.


The body and fins of the crucian carp are red-golden, the back is slightly darker than the belly. There are other colors - red, white, white-pink, black, fiery red. The body of this fish is elongated, slightly compressed laterally. Males can be distinguished from females only during spawning, when the female has a rounded abdomen. Males have white dots on their pectoral fins and gills.

Stargazer, or celestial eye

This aquarium goldfish has a characteristic feature that makes it difficult to confuse it with any other. These are her telescopic eyes, which are directed slightly upward and forward. These are very beautiful medium-sized fish. Their length is about 15 cm.


The aquarium goldfish pearl is beautiful and very unusual. It was bred in China. Her body is round. The fin on the back is positioned strictly vertically. Other fins are often paired and short. Distinctive feature- rather clumsy swimming. It is usually painted gold or orange-red, but white varieties are also found. This aquarium goldfish, which is quite easy to keep, only needs a balanced diet.


Another representative of the “magic” fish. The comet is distinguished by an elongated body with a long forked ribbon caudal fin. Sometimes it is confused with the veiltail. The longer its tail, the more valuable the specimen.


Aquarium goldfish (the species we are considering today) have very bright and characteristic features. So the oranda, along with a rather typical ovoid and swollen body, has a golden cap - a growth on the head.


An aquarium goldfish artificially bred in Japan. It has a short body, the rear profile of the back and the outer upper edge of the caudal fin create an acute angle. The ventral and pectoral fins are small.


Quite unusual, but amazing beautiful fish. She has a rounded short body. There are voluminous growths on the head and gill covers that appear in fish at three months.


And another fruit of the work of Japanese breeders. This fish can be kept both in spacious aquariums and in decorative greenhouse ponds. IN European countries it appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and from there it was brought to Russia.

These beautiful pets require a spacious aquarium - at the rate of 50 liters of water per fish. Short-bodied representatives of the family (telescopes, veiltails) need more water than long-bodied ones (comet, shubunkin).

The peculiarity of these fish is the desire to rummage in the ground. Therefore, for this purpose it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand, which fish do not scatter so easily. It is desirable that the aquarium be spacious and have large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with a strong root system and fairly hard leaves.

Noted good compatibility aquarium goldfish with calm fish species. We will talk more about this in this article a little later.


Goldfish are not picky when it comes to food. They eat a lot and willingly. Therefore, novice aquarists need to know that it is better to underfeed these fish than to overfeed them. The daily amount of feed should be no more than 3% of the weight of the fish. Adults are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening.

The diet of goldfish should include both live and plant food. You should know that when feeding dry food, it should be given in small portions 3-4 times a day, since in the fish’s esophagus it swells and increases significantly in volume, which can disrupt the work digestive organs fish.

Goldfish Compatibility

This question is, on the one hand, simple, but on the other, quite complex. This is due to a number of nuances that are characteristic of this family of aquarium fish.

Almost all representatives of the extensive family were obtained during thousands of years of selection. Their ancestor is the Chinese silver carp. Therefore, if we are talking about compatibility within a given species, then it should not raise doubts. All these fish are absolutely compatible.

However, there is one caveat here. Since all goldfish belong to the same family, when they are in the same aquarium they will interbreed, resulting in outbred hybrids.

Aquarium fish compatibility

Living together with cichlids (astronotus, angelfish, discus, etc.) is impossible. All cichlids are aggressive and will not allow these peaceful beauties to live.

With tetras (neons, minors, flashlights, glass tetras, etc.) the situation is the opposite. Tetras are peaceful creatures. They will have a wonderful neighborly relationship in the same aquarium. However, when goldfish grow up, they can eat small tetras. Therefore, it is better for them to live with larger characin fish (Congo or thorns).

Goldfish and catfish

In general, in this case we can state 100% compatibility. However, it should be borne in mind that not all catfish are so harmless. For example, a bay or a bot Modest can bite. And ancistrus can attach itself to sleeping goldfish at night, making them look very unsightly.

Relationships with cyprinids

These are very fast fish (barbs, zebrafish and others). Therefore, such a neighborhood is undesirable. This is especially true for barbs.

Diseases and treatment

Like all living things, goldfish can get sick and need health care. When a golden pet gets sick, the owner often simply does not know what to do. Often the owner of the aquarium himself is the culprit of some fish diseases.

Fungal diseases

They arise due to the activity of fungal infections and bacteria. One of the most common manifestations is clouding of the scales. The culprit of this disease is the ciliated ciliate Cyclochetes minor. Initially, individual affected areas appear on the fish’s body.

On initial stage the disease can be stopped. To do this, dilute a 5% solution table salt in a separate aquarium and immerse the patient in it for five minutes. In addition, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the water and slightly increase its aeration.


This is an inflammation of the stomach. It occurs when the fish are fed excessively, as well as when using low-quality feed.

A sick fish eats well and is very long time does not lose appetite. But she becomes less active. Her stomach is bloated. The excrement becomes thread-like with bloody mucus.

Treatment of aquarium fish in this case is simple and effective. The sick fish is transferred to a separate aquarium with water to which a little manganese solution is added. For a week, they do not feed her at all, increase the aeration of the water and raise its temperature by two degrees.

Goldfish: cost

Many people keep goldfish these days. And these are not just experienced aquarists. Therefore, we want to warn beginners: before buying, think about the fact that this is not a toy, but a living creature that requires constant care.

An aquarium goldfish, the price of which can vary from 100 to 800 rubles, can brighten up your leisure time. You can watch her graceful movements for hours.

Goldfish have always been considered one of the most beautiful inhabitants of the aquarium. The color of their scales can be sunny, deep orange, or reddish. These beauties look spectacular against the backdrop of green algae. Anyone can have these pets at home. Caring for and maintaining goldfish will not pose any particular difficulties even for novice aquarists. However, in order to ensure a comfortable existence for your pets, you need to know some points about the conditions of detention.

Description and types

There are many varieties of these fish. Among which:

  • Comet
  • Pearl
  • Oranda
  • Heavenly eye
  • Lionhead
  • Pecilia.

There is a wide variety of goldfish of natural and artificial origin.

Each of the individuals has its own characteristics. For example, the celestial eye has an egg-like body and bulging eyes who look up. The pearl looks like a ball. Oranda has cap-shaped growths on its head and elongated fins. The comet has a classic body structure and a forked tail. The lionhead, as its name suggests, has an unusual head. Its head is large, surrounded by dense growths. Pecilia has the smallest head, and its body is shaped like a diamond.

However, all varieties of goldfish have common features. Their color varies from reddish-pink to light amber and snow-white with a touch of gold. Usually the body is slightly pressed from the sides. The average size can be from 5 to 10 cm. At good care and when kept, the pet grows to 14-16 cm

Individuals that live in nature or private ponds grow up to half a meter.

These fish are not aggressors. They behave quite calmly in their home pond. Occasionally they can lightly bite their brothers. They do it delicately, not dangerously. Goldfish in an aquarium are considered long-lived. They can live as pet about 14-16 years old.

It is recommended to buy goldfish in specialized pet stores. It is better to give preference to two individuals of different sexes. Life will be more fun for them together. You cannot take fish from a tank that contains at least one sick fish. It's easy to spot. She's slow. Its color has faded. Deviations in behavior and spots on the body are possible.

What kind of aquarium is needed for a goldfish?

The ideal vessel for fish should be voluminous. Each individual needs at least 50 liters of water. The ideal house for two goldfish would be an aquarium with a volume of 100-150 liters. If there is not enough water, pets may die.

Spacious, rectangular-shaped aquariums are best suited for goldfish.

When choosing a shape, you should give preference to a rectangle. A rectangle slightly curved or with rounded edges is acceptable. It is in an aquarium where length has the advantage and height is not too high that goldfish will be comfortable. They will be able to swim around the perimeter. Don't stay in one place all the time.

High containers in the form of flowerpots and cylinders are strictly not suitable. They look impressive in the interior, but fish will not be able to live normally in them. You should not buy round tanks. They have too little space. This situation will reduce the pet's immunity.

The place for a home pond should be at flat surface. Do not install the aquarium near windows, radiators or other heat sources or sunlight. Such proximity can lower the set water temperature. Do not allow direct sunlight to enter the aquarium.

Soil for goldfish

One of the favorite pastimes for fish is to rummage through the substrate located at the bottom. Care must be taken in its selection. You must not allow the fish to swallow a particle and choke on it. It is best to pour round pebbles and sand consisting of large grains. Pebbles are selected with rounded edges so that the fish does not get scratched. The soil for goldfish is laid out unevenly on the bottom. U back wall glass box, the pebbles are poured into several layers. At the front wall in one layer.

It is necessary to select soil and decor that is not capable of harming pets.

Small, safe objects can be used to decorate the space. Structures that are too large, with many ledges and narrow tunnels, can damage the scales. For the same reason, you should avoid placing massive palaces, submarines and other decorative elements in a vessel.


It is allowed to decorate the tank with plants. However, there are some rules here. Goldfish love to feast on green leaves; they take out the roots and gnaw them. With these actions they can stir up the entire underwater garden. It is necessary to place safe shrubs and algae in the house. You need to choose plants whose taste your pets will not like. Among these species: lemongrass, hornwort, cladophora, giant Vallisneria, Carolina bacopa.

Plants are a necessary component for an aquarium, although you can do without them.

To prevent fish from pulling out the roots, it is best to secure them by surrounding them with stones. You can hide the roots in jars with soil. The jars, in turn, are buried in the ground and lined with heavy stones. A good option is to decorate the tank with artificial greenery.

What should the water be like in the aquarium?

It is necessary to create favorable conditions in the tank. It is important that the water parameters are suitable for pets. The temperature should be between 19 and 27 degrees. The longer the fish, the lower the temperature can be. For tank inhabitants with a short, compact body, you need to make the water as warm as possible (26-27 degrees). Acidity is about 7 pH.

As a conditioner for tap water I use AquaSafe.

You can fill the aquarium with regular tap water. But first, a special conditioner is added to it. The product can be bought in the store. It will purify water from impurities and chlorine.

An important indicator is water hardness. It affects the development of the genital organs, the structure of the skeleton, and the growth of the inhabitants of the aquarium. The optimal hardness for this type of fish is one that has a soft degree of intensity. Medium hardness is allowed. This parameter is measured using a special tester.

Tank Equipment

An aquarium with goldfish will become a reliable home if it is properly equipped. Ideally, you need to buy the following equipment:

  • filter,
  • compressor,
  • heater.

The filtration system can be either external or internal. The external device is located outside the vessel. The internal is in the water. According to experienced breeders, they give preference to external devices. The reason is that external systems come in larger sizes. Water purification is better than with an internal filter. The external device can simply be wiped clean from dust and not washed thoroughly like the internal one. In addition, the material from which the filter is made can release substances that are not beneficial for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

A compressor is necessary to saturate the water with oxygen. There are often combined devices. They have both a compressor and a filter. However, devices perform their functions better when they are kept separate.

A heater is needed during the winter months. His work needs to be monitored. Do not allow a significant increase in temperature. If the water is too warm, your pet's body will increase metabolic processes. This will lead to rapid cell aging.

How to start an aquarium

You cannot introduce fish into the aquarium on the first day. It needs to be prepared. Starting an aquarium involves forming a real home pond from an ordinary water tank. It contains not only fish, but also living bacteria and microorganisms. Microorganisms act as unique mini-filters. They remove ammonia that pets produce. Fish should be launched not just into a vessel, but into a prepared and established aquatic world.

All devices are installed in a vessel filled with water. They turn on. After a few days, microorganisms will appear in the water and the water will become clear. Gradually, the biobalance of the reservoir will be established. At this time, colorful inhabitants can be released into the aquatic environment.


Caring for aquatic life is not difficult. But you shouldn’t forget about them. A person who is just about to purchase an aquarium needs to know about the rules of care. He will have to change the water in the goldfish aquarium, clean the tank and objects, and feed the pets.

To clean the soil, you must use a siphon.

Once every 4-6 days it is recommended to remove some of the water and replace it with new one. This must be done because enough feces will accumulate in the vessel within a few days. This negatively affects the well-being of the inhabitants. They love to live clean. Therefore, 30-40% of the water is removed weekly, at the same time it is necessary to clean the soil. In its place, tap water is poured in, in which the conditioner is dissolved. All equipment located at the bottom of the decor is washed with water removed from the tank. This water is used so as not to remove microorganisms on objects from objects. If you rinse equipment and decor with tap water, chlorine will kill all bacteria.

Once every 20-30 days, a 50-60% water change is recommended. At the same time, the glass is wiped and excess or damaged branches of plants are removed. This is done using a device in the form of a hose. You can combine this procedure with a partial water change.

What to feed

Goldfish love to eat. They need a lot of food. But the owner must ensure that the pets do not overeat. When feeding, it is recommended to give not too large portions. Overfeeding is much worse than underfeeding. If you overeat, the fish suffer. They experience indigestion. A small pinch of food is enough for one fish. They need to be fed 2-3 times a day.

Video: Feeding goldfish

Suitable feed bought at pet stores. They can be fed with almost all of the presented quality products. Frozen food is defrosted before serving, dry food is soaked. You also need to soak food in the form of flakes or large granules. Only aquarium water is suitable for the procedure.

Goldfish require simple maintenance and care at home. It is enough to provide it with a spacious aquarium, which will be properly equipped with equipment (filter, aerator, thermometer, heating pad) and decor that will help this species fulfill its natural instinct, that is, to rummage and hide, without causing harm to health.

Goldfish is a freshwater inhabitant of the crucian genus, the most common inhabitant of aquariums. Today, glass containers are inhabited by numerous varieties of these fish, among which the most popular are the common goldfish, butterfly, fantail, veiltail, pearl, comet, lionhead, celestial eye, ranchu, telescope.

Even the ancient Chinese appreciated the beauty of these fish and populated artificial reservoirs with them. The ancient Romans were the first to decorate their homes with aquariums. So the goldfish settled in people's homes.

Nowadays, lovers of these aquarium fish know that it is not difficult to care for them if you adhere to a few simple rules: place the fish in a spacious aquarium, equip it with powerful filtration and aeration systems, and change the water as often as possible.

How to choose the right aquarium for your goldfish

When considering the issue “Goldfish: maintenance and care,” the first relevant point is right choice aquarium Selecting a container for a goldfish is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. Many people don’t even think about what criteria are used to determine suitable housing for fish. Therefore, before buying the aquarium you like, you need to responsibly study the information about the type of fish that will populate it.

You can often see that a goldfish exists (there is simply no other way to call it) in a small round aquarium without bedding or plants. Of course, having such a bright appearance, this aquatic beauty, for aesthetic reasons, should stand out against the background of her home. AND small aquarium highlights her beauty in the best possible way. But how mistaken are those who place a poor freshwater creature in a small container! For such mistakes by the owner, a fish of this species can pay not only with health, but also with life.

Rule #1. The aquarium for goldfish should be large.

Fish of this species grow quickly. Cases have been recorded when some of them reached sizes of 30? 35 cm. This is taking into account the fact that the nominal size of these aquatic inhabitants is 6? 12 cm.

The optimal proportion of a container for a goldfish is 60 cm? per 1 cm of body length of an individual. If the proportions of a glass house are 70x40x40 cm, then 2 fish can live in it if the body length of each is up to 20 cm.

How to determine the volume of water for an aquarium

How to care for a goldfish so that it is comfortable? The first step is to correctly determine the volume of water for one inhabitant of the aquarium.

Rule #2. For normal life One goldfish requires at least 80 liters of fresh water.

If there is less water, the fish will have nowhere to swim.

The volume of water in the container intended to contain large quantity goldfish, is determined depending on the number of inhabitants of the aquarium.

By increasing the size of the glass “house” you can slightly increase the planting density. 100 liters of water can contain 2 individuals (even 3 are possible, but then powerful filtration and frequent water changes are required). This recommendation is appropriate if the body length of the fish without a caudal fin does not exceed 5? 7 cm

Aquarium shape

Don’t forget about the shape of the container in which this wonderful golden beauty will live. Classic rectangular shaped aquariums are ideal for it. A slight curvature of the front glass in them is also allowed. The length of such a container should be 2 times the height. Tall and narrow containers are not suitable for keeping fish of this species.


Rule #3. The temperature of the water in which goldfish live can fluctuate between 18-30°C.

Equipment for aquarium with goldfish

You should not skimp on equipment for a goldfish aquarium, especially when the population density is higher than normal.

Water aeration

Rule No. 4: A goldfish aquarium must have 24/7 aeration.

You can turn on the aerator on the filter, but this may not be enough. It is preferable to have a compressor as an additional source of supplied air. There are conventional compressors on sale, the operation of which is accompanied by characteristic noise, and silent ones. The latter are more expensive, but are ideal for aquariums located in bedrooms. The choice is always up to the buyer.

If living plants grow in large quantities in a glass fish “house”, excellent lighting and carbon dioxide supply are set up, then the aerator needs to be turned on only at night. A prerequisite for such actions will be oxygen bubbles released by vegetation. They can completely cover the leaves of plants.

24/7 water filtration

Rule #5. Enhanced filtration – required condition keeping goldfish. These beauties are dirty: constantly undermining the soil, they raise turbidity. Their excrement has the consistency of mucus, so it very pollutes the litter, which tends to rot. Therefore, a filter for containers with such slobs is simply necessary.

The best option would be a filter with a capacity of at least 3-4 aquarium volumes per hour. It is better to purchase an external canister filter. But if this is not possible, and the volume of the glass container is more than 100? 120 l, then you can use an internal filter. It should be multi-sectional with a compartment for ceramic filler. Water filtration should occur around the clock.

The internal filter must be washed frequently, best option– at every water change. You can do this directly in aquarium water. The external filter is cleaned and washed much less frequently.

Even if constant enhanced filtration is carried out, the water must be changed every week. In this case, it is necessary to replace from a quarter to a third of the container volume. With an increased population density of fish in the aquarium, this process should occur more often.

Hot water bottle in the aquarium

How to care for goldfish in an aquarium, taking into account the water temperature requirements? Very simple, if you take into account the type of fish that inhabit the container.

Goldfish are cold-blooded aquatic creatures. But they do not always feel comfortable in an aquatic environment with a temperature of 18 to 20°C. Locally bred fish are especially picky. Also demanding temperature conditions You can name telescopes, ranchu, lion heads. Among all the varieties of goldfish, these are the most heat-loving.

Is it possible to raise the water temperature in the aquarium to 22? 25° C. If the fish feel normal and move actively, then there is no need to lower it. However, it should be remembered that elevated temperature accelerates the aging of aquatic beauties.


There is no way to do without this device when keeping golden representatives of the fish world. This is what is needed for regular soil cleaning.

Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer

It cannot be said that keeping goldfish in an aquarium without this device is impossible. But for those who populate a glass container with imported specimens, or have a number of fish that significantly exceeds the norm, it is better to purchase it.

Rule #6. Decorative elements of the aquarium should not only decorate the container, but also be safe for aquatic inhabitants!

If the aquarium is inhabited by telescope fish, water eyes, and stargazers, it should not be decorated with stones or other decorative items that have sharp edges. This list also includes plants with sharp leaves and teeth on them. This will prevent injury to such vulnerable fish.

Various “grottoes”, “ships”, “towers” ​​add a unique “zest” to the decoration of the container, but at the same time they can serve as objects on which fish can easily injure their eyes, fins or growths on the head. Therefore, you should take their choice with special responsibility.

When it comes to choosing decor for an aquarium with goldfish, it becomes clear what is best to choose different sizes and flower pebbles having a smooth rounded surface. After all, first of all, you need to take care of the fish itself, and only then about the decor that is pleasant to contemplate.

River sand is ideal for bedding. It is recommended to pour it in such a way that its level at the back wall is slightly higher than at the bottom of the entire aquarium.

For other fish, the presence of sand is desirable, since it serves as soil, which you can dig with pleasure, looking for additional food. Why deprive your pets of an activity that is a manifestation of their instincts?

Aquarium plants

When a picture with an image catches your eye round aquarium, in which, apart from a lonely goldfish, there is only water, the heart is filled with pity for the poor creature. You cannot keep fish of this species in containers without living plants!

Rule #7. Goldfish require live plants in their aquarium.

Aquarium plants not only serve as excellent decorations for the tank, but also help control algae and also act as good food for aquatic life.

Many aquarists, knowing that goldfish love to feast on vegetation, do not initially plant plants in the aquarium. But, if you think about it, it’s better to provide your pets with green spaces so that they can partially eat them and receive additional vitamins and microelements from such food, rather than furnishing a glass fish house with plastic dead greenery, which only plays the role of decoration.

Even with this situation, there is a way out: not all plants cause appetite in fish. If the aquarium is decorated with large-leaved or simply “tasteless” plants, they will remain intact, while perfectly performing their main function - supplying the aquatic environment with oxygen. For this purpose, you can plant anubias, lemongrass, echinodorus, and cryptocorynes.

Taking into account that fish of this species love to dig the ground, the base of the plants should be covered with larger pebbles. This way they will not be pulled out from the ground along with the roots.

Beginning aquarium fish breeders in most cases start by keeping this type of fish. After all, caring for goldfish does not require much effort, ingenuity, or a lot of time. They can hardly be expected to perform cherished desires, but these beauties will decorate any aquarium. And if you take proper care of them, who knows how the goldfish will thank its owner?!

The Aquarium Goldfish is an artificially bred freshwater species belonging to the genus of crucian carp and the class of rayfins. It has a laterally compressed or short rounded body. All species have pharyngeal teeth, large gill roofs, and hard barbs that form fins. The scales can be both large and small - it all depends on the species.

The color can be very different - from golden to black with various inclusions. The only common feature is that the belly shade is always a little lighter. It’s easy to convince yourself of this by looking at photos of goldfish. The size and shape of the fins also vary greatly - long, short, forked, veil-shaped, etc. In some species, the eyes are bulging.

The length of the fish does not exceed 16 cm. But in large tanks they can reach 40 cm, not including the tail. The lifespan directly depends on the form. Short, round fish live no longer than 15 years, and long and flat fish live up to 40.

Volume and shape of the aquarium

In the Soviet literature of the last century on aquarium husbandry it is indicated that one goldfish should have 1.5-2 dm3 of water surface, or 7-15 liters of aquarium volume (15 liters per fish is considered a low stocking density). These data have also migrated to some modern manuals. However, it should be taken into account that Soviet books were written about domestically bred goldfish, which lived in aquariums for many generations, and as a result of selection were adapted to such conditions. Currently, the vast majority of goldfish come to us from China, Malaysia and Singapore, where they are massively bred in ponds. Accordingly, they are not adapted to life in small volumes of water, and even to a fairly spacious aquarium they need to be adapted, and a volume of 15-20 liters means death for them within a few days.

Experts working with goldfish brought from Asia have experimentally established:

The minimum volume of an aquarium for one individual should be about 80 liters; in a smaller volume, adult fish simply will have nowhere to move. For a couple – 100 l.

In large aquariums (200-250 l), with good filtration and aeration, the planting density can be slightly increased so that the water volume is 35-40 l per individual. And this is the limit!

Here, opponents of half-empty aquariums usually object that in zoos, for example, goldfish are packed into aquariums very tightly and still feel great. Yes, indeed, this is the specificity of exhibition aquariums. However, we must keep in mind that behind the scenes there are several powerful filters with which this monster is equipped, a very strict schedule of water changes (up to half the volume daily or twice a day), as well as a full-time veterinarian-ichthyopathologist, for whom there is always work.

As for the shape of the aquarium, the classic rectangular one or with a slight curvature of the front glass is preferable, the length should be approximately twice the height. Old Soviet literature indicated that water should not be poured above a level of 30-35 cm, but as practice shows, this is not critical. Goldfish live well in taller aquariums if they have the appropriate width and length (tall and narrow aquariums - screens and cylinders - are not suitable for keeping goldfish).

Aquarium plants

  • Nitrogen consumption.
  • Substrate for bacteria.
  • Vitamin supplement for the inhabitants.

Depending on the conditions in your goldfish's habitat, there may be active algae growth. Since pets love to eat plants, it is recommended that some of the plantings be used for feeding, and some should be planted to decorate the space and create biological balance. Plants with hard leaves are better suited.

Plants should be planted in pots to protect the roots from damage during digging, which fish like to do.


All varieties of goldfish can spawn, but for this they need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 20-30 liters.

The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with sandy soil, in which hard-leaved and small-leaved plants with a powerful root system should be planted. The most hardy plants are elodea, egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria. For spawning, they usually put one female and two or three males at least two years old.

Before this, the fish should be kept separately for a couple of weeks. The temperature in the spawning aquarium should be 24-26 degrees. During the spawning process, females scatter eggs throughout the aquarium, most of which settle on plants. Immediately after the end of spawning, the female and males should be removed from the aquarium

For hatched young excellent food can be special food for goldfish fry (for example, SeraMikron), which can be purchased at a pet store.


Goldfish are a very capricious species, and they can only get along with their relatives. However, there are some nuances here too. As mentioned just above, there are many varieties of goldfish, and choosing them for living together is based on size. Long fish with large tails are the most active and voracious species.

Small and plump fish with short fins are more passive. Being in the same space, they will offend each other. Some will become malnourished, others will have their scales, fins or tail damaged. Therefore, be sure to select fish by size. The exception for passive goldfish are catfish. They will be welcome neighbors in the aquarium.

Therefore, to keep several fish, you will need an aquarium, the size of which is at least 100 liters. In large aquariums, in addition, it is easier to maintain a biosphere that is beneficial for its inhabitants, the water needs to be changed less frequently, and the level of pollution in a large aquarium is much lower, which is important for keeping large aquarium fish.

After purchasing an aquarium of the required size, you need to fill it with soil and fill it with water. For goldfish, the most suitable soil is in the form of small pebbles, but its fraction should not be too small, otherwise the fish may swallow a pebble. After the aquarium is filled with water, install the equipment.

Goldfish require oxygen dissolved in water, so it is very important to install not only a water filter, but also a compressor that pumps air. The fish are released into the aquarium after a few days, allowing the water to infuse and become saturated with oxygen.

You can first introduce snails into the aquarium to create the necessary biological environment in the water. Goldfish love good care and will appreciate care for it. IN good conditions These decorative fish grow large and become amazingly beautiful.


It is very important to feed your goldfish properly. There is special food for this type of aquarium fish. You can diversify the diet by adding small pieces of boiled eggs to the aquarium, but at the same time make sure that the fish eats everything.

The main thing in the diet is to observe moderation and not to overfeed the fish, remembering that goldfish are gluttons. To correctly determine the amount of food, you need to observe for three minutes during feeding how much the fish eat, and at subsequent feedings give them exactly the same amount.

Goldfish prefers warm water. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 23 degrees. To determine the water temperature, you need a thermometer, which is lowered to the bottom of the aquarium.

Of course, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the water, collect the remains of fish from the bottom, and change the water by one third of the volume of the aquarium at least once a week. Goldfish will appreciate this kind of care. How to determine the sex of a goldfish

In a home aquarium, you can successfully breed goldfish. It is easy to determine the sex of goldfish; just look carefully at the gill covers. In males they are covered with small white dots similar to semolina, but females do not have such points.

Filtration and water changes

It is generally accepted that goldfish are a large biological burden on the aquarium. Simply put, they were dirty, producing huge amounts of waste. Their habit of constantly rummaging in the soil, raising turbidity, also does not add to the cleanliness of the aquarium. In addition, goldfish excrement has a slimy consistency, and this mucus contaminates the soil and contributes to its rotting. Accordingly, to keep the water clean and clear, a good 24/7 filtration system is required.

The filter power should be at least 3-4 aquarium volumes per hour. The best option There will be a canister external filter. If it is not possible to purchase one, and the volume of the aquarium does not exceed 100-120 liters, you can get by with an internal filter - always multi-sectional with a compartment for ceramic filler.

Porous ceramics provide a substrate for bacteria, which convert toxic ammonia secreted by fish into nitrites, and then into much less toxic nitrates. In addition, soil and aquatic plants, especially small-leaved ones, serve as substrates for these bacteria, a stable amount of which is vital for the well-being of the aquarium. Therefore, it is advisable to have a lot of plants, and make the soil fraction not too large.

In order to prevent bacterial colonies from being destroyed when cleaning the aquarium, you need to follow some rules: the filter sponges are washed in aquarium water (with goldfish you have to wash the sponges quite often, about once a week), the soil is siphoned, also weekly, done carefully, without stirring it layers, ceramic fillers for biofilters are always partially changed.

Even if there is high-quality filtration in an aquarium with goldfish, water changes must be done weekly from a quarter to a third of the aquarium’s volume, and if the norms for fish stocking density are violated, then more often. Fish of this species tolerate fresh water well, so there is no need to leave it for more than a day.


Fish health All aquarium owners are very concerned about goldfish diseases, because such delicate creatures can easily die if appropriate measures are not taken. To understand whether a fish is sick or not, you need to pay attention to its mobility, appetite, brightness of color and shine of scales. The dorsal fin also indicates health problems - if the fish does not hold it vertically, then something is wrong.

A plaque that appears on the body or sudden formations is a signal that the matter has already gone far. When these signs appear, you should immediately isolate the sick fish from the rest. A sick fish should be placed in a large aquarium with salt water - the concentration is 20 grams of salt per liter of clean tap water.

The water temperature should not exceed 18 C. Keep the fish in the aquarium for three days, changing the solution every day. Here is a list of common goldfish diseases: Cloudy scales followed by scabies. You need to change all the water immediately; If the fish has hyphae - white threads perpendicular to the body, it means it has dermatomycosis or simply a fungus. Take action right away, otherwise the hyphae will grow inside the body and the fish will lie on the bottom and never rise to the surface;

Fish pox refers to multi-colored tumors (white, pinkish, gray) that occupy the skin and fins. Tumors do not pose a threat, but greatly spoil the beauty of the fish and cannot be treated; Dropsy followed by sepsis is a terrible threat for goldfish. There is a chance to save the fish only at the initial stage of the disease, when the patient is “relocated” into running water and bathed in a solution of potassium permanganate every other day for a quarter of an hour;

If you overfeed your fish bad food or feed dried daphnia, bloodworms and gammarus for a long time, then their stomach will quickly become inflamed; In addition to the listed diseases of goldfish, there are many more ailments, so it is better to consult a specialist on the issue of disease prevention.


IN natural environment The diet of goldfish consists of crustaceans, insects and vegetation. Like most fish, goldfish are omnivores and eat non-stop. Overfeeding is dangerous for their health, especially if there is an intestinal blockage. The latter is often observed in selected individuals in which gastrointestinal tract spiral The abundance of food leads to voracious feeding, and, accordingly, to pollution of the environment with waste and undigested protein. Overfeeding can sometimes be diagnosed based on the feces coming out of the fish's cloaca. A goldfish-specific diet should include food poor in protein, with a higher carbohydrate content than regular food. Among commercial feed distinguish those that float on the surface of the water and those that settle on the bottom. Enthusiasts can also feed their pets peeled peas, scalded green leafy vegetables, and bloodworms. The juveniles feed on Artemia nauplii.


The behavior of goldfish varies depending on the characteristics environment, and in aquarium conditions from the preferences of the aquarist. Pets have developed associative memory, and they clearly identify their breadwinner. The owner may notice that the pets react to his approach (swim up to the front glass, quickly move around the aquarium, rise to the surface in anticipation of food), but hide when strangers approach.

Feeding goldfish by hand - HD video 2016

Goldfish in an aquarium - video HD 2016

Caring for goldfish is not difficult and does not cause much trouble. But what should it be? How to properly keep goldfish at home? What to feed them? Let's find out.

Goldfish at home

The official name of the aquarium fish known to us as “golden” is Carassius auratus auratus. They belong to the carp family, and their closest relatives in our latitudes are mirror carp, crucian carp, bream, rudd and bleak. As you can see, the fish are mainly freshwater.

At home, goldfish are unlikely to grow more than 15 centimeters in length, although in nature their size can reach as much as 30 centimeters. Goldfish have a flattened, elongated, ellipsoidal body with a sharp muzzle. The long dorsal fin starts from the middle of the body, and the short lower one is located closer to the tail. Classic coloring - red-golden back, yellow-golden sides, yellowish belly. The fins are bright red or other reddish shades, although they can rarely be just yellow. These also have exotic coloring fish, for example, black-blue or white. So a goldfish is not always exactly golden.

By appearance It is quite difficult to determine whether the fish in front of us is a male or a female. This is possible only in the pre-spawning period, when males acquire serrations on the anterior ray of the first pectoral fins and on the gills. And the female, ready to lay eggs, swells up her abdomen. If you look at the fish from above, you will notice a slight curvature of the body, which may remain after spawning.

It is advisable to purchase a species aquarium that is at least one meter long. Coarse soil is poured onto the bottom and a small number of aquatic plants are planted. These should be plants with not the smallest leaves, for example, egg capsule or vallisneria. Floating plants that will serve as additional food for the fish (such as duckweed or riccia) are also suitable.

The water temperature can range from 16 to 24 degrees, and in winter the water should not be warmer than 20 degrees, and in summer it should not fall below 21 degrees. Decrease or increase
The temperature of the water must be adjusted gradually. It is also important to monitor the balance of hardness and acidity of the water in the aquarium. Water hardness for goldfish can range from 8 to 18 degrees, and acidity must be maintained at 7 units. The water must, of course, be clean and enriched with oxygen. The height of the water layer must be at least 25 centimeters. The water must be renewed daily by adding approximately one tenth of its volume to the aquarium. And don't forget to keep an eye on new water was the same acidity and hardness, as well as temperature. Equip your aquarium with a filter and an aerator.

If you find it difficult to answer how many goldfish can be placed in your aquarium, carry out simple calculations: for every 10 centimeters of body length of the fish, you need 20 square centimeters of water surface. If the aquarium does not have an aerator, the rate is doubled. But then the daily water change should be at least a third of the total volume. So, caring for one or a pair of fish is much easier.

Feeding goldfish

Goldfish are quite voracious, but they do not know moderation and are prone to obesity. At the same time, goldfish are quite unpretentious and omnivorous. The diet for aquarium pets should
include live and plant foods. Live food includes bloodworms, daphnia, earthworms and earthworms, tubifex worms and correts. And from plant foods you can offer duckweed, riccia and lettuce.

Bread crumbs and buckwheat porridge will serve as additional carbohydrates. oatmeal or wheat, cooked without salt. The porridge is given rolled into pea-sized balls. Goldfish will not disdain scraped meat mixed with bread and also rolled into balls. Goldfish require a lot of carbohydrates (unlike tropical species). You can also give special dry food in accordance with the instructions.

The weight of food per day should not exceed three percent of the weight of the goldfish. Of course, these gluttons will eat more if they are given it, they don’t know how much to stop. How to determine the required amount of feed? Pour into water approximate dose feed, and after 15 minutes, remove from the surface everything that you did not have time to eat. Goldfish are fed 2 times a day, and without food the fish can live no more than a week.

Breeding goldfish

During spawning, fish require special care. To breed fish you need a separate spawning aquarium. During the mating season, males and females are seated and well fed. A female ready for spawning and two or three males are placed in a spawning aquarium, where the female will spawn, swimming among aquatic plants, and the male will immediately fertilize her. The eggs are white at first. They stick to plants, but already on the second day they become transparent.

After spawning is completed, the fish are put back. In the spawning aquarium, the water level is reduced to 15 centimeters. After about five days, the eggs will hatch into fry. Try to ensure that the water temperature in the aquarium does not change during this period. Caring for fry is the same as for adult fish. At first, babies are fed ciliates and rotifers, and in the second year of life they are transferred to regular food.

Goldfish are unpretentious, omnivorous pets. They do not need special lighting or expensive food. They breed easily at home. Just take into account all the requirements for comfortable keeping goldfish, and you will get active, cheerful pets. And then, you see, your wishes will begin to come true.

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