Omega 3 products table. Composition of vegetable oil. Healthiness rating by fatty acids

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Today we will talk about fatty acids. Or rather about one thing - Omega-3. This acid is now practically known to everyone. For those who don’t like to read, you can watch the video at the very bottom of the article and leave your opinion.

It belongs to the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Co school curriculum We know that our body needs fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Each of these components plays its own role important role.

By the way! Do you use natural vitamins or capsules to get Omega 3? Or do you give more preference to products containing this acid. Write your opinion below...

Fats, which include fatty acids, provide our body with the necessary energy, and are also necessary component cell membranes, without which they are destroyed.

The role of fatty acids for our body is undeniable. Since most of them are not produced by our body, we must receive them, so to speak, from the outside.

How to do this correctly?

To do this, you need to know and imagine what these fatty acids are, and what products they are contained in, in order to choose them correctly and competently. And most importantly, how to consume these products, how to prepare them, so that beneficial features acids remained and were accepted by our body.

Let's look at everything in order...

Table of foods containing Omega 3

What are fatty acids

There are three types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

In saturated fatty acids all hydrogen atoms are present. At room temperature they remain solid. They are obtained from animal fats (poultry meat), dairy fats (butter, cheese), as well as tropical fatty acids obtained from palm and coconut oil.

In monounsaturated fatty acids one hydrogen atom is missing (hence the name mono). Products containing such acids become liquid at room temperature. Products containing monounsaturated acids This: hazelnuts and their oils, canola oil, olive oil and olives, avocados, pecans and macadamia nuts, almonds and pistachios.

Polyunsaturated acids differ low content hydrogen and the presence of several carbon double bonds.

These acids are found in fatty acids sea ​​fish and fish oil, seafood, in oil black currant, borage and primrose. Just like monounsaturated acids, they remain liquid at room temperature. There are two types polyunsaturated acids Mega-3 and Omega-6.

Omega-3 is canola, flaxseed and soybean oil, walnuts, flax-seed, seafood and fish, soy products, leafy and dark green vegetables, wheat sprouts.

Omega-6 is an oil walnuts, walnuts themselves, soybean, corn, sunflower and safflower oils, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, wheat sprouts.

Among the group of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the three most important for the human body are distinguished. These are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.

About the benefits and properties of Omega-3

Omega-3 began to be studied in more detail in the 70s of the last century. Studying the consumption of different products different groups population found, for example, that the indigenous population of Greenland, living almost on fatty fish, never suffered from cardiovascular diseases and they had absolutely no atherosclerotic damage.

In addition, these acids synthesize substances necessary for our body, such as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are a kind of hormones that regulate blood pressure body and body temperature. They also maintain the sensitivity of nerve fibers and help in muscle contraction.

According to research, consumption of Omega-3 (attention!) by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers has the most beneficial effect on the child's brain. And if this acid is consumed insufficiently, the child may develop various neurological diseases.

Many, especially in adolescence are faced with the phenomenon of pimples and blackheads. This violation hormonal balance , and this is due precisely to the lack of Omega-3. In this case, not only the skin suffers, but also the nails and hair.

What other medical benefits do Omega-3s have?

Improving thought processes, strengthening immunity, removing inflammatory processes joints, treatment of syndrome chronic fatigue, emotional disorders and depression.

What does the lack of this acid lead to in our body? First of all, it is dry skin and itching, brittle nails and hair. Also, symptoms of a lack of Omega-3 fatty acid can include muscle and tendon pain, constipation and frequent colds.

One of the main properties of Omega-3 is its antioxidant properties. This is a warning related feature oncological diseases. In addition, this acid also helps with eczema, allergies and asthma.

To this list you can also add diabetes and psoriasis, as well as prostate and breast cancer.

Whatever medicinal properties Omega-3 fatty acids were more clear, I will list them:

- heart problems: heart attack or stroke, coronary heart disease.

- vascular diseases: atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis.

- diabetes mellitus and pancreatic diseases.

allergic manifestations, psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis.

- problems with veins: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, high blood clotting, thrombosis.

- joint problems: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and pathological changes in the joints.

- various pains: migraine, headache and pain during menstruation.

- trachea and bronchi: bronchial asthma, diseases of the vocal cords.

- obesity: used in weight loss programs.

- skin and hair diseases

What products does it contain (table)

The main product containing this acid is fish fat, fatty sea fish. The use of these products can almost completely relieve both depression and cardiovascular diseases.

If you are suffering severe forms depression, insomnia and frequent emotional disorders, this means that you have little docosahexaenoic acid in your blood.

For example, the cerebral cortex normally contains 60% of this acid.

In addition, there are special bioactive supplements that will help maintain an optimal balance of fatty acids in the body.

As for sea fish, it is very important point The point here is that the fish must be sea fish, i.e., caught in the sea, and not grown on a fish farm. Someone might say, what's the difference? And the difference is in nutrition. Sea fish, unlike farm fish, feed on algae, which contains this acid.

Fish as a source of fatty acids is best consumed lightly salted. Why, you ask? The fact is that during heat treatment and frying, fatty acids are destroyed and there will be no point in eating such fish. However, again, lightly salted fish is contraindicated for hypertensive patients and those suffering from in different forms heart and kidney failure.

So, what fish contains Omega-3 acid and how much:

— mackerel: up to 50 g per 1 kg of weight

— herring: up to 30 g per 1 kg of weight

— salmon: up to 14 g per 1 kg of weight

Little of it is found in fish such as tuna, trout and halibut. There is also quite a lot of it in shrimp. Normal consumption fish products should be 100-200 g per day.

Where else can you find omega-3s?

Note! If the cow ate mostly fresh grass, then the beef will have plenty of it. Also in chicken egg there is quite a lot of it. True, the eggs of those chickens that ate natural food contain almost 20 times more Omega-3 fatty acids than eggs from chickens that lived in cages in a poultry farm.

Also, there are a lot of fatty acids in plant products. Let's look at the table below, which contains the most:

So if you're a vegetarian, don't fret. You will also find plenty of sources of the acid your body needs.

Omega-3 is found most in cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli and zucchini, lettuce, and soy curd. And if you flavor it all generously with flaxseed oil, then you are guaranteed a rich diet of fatty acids.

As you can see, the benefits of using Omega-3 fatty acids in nutrition are undeniable.

Now, unfortunately, is the time when you need to take care of your health. It is necessary to choose the right not only products, but also the nutrition procedure itself. The times when people used only natural products and nothing else are gone.

Now we buy a lot of chemicals. If you want to be healthy yourself and raise your children just as healthy, then you simply need to take care of a balanced and proper diet.

Did you like the article and did you find it useful? Share with me how often do you use these products in your diet? Or perhaps you use natural vitamins or capsules to get Omega 3? Write your opinion below... It is very important. Thank you in advance!

Thus, “omega 3” is “linolenic”, and “omega 6” is “linoleic”.
Let's compare this with the table above, and indeed, flaxseed oil contains a lot of linolenic fatty acid, i.e. lots of omega 3.

But what do we see nearby? IN butter and in pork fat Omega 3 is only 5 times less!

How much omega 3 do you need per day? Total from 1 gram to 2.5 grams. Considering that a teaspoon holds 5 grams of oil, for coverage daily requirement Omega 3 – one teaspoon is enough linseed oil.

In addition, omega 3 fatty acids are found in many foods: seeds, nuts, fish. And to satisfy your daily requirement you need to eat less than 100 grams of fish, for example. Thus, we understand that the light has not converged like a wedge on linseed oil.

Flaxseed oil would actually be beneficial if it weren't so harmful. The fact is that due to its low antioxidant content (unlike sunflower oil, which is rich in vitamin E), flaxseed oil oxidizes terribly quickly.

Different manufacturers give different figures, but the point is that even in the refrigerator, flaxseed oil can be stored for no longer than 2 weeks according to one information, 2 months according to another. If the oil was kept warm, for example in a store, then it is guaranteed to spoil. And the lead times from production, bottling and to sale are usually longer.

The vast majority of flaxseed oil that you see on the shelves is spoiled!

It is important. Let's look at why this is very harmful and how you can understand it.

Why is it harmful?

What happens when flaxseed oil oxidizes/deteriorates? Let's go to Wikipedia again:

Flaxseed oil has important technical significance: quick-drying varnishes, drying oils, and liquid driers are made from it.

It is widely used for the production of natural linoleum and oil paints used in painting. Heat-treated linseed oil is used as the simplest natural drying oil.

Roughly speaking, when you consume spoiled oil, you are drinking varnish and drying oil. Would it even occur to you in your right mind to drink varnish “for the sake of your health”? There's no need for that.

UPDATE 2: found . Everything is not as rosy as we would like.

Omega-3 fatty acids are needed by the body for the proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, for normal operation hearts. In addition, they are part of the structure of cell membranes.

Scientists have noticed that residents of the Far North rarely suffer from atherosclerosis and heart disease. As it turned out, this is due to the fact that their cholesterol levels are rarely higher than normal. The researchers concluded that this is due to the large amount of fish oil that Eskimos eat. It turns out that the omega-3 fatty acids it contains have the ability to lower triglycerides and cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which belong to the omega-3 group, cannot be produced by the body, so they enter it only from the outside.

Why are omega-3 fatty acids needed?

Omega-3 fatty acids have bioregulatory effect on the body, promote the production of biologically active eicosanoids (tissue hormones) involved in all biochemical processes in cells.

Omega-3 fatty fatty acids are structural units of cell membranes (brain, visual organs, reproductive organs).

Note:If necessary, fatty acids can be broken down to release energy. That is why, when stored in reserve, they are the body’s energy depot.

These acids regulate blood clotting, reduce the level, especially of low-density lipoproteins, a fraction that is important in the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Acting on cardiovascular system, Omega-3s cause dilation of the lumen of blood vessels, entering the heart cells, and improve the contractile function of the myocardium. Thus, the risk of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, and vascular atherosclerosis is reduced.

IN nervous system Omega-3 helps normalize impulse transmission and also regulates the exchange of the hormone serotonin, which plays an important role in a stable state of mind, reducing the possibility of development.

Green plants. Among this group of omega-3 sources are – curly parsley, fragrant dill (garden), .

From leafy stands out in first place purslane– popular in the cuisines of Mediterranean countries. This plant is added to salads. Here it grows in the south as a weed plant. It does not require any special care in gardens and is very unpretentious. Serves as an excellent natural food for poultry, which readily eats it.

  • flax seeds – 23 g per 1 kg;
  • walnuts – up to 7 g per 1 kg;
  • beans, beans, soybeans, oat sprouts - up to 1.5 g per 1 kg;
  • wheat sprouts – up to 0.7 g per 1 kg.

Hummus a kind of puree made from chickpeas (lamb peas) and tahini (sesame paste). Garlic, lemon and olive oil are added to this dish.

In shops dietary products can be purchased seeds(Spanish sage). The grains of this crop have been known for a long time. In addition to omega-3 acids, they contain lignans, specific antioxidants that have an anticarcinogenic effect and the properties of estrogenic hormones. They can be added to different products, and also use oil for food.

Omega-3 Dietary Supplements

If it is not possible to access natural sources omega-3, or for some other reason, can be used nutritional supplements omega-3, available in capsule form.

Fish oil and flax oil are also available in capsules. Also created individual drugs acids EPA and DHA.

It is especially convenient to receive these dosage forms patients with moderate and severe stages of disease (myocardial infarction, stroke, severe stages of hypertension).

Taking capsules can simplify the task of treatment in cases of diseases connective tissue having an autoimmune nature - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc.

What foods contain Omega-3? What is their fundamental difference?

Omega-3s are “essential” fatty acids because the body is unable to produce them on its own. Therefore, we must rely on omega-3 foods in our diet to supply these extremely beneficial compounds.

The Omega-3 Difference

There are actually three different types"omega-3": ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Preferred sources are DHA and EPA, species found in seafood sources such as salmon andsardines. ALA, on the other hand, is found in some plant foods, including certain nuts and seeds, as well as high-quality meats such as beef.
Omega-3 Foods Are Extremely Important for Your Health, Find Out WHY

When it comes to getting enough omega 3s in your diet, I recommend eating plenty of omega 3 foods. If they are insufficient in the diet, supplement with medications. You need to make sure you are getting at least 1,000 milligrams per day of EPA/DHA and about 4,000 milligrams from total number Omega-3 (combined ALA/EPA/DHA).

The human body is capable, to some extent, of converting ALA into usable DHA and EPA. However, it is not as effective as getting DHA and EPA directly from food sources. This is one of the reasons why nutrition experts recommend eating fish fish several times a week. Many types of seafood are naturally high in DHA and EPA.

While EPA and DHA are the preferred sources of omega-3s, all types are beneficial and encouraged, so add nuts and seeds to your breakfast or cook fish for dinner. Even after extensive research, it is not entirely clear how well ALA is converted into EPA and DHA or if it has benefits on its own, but health authorities as at Harvard medical school, still consider all sources of omega-3 crucial in the diet.

Health effects of omega-3 diets across different countries

Historically, we have seen that populations that consume the most omega-3 foods, such as people in Okinawa, Japan, live longer and healthier than people who eat standard diet low in omega-3. In fact, the typical Okinawan diet consisting of large quantity fish, seaweed and other fresh foods, has about eight times the omega-3s you'll find in the standard American diet, which is likely one of the reasons this population is considered one of the healthiest in human history.

Other populations that consume high amounts of omega-3 foods include those living in the Mediterranean region, including Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish and French populations. Researchers even found that although the typical Mediterranean diet Characterized by high levels of total fat and some cardiovascular risks, people in these areas suffer far fewer cases of heart disease on average than Americans, perhaps due to the heart-healthy omega-3 foods that regularly appear in their meals. (

Products enriched with omega-3

While omega-3s are now artificially added to several types of processed foods—peanut butter, baby food, cereals, and some protein powders, for example—it's still best to get omega-3s from whole, real food sources, especially wild seafood.

While not always perfect natural springs omega-3s, here are some of the many foods you can find that now contain omega-3s to some extent due to fortification with these fatty acids: pasteurized dairy products, fruit juices, regular (not inorganic or cage-free) eggs, margarine, soy milk and yogurt, bread, flour, weight loss drinks and many types baby food(as research suggests that omega 3 allows babies' brains to develop properly).

Sources of Omega-3

Sources of EPA and DHA in fortified foods typically come from microalgae. They naturally add fishy flavor to foods, which is why these processed food products must be subjected to extensive chemical cleansing treatments to mask taste and odor. This likely reduces or changes the fatty acid and antioxidant content of foods, making them inferior to unchanged natural sources nutrition.

Additionally, sometimes omega-3s are now added to animal feeds to produce higher levels in dairy products, meats and poultry. Because food manufacturers know that knowledge about the benefits of omega-3s is growing, we will likely continue to see more and more processed omega-3 foods in the coming years.

Benefits of Natural Omega-3 Products

Many studies show that omega-3 fatty acids help support the following: (link)

  • Cardiovascular health (decreased blood pressure, cholesterol, plaque buildup in the arteries and the likelihood heart attack or stroke)
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels (prevent diabetes)
  • Reduce pain in muscles, bones and joints by reducing inflammation
  • Helps maintain cholesterol balance
  • Improve mood and prevent depression
  • Strengthens the mind and helps with concentration and learning
  • Boosting immunity
  • Treating digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer and preventing cancer from recurring
  • Improvement appearance, especially for skin health

Omega-3 in which foods to get in your diet?

There is currently no standard recommendation for how much omega 3 we need each day, so suggestions range from 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day depending on what you ask. How easy is it to obtain these recommended amounts? To give you an idea, one can of tuna and one small serving of wild salmon contain more than 500 milligrams of omega-3s.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood come from phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are small single-celled plant organisms that are a source of food for many aquatic organisms. Omega-3 fatty acids are found throughout the aquatic food chain. All fish and shellfish used for human nutrition are sources of omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of total fat and omega-3 fatty acids found in different types fish and shellfish may vary depending on a number of factors, including the diet of each species, the season and location of the catch, the age and physiological status of the individual's body and reproductive cycles.

In most cases, the amount of omega-3 fatty acids is related to the total fat content of that type. Fish with dark red meat such as herring, salmon, and mackerel usually have a higher total fat content than leaner fish with whiter meat such as cod, flounder and pollock. Because much of this fat is omega-3 fatty acids, darker, oilier fish also have highest level omega-3. The following table contains the omega-3 fatty acid content of some of the most commonly consumed fish and shellfish in the United States

Health authorities suggest an EPA + DHA intake of at least 250-500 mg per day. The American Heart Association recommends 1000 mg EPA + DHA per day for patients with coronary disease hearts. For healthy people two doses are required oily fish in Week. The 2010 dietary guidelines also recommend eating a variety of seafood twice a week. 250 grams of net weight or more will offer 250 mg of omega 3 fats per day for optimal health.

I am glad to welcome you to my website Youth of face, body and soul. Today on the agenda in the section Vitamins for youth And Benefit in everything compound vegetable oil . What's in composition of vegetable oil includes a large list various vitamins: E, C and micro- and macroelements (potassium, sodium, calcium, iron...) knows or, according to at least, everyone guesses. Nowadays it has become very fashionable to use the following terms in relation to fats: Omega 3,6,9 fatty acids. Few people know the difference between these three numbers, but many strive to eat these Omegas more often. The common belief is that all Omegas live in fatty sea fish and olive oil. But is olive oil really the best and only source of Omega 3, 6, 9? fatty acids. I present to your attention the rating of the usefulness of vegetable oil, the composition of which was analyzed from the point of view of its fatty acid content.

First, a little theory. Have fun exploring the differences in structure fatty acids, their molecules, bonds, relationships with each other, only a true chemist can, so take my word for it: unsaturated fatty acid have a positive effect on the structures of the walls of blood vessels, improve them, ensure the functioning of immune system at an optimal level, do not allow cholesterol to settle on the walls of blood vessels and accumulate in the body, actively participate in the synthesis of various hormones and much more, keeping us youthful, healthy and beautiful for decades. Normal exchange substances in the body are provided, including unsaturated fatty acids, and the membrane of any cell without them will not form at all.

Now let’s remember three concepts in the composition of vegetable oil:

  • Omega-9 fatty acids – oleic acid.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids – linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid.

Omega-9 fatty acids.

Oleic acid lowers total cholesterol levels, while increasing the level of “good” cholesterol and reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood), promotes the production of antioxidants. Prevents atherosclerosis, thrombosis, aging. If the composition of vegetable oil contains a lot of oleic acid, then fat metabolism is activated (helping to lose weight), the barrier functions of the epidermis are restored, and more intense moisture retention in the skin occurs. Oils are well absorbed into the skin and actively promote the penetration of other active components into its stratum corneum.

Vegetable oils, which contain a lot of oleic acid, oxidize less, even when high temperatures they remain stable. Therefore, they can be used for frying, stewing and canning. According to statistics, residents of the Mediterranean region who constantly consume olive oil and avocados, nuts and olives themselves are much less likely to suffer from diseases of cardio-vascular system, diabetes and cancer.

  • Almond - 83%
  • Olive - 81%
  • Apricot - 39-70%

For comparison, sunflower oil contains 24-40%.

Omega-6 fatty acids.

They are part of cell membranes and regulate the level of various cholesterols in the blood. Treat multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, skin diseases, nervous diseases, protecting nerve fibers, cope with premenstrual syndrome, maintain smoothness and elasticity of the skin, strength of nails and hair. If they are deficient in the body, the metabolism of fats in tissues is disrupted (then you will not be able to lose weight), and the activity of intercellular membranes is disrupted. Also a consequence of a lack of Omega-6 are liver diseases, dermatitis, vascular atherosclerosis, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases. The synthesis of other unsaturated fatty acids depends on the presence of linoleic acid. If it does not exist, then their synthesis will stop. Interestingly, when consuming carbohydrates, the body's need for foods containing unsaturated fatty acids increases.

  • safflower - 56 - 84%
  • nut – 58 – 78%
  • sunflower – 46 – 72%
  • corn - 41-48

For comparison, in olive oil it is 15%.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 is vital for normal functioning brain With their help, there is an influx of energy necessary to transmit signal impulses from cell to cell. Maintaining mental abilities at a decent level and the ability to retain information in memory, actively use your memory - all this is impossible without alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3s also have protective and anti-inflammatory functions. They improve the functioning of the brain, heart, eyes, lower cholesterol levels, affect joint health, and are excellent antioxidants. They improve the condition of eczema, asthma, allergies, depression and nervous disorders, diabetes mellitus, hyperactivity of children, arthrosis, cancer...

  • flaxseed - 44%
  • cotton - 44%
  • camelina - 38%
  • cedar - 28%

For comparison - in olive oil - 0%


Omega-3 and Omega-6 have one very important drawback– when fats are heated and interact with air, they actively oxidize. A large number of toxic oxides and free radicals are formed, which negatively affect the entire body. Therefore, if the composition of vegetable oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 - fry You can't use this oil. And it should be stored in a dark, cool place in a closed container.

I just don’t understand why in all the stores bottles of sunflower oil are on shelves under light bulbs! Pay attention to expiration dates! Fry only in olive oil!

The adult human body can synthesize only Omega-9 itself. And Omega-3 and Omega-6 can only be supplied with food.

Vegetable oils, the composition of which includes all Omegas.


  • Grapeseed oil 25/70/1
  • Kedrovoe 36/ 38/18-28
  • Hemp 6-16/65/15-20
  • Sesame 35-48/37-44/45-57
  • Linen 13-29/15-30/44
  • Sea buckthorn 23-42/32-36/14-27
  • Nut 9-15/58-78/3-15
  • Sunflower 24-40/46-72/1
  • Ryzhikovoe 27/14-45/20-38
  • Soybean oil 20-30/44-60/5-14
  • Cotton 30-35/42-44/34-44

Since catching the balance of consumption of the necessary fatty acids not very simple, most The best decision- this is diversity. Don't stop at one oil, try others! Fans olive oil, please note that it contains little Omega-6, and no Omega-3 at all, which the body cannot synthesize itself. Diversify your diet!

Consumption rate vegetable fat- at least 30 grams per day.

P.S. If you abuse Omegas, you can earn yourself:

  • high blood pressure
  • vasoconstriction
  • decreased immunity
  • activation of inflammatory processes

Yes, and I also want to clarify, the article discussed composition of vegetable oil, which can be consumed orally. There are more valuable oil compositions that can only be applied to the skin.

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