Dental teeth whitening: types of procedures and their description. In-office teeth whitening - what modern dentistry can offer

To make the right impression, modern world it is simply necessary not only to be able to present yourself well, but also to look in accordance with certain generally accepted standards. The condition and beauty of teeth is the first thing people pay attention to during communication. But no matter how careful oral care is, there are objective prerequisites when a certain color of enamel was laid down at birth. And no amount of diligence can compensate for the natural color of teeth.

What should we do for those whom nature has not blessed with a snow-white smile? For them modern dentistry can offer a whole range of tools that can go further and achieve a teeth shade lighter than what was determined genetically. These options differ in principle, degree of impact and speed of obtaining results. One of the most radical, but at the same time, the safest methods involves carrying out a whitening procedure in a dental clinic in a doctor’s chair under his supervision. This method is called cabinet or office whitening.

Whitening Options

All options for professional bleaching under the supervision of a doctor, performed in a clinic, can be classified as in-office bleaching. Regardless of the chosen method, they are based on the use of bleaching agents containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in various concentrations. Further details relate to the method of applying the components to the surface of the teeth and the activation option for carrying out the reaction.

There are three main methods of in-office whitening:

  1. Chemical bleaching. The gel applied to the patient's teeth is activated by the flow of chemical reaction and does not require external initiators in the form of light sources, heat or laser radiation.
  2. Photobleaching. One of the most common and widely used methods. Involves activation of the whitening gel using a light source. These are halogen and LED bulbs. Their choice is determined by the conditions for activating the reaction of the gel used in the work.
  3. Laser whitening. At the moment it is one of the most advanced methods. Unlike photobleaching, in this case activation of the whitening gel is initiated by the radiation of a special laser, usually argon. This ensures greater positioning accuracy and the absence of heat during operation, which significantly reduces the damage caused to the enamel during the procedure. However, due to the cost of materials and equipment, this method is not only the most modern and safe, but also the most expensive.

Effect of the procedure

In-office whitening is the fastest and safest option for radically transforming your smile. As a rule, the result is achieved within one visit. Teeth whitening itself in the clinic lasts no more than 1 hour. The doctor spends the rest of the time on preliminary examination and preparatory measures. It is these features of in-office whitening that have earned it well-deserved fame and popularity.

So what results can those who decide to transform their smile in one visit to the dentist expect? It’s not easy to give an exact answer here, since it all depends on the specific clinical picture and genetic predisposition of the patient. Therefore, at the preliminary inspection stage, it is possible to assess the limits within which the result can be achieved.

Normal values ​​for whitening in the clinic are lightening from 5 to 8 shades according to the standard Vita shade scale. This is a very noticeable change and the difference will be immediately visible to the naked eye. In the absence of contraindications and healthy teeth, it is quite possible to get one of the two lightest shades - A1 or B1.

Whitening stages

To get a snow-white smile in one visit to the dentist, you need to do serious preliminary preparation. The fact is that whitening itself in dentistry is the final step. To perform it, the patient’s oral condition must be close to ideal. Therefore, as preliminary measures to bring teeth to the required condition, it is necessary:

  • carry out complete sanitation of the oral cavity, that is, treat caries and replace artificial structures that are in unsatisfactory condition;
  • perform professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and get rid of hard deposits that interfere with whitening;
  • if there is inflammation of the gums or periodontal tissues, perform preliminary treatment;
  • take a course of preventive strengthening of tooth enamel and reducing sensitivity.

After this, when the doctor, based on the results of a preliminary examination, confirms the absence of contraindications to the procedure, teeth whitening occurs directly:

  1. The patient's initial natural enamel color is determined using the Vita scale and the result is entered into an individual card.
  2. The working field is isolated using a rubber dam or other materials and a retractor is used to provide free access to the bleaching area.
  3. A protective gel is applied to the gums along the border with the teeth, ensuring isolation of the surrounding tissues from the aggressive effects of reagents.
  4. The whitening gel is applied to the entire surface to be bleached.
  5. Self-activation occurs if chemical method or initiators in the form of lamps or lasers are used.
  6. After a certain time, the agent is removed from the surface and an intermediate assessment of the results is made.
  7. If necessary, the procedure is repeated with a fresh portion of the gel.
  8. The remaining gel and the protective layer from the gums are finally removed. The oral cavity is washed to remove traces of bleaching agents.
  9. The shade is determined on a scale after completion of the procedure.

As a rule, after assessing the results of whitening, a special gel is applied to the surface of the teeth, which restores enamel and reduces sensitivity.

How to maintain results for a long time

It is not enough to get a snow-white smile that makes you and others happy. You also need to save your achievements for as long as possible. No matter what they say, the teeth whitening procedure does not have the best effect on them and you need to be prepared for the fact that efforts will be required to maintain your teeth. good condition. The more carefully you follow the recommendations for oral care after dental whitening, the less often you will have to think about the need for a new visit to the doctor.

  • it is necessary to carry out remineralization therapy and use means to reduce tooth sensitivity;
  • in the first days after whitening, when the enamel is very susceptible to external influences and vulnerable, you need to stop drinking aggressive and coloring drinks and foods, such as wine and coffee, as well as smoking;
  • It is recommended to use whitening toothpastes to combat plaque formation.

Contraindications for bleaching

You need to be very careful about the issue of preliminary examination and consultation with a dentist before making a final decision on choosing a whitening method. There is a fairly wide list of contraindications for this procedure, and ignoring them can lead to serious side effects and undermine the health of not only the teeth, but also the patient as a whole.

Therefore, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications for clinical whitening:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions and personal intolerance;
  • cancer;
  • violations of the enamel structure;
  • the presence of carious lesions and enamel defects.

Elena Kudryashova

for only 19900 rub.

The cost of the whitening complex includes:

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in-office bleaching

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Book now for ZOOM-4 whitening

Whitening methods existing in modern dentistry can effectively cope with the problem of darkening of the enamel and provide excellent long-term results.

Professional systems are divided into two types: clinical, or office, teeth whitening and home.

The operating principle of both methods is the same: enamel lightening occurs due to the action of a whitening gel, the main component of which is hydrogen peroxide. But the activation of hydrogen peroxide is done in different ways - a laser beam, a chemical catalyst, light or heat can be used to start the reaction.

In-office teeth whitening, as the name implies, is carried out in a dental office by a dentist. These include Zoom, laser and photodynamic methods, intracanal whitening. The procedure, performed by a specialist in the clinic, is performed using special equipment and is completely safe.
Home whitening differs in that it can be carried out by the patient independently. It is done like this: a pre-made tray needs to be filled with a whitening composition, then put on the teeth and held certain time. For the first time, the procedure takes place under the supervision of a dentist, and later - at home (hence the name “home whitening”).

Professional whitening: to do or not to do?

Eating food and drinks rich in pigments, smoking, leads to teeth losing their natural color - discoloration appears. Enamel pigmentation also occurs for other reasons: after tooth trauma, due to fluorosis, long-term use medicines or endodontic treatment. In addition, natural enamel may initially have an unattractive tint. Hygienic procedures are not able to cope with discoloration - whiten teeth in living conditions Even the best toothpaste or lightening strips are impossible. Only professional in-office or home teeth whitening can effectively cope with the effects of pigmentation and give tooth enamel the desired degree of whiteness.

What are the main contraindications to bleaching performed in the clinic?

  • Untreated caries, periodontal and gum diseases.
  • Allergy to components of the whitening composition.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Enamel hypersensitivity.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Each type of whitening may have its own contraindications, in which the procedure is undesirable or must be postponed until the problem is resolved. The doctor will provide more detailed information during an individual consultation.


Before carrying out bleaching, you must keep in mind that any artificial structures - fillings, crowns, dentures, veneers - do not change color under the influence of bleaching agents. Only the shade of the enamel of natural teeth changes. At the end of the procedure, the difference in color between artificial and natural teeth may become so significant that the restorations will have to be done again. Therefore, if you decide to have in-office whitening, you may want to take care in advance of replacing old fillings and veneers with new, lighter ones.

Which whitening method is better?

All give a lasting effect professional ways, a significant difference is the price of whitening and time costs - for example, “Zoom-3” allows you to lighten the enamel up to 8 tones in just one session, but is more expensive than a home tray, which shows the final result only after three to four weeks.

Professional teeth whitening Zoom-4 in Moscow at the Cervantes clinic

All methods used by our specialists have passed clinical researches and have long been used in European dental practice. Today and in Moscow we can offer modern methods whitening without harm to the health of teeth and gums, and affordable prices make them accessible to every patient of our clinic. For example, you can carry out whitening with the Zoom-4 system at the best price in the capital - for only 22,000 rubles, in half an hour you will get a snow-white Hollywood smile.

Schedule a free consultation at our clinic and find out which teeth whitening method is best for you.

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As an aesthetic procedure, professional teeth whitening allows you to achieve a white-toothed smile in just a short time. Despite its apparent simplicity, this method of changing the color of teeth has its own characteristics. About efficiency and prices for professional tooth whitening can be found in our article.

In-office teeth whitening

What is professional teeth whitening?

The term "professional teeth whitening" refers to any type of dental whitening performed under the supervision and supervision of a dentist. Conventionally, this procedure is divided into the following options:

  1. In a dental clinic
  • In other words, this is in-office or in-office whitening, which takes place in the dental chair, with all manipulations performed directly by the doctor.
  1. Home whitening
  • In this option, the dentist selects a whitening gel, makes an individual mouthguard for the patient, and carries out preliminary hygiene procedures oral cavity. And the patient, at home, independently applies the gel to the tray and applies it to the teeth.

In-office teeth whitening

As mentioned above, in-office teeth whitening (also known as in-office whitening) is carried out in a dental clinic, with all manipulations performed by a dentist. The duration of the procedure depends on the specific type of whitening and can last from 20 minutes to an hour and a half.

The essence of any dental whitening option is the oxidation of dentin using concentrated hydrogen peroxide and urea included in the gel. To accelerate the whitening effect, the gel is activated by light from a gel lamp or laser radiation.

Types of professional teeth whitening

Nowadays, the following types of professional whitening are used in modern dentistry:

  1. Endobleaching
  • This method is suitable for darkened teeth with removed nerves. A whitening gel is placed into the crown of the tooth and a temporary filling is placed.
  1. Laser whitening
  • This method is considered the most gentle, fast and effective. The penetration of the gel through the enamel to oxidize dentin is stimulated by laser radiation. You can control the speed and volume of penetration of the gel into dentin, and, accordingly, the intensity of dentin lightening.
  1. Photobleaching
  • The most popular teeth whitening option. The gel applied to the enamel is activated using an ultraviolet or diode lamp.
  1. Chemical bleaching
  • Most budget method change the color of the teeth. The gel is used in medium and low concentrations for a longer period than with photocatalysis by a laser or diode lamp.

Professional teeth whitening at home

The stages of this method of teeth whitening look like this:

  1. The patient has impressions taken at the dental clinic and customized mouth guards are made.
  2. Select a whitening gel.
  3. Dental plaque removal and remotherapy are carried out.
  4. The patient applies the gel into the mouth guard at home and places the mouth guard on the teeth. The entire treatment period of 2-4 weeks passes on its own, but visits to the dentist are made once a week to monitor the process.
  5. When the required result is achieved, the dentist applies a protective coating to the enamel using fluoride varnishes and performs remotherapy.

The effectiveness of professional teeth whitening

In terms of efficiency and effectiveness of all types of professional teeth whitening, the best is laser method. Photobleaching is less effective, even less active and safe chemical method, well, bringing up the rear of the parade - home method teeth whitening. Besides, great importance plays a role in the condition of the teeth subject to the whitening procedure. Some conditions, such as fluorosis, are very difficult to lighten regardless of the bleaching method, so other methods of changing the color, such as porcelain veneers, must be considered.

Price of professional teeth whitening

Prices for professional teeth whitening depend on the method, consumables, number of procedures required, as well as cost preparatory stages, such as removing dental plaque before teeth whitening and remotherapy and fluoridation of teeth before and after lightening sessions.

On average, the price of laser whitening in Moscow starts from 10,000 rubles per session, photo whitening from 5,000 rubles, chemical from 4,000 rubles, home whitening from 4,000 rubles.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

Why do teeth darken? Answering this question, we can identify a number of main reasons leading to changes in enamel color. Among them:

  • poor hygiene and plaque formation;
  • consumption of products containing dyes;
  • smoking;
  • tooth trauma;
  • some consequences of dental treatment;
  • hereditary pathologies;
  • aging;
  • excess fluoride content in drinking water.

The most common cause of discoloration of enamel (discoloration) is a violation of the rules of dental hygiene. If brushing is done infrequently or improperly, plaque accumulates on the surfaces of the teeth, the color of which can vary from light yellow to dark brown. It consists of food leftovers and bacteria.

If you thoroughly clean the plaque every day, it gradually thickens and forms a shell that changes the optical properties of the enamel and hides its natural color. In addition, microorganisms in the process of life produce acid, which destroys the organic matrix of enamel. Dental caries always changes the color of the teeth. Demineralization of hard tissues in initial stage appears as a light “chalky” spot, and subsequently brown pigmentation appears.

A number of foods and drinks contain natural and synthetic dyes. The shade of the enamel may change with regular consumption of strong black tea, infusions of some medicinal herbs, coffee, juices, fruit drinks, red wine, beets and berries. Deny familiar products It’s not worth it, but in this case it is advisable to use toothpastes with a high abrasiveness coefficient for brushing your teeth.

Teeth turn yellow and darken in smokers, because tobacco smoke present significant amount coloring resins gradually deposited on the surface of the enamel. If you cannot overcome your addiction to nicotine, then at least should be given increased attention oral hygiene.

If damaged neurovascular bundle(pulp) as a result of injury or medical intervention, teeth in most cases also darken.

Pigmentation may result from the dentist using outdated endodontic materials. Silver amalgam fillings also lead to darkening of hard tooth tissues. Currently, Russian doctors have practically abandoned “metal” fillings, but in a number of countries their placement is practiced everywhere.

Brown pigmentation of the enamel is characteristic of a pathology that is commonly called “tetracycline teeth.” If a woman takes tetracycline during pregnancy, the antibiotic gets into the child’s tooth buds and, accumulating, subsequently becomes the cause of a serious aesthetic defect. Some hereditary and systemic pathologies can also cause teeth staining.

Natural aging processes lead to changes in the structure of the enamel, which can also lead to a change in its shade over time.

The color of teeth may change if drinking (running) water in the area contains increased amount fluorine

note: Not always professional cleaning and teeth whitening allow you to return them to their natural color. In many cases it may be indicated orthopedic treatment(installation of crowns or veneers).

Professional whitening

The most advanced methods for lightening enamel at present are:

  • laser whitening using a special gel;

  • ZOOM – whitening.

The most effective is laser whitening. In some cases, it even helps to cope with brown pigmentation in “tetracycline teeth.” The teeth are coated with a gel that contains sodium chloride (or hydrogen peroxide), as well as fluorides and minerals. Under the influence of radiation, it releases active oxygen, which cleanses the teeth.

The ZOOM method involves applying the patented Bleach-n-Smile composition, which is then activated by radiation from a plasma lamp. The gel is capable of bleaching most pigments.

How to whiten your teeth yourself?

To whiten teeth at home, you can use the following: modern remedy like stripes with special composition. They allow you to achieve lightening by two or three tones after just a month of regular use. The effect of the most affordable strips lasts for an average of two months. More expensive samples lighten teeth by five to six shades for up to one and a half years.

The strips are not able to whiten the interdental spaces, but special gels that can be applied with a brush to all surfaces without exception do not have this drawback. These drugs are made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide, and safer ones are made from carbamide peroxide. The desired effect is usually achieved after a couple of weeks. It is recommended to use the gel together with special plastic trays that are applied to the teeth.

A unique “portable” type of gel is a whitening pencil, which is convenient to take with you on the road. The concentration of peroxide in it is relatively low, but it is sufficient to eliminate stains from nicotine or coffee.

The most accessible, but unsafe for enamel and mucous membranes method is home teeth whitening with 3% hydrogen peroxide. For 100 ml of water you need to take 20-30 drops of pharmaceutical solution. The resulting liquid is applied to the teeth cotton swabs, then rinse thoroughly oral cavity and brush your teeth without toothpaste. Side effects of the method include a burning sensation in the gums and increased tooth sensitivity.

The best results can be achieved in the shortest possible time by using a self-prepared paste from a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of peroxide.

How to whiten teeth with herbal preparations?

An excellent remedy for getting rid of plaque and home whitening teeth is also 100% tea tree oil.

Put away dark spots and you can whiten the enamel by regularly rubbing your teeth with a lemon slice or zest without pulp.

You will get more information about teeth whitening by watching this video:

Plisov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, dentist

    Doctors at our clinic successfully use teeth whitening technology within the clinic according to the systemOpalescence.

    Opalescence is a whitening system recommended for use by the National Academy of Sciences aesthetic dentistry RF.

    The Opalescence system is a colorless gel based on carbamide peroxide. Using the Opalescence gel, teeth are lightened by 8-10 shades in a very short time and stains of various origins are removed. Cleansing with a gel occurs chemically, from active substance Atomic oxygen is released, which “meets” the coloring pigments of dental tissues and reacts, leading to discoloration of pigmentation. This technology allows you to whiten teeth both externally (Xtra Boost) and intracoronally (Endo Kit).


    Indications for the use of the opalescence system are changes in tooth color. Causes of darkening of teeth and changes in pigmentation:

    • Age-related changes (yellowing).
    • Excessive use coloring products(coffee, tea, smoking, etc.).
    • Discolorations caused by certain factors (metabolic, pharmacological, traumatic, systemic, or iatrogenic).
    • Tetracycline teeth. The cause is the antibiotic tetracycline, which is used during the formation of hard tissues permanent teeth The child has.
    • “Ivory color” (representatives of the Caucasian race have a genetic predisposition to this shade of teeth).

    Processteeth whiteningsystemOpalescence

  1. Dentist conducts inspection and advises the patient. At this stage, it is necessary to determine how ready the teeth are for the whitening procedure.
  2. In order to whiten not stones and plaque, but teeth, it is necessary to get rid of stones and plaque on the teeth, that is, professional hygiene oral cavity.
  3. Lips and gums are isolated to avoid contact with the whitening gel.
  4. Whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth. After 15 minutes, the gel is removed from the teeth, and after rinsing, it is applied again. It is allowed to apply the gel no more than 3 times during one whitening session.

Repeated whitening is possible after approximately 3-6 weeks.


  • Ease of use.
  1. There is no need for thermal effects on the tooth tissue; therefore, the patient does not feel any discomfort.
  2. The gel does not spread over the tooth surface (it has a special viscosity).
  • Safety.
  1. The water contained in the gel (20%) prevents teeth from drying out.
  2. The gel cleans not mechanically, but chemically, which eliminates the abrasive effect on the teeth.
  3. The structure of the tooth does not change. Due to the fluoride content in the gel, the risk of caries is reduced.
  • Fast and lasting results.
  1. As a result, whitening of 8-10 tones is achieved, and, subject to proper hygiene oral cavity, teeth will remain snow-white for up to 5 years.
  2. In most cases, it is possible to whiten your teeth in just 1 session.


Teeth whitening Opalescence has the most gentle, most harmless whitening formula, however, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure under the following circumstances:

  • Tendency to allergies;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • The presence of plaque on the teeth or tartar;
  • Availability large quantity filling

After bleaching, you should refrain from consuming coloring products for some time.

Types of teeth whitening in the clinic

The most popular type of in-office whitening is photobleaching, in which the effect of the whitening gel is enhanced by cold or hot light from a halogen, ultraviolet or other lamp. The advantages of photo whitening: affordable cost and simultaneous effect on all teeth in the smile area. Minuses: high risk overheating of teeth during the procedure.

Chemical whitening does not require a catalyst in the form of lamp light; here, effectiveness is achieved due to the increased concentration of the gel and the time for which it is applied to the teeth.

Whitening from the inside of the tooth using various whitening pastes is called endo-whitening or internal bleaching. It is used for teeth that have changed color after canal filling or due to injury.

Home professional whitening

Now let’s tell you a little about professional home whitening. First, you need to come to the clinic, where an esthetician dentist will examine you and take impressions of your teeth, then a special mouth guard will be made from these impressions. When you next come to the clinic, you will be given a mouth guard and gel, and the doctor will tell you how to use them. The course of home whitening lasts from several weeks to a month, at the end you must see a dentist. Home professional whitening is divided into night and day, depending on when the whitening tray is worn.

The effectiveness of professional whitening

As noted earlier, the most effective and fastest of the professional types of whitening is considered to be in-office laser bleaching, photo bleaching is in second place, chemical bleaching is in third place, and professional home bleaching is in fourth place. But the final result will depend not only on the method used to whiten the teeth, but also on many other factors, for example, the original color of the teeth, the presence of any dental diseases, such as fluorosis.

Cost of professional teeth whitening in Moscow

It’s not hard to guess that in-office professional whitening will cost more than at-home whitening.

Average price for teeth whitening in dental clinics Moscow - approx. 12,000 – 15,000 rubles in one session. Laser whitening is the most expensive, however, given the difference in prices in economy and premium dentistry, laser whitening in one clinic may be cheaper than photo whitening in another. If we talk separately about each type of in-office whitening, then laser will cost on average from 7,500 rubles to 30,000 rubles Best toothpaste for teeth whitening Teeth whitening how it happens

A beautiful snow-white smile is not only an indispensable component general health body, but also required attribute success, high social status and a rapid public career. Therefore, the teeth whitening procedure is becoming increasingly popular today. And the fastest and safest way to get a snow-white smile is to resort to in-office whitening.

What is in-office teeth whitening

The term "in-office whitening" usually refers to aesthetic dental procedures that are performed in a dentist's office under the constant supervision of a dentist. The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to achieve the desired result very quickly, sometimes even in one visit to the doctor, in contrast to home procedures, which can last several weeks.

How safe is in-office teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening in the doctor's office is considered the most in a safe way gaining snow-white smile, since in this case careful preliminary preparation is carried out, and all stages of the process are under the control of a specialist.

Before starting the procedure, the dentist examines the patient and decides whether whitening is possible and whether it will harm the patient’s health. Even small cracks or chips in the tooth enamel can be the reason for refusal. If caries or tartar deposits are found during the examination, then the oral cavity is sanitized before teeth whitening. Dental treatment often takes several weeks before the procedure.

After eliminating all contraindications to the whitening procedure, the doctor selects the required dose of the active gel, which is most often the well-known hydrogen peroxide. It perfectly whitens protein compounds in the voids of tooth enamel. The dosage is always determined individually, and the thinner the enamel layer and the more depleted it is, the less it is. As a rule, for people with relatively healthy teeth, the proportion of hydrogen peroxide in the active gel is 40%; in cases of problematic enamel, it decreases to 15-20% and, accordingly, the procedure becomes less effective.

Hydrogen peroxide is very active and can damage the mucous membrane, so the doctor’s task is to prevent dangerous contact. For this purpose, a retainer is placed in the patient’s mouth, the cheeks are fenced off with a special apron, and the mucous membranes are covered with a protective gel film. Eyes and clothing are also protected, for which the patient is given a robe, apron and glasses.

After in-office teeth whitening, the results are visible immediately. In this case, the method does not have any complications and side effects, except, perhaps, for increased sensitivity of the enamel, which usually goes away the next day after the procedure. But despite all the safety, you should not resort to professional whitening more than once a year.

Types of in-office teeth whitening

All types of whitening, whether at home or in the office, have a similar operating principle, based on the chemical reaction of hydrogen peroxide with additional components of the active gel. At the same time, peroxide does not directly brighten teeth; this is done by active oxygen atoms, which are released during a chemical reaction.

To ensure that bleaching occurs as quickly and efficiently as possible, chemical reaction activators, so-called catalysts, are used. It is by the type of catalyst that in-office teeth whitening methods are classified. There are three in total:

  • Laser.
  • Light (or photobleaching).
  • In-canal.

Laser teeth whitening is the most common and popular today. In this case, the chemical reaction is activated by laser radiation. After the active gel is applied, the doctor treats each tooth with a laser one by one. The procedure usually lasts from 20 to 30 minutes and allows you to whiten your teeth by 5-6 shades on the VITA scale. Laser whitening is preferred by patients who dream of the most natural result, as well as those who suffer hypersensitivity gums

Photo whitening is also a very popular aesthetic dentistry procedure. In this case, the chemical reaction is activated by halogen or ultraviolet lamp. The result of photobleaching is impressive and allows you to correct even imperfections that have developed as a result of fluorosis or long-term use tetracycline antibiotics. In one session, teeth can change color by 6-8 tones. Sometimes the effect of the procedure is so dazzling that the teeth begin to look unnatural.

The intracanal technique is used only when absolutely necessary, when tooth discoloration is the result of endodontic disease. In this case, the cleaned root canal is filled with a bleaching compound, after which it is sealed. After a few weeks, the tooth is opened, cleaned and filled.

Fashion for health and beauty will never go away. It also contributes to the development of new technologies, raising medicine (including aesthetic medicine) to a new level.

Strong and healthy teeth have always been a guarantee good health and beauty. A snow-white, open smile will confirm this.

Coffee, cigarettes, traditional junk food, geographic location, genetic predisposition contribute to teeth losing their shine and whiteness. For example, Americans are characterized by a gray tint, while Russians are characterized by a yellowish tint.

Give healthy teeth close to accepted norm shade white possible using . This procedure is called office or professional whitening.

Before carrying out any of the procedures, a comprehensive examination of the dentist is required in order to identify other dental diseases.

Why is it better to contact a specialist?

To one degree or another, they are based on the effects of chemicals, the main component of which is hydrogen peroxide.

There may be a false impression that you can carry out the procedure yourself in such an easily accessible way at home, but this is not entirely true.

In particular, preliminary procedures are provided in the dentist’s office:

  • inspection of the surface of the dentition, identifying damage to the enamel, chips;
  • , if he is;
  • if necessary, select the color of the filling, which lighter colors enamel 2-3 tones;
  • preliminary cleaning from and;
  • selection of the desired shade of enamel, individual selection of the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and the bleaching method.

At home, it is impossible to achieve the same result as with professional whitening. Thus, the presence of caries and plaque will not allow the enamel to lighten evenly, and over time appearance teeth will become worse than before the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide is quite aggressive towards enamel, so it is very important to choose the right amount depending on the degree of damage to the enamel coating.

What do modern dentists offer?

Almost any type of teeth whitening is based on the use of a chemical reaction of peroxide: the enamel becomes lighter under the influence of released oxygen atoms. A whole complex is used, among which the following are especially popular:

  • chemical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • photobleach();
  • technology .

During standard chemical bleaching, the patient is given protective glasses and a robe (or apron). After preparing the dentition, the lips and cheeks are fixed with a retractor, and the teeth are dried with a stream of air.

The inner surface of the cheek is covered with a special apron to avoid damage to the mucous membrane. A special protective photo-curing gel is applied to the gum in a thick and wide layer, with the help of which the enamel is covered by only 0.5 mm. The gel should extend into the interdental spaces and cover the gingival papillae.

The created barrier hardens for 20 seconds. The prepared gel is applied to the enamel up to 1 mm thick. After leaving the gel for 15 to 35 minutes, it is removed and the barrier is removed. Depending on the degree of whitening required similar procedure can be repeated 3-6 times.

If you continue to lighten your teeth at home, this will almost double the results of in-office whitening. After the procedure, it is recommended not to smoke, drink wine, coffee and brightly colored vegetables for at least a day.

In case of internal pigmentation of the tooth, intracanal bleaching is used. In this case, the bottom and walls of the tooth cavity are lubricated with a pre-prepared composition (the canals must be closed with solid paste), after which the cavity is closed with a cotton swab and filled with special cement.

If after 3-5 days the desired result is achieved, the tooth is completely filled, otherwise the procedure can be repeated. This technique also has another name – “on-the-go whitening.”

Procedures using additional equipment

In-office teeth whitening can also be carried out using additional equipment:

Everything is done much simpler - over the course of several days and nights they use a variety of products that can be purchased at the pharmacy - gels with a brightening effect.

Unfortunately, such methods rarely give the desired effect, much more often disappointment occurs and you have to turn to a professional lightening procedure.

I have an opinion

I was happy about the promotion and went to it. The doctor warned that the procedure would be performed in three cycles to achieve the “white of the eyes” color. But after the second cycle I decided to stop - my teeth were amazingly white! I didn’t drink coffee or strong tea for two days, but the enamel darkened.

I concluded: the doctor’s office has good lighting and this distorts the result. It was necessary to listen to a specialist and carry out the procedure “with reserve”.

Alina, 29

I consider my teeth ugly: gray tint, and transparent tips. The dentist repeatedly hinted at whitening. After studying the available information and consulting with a doctor, I decided to use Zoom technology.

The result was amazing, but immediately after visiting the dentist my teeth hurt for a couple of days. After two weeks the color became noticeably darker and I went to see a doctor for advice. I ordered mouth guards, purchased the gel, and within a month I was happy with the results again.

Thomas, 41

Price issue

In-office whitening is an expensive aesthetic dentistry service.

Chemical lightening of one tooth can cost between 580 - 595 rubles, intracanal - up to 5 thousand rubles.

Laser procedure and photo whitening will cost 14.5 -17 thousand rubles. Whitening technology is one of the most expensive and will cost up to 22 thousand rubles. (for 20 teeth).

Hygienic teeth cleaning, plaque and tartar removal, professional in-office whitening, teeth polishing and application of fluoride-containing preparations will give not only healthy teeth, but also the desired snow-white smile.

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