Meals during fasting for a year

So, with the beginning of Lent, which begins on February 27 in 2017, our entire diet changes radically. Therefore, let's look at the menu for Lent by day for 40 days 2017 for the laity, so that it is easier for you to navigate and tune in to certain products for all days of fasting. By the way, don’t be afraid, if you approach the problem of nutrition rationally and thoughtfully during fasting, you won’t have to go hungry. You can plan your meals in such a way that the food will not only be varied, but also satisfying, nutritious and tasty. And don’t forget - nutrition is only a part of fasting, the main thing is to strengthen prayers, acts of mercy, visit the temple and train in love for your neighbors, then food restrictions will benefit the soul and body.
Just a small clarification, the fast actually lasts not 40, but 48 days (plus Holy Week).

During Lent 2017, you are allowed to eat the following foods:

1. Cereal bread and plain black bread made from coarse rye flour.
2. Any cereals and porridges made from them, cooked in water.
3. Summer preparations, namely salted, pickled and soaked vegetables and salads made from them, preserves, marmalades and jams.
4. Mushrooms prepared in all possible ways.
5. Beans, peas, beans and lentils - boiled.
6. Nuts, honey and dried fruits.
7. All vegetables, both fresh and boiled. Fruits and berries.
8. Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) and fish.
9. Tea, coffee, mineral still water, herbal decoctions.
10. In between meals, you need to drink water - 2.5 liters of mineral water and always without gas. Food should be taken three times - 1. morning (breakfast), 2. day (lunch), 3. evening (dinner). The size of each serving is 200 – 400 grams.
Look, it will be easier to make dietary changes.

The beginning of Lent 2017 - the strictest first week(like the last one, Passionate).

02/27/2017, Monday - abstain from food, only tea is allowed - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort.

02/28/2017, Tuesday – during the day you are allowed to eat 200 g of bread, a decoction of dried fruits, Herb tea and water.

03/01/2017, Wednesday: per day - 250 g of bread and herbal tea.

03/02/2017, Thursday: fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Preferably - grapes, apples, nuts, greens.

03/03/2017, Friday: decoction of dried fruits or tea throughout the day. Eating any food is prohibited.

03/04/2017, Saturday – 1. A glass of juice or tea.
2. Boiled vegetables - beets, carrots or potatoes, a glass of red, but only natural, wine.
3. Compote and Lenten cookies.

03/05/2017, Sunday – 1. Vinaigrette and coffee.
2. Any lean soup, potatoes with onions and mushrooms. Wine and compote.
3. Boiled cauliflower with apple and carrot, tea
Can be baked for borscht or soup, take a look step by step recipe, This is delicious. Besides, they can be made sweet for tea.

The 2nd week of Lent in 2017 in nutrition may look like this:

03/06/207, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with water, tea.
2. Vermicelli soup with carrots. Potato cutlets, fresh vegetables, jelly.
3. Apple and tea

03/07/2017, Tuesday. 1. Buckwheat on water, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup from sauerkraut (lenten), vermicelli (pasta) under mushroom sauce, vegetable salad with fresh vegetable oil, compote.
3. Apples, baked with honey and tea.

03/08/2017, Wednesday. 1. Rice porrige, coffee.
2. Soup - vegetable hodgepodge. Potatoes with mushroom sauce with onions, herbs and tomatoes. Fresh cabbage salad with apple, carrots and cucumber, sauced with berry (grape) vinegar and butter. Compote.
3. Tea with lemon and jam.

03/09/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn porridge, tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, vinaigrette, cranberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini. Salted or pickled vegetables. Tea, maybe with lemon or apples.

03/10/2017, Friday. 1. Barley porridge, tea with jam (honey).
2. Lenten pea soup, vegetable salad and apple compote.
3. Potato salad with mushrooms, tea.

03/11/2017, Saturday. 1. Vinaigrette with mushrooms, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, rice cutlets, beetroot caviar, a glass of wine, pumpkin jelly.
3. lean pasties, tea.

03/12/2017, Sunday. 1. Millet-pumpkin porridge, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, potatoes stewed with mushrooms, wine, lemon juice.
3. Vegetable caviar, pea cutlets, tea.

3rd week of Lent 2017, menu for every day

03/13/2017, Monday. 1. Millet, tea with honey.
2. Beetroot soup with pearl barley, potato zrazy stuffed with onions and mushrooms, pea salad with pickles, wine, fruit, cranberry lemonade.
3. buckwheat pie, tea with honey.

03/14/2017, Tuesday. 1. Boiled potatoes with garlic, coffee.
2. Bean soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3., tea with honey.

03/15/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina with strawberry jam, coffee.
2. Lenten solyanka, cauliflower casserole with peppers and tomatoes, coffee.
3. Fried squid with boiled potatoes and tea.

03/16/2017, Thursday. 1. Oatmeal with fruit and tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, canned pickles with barley, compote.
3. Vegetable ratatouille, tea.

03/17/2017, Friday. 1. Rice porridge, coffee.
2. Pea soup, boiled potatoes with brown mushroom sauce, rosehip compote.
3. Squash caviar with buckwheat, tea.

03/18/2017, Saturday. 1. Semolina porridge with raspberry jam.
2. Pumpkin soup, stuffed squid with rice, wine, cranberry juice.
3. Open Lenten pie with apples, tea.

03/19/2017, Sunday. 1. Custard oatmeal with dried fruits, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, pilaf with mushrooms, wine and compote.
3. Buckwheat with lecho, tea with honey.

4th week of Lent in 2017

03/20/2017, Monday. 1. Bean porridge, fruit, coffee.
2. Vegetable soup, lean pilaf, nuts, orange juice.
3. Braised cabbage, tea.
03/21/2017, Tuesday. 1. Pearl barley porridge, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pea puree with pickles, compote.
3. potatoes with garlic and mushroom caviar, tea

03/22/2017, Wednesday. 1. Lenten cabbage rolls, coffee
2. Mushroom pickle, cauliflower casserole, pineapple juice.
3. Nuts, fruits, tea

03/23/2017, Thursday. 1. Brewed rice, coffee.
2. Bean soup, rice with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini, tea.

03/24/2017 Friday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee
2. Pea soup, baked vegetables, compote.
3. Pumpkin salad with honey,

03/25/2017 Saturday. 1. Custard buckwheat, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup on sauerkraut, squid baked with carrots and onions, compote
3. Potato cutlets, tea.

03/26/2017 Sunday. 1. Apples baked with honey, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, fried potatoes with boiled fish, fruit drink
3. Barley with tomatoes, nuts, or.

5th week of fasting, menu

03/27/2017, Monday. 1. Vinaigrette, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, squash caviar, compote.
3. Boiled potatoes with sauerkraut, tea.

03/28/2017, Tuesday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee.
2. Vermicelli mushroom soup, boiled fish with rice, berry jelly.
3. beets with prunes and tea.

03/29/2017, Wednesday. 1. Barley, coffee
2. Lean shea, vegetables, compote.
3. Apples baked with honey, tea.

03/30/2017, Thursday. 1. Stewed cabbage with carrots and herbs, coffee.
2. pea soup, baked vegetables, fried fish in lemon sauce, compote.
Dinner - sweet rice with fruit, tea
03/31/2017, Friday. 1. Oatmeal with jam, tea
2. Lenten borscht, boiled potatoes with herring and onions, rosehip jelly.
3.Vermicelli with mushroom caviar, tea

04/01/2017, Saturday. 1. Seafood, tea
2. Lenten solyanka, wine, raspberry juice.
3. Buckwheat with canned eggplant appetizer, tea

04/02/2017, Sunday. 1. Porridge with pumpkin, coffee
2. Cabbage soup with sour sauerkraut, boiled fish and chips, wine, coffee
Dinner – baked vegetables, tea

6th week of fasting 2017

04/03/2017, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with berries, coffee
2. Light soup with peas and corn, tomatoes with garlic and nuts, vermicelli, compote
3. Buckwheat with mushroom sauce, tea

04/04/2017, Tuesday. 1. lean vegetable pizza, with spicy tomato sauce, coffee
2. lean borscht, boiled squid, rice, juice
3. zucchini with boiled potatoes, tea

04/05/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina, coffee
2. Potato soup, raw vegetables, tea
3. Carrot cutlets with garlic and onions, tea

04/06/2017, Thursday. 1.beet cutlets, coffee
2. Lunch – lean cabbage soup, herring with vinaigrette, compote
3. Baked peppers stuffed with carrots and garlic, tea

04/07/2017, Friday. 1. Seafood, coffee
2. Vegetable soup, fried fish, rice, compote.
3. Beans baked with carrots and onions, tea

04/08/2017, Saturday. 1. Custard oatmeal with berries, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, boiled fish and potatoes, mushroom caviar, wine, compote
3. Sauteed eggplant with rice, tea

04/09/2017, Sunday. 1. Barley porridge, coffee
2. Cream of mushroom soup, baked vegetables, boiled fish, wine, juice.
3. Roast mushrooms with potatoes, tea

The last, Holy Week of Lent, coming in 2017

04/10/2017, Monday, fasting day, bread and water.
04/11/2017, Tuesday. 1. Rice, coffee.
2. Cabbage cutlets, juice.
3. Baked apple, tea.

04/12/2017, Wednesday, 1. Fresh vegetables, coffee.
2. Cabbage salad with carrots and apples, coffee.
3. Fruits.

04/13/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn, tea
2. Cabbage soup green peas, vinaigrette, herring, compote
3. Korean baked squid with carrots. Tea.
We bake Easter eggs and paint them!

Look - simple and tasty.

04/14/2017, Friday. Hungry day, herbal tea, water, bread are allowed.

04/15/2017, Saturday – we don’t eat until the first star.
We have provided you with a sample menu for Lent in 2017, and you see for yourself, you can replace some products with similar ones, the main thing is to follow the rules for every day. And don’t forget to do good deeds, help the poor, show love to your neighbors, attend worship services and pray for everyone. And give the money you save on food to the poor.
April 16, 2017 - Great Easter, congratulations to everyone, you have endured fasting, cleansed your soul and body before the Lord, and you can safely break your fast!

The Nativity Fast 2017-2018 (see the article for the daily nutrition calendar) is dedicated to preparing for the celebration of the birth of Christ on January 7th.

Nowadays, more and more people are turning to God. It is not at all necessary to strictly follow the church rules in order to feel His presence in your soul. To feel like an Orthodox part of the larger Christian world means to feel involved in a great culture, to be aware of the connection of times

We all strive for peace in this harsh world. At the very basis of Christianity lies a feeling of love, for the sake of which the Great Teacher did not spare himself and was crucified in the name of the human race.

What does the Nativity Fast mean?

One of the most revered fasts in Orthodoxy was canonized in ancient times, described by John Chrysostom in Old Testament. In those ancient times, fasting lasted only seven days, but since 1166, the Church of Constantinople made changes regarding its duration. Since then, the fast lasts 40 days and takes place annually at the same time, it begins on November 28 and ends on January 6.

A wide variety of foods that can be eaten during the Advent Fast

As all Orthodox Christians know, the Nativity Fast also has another name, the Philipp Fast. The fact is that the day of remembrance of this saint, one of the twelve disciples of Christ, falls exactly on November 27, i.e. just before the beginning of the Nativity Fast.

Like all Orthodox posts established by the church so that humanity does not lose moral guidelines.

Since ancient times, church ministers have been concerned with ensuring that people correctly set their life priorities and do not replace turning to God with other worldly joys. This is the main meaning of the established fast.

The imperfections of human nature plunge him into base passions and the fall that are destructive for himself.

During the Nativity Fast 2017-2018. need to devote more time to prayers

Orthodoxy teaches that the soul should only have good feelings towards one’s neighbor, such as love, forgiveness and compassion. You cannot create idols and fetishes for yourself, there is only God, with whom nothing in this life can compare.

The Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018 (and the daily nutrition calendar) was established by the church in order to realize the power of the approaching event, the Nativity of Christ. It is for this that you need to prepare yourself, cleanse both body and soul from filth and sinful thoughts.

The concept of sin was introduced into the Orthodox good and peace-loving religion not at all in order to punish a person for anything, but only in order to save him from inevitable death. After all, excessive consumption of food, anger, envy, hatred, adultery, recognized by the church not just as a sin, but as a mortal sin, destroy a person. We are well aware of the numerous diseases associated with this and base feelings, leading to premature death.

Modern man, unlike ancient people, is aware harmful influence the above sins and still often cannot cope with them. Orthodoxy comes to his aid, calling him to come to his senses, look inside himself, cleanse himself and become a truly happy and free person who knows no vices.

General rules of nutrition on fasting days

As you know, the Nativity Fast in 2017-2018. not as strict as Lent; in addition, the church makes concessions for the laity and establishes completely different nutritional standards compared to the church ones.

If you look at food restrictions in general terms, it will be a refusal of animal products: meat, milk, eggs, etc.

If you decide not to strictly adhere to the nutritional standards established by the church for the Nativity Fast, you must ask permission from your confessor, giving him good reasons.

The clergy try not to overburden modern man with his many problems with excessive strictness in observing food standards. On the contrary, for beginners or weakened people, concessions are readily given.

When observing the Nativity Fast and following the nutritional calendar, you need to be careful. Abrupt transition on a low-calorie diet for 40 days can seriously harm the body.

If a person feels unwell while fasting, then his desire to observe the Nativity Fast 2017-2018, with an established daily nutrition calendar, will be in vain. With such a development of events, a person, especially a beginner, may waver in faith, which the church cannot allow and tries to support such people by giving them relief.

It should be noted that the most stringent restrictions are imposed on the days of fasting on Wednesday and Friday. For Orthodox Christians, these are special days, the day of betrayal and the day of Christ’s crucifixion, therefore, even outside of fasting, more modest eating behavior and the abolition of entertainment events are prescribed on these days.

To make it easier for you to maintain dietary restrictions during the Nativity Fast without harming your health, you need to follow some tips:

  • at the beginning of the fast, some relaxation is necessary, which later, when the body gets used to such a diet, can be removed, and you will continue the fast, adhering to general norms for the laity;
  • given the unusual reduction in caloric intake for such a long time for the body, it is necessary to slightly increase the amount of food at one time;
  • You can increase not the amount of food, but the frequency of food intake, for example, every two hours;
  • Have regular snacks with fruits and vegetable salads;
  • drink more clean, unboiled water, without replacing it with juices and compotes.

During the Nativity Fast 2017-2018 (with its daily nutrition calendar) you should not try to outsmart God himself and use animal product substitutes that the industry offers in large quantities. Avoid consuming milk, meats made from soy, as well as mayonnaise and other “lean” foods that can harm your health.

The most correct way would be to eat simple traditional foods, for example:

  • legumes (lentils, peas, beans), especially since these products are a supplier of vegetable protein, similar in composition to meat;
  • vegetables, especially eggplants, in addition, all types of cabbage and other vegetables;
  • mushrooms, but not pickled, but fresh or dried;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • cereals should definitely be consumed daily;
  • fish and other seafood;
  • vegetable oil;
  • homemade bread.

Meals according to fasting days

As already mentioned, the Nativity fast is not strict and it is quite possible to endure it and even receive health benefits.

The general requirements for creating a menu for each day are as follows:

  • from November 28 to December 19. During this period of fasting on Mondays, you can eat hot food, but without adding oil, these can be porridges and soups. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, you can add fish or seafood to hot food during the day. Wednesday, Friday – dry food;
  • from December 20 to January 1. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, hot food without oil, previously allowed fish on Tuesday and Thursday, is canceled, but on these days you can eat hot food with oil. Wednesday, Friday – dry food, writes the website Saturday, Sunday – hot food without oil, fish or seafood;
  • January 2 to January 5. The strictest period of the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018, you should adhere to the daily nutrition calendar. So, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are dry food. On Tuesday and Thursday, hot food without oil is allowed. On Saturday and Sunday - hot food without oil.

As for Christmas Eve, January 6, you will have to abstain from eating for the whole day and only after the appearance of the first star is it possible to taste kutia or sochivo, this is a dish of boiled rice or wheat with the addition of honey and dried fruits.

Separately, you should pay attention to what you eat on dry-eating days.

Dry eating means eating food that does not require cooking over fire, but it does not mean refusing to drink liquids, as many people think.

On dry food days, you can eat vegetable salads without oil, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts, bran, and flat cakes instead of bread.

Meals according to calendar days of fasting

For the convenience of familiarizing yourself with what can be consumed on each specific day of the Nativity Fast, we will describe the nutrition in more detail:

  • November 28, Tuesday – in addition to hot food without oil, you can eat fish;
  • November 29 Wednesday – drying;
  • November 30 Thursday - hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 1st Friday – dry diet;
  • December 2 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish allowed;
  • December 3 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 4, Monday, the holiday of the Entry of the Mother of God into the temple - hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 5, Tuesday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 6 Wednesday – dry diet;
  • December 7 Thursday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 8 Friday – dry diet;
  • December 9 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 10 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 11 Monday – dry eating;
  • December 12, Tuesday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 13, Wednesday – dry diet;
  • December 14 Thursday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 15 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 16 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 17 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 18 Monday – dry eating;
  • December 19, Tuesday, the memorial day of St. Nicholas - for the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018 according to the nutrition calendar by day, hot food without oil and fish are allowed;
  • December 20 Wednesday – dry diet;
  • December 21 Thursday – hot food with butter;
  • December 22 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 23 Saturday – hot food without mala and fish;
  • December 24 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 25, Monday – hot food without oil;
  • December 26, Tuesday – hot food without oil;
  • December 27 Wednesday – dry diet;
  • December 28 Thursday – hot food with butter;
  • December 29 Friday – dry eating;
  • December 30 Saturday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • December 31 Sunday – hot food without oil and fish;
  • January 1, Monday – hot food without oil;
  • January 2, Tuesday – hot food without oil;
  • Wednesday, January 3 – dry diet;
  • January 4 Thursday – hot food without oil;
  • January 5 Friday – dry eating;
  • January 6th Christmas Eve - dry eating; for the Nativity Fast 2017 - 2018, according to the nutrition calendar, kutya is allowed by day in the evening, after the appearance of the first star.

If you are not too closely connected with the church, but are a believer and want to join the Nativity fast, then you can only adhere to the meal schedule described above.

The main thing is not to forget to pray intensely these days and not allow yourself to fall into a sinful state.

Sample menu for fasting days

During the Nativity fast, you need to pay special attention to the variety and balance of your diet. From this important internal work, depends not only on the successful observance of fasting, but also on the preservation of your health.

Chowder and salad are the main dishes of the menu for the Nativity Fast

On days when hot food is allowed (butter is added only on allowed days), you can create the following menu:

  • breakfast. Dried fruits, porridge from any cereal crops with the addition of a small amount of jam or honey, a handful of nuts, tea;
  • dinner. Salad from any vegetables, legume soup with vegetables, bread, compote;
  • afternoon tea Any fruit, bread, water;
  • dinner. Boiled vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets), tea.

Observing Lent is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but you still have to stick to strict rules and diets. What should the nutrition calendar look like by day for Lent 2017?

Unfortunately, not many people can completely give up sweets, flour, baked goods, dairy products, eggs and meat. Others should be included in the menu Lenten dishes. But the meaning of fasting is not only to avoid eating harmful and delicious food, it is very important for a person to understand the meaning of his life, rethink his existence on earth, think over all his actions and thoughts over the entire previous year.

For all forty days, a believer must not only strictly adhere to a diet, he simply needs to rid his soul of bad thoughts and sinful desires, a Christian must also visit the parish several times a week to read prayers to cleanse the soul. During Lent 2017, the daily nutrition calendar plays very important role, for this reason, we will describe those foods that you can eat, and also tell you which foods are strictly prohibited.

During Lent 2017, the daily nutrition calendar plays a very important role; below we will describe a small version of the menu for a fasting person for the week, and we will also describe in more detail the foods that are prohibited and allowed for use. Because this post is the longest, the believer needs to prepare for food abstinence, which will last about forty days.

The meaning of fasting is that a person should give up tasty, fatty and filling foods, giving preference to leaner and simpler types of foods. Also, a believer is obliged to move away from any worldly entertainment that may be present in a person’s ordinary life; an Orthodox Christian will spend most of his time in prayer and thought in order to be closer to the Lord, to know himself better and to develop himself.

As the church canon says, if a believer can strictly observe the laws of fasting throughout the entire time, he will learn to better control his personal emotions, will be able to become closer to the Lord in his soul, and will also rid his thoughts of negativity. When people give up tasty and expensive things, they can get to know themselves and the essence of their lives, because the main values ​​in life cannot be delicious dishes and entertainment, there are more valuable things, such as the soul and pure thoughts. During fasting, the soul of an Orthodox Christian is cleansed of all sins; a person can remove from his soul such negative feelings as malice, envy or anger.

When a believer adheres to a strict fast, he must completely abstain from eating meat products, high-calorie and fatty foods, butter from cream; in addition, dairy products should not be consumed; fish, eggs, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, eggs and baked goods; you should also not eat chocolate.

But even this impressive list prohibited foods cannot leave a person hungry during the period of adherence strict diet. There is enough big list what a person can eat throughout Lent. You can eat or fruit. In this case, dishes can be made from raw vegetables and fruits, or the products are cooked; everything will depend on the day of the week on which the product is prepared.

What foods are allowed every day?

Mainly, you can’t give up all types of cereals; these can be barley, corn, buckwheat and wheat cereals; rice or oat groats, use these products to cook porridge, create a side dish or add to lean soups. The first course is served with black bread baked from wholemeal flour, and in addition, cereal cakes baked from yeast-free dough are allowed. Any type of legumes will be no less useful, it can be simple peas, wonderful taste soybeans, white and red beans are different, and you should also pay attention to lentils and chickpeas. Any type of mushroom can boast of benefits; they can be used in pickled or fresh for cooking, on dry eating days it is allowed to use sauerkraut.

It is allowed to add a small amount of oil to some dishes plant origin, today sunflower or olive oil is more often used, but in addition to this, there are other types of vegetable oils that are added to fresh salads or sauces. To make up for the lack of protein and vitamins, it is worth adding various types of nuts to your diet, it could be simple peanuts or Walnut, and also do not forget about hazelnut, cashews or almonds.

Definitely in daily diet During the fast, any variety of fruits and vegetables remain; they are used both fresh and boiled or baked. For those with a sweet tooth, we offer jam with a small amount of granulated sugar, as well as regular natural Bee Honey. In addition, fruits and vegetables can be not only fresh or cooked, because fruits can be canned, salted tomatoes go perfectly with potatoes, and sweet canned pears make a wonderful dessert.

Having considered this entire list, you can understand that the products for cooking various dishes quite a lot, on some days when fasting is relaxed, believers will be able to add a little extra fish to their menu. The listed products, if used correctly, can completely replace meat and other types of prohibited ingredients, while the believer does not necessarily have to starve.

We prepare dishes by day of the week

Although we have already said that Lent has its own dietary rules, this is not all that is worth talking about, because there are also some additional types of rules that will have to be followed. For example, on the first day of fasting, fasting is usually prescribed; this day is considered the strictest; for this reason, the recruiter is supposed to pray more and only drink purified water; if this is impossible, then he is allowed to eat a little black bread. Further, Monday, Friday and Wednesday will be referred to as dry days, that is, at this time it is necessary to eat only dishes that have not been cooked.

Unleavened bread is used as food, various types of fruits and vegetables, nuts and honey can also be used for cooking. If you need to drink something, it is used not only pure water, but also various compotes, kvass or juices. It is best to eat food only once a day, starting the meal after sunset.

Now it’s worth talking about Thursday and Tuesday, they are more favorable for fasting, it is on these days that Orthodox Christians can eat delicious and healthy dishes that have been boiled or baked in the oven. Most often here they use various types of porridges in water, cook lean types of soups, prepare lean sweets from permitted products, and you can also bake, boil and stew vegetables. But even on these two days it is strictly forbidden to use oil for cooking; meals should also be taken on dark time days.

The last days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. These days provide an opportunity to relax a little, because here you can cook a wide variety of dishes, since you are allowed to use oil during cooking. When a person sits down at the table, he can wash down his food not only with compotes or water, but also with the simplest table wine. Also, meals are more frequent, here you can eat twice a day, the first meal occurs early in the morning, and the second in the late evening after sunset.

In addition, during the entire fast, simple weekly days will fall church holidays, they will provide an opportunity to weaken the fast a little, for example, this is Lazarus Saturday, the Annunciation or Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, fish is placed on the table, and on the other two holidays you can supplement the menu not only with fish, but also with fish caviar.

Sample menu for a week and one holiday

Monday. As already mentioned, this day is considered a dry day, for this reason it is necessary to prepare dishes that do not have to be cooked. The first one is allowed to apply fresh salad, sliced ​​from cucumbers and tomatoes, sprinkled with herbs and a little salt. For a lunch break, it is allowed to create a tyuryu; this original Russian dish is made on the basis of kvass, with a lot of greens and black Rye bread in breadcrumbs, a little salt, cut pickles and add horseradish. If you want to enjoy something sweet in the evening, you should pay attention to the fruit salad, seasoned with coconut milk and sprinkled with coconut flakes and sesame seeds.

Tuesday. Here you can also pay attention to vegetables, for example, prepare a delicious and light salad from boiled green beans. For lunch it is possible to make more interesting dishes, it could be vegetarian borscht, sour cabbage soup, gazpacho or pea soup without meat products. Well, to treat yourself to dessert, you can find it on the Internet simple recipes Greek nut pie or Lenten charlotte with apples.

Wednesday. The third day of the week is also dedicated to dry eating; for this reason, you can prepare a light breakfast of carrots, which is seasoned with salt and lemon juice, and sprinkled with herbs on top. For a light lunch, vegetable okroshka with the addition of rye crackers and pickled mushrooms, make a dish based on homemade kvass. To create the dessert, dates, dried apricots and prunes are taken, the berries are crushed and a little honey is added, after which delicious bars are created from the resulting mass.

Thursday. For a hearty dinner, you should prepare regular boiled potatoes in their jackets; you can also bake potatoes in the oven without oil. This dish is served with chopped fresh tomatoes, it is also allowed to use various types of vegetable pickles; sauerkraut is suitable as an addition. Since these days it is allowed to cook something hot, you can make rice soup with carrots and peas; if desired, the dish can be replaced with a delicious lentil soup with potatoes. Dessert can be in the form of jelly or jelly.

Friday. For breakfast, a red cabbage salad is suitable, into which you additionally chop a little onion, add herbs and a little lemon juice. If you want to have a meal at lunch, you should prepare a soup called Miso, and for dessert they serve fruit salad with nuts and honey.

Saturday and Sunday. On these two days, food is taken twice a day; for this reason, porridge with the addition of a small amount can be served for breakfast. vegetable oil, also put some dried fruits in the porridge. For lunch they serve hot cabbage soup or soup with beans; in the evening you can make Lenten dumplings with potatoes. If a church holiday falls on one of the days, believers can prepare fish soup and also serve sandwiches with fish caviar.

During Lent 2017, the daily nutrition calendar plays a very important role; for this reason, this article below will describe each day of the week, as well as the nutritional rules that a believer must follow. In addition, Orthodox Christians will be provided with options for dishes that are served to the table during the period of abstinence from harmful worldly food.

Since strict time will begin very soon, the daily nutrition calendar plays a very important role, for this reason there are several options for such calendars, so that each Orthodox Christian can choose for himself exactly the menu option that is most suitable for the believer.

How to distinguish the degrees of strictness of fasting

Surely Lent is enough strict time, but while adhering to certain rules, a person not only deprives himself of some culinary delights, often the fast must be selected correctly for each believer in terms of its complexity. Not many children and elderly people are able to withstand extremely strict fasting, which involves eating once a day, on rare days. complete failure from food, as well as eliminating hot food and oil from the diet on certain days. The degree of severity is usually selected in accordance with the health of the believer; for this reason, it is worth considering some options for the severity of fasting.

The first level is the most difficult, since at this time a person can completely refuse any food for exactly forty-eight days, but only experienced and trained people who do not have certain complex diseases. An unprepared person simply cannot completely refuse to eat without harming his health and his life.

The second level will not be so strict, but still the Orthodox cannot always withstand it, because during the entire fasting period they will have to adhere to a strict dry diet, that is, only dry food is consumed. Dry food is food that has not had any oils added to it and has not been cooked to fully cooked. The third stage is not much different from the second, since on it the food is simply warmed up a little, but also not brought to readiness and no oil is added to the dish.

The fourth level suggests seasoning some types of food with oil, but this is allowed on certain days of strict fasting; in addition, food is consumed raw or cooked, this also depends on the day of the week. At the fifth stage, a person can consume a certain amount of fish and dairy products; this usually applies to the sick, the infirm, children and the elderly. There is also a sixth stage, during such a fast a person eats absolutely all foods, excluding from his diet only meat dishes.

Ordinary believers most often turn to the fourth or fifth level, but the first three steps are accessible mainly to those who are more prepared and strong people who do not have any particular health problems. The sixth level and the fifth can often be used if a person has serious illnesses Also, the elderly and children follow these rules of fasting; people who work in hazardous enterprises are allowed to adhere to an easy version of fasting. It’s worth drawing up in advance.

First week of fasting

Monday. On this day, people usually completely refuse to eat. The fact is that Clean Monday is the beginning of a long and strict fast, for this reason it is customary to celebrate it with particular severity. You are allowed to drink several glasses of water throughout the day, but you should not eat food.

The second day of fasting will be easier; here you are allowed to add a little black bread to the water; if desired, after sunset you should eat a little hot porridge, but without adding butter.

Wednesday. As traditions say, this day of the week should be dedicated to eating raw and cold food, suitable plain water, various cold compotes, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and honey.

Thursday. Since the fourth day of fasting has a slight relaxation, believers will be able to enjoy dishes prepared in the oven or on the stove. It could be buckwheat with mushrooms, or boiled potatoes. It is worth remembering that oil should not be added to any of the dishes.

Friday. The fifth day of the week is dedicated exclusively to eating dry food, that is, dishes cannot be cooked; if desired, prepare a vegetable salad, which is seasoned with herbs and lemon juice. For dessert, a fruit salad or dried fruit bars are suitable.

Saturday and Sunday. Weekends are considered holidays, for this reason there is usually a relaxation on them, that is, a small amount of oil is added to any dishes. plant based. If desired, you are allowed to drink a little Cahors; no more than 200 milliliters of wine are allowed per meal.

Second week of fasting

Monday. This day is traditionally considered a dry day; it is allowed to eat fresh fruit salads or make okroshka from vegetables using kvass. It’s not bad to eat bread with horseradish and pickles.

Here the diet can be expanded a little, since it is allowed to prepare hot soups, boil porridge with various dried fruits, and also prepare compotes with a small content of granulated sugar. But it is also forbidden to put any oil in dishes.

Wednesday. It is worth sticking to dry eating, it will do vegetable soup on pomegranate juice cold, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and it’s also great to make a salad of tropical fruits, seasoned with coconut milk.

Thursday. This day is dedicated to preparing hot dishes without adding oil; this can be boiled or baked jacket potatoes, served with sauerkraut. You can complement your dinner various types pickles, and also make tender lean and carrots as a dessert.

Friday. Continue to adhere to dry food, you can prepare a prison, also excellent option For dinner there will be okroshka or cold cabbage soup without meat. Dried fruit bars with honey or fruit salads made from tropical fruits are allowed as sweets.

Saturday and Sunday. Since these days it is allowed to cook dishes with the addition of oil, it is worth taking advantage of this and baking a Greek sweet pie with nuts, serving a rich vegetable soup with mushrooms, and also preparing oatmeal in water, with the addition of a small amount of nuts, dried fruits and honey.

Third week of fasting

Monday. This week there are no holidays that could slightly weaken the fast for believers; for this reason, they will have to adhere to the usual meal schedule. Monday is dedicated to dishes that have not been cooked.

Tuesday. On this day, you should make delicious sour cabbage soup with cabbage, serve any kind of stewed or baked vegetables without oil, and raspberry jelly or some fresh berries with honey are suitable as a dessert.

On the third day of the week, we give our preference exclusively to fresh products; these can be berries, vegetables and fruits, which are also suitable dried fruits, it’s not bad to use honey and nuts for cooking. Pure water and compotes are used for drinking.

Thursday. It is customary to celebrate this day with hot food; you can steam delicious oatmeal in water in the oven, pour a spoonful of honey into it and add nuts. Lenten pancakes or muffins are also served for dessert, and you are allowed to drink tea, compote or jelly. Hot or gazpacho is served as lunch.

Friday. For this day, as a lunch dish, you should prepare an unusual okroshka with kvass with the addition of pickled mushrooms, not bad option it will become a prison. For dessert, raspberry or strawberry jelly is suitable, and for the second, a vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is prepared, which can be served with some sauerkraut and herbs.

Saturday and Sunday. On these two days, it is worth considering the menu more carefully, because today you are allowed to add a little butter to your dishes, and a glass of table wine is also placed on the table during meals.

Fourth week of fasting

This time is almost no different from previous weeks, but a holiday called the Annunciation falls on Thursday, for this reason the fast will be slightly weakened. Although people can eat hot food on Thursday, they still add a little butter to the dishes and supplement the diet with fish. If desired, sandwiches with fish caviar or pieces of salted fish are placed on the table. You can also bake or boil this product. The fish soup is prepared on a fish basis, or the fish is fried in a small amount of oil. Further, no holidays are planned during the week, for this reason it is necessary to adhere to a constant menu.

Fifth week of fasting

This time the week will not please believers with holidays, for this reason it will be necessary to leave a permanent menu, in which three days are usually devoted to eating cold and raw food, two days a week food is prepared without adding oil, and on the last weekend it is allowed to add a small amount plant product to improve the taste of dishes.

Sixth week of fasting

During this period, Orthodox Christians will be able to celebrate, which falls directly on the sixth day of the week. As you know, if certain church holidays dedicated to the holy martyrs fall during fasting, then the rules of fasting become more lenient. At this time, fasting people can eat twice a day, while food is cooked in the oven, fried, boiled or steamed.

It is allowed to use not only vegetables, cereals, fruits, herbs and berries, but also add some fish to your menu. In addition, a great holiday called Palm Sunday falls on Sunday, and there is also a relaxation in fasting. It is worth remembering that on this day only fish is added to the diet, but from fish roe on the table the believers will have to refuse.

Last week of fasting

Many believe that this time is the strictest for the entire period of fasting, since it is necessary to properly end abstinence from food; on the first day you are allowed to eat, as usual, any fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as any foods that have not been cooked. Further, all days will continue according to the usual menu, but Friday will have to be especially noted, since this week we have Good Friday, and at this time it is best to strictly abstain from eating, you can only drink water. If you can’t drink only water, you can supplement your diet with a few pieces of black bread. Easter comes on Sunday, which means the end of Lent.

Every day, those who fast have to figure out what to cook from lenten dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The Lenten table is interesting and varied both now and two centuries ago.

I decided to make this task easier for them and offer a menu for each day of Lent.

So that you don't get confused, detailed menu the days and dishes are scheduled for the first two weeks. There will be a continuation a little later.

And one more thing... This schedule is not a dogma, everyone chooses for themselves how to fast, the main fast is not in the stomach, but in the head.

Therefore, I offer normal lean meals and do not limit myself to only tea or decoction all day.

Lent 2017 first week:

This is one of the strictest weeks of Lent.

Monday, February 27– complete abstinence from food.
You can only drink tea, preferably from herbs (chamomile, mint, St. John's wort).
Light vegetable salads, lean cookies.

Tuesday, 28th of February
For the day - 200 g of bread, a decoction of dried fruits, herbal tea and water.
Lenten porridges and vegetable soups.

Wednesday, March 1– dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Per day - 250 g of bread and herbal tea
Vegetable stew, vegetable salads.

Thursday,2nd of March– dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Fresh fruits and vegetables, salads. Preferably – grapes, apples, nuts, greens.
Vegetable soup.

Friday, March 3- dry eating. Vegetable oil is prohibited on this day. Cooking is not recommended; everything should be consumed raw.
A decoction of dried fruits or tea throughout the day. Vegetables and fruits. Fruit salads.

Breakfast- a glass of juice or tea.
Dinner- boiled vegetables: beets, carrots or potatoes, a glass of red, natural wine.
Dinner– Celery root salad. Compote and Lenten cookies or bread.

Breakfast— Vinaigrette and coffee or tea.
DinnerLenten soup, potatoes with onions and mushrooms. Wine or compote.
Dinner— Boiled cauliflower with apple and carrots, tea.

Lent 2017 second week:

Monday, March 6– dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Breakfast- Oatmeal porridge with water. Tea.
DinnerVegetable salad. Fruits. Coffee or dried fruit compote
Dinner- Tea

Breakfast- Rice porridge. Cucumber and tomato salad. Tea.
Dinner- Vegetable soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
Dinner- Carrot steak. Tea

Breakfast- TOasha buckwheat. Tea or coffee.
Dinner Fresh cabbage soup. Cabbage salad. Compote.
Dinner- Tea.

Breakfast— Porridge from oatmeal. Fruits. Tea or coffee.
Lentil soup. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
Dinner— Mashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.

Breakfast- Millet porridge. Tea or coffee.
Dinner- Lenten pickle. The vinaigrette. Vegetables. Compote.
Dinner— Boiled vermicelli with lecho. Tea.

Breakfast- wheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
Dinner- Lenten borscht. Fried potato. Compote.
Dinner— rice porridge with onions and carrots. A glass of dry wine.

Sunday, March 12

Breakfast- rice porridge. Nuts. Tea or coffee.
Dinner– potato soup with beans. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
Dinner– buckwheat porridge with onions and mushrooms. Tea.

Lent 2017 third week:

Monday, March 13– dry eating
Tuesday, March 14
Wednesday, March 15- dry eating.
Thursday, March 16– boiled plant food no oil.
Friday, March 17- dry eating.
Saturday, March 18– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 19– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Lent 2017 fourth week:

Monday, March 20– dry eating
Tuesday, March 21– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 22- dry eating.
Thursday, March 23– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, March 24- dry eating.
Saturday, March 25– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 26– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Lent 2017 fifth week:

Monday, March 27- dry eating.
Tuesday, March 28– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 29- dry eating.
Thursday, March 30– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, March 31- dry eating.
Saturday, April 1– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 2– boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.

Lent 2017 sixth week:

Monday, April 3- dry eating.
Tuesday, April 4– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 5- dry eating.
Thursday, April 6– boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 7Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - It is allowed to eat fish.
Saturday, April 8Lazarev Saturday- boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine, caviar is allowed.
Sunday, April 9Palm Sunday It is allowed to eat fish.

Lent 2017 seventh week:

Holy Week is the strict week of Lent 2016.

Monday, April 10(Holy Monday) – dry eating.
Tuesday, April 11(Holy Tuesday) – dry eating.
Wednesday, April 12(Holy Wednesday).
Thursday, April 13(Holy Thursday).
Friday, April 14(Good Friday) – complete abstinence from food.
Saturday, April 15(Holy Saturday) – dry eating.

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