Why are there 3 lobes in the right lung? Visibility on X-ray. Upper and middle segments of the right lung

Lungs, pulmones(from the Greek - рneumon, hence pneumonia - pneumonia), located in the chest cavity, cavitas thoracis, on the sides of the heart and large vessels, in the pleural sacs, separated from each other by the mediastinum, mediastinum, extending from the spinal column from behind to the front chest wall front.

The right lung is larger in volume than the left (by approximately 10%), at the same time it is somewhat shorter and wider, firstly, due to the fact that the right dome of the diaphragm is higher than the left (the influence of the voluminous right lobe of the liver), and, secondly, secondly, the heart is located more to the left than to the right, thereby reducing the width of the left lung.

Each lung, pulmo, has an irregularly cone-shaped shape, with a base, basis pulmonis, directed downward, and a rounded apex, apex pulmonis, which stands 3-4 cm above the first rib or 2-3 cm above the clavicle in front, reaching back to level VII cervical vertebra. At the top of the lungs a small groove is noticeable, sulcus subclavius, from the pressure passing here subclavian artery.

There are three surfaces in the lung. Lower, facies diaphragmatica, is concave according to the convexity of the upper surface of the diaphragm to which it is adjacent. Extensive costal surface, facies costalis, convex according to the concavity of the ribs, which, together with the intercostal muscles lying between them, form part of the wall of the chest cavity.

Medial surface, facies medialis, concave, repeats for the most part the outlines of the pericardium and is divided into the anterior part, adjacent to the mediastinum, pars mediastinalis, and the posterior part, adjacent to the spinal column, pars vertebralis. The surfaces are separated by edges: the sharp edge of the base is called the bottom, margo inferior; the edge, also sharp, separating the fades medialis and costalis from each other, is margo anterior.

On the medial surface, upward and posterior to the recess from the pericardium, there is a gate of the lung, hilus pulmonis, through which the bronchi and pulmonary artery (as well as nerves) enter the lung, and two pulmonary veins (and lymphatic vessels) exit, together forming the root of the lung, radix pulmonis. Fundamentally lung bronchus located dorsally, the position of the pulmonary artery is different on the right and left sides.

Fundamentally right lung a. pulmonalis is located below the bronchus; on the left side it crosses the bronchus and lies above it. The pulmonary veins on both sides are located in the root of the lung below the pulmonary artery and bronchus. At the back, at the junction of the costal and medial surfaces of the lung, no sharp edge is formed; the rounded part of each lung is placed here in the recess of the chest cavity on the sides of the spine (sulci pulmonales). Each lung is divided into lobes, lobi, by means of grooves, fissurae interlobares. One groove, oblique, fissura obliqua, having on both lungs, begins relatively high (6-7 cm below the apex) and then obliquely descends down to the diaphragmatic surface, going deep into the substance of the lung. It separates the upper lobe from the lower lobe of each lung. In addition to this groove, the right lung also has a second, horizontal groove, fissura horizontalis, passing at the level of the IV rib. It demarcates from the upper lobe of the right lung wedge-shaped the area that makes up the middle lobe.

Thus, the right lung has three lobes: lobi superior, medius et inferior. In the left lung, only two lobes are distinguished: the upper, lobus superior, to which the apex of the lung extends, and the lower, lobus inferior, more voluminous than the upper. It includes almost the entire diaphragmatic surface and most of the posterior obtuse margin of the lung. On the anterior edge of the left lung, in its lower part, there is a cardiac notch, incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri, where the lung, as if pushed aside by the heart, leaves a significant part of the pericardium uncovered. From below, this notch is limited by a protrusion of the anterior edge, called the lingula, lingula pulmonus sinistri. Lingula and adjacent part of the lung correspond to the middle lobe of the right lung.

The structure of the lungs. According to the division of the lungs into lobes, each of the two main bronchi, bronchus principalis, approaching the gates of the lung, begins to divide into lobar bronchi, bronchi lobares. The right upper lobar bronchus, heading towards the center of the upper lobe, passes over the pulmonary artery and is called supradarterial; the remaining lobar bronchi of the right lung and all the lobar bronchi of the left pass under the artery and are called subarterial. The lobar bronchi, entering the substance of the lung, give off a number of smaller, tertiary bronchi, called segmental bronchi, bronchi segmentales, since they ventilate certain areas of the lung - segments. The segmental bronchi, in turn, are divided dichotomously (each into two) into more small bronchi 4th and subsequent orders up to the terminal and respiratory bronchioles.

The skeleton of the bronchi is arranged differently outside and inside the lung, respectively. different conditions mechanical impact on the walls of the bronchi outside and inside the organ: outside the lung, the skeleton of the bronchi consists of cartilaginous semi-rings, and when approaching the hilum of the lung, cartilaginous connections appear between the cartilaginous semi-rings, as a result of which the structure of their wall becomes lattice-like. In the segmental bronchi and their further branches, the cartilage no longer has the shape of half rings, but breaks up into separate plates, the size of which decreases as the caliber of the bronchi decreases; in the terminal bronchioles the cartilage disappears. The mucous glands also disappear in them, but ciliated epithelium remains. The muscle layer consists of non-striated muscle fibers located circularly inward from the cartilage. At the sites of division of the bronchi there are special circular muscle bundles that can narrow or completely close the entrance to a particular bronchus.

Macro-microscopic structure of the lung. Lung segments consist of secondary lobules, lobuli pulmonis secundarii, occupying the periphery of the segment with a layer up to 4 cm thick. The secondary lobule is a pyramid-shaped section of the pulmonary parenchyma up to 1 cm in diameter. It is separated by connective tissue septa from adjacent secondary lobules. Interlobular connective tissue contains veins and networks of lymphatic capillaries and contributes to the mobility of the lobules during respiratory movements of the lung. Very often, inhaled coal dust is deposited in it, as a result of which the boundaries of the lobules become clearly visible. The apex of each lobule includes one small (1 mm in diameter) bronchus (on average 8th order), which also contains cartilage in its walls (lobular bronchus). The number of lobular bronchi in each lung reaches 800. Each lobular bronchus branches inside the lobule into 16-18 thinner (0.3-0.5 mm in diameter) terminal bronchioles, bronchioli terminales, which do not contain cartilage and glands. All bronchi, from the main bronchi to the terminal bronchioles, form a single bronchial tree, which serves to conduct a stream of air during inhalation and exhalation; respiratory gas exchange between air and blood does not occur in them. The terminal bronchioles, branching dichotomously, give rise to several orders of respiratory bronchioles, bronchioli respiratorii, distinguished by the fact that pulmonary vesicles, or alveoli, alveoli pulmonis, appear on their walls. Alveolar ducts, ductuli alveolares, extend radially from each respiratory bronchiole, ending in blind alveolar sacs, sacculi alveolares. The wall of each of them is entwined with a dense network of blood capillaries. Gas exchange occurs through the wall of the alveoli. Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs with alveoli form a single alveolar tree, or respiratory parenchyma of the lung. The listed structures, originating from one terminal bronchiole, form its functional-anatomical unit, called the acinus, acinus (bunch).

The alveolar ducts and sacs belonging to one respiratory bronchiole of the last order constitute the primary lobule, lobulus pulmonis primarius. There are about 16 of them in the acini. The number of acini in both lungs reaches 30,000, and alveoli 300-350 million. The area of ​​the respiratory surface of the lungs ranges from 35 m2 during exhalation to 100 m2 during deep breath. The aggregate of acini makes up the lobules, the lobules make up the segments, the segments make up the lobes, and the lobes make up the whole lung.

Lung functions. The main function of the lungs is gas exchange (enriching the blood with oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide from it). Receipt into the lungs oxygenated air and the removal of exhaled, carbon dioxide-saturated air to the outside are ensured by active respiratory movements of the chest wall and diaphragm and contractility the easiest in combination with activity respiratory tract. At the same time, the contractile activity and ventilation of the lower lobes are greatly influenced by the diaphragm and lower sections chest, while ventilation and changes in the volume of the upper lobes are carried out mainly through movements of the upper chest. These features give surgeons the opportunity to take a differentiated approach to cutting the phrenic nerve when removing lobes of the lung. In addition to normal breathing in the lung, there is collateral breathing, i.e., the movement of air bypassing the bronchi and bronchioles. It occurs between the peculiarly constructed acini, through the pores in the walls of the pulmonary alveoli. In the lungs of adults, more often in old people, mainly in the lower lobes of the lungs, along with lobular structures, there are structural complexes consisting of alveoli and alveolar ducts, vaguely delimited into pulmonary lobules and acini, and forming a stranded trabecular structure. These alveolar cords allow collateral breathing to occur. Since such atypical alveolar complexes connect individual bronchopulmonary segments, collateral breathing is not limited to them, but spreads more widely.

The physiological role of the lungs is not limited to gas exchange. Their complex anatomical structure also corresponds to a variety of functional manifestations: activity of the bronchial wall during breathing, secretory-excretory function, participation in metabolism (water, lipid and salt with the regulation of chlorine balance), which is important in maintaining acid-base balance in the body. It is considered firmly established that the lungs have a powerfully developed system of cells exhibiting phagocytic properties.

Blood circulation in the lungs. In connection with the function of gas exchange, the lungs receive not only arterial, but also venous blood. The latter flows through the branches of the pulmonary artery, each of which enters the gate of the corresponding lung and then divides according to the branching of the bronchi. The smallest branches of the pulmonary artery form a network of capillaries that encircles the alveoli (respiratory capillaries).

Venous blood flowing to the pulmonary capillaries through the branches of the pulmonary artery enters into osmotic exchange (gas exchange) with the air contained in the alveoli: it releases its carbon dioxide into the alveoli and receives oxygen in return. Veins are formed from capillaries, carrying blood enriched with oxygen (arterial), and then forming larger venous trunks. The latter merge further into vv. pulmonales.

Arterial blood is brought to the lungs by rr. bronchiales (from the aorta, aa. intercostales posteriores and a. subclavia). They nourish the wall of the bronchi and lung tissue. From the capillary network, which is formed by the branches of these arteries, vv are formed. bronchiales, flowing partly into vv. azygos et hemiazygos, and partly in vv. pulmonales.

Thus, the pulmonary and bronchial vein systems anastomose with each other.

In the lungs, there are superficial lymphatic vessels located in the deep layer of the pleura, and deep ones located inside the lungs. The roots of the deep lymphatic vessels are the lymphatic capillaries, which form networks around the respiratory and terminal bronchioles, in the interacinus and interlobular septa. These networks continue into the plexuses of lymphatic vessels around the branches of the pulmonary artery, veins and bronchi.

The draining lymphatic vessels go to root of the lung and the underlying regional bronchopulmonary and further tracheobronchial and peritracheal lymph nodes, nodi lymphatici bronchopulmonales et tracheobronchiales. Since the efferent vessels of the tracheobronchial nodes go to the right venous angle, then a significant part of the lymph of the left lung, flowing from its lower lobe, enters the right lymphatic duct. The nerves of the lungs originate from the plexus pulmonalis, which is formed by the branches of n. vagus et truncus sympathicus. Having left the said plexus, the pulmonary nerves spread in the lobes, segments and lobules of the lung along the bronchi and blood vessels that make up the vascular-bronchial bundles. In these bundles, the nerves form plexuses in which microscopic intraorgan nerve nodes meet, where preganglionic parasympathetic fibers switch to postganglionic ones.

In the bronchi there are three nerve plexuses: in the adventitia, in muscle layer and under the epithelium. The subepithelial plexus reaches the alveoli. In addition to efferent sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation, the lung is equipped with afferent innervation, which is carried out from the bronchi along the vagus nerve, and from the visceral pleura - as part of sympathetic nerves passing through the cervicothoracic node.

Segmental structure of the lungs. The lungs have 6 tubular systems: bronchi, pulmonary arteries and veins, bronchial arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels. Most of the branches of these systems run parallel to each other, forming vascular-bronchial bundles, which form the basis of the internal lung topography. According to the vascular-bronchial bundles, each lobe of the lung consists of separate sections called bronchopulmonary segments.

Bronchopulmonary segment- this is the part of the lung corresponding to the primary branch of the lobar bronchus and the accompanying branches of the pulmonary artery and other vessels. It is separated from neighboring segments by more or less pronounced connective tissue septa in which segmental veins pass. These veins have as their basin half the territory of each of the neighboring segments.

Lung segments have the shape of irregular cones or pyramids, the tops of which are directed towards the hilum of the lung, and the bases towards the surface of the lung, where the boundaries between the segments are sometimes noticeable due to differences in pigmentation.

Bronchopulmonary segments are functional and morphological units of the lung, within which some pathological processes and the removal of which can be limited to some sparing operations instead of resections of an entire lobe or the entire lung. There are many classifications of segments. Representatives of different specialties (surgeons, radiologists, anatomists) identify different numbers of segments (from 4 to 12). According to the International Anatomical Nomenclature, 10 segments are distinguished in the right and left lungs.

The names of the segments are given according to their topography. The following segments are available.

  • Right lung.

There are three segments in the upper lobe of the right lung:- segmentum apicale (S1) occupies the superomedial portion of the upper lobe, enters the upper opening of the chest and fills the dome of the pleura; - segmentum posterius (S2) with its base is directed outward and backward, bordering there with the II-IV ribs; its apex faces the upper lobe bronchus; - segmentum anterius (S3) is adjacent with its base to the anterior wall of the chest between the cartilages of the 1st and 4th ribs; it is adjacent to the right atrium and superior vena cava.

The middle lobe has two segments:- segmentum laterale (S4) with its base directed forward and outward, and its apex upward and medially; - segmentum mediale (S5) is in contact with the anterior chest wall near the sternum, between the IV-VI ribs; it is adjacent to the heart and diaphragm.

There are 5 segments in the lower lobe:- segmentum apicale (superius) (S6) occupies the wedge-shaped apex of the lower lobe and is located in the paravertebral region; - segmentum basale mediale (cardiacum) (S7) base occupies the mediastinal and partly diaphragmatic surfaces of the lower lobe. It is adjacent to the right atrium and the inferior vena cava; the base of the segmentum basale anterius (S8) is located on the diaphragmatic surface of the lower lobe, and the large lateral side is adjacent to the chest wall in the axillary region between the VI-VIII ribs; - segmentum basale laterale (S9) is wedged between other segments of the lower lobe so that its base is in contact with the diaphragm, and its side is adjacent to the chest wall in the axillary region, between the VII and IX ribs; - segmentum basale posterius (S10) is located paravertebral; it lies posterior to all other segments of the lower lobe, penetrating deeply into the posterior part of the costophrenic sinus of the pleura. Sometimes the segmentum subapicale (subsuperius) is separated from this segment.

  • Left lung.

The upper lobe of the left lung has 5 segments:- segmentum apicoposterius (S1+2) corresponds to seg in shape and position. apicale and seg. posterius of the upper lobe of the right lung. The base of the segment is in contact with the posterior sections of the III-V ribs. Medially, the segment is adjacent to the aortic arch and subclavian artery. Can be in the form of 2 segments; - segmentum anterius (S3) is the largest. It occupies a significant part of the costal surface of the upper lobe, between the I-IV ribs, as well as part of the mediastinal surface, where it comes into contact with the truncus pulmonalis; - segmentum lingulare superius (S4) represents the area of ​​the upper lobe between the III-V ribs in front and IV-VI - in the axillary region; - segmentum lingulare inferius (S5) is located below the upper one, but almost does not come into contact with the diaphragm. Both lingular segments correspond to the middle lobe of the right lung; they come into contact with the left ventricle of the heart, penetrating between the pericardium and the chest wall into the costomediastinal sinus of the pleura.

There are 5 segments in the lower lobe of the left lung, which are symmetrical to the segments of the lower lobe of the right lung and therefore have the same designations: - segmentum apicale (superius) (S6) occupies a paravertebral position; - segmentum basale mediate (cardiacum) (S7) in 83% of cases has a bronchus starting common trunk with the bronchus of the next segment - segmentum basale antkrius (S8) - The latter is separated from the lingular segments of the upper lobe of the fissura obliqua and participates in the formation of the costal, diaphragmatic and mediastinal surface of the lung; - segmentum basale laterale (S9) occupies the costal surface of the lower lobe in the axillary region at the level of the XII-X ribs; - segmentum basale posterius (S10) is a large section of the lower lobe of the left lung located posterior to other segments; it comes into contact with the VII-X ribs, the diaphragm, the descending aorta and the esophagus - the segmentum subapicale (subsuperius) is unstable.

Innervation of the lungs and bronchi. Afferent pathways from the visceral pleura are pulmonary branches thoracic sympathetic trunk, from parietal pleura- nn. intercostales and n. phrenicus, from the bronchi - n. vagus

Efferent parasympathetic innervation. Preganglionic fibers begin in the dorsal autonomic nucleus of the vagus nerve and go as part of the latter and its pulmonary branches to the nodes of the plexus pulmonalis, as well as to nodes located along the trachea, bronchi and inside the lungs. Postganglionic fibers are directed from these nodes to the muscles and glands of the bronchial tree.

Function: narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi and bronchioles and secretion of mucus.

Efferent sympathetic innervation. Preganglionic fibers emerge from the lateral horns spinal cord upper thoracic segments (Th2-Th4) and pass through the corresponding rami communicantes albi and sympathetic trunk to the stellate and upper thoracic ganglia. From the latter, postganglionic fibers begin, which pass as part of the pulmonary plexus to the bronchial muscles and blood vessels.

Function: expansion of the lumen of the bronchi; narrowing

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What diseases are associated with the Lungs:

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X-rays of light

The right lung has three lobes (upper, middle and lower), the left lung has two lobes (upper and lower). The middle lobe of the right lung corresponds to the lingular lobe of the left lung. The boundaries between the lobes of the lungs (Table.

7-2) proceed as follows:

In front on the left is the upper, on the right - the upper and middle lobes (the border between them runs along the IV rib);

On the side on the right there are three lobes, on the left - two lobes;

At the back on both sides are the upper and lower lobes; the border between them runs along a line drawn along the spine of the scapula until it intersects with the spine.

There are ten segments in the right lung, nine segments in the left (Fig. 7-8).

Functional features of the respiratory system

The effectiveness of the external respiration function is determined by three processes:

Ventilation of the alveolar space;

Capillary blood flow (perfusion);

Diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane. Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs due to the difference

partial pressure in alveolar air and blood. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the pulmonary capillaries and is transported throughout the body, dissolving in the plasma (about 3%) or combining with Hb (97%).

The transport capacity of blood largely depends on the concentration of Hb (each gram of Hb can add 1.34 ml of oxygen). Elimination of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream occurs in several ways: in the form of bicarbonate and hydrogen ions or in combination with certain plasma proteins and Hb. In newborns, during the first days of life, the concentration of Hb is higher than in adults, so their blood’s ability to bind oxygen is greater. This allows the newborn to survive critical period formation pulmonary respiration. Of great importance is also high content in a newborn HbF, has

Rice. 7-8. Projection of lung segments onto the anterior (a), posterior (b) surfaces of the chest. Right lung. Upper lobe: I - apical segment, 2 - posterior segment, 3 - anterior segment. Middle lobe: 4 - lateral segment, 5 - medial segment. Lower lobe: 6 - upper segment, 7 - medial basal (cardiac) segment, 8 - anterior segment, 9 - lateral segment, Yu - posterior basal segment. Left lung. Upper lobe: 1, 2, 3 - apical, posterior, anterior segments. Lower lobe: 4, 5 - upper and lower reed segments, 6 - upper (apical segment), 8, 9, 10 - anterior, lateral, posterior basal segments

It is important to know what the lungs are, where they are located in a person, and what functions they perform. The respiratory organ is located in the chest in humans. The chest is one of the most interesting anatomical systems. The bronchi, heart, some other organs and large vessels are also located here. This system is formed by the ribs, spine, sternum and muscles. It reliably protects all important internal organs and due to pectoral muscles ensures uninterrupted functioning of the respiratory organ, which almost completely occupies the chest cavity. The respiratory organ expands and contracts several thousand times a day.

Lungs - paired organ. The right and left lungs play a major role in the respiratory system. They distribute oxygen throughout the circulatory system, where it is absorbed by red blood cells. The work of the respiratory organ leads to the release of carbon dioxide from the blood, which breaks down into water and carbon dioxide.

Where are the lungs located? The lungs are located in the human chest and have a very complex connecting structure with the airways, circulatory systems, lymphatic vessels and nerves. All these systems are intertwined in an area called the “gate.” The pulmonary artery, main bronchus, branches of nerves, and bronchial artery are located here. The so-called “root” contains lymphatic vessels and pulmonary veins.

The lungs look like a vertically dissected cone. They have:

  • one convex surface (costal, adjacent to the ribs);
  • two convex surfaces (diaphragmatic, medial or median, separating the respiratory organ from the heart);
  • interlobar surfaces.

The lungs are separated from the liver, spleen, colon, stomach and kidney. The separation is carried out using a diaphragm. These border internal organs with large vessels and heart. They are limited from behind by the back.

The shape of the respiratory organ in humans depends on the anatomical features of the body. They can be narrow and elongated or short and wide. The shape and size of the organ also depend on the phase of breathing.

To better understand where and how exactly the lungs are located in the chest and how they border with other organs and blood vessels, you need to pay attention to the photos that are located in the medical literature.

Respiratory organ covered serosa: smooth, shiny, moist. In medicine it is called pleura. The pleura in the area of ​​the pulmonary root passes to the surface of the chest cavity and forms the so-called pleural sac.

Anatomy of the lungs

It is important to remember that the right and left lungs have their own anatomical features and are different from each other. First of all they have different quantities lobes (separation occurs due to the presence of so-called slits located on the surface of the organ).

On the right there are three lobes: lower; average; upper (in the upper lobe there is an oblique fissure, a horizontal fissure, lobar right bronchi: upper, lower, middle).

In the left there are two lobes: the upper (here is the lingular bronchus, the carina of the trachea, the intermediate bronchus, the main bronchus, the left lobar bronchi - lower and upper, the oblique fissure, the cardiac notch, the uvula of the left lung) and the lower. The left one differs from the right one in its larger size and the presence of a tongue. Although according to such an indicator as volume, the right lung is larger than the left.
The base of the lungs rests on the diaphragm. The upper part of the respiratory organ is located in the area of ​​the collarbone.

The lungs and bronchi must be in close relationship. The work of some is impossible without the work of others. Each lung contains so-called bronchial segments. There are 10 of them in the right, and 8 in the left. Each segment contains several bronchial lobes. It is believed that there are only 1600 bronchial lobes in the human lungs (800 each in the right and left).

The bronchi branch (bronchioles form alveolar ducts and small alveoli, which form breathing tissue) and form a complexly woven network or bronchial tree, which supplies the circulatory systems with oxygen. The alveoli contribute to the fact that when exhaling, the human body releases carbon dioxide, and when inhaling, it is from them that oxygen enters the blood.

Interestingly, when you inhale, not all the alveoli are filled with oxygen, but only a small part of them. The other part is a kind of reserve that comes into effect during physical activity or stressful situations. The maximum amount of air that a person can inhale characterizes the vital capacity of the respiratory organ. It can range from 3.5 liters to 5 liters. In one breath, a person absorbs approximately 500 ml of air. This is called tidal volume. Vital capacity lungs and tidal volume are different for women and men.

The blood supply to this organ occurs through the pulmonary and bronchial vessels. Some perform the function of gas removal and gas exchange, others provide nutrition to the organ; these are the vessels of the small and large circle. The physiology of breathing will certainly be disrupted if the ventilation of the respiratory organ is disrupted or the speed of blood flow decreases or increases.

Lung functions

  • normalization of blood pH;
  • protecting the heart, for example, from mechanical impact (when there is a blow to the chest, it is the lungs that suffer);
  • protecting the body from various respiratory infections (parts of the lung secrete immunoglobulins and antimicrobial compounds);
  • blood storage (this is a kind of blood reservoir in the human body; approximately 9% of the total blood volume is located here);
  • creating voice sounds;
  • thermoregulation.

The lungs are a very vulnerable organ. Its diseases are very common all over the world and there are a lot of them:

  • COPD;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis of different types and types;
  • emphysema;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • pulmonary embolism, etc.

They can be triggered by various pathologies, gene diseases, and poor lifestyle choices. The lungs are very closely related to other organs found in the human body. It often happens that they suffer even if the main problem is related to a disease of another organ.

While a person is alive, he breathes. What is breathing? These are processes that continuously supply all organs and tissues with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body, which is formed as a result of the metabolic system. Performs these vital processes which directly interact with the cardiovascular system. To understand how gas exchange occurs in the human body, you should study the structure and functions of the lungs.

Why does a person breathe?

The only way is breathing. It is not possible to hold it for a long time, since the body requires another portion. Why do we need oxygen at all? Without it, metabolism will not occur, the brain and all other human organs will not work. With the participation of oxygen, nutrients are broken down, energy is released, and each cell is enriched with them. Breathing is commonly called gas exchange. And rightly so. After all, the peculiarities of the respiratory system are to take in oxygen from the air that enters the body and remove carbon dioxide.

What are human lungs

Their anatomy is quite complex and variable. This organ is paired. Its location is the chest cavity. The lungs are adjacent to the heart on both sides - right and left. Nature has made sure that both of these important organs are protected from compression, shock, etc. In front, the barrier to damage is in the back - spinal column, and on the sides are ribs.

The lungs are literally riddled with hundreds of branches of bronchi, with alveoli the size of a pinhead located at their ends. There are up to 300 million of them in the body of a healthy person. The alveoli play an important role: they supply blood vessels with oxygen and, having a branched system, are able to provide a large area for gas exchange. Just imagine: they can cover the entire surface of a tennis court!

In appearance, the lungs resemble semi-cones, the bases of which are adjacent to the diaphragm, and the tops with rounded ends protrude 2-3 cm above the collarbone. The human lungs are a rather unique organ. The anatomy of the right and left lobes is different. So, the first one is slightly larger in volume than the second one, while it is somewhat shorter and wider. Each half of the organ is covered with pleura, consisting of two layers: one is fused with the chest, the other with the surface of the lung. The outer pleura contains glandular cells that produce fluid into the pleural cavity.

The inner surface of each lung has a depression called the hilum. They include the bronchi, the base of which looks like a branching tree, and the pulmonary artery, and a pair of pulmonary veins emerge.

Human lungs. Their functions

Of course, there are no secondary organs in the human body. The lungs are also important in ensuring human life. What kind of work do they do?

  • The main functions of the lungs are to carry out the respiratory process. A person lives while he breathes. If the supply of oxygen to the body is cut off, death will occur.
  • The job of the human lungs is to remove carbon dioxide, thereby maintaining an acid-base balance in the body. Through these organs, a person gets rid of volatile substances: alcohol, ammonia, acetone, chloroform, ether.

  • The functions of the human lungs do not end there. The paired organ is still involved in which comes into contact with air. As a result, an interesting chemical reaction occurs. Oxygen molecules in the air and carbon dioxide molecules in dirty blood change places, i.e. oxygen replaces carbon dioxide.
  • The various functions of the lungs allow them to participate in the water exchange occurring in the body. Up to 20% of the liquid is removed through them.
  • The lungs are active participants in the process of thermoregulation. They release 10% of their heat into the atmosphere when they exhale.
  • Regulation is not complete without the participation of the lungs in this process.

How do the lungs work?

The functions of the human lungs are to transport the oxygen contained in the air into the blood, use it, and remove carbon dioxide from the body. The lungs are fairly large soft organs with spongy tissue. The inhaled air enters the air sacs. They are separated from each other by thin walls with capillaries.

There are only small cells between the blood and the air. Therefore, thin walls do not create obstacles for inhaled gases, which facilitates good passage through them. IN in this case The functions of the human lungs are to use necessary and remove unnecessary gases. Lung tissue is very elastic. When you inhale, the chest expands and the lungs increase in volume.

The windpipe, represented by the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, looks like a tube 10-15 cm long, divided into two parts called bronchi. Air passing through them enters the air sacs. And when you exhale, the volume of the lungs decreases, the chest decreases in size, and the pulmonary valve partially closes, which allows air to escape again. This is how human lungs work.

Lungs (pulmones)- are a paired organ that occupies almost the entire chest cavity and is the main organ respiratory system.

The lungs are located in the chest cavity, adjacent to the heart on the right and left. They have the shape of a semi-cone, the base of which is located on the diaphragm, and the apex protrudes 1-3 cm above the collarbone.

The lungs are made up of lobes. The right lung consists of 3, and the left lung of 2 lobes.

The skeleton of the lung is formed by tree-like branching bronchi.

Each lung is covered with a serous membrane - the pulmonary pleura - and lies in the pleural sac. Inner surface The chest cavity is covered with parietal pleura. On the outside, each pleura has a layer of glandular cells that secrete pleural fluid into the pleural fissure (the space between the wall of the chest cavity and the lung). On the inner (heart) surface of the lungs there is a depression - the hilum of the lungs. They enter the bronchi, the pulmonary artery, and exit two pulmonary veins. The pulmonary artery branches parallel to the branching of the bronchi.

The lung tissue consists of lobules 15 mm wide and 25 mm long, pyramidal in shape, with their bases facing the surface. A bronchus enters the apex of each lobule, forming 18-20 terminal bronchioles inside the lobule. In turn, each of the bronchioles ends with an acinus, which is a structural and functional element of the lungs. The acini consists of 20-50 alveolar bronchioles, which are divided into alveolar ducts; the walls of which are dotted with a large number of alveoli. Each alveolar duct passes into the terminal sections - 2 alveolar sacs.

The main function of the lungs is gas exchange (enriching the blood with oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide from it).

Gas exchange is ensured by active movements of the chest wall and diaphragm in combination with contractions of the lungs themselves. The process of gas exchange occurs directly in the alveoli.

The respiratory surface of the lungs exceeds the surface of the body by approximately 75 times.

The physiological role of the lungs is not limited to gas exchange.

In addition to gas exchange, the lungs perform a secretory-excretory function, take part in metabolic processes, as well as the process of thermoregulation, and have phagocytic properties.

Why do we need lungs?

Breathing is a largely uncontrolled process carried out at a reflex level. A certain zone is responsible for this – the medulla oblongata. It regulates the pace and depth of breathing, focusing on the percentage of carbon dioxide concentration in the blood. The rhythm of breathing is affected by the work of the whole organism. Depending on the breathing rate, the heart rate slows down or speeds up. Physical activity causes the need for more oxygen, and our respiratory organs switch to an enhanced mode of operation.

Special breathing exercises help control the pace and intensity of the breathing process. Experienced yogis can stop the breathing process for a very long period. This is achieved through immersion in a state of samadhi, in which vital signs are actually not recorded.

In addition to breathing, the lungs provide an optimal level of acid-base balance in the blood, immune response, filtration of microthrombi, regulation of blood coagulation, and removal of toxins.

Structure of the lungs

The left lung has a smaller volume than the right - on average by 10%. It is longer and narrower, which is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy - placement, which is located to the left, making the width of the left lung slightly smaller.

The lungs have a semi-cone shape. Their base rests on the diaphragm, and the top protrudes slightly above the collarbones.

In accordance with the structure of the ribs, the surface of the lungs adjacent to them has a convex shape. The side facing the heart is concave. Thus, a space sufficient for the functioning of the heart muscle is created.

In the middle of the respiratory organ there are depressions - the main “gateways” of the oxygen transport route. They contain the main bronchus, bronchial artery, pulmonary artery, tree of nerves, lymphatic and venous vessels. The whole thing is called the “pulmonary root.”

The surface of each lung is covered with pleura - a moist, smooth and shiny membrane. In the area of ​​the pulmonary root, the pleura passes to the surface of the chest, forming the pleural sac.

Two deep fissures on the right lung form three lobes (upper, middle and lower). The left lung is divided by just one fissure into two parts (upper and lower lobes).

In addition, this organ is divided into segments and lobules. The segments resemble pyramids, including their own artery, bronchus and nerve complex. The segment is composed of small pyramids - lobules. There can be about 800 of them per lung.

Like a tree, a bronchus penetrates each lobule. At the same time, the diameter of the “oxygen ducts” - bronchioles - gradually changes towards a decrease. The bronchioles branch and, decreasing, form alveolar tracts, to which are adjacent entire colonies and clusters of alveoli - tiny vesicles with thin walls. It is these bubbles that are the final point of transport for the delivery of oxygen to the blood. The thin walls of the alveoli consist of connective tissue, densely permeated with capillary vessels. These vessels deliver venous blood rich in carbon dioxide from the right side of the heart. The uniqueness of this system lies in the instantaneous exchange: carbon dioxide is removed into the alveoli, and oxygen is absorbed by hemoglobin contained in the blood.

With one breath, the air in the full volume of the alveolar system is not renewed. The remaining alveoli form a reserve bank of oxygen, which is used when physical stress on the body increases.

How do the human lungs work?

An outwardly simple “inhale-exhale” cycle in reality is a multifactorial and multi-level process.

Let's look at the muscles that support the respiratory process:

  1. Diaphragm- This is a flat muscle stretched tightly along the edge of the arch of the ribs. She separates working space lungs and heart from the abdominal cavity. This muscle is responsible for active human breathing.

  2. Intercostal muscles– are arranged in several layers and connect the edges of adjacent ribs. They are involved in a deep “inhalation-exhalation” cycle.

When you inhale, the muscles responsible for it simultaneously contract, which forces air under pressure into the airways. The diaphragm becomes flat during contraction, and the pleural cavity becomes an area of ​​negative pressure due to the vacuum. This pressure affects the lung tissues, causing them to expand, transferring negative pressure to the respiratory and airways. As a result, air from the atmosphere enters the human lungs, since an area of ​​​​low pressure is formed there. The newly received air mixes with the remnants of the previous portion lingering in the alveoli, enriching them with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

Deep inhalation is achieved by weakening part of the oblique intercostal muscles, as well as contracting a group of muscles located perpendicularly. These muscles push the ribs apart, thereby increasing the volume of the chest. This creates the possibility of a 20-30 percent increase in the volume of inhaled air.

Exhalation occurs automatically - when the diaphragm relaxes. Due to their elasticity, the lungs tend to return to their original volume, squeezing out excess air. When you exhale forcefully, the abdominal muscle mass and the muscles connecting the ribs become tense.

When you sneeze or cough, the abdominal muscles contract and intra-abdominal pressure is transmitted through the diaphragm to the lungs.

The pulmonary blood vessels emerge from the right atrium and entwine the pulmonary trunk. The blood is then distributed through the pulmonary arteries (left and right). In the lung, the vessels run parallel to the bronchi and very close to them.

The result is the enrichment of red blood cells with oxygen. Blood leaving the alveoli moves to the left side of the heart. The air entering during inhalation changes gas composition alveolar voids. Oxygen levels increase and carbon dioxide levels decrease. Blood moves through the alveolar capillaries very slowly, and hemoglobin has time to attach the oxygen contained in the alveoli. At the same time, carbon dioxide is released into the alveoli.

Thus, there is a continuous exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood.

The main differences between the lungs of a smoker

  • Healthy people have special cilia on the surface of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, which, with flickering movements, prevent pathogens from entering the body. Tobacco smoke damages these eyelashes, covering them with greasy soot and resins. As a result, any “infection” moves without delay into the deeper respiratory sections.

  • Inflammatory processes will move further and further each time, covering all the lungs of a smoker.

  • Nicotine tar (or tar) settles on the pleural surface of the lungs, which clogs the alveoli, preventing gas exchange.

  • When tobacco is burned, a highly toxic carcinogen, benzopyrene, is released. It causes cancer of the lungs, larynx, oral cavity and other “smoke-conducting” organs.

The type of smoker's lungs depends on the person's age, length of service and place of residence. The lungs of a heavy smoker resemble black moldy cheese, chewed by worms and mice.

Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 chemical compounds: gaseous and solid particles, of which about 40 are carcinogenic: acetone, acetaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocyanic acid, nitrobenzene, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and other extremely “useful” substances.

Frequent repeated inflammations lead to irreversible damage to the lungs. Toxins kill the “breathing tissue” of the lungs. Under the influence of resins, it is transformed into fibrous connective tissue, which is not capable of providing gas exchange. The useful area of ​​the lungs decreases, and the volume of oxygen entering the blood is sharply reduced. Lack of oxygen leads to narrowing of the bronchi. The destructive effects of smoke provoke chronic obstruction of the lungs.

The lungs of smokers living in large industrial cities are especially affected. Their lungs are already covered with a layer of soot from automobile exhausts, emissions of combustion products and chemical reactions into the atmosphere by various enterprises.

Even if we forget about the toxic effects of tobacco smoke, one of the main symptoms - oxygen starvation - is a serious reason to think about it. Cells human body in such a stressful situation they age at a catastrophic rate. The heart, in a vain attempt to enrich the blood with oxygen, drains its resource many times faster. From chronic hypoxia(lack of oxygen) brain cells die en masse. Man is deteriorating intellectually.

Due to poor blood supply, complexion and skin condition deteriorate. The most harmless disease of a smoker may be chronic bronchitis.

Ways to improve lung health

Myths have become widespread that as soon as you quit smoking, your lungs will return to their normal state within a short time. It is not true. It also takes years of normal life to remove the toxins that accumulate over the years from the lungs. Destroyed lung tissue is practically impossible to restore.

Ex-smokers should follow some recommendations to get their body back to normal:

  • Every morning you need to drink a glass of milk, as this product is an excellent adsorbent that binds and removes toxic substances from the body.

  • Be proactive about taking vitamins B and C, as cigarettes were depleting your personal supply of these chemicals every day.

  • Don't start doing intense sports right away. Let your body return to normal. Your worn-out heart and battered lungs will not be delighted by intense physical activity. It’s better to spend more time outdoors, walk, swim.

  • Drink at least a liter of orange or lemon juice every day. This will help your body recover faster.

Even if you don’t smoke, but simply live in a large, environmentally polluted city, you can heal and cleanse your lungs with the help of good old traditional medicine.
  1. Spruce shoots. It is necessary to collect young green shoots at the ends of spruce branches. It is better to collect in May or June. A layer of shoots is placed at the bottom of a liter container and sprinkled with granulated sugar. Next - again a layer of shoots and again a layer of sugar. The components fit tightly. The jar is placed in the refrigerator, after 3 weeks the shoots release juice and sugar syrup is formed. The syrup is filtered and stored in a cool place without access to light. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day until the jar runs out. The drug cleanses the bronchi and lungs of toxins and “garbage”. The procedure is carried out once a year.

  2. Inhalation of essential oils. Boil about half a liter of water in an enamel container. Without removing the container from the flame, add a teaspoon of marjoram, eucalyptus or pine oil. Remove from heat. Next, we bend over the container and inhale the vapor for seven to ten minutes. The course period is two weeks.

  3. Any breathing exercises(especially yoga) will help your lungs cleanse and tone.

In any situation, try to take care of your lungs - spend more time outside the city, on the sea coast, in the mountains. Exercising and preventing respiratory diseases will help keep your lungs healthy for a long time.

Breathe easy and be healthy!

In the structure of the human body, quite interesting is such an “anatomical structure” as the chest, where the bronchi and lungs, the heart and large vessels, as well as some other organs are located. This part of the body, formed by the ribs, sternum, spine and muscles, is designed to reliably protect the organ structures located inside it from external influences. Also, due to the respiratory muscles, the chest provides breathing, in which the lungs play one of the most important roles.

The human lungs, the anatomy of which will be discussed in this article, are very important organs, because it is thanks to them that the breathing process is carried out. They fill the entire chest cavity, with the exception of the mediastinum, and are the main ones in the entire respiratory system.

In these organs, the oxygen contained in the air is absorbed by special blood cells (erythrocytes), and carbon dioxide is also released from the blood, which then breaks down into two components - carbon dioxide and water.

Where are the lungs in humans (with photo)

When approaching the question of where the lungs are located, you should first pay attention to one very interesting fact concerning these organs: the location of the lungs in humans and their structure are presented in such a way that they very organically combine airways, blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves .

Externally, the anatomical structures considered are quite interesting. In their shape, each of them is similar to a vertically dissected cone, in which one convex and two concave surfaces can be distinguished. The convex one is called costal, due to its direct contact with the ribs. One of the concave surfaces is diaphragmatic (adjacent to the diaphragm), the other is medial, or in other words, median (i.e. located closer to the median longitudinal plane of the body). In addition, interlobar surfaces are also distinguished in these organs.

With the help of the diaphragm, the right part of the anatomical structure we are considering is separated from the liver, and the left part from the spleen, stomach, left kidney and transverse colon. The middle surfaces of the organ border on large vessels and the heart.

It is worth noting that the place where a person’s lungs are located also affects their shape. If a person has a narrow and long chest, then the lungs are correspondingly elongated and vice versa, these organs have a short and wide appearance with a similar chest shape.

Also in the structure of the described organ there is a base that lies on the dome of the diaphragm (this is the diaphragmatic surface) and an apex that protrudes into the neck area approximately 3-4 cm above the collarbone.

To get a clearer picture of what these look like anatomical formations, and also in order to understand where the lungs are, the photo below will probably be the best visual aid:

Anatomy of the right and left lung

Do not forget that the anatomy of the right lung is different from the anatomy of the left lung. These differences lie primarily in the number of shares. On the right there are three (the bottom one, which is the largest, the top one, slightly smaller, and the smallest of the three - the middle one), while on the left there are only two (top and bottom). In addition, the left lung has a tongue located on its anterior edge, as well as this organ, due to the lower position of the left dome of the diaphragm, is slightly longer in length than the right one.

Before entering the lungs, air first passes through other equally important parts of the respiratory tract, in particular the bronchi.

The anatomy of the lungs and bronchi overlaps, so much so that it is difficult to imagine the existence of these organs separately from each other. In particular, each lobe is divided into bronchopulmonary segments, which are sections of the organ, to one degree or another isolated from the same neighboring ones. In each of these areas there is a segmental bronchus. There are 18 such segments in total: 10 on the right and 8 on the left side of the organ.

The structure of each segment is represented by several lobules - areas within which the lobular bronchus branches. It is believed that a person has about 1,600 lobules in his main respiratory organ: approximately 800 on the right and left.

However, the conjugation of the location of the bronchi and lungs does not end there. The bronchi continue to branch, forming bronchioles of several orders, and they, in turn, give rise to alveolar ducts, dividing from 1 to 4 times and ultimately ending in alveolar sacs, into the lumen of which the alveoli open.

Such branching of the bronchi forms the so-called bronchial tree, otherwise called the airways. In addition to them, there is also an alveolar tree.

Anatomy of the blood supply to the lungs in humans

Anatomy connects the blood supply to the lungs with the pulmonary and bronchial vessels. The former, entering the pulmonary circulation, are mainly responsible for the function of gas exchange. Second, belonging big circle, provide nutrition to the lungs.

When should you go to the doctor?

Purulent vaginal discharge Discomfort in the vagina during prolonged sitting Discomfort in the vagina while walking Discomfort during urination Discomfort during intercourse Bleeding during intercourse Sensation of a foreign substance

Our body cannot exist without oxygen. Oxygen from the air is absorbed by the lungs, which work like large cone-shaped bellows. Oxygen then enters the blood and is distributed throughout the body. The blood is then saturated with carbon dioxide, which is removed through the lungs. And the cycle resumes.

- This is a loose spongy organ. They consist of two parts: the left and right lung. They fill the chest cavity and cover the heart on top.

We have already said that each cell of the body can be compared to a power plant. To sustain life, it must constantly produce energy. To do this, it oxidizes (burns) hydrogen. As a result, water is formed, and the released energy is accumulated in ATP molecules. At the same time, the cell decomposes the carbon framework of nutrient molecules, and carbon dioxide remains. This means that cells need to consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Blood copes with both tasks. It supplies tissue cells with oxygen and takes away carbon dioxide from them.

Air rushes into and out of the lungs through a branched system of blood vessels. The basis of it Bronchi forms a channel as thick as a finger - trachea, or windpipe, which is prevented from closing by cartilaginous rings. From there, through narrower branches - the bronchi - the air enters the lobes of the lung. The right lung consists of three lobes, the left - only two.

Lungs They look like a bunch of grapes with branches - bronchi and bronchioles and berries - alveoli, 400 million tiny air sacs. The air then penetrates alveoli, then comes out of them. If you examine a section of lung tissue under a microscope, you will see that the walls of the alveoli are like a mesh with very small cells.

1. Trachea; 2. Bronchi; 3. Bronchioles

Circulating throughout the body, the blood is freed from carbon dioxide and re-saturated with oxygen. This happens in the lungs. Lungs is an organ consisting of two parts: the left and right lung. When we breathe, the air, having passed through the nasal passages and cleared of dust and bacteria, enters the pharynx, larynx, and then the inspiratory throat, or trachea, approximately 15 cm long. At the level of the 4th - 5th thoracic vertebrae, the trachea is divided into two bronchi . Each enters the lung and branches into small bronchi, and they branch into thin, 0.5 mm in diameter, bronchioles. Each ends in air bubbles, or alveoli. The total surface area of ​​the pulmonary vesicles is about 100 square meters. m. All of it is tightly entangled with capillaries. Here, in the pulmonary vesicles, only the thinnest wall separates the blood flowing through the capillaries from the air. Through these walls, the hemoglobin of red blood cells is saturated with oxygen. At the same time, the blood is cleared of carbon dioxide - it is carried away by the flow of exhaled air.

Detailed structure of the lungs

The lungs are located on either side of the heart and are surrounded by ribs. The rising and falling movements of the ribs allow the lungs to fill and empty with air.

Liters of air

With each breath, 0.4 to 0.7 liters of air enters the lungs. After the air is expelled back, 1 - 2 liters of reserve oxygen remain in the bronchi. For a man, the usual tidal volume is 3.5 - 4.5 liters of air; for a woman - 2.7 -3.5 liters, and for a professional athlete - 5 - 7 liters!
Excessive use tobacco significantly limits the tidal volume of a person's lungs, and what is even more serious, can cause emphysema (constant pathological enlargement of the alveoli) or lung cancer. Air pollution with harmful gases emitted from factory pipes or transport contributes to the occurrence of respiratory system disorders.

Oxygen is vital for our cells

It's not just the lungs that need oxygen. It is also necessary for the cells of our body: combining with the sugars that we consume, it causes chemical reaction, releasing energy. Without this energy, our cells would not be able to survive.

Main airways

  • Nose: hairs on the walls of the nostrils prevent dust particles from entering the nasal passage, but allow air to pass through
  • Pharynx: upper section this cavity allows air to pass through; liquids and food pass through its lower parts.
  • Larynx: those in it vocal cords open to allow air to pass through, but close to release sound
  • Trachea: wide tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi
  • Bronchi: located inside the lungs and are tree-like due to the branches of thousands of small bronchioles

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