Selection of keywords for search queries: report. Double uterus: Double loss of virginity Photos of Hazel Jones with a rare physiological anomaly

A woman named Hazel Jones with a rare physiological anomaly was subjected to annoying offers from... representatives of the porn industry. They are willing to pay $1 million for filming.
What do you think is wrong with this woman?

The woman rejects all offers with shame and horror. But the fact is that she has an unusual structure of the genital organs: two uteruses, two cervixes and two vaginas. At the same time, she herself looks very impressive.

As Hazel admitted to reporters, her anomaly does not interfere with her life, and the fact that she lost her virginity twice does not bother her. But the genuine interest of pornographers is shocking and insulting.

She has already refused the first fee of $1 million, but negotiations continue.

Let us recall that recently 27-year-old blonde Hazel Jones told the British television channel ITV during the program “This Morning” that such a physiological fact as the presence of two vaginas was a big shock for her.

At the same time, the attractive blonde noted that in adolescence experienced a lot of problems associated with my so unusual physical structure- she had very severe pain, and heavy periods, but over time she truly came to appreciate her uniqueness.

A British woman from High Wycombe, who also has two uteruses and two cervixes, said that despite the fact that she was previously embarrassed by her double vagina and was forced to lose her virginity twice, she now enjoys her uniqueness - showing everyone her unique structure without embarrassment , which affects one in a million women, and also goes to sex clubs with her husband Ricky, enjoying a varied sex life.

Doctors say Hazel Jones is completely healthy and her condition will not interfere with pregnancy.

But there is one thing: the girl is afraid of getting pregnant twice different vaginas, and doctors note that she will most likely have to undergo a cesarean section during childbirth in order to avoid potential complications.

Representatives of the porn industry are ready to pay a 27-year-old woman with a rare anomaly of the genitals $1 million for filming...

A woman with a rare anomaly in the structure of her genitals was given an offer that left her in shock and confusion. Hazel Jones suffers from a rare anomaly: a woman has two uteruses, two cervixes and two vaginas. Unusual structure The genitals of a spectacular blonde attracted the attention of pornography producers, who offered her a million dollars for her role in their film.

Hazel received a letter from the founder of Vivid Entertainment, in which he called her an amazing woman and offered her a huge fee, as well as payment of all expenses during filming, which would take place in Los Angeles. The girl, offended by the proposal, publicly stated that she would not act in pornography for any money.

As Hazel admitted, her anomaly does not interfere with her life, although she had to lose her virginity twice. “As soon as I found out what was wrong with me, I told everyone about it. I thought it was amazing and it brings me closer to other people at parties. I willingly demonstrate my features to other women,” she said. Hazel first saw a doctor after her boyfriend told her she was different from other girls.

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Hazel Jones always wondered why she suffered from terrible pain and heavy menstruation during puberty. However, everything became clear when she turned 18 and was given the startling diagnosis that she had two vaginas.

The fair-haired 27-year-old from High Wycombe suffers from a condition known as uterus didelphys, which affects one in a million women and means she has two separate uteruses and cervixes.

Hazel went to the doctor after her boyfriend she was dating for a long time, told her that her genitals were “not like others.” Hazel says she's not worried about her condition, even though she essentially had to lose her virginity twice.

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8. A child born with two heads

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What's remarkable is that this is the second time a two-headed baby has been born in Brazil in 2011. Sueli Ferreira, 27, gave birth to a two-headed baby in the state of Paraiba, but he died hours later due to lack of oxygen in one of the baby's heads.

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9. A woman with two uteruses who gave birth to triplets

It may seem unusual for a woman to have two uteruses, but a condition known as uterine didelphys occurs in about one in 1,000 women. In fact, Hannah Kersey, her mother and her sister each have two uteruses. However, Hannah made history in 2006 when she gave birth to triplets. The 23-year-old woman from Northam in Devon gave birth to identical twins Ruby and Tilly, who were born from one womb, and Grace, who was born from another.

Over the past 100 years, there have been about 70 known pregnancies in separate wombs, but the birth of triplets is the first of its kind and doctors estimate the chances of such a pregnancy to be 1 in 25 million.

Hazel Jones has an abnormality called a double uterus (uterus didelphys).

The blonde from High Wycombe always wondered why she suffered from terrible cramps and heavy periods during puberty.

On her 18th birthday, Jones finally received a surprising diagnosis. The patient has two vaginas. This anomaly is “one in a million.”

Hazel did not hesitate to appear on ITV's This Morning, where she said that she felt quite comfortable, even though she literally had to lose her virginity twice.

"Once everything came out, I didn't hold anything back," Hazel told TV presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.

"I think it's incredible. Talking about it at parties definitely helps loosen everyone up."

She adds: "If women want to look, I'm happy to show it. It's not something that should make me blush."

Hazel went to the doctor after her boyfriend, whom she was dating, long time, said she was “different” in the genital area.

Dr. Dawn Harper, who was present on the show, explained: "Girls develop two tubes in the womb. These tubes and the septum collapse and form one uterus."

"In about one in 3,000 cases, the septum remains inside the uterus. But in fact, it is even rarer for two separate uteruses to develop."

Hazel said that she had previously experienced discomfort when entering into intimacy, however, now the adverse effects do not appear at all.

She decided to refuse surgical intervention, which could result in significant amount scar tissue.

Jones says: "When I was younger, I thought that early age I suffer from cystitis and infections urinary tract because my septum is torn."

"I used to suffer from terrible cramps. My periods were extremely heavy. Now I know that periods are not so easy because I have two uteruses."

"So if I get pregnant, I'll have to be careful not to get pregnant again at the same time."

Dr. Harper also noted that Hazel was likely to have a breech birth because her uterus was small. Jones will most likely need a caesarean section. She also needs double smears when checking for cervical cancer.

But none of this upsets Hazel.

"I have an amazing intimate life", she stated.

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