Health benefits and harms of hazelnuts. Beneficial properties of hazelnuts: recommendations for use and contraindications for eating hazelnuts

Hazelnuts (or hazelnuts) is the name used to designate the fruits of all plants belonging to the genus Hazel of the Birch family. However, hazelnuts are most often referred to as large hazel nuts (Latin name - Corylus maxima), which grows in Asia Minor and the south-eastern part of Europe. The plant is widespread in Balkan Peninsula, in Turkey, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France and North America.

Large hazel is a shrub or tree reaching 10 meters in height. The trunk of the plant is covered with smooth ash-gray bark. The green or dark red leaves of large hazel are heart-shaped or oval shape, reach 100 mm in width and 120 mm in length. The oblong-cylindrical fruits of the plant, reaching 25 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter, are crowded on long stalks. The nuts are fully ripened by September.

Large hazel has long been cultivated as a nut-bearing plant. The fruits of this crop are eaten raw, dried, fried, used in confectionery, alcoholic and Food Industry. Hazelnuts are squeezed vegetable oil, which is used in cooking, as well as in perfume, paint and soap production. In addition, large hazel nuts are used in alternative medicine to combat a range of pathologies.

Nutritional value of hazelnuts and vitamins in its composition

The nutritional value hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 14.999 g protein;
  • 61.439 g fat;
  • 9.311 g carbohydrates;
  • 5.887 g dietary fiber;
  • 5.704 g of dextrins, starch;
  • 4.781 g water;
  • 3.397 g ash;
  • 3.589 g of sugars (mono-, disaccharides);
  • 6.744 g fatty acids omega-6.

Vitamins in hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 67.944 mcg folate (vitamin B9);
  • 1.981 mcg retinol equivalent (vitamin A);
  • 0.097 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • 5.197 mg niacin equivalent (vitamin PP);
  • 20.311 mg alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent (vitamin E);
  • 1.144 mg pantothenic acid(vitamin B5);
  • 0.009 mg beta-carotene;
  • 0.294 mg thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 14.111 mcg phylloquinone (vitamin K);
  • 1.391 mg ascorbic acid(vitamin C);
  • 0.693 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • 44.949 mg choline (vitamin B4).

Hazelnut calories

Hazelnuts are extremely high-calorie product. In order to satisfy an adult's daily need for energy resources, it is enough to eat four small handfuls of shelled hazelnuts.

  • Calorie content of hazelnuts (100 g) – 652.104 kcal.
  • The energy value of one hazelnut (average weight - 3 g) is 19.563 kcal.
  • The calorie content of oil squeezed from hazelnuts (100 g) is 871.997 kcal.

Useful elements in hazelnuts

Macronutrients in hazelnuts (per 100 g):

  • 716.944 mg potassium;
  • 189.755 mg sulfur;
  • 21.494 mg chlorine;
  • 2.998 mg sodium;
  • 171.884 mg magnesium;
  • 298.716 mg phosphorus;
  • 169.816 mg calcium.

Microelements in hazelnuts (per 100 g).

Hazelnut is the most favorite treat for many people. But not everyone knows that hazelnuts have beneficial properties, not just a pleasant taste. In Russia, one type of this nut is known - Crimean. Its fruits have round shape with a very thin shell. Initially, hazelnuts appeared in the countries of the Caucasus and Asia Minor, and only then in America and Europe.

What are the benefits of hazelnuts?

The fruits of this crop contain a huge amount of elements necessary for health, including vitamin E, fluorine, potassium, iodine, cobalt and selenium. Hazelnuts contain slightly more fat than protein. It can be attributed to dietary products, because not at all a large number of carbohydrates contains hazelnuts.

Beneficial features:

1. This nut, like walnuts, is used to improve blood circulation and memory.

2. It is used for atherosclerosis, as it contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

3. Nutritionists advise eating hazelnuts during diets, because a small amount of it perfectly satisfies hunger and also saturates the body with protein.

4. Hazelnuts are used to cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste.

5. Many scientists say that constant use hazelnut significantly reduces the risk of various cancers.

6. Hazelnuts are used for constant fatigue, as it is a good tonic.

7. Due to the fact that this product contains a small amount of carbohydrates, it can be consumed by people with diabetes.

It is enough to eat 8-12 hazelnuts per day; its beneficial properties will make the body healthier. Sometimes hazelnuts get boring, especially for children. For them, you can roast chopped nuts and mix them with honey. You will get tasty and healthy halva.

Hazelnut: beneficial properties and their use in folk medicine

The fruits of this crop are often used to treat chronic bronchitis, diseases nervous system and impotence. For cooking universal medicine you need to crack fifty nuts and put the kernels in warm water all night long. Then you need to take them out, grind them and pour milk over them. This mixture should be left for three hours, strained and boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then cooled. Take half a glass three times a day after meals. Hazelnuts will also help keep the body in good shape, the beneficial properties of which are preserved not only in the kernels, but also in the shell and leaves. For colitis, you need to make a decoction of the shell and drink it in small sips 5-6 times a day. With a lack of ascorbic acid, it is very good remedy are nut leaves. If you add dried apricots or raisins, it will turn out delicious decoction, which, when consumed daily, normalizes the peristalsis of the large intestine. Ultimately, you can get rid of constipation.

Hazelnuts in cooking

Found a hazelnut wide application in cooking. It is used to prepare various sauces. Hazelnuts are also necessary in baking - they are widely used in the confectionery industry.

All nuts are more masculine than feminine. This is due to the fact that, firstly, they enrich the body with protein, which is building material for muscles, and also promotes the production male hormone testosterone. Secondly, nuts have a positive effect on reproductive system men, being excellent natural remedy for the prevention of prostate diseases.

Hazelnuts are often called hazelnuts. In fact, this is a little incorrect, because hazelnuts grow on wild trees, and hazelnuts grow on cultivated trees. But this does not in any way reduce its beneficial properties for the human body.

Beneficial properties of hazelnuts for the human body

What are the benefits of hazelnuts in the first place? to his positive influence per condition of cardio-vascular system. This manifests itself by reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. These nuts are recommended for regular consumption by people prone to varicose veins and anemia.

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts include the fact that, due to their high vitamin E content, they can improve reproductive function. Of course, it will not be possible to cure infertility with the help of these nuts alone, but they can be an excellent addition to complex treatment.

The benefits of hazelnuts are invaluable for people suffering from diabetes mellitus on initial stages. Experts strongly recommend including this type of nut in daily diet, because despite its caloric and nutritional content it contains a minimum of carbohydrates. IN in moderation it is not able to add weight or affect the formation of additional fat deposits. Therefore, to the question of whether hazelnuts are good for people who want to lose weight, the answer is unequivocal - yes.

In a modern lifestyle, when a person is faced with various stresses at every step, it is worth mentioning that hazelnuts have the extremely useful property of calming the nervous system and relieving irritability. Daily use A handful of hazelnuts will help cope with insomnia, and also make it easier to respond to stressful situations.

How are hazelnuts good for men's health?

The peculiarity of this type of nut is that it contains the following microelements that are especially useful for men:

  1. Vitamin E - slows down the aging process, strengthens the body.
  2. Calcium - the beneficial properties of hazelnuts thanks to this component include strengthening bones and teeth. For men, this factor is especially important, because it is the stronger sex who undergo significant physical activity every day.
  3. Iron has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood, improving its condition, and takes part in the process of hematopoiesis.
  4. Potassium - normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also acts as depressant for the nervous system.
  5. Zinc - accelerates the production of male sex hormones. Thus, there is no doubt whether hazelnuts are beneficial specifically for the stronger sex.

Hazelnuts are also useful for men because this type of nut eliminates the symptoms of prostatitis.

Anyone who suffers from prostate inflammation should eat 40-50 g daily. It is not only tasty, but also acts as medicine. The beneficial properties of hazelnuts for the male reproductive system are not limited to this. These nuts have an extremely beneficial effect on potency. There is even an opinion that Eastern men always eat 10-15 nuts before a date.

The modern fast pace of life has a negative impact on nutrition. This is especially true for men, since they are less careful about what they eat than the fair sex. The beneficial property of fiber contained in hazelnuts is its ability to effectively cleanse the body, remove waste and toxins. And this helps improve overall well-being.

How to eat hazelnuts correctly?

Before eating, these nuts need to be soaked for 30-40 minutes in cool water. This will make it easier for the stomach to digest them, but that’s all. useful components will be absorbed faster.

How can this type of nut harm you?

Like any other product, hazelnuts also have a number of contraindications. In particular, this applies to cases of overeating. Any nuts are food that is hard on the stomach. If you regularly eat more than 40 g, the risk of stomach diseases increases.

In any case, you should always keep an eye on individual reaction body. If eating hazelnuts causes any uncomfortable feeling, you need to immediately eliminate it from your diet.

According to its healing and nutritional properties, hazelnuts are in second place after almonds in terms of use in industrial nut production. It is indispensable in the confectionery industry and is used as a component for preparing salads. The nut shell has Brown color, and the core itself is covered with a dark brown film. Hazelnuts are an important source of food not only for humans, but also for animals and birds.

Hazelnuts contain biologically active elements necessary for full-fledged activity. human body. It contains amino acids and flavonoids, a large amount of fiber and fat, consisting of 60% glycerides of palmitic, oleic and stearic acid.

100 g of this product contains 700 kilocalories, which is 1.5 times more than what is contained in cocoa, 3 times more calories than bread and 8 times more calories than milk. It is enough to eat 30 hazelnut kernels daily to improve physical fitness and increase intellectual abilities.


Vitamin B1 0,3 mg
Vitamin B2 0,1 mg
Vitamin B3 5,2 mg
Vitamin B5 1,1 mg
Vitamin B6 0,7 mg
Vitamin B9 0,07 mg
Vitamin C 1,4 mg
Vitamin E 20 mg

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnut has high healing properties and stands out as unique nutritional value. The oily glycerides contained in the composition protect a person from the growth of cholesterol, vascular diseases, and are absolutely indispensable for a growing organism.

B vitamins normalize heart function and muscular system, and tocopherol is responsible for the reproductive function of the human body. This element is also a powerful tool against malignant neoplasms and diseases of the muscular system. This nut is recognized by doctors as important element in the nutrition of people who are thin after a long illness, as it helps saturate the human body with a whole list of useful vital substances.

Hazelnuts contain a large amount of potassium, which helps normalize muscle activity and strengthen the nervous system. The calcium contained in the composition takes care of bone tissue body, iron prevents the development of anemia and increases hemoglobin, and zinc increases the production of sex hormones.

Video about hazelnuts or hazelnuts

Due to the high calorie content, many exclude this product from the diet during diets, but this should not be done, since it contains practically no carbohydrates. Hazelnuts saturate the body without causing obesity, which is very useful for strict diets. For people with diabetes, for the same reason it brings only benefits and no harm.

When eating hazelnuts, the body is cleansed, especially the liver, from which toxins are removed. It also helps strengthen the body, which gives a person the opportunity to resist various diseases. Hazelnuts not only contain vitamins, minerals and oils, they also contain paclitaxel, which blocks cell division. tumor cells. That is why he is considered an indispensable tool for the prevention of lung, ovarian and breast cancer.

Peanut butter

From hazel fruits you can make peanut butter, which is a most valuable product. His main feature a long shelf life is considered, during which it does not lose its properties at all. nutritional properties, despite everything, it is easily absorbed by the body. Even children do not refuse this product, thanks to its sweetish, rich taste, which allows parents to feed growing organisms with the most valuable substances in nature that are part of the oil.

Walnut oil can also be used in medicinal purposes by mixing it with egg whites, which has a healing effect on the skin with burns. This product is also indispensable in for cosmetic purposes, since it can be used to strengthen thin and brittle hair, rubbing into the scalp, using as a mask.

Hazelnuts in folk medicine

What diseases can be overcome with tasty hazelnut kernels? The beneficial properties of hazel fruits are very multifaceted. Traditional healers recommend it to nursing mothers as a means of increasing lactation, as well as to prevent colic in infants. With the help of pounded kernels with milk you can get rid of bronchopulmonary diseases, with honey - from anemia and rheumatism, and in the form of a decoction - to prevent roundworm and epilepsy.

The potassium and calcium contained in the nut make the walls of blood vessels and the muscles of the heart elastic, which helps overcome cardiovascular diseases. The vitamins and minerals found in the kernels prevent varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis. Hazel fruits also help cope with diseases associated with capillaries and the prostate gland in men.

A large amount of protein improves brain function and prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease, which is associated with impaired brain function. By eating this product you can reduce blood pressure, win nervous exhaustion and even slow down the age-related processes of fat tissue deposition.

Some interesting facts from the history of hazel

IN Ancient Rome hazel was a symbol of remarkable strength and good health, and the ancient Greeks considered it a symbol of family happiness and prosperity. In Ancient Babylon ordinary people hazelnuts were not allowed to be eaten, as it was believed that they could stimulate mental activity. Many peoples associated nuts with fertility, so they were recommended for infertility and breastfeeding to improve lactation.

In Rus' it was believed that hazel is a blessed tree and therefore lightning does not strike it. If they found a double kernel in a nut, they believed that there would be a lot of wealth and happiness in the house. On Christmastide, hazelnuts were placed in the corners of the house to calm the souls of deceased relatives. In England, in ancient times, they believed that if you plant hazel under your windows, you will definitely have a son.

Contraindications and harm of hazelnuts

Hazelnut has high calorie content and a considerable percentage of fat, so it should not be consumed in large dosages. It is enough to eat no more than 50 g of nuts per day, since overeating will not benefit the body. This will lead to headaches or cerebral vasospasm may occur. The nut is contraindicated in cases of pathology of the pancreas and liver, as well as in case of individual intolerance, manifested in the form of allergic reactions.

It is very important to store hazel fruits in shells, as otherwise they quickly lose their beneficial properties. This product should be eaten for medicinal purposes only for six months after collection.

Hazelnuts are very popular among traditional healers thanks to extraordinary medicinal qualities. In addition, the hazel tree is known for its foliage and bark, which are used to make beautiful healing agents. Today, hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties are described by many scientists, are also becoming the basis for creating oil.

From this article you will learn:

General beneficial properties of hazelnuts (hazelnuts, hazels)

Thanks to its mineral and vitamin complex, hazelnuts are able to strengthen the most different systems organs and save a person from many ailments.

  • Nuts lower cholesterol levels and increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, so they are useful for prevention cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and even anemia. The minimal content of carbohydrates and sugars also makes hazelnuts suitable for people with diabetes.
  • Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties only work with constant consumption, have a positive effect on the nervous system. Eating a handful of nuts every day relieves a person from insomnia and excessive irritability. Hazelnuts also help cope with the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Doctors often advise consuming nuts during the recovery stage of the body after serious illnesses. This is due to the fact that hazelnuts significantly improve brain activity and activate defenses.
  • If we talk about the benefits of hazelnuts, we cannot fail to note their ability to fight free radicals. This product is very effective in the prevention of cancer due to this important component, like paclitaxel.
  • For the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases in chronic stage Traditional doctors advise grinding nuts with milk. Also, periodic consumption of hazelnuts will help lower blood pressure and reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. The product is also useful for combating stones in the urinary tract.

The effectiveness of hazelnuts for men

Another unique thing that hazelnuts are known for is their beneficial properties for men. Various clinical researches showed that vitamin E and microelements in the nut provide multifaceted support for the health of the stronger sex.

  • The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process of the body and strengthens the immune system.
  • Calcium allows you to withstand daily physical stress, improving skeletal system. High content The protein in nuts helps build muscle mass.
  • The presence of potassium ensures the normalization of the heart muscle.
  • Thanks to zinc, hazelnuts accelerate the production of sex hormones in the body.

It is believed that by eating 50 g of nuts per day, men can relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. In addition, only 10-15 hazelnuts are enough to maintain good potency.

Benefits of hazelnuts for women

One of the lowest calorie nuts is hazelnut. This product also has beneficial properties for women, because it can be safely used in the process of losing weight.

Many doctors also allow the consumption of nuts during special diets. But the effectiveness of hazelnuts for girls does not end there.

  • Hazelnut fiber allows short time cleanse the body, removing dangerous waste and toxins from it.
  • A diverse set of vitamins and the presence of minerals make hazelnuts useful for work reproductive system. Therefore, it is recommended to eat nuts during pregnancy planning.
  • During breastfeeding, hazelnut helps improve the quality of milk and significantly increases lactation.
  • There is an opinion that hazelnuts are necessary for the prevention of cancer of the mammary glands and female genital organs.
  • Regular intake of nuts improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

How hazel leaves, shells and oil are used

Today, not only hazel fruits are becoming increasingly popular. From the young foliage of the tree, its bark and hazelnut peel, you can make a variety of folk remedies, which are used in cosmetology and medicine.

  • Hazelnut kernels.
Also obtained from nut kernels by pressing, which is very popular in cooking. The oil comes in both liquid form and in the form of a butter.

However, the beneficial properties of hazelnut oil also make it possible to take it internally. It is not only useful food additive, But effective drug against burns and hair loss. The external use of hazelnut squeeze is mainly related to the area, since with the help of hazel fruits you can remove acne and get rid of cellulite.

  • Hazel leaves.

Tea is most often made from hazel leaves. This drink has excellent diuretic properties, and also strengthens the liver and facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial properties of hazelnut leaves have also found their use in hair cosmetology. So, fresh herbs make an excellent decoction that is used to rinse your hair for hair problems. And if you combine the leaves with young twigs in a decoction, you will get a remedy that relieves swelling and redness on the skin.

An infusion of nut leaves helps with hypertrophied prostate gland, epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system. The same drink is used by men to treat prostate adenoma.

  • Hazelnut shell.

Hazelnut shells are considered no less effective. For men, it is necessary as part of the treatment of prostatitis. So, a decoction of nut peels is consumed before meals, 2 tablespoons. Traditional doctors also advise using this drink to alleviate the condition of colitis, hypotension, and dizziness.

Nut shells are added to medicinal baths and ointments, because tannins its composition helps get rid of joint problems, trophic ulcers, dysentery.

Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties are also effective for women, can be immediately peeled to make powder out of it. This remedy in combination with water helps with uterine fibroids. And if you use crushed shells in dry form, you can cure hemorrhoids and chronic diarrhea.

Restrictions and contraindications

Knowing the benefits of hazelnuts, you should not ignore the existing contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to consume fruits in childhood in the presence of serious diabetes and severe liver disease. If you overeat nuts, consuming more than 50 g per day, you can feel severe attack migraines due to spasms of the head vessels.

Also remember that maximum benefit bring nuts stored in shells, since otherwise the minerals and vitamins gradually disintegrate.

Try natural hazelnuts and be healthy!

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