Understand which tooth hurts in the upper one. Aching tooth - a natural pharmacy can save you. Self-diagnosis of the problem

How to determine which tooth hurts when the whole jaw aches (cm)?

    They were able to find me only when an x-ray was taken, it turned out there was a cyst on the root of the sealed one, the tooth had to be removed urgently. Well, before this I had a great treatment, and also in paid clinic. Be sure to go to the doctor, they will definitely find the cause of your pain without fail. I was sick before upper tooth, and the pain generally radiated to the lower jaw. I was surprised how this could be, but it turned out that it could...

    I can say, according to one otolaryngologist, that untreated teeth are the cause of a runny nose. Therefore, go to the doctor, and he will determine which tooth hurts. Doctors do this in a simple way. After examining the jaw, they knock on the suspected diseased tooth. If you feel discomfort, that will be it. the right tooth. In your case it’s even simpler, the tooth reacts to cold, hot and other irritants. This means that they will pour a stream of water on you and begin treatment where it hurts. I had a toothache in my sleep. It doesn’t hurt like that, but how to sleep the pain is hellish. They knocked, poured water and nothing hurt. They put a filling on one chipped tooth on the other side. And with the one where it hurt, they decided to open the filling (there was only one filling) and check it. So the problem turned out to be under the filling, which was in perfect condition and had been standing for eight years. The tooth began to decay under the filling. So only the dentist will help you. And the sooner you get to him, the less problems will be in dental treatment. And that's it

    First of all, consult a dentist if, during examination, the doctor cannot determine which tooth is giving rise painful sensations, then they will take a diagnostic image for you, where everything will be visible, we show and tell patients everything from the image

    First of all dentist he'll take a look and give it to him referral for x-ray snapshot,without him not a single doctor, even the most experienced will not undertake to treat at random or remove. Since in addition to pulpitis, when there is a reaction to hot and cold food, there is more serious illnesses teeth. If the pain comes from a tooth in which a tooth has already been removed, then a cyst may fester. abscess under a tooth. If you endure for a long time. then there may be a complication of exacerbation of periodontitis, up to osteomyelitis, when the purulent inflammatory process spreads to the bone tissue.

    In general, I advise you to do it right away panoramic shot all teeth. I did this to speed up my visits to doctors and clinics. Came to the largest regional office in the city dental clinic, so as not to stand in lines, I paid, I don’t remember exactly, but 200 rubles, and they took it straight to the doctor in the office, they took it for me instantly, and immediately brought out a still raw photo.

    I already went to the dentist with him. Moreover, the doctor, without yet performing an examination, immediately looked at the picture, where it was clearly visible that a surgeon’s intervention was required (I endured it for a long time, was afraid, put it off, citing lack of time). As a result, the dental surgeon, also looking at the picture, said that he would try to remove it, if it didn’t work out he would have to go to the dental department. Fortunately for me, the doctor has golden hands, he removed it, but at the same time prescribed Nimesil in powders to relieve swelling and inflammation. This is how dangerous it is to develop a toothache! Moreover, a panoramic image is valid for three to five years, take it home and keep it, you never know what else might happen.

    That's why we need doctors, to treat us sick. Even if you have a runny nose or something else, you definitely need to go.

    If the pain is very severe, then it is most likely not due to tooth sensitivity. There are many reasons, I am not a doctor, so I can only speak approximately. Inflammation of the gums or nerve, cyst. An experienced dentist will determine it accurately and help you get rid of pain. Good luck to you and healthy teeth!

    I think that there is no way to check exactly which tooth hurts. Of course, you can tap each tooth with a metal spoon, but this method is not always correct. In your case, I would consult a doctor.

    Dentists sometimes use this simple method - tapping the teeth with a metal stick. The one that responds the most is the one that hurts.

    Of course, this method is not perfect. The doctor can probably refer you to X-ray, to determine. Many specialists now have modern visiographs in their offices to quickly take a picture and have a look.

    If there is a pulpless tooth, then there may be a cyst/granuloma. She is visible in the photo dark spot under the root of the tooth. By the way, even such a tooth can be treated (if the tissues of the tooth root are still preserved and not very softened), once I directly forced the doctor to go through the canal again and refill it, he did not want to undertake treatment and referred it for removal. For three days afterwards there was hellish pain, but the tooth has been standing for 10 years.

    In any case, the main thing is to find good doctor. But ask to figure it out first, so as not to start treating a healthy tooth.

    There is also a possibility that the pain is neuralgic. Here it would be good to consult with an experienced neurologist.

Toothache– this is a signal making it clear that dental health is in danger. The reasons why teeth hurt can be very diverse, but the most common of them are: caries, pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve of the tooth), gum disease, periodontitis and dental hypersensitivity.

Caries and pulpitis

So, how does a tooth hurt due to caries? With caries, the tooth hurts only when eating food (cold or hot, sweet or sour, as well as when biting off solid food). With pulpitis, toothache is pulsating in nature, and this pain is especially acute at night. It can spread throughout the jaw, and not just near the diseased tooth. The pain is not affected by food intake, but it may be aggravated by cold, sweet or hot foods. With pulpitis, pain can reach the temple and also spread to neighboring teeth. How long a tooth can hurt depends on the damage to the pulp.


Quite severe throbbing toothache, which intensifies when chewing, is a symptom of periodontitis. This dental disease can be accompanied by fever, headache, and gumboil. Gum diseases include gingivitis and periodontitis. These diseases are accompanied by constant aching toothache, bleeding, sometimes with the discharge of pus. The pain intensifies while eating.

With dental hypersensitivity, pain occurs when eating food: hot or cold, sweet or sour, as well as when inhaling cold air. Hypersensitivity occurs when tooth enamel is weakened.

Pain in wisdom teeth

How a wisdom tooth hurts is of interest to many, but not everyone knows that this can be a symptom of several diseases: pericoronitis (inflammation of the hood of a wisdom tooth), displacement of teeth or caries of the wisdom tooth itself or neighboring teeth. With pericoronitis, as a rule, the gums near the tooth hurt. When teeth shift, the wisdom tooth displaces neighboring teeth during growth and thereby provokes the appearance of pain.

With caries of a wisdom tooth, the pain is no different from the pain with caries of other teeth (it also occurs during meals, or may be completely absent).

Determining which tooth hurts

To determine which tooth hurts, you need visual inspection teeth (the diseased tooth may be gray or bleeding). You can also tap the teeth with a special instrument, which will intensify the pain in the diseased tooth. In addition, you can identify a diseased tooth using cold water. In addition to the methods listed above, you can feel the tooth, the inflammation of which has led to swelling of the gums. But the most the right way To determine a diseased tooth is to take an x-ray.

And to avoid a wide variety of dental diseases, it is necessary to undergo regular dental examinations. After all, it’s no secret that the sooner a problem is detected, the easier it will be to fix it.

Every person has at least once in their life, but... Sometimes a tooth hurts so badly that it is simply impossible to endure this feeling for a long time.

It is in such a situation that even those people who try to avoid a visit to the doctor to the last minute go to the dental clinic.

What if, but a whole row of teeth or part of the jaw? What to do in such a situation and what diseases they may be a symptom of discomfort when it seems like all your teeth hurt at once?

Why does this type of pain occur?

The teeth are connected by nerve endings into a single chain. The branches of the superior alveolar nerves approach each tooth individually.

So, the middle alveolar branch goes to the premolars, and the anterior branch goes to the incisors. All nerve endings in upper jaw united in the upper dental plexus. Gingival tissues also extend from it to the gums and walls of the dental alveoli. A similar innervation system also has a lower jaw.

Small nerve endings leading to the top of the tooth and gums are, in fact, processes of the trigeminal nerve. If in any area, be it a tooth, gums or itself trigeminal nerve, in the course of innervation any disturbance occurs, then pain sensations will spread throughout nerve fibers piercing the jaw.

That is why, if several teeth are affected, there is a feeling that the entire jaw hurts.

The pain spreads along the nerve fibers of the entire dentition and sometimes it is difficult to identify the tooth that caused the discomfort.

Features of the clinical picture

Toothache affecting the entire jaw can be very different: acute,. It may appear periodically (usually at night) and disappear again.

Most often it appears when a person is sleeping, this is due to the fact that at rest the blood flow to the jaws increases; in addition, in the evening the adrenal glands are inactive and produce fewer steroid hormones.

At acute conditions, such as or, the pain is usually persistent and unbearable, sometimes throbbing. Very often, after eating hot or cold food, you get the feeling that all your teeth hurt at the same time. In this case, the unpleasant sensations pass quite quickly.

In any case, in order to find out the cause of the symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of the pathological condition

There are several groups of causes and diseases that create the feeling that all teeth hurt at once. Some of them are of a dental nature, while others are not directly related to the teeth and gums, but at the same time there is a feeling that it is the teeth that hurt.

If all teeth hurt at the same time, this may be caused by the following dental factors:

Non-dental causes of tooth pain without clear localization include:

In case of such a problem, you should...

Whenever unpleasant symptoms You should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to remember that the sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the faster the painful symptoms will go away.

Before going to the clinic, you can only slightly alleviate the suffering with home remedies. Painkillers that are available in every first aid kit will help relieve pain: Analgin, Tempalgin, Ketorol. If toothache is accompanied by an inflammatory process, then you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

It is undesirable to warm up the area where unpleasant sensations are located.

If pain is caused by dental problems, then a compress with fir oil. To prepare a compress, place 5 drops of oil on a piece of bandage and apply to the gum.

Also, instead of fir drops for a compress, you can use “Tooth drops”, “Denta” or a solution of novocaine.

A decoction of oak bark can also pacify toothache. When all your teeth hurt, pour boiling water over a tablespoon of oak bark and let it brew. You can rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction.

The feeling that the entire jaw hurts at once can occur when various pathologies. Pain in the teeth is a consequence of the disease, and not an independent disease.

If the first symptoms occur, do not delay going to the clinic. Only a competent doctor can deal with the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

Beautiful and healthy teeth– not only external attractiveness, but also the best indicator of a person’s internal health. When a painful toothache occurs, we lose control of ourselves. All thoughts are focused on unpleasant condition which interferes with a normal lifestyle and causes discomfort.

Why does one tooth hurt, but the whole jaw ache?

It often happens that the entire jaw hurts, but it is not possible to find out which tooth is bothering you. The cause of the problem lies in anatomy human body. The trigeminal nerve, which passes into facial area, is a large bundle from which three branches extend. One of them is directed to the fronto-orbital region, the second - to the upper jaw, and the third - to the chin and lower jaw. Based on this, you can understand why the pain radiates.

Sometimes toothache is confused with trigeminal neuralgia, but these conditions should be distinguished. During toothache, the trigeminal nerve contributes to its spread throughout its entire length, but itself remains healthy.

Methods for identifying a diseased tooth

How to determine which tooth hurts (see also:)? Of course it is main question, to which I want to know the answer as soon as possible. Toothache can be piercing and does not give you time to think. It often seems to cloud a person's mind. Let's try to figure out what ways to identify a diseased tooth exist. Today there are not many of them.

On your own

You need to stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine your oral cavity. The mucous membrane of the gums near the teeth should normally have a pale pink tint, the teeth should have a normal color without unnecessary darkening.

  • If a tooth with dark spots is found, it may be the cause of the pain - this indicates the development of a carious process.
  • An abscess may form above the tooth, and when pressure is applied to it, pus is released. This condition occurs with periodontitis.
  • Gum disease is also a cause of tooth pain. They manifest themselves as pain, bleeding, and swelling.

At the dentist's office

In the dentist's office, diagnosis is carried out using special devices. The doctor taps the teeth with the instrument one at a time, thereby identifying the reaction of a particular tooth to impact.

The specialist also palpates the teeth and gums, checking how the tooth reacts to this manipulation, and evaluates tooth mobility in the same way.

Using X-ray

If the doctor is unable to determine the cause of the pain visually and using a set of instruments, then the patient is sent for an x-ray. There are several types X-ray diagnostics: spot shot, panoramic, CT. The dentist chooses the most suitable one for specific situation. The image shows the condition of the canals, bones, defects in the cervical area, the presence or absence of granulomas and cysts at the root apex.

What to do if your tooth hurts?

If there is no dental clinic nearby or it is closed, then you need to look for a way out on how to numb the painful tooth. Moreover, if your entire jaw aches and you cannot tolerate the discomfort (we recommend reading:). There are a number of medications that can save a person from painful toothache. However, it should be noted that all medications have their own side effects.


  1. The most popular are preparations based on nimesulide. The group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has not only good analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory effects. These include Nise, Ketanov, Ketorol (we recommend reading:). Good old Analgin will also help.
  2. You can also use solutions of valerian and peppermint for rinsing. They disinfect and have a calming effect.
  3. It wouldn't hurt to use local anesthetics, for example, a solution of Lidocaine in the form of a spray.

These medications will help treat the pain, but not the cause. No one canceled a trip to the doctor.

Folk remedies

TO traditional methods include baths and rinses:

Measures to prevent toothache

To prevent diseases of our teeth and gums, it is necessary to observe daily hygiene oral health and be examined by your dentist at least once every six months. Daily hygiene means proper regular brushing of teeth (also gums, cheeks and tongue), removal of dental plaque during a preventive examination, selection of the optimal brush and toothpaste.

It often happens that with severe toothache, people try to independently determine which tooth hurts. And sometimes it happens that this can be done.

But when you go to the dentist, it turns out that it’s not the wrong tooth that hurts. So how can you correctly determine which tooth is causing so much discomfort before dental care is provided?

It is important to note the fact that in most cases it is impossible to independently determine the source of pain. Since the dentist himself often cannot determine without modern technologies things like source and cause severe pain, then you shouldn’t count on making a correct diagnosis on your own.

First, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth so that no traces of food remain.

After this, you need to examine your teeth in good light in the mirror. A tooth that hurts is often a slightly different color from healthy teeth. Due to the processes that occur in the dental pulp, the diseased tooth begins to darken slightly.

In addition to the fact that the tooth may become darker, inflammation - gumboil - may appear near the diseased tooth. In addition, you may notice that the gums near the sore tooth may become swollen and red. The gums may also begin to bleed. In this case, the pain may be felt in the throat, and not on the gum. When you have a toothache, you almost always get a headache, an unpleasant bitter taste appears in your mouth, and the smell from your mouth becomes sharp and sour, which also causes a lot of awkwardness and discomfort.

The dentist first tries to identify the diseased tooth by tapping the teeth in the area with special metal instruments. painful sensations. But since this method cannot always help in precise definition sick tooth, doctors send the patient for a dental x-ray. If it suddenly turns out that the patient has a dental granuloma or a cyst, the dentist can always treat such a tooth.

It is not recommended to endure toothache and suppress it with pills for a long time without seeing a doctor, because the pain can be caused inflammatory processes, such as developing pulpitis or abscess. This “silencing” of pain can lead to serious complications, for example, to osteomyelitis, which implies the transition of inflammation to the bone.

Because the untimely treatment or completely ignoring the symptoms of caries can lead to pulpitis, then it can become one of the causes of severe toothache. When there is a very thin layer between the pulp chamber and the carious cavity, toxins can enter the vessels and nerve endings. This helps inflammation develop, since over time this thin layer practically disappears and the infection begins to freely penetrate the vessels. This contributes to the development of pulpitis. Sometimes the filling material can cause infection. This can happen if the patient’s tooth was poorly treated.

In addition, the development of pulpitis can cause serious mechanical trauma to the tooth.

If a person has sharp shooting pains that become stronger during sleep or at night, then this is a clear sign pulpitis. Sometimes the pain may worsen when eating hot or cold foods. If such pain occurs, you should immediately contact your dentist. It is with a disease such as pulpitis that it is most difficult to determine which tooth hurts, because both the throat and part of the jaw begin to hurt, and even occasionally Bottom part faces.

Dentists only speak positively about the fact that taking painkillers for a short time before going to see a doctor is a temporary means of “dulling” the pain.

We must not forget that it is important not to heat the tooth, gum, or jaw in the area of ​​pain, as this will not only aggravate the pain, but can also cause certain difficulties in further specialized treatment. Moreover, if you impose medicine on a painful area, then there is no need to “push” it directly into the tooth, this will only bring unnecessary severe pain.

It is worth remembering that there are many other dental diseases, especially chronic ones, which can be asymptomatic. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the dental department immediately after the onset of toothache.

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