Obedient dog. Rules for raising and training an obedient dog. Is it possible to use force?

We all dream that our dog will be distinguished by its obedience and obey us unquestioningly. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially with serious dog breeds such as bullmastiffs, pit bulls, bull terriers, amstafs and Central Asian shepherds.

Antoine Najarian and German Shepherd

Dogs are often difficult to train due to their leadership nature. What to do when the dog refuses to obey? It turns out that everything is very simple: you need, first of all, to study the habits and communication of dogs in a pack. Let's analyze some situations together with animal psychologist Antoine Najarian.

1.The dog jumps on guests

Often, the dog greets the guest. Emotions go wild, she begins to jump on the person. One of the guests begins to pet the dog and talk to it. And someone doesn’t know what to do, because the dog tears clothes and licks his face. At the same time, the owner calls the dog to him, forbids it, but... What to do?

  • Do not allow the dog to attack or jump on guests.
  • Do not provoke emotions with words and actions.
  • Block its approach to the person by standing in front of the dog and silently moving directly towards it. Then you need to stand in front of the dog and not let him approach the guest.
  • The dog should calm down within five minutes.
  • The guest should not react to the dog for the first 5 minutes either with words or actions.
  • When the dog calms down emotionally, you can let it near the guest.

You need to be brief, specific and understandable for the dog: if the dog bites, you don’t need to pet it, if it doesn’t bite, you can pet it. At the same time, your emotions should be as low as possible.

2. The dog steals food from the table

If a dog steals food from the table, then perhaps the reason is that someone in the family sometimes feeds the pet during meals. Here are a few rules to stop your dog from begging and taking food from the table.

  • Don't feed your dog table food. No one in the family should feed the dog from the table.
  • Place a plate of food on the coffee table. When the dog wants to approach to take food, do not say anything, but go to the table and use your hands to depict the animal’s open mouth, pointing it at the dog. This is how dogs use their mouths to delimit territory between themselves.
  • If the dog begins to whine, do not pet it under any circumstances: this way you feel sorry for it, and the dog learns to manipulate you. When your dog whines, you just need to ignore it.
  • Develop patience in your dog, he must learn to wait until you eat. When you've finished eating, reward your dog's patience with a tasty morsel.

3. The dog misbehaves and spoils household things

When left at home alone, the dog often chews shoes, furniture, etc. out of boredom and excess unspent energy. What to do in this case?

  • You need to walk your dog for a long time in the morning, at least an hour. Then, while the owners are at work, the dog will rest.
  • During a walk, the dog must expend energy so that it associates the apartment with absolute calm. At home, she should save energy, not waste it.
  • Games in the house are not advisable. Take your dog outside and waste your energy there!

4. The dog recovers at home

There is another very common problem in young dogs: she walks on the street, and when she comes back from a walk, she relieves herself at home. How to wean your pet from this habit?

  • If a dog does not go to the toilet outside, but urinates at home, the dog is simply distracted by various new smells and sounds.
  • When you go out for a walk, first walk in the same place: 10 meters there and 10 meters back. On the 5-6th time the dog will get used to familiar smells and surroundings and go to the toilet.
  • Only after this (but not immediately) can you move on.

5.How to calm a dog?

Often young dogs like to run around the house, dropping furniture, dishes and... people who come to visit. We offer you several ways to calm your dog.

  • Do not hit the dog under any circumstances! A person who hits his dog cannot control his emotions and has a complete lack of knowledge about dog psychology. A person who knows about dogs will not beat an animal: they beat out of despair.
  • Don't yell at her to make her listen to you!
  • If you want the dog to calm down and return to normal emotional condition, learn to put a block.
  • Silently stand in front of the dog, without letting him go ahead. Stand in front of her and wait until the dog sits or lies down.
  • The dog must understand: “If I sit down or lie down, I come to a calmer state, they will leave me alone.”
  • Do not “humanize” the dog, respect its canine nature, then your dog will understand you and what you require from it.

And one more important advice: before getting a dog of any breed,. You don't get behind the wheel of a car without learning how to drive, and it's the same with an animal. Study the nature of dogs and then get a puppy!

It is best to train a dog in special courses. But not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, you have to take on the matter yourself. But don't worry. Dogs are smart animals and when the right approach easy to educate. What and how to do - read below.

Puppy training: where to start?

Before demanding anything from a dog, you need remember a few simple rules:

  • Study your pet's personality. All dogs are different, each one needs individual approach to improve learning efficiency.
  • Clearly define the tasks that the dog must complete in the lesson.
  • Develop certain gestures and signals that your dog should obey. Do not change them under any circumstances during the learning process.
  • Encourage a small piece treats for every achievement of your pet.
  • Try to make activities interesting for your dog. Play with her during breaks.
  • Dogs get tired too. Don't delay your lessons.

So that the dog obeys you and learns easily, you need to make friends with her. Your pet should trust you and not be afraid of anything. If you achieve this, you don't have to worry about training. It will be all plain sailing.

Basic dog training methods

  1. Learning with voice. This method is the most famous. You need to teach your dog to respond to the sound of your voice. The pet must understand that if you say something, then your command must be followed by some action. Don't forget that dogs are good at distinguishing intonation. Train your voice. When you give a command, he should be even, calm and unemotional. Do not change the intonation for commands, then the dog will get used to it and begin to understand that he must obey when you speak in this particular tone. Never yell at the dog, otherwise you will get the opposite effect of the desired one.
  2. Clicker training. A clicker is a keychain with a clicking button. The click lets the dog know that he did exactly what he needed to do. To do this, you need to reinforce each click with a treat, then the pet develops a positive reflex to the clicker. This method prohibits the use of punishment. If the dog fails to follow the command, then you need to wait for the moment when he does everything correctly and praise him with a click and a treat.
  3. Force training. If you decide to train your dog using this method, be sure to learn how to use the stimulus correctly. A jerk with a leash is usually used as a stimulus. Under no circumstances should jerking harm the dog! If the dog does not obey you when executing a command, then give a light tug first. If this still does not work, then strengthen it until the pet completes the command. There is no need to make a strong jerk. But excessive softness will not bring results. We must act harshly, but not cruelly. And don't forget about encouragement.

What is included in the obedience course

Basic training includes basic commands such as “come”, “near”, “fu”, “sit”, “lie down”. It is needed so that you can control the dog in any situation.

Also, the basic course is aimed at developing the skills necessary for further education dogs to more serious teams that will make your friend a real protector.

Basic commands:

  • "To me". The most important command that allows you to keep your pet away from other dogs, cats and people. It also eliminates the need to catch up with a runaway dog.
  • "Place". This command is useful when you need the dog to stay out of the way and sit quietly in its corner, for example, if you are cleaning.
  • "Ugh". The pet should not chew foreign objects and the skirts of women passing by. So this team is vital.
  • "Near". Any dog ​​should be able to walk correctly next to its owner. Without this command, you simply cannot go outside for a walk: the dog will not allow anyone passage.
  • "Walk". When you give the command, let your pet off the leash. It is better to do this in a place where the untrained dog will not harm anyone.
  • "Sit" and "lie down". Usually used when traveling on public transport. Or when the dog has to wait for you for a long time.
  • "It is forbidden". You should not allow your dog to bark for no reason, beg for food, or snap at you. This command is needed precisely in such cases.
  • "Face". Any dog ​​will always protect its owner. But she may draw the wrong conclusions and try to attack the wrong person. Train your dog to protect you when necessary.

Let's start training your dog

First of all the dog is trained to the place. They do this, of course, at home. We also teach the pet the “come to me” command when we call him to eat. Be sure to call him by his nickname, he should respond to it. After this, at home we teach the dog the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “no” and others.

Problems usually arise when the pet goes outside. If he obeyed you at home, then outside his walls, intoxicated by sudden freedom, he may behave unpredictably. In general, training a dog at home and outdoors are two different things. At first, you definitely won’t be able to do without a leash.

Time for training you can choose any, the main thing is that it is not hot outside. Stock up on plenty of treats, take water, and find a quiet corner to keep your dog as little distracted as possible.

The first lessons should last no more than half an hour, gradually increase their duration to an hour or an hour and a half. Spend no more than twenty minutes learning one command, otherwise your pet will get bored. Give the dog a short walk and move on to the next one. Try to mix up the order of learning commands every day - this has a positive effect on the effectiveness of learning.

  • Before you begin training your dog outside, let him become familiar with the area. This way she will feel calmer and training will be easier.
  • It is also useful to let your dog run before class. Tired, she will concentrate better on commands, which will greatly simplify the learning process.
  • There is no need to repeat the command five times in three seconds, otherwise your pet will get confused.
  • Make sure that all commands are carried out with pleasure and without fear. If you notice that your dog is scared, then most likely you were too strict. Stop training to let your pet calm down. The next day, start again, making everything a little softer.
  • Gradually make things more difficult. The dog should obey you not only in a quiet place, but also in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Make sure the dog obeys all family members.

Video about training dogs at home

Other questions, such as when and how to use a collar or how to deal with your pet's aggression towards other dogs, you can discuss with our readers. Share your experience with us dog training!

Assessing the intellectual capabilities of each dog breed is quite difficult. A kind of IQ test for pets was their ability to remember and follow commands. But often, the obstacle to successful training is not the lack of gray matter, and stubbornness inherited from nature is why these dogs are considered disobedient

There are dogs that are smart, and there are breeds that are considered stupid. Well, there are also breeds that are considered smart, but terribly disobedient. It is very difficult to train such dogs, and dog trainers are not very fond of such breeds. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of ten breeds that are considered the most disobedient and independent

No. 1. Afghan hound

This breed was discovered Western world in Afghanistan and surrounding regions in the 19th century, and soon the first dogs appeared in England. Afghan hounds are very sensitive to the mood of their owner, they are also very naughty. Not just naughty, but very naughty.

According to legend, the Afghan hound was among the animals that the biblical Noah took on his ark. Rock carvings of this dog dating back more than 4,000 years have been found in northern Afghanistan. It is believed that modern type The Afghan Hound was created by crossing the ancient Afghan Hound with a Saluki. This breed appeared in Europe in 1880 and immediately attracted people's attention with its beautiful appearance, luxurious, long and flowing coat.

The Afghan Hound is a large and at the same time light dog, of a dry build, square format with flexible, smooth, soft, dynamic, springy movements. Possessing a proud posture, head held high and majestically, this dog gives the impression of strength and agility combined with dignity and nobility.

No. 2. Basenji

home distinguishing feature The Basenji breed does not bark. However, this does not mean that they are silent all the time. They make unique sounds unique to this breed, including their famous “trills”. She is clean, playful and affectionate dog, making it ideal for keeping in the home.

The Basenji (or African Non-Barking Dog) is an ancient dog breed with a history dating back about 5,000 years. The breed was not bred by humans; the Basenji can still be found in the African jungle. They mostly hunt and get their own food, but they can also be seen near the fire of African pygmies, who use these dogs as hunting assistants.

Dogs of this breed can groom themselves for hours, licking their fur and preening themselves. They can stare out the window for hours, watching what is happening on the street. A freedom-loving and independent breed - that’s why it was included in the list of the most naughty breeds

No. 3. Bulldog

It is believed that the bulldog descended from ancient breeds of mastiffs of Asian blood - fighting dogs, brought to England by the Romans. Bulldogs were used for bull baiting. Since the 13th century in England they began to organize dog fighting. In 1835, the cruel custom of baiting bulls with dogs was outlawed in England. First breed standard English bulldog published in 1895, since then the bulldog has become a “family” dog. Bulldog - national British breed, which has become a symbol of the English character.

An energetic, courageous, persistent breed, distinguished by constancy and self-esteem. Despite its frightening appearance, it is a calm and peaceful dog, affectionate towards its owner. He loves to play with children and becomes very attached to his owner. Doesn't like other dogs. Training must be patient - the bulldog's tenacity is well known, so when training it is necessary to combine firmness with the ability to find compromises.

Bulldogs are powerful and strong dogs, but they are light on their feet, agile, agile and capable of overcoming very high obstacles.

The Bulldog should not be overly timid or shy or overly aggressive. This is a brave and determined, but not hostile dog. Cheerful and confident, this breed truly loves children. They say these are truly devotees and truly loving dogs who need to be around people to be truly happy.

No. 4. Chow Chow

CHOW-CHOW (Chow Chow), a breed of northern dogs. Chow chow has been known in China since ancient times. It is believed that they were mastiffs of Tibetan lamas in the monasteries of Tibet. Their ancestors, apparently, were mastiffs and northern dogs. The Chow Chow is the only dog ​​with a black tongue, which to some extent makes it similar to the bear, which it resembles in appearance.

Chow-chow - decorative dog, which retained the working qualities of its ancestors. Magnificently thick coat that is not subject to seasonal shedding, complete absence smell characteristic of dogs, powerful bones, strong jaws, excellent sense of smell, innate distrust of strangers - characteristics of the modern Chow.

There are two varieties of this breed: long-haired and short-haired. Longhairs have a profuse coat that is erect, lush and long. In shorthaired cats, it is short and close to the body. The recognized color must be solid and monochromatic. Colors - black, brown, blue, cream, red-red, cream to almost white. The Chow Chow is a very loyal dog. She needs both affection and firmness in handling at the same time, and becomes attached to her owner. Very loyal. A wonderful companion.

Chow chows constantly require attention from both owners and guests. They always want to be at the center of everything that happens. Despite the fact that representatives of this breed are not very large in size, their ego is very, very significant. Training dogs of this breed is difficult.

No. 5. Russian greyhounds

The Russian Greyhound has the following qualities: good eyesight, aggressiveness towards animals, strength, and develops great speed when running, especially over short distances. The dog is tall, narrow in build, dry, strong, elegant. The height at the withers of males is from 75 to 86 cm, females - 68 to 78 cm. The elongation index of males is about 102, females - about 105.

The dog has a balanced temperament, is very affectionate with people, and sometimes stubborn. She can live in a city apartment, but every day she must take long walks in the open air. Like a hound, the Russian greyhound is fast and durable. She is capable of running at speeds of up to 70 km per hour (a wolf can reach speeds of up to 56 km per hour). The breed is different sharp vision, is able to see at a great distance, is endowed with a rapid reaction, confidence and courage, strength and a sharp “throw” at the moment of catching an animal, has great agility (primarily at short distances) and agility. In a fight, it can become a dangerous opponent, because, despite its external elegance, it is a strong, initially pugnacious dog, vicious towards the beast.

The temperament is calm, but the dog becomes very excited at the sight of the animal. The head is long, narrow, dry. The skull is narrow, oval, flat. The length of the muzzle is equal to the length of the skull. The eyes are large, oval shape, dark brown, eyelids with dark edges. The ears are small, thin, mobile, pointed, set high, pressed tightly to the neck, covered with short hair. The chest is not wide, well developed. The tail is long, thin, saber-shaped, with a thick dewlap. The coat is soft, wavy or in a large curl. On the lateral surfaces of the limbs it is short, close-fitting; on the back and neck it is longer and wavy.

The Russian Greyhound is, without a doubt, one of the most elegant and noble hunting dogs. Her beauty and grace, as well as excellent working qualities in different time conquered the hearts of both Russian landowners and overseas aristocrats. Royalty went hunting with them. A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy wrote about these magnificent animals in their works, famous painters depicted them on their canvases... Owning such a dog is a sign of impeccable taste and high status of its owner.

No. 6. Bloodhound

BLOODHOUND (Bloodhound, St. Hubert Hound), a breed of hunting hounds. Known since the Middle Ages. According to one version, the ancestors of the Bloodhound are considered to be dogs that lived with the monks in the Belgian monastery of St. Hubert in the Ardennes. According to another, bloodhounds appeared in England at the same time. Some Bracque breeds participated in the formation of the breed. In the 19th century, these hounds were used to hunt wolves, lynx and deer, and, because they have incredible senses, to track down lost sheep. In the UK they help police officers track down criminals. The Bloodhound is a beautiful, large, powerful dog that gives the impression of seriousness, wisdom and strength. Height 60-67 cm, weight 40-48 kg.

The Bloodhound is not a dog for everyone, although it wins the hearts of people at first sight. He has no owners, but only people who fit and like him. How are his owners different from all other dog breeders? Well, at least once in their life, they enter into a pact of mutual cooperation with him. And that's not it. Those who decide to get a dog of this breed for the first time will definitely encounter incredible difficulties that can forever discourage their interest in dogs in general.

In their behavior, character, and “manners,” bloodhounds differ in many ways from dogs of other breeds. In education, they require affection and a gentle attitude towards themselves. Bloodhound would rather be friends than serve. She perceives the family in which the dog lives as her pack. Therefore, in 2-3 one month old the puppy begins to figure out the “status quo”: who is the leader of the pack, who is the “vice prime minister”. Tactfully, but very firmly, it is necessary to immediately “put the puppy in its place.” But do not overdo it - the Bloodhound is very sensitive to undeserved punishments.

The “aristocratic character” of Bloodhounds is manifested not only in appearance, but also in character. He cannot be a slave, he is very sensitive to his mood, affectionate, and at the same time unusually stubborn. The Bloodhound is surprisingly independent, not malicious towards people and animals, is inclined to be friends and play with everyone, but when enraged, he does not know pain or fear, and attacks with the tenacity of a robot. Bloodhound females are more flexible than males. This breed is a late-developing dog - they mature by two years.

No. 7. Pekingese

The Pekingese (or Chinese spaniel) is an ancient breed. Of all the dog breeds that have been created by man, few have a history that rivals that of the Pekingese. Myths and legends surround these dogs. One of the most common legends is that a lioness, tired of her husband's rude attentions, yielded to the gentle advances of a butterfly, and thus was born the Pekingese, a small dog as fearless as a lion and graceful as a butterfly. Another legend claims that a lion fell in love with a monkey, and the Pekingese was the fruit of their love. For centuries, these dogs were bred in the gardens of the imperial palace in Beijing. No one dared to take them out of there under fear death penalty, no one was allowed to keep them. Moreover, the priests declared one of these tiny dogs to be the incarnation of Buddha, and she was revered as a deity.

The first person to cultivate the breed was the great ruler of the Chinese Empire, Empress Tsu-Khi, who lived in the 19th century. Ruthless diplomat and great statesman The empress made the lion dog her property, she was devoted to the breed and tried to breed it. The dogs had to match their color different colors imperial wardrobe. Tsu-Hi is the author of the first very poetic "breed standard".

Some owners of dogs of this breed are surprised how so much stubbornness can fit in such a small volume. Stubbornness? Yes, that's an understatement. The Pekingese, despite its size, can beat any mastiff in stubbornness competitions. These dogs are very independent, but at the same time they also have a dominant character, that is, they do what they want and get terribly angry if someone tries to tell them what to do. They are extremely loyal to their owners, and at the same time extremely stubborn.

No. 8. Mastiffs

MASTIFF (Mastiff, English Mastiff), breed service dogs. Other name - english mastiff. The oldest breed mastiff dogs. Powerful Molossian dogs took part in the battles and campaigns of Roman legionnaires, and in the arenas Ancient Rome participated in battles with gladiators, lions, tigers and bears. Mastiffs were also used to guard the home, yard and animals of the owner, and in the Middle Ages - to hunt large wild animals. The ancestors of the mastiff have been known in Brittany since the time of Julius Caesar, but exactly how they got there is unknown. After World War II, the breed was on the verge of extinction in Great Britain. Nowadays, mastiffs are not often found, mainly in the USA and Great Britain.

Height at withers 70-76 cm, weight 80-86 kg. The main thing in the appearance of a mastiff is proportions. The body is massive, slightly stretched. The head is large, wide in the skull, with folds of skin on the forehead. There is a black mask on the short square muzzle. Ears are drooping. The back and lower back are wide, the muscles are powerful. The paws are large, round, with arched toes. The coat is short, close-lying, with a soft undercoat. Color: apricot, gray-fawn, brindle on a fawn background. It is recommended to keep the Mastiff in a spacious room, and he will feel best in a large estate. Required long walks. Because of large sizes The mastiff may develop diseases of the joints of the limbs - carefully monitor the health of your pet.

Despite their outward good nature, mastiffs are very stubborn - in this they can give a head start to many breeds. There are so many mastiffs, so many opinions - this is how you can paraphrase famous saying. They are excellent guards, it’s hard to wish for anything better, but it’s very difficult to train a mastiff so that he will follow all commands.

If you plan to train and raise a Mastiff, then you should have significant experience handling dogs. different breeds. The mastiff will not do anything if he hears anger in your voice - the command must be served gently, without irritation, even if it is the hundred thousandth “lie down”. Try to keep your training “sessions” short and not tiring for the dog.

No. 9. Beagle

Look at these faces! Look into those eyes! They are either playfully crafty or sadly wise. Do you want to meet?

The Beagle embodies all the canine qualities stored in the subconscious of everyone who was once a child: a smart red, black and white suit, a head with long velvet red ears and a white mark on the muzzle; tail, perky raised up, thick, confident, standing paws, dark, expressive “human” eyes. Therefore, the beagle - the hero of films, cartoons, paintings and books - is one of the most popular dog breeds all over the world.

The birthplace of this breed is Great Britain. The Beagle, or small English hound, dates back to ancient times. It is known that “ash” dogs, discovered during archaeological excavations dating back to the “Bronze” Age (4-5 thousand years BC), are the ancestors of hounds, pointers, and dachshunds. The first written evidence of the use of dogs in hunting other animals can be found in the Greek dictionary Onomasticon (2nd century AD). The ancient Greek writer Xenophon, a hunting enthusiast, mentions in his writings about small hound dogs that were used to hunt hares and rabbits on foot. Numerous monuments of ancient art, mainly from antiquity, that have survived to this day, clearly testify to the development hunting breeds- images of hunting dogs are found on frescoes, bas-reliefs, and various vessels.

They are not stupid, they are just very, very independent, they always have their own opinion on everything.

No. 10. Basset hound

BASSET HOUND (Basset Hound), a breed of hunting hounds. The history of this hound with short, crooked legs goes back to the Middle Ages. The ancestors of the Basset Hound are recognized to be the Artesian-Norman Basset, taken from France to England and crossed there with the Bloodhound. Therefore, according to some sources, Basset Hounds were bred in France in the 16th century, and according to others, in Great Britain in the 19th century. Full of dignity and aristocracy, a large, short-haired dog with a beautiful head covered with numerous folds of skin, with very long hanging ears and a gentle and intelligent look of large sad eyes.

In the photo below is Vesuvius Charles, from the Blueberry Paradise nursery. If you want to get to know this breed better, I advise you to follow the link and read about this wonderful breed.

Height is 35-36 cm, Basset Hound weighs 18-27 kg. The head is large and proportional. When tilted, the skin on the head hangs down in the form of deep wrinkles above the brow ridges. The eyes are brown or dark brown, deep-set. Visible dark red mucous membrane lower eyelids. The nose is large, black, in harmony with the color of the head. The tail is slightly curved, carried “gaily”, like a hound’s, and is not docked. The coat is hard, straight, short, thick, smooth. Two- or three-color color, various combinations black, white and red of any shades. A gentle, affectionate, calm dog with a spectacular appearance makes a striking impression. Despite its excellent hunting qualities: tirelessness, endurance, persistence in working on the blood trail, this breed is also very popular as a decorative breed, thanks to its irresistible appearance. Loves children very much. Can be stubborn and disobedient at times.

Vesuvius Charles from Blueberry Paradise:

This breed is very intelligent, but can sometimes be quite naughty.

Dogs can sometimes be stubborn and disobedient, and if the basset does not want to sit on command, you can repeat “sit” until the evening, nothing will work.

What I call love...

This is love when it hurts

[Verse 1, Pasha Proorok]:
She wanted to love, just like all people,
But he is essentially mocking and joking,
You expect affection from him, warmth and care,
I went to the wrong address, different routes.

He's at work, you're with your girlfriends in boutiques,
Then home, dinner, wait at seven o'clock,
But, as always, not available after 6,
You eat alone with the cat, turn on the TV.

He hangs out at a trendy club with the boys,
He has no time for you, he's up to his neck in business,
Then he comes home, completely drunk,
And you're wondering where he was, don't blow your mind.

His shirt smells like someone else's perfume
Throws money and dirty papers in your face,
And it’s always like this, you turn off the light,
A mug of tea lifts your mood in the morning.

Take care of the girls and appreciate the boys,
What I call love...
Kiss the girls, hug the boys,
All that's left is love...

This is love when it hurts
You look at him and forgive him,
Do you dream that this love will last to the end?
Take care of the girls and appreciate the boys..

[Verse 2, Pasha Proorok]:
She endured for a long time, accepting his lies,
And every evening cigarettes, trembling throughout the body,
All you wanted with him was only dreams and,
There is a house by the sea, children, just mirages.

She ran after him like an obedient dog,
But why, but why did you make me cry,
Friends looked, didn’t understand at all,
What did she find in this soulless creature?

One day I found out that he was with someone else,
Heart burst, an unfulfilled dream,
I decided I will no longer tolerate betrayal,
But because of the guy she won’t open her veins.

In the evening after work the guy returned home,
The girl has a knife in her hand and fire in her eyes,
The guy has fear in words and stutters,
I plunged a knife into my heart and it was goodbye.

Take care of the girls and appreciate the boys,
What I call love...
Kiss the girls, hug the boys,
All that's left is love...

This is love when it hurts
You look at him and forgive him,
Do you dream that this love will last to the end?
Take care of the girls and appreciate the boys.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Pasha Proorok - Take care of the girls and appreciate the boys.
Author of the text: Pasha Terentyev.
Official release date: 2016.

Almost every ordinary dog ​​owner is faced with the problem that his dog does not obey. We are buying little puppy and we love him to bits. We fill it with all kinds of toys, bowls, bones, collars with rhinestones, and of course, jackets and overalls during the cold season.

The beloved puppy sleeps sweetly in bed, willingly puts his slobbering mouth on the table during breakfast or dinner. Everything seems to be fine. But he doesn't listen! Doesn't follow commands, rushes headlong into the street, as if the owner is just a tin can attached to his tail. What should a dog owner do in this case? In fact, the situation is not simple. You can’t just read an article on the Internet or a trainer’s book, and your dog immediately listened to you. There will be long, nervous, painstaking and, most importantly, mutual work.

Where to start if your dog doesn't listen

First you need to understand that a dog is a pack animal and it needs a leader. You should immediately ask yourself the question, are you the one for her? Under no circumstances should you hit your pet! It must recognize the tonality of commands that have different semantic meanings. This is called "paralanguage". It is through paralanguage that all commands are given to the dog. There are three intonations for executing commands:

  1. executive;
  2. corrective;
  3. to express praise.

Executive commands must be delivered in a clearly affirmative tone. It is important for you to convey to the dog exactly what he needs to do. You do not ask her to approach you when it is convenient for her, but tell her that she should approach you right now, this very minute.

Corrective intonation should be very sharp and low. She must convey the command “No!!!”. The sound should be similar to a bitch barking at a puppy. Commands for expressing praise are pronounced very softly, so that the dog feels a surge of joy. She must understand that she did everything right and the owner is happy with her.

The modern dog is a social animal. It is extremely important for her to see a leader in the person of her owner. Education and training must occur constantly so that the animal understands that the owner will not only punish him for misdeeds, but will also protect him from any harm. And this is already high level trust.

Any dog ​​will want to serve its leader and be submissive. When training, you must understand that the dog is being trained not only to carry out commands for the dog, but also to manipulate you. She finds ways to control. When you praise her, she understands that she did the right thing, when you correct her behavior, she understands that she shouldn’t do that. The most important thing in training is to start and finish it in good location spirit. The dog should not be exhausted and confused by incomprehensible commands.

Is it possible to use force?

Gross physical violence is generally unacceptable towards animals at all. In training, this should be excluded at the very beginning and try to create a friendly atmosphere. Many dog ​​breeders are sure that their pet needs to be spanked sometimes. This way the training will be better absorbed.

This method is fundamentally wrong and will cause aggression or fear. In any case, she will see in the owner not a leader who can be trusted, but an enemy who should be feared and even feared. This will not lead to anything good. It would be much more effective and correct to simply reprimand the animal for misbehavior and ignore it for a while. This will be remembered much more than just beating.

There are, of course, situations when it is simply impossible to avoid a slap or a sharp jerk with the leash. When, for example, you come around a corner and your dog lunges at either small children playing or a much smaller dog. In such a situation, you should sharply pull the leash and loudly bark “Ugh! It is forbidden!".

So when exactly to punish

Before punishing a dog for not obeying, it is necessary to threaten, just as it happens in wildlife. The dog must respond to the threat. This may be a bent head and a pressed tail, perhaps a slight yelp. The owner should then give a reaction of approval. After all, the dog has learned that you are a leader and are not ready to enter into conflict. If after that you still beat him, then it will simply be violence and beating of an animal.

Punishment must be timely. That is, if you scream incessantly for a long time because your new shoes were chewed yesterday, then it will definitely not be of any use. If the screams are regular, then soon the pet will begin to avoid meeting with its owner in principle. Thus, we get an action and immediately a reaction from the owner. Not a minute later!

If punishment cannot be avoided, then during a conflict never hit your pet with a leash or collar. He will be angry with them and will perceive every walk as a punishment. In a great way to punish is to hit him lightly with a newspaper. This will not cause pain at all, but the sound made by a rolled up newspaper is terribly unpleasant for the animal.

And if this is also combined with the dissatisfied intonation of the owner, then this will lead to good consequences in training. But if the situation is completely out of control and the use of force is still necessary, slap the croup with your hand. But so that the dog does not see your hand. In your relationship, she will be afraid of any wave, and when strangers wave her hand, she may simply attack the person.

It is strictly forbidden to kick or kick the dog. This is extremely inhumane and will definitely lead to disastrous consequences in training. The dog will be afraid to walk next to you, and you will never teach it to walk next to you. Every time she will expect meanness and blows from your feet. It is forbidden to kick in the stomach, hit on the head or pull on the tail!

What to do if commands do not give results

Your dog does not obey on the street, runs around, then approaches, then moves away. What's the matter? And it's most likely a matter of your intonation. It probably sounds threatening to your dog. And this is a colossal mistake, since the dog is already afraid to approach you, because he knows that he will be beaten and punished.

When calling your dog, you should be as friendly as possible, but at the same time assertive in his submission and obedience. Another important factor, this is a punishment after the dog has approached you. This is a very big mistake and should not be made. No matter how much you would like to punish your pet for running away, you should not do this. After all, after escaping, your dog came up to you on the command “Come to me!” And this is already the level of trust in your leader.

Still very important mistake For many owners, the reason why the dog does not obey is that when trying to escape, the owner begins to run after his pet to catch up with him and shout “Come to me!” many times. This is unacceptable for a leader. The best thing to do in this situation would be to turn around and go in the opposite direction. It is not the leader that follows the pack, but the pack that follows the leader. And this must be the unchanging truth.

Another reason for a dog’s disobedience on the street may be insufficient walking. You need to walk for at least 20-30 minutes each time you go outside. The dog does not have time to communicate with the outside world while it fulfills its necessary needs. And if the dog is isolated around the clock in an apartment alone or in an enclosure, then there can be no talk of any obedience during short walks.

You should not involve calling the owner and immediately putting a leash on the pet. Call several times during your walk. Play, run together, chase a ball or take a dip in the river. And then put on the leash, informing him that the walk is over. If you call your pet only once during a walk, and then at the end, when it’s time to go home, then this will only cause negative emotions in the animal and it will not want to approach you.

Results about disobedience

One of the most important reasons for disobedience is fear of the leader. If you are too impudent, cold and aggressive, then the dog is simply afraid of you. Even if you're in bad mood and somewhere you take your anger out on a dog, it will constantly think that it is she who is the cause of your dissatisfaction and irritation.

Even when she approaches you, she will be scared, with her head down and her eyes drooping. Try playing together, hugging and petting the animal. Maybe you should give her a treat, just not for the team. Praise her for coming to you. Create situations where the animal will feel loved and needed. This will bring much more positive emotions to the relationship than from swearing and aggression.
And always remember that the more anger you show, the greater the chance that one day the pet will break loose and attack you with a retaliatory blow. Evil begets evil, and good begets good, remember this.

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