Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle for children. Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. Menu for athletes: proper nutrition options

Proper nutrition – this is a whole set of rules and recommendations, if followed, you can increase your performance, level up your metabolism, and lose weight. excess weight and improve health.

The main thing in the article

The main aspect of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

By eating right, you take care of your body for years to come, because with a stable menu of “good” foods, your metabolism works like clockwork. Also, proper nutrition is a panacea for almost all diseases:

Proper nutrition, in addition to preventing diseases, gives the body a feeling of lightness, you will no longer remember being overweight, forget about swelling and morning bags under the eyes.

To switch to proper nutrition, you need to prepare your body: giving up light carbohydrates and heavy fats occurs gradually. You should also make balanced menu, which will contain the daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the chemical composition of the diet will meet the needs of your body.

Basic rules of healthy eating

There are 10 rules healthy eating, which are as follows:

  • A variety of food daily. You can’t eat only apples or meat; your diet should contain products of plant and animal origin. also in chemical composition heavy carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.
  • Caloric content of the diet. Reduce the calorie content of your diet by excluding animal fats and light carbohydrates from it - white bread, flour products, and it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Fractional meals . You have 5 meals a day, the last one 3-4 hours before bedtime. Get into a routine, eat at the same time every day, spending 15–20 minutes.
  • Say "No!" snacks and dry meals. Snacks are the main enemy slim figure, and it’s better to stock up on a handful of hazelnuts than candy. And once a day you should eat a liquid dish with meat or vegetable broth.
  • Vegetables and fruits. By eating vegetables and fruits with skins, you fill your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion.

  • Water. Observe drinking regime, drinking 2.5 liters of free liquid per day.
  • Protein for breakfast and lunch, fish or vegetables for dinner. Protein is perfectly absorbed in the first half of the day, and it’s better to have something light for dinner, not forgetting a bowl of vegetables. A bowl of vegetables is vegetable salads in every meal, carrots, beets and cabbage are especially useful.
  • Fasting days. One fasting day a week will be enough, but under no circumstances starve. Choose 1 product, for example, kefir, buckwheat porridge or apples, and eat it throughout the day. A fasting day helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Movement. Try to move more, because your diet now contains a lot of protein, and it is the “building blocks” for building muscle mass.
  • Substituting food and giving up alcohol. Proper nutrition cannot be combined with alcohol, so we eliminate the latter from the diet forever. And replacing foods will help you replace your favorite sweets or dishes with similar ones, but less high in calories and more healthy.

Healthy eating for weight loss: basic principles and menu

When planning a healthy nutrition menu, you need to write down the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day.

The diet is based on daily requirement body in calories, taking into account the need for weight loss. You can calculate the norm using an online calculator. Typically, we subtract 500 kcal from the recommended 1800 kcal for women, reducing it by a third.

The basic menu looks like this:

Breakfast 7.00–8.30: 1 dish, fruit and tea

  • Porridges cooked in water with the addition of butter, nuts, dried fruits. Porridge is a source of fiber, will energize the body and start the metabolism.
  • Cottage cheese, curdled milk or kefir, which contains animal protein.
  • Tea without sugar and 1 fruit. The fruit will “give” light carbohydrates to the body, and tea will help them assimilate.
  • Second breakfast at 11.00: 1 apple, natural fruit jelly or 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

Lunch at 13.00: first and second course with side dish, juice

It is recommended to cook the first course on vegetable or meat broth. If the second course is fish with vegetables, then the first is vegetarian borscht or bean soup. After lunch, drink a glass of fruit juice made from unsweetened apples and berries.

Afternoon snack between lunch and dinner: in between, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink, eat a handful of nuts or fruit.

Dinner at 18.00: meat, side dish, unsweetened tea and dessert

Suitable for dinner light dish– this could be fish with stewed vegetables, tea and dry biscuits. Another menu option consists of porridge, a piece chicken breast and juice.

Healthy eating for children and teenagers

A healthy diet for a child under 16 years of age should consist of 4 meals, and the results daily norm calories are divided according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast – 25%.
  • Lunch – 40%.
  • Afternoon snack – 10%.
  • Dinner – 25%.

Chemical composition healthy diet calculated based on the child's body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need:

  • 2 g of protein, of which 50% plant and 50% animal origin.
  • 15 g carbohydrates.
  • 50 ml of clean liquid. The need for water in children is higher than in adults. Therefore, offer your child teas, compotes, juices and decoctions.
  • Regardless of weight, the menu is enriched with 100 g of fat, of which 30% is animal and the rest is vegetable.

Healthy eating program for every day

Of course, if you are on a strict diet, your fortitude is strengthened, not your health. But if you follow proper nutrition, endurance and composure are required - the regime becomes important part of your life.

The healthy eating program does not have significant restrictions, but dictates certain conditions, for example, refusal of purchased prepared food. You should approach proper nutrition gradually, adjusting your menu day by day.

If you suddenly stop eating, you will give your body a signal, and it will begin to actively store fat. There is not enough food, we need to save ourselves! A gradual rejection of light carbohydrates and flour products will help reconfigure the body in the right way.

Remember that proper nutrition is food without a crispy crust, fried in a lot of oil. Meat, fish, vegetables and dietary desserts cook by steaming, baking or stewing.

Regardless of your goal - losing weight or restoring health - the basic diet consists of 5 groups of mandatory products:

  1. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Fermented milk drinks and products– protein and unique bacteria.
  3. Meat, eggs and fish– protein and Omega-3.
  4. Porridge– an invaluable source of fiber.
  5. Nuts– an irreplaceable source of fats.

You can cook absolutely anything from this basic set; we bring to your attention several delicious and healthy recipes.

Healthy eating - recipes

Vegetables under a cheese cap in the oven

  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 PC. potatoes.
  • 100 g colored tomatoes.
  • ½ half a large carrot.
  • Low-fat sour cream.
  • 50 g cheese.
  • Butter.

Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size, then grease the pot or mold with oil and lay the vegetables in layers: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and pour sour cream on top, cheese on top of the sour cream. Cover the future dish with 2 layers of foil and place it in the oven at 220C for 40 minutes.

Vegetarian rice with pineapple

  • 250 g boiled rice.
  • 4 pineapple rings.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn.
  • 150 g hard cheese.
  • 80 g feta cheese for piquancy.

Grate the cheese, mix 40 g feta with 80 g hard cheese. Now take the rice and corn, the remaining cheeses and carefully move them around, adding a little salt. Cover a baking dish with foil and lay out the rice-corn mixture, sprinkle cheeses on top and cover with a “cap” of a whole pineapple circle. Bake in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

Meringue crumbs

  • 4 squirrels.
  • 2 tsp. sweetener.
  • Vanilla, lemon zest.

Beat the whites with sugar until an elastic foam forms, at the end add the zest and vanilla. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, spoon out the meringues, and place them in the oven at 110C for 1 hour. After cooking, do not pull out the dessert; let it sit in a warm oven for 20 minutes, otherwise it will fall off.

There are many dietary systems that help you lose weight. After all, dietary nutrition is a purely individual matter, it helps to lose 10 kg, but after finishing the diet they return with friends. If you really decide to take the path of fighting overweight, then proper nutrition will help you. As you can see, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!

Healthy eating - This is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. It depends a lot on what we eat general state body. After all, there are foods that are healthy and some that are harmful. Choosing in your diet healthy foods, we improve our health, help our body be stronger and more resilient, and extend our life. And here poor nutrition can lead to sad consequences and a whole bunch of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, increase blood pressure and many others.

It’s good if parents instill a culture of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating, including from the very birth of a little person.

So, again, healthy eating is the key. Here are 10 simple rules that must be observed:

  1. You need to eat nutritiously and variedly. Vitamins, macroelements and minerals Our body constantly needs them. They are contained in different products, that is, the more varied the menu, the larger the selection useful substances enters the body.
  2. You need to eat more often, following a regimen. Breakfast lunch and dinner. In between, you can eat fruit. Fractional meals help to reduce weight, and are also indicated for certain diseases.
  3. You can't skip meals. Firstly, the body is depleted, a feeling of rapid fatigue appears, and secondly, after that, at the next meal, a larger amount is eaten, which is not at all beneficial for the body.
  4. Salt and sugar intake should be reduced. Use large quantity salt leads to increased blood pressure, kidney and joint diseases, and high consumption of sugar leads to diabetes and excess weight. In addition, sugar and salt are found in many ready-made foods. You should completely avoid sweet carbonated drinks and replace them with mineral water.
  5. Eat more whole grains. These include bread with bran, or from wholemeal flour, and cereals from unpolished grains. Whole grain foods are high in vitamins and fiber, so they reduce hunger but are low in calories.
  6. Eat fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits, berries and vegetables are an important source of minerals and vitamins.
  7. Eat fish at least once a week. Especially useful fatty fish, containing fatty acid Omega-3s, which help prevent heart disease.
  8. You need to drink more clean water. Coffee, tea, sweet carbonated drinks do not count.
  9. Reduce the amount of fat you eat, especially animals. Their excess is deposited in the body and impairs the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  10. Give up fast food. With it you get overweight and depression.

Now we see that healthy eating does not limit our diet at all, but on the contrary expands it.

Healthy eating is not an endless, the mention of which evokes discomfort and associations with the need to limit the quantity and variety of food consumed. On the contrary, it is nourishing, varied and tasty.

Healthy eating. Healthy eating rules is nature that preserves beauty and spirituality in us.

When nature is destroyed, when natural beauty is replaced by artificial things, all those things will also be destroyed. good qualities that we, people, have.

Unfortunately, people like the artificial, the showy. Many people don't like natural things. But the natural has its own beauty, purity and divinity

Rules for healthy eating. Healthy eating

Rules for healthy eating (healthy eating) include:

By choosing a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating, you will not have to deny yourself delicious food and even more so you won’t have to suffer. Your idea of ​​what you can and should eat will expand so much that you will be surprised how you didn’t notice so many delicious things before!

Healthy eating is the basis of life, but not the goal of life. Proper nutrition is important factor, affecting human health, longevity and performance.

Healthy eating rules (healthy eating) provide opportunities for happy life, but they don’t make her happy. For example, hope to maintain good health You shouldn’t do without physical education and sports, but without a healthy diet it will be almost impossible.

By eating right and exercising, you will be alert, active and energetic. You will need much less time to sleep. When correct balanced diet food will give you energy, and not take it away for digestion.

The body gradually gets used to a healthy diet. When the body gets used to a healthy diet, then if you eat unhealthy food, you can be sure that the cells will immediately signal about it.

Food doesn't define you emotional condition or consciousness, and your state determines what food you will consume.

Meat, fish, coffee, tea

Healthy eating rules exclude meat, fish, coffee and tea from the diet. For those who defend the right to meat and fish, a special article is devoted to “meat eaters”. Please note that bird eggs are not meat. Fish roe- is it a fish or not a fish - decide for yourself.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Healthy eating rules (healthy eating) cannot include foods with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the diet. You can argue a lot about GMOs from technical, medical and other points of view, but the facts remain facts:

A simple question for those who believe in God regarding GMO products: When God created this world, did he not cope with his task?

A simple question for the healthy eating rules (healthy eating) of yogis: how do you feel about GMO foods, when you offer GMO food to God, does He accept the creation of scientific minds?

We all know Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the theory of the evolution of species. This is a change in physical body from lower to higher, or from simpler to more complex. Spiritual evolution runs parallel to physical evolution. The soul resides in all beings. It is true that she is divine and immortal, but she has her own urge to be more complete, more fulfilling and divine. Therefore, in the process of evolution it must move from the least perfect body to the most perfect body. Meanwhile, she absorbs the real value of all her earthly experiences. This is how the soul grows, enriching itself, making its divinity more holistic, more harmonious and perfect.[~]

Simple question: products with genetically modified organisms(GMO) is evolution?

Some studies show that when a patient receives a heart transplant, their personality changes after the operation. The patient with the new heart begins to imitate the character traits and behavior of the heart donor. If this is so, then the rat gene transplant cannot but affect the properties of GMO products.

Healthy eating and human health

Everyone must decide for themselves what to eat.

Each spice has its own consciousness. But everyone must decide for themselves what to eat. Man himself knows best what is good for him. Each product and each spice has its own properties, but you cannot compare two spices or two products and say that this is better for everyone. [~]

Switching to a healthy diet

When switching to a healthy diet the main problem— what to eat? Many people simply don’t know what to eat. Take a look.

Two points of view on how to eat healthy:

Switching to a healthy diet

If you can, do it today.

  • At abrupt transition healthy eating can be resistant to mental health (beliefs) and poor health. In this case, move on gradually.

Question: What is the best way to switch to vegetarianism for those who are used to eating meat and fish?

Sri Chinmoy: The most reliable, the most the right way- transition gradually. One of my students drank tea six times a day, and I asked him to drink tea five times, then after a month I told him to reduce the number to four. Eventually he stopped drinking it completely. Serious things need to be done gradually. If this disciple had refused immediately, he might have been ill. If the body is not strong enough, any sudden change in habits may cause serious violation health.[~]

Variety in foods and healthy eating

Eat a variety of foods. Try to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables grown in natural conditions to avoid excessive consumption of nitrates.

Canned foods can be eaten occasionally if your health allows.

Eat cereals and legumes, vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils, spices, honey. Big list products for a healthy diet, see.

The right combination of products

Salads from fresh vegetables consume before hot food, as salad is light food and is digested faster than cooked food.

Drink milk separately. For better absorption the right time for taking milk - early morning or evening after 18. Milk drunk in the evening calms the mind, relieves stress and promotes strong and good sleep. Read more about how to properly consume milk.

It is important to combine foods correctly so that they are fully absorbed. From the right combination products depend on stable operation gastrointestinal tract. Certain product categories require their own environment and different time for digestion. The wrong combination of foods leads to fermentation and bloating, which ideally should not happen. By combining foods correctly, you will ensure good health.

Fresh food

You can only eat fresh food. Rotting and bad-smelling foods should not be consumed.

Proper cooking

Timely consumption of appropriate foods during the time of day

Healthy eating rules

Digestibility different types food depends on the time of day.

This is one of the most important issues in a healthy diet. You need to know at what time of day which product is best to consume - then the food will be well absorbed.

We recommend checking in practice the statement that “every product has its time.” To do this, smell some healthy food product at different times of the day. You will find that for some time the smell is not felt, or it is felt weaker or stronger. Products should be consumed at the time when they have an odor.

Modern food manufacturers know this property, which is why they add flavor enhancers to food. Foods with artificial flavor enhancers are not healthy foods.

What to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening?

What to eat in the morning?

Start your morning with a glass (500 ml) of warm drinking water. Water awakens the body from sleep, starts the work of all organs and self-cleansing processes.

You can add a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of aloe juice or saffron to the water. It is useful to drink water with a pinch of salt. In spring and summer, you can add lemon juice. In autumn and winter, lemon cools the body, and in spring and summer it refreshes well. Warm water with lemon removes toxins from the body and “turns it on” to work digestive system. Add lemon to taste. If you have high acidity, then this option is not for you. After 15-30 minutes, you can drink a green smoothie, which will charge your body with solar energy in the morning and fill it with the necessary elements.

Most people do not pay attention to what and how they eat in the morning. However, it is important. Morning food nourishes our psyche. And besides, we must “charge” ourselves with nutrients before plunging into an active life.

During night sleep, when the body is resting, blood sugar drops and needs to be brought back to normal in order to restore energy balance. Therefore, people who eat breakfast are more physically energetic and mentally active. By refusing breakfast, a person is depriving himself significant amount nutrients, and it is quite difficult to make up for their lack during the day.

And one more argument in favor of breakfast: if you neglect it, it is much more difficult to maintain a stable body weight, because the feeling of hunger will force you to snack, and this is usually something fatty and high-calorie.

Since digestion is weak in the morning, you should not eat very heavily for breakfast, this will only cause a decrease in vitality and illness.

In the morning, it is recommended to eat light food, since our “digestive fire,” which is responsible for processing and absorbing the food consumed, is still weak at this time, and additional energy is already required. If the morning diet is incorrect, a person will not have the strength to be active and focused. In the morning, preference should be given to the sweet taste.

Morning is the right time to eat sweets

The main qualities of sweet taste are very nutritious, gives strength and satisfies hunger. Sweet taste generates love and contentment in a person. Therefore, when a person is nervous or worried, he craves sweets, especially for women.

Porridge with dried fruits is an ideal option for breakfast. In the morning, as well as in the evening, it is useful to eat buckwheat porridge. Since buckwheat is light and nutritious and is not a grain, it does not require much energy for digestion and keeps you feeling full for a sufficient time. Oatmeal is also good for breakfast. Oatmeal is gradually and easily absorbed by the body, relieving a person of hunger for a significant time. In addition to oatmeal, eat millet porridge for breakfast.

For those who want to lose weight, it is beneficial to drink flaxseed jelly or eat flaxseed porridge in the morning. Flaxseed porridge cleanses the body. The fiber in flax seeds mixes with water and swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. Grind 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, transfer to a glass and fill with water at a temperature of no more than 40°C so that the seeds do not lose their beneficial features. Wait 5-10 minutes for the seeds to swell a little, add honey or dates. Or drink flaxseed jelly with honey. Another option: soak whole seeds in water for 30-60 minutes or overnight, then rinse and grind them along with the fruit in a blender. See the recipe.

It is recommended to drink water 10-15 minutes before meals. In no case should you drink water after meals, as it interferes with good digestion and digestion of food. You should drink water no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. Read more about why you shouldn’t drink water after meals.

What to eat in the evening?

If you have lunch properly, you will want to eat again no earlier than 6 pm. Moreover, since the body is well-fed during the day, there will not be much appetite in the evening. In other words, to fill you up in the evening it will be enough to eat some vegetables, cheese or nuts.

Proper nutrition in the evening gives the human body and psyche the ability to restore its strength during night sleep. Thus, by carefully monitoring your evening diet, you can fully rest and receive a great charge of peace and tranquility.

In the evening, neutral taste should prevail in food. In the evening, it is best to have dinner with fresh or stewed (boiled) vegetables with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, salt and spices. At this time, you can eat nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products, as well as buckwheat and quinoa, since they are not grains and are easily digested without creating discomfort or a feeling of heaviness.

What to eat before bed?

It is recommended to drink a cup of warm milk 1-2 hours before bedtime. Milk can be sweetened with honey or taken as a bite with honey. It is good to add spices such as fennel, green cardamom, nutmeg and turmeric to hot milk.

If you are not particularly hungry, you can replace dinner with a cup of milk.

Evening intake of cow's milk is intended to improve sleep, relieve mental stress. Hot milk with honey and spices improves mental functioning. Milk eliminates the problem of overeating before bed, as it completely satisfies the appetite. Cow's milk helps create peace in the mind and unlocks the potential of a person's mind.

In the morning you will definitely feel beneficial effect evening milk. But be careful - you may like it so much that you forget about the rule variety in diet.

Axiom for adults

In adult body fresh cow's milk It is absorbed only when drunk at night. Anyone who drinks a lot of fresh milk during the day will carry kidney stones. This does not apply to fermented milk products.

Doshas and healthy eating

Pitta Dosha

Pitta is a fiery dosha, so it must be balanced with cool or warm foods, but not hot. The food should not be very oily and moderately nutritious. It is worth excluding dry, overcooked and too fatty foods. People of Pitta type benefit from vegetarianism more than people of other types of constitutions. People of this type are recommended to eat foods with a bitter, astringent, slightly sweet taste. Pitta's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Pitta type people have a very good digestion and great appetite. They can eat almost anything, but of course, within reasonable limits. Regularity in eating is important for Pitta-type people; they should not skip a single meal. As soon as Pitta's feeling of hunger worsens, they should certainly satisfy it without delay. Otherwise, Pitta shows irritability and aggression. Long-term fasting is contraindicated for Pitta type people. You can arrange fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits. Of all the doshas, ​​only Pitta tolerates a raw food diet well.

Breakfast should be sufficient, but not abundant. Lunch should be the main meal. You can have a glass at lunch cool water, eat salad, porridge with moderate amount butter, bread. Dinner should be light. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with honey and spices: turmeric, cardamom, fennel and nutmeg.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha is wet and cold. To balance it, it is necessary to consume foods with the opposite properties - dry and warm. The basis of the diet should be warming, light, low-calorie and soft food. Kapha increases sweet taste and, to a lesser extent, sour and salty tastes. Sharp, tart and bitter tastes reduce Kapha. Old, overcooked, fatty, watery, very cold and very hot foods should be avoided. yeast bread and alcohol.

Kapha-type people love to eat tasty and hearty meals, but she, more than other Doshas, ​​should monitor her diet and, especially, its volume, since she has weak digestion. It is advisable for Kapha to eat by the hour and limit himself to two meals a day - at noon and in the evening.

The Kapha breakfast can be replaced with a glass of warm, but not hot, water with ginger, lemon juice and honey. For lunch, it is advisable to eat a large meal. Food should be hearty and nutritious with plenty of vegetables, richly flavored with spices. Dinner should be as light as possible and no later than 18 hours, because... After this time, food is difficult to digest. It is harmful for Kaphas to eat sweets in the evening, especially ice cream. It leads to copious discharge mucus, and in the morning the nasopharynx will be clogged.

Kapha-type people calmly tolerate fasting, unlike Vata and Pitta.

Six tastes in nutrition. DELICIOUS food

You may know the feeling when after eating you feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach, but you still want to eat something sweet, salty, sour or spicy. This means that the food you ate had no taste. You filled your stomach with this food, but did not receive a feeling of satisfaction.

Our morning food should have a predominantly sweet taste, and our evening food should have a neutral taste. But at lunch, all six tastes should be present in the food, because... noon is the main and most main reception food. When food has six tastes, it completely saturates both the body and the mind. Tasteless food does not satisfy the mind. You need to learn how to cook, combining all six tastes in food. For example, you can combine flavors for lunch by preparing porridge from cereals and legumes with vegetables, spices, and cheese. It’s good to eat homemade whole grain bread with porridge.

Drinking water consumption

If you don't have a drinking habit clean water, then you need to accustom yourself to this. Drinking clean drinking water is the basis of a healthy diet. If the body does not have enough water, then other efforts will not give the desired effect, because pure drinking water nourishes all cells of our body.

Read more about drinking water in a special article on water.

Correct technique food

Food is nourishment not only for the body, but also for the mind. How you eat is very important.

Details in the special article “Proper Eating”

If you want to learn how to eat healthy, a healthy daily menu will help you get started. But we also need to understand the rules.

Proper nutrition is a diet based on foods that maintain health and prolong life. A person in his right mind chooses what is useful to him, but now it is difficult to understand what is useful and what is not: the present looks bland and faded against the backdrop of beautiful and bright packaging with chemistry.

Eat simpler . The art of cooking offers us masterpieces that will take our breath away, but an impressive part of the daily diet should be simple dishes, in which you can determine the composition by eye.

An apple, a vegetable salad, light porridge with water and a small piece of meat. Here good example simple nutrition.

Remove the sugar . Gastritis, stomach ulcers, kidney stones, anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity - this is not genetic diseases, they do not arise out of nowhere and not because of poor ecology. These diseases are created by systematic eating harmful. Sugar is a real evil allowed by the food industry. It causes teeth to fall out, bones to crumble, and fatty tissue to accumulate.

Yes, it’s hard to give up sugar, and considering that even a can of canned peas contains sugar (!), it’s very difficult to switch to a healthy sugar-free diet. But it's worth it. If you have a sweet tooth, then don’t worry, you don’t need to ban yourself from desserts for the rest of your life. On the contrary, you will have plenty of them. Man's very first food is sweet. Breast milk sweet, sweet fruits. This is a mechanism of nature aimed at ensuring that we intuitively choose what is ripe, juicy, and smells delicious.

Sugar is a concentrated sweetness. There is fructose in the apple, and as long as you are nibbling on a fresh, strong apple, you have nothing to fear because fructose is supplied to your body along with fiber. But separate fructose from fiber and your blood sugar will jump instantly, and within a minute you will want to eat again. This is our problem - we eat concentrated sugar and it is in this form that it is dangerous.

When your body gets used to healthy, creative nutrition, fruits, honey, and dried fruits will replace all the confectionery sweets in the world. You can create excellent homemade sweets based on milk, dates, figs, and nuts. The whole world will open up before you and you definitely won’t have a shortage of sweets, but you won’t get better from it and you won’t get sick.

Choose unrefined . Everything that is purified is a priori deprived nutritional value. Refined sunflower oil lacks vitamins, white rice is essentially gluten, and white flour contains premium no nutrients left. Even a peeled apple is already refined, because everything nutritious and necessary was stored in the peel - where it was easier to get. I took a bite and replenished my supplies.

Use natural seasonings . There's nothing better than fresh black pepper, allspice, freshly picked cilantro, onions and a variety of aromatic herbs. It's better and livelier than any mayonnaise with tomato paste. Pay attention to seasonings when buying them at the store. Not all, but some contain monosodium glutamate and the same sugar.

Salt less . Where you can't afford to add salt, don't. You can lightly season the buckwheat porridge, but prepare a fresh vegetable salad without salt. With it the same way as with drinks. If you drink tea with sugar, then you definitely won't like unsweetened tea. But give yourself time to develop new habits and if someone slips you a sweetened drink, you won’t drink it. Same with salt - for a couple of weeks and it’s as if you’ve been eating salads without salt all your life. These are the tongue receptors getting used to new tastes.

Buy meat and dairy from farmers . There was a time when we trusted the state in all matters, but now corporations stuff animals with the processed meat of their own fellow creatures, GMO corn and antibiotics, not to mention hormones. This is not a myth. It's better not to try. If you can, get eggs, milk, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, and meat from small businesses or subsistence farmers.


Use this chart to help you develop healthy eating habits. It's not difficult and it's easy to get used to this order.

  1. Especially in the morning and be sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. This way you will train yourself to drink enough without forgetting about it.
  2. After 15 minutes, eat the fruit. A piece of melon, 100 g of grapes, a small pear, etc. It’s a little unusual to eat something sweet before the main meal, but it’s better this way. Fruits are digested in 15 minutes, and meat in 40 minutes. If you eat protein first and then fruit, the latter will ferment in your stomach. This is why many people have such a dislike for fruits, because in this case, fruit dessert leads to constipation and bloating. There is no need to eat fruit for dinner; fructose as an energy supplier is required only in the morning.
  3. Eat after fruit protein dish with complex carbohydrates. Classic example: baked chicken fillet with fresh salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with herbs. Simple, affordable and understandable food. For dinner, the best food is boiled or baked fish with a light side dish of vegetables.
  4. Don't drink tea with food. Wait 20 minutes. Here we have a small dilemma: what to do with sweets? For example, you prepared cottage cheese muffins with dried apricots and cinnamon (without sugar). Eat them immediately after your main meal, without washing them down. Also a little unusual, but better than diluting it with tea. With traditional sweets, we seem to need tea so that it won’t be so cloying, but with natural homemade sweets this is not necessary. If possible, tea should be drunk weak.

To give you something to focus on, I’ll give you an example of a simple menu for the week. The third item is usually an afternoon snack. Depending on your preference, it should be either light protein product, or a fruit with a low glycemic index.


  1. Grapes, salad with green vegetables + cottage cheese.
  2. Peach, vegetable soup+ baked beans with tomatoes.
  3. Apple
  4. Tomato salad with herbs + baked fish.


  1. A piece of watermelon (in season), cucumber salad + chicken fillet from the oven.
  2. Nectarine, salad bell pepper with tomatoes + steamed fish cutlets.
  3. Cottage cheese.
  4. Cabbage salad with cucumber + omelet.


  1. Banana. Raw beet salad + stewed liver with carrots and onions.
  2. Apricots. Carrot and cabbage salad + pork fillet from the oven.
  3. Grapefruit.
  4. Cabbage and radish salad + shrimp.


  1. Pear. Carrot and nut salad + cottage cheese.
  2. Quince. Cauliflower salad + chicken meatball soup.
  3. A glass of kefir.
  4. Fresh pea and carrot salad + roasted turkey.


  1. Kiwi. Radish and white onion salad + whole grain bread + cottage cheese with dried apricots and raisins.
  2. Mango. Carrot salad with cottage cheese + grilled fish.
  3. Apple.
  4. Broccoli salad + tuna.


  1. Apple, cabbage and celery salad + hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Mushroom soup + bean stew.
  3. Apples with a handful of nuts.
  4. Carrot and raisin salad + salmon.


  1. Apple, cabbage and nut salad + soft-boiled eggs.
  2. Cabbage, pineapple and nut salad + pea soup with ribs.
  3. A glass of fermented baked milk.
  4. Lettuce salad + vegetable stew with mushrooms.

This is the basic thing you need to know about proper nutrition. Use the menu for every day for a healthy lifestyle as a sample and adjust according to your preferences. And if you have any questions, I’m always waiting for you in the comments. 😉

When I started reading the book, I felt a little uneasy. I didn’t expect that a simple person without any education could express such wise thoughts. I felt ashamed of myself and of all of us for the fact that we read so many “smart” books, strive for heights of self-improvement, to discover genius, creativity, to achieve unprecedented career heights, and often only end up in disappointment.

And a simple person, without any education, learned the true values ​​of life. He understood how to live in order to be healthy and happy. This book reminded me of a recent book that came to approximately the same ideas and conclusions, only on the other side of the Earth - that “life is simple, why are we complicating it?”

I can’t help but share with you these simple but brilliant tips. There are a lot of recommendations in the book about what to eat and what water to drink. But there is also a lot of advice about how to treat people. Health depends no less on this.

Don't demand too much from yourself. Enough for you to do in a day:

  • one good deed for yourself (and family),
  • one thing for your soul,
  • and one (required) – for someone.

This advice echoes Dale Carnegie’s “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.” On this topic, I recommend reading it. I get a lot letters of thanks, people write that thanks to this secret, insomnia stopped tormenting them, they stopped worrying.

Cure for Depression

“By the sweat of your brow earn your bread” - most people perceive this commandment from the Bible as punishment. And few people understood that this Commandment is not a punishment, but a hint that is beneficial to health. Previously people They worked physically (by the sweat of their brow), fulfilling this commandment literally and were happy. Now most of us are engaged in mental work and depression has become the scourge of our time. And the reason is this.

You probably know that in a state of extreme stress (for example, severe fear), the body produces adrenaline. It allows a person to escape from danger (quickly run away from a fire, jump a great distance from a snake, etc.). So, adrenaline enters the human blood as a result of stress and is removed from the body only through physical activity.

If adrenaline is not removed, it “poisons” the body and causes depression. Most of us are in modern world is under pressure from multitasking, which causes stress. And at the same time we do not work physically. As a result, we suffer from depression.

Andrey Voron advised:

  • Follow the instructions - earn your bread by the sweat of your brow. Every day, do some physical effort - until you sweat. And if work is not related to this, run or do exercises until you sweat.
  • Sit less, walk 2-3 hours a day.
  • When your soul is heavy, walk even more - in nature, near water, pray, fast, work with your hands.
  • After dinner, take a walk for half an hour.

Attitude to money

Fight your stinginess. Because you are not holding money in your hands, but your heart, holding back blood. By piling up, you clutter up the soul. Greed and stinginess harm both health (body) and soul. Remember: it takes much more effort to save money, protect it, hold it, than to get it.


Never wear unkempt clothes, as this will show disrespect to yourself and irritate others. Do you know that Christ, being from a poor family, always walked among the poor in beautiful white clothes?


If you have a good wife, rejoice. This is a gift from heaven. Don't have many women. For the body it is an abomination, and for the soul it is exhaustion. If you don’t have the woman you want, don’t worry. This is also a gift from heaven. Alone, you will get closer to the sky faster.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

  • Avoid salt, sugar and white bread.
  • Be sure to eat honey. To strengthen your heart, eat 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day.
  • Eat a few walnuts or other nuts every day, or replace them with a teaspoon of nut or olive oil(as the Greeks do).
  • Eat vegetables every day - beets (this is the most best food), carrots (gnaw carrots), beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce. And fruits: berries, apples, grapes, plums, apricots.
  • Dry fruits and drink compotes from them. In winter, this will save you from colds. Men over 50 benefit from a decoction of dried pears(for male power).
  • Eat meat if you want, but very rarely. Never eat pork, it has killed many people prematurely. A piece of lard won't hurt. Judge on animals. The predator eats the prey and lies exhausted. And the chamois eats grass and flies like a bird. The horse eats oats and pulls the cart all day!
  • Eat fish. It cleanses and rejuvenates, just like the water from which it came.
  • Fish, dry Rye bread, vegetables and cereals are your best food!
  • It won’t hurt a healthy person (when there is no fasting) to have a little wine or vodka, but no more than 1-2 fingers in a glass. It is better to use tincture of galangal, garlic, horseradish, and hawthorn. If you don't drink, you won't lose anything. And if you drink too much, you will lose everything!
  • Bad food: sausages, canned food, fried potatoes, cookies and sweets.
  • From Thursday evening to Saturday morning I don’t eat anything, I just drink water. Hunger cleanses the soul and body.
  • Drink only clean water (find a spring). Don't drink sweet and salty mineral water. Drink at least 1 liter daily, or better yet, two.


Posts – best time for a person. Nothing strengthens and rejuvenates like fasting. Your bones become light, you fly like a bird. But not eating meat is not yet a feat. The main thing is “don’t eat people.” Fast for the love of God. May she have more love for delicious food and entertainment.

How to stay healthy?

  • Learn to rejoice in all living things - bees, trees, birds. And then a lot of knowledge will be revealed to you. Each morning dawn for me it's like new life. During quiet times, sit alone, preferably near the water, and observe the natural world. You will find peace in your heart.
  • Cultivate a sense of joy and admiration for life!
  • Get into the habit of standing barefoot on the Earth for a few minutes.
  • Look for a chance to be near water, it relieves fatigue and “washes” your thoughts. (Reading these lines, I remembered that all philosophers used to engage in contemplation by the water. This is where the great thoughts “You cannot enter the same river twice” and others like that came from).
  • It is useful to douse yourself with water every morning. First hot (to awaken dormant blood), and then cold. Don't use soap and shampoos every day - just water. Don't neglect the bath. Rub your body with honey.


It is useful to take a nap for half an hour during the day, lying on your back. But not after eating. Go to bed before 22 o'clock. Get up early. Get outdoors in the fresh air more often. Keep the house cool.


If you smoke, drink, use foul language, or are “sick” of gambling, don’t despair. Do it this way. Give up just one bad habit and you will see how quickly you will give up the rest too.

If you smoke, quit immediately and forever. This will be your first victory. The biggest and most joyful victories are over yourself.

How to find purpose?

  • Listen to your heart and it will reveal to you what you are “called” for. Maybe - to serve one person, maybe - to the world, maybe - to a family, or maybe - to God. Everyone has their own gift and talent.
  • Consult your Guardian Angel and remember him more often. And the answer to any of your questions will come in an unexpected way - in a thought, in a conversation, in a book, from a stranger.
  • Don't go against the circumstances. So this is not your time. Better to wait it out.
  • Keep your mouth shut and don't boast about your successes.

Love people

  • Be equally kind and attentive to everyone. You can learn something from everyone, even an empty person.
  • Go to church, visit family and friends. Help people. Travel on foot around the outskirts. Read wise books and write down your thoughts.
  • Help strangers more often. 80 years ago an unfamiliar soldier handed me an apple and I still pray for him.
  • Don't be offended by people and don't judge them. Everyone forgiven by you will add love to yourself.

Do not complain

  • Don't complain about your needs, illnesses and failures. These are your best teachers. Thank God for this. I noticed that in the camps, where it was hungry and cold, people became healthy and strong in spirit.
  • Be like water. It flows in the river, we meet a dam - it stands. In a round dish it is round, in a tetrahedral dish it is tetrahedral. That's why she's the strongest.
  • Accept humbly everything that fate sends you, like a grateful patient taking medicine from a doctor.

I hope you find this wise advice from Elder Andrei Voron, who lived 104 years, useful. His recipes for healthy eating for every day, as well as his way of thinking and attitude towards people, nature, and the world. It is important to remember that proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle is only one of the components of a proper, wise, healthy, long and happy life!

I wish everyone a long life in health, happiness and joy!

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