Signs of the onset of menstruation. Signs of menstruation: symptoms at different periods of life

A young body develops differently and may have characteristics, a faster or slower pace. But in any case, to adolescence girls start.

It is worth telling what the first signs of menstruation are long before this. Some manifestations may seem frightening to girls, which can negatively affect sexual development generally.

Read in this article

When and how does it all begin?

Signs of the first period

The first signs of the appearance of menstruation are detected long before their arrival, usually a year or two. At about 10-13 years of age, a girl’s figure begins to develop according to the female type: the hips widen, the breasts become outlined. First, the mammary glands become more prominent nipples. Then the volume of the breast as a whole increases. IN armpits and hair appears in the pubic area. Sometimes small amounts of vegetation are found on the legs and near the nipples.

The appearance of a teenage girl often causes her distress. Due to increased work sebaceous glands her skin becomes oilier and may become covered with pimples. The face, chest area and back are especially affected by acne. This is also considered as signs before the first menstruation in girls. The fact is that the period is characterized rapid growth bones, but the skin can’t keep up with it. Grease is nothing more than a defensive reaction aimed at avoiding damage.

The sweat glands begin to function more intensively. All changes in appearance are caused by increased production of sex hormones. Shortly before this, the adrenal glands begin to function more actively, and after them the ovaries, which produce estrogens and progestins.

It is important to convince the girl that the changes happening to her are normal and even obligatory. This also applies to unpleasant manifestations, which go away more smoothly if you carefully monitor hygiene.

Changes in behavior

The first signs of menstruation in girls aged 11 to 13 years are not limited to external changes. New manifestations of character can cause big problems for herself and her loved ones.

Changes in the reproductive system before menstruation

Difficulty waiting for your first menstruation

Relatives of a teenage girl should know: what signs her mother had of her first period are the same ones they will show in her daughter. As a rule, characteristics of sexual development are inherited by female line. But still they must fit within certain limits.

If the listed manifestations are observed in a hypertrophied form, this may be due to improper development endocrine system or sexual. The timing of the onset of symptoms of impending menarche is also important. Their appearance before 10 years and after 16 is a reason for a visit to a teenage gynecologist.

The first signs of menstruation in children, such as leucorrhoea, require special monitoring. They should not smell bad, cause itching or burning. All these are symptoms of an infection that can attack children's body before puberty.

Therefore, it is necessary to accustom a girl to more genitals from an early age. As well as making sure that she is protected from, dresses in accordance with the weather, and does not sit on cold surfaces.

What signs before the first menstruation also depend on the environment in which the girl grows up. If she often has to be nervous, she eats poorly, and endures excessive stress for her age. physical exercise, the manifestations of puberty can cause her big problems.

All these factors can be a hindrance for him, so the development reproductive system will slow down and you will have to wait a long time for your first menstruation. Frequent illnesses can have a similar effect.

Leucorrhoea before the first menstruation becomes more profuse than... The woman notices other signs, the main one of which is a delay in menstruation, leucorrhoea with...

  • First signs. ... With the onset of your first menstruation, it is not necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist.
  • If your first period lasts 2 days, this is normal. ... traces of white blood cells, and signs of injury may appear brown discharge showing...
  • But the first signs of menstruation appear differently due to individual reaction to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Before critical days PMS occurs - premenstrual syndrome, which is often observed in girls. And sometimes the question even arises - what is less pleasant: yourself or PMS?

    And such curiosity is quite appropriate, since most of all unpleasant processes occurs precisely in the premenstrual period and the signs of PMS become obvious. The so-called ones are similar to some as many as ten Egyptian plagues, while others do not notice them at all.

    In the second case, everything is in order, since if the symptoms are reduced, it means that the body is close to the “healthy” status. The only thing that can cause concern is complete absence symptoms and any signs of PMS - this is no longer normal. In the first case, everything is different.

    What kind of organism - such are the symptoms and by which a woman determines the imminent onset of menstruation. And even more precisely their shape. Unfortunately, this statement is partly true.

    What is meant by individual feature body may turn out to be nothing more than a disease. In order to figure out “what happens, to whom and how?” Let's look in more detail at the main signs and symptoms that occur before menstruation. And then we’ll look at severe form these symptoms with a reduction bright examples, explaining this phenomenon. So…

    Main symptoms before menstruation

    First, let's make a list of the main symptoms that occur in the fair sex before their critical days.

    Nine out of ten women during their pre-period period:

    • worry (over trifles and without reason);
    • I change my mood (very unexpectedly and dramatically);
    • they lose their temper over trifles (sometimes irritability is an understatement);
    • internal shaking (feeling of tension inside).

    Six out of ten women during PMS:

    • often and before the onset of menstruation;
    • are subject to swelling (due to fluid retention this is not surprising);
    • experience discomfort, and even (often the case before breast swelling);
    • gain weight (due to increased appetite, no other reaction of the body should be expected).

    Four out of ten women before their period:

    Two out of ten women:

    • cannot make up their minds;
    • they constantly forget something;
    • experience (often progressing to vomiting);
    • get depressed;
    • they cry over trifles (often/rarely and senselessly).

    Here is a small top of PMS ailments various groups women. In most cases, these are mental problems and should not cause much concern. Unless, of course, we assume that all this is caused hormonal imbalance and these are not exactly symptoms of PMS. And if this is the case, then run to a consultation with a gynecologist, dear ladies.

    Why do you feel sick before your period?

    Nausea is the most common symptom most ladies.

    This phenomenon is caused by female body nothing more than an enlargement of the uterus. It swells, thereby squeezing the nerve areas, which leads to this feeling.

    Don't worry when it appears before your period. This is the first sign of the imminent onset of menstruation.

    Why do breasts swell?

    There are some other symptoms before menstruation. For example, most women with PMS experience nipple swelling and discomfort. It even comes to painful sensations. In the second phase of PMS, the breasts increase in size.

    All this is expressed by a failure in production. In addition to it, there is another hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the body - progesterone. The production of which is also subject to failures.

    Many women are afraid of gaining weight with the next arrival of their periods. This is expressed during pre menstrual cycle.

    There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. In view of hormonal imbalances The body does not produce the substance serotonin well. Thus, the balance of nutrients in the body is disrupted. The result is that you crave carbohydrates. In other words, for everything that is tasty and harmful. Unfortunately, these are not salads and mineral water.

    Doctors don’t see anything wrong with the delay. On the contrary, this need must be satisfied, because the body is in dire need of nutrients and microelements.

    But here you should stick to strict rules - eat often, but in small quantities. And it is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

    Internal genital organs

    It is not uncommon for ladies to experience pain in the ovaries. It is not surprising, since they swell - hence the disease.

    In addition to the ovaries, the endometrium also changes temporarily. Peeling off from the walls, it causes pain and discomfort in the vaginal area.

    The cervix also changes. First opening up, then lowering slightly, she does not leave her activity unattended.

    All of the above are normal phenomena. However, if the sensations are very different from those observed during the previous cycle, then this is the right ticket to a consultation with a doctor.

    Grand total

    Regardless PMS symptoms, every lady is simply obliged to visit once a year. I would like to add that observation by a doctor is a mandatory procedure.

    Do you experience any problems, pain, panic attacks– anything that causes concern is a reason to visit a specialist’s office.

    The same applies to healthy ladies who do not experience any difficulties. Every periodic examination by a doctor is necessary.

    Be always healthy and in good location spirit.

    Sometimes, while waiting for your period to come, you feel a certain discomfort, and critical days they never come. This leads to doubts about whether pregnancy has occurred?

    The first symptoms of pregnancy are similar to symptoms of PMS. Each girl experiences different unpleasant sensations, but the most common ones can be noted:

    • swelling and sensitivity of the mammary glands;
    • drowsiness;
    • cravings for certain types of food;
    • increased sensitivity to odors;

    All these manifestations are associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. The balance of progesterone and estrogen is disrupted, which affects the neuro-emotional state and causes deterioration in well-being.

    Swelling and chest pain are characteristic of both PMS and pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormone levels, so this sign is not decisive. The only thing you can take into account is the duration of this condition.

    During pregnancy, this symptom accompanies the young mother all the time, as processes associated with lactation occur in the chest.

    With PMS, this symptom lasts for several days.
    Discomfort in the back area
    Back pain during pregnancy occurs much later, closer to the third trimester. On early stages this is not characteristic feature, may occur due to a state of general malaise. More pronounced back pain occurs with PMS.

    Bloody issues

    Bloody discharge during pregnancy is not profuse, more spotting and lasts 2-3 days, general health better than during normal menstruation. This discharge may begin a little earlier than the expected period, and can be brown or brown in color.

    Bloody discharge during pregnancy is explained by the process of attachment of the embryo in the uterine mucosa. Such phenomena do not happen often during pregnancy, but 2 of my friends experienced this.

    Every woman should listen very carefully to her body, then such symptoms will not go unnoticed. This symptom is quite indicative. It is important to learn to tell the difference between bloody discharge during pregnancy and menstruation.


    PMS may also be characterized by nausea, but this is a short-term and rare phenomenon, and occurs much earlier than during pregnancy.

    Early toxicosis of pregnant women leads to aversion to food. Nausea occurs not only in the morning, but throughout the day at any time. Under influence unpleasant odors, toxicosis intensifies.

    Usually this symptom occurs after 5 weeks, which is associated with the vital processes of the fetus. The metabolism has not yet been established, and fetal decay products enter the mother’s blood and cause minor intoxication. This continues until 4-5 months, while the placenta matures. Vomiting may occur periodically.

    One woman had different pregnancies this symptom can manifest itself in different ways. My friend did not have toxicosis while expecting a boy, but when she became pregnant with her daughter, nausea and vomiting accompanied her constantly. By own experience I will say that toxicosis accompanied me from 5 to 16 weeks, but for two of my friends, it clearly stopped at 12 weeks. Several of my good friends did not suffer from it at all.

    Cravings for certain types of food

    During pregnancy, food tastes often change, cravings for certain foods arise, and familiar foods can cause disgust. The expression “craving something salty means pregnancy” is known to everyone, and this is understandable; there is often a desire to eat sweet and salty foods.

    In the early stages of pregnancy, women may experience a feeling of hunger, this is due to significant energy expenditure by the body as the fertilized egg moves through the body. fallopian tubes and its implantation. This process takes up to two days.

    But such a symptom is also not decisive, since from my own experience I will say that before PMS my appetite greatly increases, like most of my friends. This is also understandable from a physiological point of view - the body accumulates nutrients before significant blood loss.

    Aching pain in the lower abdomen

    During pregnancy - short-term, non-intrusive and sluggish.

    With PMS, the pain is more severe and unpleasant, and there is bloating, especially on the first day. A third of my friends have a tummy tug throughout their period. There are also lucky women who do not experience such unpleasant sensations.

    When pregnancy occurs, the egg is fertilized, and the uterus begins to prepare for its implantation. During the attachment of the fruit egg to the mucous membrane, unpleasant sensations are possible. Before menstruation, the reverse process occurs - the mucous membrane peels off, which is released during menstruation. It gives a similar feeling. In both cases, the pain is of a different nature.

    Sudden changes in emotional state

    During pregnancy, mood swings are extreme, emotions are stronger and appear more vividly. One of my friends, in the early stages of pregnancy, wanted to cry all the time, she felt sorry for everyone and was offended to the point of tears, or she simply laughed merrily at an insignificant joke. Moodiness and causeless anxiety also constantly accompany a woman.

    With PMS, negative emotions are more often present, increased nervous tension, panic attacks, anger, rage. Everything returns to normal with the start of menstruation.

    It is this indicator that most often catches the eye of others. The nature of this symptom is related to hormones, but there are also differences in its manifestation.

    Fatigue and dizziness

    During pregnancy, there is a sharp increase in progesterone levels, which causes increased fatigue in the first weeks.

    • There is a decrease in blood pressure and sugar levels
    • Increases total blood in the body

    This causes deterioration in well-being and dizziness. Characteristic features include absent-mindedness and fatigue. Before the onset of menstruation, similar changes occur, but as they begin, progesterone levels decrease and fatigue goes away.


    During pregnancy, drowsiness occurs quite often and this is of a protective nature. The body is trying to protect the little child from the excessive emotionality of his mother, the woman becomes more lethargic, wants to sleep all the time, and “not run to the front line and rush into battle.”

    During my pregnancy, I simply slept through the entire first trimester, I was extremely sleepy:

    • in the morning
    • at lunch
    • In the evening

    There are women who experience insomnia during this period.

    With PMS, this symptom is short-term.

    This symptom occurs against the background of general fatigue of the body.

    Sensitivity to odors

    This symptom appears one of the first in early pregnancy. A woman feels morning sickness. Some smells are particularly disgusting. Most often it concerns smells household chemicals, eau de toilette, perfume, odors from foods, especially during their preparation. All “aromas” are felt very sharply.

    During her pregnancy, my good friend simply could not go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator, she had difficulty traveling on public transport, everything smelled terrible to her. It is especially unpleasant to experience this period in the summer, when heat is added to all the irritating factors, which simply intensifies it.

    In PMS time Sensitivity to odors also occurs, but it does not manifest itself as strongly and does not last long.

    How to determine exactly

    None of the above signs are 100% decisive, you can guess possible pregnancy or doubt. Even the absence of menstruation does not definitely indicate pregnancy.

    Delays may be caused severe stress, overwork at work, emotional stress, perhaps you have exams or a difficult interview ahead, you quarreled with your loved one; may be associated with climate change, or be a signal of the development of a disease. To eliminate any doubts, the best method is the use of a pregnancy test.

    All tests have the same principle; they react to the level of a hormone in the urine - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
    Exist different kinds tests:

    1. Test strips are not expensive. The test is a strip with markings applied to it. The test must be placed in a container with morning urine. After a few seconds, place the material on a horizontal surface and wait until the indicator strip reacts to the hormone level. Morning urine contains the highest concentration of hCG, so the result will be more reliable. Two lines on the test indicate that the woman is pregnant. If the result is short, the result may be incorrect; it is better to recheck after some time.
    2. The tablet test is relatively new and convenient. It has great sensitivity, which makes it possible to detect pregnancy in the early stages. The test looks like a tablet with windows. A small amount of urine must be applied to a special window where there is a colorless cloth with a reagent. When urine comes into contact with fabric, it reacts, colors it, and the result is visible in another window. This test is more effective.
    3. Jet test is one of the new modern species. It is a small plastic device, at the end there are strips with applied sensitive particles that immediately react to the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine. It has very high accuracy and reliability.
    4. The electronic test is very convenient and comfortable. By appearance resembles an inkjet, but has a special screen on which there will be an inscription: “pregnant” - you are pregnant, and “not pregnant” - you are not pregnant.

    If you have done the test and have doubts, you can do laboratory analysis blood for hCG.
    Remember, every woman is individual and unique, no one can understand her body better than her. PMS is a monthly phenomenon, and each of us knows best how special features it is accompanied. Listen to your body and you will definitely notice if any changes occur.

    For additional reading

    The menstrual cycle involves a huge and complex work of the body, which is preparing for the conception of a child. In the middle of the cycle, an egg is released from the ovaries and prepares for fertilization. The uterus produces additional slime layer who will receive the future baby.

    If fertilization does not occur, then the body begins to get rid of the results of its achievements, and next month everything will start all over again. Before the start of a new cycle, a number of changes occur in the female body, which occur a few days before the onset of menstruation and are called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Every second woman notices manifestations of PMS, but in my environment, individual signs are found in all my female friends and acquaintances.

    Other symptoms:

    • back discomfort;
    • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
    • sudden changes in emotional state;
    • fatigue and dizziness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • bloody issues.

    Menstruation is an integral part in the life of any woman. They signal that everything is fine with the body. The absence of menstruation may indicate pregnancy or the presence of diseases. The first signs of menstruation are specific sensations. They are closely related to the restructuring within a woman’s body that occurs every month.

    What to do if there is a delay?

    Causes of cycle disruption

    The causes of menstrual irregularities can be:

    • psychological or mental trauma;
    • hypothermia of the body, this also includes overheating;
    • change in climatic conditions;
    • lack of weight, exhaustion;
    • lack of vitamins.

    However, there is a list of gynecological diseases that can cause problems, these include:

    • inflammation of the abdominal organs;
    • sexually transmitted diseases;
    • endometriosis – tissue growth in inappropriate places;
    • Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor;
    • polyps are growths of the uterine mucosa.

    Menstruation irregularities can also be caused by surgical interventions into the body. Hormonal imbalance also takes place. It is accompanied by a sharp weight gain, acne, hair growth in unexpected places.

    Is treatment required?

    As you can see, there are many reasons for menstrual irregularities, so this is a sufficient reason to visit a gynecologist.

    An irregular cycle is most likely a malfunction of the pelvic organs, which can prevent you from getting pregnant, safely carrying and giving birth to a child. It is possible that this is a sign of illness.

    You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience:

    • discharge during pregnancy;
    • sharp pains lower abdomen during menstruation (possibly ectopic pregnancy);
    • heavy bleeding.

    Video about premenstrual syndrome

    Signs of menstruation are certain sensations associated with physiological changes in a woman’s body.

    Signs of menstruation in women

    Every woman experiences the first symptoms of her period to a different degree. Some representatives of the fairer sex experience breast enlargement a couple of weeks before menstruation, sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. This is due to the onset of hormonal surges in a woman’s body. Often this symptom is followed by dry lips before the onset of menstruation. After the birth of the child, this symptom usually does not appear.

    About five days before the start of menstruation, acne appears on the face, but it goes away shortly after menstruation. Again, unabated hormones are to blame. As for acne, it occurs in both boys and girls due to changes hormonal levels.

    The first signs of menstruation cannot be avoided pain, arising in the lower abdomen. Pain occurs a few days before the onset of menstruation, but some women feel pain as early as a week before the start of menstruation. The level of pain of the phenomenon is individual. Someone without medical supplies can’t even get by because of the severe pain from the moment of the onset of menstruation, and for some it doesn’t hurt at all. And this happens until the end of menstruation.

    Increased appetite before menstruation

    Kit excess weight scares most of the fairer sex, and before menstruation the feeling of hunger usually increases. Of course, the reason for appetite lies in hormonal changes. There is a lack of serotonin in the body. To normalize processes in the body, a lot of carbohydrates are required, which is why hunger occurs.

    How to avoid gaining unwanted pounds? In this case, advice from nutritionists and endocrinologists will help. Also, you should not endure hunger, because... the body needs useful material. It is better to eat portions and in small quantities. You should drink a lot of water, and add more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products to your diet.

    Nausea before menstruation

    Pre-period signs also include feeling nauseous. The cause of nausea is increased level hormones. Often the feeling of nausea increases when taking hormonal contraception. This may be due to the choice of an inappropriate contraceptive and a different drug should be chosen.

    It may also cause nausea due to the structure of the uterus. Before menstruation, an enlarged uterus can put pressure on nerve centers which cause a feeling of nausea. Nausea before menstruation can occur in women who engage in excessive physical activity.

    What is PMS

    Signs before menstruation in women are called premenstrual syndrome. But this is not just a set of the above symptoms, but many neuropsychic phenomena that indicate endocrine disorders.

    Signs of PMS before the onset of menstruation are divided into 4 types:

    1. A woman with a neuropsychic type of illness begins to experience aggression, becomes too irritable, and whiny. Things could go as far as depressive state. Flatulence is also one of the symptoms of PMS.
    2. When reporting PMS, acute pain is observed in the chest area, swelling of the face, hands, and ankles occurs. Some people experience bloating itchy skin, increased sweating.
    3. The cephalgic type of the disease is accompanied by migraine, excessive irritability, feeling of nausea and headache.
    4. The crisis form can be characterized by a jump blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and fear of death. We need to remember how unusual sign before the onset of menstruation is premenstrual syndrome. PMS is a condition that requires mandatory treatment.

    What measures should be taken if there are symptoms, but menstruation still does not occur?

    A situation may arise when the first signs of menstruation are present, but there are no menstruation itself. If all of the listed first symptoms are observed before the onset of menstruation, but they are delayed, then this indicates the onset of pregnancy. If, after a long delay in menstruation, the pregnancy test gave negative result, you need to contact a gynecologist. The problem may be caused various diseases, metabolic disorders, stress, hormonal imbalance.

    It's all due to hormones

    Signs of approaching menstruation cannot be imagined without a disrupted amount of hormones. The level of estrogen and progesterone changes during periods of hormonal instability. As mentioned earlier, pain can occur a few days before menstruation, or 1-2 weeks, which last until the end of menstruation.

    Of course, a year after the start of menstruation, the signs become mild. But if there are any suspicious changes in your cycle, you should go to the doctor, because... they can become the first signs of illness. It should be noted that after childbirth, the signs of menstruation become completely invisible.

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