A simple recipe for beautiful hair: how to make burdock oil at home. Burdock oil for hair at home

Burr oil for hair. What is included in its composition, how to prepare it at home, in what cases it should be used and how. All this will be discussed in this article. There are also several healthy recipes masks for different types hair.

Hair has long been considered the best decoration of a woman. Long hair They even had a magical effect. WITH religious point hair is an integral part of a woman, which is a sign of her purity and innocence. Therefore, some religions even deny the fact of cutting hair. How to care for them, how to make them even more beautiful, shiny and luxurious. All these questions concern more than one woman today.

The issue is especially acute for urban women. After all, hair, like skin, absorbs all the dirt and dust of city life. Plus, the condition of hair is directly influenced by stress, a woman’s diet, the quality of cosmetics used, and fatigue. Due to the negative influence of all these factors, hair begins to split, falls out, triples its usual shine, becomes thin and unruly. That is why beauty salons have even introduced special spa treatments for hair. But if it is not possible to regularly visit a beauty salon, you can easily provide your hair with proper care at home. How to do this?

Miracle burdock oil

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know such hair and scalp care products as are known modern girls. They didn’t know what shampoo, conditioner, or masks were. How then did they cleanse their hair of dust and dirt? And why did they still wear long and Thick hair? All this is due to the fact that they used exclusively the gifts of nature. The main ones in the cosmetic arsenal were natural remedies. They used different roots, foliage and branches of different plants. Some of their recipes have come down to us. One of these miraculous natural substances is burdock oil.

This oil is obtained from the roots of the most inconspicuous plant - burdock, hence its name - burdock. Yes, it can be unpleasant when its spines stick to things or animal fur. But this plant is worthy of respect because of the miraculous effect after using an infusion of its root.

Oil composition

Modern scientists and cosmetologists could not take our grandmothers at their word. Therefore, they decided to study this substance and find out why it has such a positive effect on our hair, giving it health and beauty. During the tests, it was found that there are all the most healthy vitamins, which we often take in tablets. These are vitamins A, E, C, group B. This oil contains iron, zinc, vanadium, tin, strontium, manganese, copper, etc. There are already ready-made essential oils and polysaccharides here. All these containing burdock oil have only healing properties. This means that our grandmothers were right when they used it almost everywhere for medicinal purposes.

Burdock oil contains huge amounts of useful substances

Indications for use

Considering burdock oil as medicinal substance, we must know when we can and should apply it to our hair and how it should be done. Let's first decide what problems you should resort to oil in the first place. The use of oil is exclusively indicated in the following cases:

All these indicators and factors are the primary reason for using burdock oil. But even if you do not observe any problems with your hair, then using this oil 1-2 times a month will be an excellent prevention of problems and will not harm your hair in any way. It will only preserve their healthy and natural shine for longer.

How does oil affect hair?

The fact that the effect is exclusively positive and restorative is understandable. But why is such an effect still observed? The fact is that burdock oil restores metabolism and blood flow in skin heads. Sometimes it is the disruption of these processes that is the only cause of hair loss, dullness and split ends. You should not use masks with burdock oil. less than a month regularly. Experts say that the true result can be seen only after 15 procedures with this oil. No more than 1 procedure per week is allowed. But it all depends on the type of hair and the nature of the problem for which the oil was prescribed.

The oil returns natural shine to hair, strengthens hair follicles and makes hair healthy. After such masks, hair becomes manageable and smooth. An excellent effect is also observed on mechanical damaged hair: after a hairdryer, perm and coloring.

How to use

We have considered in what cases it is worth using burdock oil. But how often can this be done? How to apply oil to hair? The oil can be used in pure form, but can be mixed with others useful substances: mustard, egg, kefir, etc. Currently, there are a lot of masks containing burdock oil. The ingredients that should be added to the oil depend on your hair type and the nature of the problem with it. The frequency of mask use also depends on these factors.

The oil is applied warm. That is, it should be heated to human body temperature. This can be done by pouring it into a container or placing a bottle of oil under the stream. hot water. Oil temperature is important to achieve greater effect and positive result faster. But don't overheat the oil. You should not experience any pain or burning when applying it.

Before applying the oil, you should wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel. The oil is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the head, like hair dye. Apply the oil by hand or using a hairdressing brush or cotton pad. Simultaneously with applying the oil, it is necessary to massage the scalp. The oil massage continues for 15 minutes. After applying the oil, you should create a sauna effect for your hair. To do this, you should put on a bag and wrap a terry towel or a warm scarf around your head. This is done to achieve the desired effect. The duration of the mask depends on the problem. Duration can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The mask is made, as we have already said, no more than once a week for a month. Then you can take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the procedure again.

Please note and do not lose sight of the fact that the components of the oil can cause allergies. To exclude such a situation, before use, be sure to perform an allergy test, as with hair dye: apply the oil to a small area of ​​skin on the wrist and wait 30 minutes.

How to wash off a mask with burdock oil

After you have walked around with a mask on your head for a certain period of time, it, of course, needs to be washed off. A mask with burdock oil is washed off like any other, warm water and shampoo. Afterwards you can use the balm. It is advisable that both shampoo and conditioner contain herbs. This will help consolidate the result. The mask is washed off with a large stream of water. But sometimes one approach is not enough. If the hair remains oily, the procedure can be repeated. Great advice for better rinsing of burdock oil from hair, to avoid the effect oily hair, you can use highly salted water, and then soften your hair with balm. You can also add yolk to the butter. Firstly. This is another nutrient for your hair. Secondly, this combination is easier to wash out of the hair than pure oil.

Washing off a mask based on burdock oil is not an easy process.

Cooking at home

We are used to buying ready-made masks and balms in stores. This makes our life much easier and saves time. Burdock oil can also be purchased. Better, of course, at the pharmacy. They sell products that are least susceptible to processing and have a composition as close to natural as possible. When buying burdock oil at a pharmacy, carefully read the packaging. It should contain only natural ingredients. But if you are not lazy and prepare burdock oil at home, then your hair will very soon thank you greatly, becoming silky, shiny, healthy and manageable.

How to do this at home. You will need burdock root and any oil. Ideally you need olive or almond oil. But if there is none, then even ordinary sunflower will do. The ratio is as follows: 100 g of roots per glass of oil. The washed roots are infused in oil for a day; after 15 minutes, the infusion should be simmered over low heat, cooled and strained. Store self-prepared oil in a glass container.

Burdock oil has different effects depending on what hair it is used on. Let's consider the effect of oil on Various types hair, and what masks can be used. And most importantly, how, how many times a week or month.

Hair masks based on burdock oil

For oily hair

First of all, I would like to warn those with oily hair. Keep in mind that burdock oil is fatty product. The use of such masks will make your hair even more oily. If you want to restore shine and make your hair more manageable, but you do not have more serious criteria for using oil, then do not rub it into the roots. Limit application to hair length. This will also provide you with the desired effect, but will protect you from the effect of greasy hair after removing the mask. But it does not mean. That the mask is contraindicated for you. Even if there is serious problems and the need to apply a mask to the roots, you can feel the positive effect of the oil.

Burdock oil is suitable even for those with oily hair

Need 1 tablespoon oil, 1 teaspoon oil grape seeds, 1 tablespoon of grapefruit pulp and 10 drops of lemon oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 15 minutes. This mask will accelerate hair growth, cleanse the scalp, refresh and tone it.

Masks for dry hair

Dry hair always needs extra moisture and care to keep it looking healthy. You can add a few drops of burdock oil directly to the shampoo before use or to the balm. If the problem is more serious, then it is better to prepare masks based on burdock oil. You can add wheat germ or chamomile oil to the oil prepared at home or purchased at the pharmacy. All ingredients should be mixed in 1 tablespoon. All this is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes, just as stated in the section on using oil. This mixture should also be applied warm.

For normal hair

You can enhance hair growth, give it shine, eliminate brittleness and split ends using a mask of burdock oil and several other elements: bey oil, ylang oil, chamomile. For 2 tablespoons you add 5 drops of each oil.

Masks for damaged and weak hair

If you prefer ready-made oils, then when you decide to use it for restoration, pay attention to oils with the addition of nettle, chamomile, peach oil, castor, sea buckthorn and wheat germ.

For lifeless hair, a mask with burdock and castor oils in equal proportions is perfect. Kefir, yolk and honey are also added to them. The last elements enhance medicinal properties castor and burdock oils. You can simply add honey and yolk to burdock oil. Cognac also has a beneficial effect on dry and damaged hair. Such masks should be left on the hair for about two hours, and then rinsed off thoroughly with warm water.

After mechanical impact It’s good to add cocoa to the oil for your hair to quickly restore it. This will add elasticity and manageability to curly hair. Lightened hair will become stronger after such a mask. The yolk is also not left unattended here. You take 3 tablespoons of butter, 2 yolks and 1 teaspoon of cocoa. Leave the mask on for about an hour, then rinse everything off with water, and then rinse vinegar solution or a solution of lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Such a mask in for preventive purposes It should be done 2 times a month, and when dealing with problems once a week.

Masks for severe hair loss and growth

Hair growth is promoted by adding yolk, lemon juice, and red pepper to burdock oil. If you use pepper, then you take oil along the length of your hair, and there is much less pepper. Excess of it can cause scalp irritation. After mixing, all ingredients should be heated in a water bath and applied to the scalp for an hour.

In most situations, women only respond positively to burdock oil. The only negative is time. You need to be patient if you decide to treat your hair with burdock oil. But remember, the effect will definitely be there. This has already been proven by many generations and doctors.

Burdock oil is a unique natural product that is used to treat hair loss, dandruff, eyelash growth and nails. You will find a recipe for making burdock oil at home in this article.

Burdock oil contains an incredible amount of substances beneficial to our skin, nails and hair, which is why most cosmetics manufacturers have long appreciated burdock oil. Many professional skin creams, balms and hair masks famous brands contain burdock oil.

However, there is not so much burdock oil in purchased products. It is easier and more effective to use burdock oil in cosmetics and medicinal purposes in its purest form.

You can buy burdock oil at any pharmacy, but you can also make your own burdock oil at home from burdock roots!

Did you know that burdock and burdock are the same plant? Although what we used to call burdock looks a little different than burdock. And the whole point is that burdock, or otherwise called burdock, lives for 2 years. In the first year it sprouts wide, large leaves. At the same time, it prefers shady places along roadsides. And only in the second year of life our burdock begins to develop inflorescences, and then round seed pods, which are equipped with small Velcro hooks. We tear out these round, prickly balls from the fur of our pets or from our hair if we accidentally come into contact with them in the forest.

How to make burdock oil at home
To prepare burdock oil at home, we will need burdock roots from the first year of life. It is during this period that the roots contain greatest number active substances.

The method is simple - in early spring or dig up the root of annual burdock in the fall. Wash and peel it, then chop finely (you can use a blender). 70-100 g of crushed root pour 200 g of almond oil (you can use olive, sunflower and even Vaseline), but classic recipe- almond oil. Leave to brew for 24 hours. Then pour everything into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer the mixture for another 15 minutes. The finished oil must be cooled, then strained through cheesecloth. Pour into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Rub this oil onto your hair roots 1-2 times a week. To make the oil easier to apply to your hair, first heat it in a water bath. Keep burdock oil on your hair for at least 30 minutes, or even better, several hours. In this case, it is better to insulate your hair with a plastic cap and a towel.

Then rinse off the burdock oil with warm water using your regular shampoo. The result will please you immediately - your hair will be soft, shiny and silky. And after 5-10 procedures with burdock oil, you will notice that your hair has become noticeably stronger and has stopped falling out, and dandruff will disappear. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the site

Burdock oil for hair is obtained from burdock roots by isolating a concentrate. This proven product quickly restores strands, saturating them with vitamins and acids to the very ends. Hair care using natural ingredients helps fight hair loss and slow growth. By creating your own natural cosmetics or enriching ready-made ones, it’s easy to become the owner of thick, strong strands.

Benefits of burdock oil for hair

The unique properties of the oil have been used for centuries. Luxurious thick curls have always been the main decoration of girls. Applied healing agent to enhance growth and add softness and shine. Normalizes metabolic processes in the follicles, enhances capillary blood circulation, allowing nutrients to saturate the root system.

Useful composition of the oil:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • tannins;
  • complex of vitamins B, A, C, E;
  • mineral salts;
  • ether;
  • inulin.

Healing properties for hair:

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition;
  2. Restoring blood flow;
  3. Normalization of processes in follicles;
  4. Increased growth;
  5. Soldering the cuticle, preventing fragility and porosity;
  6. To strengthen hair;
  7. Treatment of baldness.

Contraindications for use:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • individual sensitivity;
  • presence of wounds, cracks, scalp burns.

Vegetable oil is hypoallergenic and rarely causes harm. Contraindications may apply to others active ingredients cosmetic compositions that provoke itching and burning of the skin. Therefore, it is better to test the prepared product first.

Where can I buy?

Buy natural product You can do it both at a pharmacy and at a cosmetics store. The price will depend on the manufacturer and volume. The assortment can be found with the addition of vitamins, plant extracts, for example, aloe vera or pepper tincture. average cost 100 ml – 120 rub., 250 ml about 230 rub.

Ways to use burdock root oil for hair

Use herbal product possible to create home cosmetics or enrichment of ready-made caregivers and medicinal products. It’s easy to stop hair loss, strengthen, enhance growth and moisturize along the entire length with your own hands, without resorting to expensive procedures. Particular attention should be paid to strands after dyeing, curling and extensions; preventive procedures with healing oil prevent porosity and delamination. It is also recommended for the treatment of dry scalp, itching, irritation, and dandruff.

Adding to Shampoo

It can be used to treat very damaged, dry, brittle strands with regular scalp irritations by adding burdock oil to balm and shampoo. Three/four drops per ten ml of the finished product is enough. Use for a month, then take a break; for prevention, wash your hair with nourishing shampoo once a week.

How to use it pure

The oil can also be used as a stand-alone care product. Make applications while you sleep, rub in thoroughly, and insulate. In the morning, rinse thoroughly with shampoo, rinse with water and lemon or apple/wine vinegar. Apply just a couple of drops to split, brittle ends; for even distribution, it is better to use a wooden comb.

Scalp massage

To improve blood flow and the supply of nutrients, sufficient oxygen saturation, which affects all intracellular processes, it is worth regularly massaging the scalp. Mix in equal proportions with olive oil or sunflower (five ml each), and also enrich with ethers of mandarin, patchouli, calamus or bergamot, three/four drops are enough. Carry out the procedure before washing, thoroughly massaging the skin, then leave for another ten/fifteen minutes.

Useful video: How to grow thicker hair and stop hair loss

How to make homemade burdock oil

In addition to the cosmetology of natural homemade recipes, it will not be difficult to prepare the valuable liquid yourself. For this you will need burdock root; you can use fresh, dried or frozen. Apply homemade oil recommended for massage, nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as in the treatment of baldness. The rich composition quickly restores curls to the very ends and takes care of the scalp.


  • 100 gr. burdock root;
  • 250 ml olive oil.
Manufacturing and application method:

Can be replaced with any unrefined vegetable seed - sunflower, peach, jojoba, almond, peach, flaxseed, rapeseed. Finely chop the root, place in a bottle, add warm oil and seal tightly. Leave for fifteen days, shaking vigorously regularly. Afterwards, you can enrich it with nourishing balms, serums, and use it as a basis for a head massage. To prevent cross-section of cuts, rub a couple of drops on your fingertips and distribute on the tips.

To achieve maximum effect, use burdock oil by following simple recommendations:

  1. Prepare a mask depending on the length of the curls, recipes usually indicate medium volume, for Rapunzel braids you will need twice as much, and for neat bobs a little less, you cannot store the compositions after preparation for more than a day, the active elements can enter into chemical reactions;
  2. It is not necessary to wash the curls before application, you will need shampoo to remove the oil mixture after the procedure, wash off the burdock oil, it will work from the second soaping, if fixing agents were used, it is enough to rinse the curls with warm water and then begin caring manipulations;
  3. How long to keep on the hair depends on its condition, the average duration of the procedure is from an hour to three, if the mixture was applied to the roots, forty minutes is enough to restore dry, weakened, blond strands, and also in the treatment of baldness, leave overnight;
  4. Repeat for prevention once every two weeks, during a recovery course, sessions are carried out for a month, and during this period curling irons, hair curlers, hair dryers, and hard metal combs are not used.

Burdock hair masks - the best home recipes

An inconspicuous prickly plant is a real find for the beauty of curls. Magic oil– a unique natural product, balanced composition which has an amazing effect on hair. As a result, they will become strong and elastic from the roots to the very cuts.

Growth stimulation mask

The problem of slow growth is associated with a lack of life-giving substances due to nutritional deficiency, as well as impaired microcirculation. Burdock oil helps in solving this problem for hair growth, saturating the root system. necessary elements. To grow long flowing strands, you can perform the care procedure once or twice every ten days.


  • 15 ml of the main ingredient;
  • 5 gr. garlic;
  • cyanocobalamin ampoule.

Production and method of application: mix garlic pulp with burdock oil, add vitamin B 12. Rub into unwashed roots for five/seven minutes. After that, leave it for another quarter of an hour to get rid of the specific smell, you will have to use shampoo two or four times.

Video recipe: Mask for hair growth and nutrition with burdock oil, dimexide and vitamins

Anti-loss mask

Burdock oil is useful for hair loss, especially during the off-season. Helps strengthen along the entire length, improves the condition of the scalp. For prevention, use once a month; for treatment, a course of twelve daily sessions will be required.


  • 10 ml of main ingredient;
  • 35 gr. colorless henna;
  • 7 drops of cedar ether.

Preparation and method of application: mix the steamed powder with oils. Distribute generously onto dirty strands at the roots, wrap with film and leave to act overnight. When you wake up, rinse thoroughly.

Video: Recipe for dry and normal hair loss

Mask for oily hair

You can use a recipe for strengthening hair with burdock oil and problem roots with excess sebum secretion. The pH balance of the epidermis is normalized, all biochemical processes are accelerated. After the procedure, you will be pleased with the root volume; the curls will hold their styling longer.


  • 10 ml of main ingredient;
  • 15 gr. clay;
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 8 ml cherry juice.

Production and application method: first mix dry powders, dilute with water, then you can add juice and oil. Apply with a brush along the parting, leave, without wrapping, for sixty/eighty minutes.

Mask for dry and brittle skin

The procedure, with a lamination effect, allows you to protect damaged strands from mechanical and thermal influences. The stem structure is restored, each unit is covered with a film, all nutrients and moisture moisturize the cuticle.


  • 10 ml burdock;
  • 20 gr. gelatin.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve the crystals in warm green tea and add oil. Distribute on clean, damp strands five centimeters below the roots. After forty-five minutes, rinse.

Mask for thickness and shine

An affordable mask recipe helps to achieve voluminous, shiny curls. Natural ingredients soften, make soft and manageable. Allows restoration after coloring and tress extension procedures.


  • 10 ml of main ingredient;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 20 gr. brewer's yeast;
  • 3 drops of bergamot ether.

Preparation and method of application: heat the oil, add beaten yolks and yeast powder, mix everything thoroughly, add essential drops. Apply to hair and leave for two/three hours, rinse and leave to dry on its own.

Mask against split ends

Traditional recipes allow you to avoid constantly cutting off the ends. The nourishing agent seals the exfoliated scales, prevents subsequent fragility, and protects when combing.


  • 15 ml of main ingredient;
  • 5 ml each of grape and wheat oil;
  • 2 drops of rose ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a homogeneous mass from a mixture of oils and mix with aromatic drops. Warm it up a little beforehand, use a sponge for the ends of the hair, and apply with tapping movements. After forty-five minutes, blot off excess with a napkin.

Video recipe: Mask for dry hair ends with aloe juice

Anti-dandruff mask

The recipe with dimexide is effective for use in the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea. And it also accelerates hair growth, restores processes in the hair follicles, and affects blood flow. It is better to prepare the mask in the evening so that the hair dries afterwards. in a natural way. It is worth carrying out caring manipulations two/four times a month.


  • 10 ml of the main component;
  • 20 ml of serum;
  • 2-4 ml dimexide.

Preparation and method of application: by combining homemade serum, healing oil And pharmaceutical drug, distribute at the roots with a brush; there is no need to pre-wash the curls. After resting for twenty/thirty minutes, rinse with shampoo.


Burdock and castor oil are rightfully recognized as the best remedies for hair loss. The mixture allows you to quickly replenish the deficiency of beauty elements, especially useful for restoring curls after a hot summer. The composition is used in courses of ten/fourteen sessions.


  • 10 ml of main ingredient;
  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • 6 drops vanilla ether.

Production and method of application: combine the components, rub in the liquid mass, intensively massaging the scalp. Wrap tightly in film, heat with a hairdryer, and wrap in a towel. After sixty/eighty minutes, you can wash it off.

Mask with burdock oil and red pepper

Burdock oil with pepper has a stimulating effect on the follicles. The hot mask helps strengthen and accelerate growth and activates dormant bulbs. Thick and shiny strands delight with their shine after the first use.


  • 10 ml of the main component;
  • 5 ml pepper tincture;
  • 5 ml rapeseed oil;
  • 5 ml aloe juice.

Production and method of application: combine the ingredients, use a sponge to evenly distribute the mixture with pepper tincture at the beginning of growth, put on a plastic cap. A feeling of warmth will appear, keep the composition for about twenty minutes, then rinse off in the usual way.

Mask with burdock oil and honey

A simple recipe allows you to make your curls thick and shiny, make them silky, and make combing easier. The composition has an excellent effect on the follicles, activating processes in dormant bulbs. The mask also has a brightening effect; in one procedure you can change the color by half a tone.


  • 5 ml of the main ingredient;
  • 25 gr. honey;
  • 10 ml lemon juice.

Preparation and method of application: stir honey paste with oil and citrus juice, process evenly, preferably pre-wash or moisten. After forty-five minutes you can wash it off.

Mask with burdock oil and egg

To treat hair, soften and shine, you can use a proven product. The nourishing procedure allows you to protect the stem cuticle from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, thermal changes and hard comb teeth.


  • 5 ml of the main ingredient;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 5 drops of myrrh ether.

Preparation and method of application: beat eggs with a mixer together with oil, add aroma drops, nutritional mixture distribute on curls after washing, rest for about fifty minutes.

Video recipe: Vitamin mask for growth, thickness and recovery with yolk

Mask with burdock oil and mustard

Effective for enhanced growth, normalization metabolic processes as well as cleansing the scalp. Use no more than twice a week for a month.


  • 5 ml of the main ingredient;
  • 10 gr. mustard powder;
  • 15 gr. Sahara.

Production and application method: mixing mustard powder and sugar, dilute with water, add butter. Apply to the scalp, distribute evenly, wait about ten minutes. Rinse off without shampoo.

A home procedure with burdock oil with vitamins helps prevent hair loss and is an excellent alternative to salon mesotherapy. Nutrients replenish the deficiency of life-giving substances for normal growth.


  • 15 ml of the main component;
  • 5 ml vitamin E;
  • 5 ml vitamin a;
  • 5 ml pantothenic acid.

Production and method of application: mix a complex of vitamins into the base, apply to the main growth area and ends after washing. Once warmed, leave for half an hour.

Mask with burdock oil and nettle

Stops hair loss, adds thickness and volume. Helps colored curls maintain shine and elasticity.


  • 15 ml of the main ingredient;
  • 20 gr. nettles

Preparation and method of application: grind the medicinal herb and steam with boiling water, after half an hour add the main component. Treat the entire growth area with the prepared product. Put on a warming turban and soak the healing remedy for an hour and a half.

Video: Burdock mask with lavender essential oil for beauty and health of hair

Mask with burdock oil and cognac

Effectively used for roots, as well as to improve blood flow and restore biochemical processes. The resuscitating agent will improve the condition of very damaged strands.


  • 20 drops of the main component;
  • 35 ml cognac;
  • yolk.

Production and method of application: after whisking the ingredients for homogeneity, treat the entire head of hair, it works throughout the entire sleep period.

Mask with burdock oil and onion

An old recipe allowed girls to care for long braids, imparted shine and silkiness. And today, active elements improve microcirculation and awaken dormant follicles.


  • 10 ml of main ingredient;
  • 10 ml flax oil;
  • bulb.

Preparation and method of application: after chopping the tear vegetable, mix with oils, carefully distribute along the parting over the entire hair part, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Leave for about fifteen minutes; if a burning sensation occurs, rinse immediately. Repeat the procedure once every two weeks.

Mask with burdock oil and cocoa


  • 5 ml of the main component;
  • 20 gr. cocoa;
  • 5 drops of wheat oil.

Production and method of application: dilute the powder to the consistency of sour cream, add unrefined oils. Having distributed it, retreating from the root area, hide the curls under a shower cap. Complete manipulations after forty minutes.

Mask with burdock oil and yeast

Homemade masks care to the very ends, allowing you to forget about salon treatments and restorations. Gives fullness and volume to thin, sparse hair and reduces the sebaceous glands.


  • 15 ml of the main component;
  • 20 gr. yeast;
  • 6 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Production and method of application: dilute yeast with warm tea, add oil and essential drops. Apply to clean, damp strands and wait an hour. After completing the procedure, leave it to dry on its own.

Mask with burdock oil and banana

The folk recipe deeply nourishes, replenishes the deficiency of moisture and minerals. Useful after summer holiday, curls become shiny and elastic.


  • 10 ml of the main component;
  • banana;
  • 20 ml milk.

Production and method of application: mix banana with milk in a blender, add butter. Wash your curls, dry them with a towel, distribute them instead of balm, after twenty-five minutes you can finish.

Mask with burdock oil and kefir

Taking care of oily curls is easy thanks to simple means. Hair becomes manageable, voluminous, maintains volume and shape without styling products.


  • 5 ml of the main component;
  • 30 ml kefir;
  • 10 ml aloe juice.

Preparation and method of application: beat with a mixer spoiled milk with oil and vegetable juice. Treat clean, damp strands, insulate and rest for thirty/forty minutes, finishing as usual.

Video recipe: Mask with burdock oil, kefir, honey and yolk at home

Despite all the efforts of manufacturers and large-scale advertising campaigns, store-bought hair care products are not always able to solve the problem of hair loss, improve the health of curls and give them shine.

It’s no wonder that we are increasingly turning to classic “grandmother’s” recipes that help us grow truly long and healthy hair.

One of the most popular, affordable and effective means- Burr oil.

What are the benefits and properties of burdock oil, what are the reviews about it, how to use the product for oily and dry hair, use masks with it for growth and against hair loss, apply and rinse the product correctly?

Benefits and beneficial properties, action

Oil obtained by processing the roots of burdock (burdock) By beneficial properties and the effectiveness of the effect is not at all inferior to exotic overseas products, for example, or coconut.

The useful composition of the burdock processing product is impressive:

  • useful polyunsaturated acids: stearic and palmitic;
  • a unique polysaccharide inulin, which can heal and thoroughly cleanse the scalp and give smoothness to curls;
  • richest vitamin complex, including several B vitamins, as well as retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid;
  • no less diverse set minerals: calcium, chromium, iron, copper.

Is it any wonder that proper application This product allows you to provide a luxurious look to any hair and solve several problems at once.

By enhancing capillary blood circulation, the product provokes an acceleration of metabolism in the scalp and activation of supply processes hair follicles useful substances.

Additionally oil affects the entire length of the hair, restoring its healthy structure.

The beneficial effect of burdock oil for hair restoration in the photo before and after use:

Does burdock oil really help with hair growth and against hair loss? How long can and should you keep the product on your head? Let’s look at it further.

Indications for use, effect on the condition of strands

Let's figure out how burdock oil affects hair by studying the indications for its use:

Periodic use will give the opportunity to completely restore your hair.

The product helps against hair loss! On average, after 1.5-2 months of regular procedures, the intensity of hair loss decreases and their structure noticeably improves.

Curls look healthier and more radiant, and the problem of dry scalp and severe seborrhea is completely solved.

However You can expect such a result only from truly competent care using high quality natural products.

How to use it correctly

There are several options:

  • The product can be applied to dry or damp hair;
  • the product can affect the scalp, the entire length of the strands or only the damaged ends;
  • Can be used in pure form, mixed with other oil products or in masks with a combined composition.

The most universal care regimen, which is suitable for owners of hair of any type, is as follows.

After washing into scalp for 15 minutes rub burdock oil heated in a water bath. To make the procedure easier, the curls can be separated into separate strands using a comb.

After finishing the oil massage of the head, the product can be distributed throughout the entire length of the curls, paying special attention to dry and brittle ends.

A special polyethylene cap is put on the head. It is advisable to wear a warm hat or wrap a towel around your head.
Oil wrap exposure time – from 1 hour.

Mask recipes with additional ingredients

Not much more complex recipe oil wrap provides using a mixture of base and essential oils.

The burdock product can be accompanied by: castor oil, flaxseed, olive oil and even ordinary unrefined sunflower oil, as well as esters of rosemary, ylang-ylang, clary sage, and bergamot.

For every 2 tbsp. base, take 2-3 drops of essential substance.

Depending on what effect you want to achieve from skincare procedures, additional ingredients may be used.

To accelerate growth

To prepare a mask to improve hair growth based on burdock oil, 2 tbsp. product heated to 40 °C mix with one of the suggested ingredients:

  • 1 tsp cognac and raw yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. pharmacy tincture red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. mustard powder.

How long should you keep burdock oil on your hair? All the proposed recipes are very effective, however can cause burns on sensitive scalp.

For this reason The duration of the mask should not exceed 45 minutes, and there is no need to wear an additional insulating cap when applying the product.

How to use burdock oil for hair: how much to apply it, how to rub it into your head correctly, make a mask using it against hair loss and for thicker hair - the video will tell you:

Recovery compounds

How to treat hair with burdock oil - the method of application for treatment is simple, the same 2 tbsp. mix the heated product with:

  • 2 tbsp. honey, 2 tsp. ground cinnamon or cocoa powder, raw egg;
  • taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, aloe pulp and honey;
  • 2 tbsp. castor oil, the same amount of honey, egg and 1 tsp. yeast.

Such recipes are less traumatic for the scalp, so The duration of the masks can be extended up to 2 hours using a warming cap.

The video will tell you how to use burdock oil for hair growth and against hair loss:

How to apply to curls and rinse off

Most often, problems with the use of oil wraps and masks are associated with the difficulty of applying and rinsing them off.

The easiest way to apply such products is with a thick comb or wide brush, first distributing the composition over the scalp, and only then applying the mask to the entire surface of the curls.

To make washing your hair easier, you can use not only regular shampoos, but also rye flour.

For this, 5 tbsp. Just dilute the flour with warm water to form a thick sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply directly to the oil mask.

Having distributed the rye mixture over the entire surface of the curls, wait 10 minutes and wash thoroughly with warm water. To give your hair clean, one wash is usually enough, but if necessary, you can use additional shampoo.

To make combing easier after the procedure, for rinsing we use water with any vinegar, lemon juice or yogurt.

Which one is better to choose, prices in the pharmacy

When choosing suitable remedy Firstly it's worth paying attention to appearance and composition.

Manufacturers can offer both the product in its pure form and with the addition of medicinal herbs or hot pepper. Such products will help increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.

However, the presence of preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives is unlikely to make the contents of the bottle more useful.

Pharmaceutical oil may differ in degree of purification. The natural, unrefined product has a richer odor and a greenish tint.

This product is not suitable for those with light-colored hair: the oil composition can provide an unexpected toning effect.

For this reason sometimes it is better to choose not so healthy refined oil without a distinct color and odor.

Product prices vary significantly depending on the specific manufacturer.

On average per 1 bottle (100 ml) inexpensive means you will have to pay from 30 to 100 rubles.

Of the brands on the market, the most positive feedback It has products of the brands “Elavar”, “Good Aptekar”, CARE Derma, “Green Doctor”.

Harm, contraindications and possible side effects

A course of hair treatment at home with burdock oil may not be possible due to certain factors.

The most common complaint is the difficulty of washing out oil composition : often after a mask or wrap you have to wash your hair 3-4 times.

It may be difficult to use with individual intolerance to burdock, which is extremely rare.

The composition of the product itself is not always pleasing. Burdock oil cannot be obtained only from the plant itself. During the production process, burdock roots are infused with a ready-made base oil, most often sunflower or mineral oil.

Accordingly, if the raw materials are of poor quality or contain chemical additives, the finished product is unlikely to meet your expectations.

To avoid this, It’s worth purchasing products from reliable brands or making the product yourself.

Opinions of those who have tried it

  • “For my long curls, burdock oil - ideal remedy care that saves from fragility and loss. A couple of masks don’t have any effect, but if you stick to the system and do the procedures every 3-4 days, the difference in the condition of your hair is visible within a month.”
  • “After giving birth to a child, I faced the problem of baldness. I tried using burdock oil " Home doctor" I didn’t see any results: the hairs began to fall out even more, and dandruff was added to the existing problems.”
  • “I tried different oils for hydration and nutrition. Olive, argan and coconut suit me. I tried to buy burdock several times and from different manufacturers. In my opinion, it’s a waste of money.”
  • “I tried to use burdock for care only in the form of oil wraps, together with castor oil and flax oil. I have been doing these procedures at home every week for more than 2 months. I am very pleased with the result: the hairs have become thicker, there are fewer split ends, and how quickly hair grows from burdock oil! The length increased by 4 cm during this period.”

Burdock oil is produced from burdock root, but unlike other oils plant origin, it is obtained by extraction. That is, burdock root is infused with almond, sesame, olive or peanut oil. This product has unique properties, which have a positive effect on the hair structure. The oil enhances capillary blood circulation, restores metabolism in the scalp, strengthens hair shafts, and accelerates hair growth.

With the help of burdock oil you can stop progressive hair loss. Application of this unique means Provides nutrition to the scalp and hair follicles, which eliminates dry dandruff, itching and dryness. It is recommended to use the oil for poorly growing, damaged and thinning hair, and excessive hair loss.

You can use burdock oil for owners of any hair type. The simplest method of using it is to wet your hair with warm water, squeeze out excess moisture or pat your hair with a towel, then part it, apply heated oil to the roots. Gently rub it into your scalp massage movements. Distribute the remaining warm burdock oil over the entire length of your hair using a wide-toothed comb. Wrap your head with film and a towel. Keep the mask on for at least one hour. After the time has passed, wash off the oil with warm water and shampoo, repeat the procedure twice if necessary.

The frequency of using burdock oil for hair is 1-2 times a week. The course of hair treatment is 2 weeks. Then take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the course again.

The next way to use burdock oil is to prepare hair masks based on it. To strengthen, stimulate dew and nutrition, as well as eliminate brittleness of hair, a mask of burdock oil with the addition of chamomile and wheat germ oil is well suited. Mix one tablespoon of the listed ingredients in a glass bowl, heat slightly in a water bath (to improve the effect, because under the influence of heat the pores open and blood circulation improves, the oil penetrates more easily to the hair root), thoroughly rub the composition into the hair roots and scalp for 40 -50 minutes before washing.

To wash off burdock oil, you need to use a shampoo that suits your hair type. It is advisable to soap your hair 2 times, this way you can get rid of any remaining oil.

A mask with egg yolk has an excellent effect. It gives hair shine and silkiness, and has the ability to strengthen hair follicles, relieves dandruff. To make your own mask, mix 1 tablespoon of warm liquid honey with two egg yolks, add 3 tablespoons of burdock oil. Mix all the components of the mask thoroughly, distribute evenly throughout the hair, and rub into the scalp with your fingertips. Warm your head cling film and a handkerchief, after half an hour, wash off in the usual way. It is recommended to use this mask once a week.

Burdock oil is obtained from burdock roots. This an indispensable tool For home care for hair. Burdock oil will help get rid of dandruff and oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, and give hair additional care and nutrition during the off-season.

You will need

  • - Burr oil;
  • - cling film;
  • - towel;
  • - comb;
  • - chamomile oil;
  • - ylang-ylang oil;
  • - bey oil;
  • - wheat germ oil;
  • - grape seed oil;
  • - grapefruit;
  • - lemon essential oil.


Burdock oil restores metabolism in the scalp, increases blood circulation, strengthens hair shafts and accelerates their natural growth. Using oil, you can stop progressive hair loss. Application this tool eliminates itching and dry scalp. Burdock oil is recommended for poorly growing, thinning, weak, damaged hair.

The easiest way to use burdock oil is as follows: wet your hair with warm water and lightly squeeze it to get rid of excess moisture (or pat it dry with a towel). Then divide your hair into partings and apply heated burdock oil to the roots, massage it into the scalp. Finally, distribute the remaining oil over the entire length of your hair using a comb. Wrap your head in cling film and wrap it in a towel or warm scarf, this action will create Greenhouse effect and enhance the effect of the oil. After a couple of hours, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo, use a balm. The frequency of using oil is once or twice a week. The course of treatment should be two months. After this, take a break for a month and repeat the course again.

The following mask is suitable for normal and dry hair: mix two tablespoons of burdock oil with five drops essential oil chamomile and the same amount of ylang-ylang and beya essential oils. The components should be mixed well and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements an hour before washing. Wrap your head in a warm towel, then wash off the mask as usual. With regular use of this mask, your hair will begin to grow faster, split ends and fragility will be significantly reduced, and your curls will become strong and shiny.

To nourish, stimulate growth, eliminate fragility and strengthen hair, a mask of burdock oil with the addition of chamomile and wheat germ oil is best suited. Mix one tablespoon of the listed components in a glass container. Then rub the resulting mixture thoroughly into your scalp. For better effect It is recommended to heat the oil mixture in a water bath. Cover your head and leave the mask on for forty minutes. Then rinse your hair twice with warm water using a suitable shampoo.

Those with oily hair type should use the following mask. Mix one tablespoon each of burdock oil and grapefruit pulp in a bowl, add a teaspoon of grape seed oil and ten drops of lemon essential oil. Gently rub the prepared mixture into scalp head with your fingertips, leave for half an hour. Then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. This mask cleanses and tones the scalp, refreshes, and accelerates hair growth.

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