Spicy cinnamon oil for beauty and freshness of the skin. Hair strengthening mask. Anti-wrinkle mask

Everyone knows about cinnamon as a tasty and aromatic spice obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree. But the scope of application of the plant does not end there. There is cinnamon oil, which is obtained from the leaves of the cinnamon tree, which is native to Sri Lanka and Madagascar. The ether has a pleasant aroma, as well as a number of useful properties, which allows it to be widely used in cosmetology.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil is a real find in natural cosmetology. The product is used both for skin care and for weight loss. It contains a lot useful substances:

  1. Cinnamic acid aldehyde. Gives the ether antiseptic and healing properties.
  2. Eugenol. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  3. Vitamins of groups A, P, K, B
  4. Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, manganese and sodium.

Cinnamon oil is added to various cosmetic products: shower gels, shampoos, soaps and toothpastes.

Essential oil cinnamon - a useful and effective cosmetic product

Real oil has a beautiful amber-brown color. But if the ether stands open in the air for some time, it will oxidize and darken. The consistency will also change: the oil turns from liquid to thick, resinous. This is why it is so important to keep the product bottle tightly closed.

In cosmetology, cinnamon essential oil is used:

  1. To relieve inflammation after insect bites. It is worth noting that the product works no worse than special creams and sticks. The bite ceases to cause discomfort, redness and itching go away.
  2. To get rid of visible signs fatigue and lack of sleep. The oil fights swelling and bags under the eyes, improving blood flow in the tissues.
  3. To combat cellulite. In the early stages, the problem is dealt with using wraps with cinnamon ether.
  4. To prevent early aging skin. Fine wrinkles can be smoothed out using face masks with oil.
  5. For the treatment of various skin diseases. The ether is used both as the main medicine and as an additional component to the course prescribed by the doctor.

It is worth noting that cinnamon oil cannot be used in pure form. Exceptions are allowed only in cases of insect bites, since there the product is applied pointwise. In other situations, the ether is mixed with base oils and other ingredients that reduce its concentration.

Uses of cinnamon essential oil

In order to see from your own experience the effectiveness of cinnamon essential oil, it is worth considering various ways applications.

Cinnamon ester against acne

Thanks to your antiseptic properties, oil has become one of the components in the anti-acne mask. This disease Mostly girls are affected adolescence, but also in adult women, for one reason or another, it can appear at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, you can adopt one recipe, which short time will help get rid of the problem and its negative consequences. So, to prepare the mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 3 drops of cinnamon oil;
  • 50 ml boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers.

This recipe combines two anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents: This is chamomile and cinnamon essential oil. Together they have a strong and effective effect. First you need to prepare a decoction of dried flowers. To do this, place chamomile in a metal container and pour 50 ml of boiling water. Next, cover with a lid and wait until it cools completely. Next, add lemon juice and cinnamon oil. Make sure that the ingredients are mixed evenly. To do this, you can use a regular whisk. The mask is allowed to brew for 20 minutes in a covered container, after which the mixture is ready for use.

Chamomile decoction moisturizes and brightens the skin

Apply the mask using a cotton pad to clean skin 2 times a day - morning and evening. First of all, problem areas are treated, and then you can distribute the product over your entire facial skin, so it will become fresher and softer. After applying the composition, you need to wait for it to dry completely, and then lubricate your face with moisturizer. With this procedure, acne usually begins to disappear within 4–5 days. The product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 days. It is advisable to pour it into a dark glass container with a tight lid.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks. If necessary reuse you need to take a break of 10 days.

Acne is no longer a problem with cinnamon essential oil

Acne should not be confused with allergies. This mask can cause even more irritation if the disease is misdiagnosed. This is because lemon is a fairly strong allergen and recipes containing it should be used with caution.

Anti-aging mask

After 25, girls begin to think about buying various anti-aging creams, because the first wrinkles appear at this age. Unfortunately, the aging process is inevitable, but it can be slowed down with the help of cosmetics, giving the skin elasticity and vitality and protecting against dehydration. High-quality store-bought cosmetics are often very expensive, so it will be useful for many home recipe anti-aging mask with cinnamon essential oil. For the anti-aging product you will need the following components:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 4 drops cinnamon essential oil.

Separate the white from the yolk. Using a blender or whisk, beat the egg whites until thick foam forms. Next, add honey and mix gently. In order to get the right mixture, it is better to take flower or linden varieties of honey, as they have a more liquid and uniform consistency. The last step is to add the cinnamon oil. Mix the mixture well again, after which it is ready for use. Before the procedure, you need to peel to cleanse the skin and ensure a more effective effect of beneficial substances. The mask is applied in a thin layer to dry skin of the face (except for the area around the eyes, nose, lips) and neck. Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If desired, you can apply a moisturizer after the procedure. This mask gives the skin elasticity and softness, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Cinnamon essential oil can help treat wrinkles

The mask is made 2 times a week for 2 months. Then you need to take a break of 21 days, and then repeat the same thing again. The finished mixture is enough for 1 use, but if for some reason you have some product left, you should store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Honey is a strong allergen. First of all, those who cannot tolerate pollen and flowering plants in the spring are susceptible to negative reactions. Before making a mask, make sure you are not allergic, otherwise there is a risk of serious inflammation.

Cinnamon oil for lip plumping

Every girl dreams of beautiful plump lips that will cause admiration among others. But many people cannot afford Botox injections, the procedure is painful, and the results are not always successful. There is a recipe for lip balm that you can make at home. One of the components in its composition is cinnamon oil, which stimulates blood circulation and provokes blood flow to the tissues. With this balm your lips will look plump, attractive and at the same time natural.

Cinnamon ether will make your dream of voluminous lips come true

So, in order to prepare it, we will need:

  • 1 capsule of vitamin A (retinol);
  • 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline.

It is advisable to purchase petroleum jelly at a pharmacy; in addition, the product should not contain impurities or additives.

In a small metal container, heat the Vaseline until liquid, but do not bring it to a boil. The vitamin A capsule must be opened and the contents poured into warm Vaseline and mixed. Add 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil. It is worth remembering that if the dosage is exceeded, inflammation may appear on the delicate skin of the lips from the finished balm. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 hours - during this time the Vaseline will harden. Lips must be prepared before application. Massage them with a soft toothbrush, this will remove dead epidermal cells and even out the skin.

Balm with cinnamon oil will not only add volume to your lips, but also protect them from dryness.

It is advisable to apply the product itself using a brush to avoid contact with harmful bacteria into the product and onto the skin. So, the finished balm is applied in a thin layer to the lips. Then you need to wait 20 minutes and blot them with a napkin. In the first minutes, there may be a slight tingling sensation, which indicates the active influence of the substances in cinnamon oil. The balm should not be used more than once every 4 hours. Shelf life: 1 year when stored in the refrigerator.

Anti-cellulite wrap

Every second representative of the fair sex faces such a problem as cellulite. There is a home recipe that works no worse than store-bought anti-cellulite products. This is a wrap active component which is cinnamon oil. The product increases blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, due to which cellulite gradually disappears. To carry out this procedure at home, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g cosmetic blue clay;
  • 3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 9 drops cinnamon essential oil.

First, you need to dilute the clay with warm water according to the instructions on the product packaging until it has a homogeneous consistency without lumps. To do this, pour water gradually, constantly stirring the clay. We choose liquid honey so that it mixes easily with the other ingredients. Add it to the clay, and then add cinnamon essential oil. Mix thoroughly and the wrapping mixture is ready. Before the procedure, it is important to scrub the areas of the body with cellulite so that all components of the prepared composition can penetrate the layers of the skin. We apply the product to problem areas, wrap it with film, insulate it with clothes or a blanket for greenhouse effect. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes, during which time it is advisable to lie motionless.

Wraps with cinnamon oil will give you a slim silhouette

This wrap burns well subcutaneous fats and gives the skin smoothness. It is recommended to do it in a course of 1 month with a frequency of 3 times a week. The effect is noticeable already after 3-4 applications. The skin becomes elastic, cellulite gradually disappears.

Cinnamon essential oil in aromatherapy

Like most essential oils, cinnamon is used in aromatherapy. It is especially actively used in winter, when you really want warmth, comfort and peace. The aroma of cinnamon ether eliminates the feeling of loneliness, reduces stress and improves mood, gives joy and peace. It also helps well in the fight against depression, motivates creative impulses, and promotes recovery from various colds.
In order to fill your room with the spicy scent of cinnamon, you need to add 4 drops to the aroma lamp for every 15 m2 of space. The final amount of the product depends on the area of ​​the room in which the aromatherapy is performed. The smell envelops everyone in the room, like a warm blanket. An excellent solution is to hold an aroma session on New Year's Eve.

Aromatherapy works better than antidepressants

There is also another type of aromatherapy - aroma baths. The effect of them is the same, only in addition to improvement emotional state they help normalize blood circulation in tissues and relieve painful sensations in body.
It is recommended to carry out such procedures once a week for general emotional relief, or 2-3 sessions per week when treating depressive conditions.

For a bath, 2 drops of ether, previously dissolved in a base oil or milk, are enough.

Video: mask for hair growth with cinnamon oil

Contraindications to the use of cinnamon essential oil

Despite the fact that cinnamon essential oil is very useful, like any other cosmetic product, it has its contraindications. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them before using the ether:

  1. Allergic reactions. Cinnamon ether sometimes causes severe rashes and inflammation. It’s easy to check yourself for negative reactions: do not apply a large number of diluted oil to inner side elbow and wait 2 hours. Monitor how your skin condition changes. Excessive redness or the onset of rashes are an invariable sign of an allergy. If during all this time you have not found any negative symptoms, you can safely use the ether in for cosmetic purposes.
  2. Skin sensitivity. Despite the absence of allergies, after a mask with cinnamon oil, symptoms may appear. strong burning sensation and itching.
  3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Essential oil can negatively affect the development of the fetus and cause allergies in the baby.
  4. All contraindications should be taken seriously

    Also remember that under no circumstances should you exceed the dose indicated in the prescription. Ether is a concentrated substance, and its overdose can lead to negative consequences.

The fragrant bark of a mysterious tree from the Laurel family - Ceylon cinnamon - has been known since ancient times as one of the main spices actively used in cooking. Warm, bitter, spicy and at the same time indescribably sweet aroma is fully inherent in cinnamon essential oil.

It is obtained by distillation from the bark of young shoots.

The oil, which has a strong aroma, is used in many areas - cooking, perfumery, cosmetology. But cinnamon oil is quite aggressive; if undiluted, it can cause burns and irritation, being the most powerful allergen of all the esters.

Among complementary aromatic oils, citrus notes of related and are best suited to cinnamon.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Cinnamon belongs to the bright and strong aromas of Mars, symbolizing courage, strength, boldness and sexual energy. The warming and restorative effect of the oil is fully manifested in its bioenergetic effect. It effectively regenerates the aura, improves harmonious relationships between partners, helps overcome difficulties and painful failures both in relationships and in personal growth, awakening optimism and faith in own strength, eradicating pity and introverted emotions.

IN emotional sphere The aroma of cinnamon helps get rid of fears and feelings of loneliness, and its effect is aimed at overcoming all depressive and asthenic conditions.

Beneficial features

Cinnamon essential oil has pronounced calming, antispasmodic, hemostatic properties, and it is effectively used in the treatment of diseases not only of the cardiovascular, but also of the respiratory, genitourinary systems. Its effect is also aimed at normalizing blood circulation and metabolism, digestion and menstrual cycle. It is also perfect for those who suffer from obsessive nausea or dizziness, overweight, intoxication syndrome or food poisoning.

Together with traditional oils that reduce fever - and - cinnamon helps cope with the flu.

This essential oil belongs to the group of mild and strong aphrodisiacs. Cinnamon also has a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to fight fungal diseases and rashes of various etymologies.

In cosmetology, due to its fairly high allergenicity, cinnamon oil is rarely used. The exceptions are soaps and shower gels, as well as hair loss products.

Application and dosage

Cinnamon oil is one of the most strong allergens. When using this ester, you should strictly follow the recommendations and dosages, because too concentrated cinnamon content in products can lead not only to skin irritation, but also to burns. This oil should not be used without a preliminary test for skin sensitivity.

Cinnamon oil should be used with caution for nervous exhaustion, sensitive skin and hypertension (cinnamon increases blood pressure).

Before use, the oil is always diluted with base oils in a ratio of 1 to 5.

  • For this, it is enough to add three to six drops of aroma oil to the water, but for this you should not use more than the usual two or three drops.
  • To enrich cosmetic products, if you are convinced that there is no negative reaction, use no more than 2 drops of cinnamon for every 5 grams of cream or emulsion, but for massage cream or applications to affected areas of the skin - 5 drops per 5 grams of base.
  • For inhalations (both hot and cold), three drops of cinnamon ether will be enough.
  • In order to flavor drinks, you should use a sugar mixture: drop just a few drops of oil on granulated sugar (about a glass) and store in a tightly closed jar.
  • For sugar mixtures, you can add other essential oils to traditional cinnamon -

In the article we consider cinnamon oil - its properties, methods of use in cosmetology and possible contraindications. You will learn how to prepare masks for skin and hair with cinnamon oil, and also learn how to make natural product at home.

Cinnamon is the name given to both the evergreen tree Ceylon cinnamon and the popular spice obtained from its dried bark.

Cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon widely used in cooking to add flavor to dishes and drinks characteristic aroma. From soaked in sea ​​water The tree bark also produces essential oil, which is added to cosmetics.

In addition, cinnamon oil is also made from young Cinnamon leaves, but it has less effect and is less in demand.

Chemical composition of cinnamon oil

90% of cinnamon oil consists of cinnamal - cinnamic acid aldehyde, which has analgesic, antiseptic, and regenerating properties.

In addition to it, the composition of cinnamon oil includes:

  • eugenol;
  • cinnamaldehyde;
  • beta-caryophyllene;
  • linalool;
  • phillandrene;
  • methylchavicol.

Cinnamon oil - properties and uses

Rich chemical composition defines beneficial features ethereal squeeze, which:

  • relieves pain and eliminates spasms in diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves painful menstruation and headaches;
  • stimulates sexual desire and improves potency;
  • destroys viruses;
  • strengthens the immune system and protects against colds during epidemic season;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and warming effect;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • eliminates warts and papillomas;
  • has a beneficial effect on hair growth;
  • has an anti-cellulite effect and smoothes the skin surface;
  • increases blood pressure.

Cinnamon oil is used in the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries. It is added to cough syrups and rinses, toothpaste, soap, perfume, as well as food, primarily baked goods and desserts.

IN medicinal purposes diluted cinnamon oil is prescribed for diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, flatulence, skin diseases, joint pathologies, muscle strains, for colds and detoxification, to reduce swelling and after insect bites, to treat colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

The calming and relaxing aroma of cinnamon relieves depression and apathy, improves mood and increases overall emotional tone.

Cinnamon oil in cosmetology

Cinnamon oil is also widely used in cosmetology. They are used to enrich cosmetics and prepare homemade masks for the face and body, strengthen hair, eliminate cellulite and lose weight.

Cinnamon oil for face

Essential cinnamon extract improves skin color, tones and rejuvenates, nourishes and regulates the production of subcutaneous fat.

It is suitable for any skin type, but shows the greatest effect when caring for mixed and oily skin with inflammation and acne.

Acne mask recipe


  1. Kefir – 2 tbsp.
  2. Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.

How to cook: Add cinnamon oil to kefir and mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mixture using a cotton pad to acne areas and leave for 15 minutes. If during this time the mask begins to dry out, apply a new portion. Rinse it off cool water.

Result: Kefir-cinnamon mask dries the skin well, eliminates inflammation, stabilizes the skin sebaceous glands. Is a good medicinal and prophylactic to combat skin inflammation.

Cinnamon oil is no less valuable for skin with clear signs aging, because it improves blood circulation in small vessels, accelerates the flow of biologically active substances to cells, thereby improving cellular regeneration.

Cinnamon body oil

Cinnamon oil is used as one of the components for wraps and massage against cellulite. It speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, removes waste products from cells, thereby reducing “ orange peel"and smoothing out the skin.

For massage and spa treatments, cinnamon ether is added to base oil, made from fruits with seeds (apricots or peaches), at the rate of 1 drop of cinnamon oil per tablespoon of base oil.

Cinnamon oil for hair

In medical and cosmetic procedures for hair, cinnamon oil is used to strengthen hair follicles to prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth.

Cinnamon oil protects hair from negative impact ultraviolet radiation, treats dandruff and lice.

Mask recipe for strengthening hair


  1. – 3 tbsp.
  2. Honey – 1 tbsp.
  3. Cinnamon oil – 3 drops.

How to cook: Add cinnamon and honey to the mixture heated in a water bath. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

How to use: Apply nutritional mixture first on the roots, and then using a wide-toothed comb or using your hands, spread it over the entire length. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair warm water with shampoo.

Result: The mask will strengthen your hair, stop hair loss, and add volume.

Cinnamon oil combined with lemon juice - effective remedy to lighten hair by 3-4 tones.

Hair lightening mask recipe


  1. Honey – 50 gr.
  2. Mineral water – 110 ml.
  3. Cinnamon oil – 5 drops.
  4. Hair balm – 160 ml.
  5. Lemon – 1 pc.

How to cook: Dilute honey in mineral water. Add cinnamon oil and hair balm. Squeeze the lemon juice and add a tablespoon to the overall mixture. Stir.

How to use: Apply the mixture evenly throughout your hair. Put on an insulating cap and leave the product on for 3 hours. Then wash your hair without shampoo.

Result: The mask safely lightens hair by several tones, nourishes and strengthens.

Cinnamon oil for lips

Those who want to give their lips a seductive volume should pay attention to cinnamon oil. By stimulating blood flow, warming and nourishing the skin, it gives lips plumpness, softness and rich color.

In its pure form, cinnamon oil is not applied to the lips, but mixed with sea buckthorn or avocado. Such mixtures contain greatest number nutrients, including retinol and tocopherol, which are beneficial for lips with their delicate skin. Before applying the nourishing product, cosmetologists recommend massaging your lips with a soft toothbrush.

Lip volumizing balm recipe


  1. Vaseline – 1 tbsp.
  2. Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix Vaseline and ether in a glass or ceramic container.

How to use: Apply the balm to your lips for 15 minutes.

After this, blot off the excess with a napkin.

Result: Thanks to increased nutrition, your lips will become slightly swollen. Their skin will become smoother and their color brighter.

Cinnamon oil for weight loss

For weight loss, cinnamon oil is included in massage mixtures, aromatherapy treatments, as well as scrubs, baths and wraps. The aroma of cinnamon reduces appetite, and when applied to the skin, cinnamon ether removes excess fluid, relieves swelling and speeds up metabolism, including the breakdown of fats.

The simplest and in an accessible way fight against overweight will become cinnamon baths.

It is enough to add 3-4 drops of aromatic ether to the water to relieve nervous tension that arises due to dieting and stimulate metabolic processes for rapid decline weight. But you shouldn’t expect a miracle effect from cinnamon, because it should work in conjunction with a general health program - proper nutrition and physical activity.

Scrub recipe for weight loss


  1. Sleeping coffee grounds– 0.5 cups.
  2. Sea salt – 2 tbsp.
  3. Shower gel – 1 tbsp.
  4. Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply the scrub to problem areas (waist, hips, arms). Using a hard washcloth, massage your body for at least 5 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water. Complete the procedure with a contrast shower.

Result: Cinnamon scrub will improve blood circulation, accelerate the elimination of toxins and the breakdown of fats, and balance metabolism.

Aromatherapy with cinnamon oil

To remove emotional stress Do aromatherapy with cinnamon oil. Place no more than 4 drops into the aroma lamp, and no more than 2 drops into the pendant.

The rich aroma of cinnamon will not only calm you down, but also create a feeling of fullness, which will help you eat less for quick weight loss.

Cinnamon oil during pregnancy

Cinnamon oil during pregnancy will bring more harm than good. It is permissible to use it only after consultation with a gynecologist, as a remedy against constipation, to relieve spasms during headaches and as an antiseptic to prevent colds.

remember, that overuse cinnamon stimulates contraction of smooth muscles, including the uterus, which will lead to miscarriage in the first trimester, and to premature birth in the third.

If pregnancy is difficult and with pathologies, then using cinnamon oil is strictly prohibited.

Allergy to cinnamon oil

Cinnamon essential oil may cause allergies, so make sure it is safe before using. Apply a few drops of oil to the crook of your elbow. If after a day no irritation appears in this area, you can safely use cinnamon oil for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Contraindications and restrictions

It is strictly forbidden to use cinnamon ether in its pure form. It must be mixed with other oils or products. In addition to individual intolerance, there are other restrictions:

  • high blood pressure;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • oncological and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Where can I buy

You can buy cinnamon oil in pharmacy chains.

Its price in a pharmacy is about 70-80 rubles for a 10 ml bottle, but there are products, for example, Zeytun cinnamon oil, which are sold at a price of 750 rubles for the same volume.

How to make cinnamon oil at home

It is not necessary to buy cinnamon ether at the pharmacy, because you can make it yourself to add to cosmetics and prepare medications.

You will need:

  • peach or apricot base oil – 500 ml;
  • ground cinnamon powder – 100 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the cinnamon powder into the base oil.
  2. Seal the container tightly and place it in a dark place.
  3. Shake the mixture daily.
  4. After 7-10 days, heat the mixture for an hour in a water bath.
  5. Cool and strain the product through cheesecloth twice.
  6. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container (preferably dark glass).

Cinnamon essential oil, used in cosmetology and medicine, is obtained from the leaves of the cinnamon tree, which grows in Sri Lanka or Madagascar. Remedy - good antiseptic, has a pleasant aroma and close healing actions, in particular helps with poisoning and fever, various colds, rheumatism, and skin infections. The oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair structure, helps maintain normal weight and effectively fights cellulite.


Properties of cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon aromatic oil (cinnamon oil) is obtained from pre-crushed cinnamon tree bark soaked in sea water by rapid distillation of the infusion. The oil has a pleasant wheat shade and a characteristic aroma. It contains cinnamaldehyde (cinnamal), which makes up 90% of the essential oil. Thereby active substance the product exhibits analgesic, antiseptic, healing effects and is used in aromatherapy, medicine, and cosmetology. Other chemical components of the essential oil include eugenol (about 10%), cinnamaldehyde, beta-caryophyllene, linalool, phyllandrene, and methyl chavicol.

Cinnamon oil has a number of beneficial properties:

  1. It is an excellent antispasmodic and analgesic, quickly relieves spasms and pain in gastrointestinal diseases, and alleviates painful menstruation.
  2. Is an aphrodisiac, stimulates sexual activity(cannot be applied directly to the genitals, even in diluted form).
  3. Has a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria.
  4. Stimulates the body's protective functions, strengthens the immune system, and is a good prophylactic during the cold season.
  5. Stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  6. Has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Has a warming effect.
  8. Cinnamon essential oil provides antioxidant and anti-cellulite effects.
  9. Helps remove warts and papillomas.
  10. Accelerates cellular regeneration.
  11. Stimulates hair growth and helps strengthen it.
  12. Has anti-cellulite effect.
  13. Helps increase blood pressure.
  14. Has an abortifacient effect.

Video: Beneficial effects and ways to use cinnamon oil.

Uses of cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil finds a variety of uses in the food, cosmetic, perfume industries, and for the manufacture of certain medicines (cough syrups, gargles). It is included in toothpaste, soap, eau de toilette, alcoholic and soft drinks and some other food products. It is also used for:

  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, constipation, colitis, indigestion, etc.);
  • treatment of skin diseases and infections, abscesses and wounds;
  • eliminating pain in joints and muscles;
  • prevention colds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • detoxification;
  • neutralization of poisons after insect bites;
  • relieving inflammatory processes;
  • prevention of early skin aging;
  • normalization of digestive processes and weight stabilization;
  • improving blood flow, reducing swelling;
  • prevention of complications after serious illnesses;
  • eliminating bad breath;
  • eliminating the consequences of poisoning;
  • withdrawals skin irritations, itching and burning;
  • hair strengthening and growth;
  • fight against cellulite (early stage only).

It is strictly forbidden to use essential oil undiluted (except in cases of insect and snake bites)! It must be mixed with base (fat) oil.

Treatment with cinnamon oil, recipes

To alleviate rheumatism, a rubbing mixture with cinnamon oil will help. For this purpose in 15 ml olive oil add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Rub the painful areas for five minutes 2-3 times a day. The same mixture will perfectly cope with bruises and will be an excellent assistant in treating abrasions.

If your gums are bleeding, it is good to rinse your mouth with the following composition: 200 ml boiled water At room temperature, dilute 2 drops of cinnamon ether. Do the procedure 2-3 times a day. The problem of bleeding will quickly cease to bother you.

In concentrated form or in equal proportions with vegetable oils, cinnamon essential oil can be applied directly to affected areas of the skin due to insect and snake bites.

Cinnamon mixed with essential oils of mint, orange and eucalyptus serves as an excellent means of preventing colds and accelerating recovery. The oils are mixed 1 drop at a time and used in aroma pendants and aroma lamps (procedure duration 5-7 minutes). The same mixture is effective for inhalation: add oil to a bowl with hot water, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5 minutes.

To prevent colds, relieve pain in muscles and joints, as well as nervous tension, baths with cinnamon oil are useful. To do this, mix 5-7 drops of essential oil with 1 tbsp. l emulsifier (sea salt, honey, milk, cream) and add to a bath filled with warm water (37-38 degrees). The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

To relieve pain in joints and muscles and speed up blood flow, cinnamon oil should be used for massage. To prepare a massage mixture, it is good to combine cinnamon oil with orange, lemon, grapefruit, cypress oil: for 15 ml of base (any vegetable oil) add 2 drops of cinnamon oil and any other oil suggested. Perform the massage procedure daily for 10-15 minutes until visible relief occurs.

To create an erotic atmosphere, it is enough to carry out an aromatherapy procedure using cinnamon oil. It needs to be mixed in equal quantities (2 drops each) with sandalwood and jasmine oil (you can replace ylang-ylang), add to hot water and light an aroma lamp candle.

Cinnamon oil for oral administration

For internal use, cinnamon oil is mixed with 1 drop in 1 tsp. honey or jam. Take 1 drop three times a day with a drink herbal tea. This method helps with:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • flu and colds;
  • physical and sexual weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal spasms.

For colds, you can use another mixture: take 2 drops of clove and nutmeg (or cypress) oils, add 3 drops of cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. red wine, preheated until hot (do not boil). Take the product every 2 hours during the day, 1 tbsp. l. until the condition improves significantly.

Cinnamon oil in facial care, recipes

Anti-inflammatory mask.

Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.
Olive oil (linseed, grape, almond, jojoba) – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients. Apply the product to a clean face in the form of a mask, leave for 30 minutes, no need to rinse off the composition, soak the excess with a paper napkin. Cinnamon oil copes well with any redness and inflammation on the skin. skin, improves complexion, increases skin elasticity and firmness. After the first procedure, the skin looks healthier and more well-groomed. The oil is not suitable for use by persons with sensitive skin.

Mask against paleness and flaking of the skin.

Flaxseed – 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water – 1 glass.
Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour boiling water over the flaxseed and let it brew for 20 minutes, then filter. Pour the prepared infusion over the flakes and let stand until they swell. Add ether to the prepared oatmeal and apply the warm mixture to a previously cleansed face. After 20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature and apply a suitable cream.

Mask for oily skin.

Egg white – 1 pc.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Add to pre-beaten egg white lemon juice and essential oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to clean skin. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water and apply cream. The mask perfectly tightens pores, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous secretions, improves tone and gives freshness.

Drying mask for problem skin.

Kefir at room temperature – 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.

Mix the ingredients. Using a cotton pad, spread the mixture onto your face and leave it on for 15 minutes, wetting the skin as it dries. Wash with cool water and apply cream.

Cinnamon oil for cellulite

Cinnamon oil fights cellulite well in the early stages of development. It is usually used in the composition massage mixtures and anti-cellulite wraps (for 10 ml of heated olive oil (jojoba, almond) take 5 drops of cinnamon oil). The procedure should be done daily in a course of 10 days. Before performing a massage or wrap, the skin should be scrubbed to remove dead cells, speed up the processes of breaking down fat deposits, removing fluid from tissues, and activating metabolic processes and work circulatory system. The following mixture works well for this: 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 1 drop of cinnamon oil and 3 drops each of black pepper, dill, lemongrass and petitgrain oils. Ready mix rub into problem areas and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off in the shower.

Tonic for oily skin.

Chilled green tea – 200 ml.
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon essential oil – 2 drops.

Mix the ingredients. Use the finished product for daily wiping of the facial skin. The tonic perfectly mattifies the skin, improving its color.

Lip protectant.

Avocado oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon essential oil – 4 drops.

Mix the ingredients and pour into a dark glass bottle. Apply daily during cold periods of the year. The product will relieve dryness, tightness and cracking of the skin of the lips.

Cinnamon hair oil

Hair strengthening mask.

Coconut oil – 3 tbsp. l.
Liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon oil – 3 drops.

Heat coconut oil in a water bath, add honey and cinnamon. Distribute the mixture to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Keep under film and a towel for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for hair growth.

Jojoba oil -2 tbsp. l.
Clove oil – 1 drop.
Cinnamon oil – 2 drops.
Rosemary oil 1 drop.
Juniper oil – 1 drop.

Add esters to the base oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with plenty of running water and shampoo.

Video: Mask for hair growth with cinnamon oil.

Mask to improve hair structure.

Burdock oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon oil – 5 drops.

Combine oils. Use a wooden comb to distribute the mixture over the entire length of the hair, then use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Video: Mask with cinnamon oil for shine and hair growth.


  1. Sensitive skin.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Oncological diseases.

Warm and burning aroma of cinnamon - how to use it for health and appearance benefits?

The evergreen shrub Ceylon cinnamon, which gave the world an excellent spice with an enveloping warm aroma and light sweet notes, grows in an exotic corner of the Earth - on the island of Sri Lanka.

Cinnamon is prized for its enormous quantity useful qualities: divine perfumes are created on its basis, it is added to main courses and desserts, giving them unique flavor shades, and, finally, many diseases are successfully treated with its help. Natural oil cinnamon, which is extracted from the bush, is also very widespread.

Composition of cinnamon oil

Cinnamon is considered one of the most revered and expensive spices. To produce cinnamon oil, a lot of raw materials are needed, the process itself is quite complex and painstaking, which further increases the value of this product. The oil is extracted from the bark, leaves and stems of the cinnamon tree.

Today, cinnamon plantations can be found not only in Sri Lanka, but also on the islands of Java, Madagascar, Egypt, India, and Vietnam. However, the most valuable oil is the one that is extracted from trees growing in its historical homeland. Most of the beneficial properties are preserved in the product obtained from the thin, soft brown and yellow bark. The bark is first dried, cleaned and soaked in sea water, then the resulting infusion is steam distilled.

Cinnamon oil has a distinct pungent taste, yellow with golden tints, spicy aroma and light balsamic notes. Some time after production, the product acquires a resinous structure and a more saturated dark shade.

The composition of the oil differs depending on the type of raw material used to obtain it. Healing drops extracted from the bark contain cinnamaldehyde, and eugenol from the leaves. Oil from the bark is often used in cooking, folk medicine, as aromatic fragrances, are used as a basis for creating unique perfume compositions. Oil from the leaves is more suitable for flavoring detergents, cosmetics, and soaps.

The most suitable oils for cinnamon are orange, anise, cypress, cardamom, nutmeg, cedar, and fennel oils.

Benefits and Applications

Cinnamon is a universal product that is used in many areas of life for different purposes.

Use of oil in medicine

It is not for nothing that cinnamon oil is associated with special warmth and comfort: the aroma of cinnamon warms both emotionally and physically. The oil will help get rid of fears, nervous tension, feelings of loneliness. Using this product you can achieve relaxation, peace and inspiration.

Concerning physical impact on the body, the product also has an impressive number of beneficial properties. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, improves and normalizes metabolism, has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, and helps solve problems of constipation and gas formation. In addition, the product is very effective in fighting colds.

Oil is available for a short time relieve intoxication syndrome, normalize general state after food poisoning, neutralize the poison from the bites of some insects. The product is an excellent anti-fainting agent, often used for dizziness and nausea.

Cinnamon oil is known for its healing effect: abrasions, bruises, various contusions and injuries - all this can be easily eliminated with its help. Cinnamon has therapeutic effect on the oral cavity, it can treat inflammation, bleeding gums, and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Oil may have great benefit, both for women and men. It significantly enhances sexual desire by stimulating blood circulation in the male and female female organs small pelvis. Its use helps reduce menstrual pain, which is especially important for women whose menstruation is too painful.

Cinnamon oil has a huge role for athletes and just those people who play sports. It increases the effectiveness of exercise, reduces the time it takes to warm up the body, and allows the body to bear loads much easier than in normal mode.

The product is also effective in the fight against excess weight: it reduces blood sugar levels, stimulates digestive processes, eliminates cellulite, and speeds up metabolism.

It is useful to use for blood vessels, as it strengthens their walls, prevents heart attacks, and reduces blood pressure.

Cinnamon essential oil in aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, cinnamon essential oil can be used both internally and externally. Its spectrum of action is very, very diverse.

  1. Aroma baths. For baths, ten milliliters of alcohol are mixed with two drops of oil. They help with colds, can improve blood circulation, relieve pain symptoms of different nature.
  2. Oil burner. A few drops of the product are added to it. This strengthens the immune system, improves mood, and relieves physical and mental stress.
  3. Compresses with 5 drops of oils and 15 g of any base relieve inflammatory areas on the skin.
  4. Inhalations with 2 drops of oil and 200 g hot wateran indispensable tool for poisoning, digestive disorders, overwork.
  5. Massages made from a mixture of oil and base are used for rheumatism and to enhance potency.
  6. For cosmetic purposes, creams, lotions, shampoos and other products are enriched with a few drops of cinnamon oil.

Use in everyday life and cooking

Cinnamon oil is an almost constant component of eau de toilette with oriental aromas. The product is also included in many toothpastes, mouth rinses, cough syrups, and warming ointments.

Natural oil can be used as a flavoring and in cooking: it is added to a variety of drinks, confectionery, lollipops, canned food. In the Middle East, cinnamon is used to season hot dishes. meat dishes, fruits, cereals.

Cinnamon is the guardian of female beauty

Cinnamon oil has high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties tannins, due to which it is used everywhere in cosmetology.

The product perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin, restores its healthy glow, natural beauty and freshness. It also eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, evens out tone, protects the skin from harmful influence aggressive environment.

Cinnamon eliminates fungal infections, eczema and dermatoses.

To obtain the described cosmetic effect, the oil is simply added to the products that are used daily. The same applies to hair: oil will perfectly strengthen dull and weak strands, provide them with additional nutrition and prevent hair loss.

Cinnamon oil will help get rid of cellulite, which is located on early stage development, and will also serve an excellent remedy for its prevention. For this purpose, special anti-cellulite massages are carried out using a couple of drops of oil and ten grams of honey or olive oil.


Before you start using cinnamon oil, do not forget to read its contraindications:

  • oil should not be used for sensitive skin, as it can cause irritation;
  • the drug should be used with great caution for hypertension and nervous exhaustion, since cinnamon helps to increase blood pressure;
  • Before direct use, the oil must be diluted with the base in a ratio of 1:5;
  • It is not recommended to use the product in excess dosages: this leads to stress and overexcitation;
  • the oil should not be consumed during pregnancy.

Cinnamon occupies quite an important place in cosmetology, medicine, and nutrition. The pleasant, sophisticated aroma and unique beneficial properties of its oil will be very useful in your cosmetic bag, home medicine cabinet and on every woman's kitchen shelf.

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