Plant products

As you know, protein is the basis for the structure of cells and tissues in the human body. It comes in two types: plant and animal origin. Proteins plant origin They are better absorbed, they do not contain sterol and saturated lipids, which has a better effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Products that contain a sufficient amount of plant protein can be easily purchased in the supermarket. Protein-rich plant foods are found in:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Seaweed.
Nuts are plant foods rich in protein in large quantities.

Nuts are classified as products with high content squirrel. In addition to vegetable protein, they are rich in natural antioxidants, unsaturated fats, minerals and fiber. Hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, peanuts are great for snacking.

Nuts are 30% protein and 60% protein. unsaturated fats. The proteins found in nuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which burns fat cells.

100 g of pumpkin seeds contain 20 g of protein, they are fatty and high in calories, but consumption in small quantities has a beneficial effect on health.

Sesame is known not only for the presence of vitamins in its composition, but also for the presence of two antioxidants. Sesamin and sesamolin protect cells from free radicals.

Of the dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, and dates contain the most proteins.

Dried fruits also contain vegetable protein, but not in such concentration as in nuts or legumes. The most protein-rich foods are dried apricots, dates, prunes, papaya, and cherries. One glass of dried apricots contains 5.2 g of protein, one glass of prunes contains 4.7 g.

Legumes include white, red, black and green beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and peas. Beans and chickpeas - good substitutes meat in terms of satiety and protein content.

Chickpeas are a low-calorie product and are indicated for obesity; they are more used in Arab countries. Beans are more popular; they are present in soups, salads, canned food, and are an excellent side dish. Lentils are increasingly gaining popularity; they contain a lot of plant fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Soy, as a plant product rich in protein, is recommended for people prone to meat allergies

Soy products can replace animal protein for people with meat allergies. They are recommended for people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, overweight, diabetics, and joint problems. Soy contains 36 g of protein per 100 g of weight.

Grains include all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rice, quinoa. The last one is different high content amino acids, digests slowly, saturates the body for several hours, which means it is excellent for diets and healthy eating. The presence of unsaturated fats in quinoa normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

Oats control glucose levels, help the gallbladder function, improve intestinal permeability, provide excellent nutrition and energy throughout the day.

What are the benefits of vegetable protein?

Plant foods rich in protein are better absorbed by the body, speed up metabolism, and help control weight. When animal protein is digested, toxins are produced that the human body is forced to fight.

Plant proteins support healthy microflora and help produce “good” cholesterol. They have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels due to the unsaturated lipids in their structure, and also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

It is important to know! Plant food reduces the possibility of infections and inflammatory processes, including oncological formations.

Expanding your diet to protein-rich plant foods prevents a decrease in insulin production in the blood and prevents problems with the genitourinary system.

Are there differences between plant and animal protein?

The origin of the protein is of great importance. All proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. The first group includes animals, and the second group includes plants.

When protein enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down into amino acids, which differ in origin and value for the body. Scientists and doctors divide amino acids into 3 groups:

  • Replaceable;
  • Partially replaceable;
  • Irreplaceable.

Nonessential amino acids are formed from other chemical elements, for example, from glucose. The body is able to produce them itself if they are no longer supplied with food.

Partially replaceable ones are synthesized in the human body, but in limited quantities. They must be taken with food.

Lack of amino acids (products of protein breakdown when entering the body) is reflected in the well-being and general health person

Note! Essential amino acids are not produced by the human body, but are synthesized only from food. With a lack of such amino acids, health deteriorates and diseases develop.

Some essential amino acids are present in plant foods, but all 8 types are present in animal products. The exception is soy, which contains 7 essential amino acids.

This difference is due to the nature meat products. Meat is the muscle of an animal, endowed with useful microelements.

Vegetable protein is absorbed only by 70-80%, but it is easier for the body to digest it. And the coarse nature of fiber serves as a good stimulant for intestinal function.

Benefits of Plant Protein

Plant-based foods are recognized by nutritionists as being less rich in protein variety, but they have a number of benefits:

  • Easier to be absorbed by the body, saturates well;
  • Accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora;
  • Affects quantity muscle mass in organism;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Contains a lot of fiber;
  • Controls insulin production;
  • Prevents the development of cancer tumors;
  • Increases skin elasticity, hair strength and nail strength.

It is important to know! Plant protein, unlike animal protein, retains its value during heat treatment.

Animal products significantly lose vitamins and microelements during cooking.

Which plants have a lot of protein?

In addition to grains, beans, lentils and nuts, protein is found in vegetables, fruits, seaweed and mushrooms. For example, broccoli has 3 g of protein per 100 g of product. The calorie content of green vegetables is very low, around 30 kcal per 100 g.

List useful plants with high protein content is presented in the table below.

SeaweedSeaweed is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The calcium content in their composition is 10 times higher compared to milk. In addition to the presence of vegetable protein in them, they are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, vitamin C, D, E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, fiber, sodium.

Algae is added to salads, side dishes, and drinks. Regular consumption of this product helps regulate blood sugar levels, saturates the body with iodine and alkalizes.

The most common algae is spirulina. It contains 65 g of protein per 100 g of weight. In some cultures it is used as a meat substitute.

MushroomsMushrooms can also be meat substitutes due to their satiety and protein content. In porcini mushrooms, boletus and champignons the most high concentration proteins.
FruitsFruits do an excellent job of saturating the body with protein, but more as an additional source of protein than the main one. For example, a banana contains 2.6 g of protein, one kiwi contains 2 g, and a cup of cherries (200 ml) contains 3.2 g.

Fruits can be consumed in limited quantities; it is better to eat 400 g per day. This is a sufficient norm for diversifying the diet and replenishing the necessary supply of microelements.

SeitanOne of the plant products rich in protein. It is made from wheat protein, grown in... East Asia. In the CIS countries, it is sold in cans; its taste is similar to poultry meat.

The role of plant protein in human metabolism

Proteins are part of all cells and tissues of the body. They have a number of essential functions in metabolism. Their main purpose is the construction of new cells and tissues. In addition, they perform a plastic function: they are responsible for the constant renewal of cells, tissues and the body as a whole.

Enzymatic is responsible for biochemical reactions that control metabolism and the generation of bioenergy from nutrients entering the body.

Proteins are responsible for binding toxins and poisons, for blood clotting, creating antibodies, increasing protective properties body, immunity. This shows their protective function. They transport oxygen and also bind and transport some ions, medicinal substances, toxins.

The energetic function of proteins is to release energy through oxidation.

Possible contraindications to consuming plant protein

Each product has its pros and cons. It all depends on the amount of consumption and the balance of the diet. Plant protein is not able to provide the body with the entire set of amino acids, a sufficient amount of iron and vitamin B.

If there is no meat, fish, eggs, or cottage cheese in the diet, the level of carbohemoglobin in the blood and saturated lipids decreases, fatigue, lethargy, loss of strength, and even urolithiasis may occur.

Be careful! Long-term consumption of soy can lead to hormonal imbalance in women, and frequent consumption of legumes leads to bloating.

A proper combination of products of plant and animal origin is the way to healthy life. It is important to find out the characteristics of your body and, based on them, make decisions about diets and restrictions.

Leafy vegetables include spinach, rhubarb, nettle, sorrel, quinoa, a variety of green salads (lettuce, green salad, etc.), as well as those used in the form of spicy seasonings: parsley, dill, mint, thyme, thyme, tarragon, Bay leaf etc.

Leafy vegetables contain a large number of water (about 90%), valuable and easily digestible proteins, although in small quantities, the green coloring substance chlorophyll, which plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis in the body.

In addition, these vegetables are rich in vitamin C and carotene (a substance that turns into vitamin A in the body) and contain large quantities of valuable minerals. A wide variety of snacks and soups, salads and side dishes are prepared from them.

They can be combined very well with meat - young lamb and veal. With age, the amount of indigestible cellulose in plants increases, and the amount of proteins and carbohydrates decreases.

Therefore, young and fresh leafy vegetables are more valuable.

Cabbage and onion vegetables

This group includes various types of cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, Savoy and red cabbage), asparagus, artichokes, onions, garlic and leeks. They contain high amounts of water, but less protein and more carbohydrates than leafy vegetables.

Their carbohydrates are predominantly simple sugars, and proteins are valuable and easily digestible. Cabbage and onion vegetables contain essential oils that give them a strong aroma and taste.

Garlic and onions contain substances - so-called phytoncides - that have bactericidal properties, i.e. the ability to destroy pathogenic microbes. By chewing onion or garlic for a few minutes, all bacteria in the oral cavity are destroyed.

Therefore, frequent consumption of onions and garlic in raw form is recommended, as seasonings for salads, snacks, etc.

Potatoes contain significant amount vitamin C, which decreases sharply with prolonged and especially improper storage. Peeled tubers quickly darken upon contact with atmospheric oxygen, due to the oxidation of the tyrosine substance they contain.

Early varieties and potatoes stored at low temperatures contain significant amounts of sugars. The composition of potatoes depends on its variety, degree of maturity, climatic and soil conditions.

Therefore, various varieties of potatoes - early, autumn, yellow, pink, etc. - are used in cooking for cooking different dishes. A variety of side dishes, salads, purees, soups and main dishes are prepared from potatoes. They can be successfully combined with various types meat


These include cauliflower, cloves, capers ( spicy seasoning, consisting of flower buds), etc.


They are characterized by a low water content, a significant amount of protein and a particularly large amount of carbohydrates.

In addition, they contain a large amount of vitamins B1 PP and vitamin E in the germ of the grain. At the same time, wheat contains the most proteins, and rice contains the most carbohydrates and vitamins B1, B2 and PP.

Bean products

We grow mainly beans, beans, green peas, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans. Legumes contain very little water and are rich in proteins, although incomplete, with the exception of soybeans, the proteins of which are almost as valuable as those of meat.

We grow different varieties of beans, which differ in color (white, black, colored), shape (flat, oval) and size (coarse-grained, fine-grained). The most valuable are large beans, the size, color and origin of which are the same.

The second most consumed legume is lentils. It can be coarse-grained or fine-grained. It is valuable for its rich protein content, cooks quickly and has a wonderful taste.


These include walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, chestnuts, etc. Of all plant foods, they contain the least amount of water, a significant amount of proteins and carbohydrates, and a lot of fat.

Only chestnuts contain little fat and a lot of carbohydrates. The fats of nut varieties are mainly liquid oils, which are obtained by pressing nut kernels and are food products.

Nuts are consumed raw or roasted.

A subgroup of nuts are the seeds of various spices: black pepper, cumin, coriander, allspice, mustard, anise, sesame and nutmeg.

These spices contain valuable aromatic and flavoring substances. Used only as spices.


Edible mushrooms usually consist of a cap and a stump. They are all wild. IN artificial conditions Only champignons can be grown.

We consume champignons, porcini mushrooms, boletuses, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms and chanterelles.

Mushrooms contain a large amount of water (about 90%), a little nutrients and many aromatic and flavoring substances, due to which they are used in the preparation of soups, sauces and individual dishes.

A lot has been said about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, however, plant nutrition also includes cereals, grains, legumes, as well as herbs, nuts, dried fruits and berries. Eating plant foods, the body receives practically no harmful substances, which means it does not become polluted and does not waste additional energy on digesting heavy animal food.

Plant-based nutrition: a little history

Now it’s hard to believe that several centuries ago our ancestors ate only 2 times a day. The basis of their diet was root vegetables, mainly turnips and rutabaga, as well as vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, and salted in winter). The ancient Slavs did not neglect mushrooms, who salted them or cooked them into soup and wild berries(strawberries, cranberries, etc.). Some types of cereals (millet, rye, barley), as well as legumes (peas), were also present in their plant diet.

From the stories of numerous travelers, peasants of the 17th-19th centuries ate exclusively plant foods. According to Robert Bremner, author of Excursions in Russia (1839), people from the lower classes were "very strong in body, although they ate only sauerkraut and black bread with garlic." Vegetable nutrition was natural for our great-grandfathers - people ate simple food: they cooked porridge and various “yushkas”, baked bread every few days, and only on holidays - pies.

So obvious vegetarian diet was due to the high cost cattle(mostly oxen), which was not a source of meat, but served to cultivate the fields. Nevertheless, plant nutrition did not prevent the peasants from working hard: plowing the land, chopping wood, building huts, cultivating vegetable gardens. The importance of amino acids in human nutrition was not even known at that time, but sunflower seeds, walnuts, peas and cereals could well have served as a source of protein.

Vegetarian nutrition includes several varieties:

  • Strict vegetarianism (veganism);
  • Raw food diet;
  • Fruitarianism;
  • Lactovegetarianism;
  • Pescetarianism;
  • Flexitarianism.

Veganism is based on the refusal to eat not only animal products, but also products that contain non-plant components. Strict vegetarians do not even eat sugar, since the technology for purifying it involves filtering through carbon filters obtained by burning animal bones.

A raw food diet is a type of plant-based diet in which only raw plant products are eaten. The basis of the diet of raw foodists is raw fruits and vegetables, sometimes nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains are allowed.

Fruitarianism is eating only fresh fruits. People who practice this type do not eat any other food, but some of them allow the consumption of fruit compotes and honey.

Lactovegetarianism is a variety vegetarian food when, in addition to plant foods, various dairy products and eggs are consumed. Lacto-vegetarians not only eat cheese, sour cream, butter and milk, but also prepare milk porridges, cheese puddings, dumplings, pies and pancakes, eat omelettes and casseroles.

Pescetarianism is no longer a completely plant-based diet, since the consumption of fish and seafood is allowed.

Flexitarianism is the most loyal type of vegetarian diet, since the consumption of meat and meat products is not prohibited, but is only limited to 1-2 times a month. With this type of diet, amino acids enter the body in larger quantities than with other types of vegetarianism.

Opinion about vegetarianism as the only useful system nutrition is not approved by modern dietetics. According to leading experts in the field rational nutrition, vegetarianism can only take place as a temporary system of plant nutrition: in the treatment of certain diseases, losing weight or nutrition to cleanse the body. Essential amino acids play a very important role in human nutrition important role, and therefore animal proteins must be present in our diet.

Healing nutrition

“Food can be medicine,” the ancients said, and as history shows, they were absolutely right. In our consumer age, the abundance of products has led to a dangerous trend - we are eating more and more harmful products in incredible quantities and we move less and less, preferring a cozy chair in front of the TV or computer to walks on the street.

Neglecting a plant-based diet is not in vain: more and more young people are suffering from obesity, diabetes, osteochondrosis and gastrointestinal diseases. The abundance of meat food and too few vegetables and fruits in the diet leads to the fact that these diseases “get younger” and attack even teenagers - children 13-14 years old.

Each of us must radically change the situation - no government programs will force the younger generation (and the older ones too) to eat right, only parental care and own example may affect children. Everyone’s task is to provide themselves and their loved ones with healthy nutrition, based on the natural laws of nature and the rejection of harmful foods.

Foods you need to eat to make your diet healthy:

  • Seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs from your own garden, or purchased from gardeners in rural areas;
  • Sprouted grains – wheat, rye, oatmeal;
  • Bran;
  • Cereals in the form of steamed porridges, without long cooking;
  • Boiled or baked potatoes 2 times a week;
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • Fermented milk products once a day;
  • Boiled or stews from meat, seafood and fish;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil per day (this is the only oil in the diet);

Basic rules of healthy nutrition


All vegetables and fruits should be consumed only according to the seasonal calendar. This means that an ordinary apple from our garden in winter is much preferable to an “overseas” banana or grapes.

Mono power.

Do not immediately load your stomach with too much various products, it is much better to stick to this order: one product per meal. For example, for breakfast we eat buckwheat porridge on the water, for lunch - lean soup, for dinner – boiled fish or seafood.

Heat treatment.

Heat treatment of dishes should be minimal - it is better to steam porridge, cook vegetables for several minutes and leave in hot water without boiling, add the greens to the soup after cooking. Whenever possible, fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw. It is better not to fry foods at all.

Nutritional cleansing

Plant-based nutrition allows you to cleanse the body from the inside, thereby relieving it of many diseases. Nutritional cleansing goes a long way, and strict diets or simply giving up some foods will not help here. To conduct a truly safe cleansing course, you should consult with a specialist who will create an individual menu of plant foods.

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Despite a lot of information and different opinions, few people really know what to do to improve their health. The results of the largest study of the relationship between nutrition and health show that animal protein, affecting the metabolic processes of our body, is a powerful carcinogen. And eating whole foods plant products most beneficial for our kidneys, bones, eyes and brain.

Below are the key findings of Colin Campbell, author of the bestselling book The China Study.

1. Keep your cholesterol under control

Blood cholesterol levels increase with increasing consumption of meat, milk, eggs, fish, fats and animal proteins.

Blood cholesterol levels decrease with increased consumption of food and nutrients of plant origin, including vegetable proteins, dietary fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose, soluble carbohydrates, vitamin B of plant origin (carotene, B2, B3), legumes, vegetables light color, fruits, carrots, potatoes and some grains.

2. Eat fiber

Although fiber is not digested by the body, it is important for health. It helps move water in the body into the intestines to help food move through it. In addition, consuming enough fiber leads to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Undigested fiber, like sticky tape, also collects and removes harmful chemical substances, which enter the intestines and can be carcinogenic. If we don't eat enough fiber, we are at risk for constipation-related diseases. These diseases include colon cancer, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins

Dietary fiber is found exclusively in plant foods. Fiber rich foods - legumes, leafy vegetables and whole grains such as wheat and corn.

3. Eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates

Unfortunately, most people consume extremely high amounts of simple, refined carbohydrates and very few complex carbohydrates.

There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that the most healthy eating - rich in carbohydrates. There is evidence that it promotes treatment cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, prevents many chronic diseases, and there are many examples of it helping to significantly reduce weight. But it's not that simple.

At least 99% of the carbohydrates we consume come from fruits, vegetables and grain products. When this food is consumed in unprocessed, unrefined and natural form, a significant proportion of carbohydrates are in the so-called complex form.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are highly processed and refined carbohydrates that have been stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals. Typical simple carbohydrates are found in foods such as white bread; processed snacks - crackers and chips made from flour premium; sweets, including baked goods and chocolate bars; soft drinks With increased content Sahara. These highly refined carbohydrates are obtained from grain products or sugar-containing plants, such as cane or beets. They are easily broken down during digestion into simple carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the body and supply the blood with sugar, or glucose.

Eat an apple, zucchini, or a bowl of brown rice with beans or other vegetables.

4. “You can’t delay digestion” or eat less fat and animal proteins

The truth is: despite any restrictions on caloric intake for a short time, our body, through various mechanisms, eventually decide for yourself how many calories learn and what to do with them.

When we treat it well by eating the right food, he knows how to ensure that those calories go toward more desirable functions such as body warming, metabolism, maintenance, and growth rather than toward body fat. physical activity or simply getting rid of any excess. The body uses numerous complex mechanisms to decide how to use - store or burn - calories.

When powered with high Calories that contain proteins and fats, instead of being used to keep the body warm, begin to be stored as body fat (unless significant calorie restriction causes weight loss). And vice versa, when eating with low Containing proteins and fats, calories are used to heat the body. Storing more calories as fat and losing less for heating means more effective work body. You'd rather your body work a little less efficiently and turn calories into heat rather than fat, wouldn't you?

Well, for this it is enough to eat less fat and animal proteins.

Remember: it takes very little, just 50 kcal per day, to change the process of storing body fat in our body and, therefore, our weight.

5. Try a plant-based diet

The results of the China Study indicate that the lower the proportion of animal foods in the diet, the greater the health benefits - even when this proportion is reduced from 10 to 0% of calories.

A plant-based diet achieves the optimal calorie balance for weight control for two reasons. First, the calories are used to heat the body rather than stored as body fat, and it doesn't take a lot of calories to maintain this effect over the course of a year. Second, a plant-based diet encourages more physical activity. And since body weight decreases, the loads are easier. The combined effect of diet and exercise leads to weight loss and improved general condition health.

Whole foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as unprocessed fruits and vegetables, and whole grains, such as brown rice and oatmeal, are very helpful. Unrefined carbohydrates, especially from fruits and vegetables, have exceptional health benefits.

Foods such as refined pasta, sugary cereals, white bread, candy and high-sugar soft drinks should be avoided if possible.

Eating whole, plant-based foods is best for our kidneys, bones, eyes and brain.

Diversify your menu with dishes made from whole, unrefined plant foods.

Give yourself a month to change your daily diet. A month is not enough for all long-term beneficial effects proper nutrition, but enough to convince you of the following:

1. Plant-based eating includes many wonderful foods that you would never otherwise try. You may not be able to eat everything you want (the desire to eat meat may persist longer than a month), but you will have a lot of great tasty food.

2. Some people quickly get used to this diet and begin to like it. Many take several months to completely rebuild. But almost everyone understands that it is easier than it seemed.

3. You will feel better. Even after just a month, most begin to feel more energetic and usually lose some of their weight. excess weight. Try to get a blood test before you start the diet and a month later. You will likely notice significant improvement even in such a short period of time.

4. The most important thing: you will understand that it is possible. It's likely you'll like it, maybe you won't, but... at least In a month it will become clear: you can do this if you want. All the health benefits described in this book can be obtained not only by Tibetan monks and the fanatical Spartans, but also you.

Proper nutrition not only prevents disease, but also promotes physical and mental health and well-being. Make your choice.

Good health to you!

Healthy recipes from the best chefs and specialists are in the book “

Nowadays, more and more more people become vegetarians. They eat only plant foods. Some simply imitate newfangled trends, others believe that this will make their body healthier. Is it really?


Vegetarianism is a style or even a way of life led by people who completely exclude animal products from their diet. They do not eat animal meat, poultry, or seafood. Some vegetarians consume eggs, milk and dairy products. Others don't eat even this. There are still debates about honey: what type of product should it be classified as? In any case, it is good for health, whatever its origin.

Products of plant origin

The list of plant-based products is quite diverse. One should not think that people who limit their diet to only such food have a modest, monotonous and tasteless meal.

So, products of plant origin include:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Berries.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Herbs.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Juices.

Fruits and berries

Fruits are ideal products nutrition of plant origin. There are opinions that the human body is initially, in primitive times, was “tuned” only to feed on them. Today, “fruit eating” is very popular, when a person consumes exclusively this food. By the way, there are about 300 types of such products in the world. Fruits contain large amounts of water, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Fructose, the sugar found in them, is perfectly absorbed. It enriches the body with useful substances. Based on the content of vitamins, sugar and microelements, fruits can be divided into several categories:

  • Sweet: bananas, dates, papaya, etc.
  • Semi-acid: apricots, pears, apples, plums, etc.
  • Sour: tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapples, etc.

It is best if all three categories of fruits are present in the diet. But thermally processed fruits (jams, jams, compotes, etc.) are many times inferior to their fresh counterparts in quality and quantity useful substances. You should completely stop using them. Berries are very similar to fruits in their composition, but they contain much more amino acids. The most useful: lingonberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and raspberries.


Vegetables are products of plant origin that can almost completely replace animal and poultry meat. How? Very simple. Some of their representatives contain optimal quantity squirrel. In terms of volume and quality, it can compete with the protein found in meat. All vegetables can be divided into the following groups:

  • Juicy: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin, etc.
  • Leafy: cabbage, lettuce, spinach, etc.
  • Seeds: beans, beans, peas, lentils.
  • Petiole: celery, fennel.
  • Floral: cauliflower, artichoke.
  • Tuberous: carrots, onions, radishes, potatoes, etc.

Interestingly, the above-ground part of the plant is much healthier than that what is in the ground. Let's take beets, for example. Its tops will be much more useful than the rhizomes. Vegetables should be present in any person's diet in large quantities, as they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins and protein.


Cereals are also food products of plant origin. This group includes wheat, rye, oats and other types. They have been used by humans for many centuries. At first they were prepared in whole, then they began to grind and bake various bakery products. But over time, more and more research scientists are coming to the conclusion that cereal porridges cause fermentation, and overuse bread contributes to weight gain.

Of course, we will not be able to completely eliminate these plant-based foods from our diet. But it’s worth using some tips:

  1. Grains must be consumed unprocessed. That is, the diet should not contain any cereals, semolina, etc.
  2. You must combine them with vegetables and fruits. Meaning the right balance of these products in the diet.
  3. It is better to eat cereals in the morning. They contain a lot of carbohydrates necessary for normal activity and vigor throughout the day.


Herbs are rich in vitamins, insoluble fats and essential oils. Some are able to stimulate appetite, others, on the contrary, suppress it. This may be necessary if you urgently need to lose weight. Many herbs have medicinal properties. For example, dill improves digestion, and fennel helps eliminate fermentation in the intestines. Such plant products have been consumed since ancient times.


Nuts are the healthiest protein products of plant origin. In addition, they are very high in carbohydrates. Even in ancient times they were valued for taste qualities, high energetic properties and ability for long-term storage. The fats contained in nuts are absorbed much better than the lipids of any other product. It should be noted that because of this they have a fairly high calorie content. At one time there was an opinion that nuts were poorly digestible. This happened when people ate them at the end of dinner, when two or three courses had already been eaten.

To bring nuts maximum benefit, they should be consumed as an independent dish in combination with vegetables and herbs.

Proteins and plant-based foods

The table of plant-based products will clearly show which vegetables and nuts contain greatest number squirrel.

All products of plant origin supply carbohydrates to our body due to their sugar content. Vegetables containing starch provide the body complex carbohydrates, and fruits and berries – simple. When it comes to protein, things are a little more complicated. The best source is animal products, meat or fish. If there is no opportunity or desire to eat them, then a good replacement can be found among plants, especially legumes. A vegetarian can get fats if he adds unrefined food to his diet. vegetable oil: sunflower, olive and others.

Thus, any person can decide for himself whether to fully consume all products of plant and animal origin or not. As for nutritionists, they do not recommend completely abandoning the latter type of food. Doctors advise eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and, if desired, meat or fish dishes. The main thing is that the diet is balanced.

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