How long does fried chicken take to digest? How long does it take for food to be digested in the human stomach?

Once digested, food turns into chemical elements and gives it to the body useful material Therefore, the digestion time of food in the stomach is of great importance. Each product entering digestive system, requires different periods assimilation. Depending on the type, food is digested from a few minutes to 3-4 hours.

Stages of Digestion

The organ system that is designed to process food and obtain from it nutrients, passes through the entire body. The full cycle of the digestive process in a healthy body takes from 24 to 72 hours and is divided into 4 stages:

  1. Adoption process prepared food. It starts the minute it enters the mouth. There it is chewed, crushed, and when swallowed, passes through the esophagus, ending up in the stomach. During this time, brain activity is activated and taste buds, which make it possible to feel the taste and smell of products. At stage 1, enzymes are introduced that break down complex substances into the smallest elements and molecules. The stage is considered completed when the food is in the stomach.
  2. Recycling food bolus. During this phase, digestive juice begins to be produced, which helps the digestion process continue. To do this, the stomach, liver and pancreas are activated. The digestive enzymes they produce contribute to the chemical processing of foods.
  3. Suction. This work takes place in thin section intestines. During digestion, food is broken down into fatty acid, glucose and amino acids. All nutrients are absorbed by the intestinal walls and transferred to the blood. The bloodstream provides nutrition and support to parts of the body physical strength person. The liver distributes and stores nutrients.
  4. Removing residues is The final stage digestion of food in the body. Elements that are not used to support life are eliminated. Forms of waste processing are feces and urine.

How is food digested?

Amount of time to digest raw foods less is needed, boiled food takes longer to digest. For example, vegetable soup will remain in the stomach for 1.5 hours.

The composition of food determines the digestion time.

All products that a person can eat are conditionally divided into 4 classes based on processing time:

  • absorbed quickly;
  • the rate of absorption is average;
  • takes a long time to digest;
  • almost not processed.

What is easy to digest?

The group of healthy and easily digestible foods consists of products that belong to groups 1 and 2:

  • Fruits, berries, and kefir are the easiest to process. This food remains in the stomach for 30 to 45 minutes, juices (fruit or vegetable) are digested in 15-20 minutes.
  • It will take your stomach a little longer to digest lean fish, vegetables and herbs, milk, yogurt.

What is difficult to digest?

Difficult to digest foods include foods that contain the following components:

  • Cellulose. Despite the fact that without plant fibers it is impossible to fully perform intestinal functions, they a large number of difficult for the body to assimilate.
  • Fats and meat. To digest heavy fatty foods a lot of energy is wasted. They can stagnate in the stomach, causing discomfort.
  • Spicy foods. They are an irritant, negatively affect the mucous membranes and provoke an inflammatory process.
  • Mixed components. These are all canned goods, pancakes, dumplings. This group also includes flour products, and bread without yeast is digested much faster than with yeast.

How long does it take for foods to be digested?

Digestion time is also highly individual.

To feel light and active, a person must improve digestion. Each type of food is given an individual time limit for digestion. The stomach digests one product faster, and another longer. That is why knowing the digestion time of foods and learning how to use them correctly is very important. Attached below is a table with the time period of food in the human stomach.

Vegetables and fruits

FruitTypeProcessing time, min.
Vegetablesbell pepperRaw - 30-40
CeleryBoiled - 40-55
Lettuce leaves

Fresh and sauerkraut, as well as avocados, take an average of 3-4 hours to digest.

Meat and fish

Other products

ProductTypeProcessing time, hours
CerealsBrown rice1,5
DairySkimmed milk1,5
Low-fat cottage cheese
Whey cheese
Cottage cheese made from full fat milk1,5
Hard cheese4-5
Flour productsPasta3
Bread, buns
SeedsSunflower, pumpkin2 hours
SweetsPure chocolate2 hours
Chocolate with raisins and nuts2,5
Ice cream4

Important processes of mechanical and chemical treatment food and its preparation for further digestion in the intestines. Due to its bag-like shape, the stomach promotes the accumulation of food masses and their retention for some time. This is necessary for more complete processing of food. But not all foods are digested and absorbed at the same speed. Depending on the type of food, food remains in the stomach from several minutes to several hours.

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    Digestion in the stomach in children and adults

    The human stomach is capable of digesting most of the foods that enter it. Food processing occurs due to the production of two main components by the gastric glands - pepsin and of hydrochloric acid. They come into contact with food entering the stomach and transform it into chyme - a homogeneous mushy mass, which is then evacuated into the stomach through the pyloric sphincter. duodenum.

    The process lasts from half an hour to several hours, depending on the type of food eaten. This happens in adults. In children infancy the stomach is poorly developed, has a small volume and is capable of digesting only breast or cow's milk. Digestion in the stomach of a newborn baby lasts no more than three hours, which explains the need for frequent feeding.

    Types of products

    The time it takes for food to be digested in the stomach is affected by the quality of the food. Based on this, we can distinguish 4 types of dishes:

    1. 1. Food exposed to gastric juice for more than 3 hours.
    2. 2. Dishes that take 2 to 3 hours to digest.
    3. 3. Products that remain in the stomach for 1.5 to 2 hours.
    4. 4. Food that does not require more than an hour to digest.

    The first type includes almost all canned food, dumplings, meat, poultry, coffee and tea with milk, as well as pasta made from first-grade flour. The second category of dishes includes bread and other pastries, hard cheeses, cereals, legumes, cottage cheese, all types of mushrooms, seeds and nuts. The third type includes different types vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, dairy products (except hard cheeses and cottage cheese). The fourth group includes vegetable and fruit juices, kefir, berries, fresh fruits(except banana), chicken egg.

    Digestion time for individual foods in the stomach:

    Products Digestion time
    WaterGoes straight to the intestines
    Vegetable brothUp to 20 minutes
    Vegetable juiceUp to 20 minutes
    Fruit juiceUp to 20 minutes
    Fresh vegetables and vegetable salads without refillingUp to 40 minutes
    Berries and fruits that contain a lot of water20 minutes
    Pears, apples, peaches30 minutes
    Boiled vegetablesUp to 40 minutes
    Corn, zucchini, all types of cabbageUp to 45 minutes
    Most root vegetables (except starchy ones)50 minutes
    Salads from fresh vegetables with added vegetable oilUp to 1 hour
    Egg45 minutes
    FishUp to 1 hour
    Starchy vegetablesFrom 1.5 to 2 hours
    Cereal porridge (buckwheat, millet, rice and others)Up to 2 hours
    Dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), except hard cheeses and cottage cheeseup to 2 hours
    Legumesup to 2 hours
    Poultry meatFrom 2.5 to 3 hours
    Different types of seeds3 hours
    Nuts3 hours
    Beef and lamb4 hours
    Pork5.5 to 6 hours

    Digestion of individual foods in the stomach

    Despite the fact that many products can be grouped into separate groups based on processing time, within the groups themselves there are also differences in the length of time they remain in the organ.


    Drinking water does not carry an energy load, so it does not require digestion and long stay in the stomach. Drinking on an empty stomach, it immediately enters the small intestine.

    Fresh fruits

    The rate at which fruits are processed in the stomach directly depends on their carbohydrate and water content:

    • Grapes and citrus fruits take about 30 minutes to digest in the stomach.
    • A ripe banana will be processed in 50 minutes, while a green one will take about an hour.
    • It also takes about an hour to break down the pineapple pulp.
    • The most complex fruit for digestion is mango, which takes about 2 hours.


    The rate of digestion of dairy products is affected by their fat content, method of preparation and storage:

    • Kefir will leave the stomach faster than any other product (up to 90 minutes).
    • Curdled milk, yogurt and fermented baked milk will require up to 2 hours
    • Low-fat cottage cheese will take about 2 hours to digest, and more than fatty product will take up to 3 hours.

    Cereals and legumes

    Various types of cereals pass through the stomach in 2-3 hours. Legumes, although they are vegetable crops, require quite a lot of time to digest, as they contain a large amount of protein:

    • Most likely to undergo splitting cereals(up to 90 minutes). But whole grains can take up to 2 hours to process.
    • For buckwheat, millet, and rice cereals, it takes about 2 hours.
    • The stomach can handle corn in 150 minutes.
    • Fresh peas stay in the stomach for up to 160 minutes.
    • Boiled peas require about 3.5 hours to digest.
    • The organ will spend 3 hours on lentils and beans.


    The rate of digestion of bread depends on the grain from which it is made, as well as the ingredients added during the cooking process. Rye or wheat bread usually stays in the stomach for 2 to 3 hours.

    Hard cheeses

    The digestion time of hard cheeses depends on their fat content. Low-fat varieties can take up to 3 hours to process. Fat cheese made from whole milk will stay in the stomach for up to 5 hours.

    Meat and meat products

    Digestion of meat depends on many quality characteristics(fat content, freshness, etc.):

    • Pork tenderloin leaves the stomach after 210 minutes of processing. The fattier parts take much longer.
    • The organ needs to spend about 3 hours on lamb and beef.
    • The most heavy product is lard, which can take up to a whole day to digest.

    Poultry meat

    For recycling chicken breast the stomach needs about 90 minutes. For the fattier parts it will take more than 2 hours. Turkey also takes a little over 2 hours to digest. Duck and goose, due to the fat content of the meat, can remain in the stomach for about 3 hours.

Meat is one of the main products in daily diet. Digestion of meat in the human body occurs according to a special mechanism. Food of animal origin contains protein, minerals and vitamins that the human body needs. But each type of this product has its own characteristics that are worth knowing.

Composition and properties

Meat is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol and essential amino acids. This product contains microelements such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium. Meat foods also contain vitamins of groups A, B, E, D, which regulate the functions of neurotransmitters, thereby guaranteeing performance and activity for humans. These substances are needed for the proper functioning of the body.

Meat contains foreign to the body human squirrels. If this product is consumed in large quantities, the natural microflora intestines.

Animal products can and should be included in your diet. Only they must be fresh and in moderate amount. The benefits of meat depend on the way it is processed. Nutritionists do not recommend eating fried and smoked meat; it is better to bake or boil the product. It is recommended to eat any meat product simultaneously with vegetables or porridge, due to which the absorption of the product will be complete.

Digestion process

Pepsin in the stomach breaks down complex proteins to a simpler level.

When it enters the mouth, the product is subjected to mechanical processing - chewing. The more thoroughly the food is chewed, the faster the digestion process will be. Food is coated with saliva, which is characterized by bactericidal properties. After swallowing the crushed food, it moves to the stomach. With the help of hydrochloric acid, the fibers of the product are oxidized and are more easily broken down by enzymes. When exposed to pepsin and trypsin, protein is broken down into amino acids.

Next, the lump enters the duodenum, where it is affected by bile and pancreatic juice. IN small intestine Protein breakdown and fat absorption occurs. Under the influence of enzymes, amino acids and vitamins enter the blood. Residues of food move into colon. There, beneficial nutrients are absorbed, which are then distributed throughout all cells and ensure the maintenance of the body’s vital functions. The large intestine absorbs minerals that are needed for normal functioning person.

Types of meat and digestion time

Meat is usually divided into 2 groups:

  • Dietary varieties:
    • rabbit meat;
    • chicken;
    • beef;
    • turkey meat.
  • Fatty varieties:
    • pork;
    • mutton.

Turkey meat takes a little longer to digest than chicken meat.

Dietary varieties are digested faster. Assimilation fatty look This product is considered heavy on the body and may cause stomach discomfort. But each type of meat has its own characteristics:

  • Rabbit meat. It is considered the most dietary. Rabbit meat is hypoallergenic, so it is given to small children. The human body absorbs 90% of it. Rabbit meat contains a low amount of cholesterol and is rich in minerals, vitamins and fats. Contains omega-3, which promotes brain activity. The digestion period is a little more than 3 hours.
  • Chicken. The most common type meat product. Often used in the diet of athletes. Contains a lot of protein, has balanced composition amino acids, low fat. The speed of digestion of chicken depends on its variety, but on average it takes 1.5 hours.
  • Turkey meat. Very similar in composition and properties to chicken, but contains a large amount of macro- and microelements and is low in calories. Digestion of turkey takes longer than chicken, more than 2 hours.
  • Beef. Beef contains amino acids, protein necessary for human body. This meat is rich in zinc and iron. Beef digestion time takes 3-4 hours.
  • Pork. Contains many minerals and vitamin B. It contains fat and is more difficult for the body to digest than other types. Therefore, in case of gastrointestinal diseases, pork is excluded from the diet. Use significant amount pork leads to obesity. In the human body, such a product is digested for about 5 hours.
  • Mutton. Contains little cholesterol and a large number of vitamins. There are less fatty substances than in pork. But despite this, lamb is harder for the body to digest; the process takes more than 3 hours. Therefore, lamb is contraindicated for people with stomach diseases.

Most people do not monitor their diet and do not adhere to such important rules, such as regime and portion size. Also, few of them know how long it takes for food to be digested in the stomach, so they often overload digestive tract. Because of this, a person may develop various pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of which will include compliance with strict diet and special nutrition rules.

What affects the speed of food digestion

The speed of food digestion is directly influenced by the following factors:

  1. Drinking liquid during or after meals. Experts do not recommend that people drink food with food, as liquid reduces concentration gastric juice, which causes an increase in the time of its digestion. After a meal, you can drink no earlier than half an hour later.
  2. If people eat cold foods, they digest them much faster.
  3. A person's digestive processes occur faster at lunchtime than during morning and evening meals.
  4. Products that have been affected heat treatment, for example, stewing, frying or boiling, are absorbed much longer.
  5. The process of digesting food is affected by the size of portions. This is why experts strongly recommend that people switch to fractional meals, which provides up to six meals a day.

How long does it take to digest water and other drinks?

How long does it take to digest soup?

How long does it take for beer and other alcohol-containing drinks to be digested in the stomach?

How long does it take to digest millet, rice, buckwheat porridge?

How long does it take to digest borscht?

Borscht cooked on meat broth, digested within 60-180 minutes. If there are pieces of meat in it, then this period can increase to 2 hours. Some housewives add beans to borscht, which take the stomach up to 3 hours to digest. The body spends the same amount of time digesting cabbage and potatoes.

How long does it take to digest seeds, nuts and dried fruits?


Unit measurements

Absorption time






Product Name

Unit measurements

Digestion time

Boiled potatoes

Boiled young potatoes

Jerusalem artichoke

Fried potatoes

Fresh carrots

Fresh white cabbage


Boiled beets


Lettuce leaves

bell pepper

Boiled corn

Boiled zucchini

Canned corn

Vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil

Fruits and berries


Unit measurements (minutes/hours)

Absorption time







Unit measurements

Absorption time

Homemade cheeses

Kefir and other fermented milk drinks

Skim cheese

Hard cheeses

Fat cottage cheese

Ice cream

Meat and fish products

Name of types of meat, fish and poultry

Unit measurements (hours/minutes)

Digestion time





Lean fish

Fatty fish


Other products


Unit measurements (minutes/hours)

Absorption time


Bakery products

Egg white

Egg yolk

Fried eggs

Boiled eggs

Bee Honey

Does the stomach digest food during sleep?

Research conducted by scientists has shown that at night, lipolysis processes are activated in the body, due to which fats are broken down to replenish lost energy. This is why the human stomach must be empty during sleep. Otherwise, all the food present in it will be processed and stored as fat.

During a night's rest, the body's digestive processes slow down. If a person eats before going to bed, then all the food will not have time to be digested.

This can lead to:

  • to the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • to weight gain;
  • to decreased immunity;
  • to hormonal disorders;
  • to development various pathologies, for example, hypertension, osteochondrosis, strokes;
  • to depression and other central nervous system disorders;
  • to premature aging.

To prevent such serious consequences of evening meals, people should eat their last meal no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

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