How many carbohydrates are in oatmeal porridge with water? Calorie content of oatmeal porridge. Calorie content of oatmeal porridge on water

Oat flakes are irreplaceable when you need to quickly prepare healthy and tasty breakfast for the whole family. From this article you will learn what nutritional value“Hercules” has its calorie content and beneficial properties.

Energy and nutritional value

Oatmeal is a fairly high-calorie product. 100 grams of dry “Hercules” is more than 300 kcal! This amount of product contains about 50 grams of carbohydrates, 6.1 grams of fats, and 11 grams of proteins. High nutrition and oatmeal are not questioned at all. “Hercules”, which is so high in calories, can satisfy hunger for a long time. That is why it is better to eat it for breakfast.

You should not be afraid to cook oatmeal for fear of quickly gaining excess weight and ruining your figure due to the fact that they contain too many calories. After all, after boiling or steaming rolled oats, the calorie content of the dish will be lower. Of course, this applies to fasting oatmeal on water without added sugar and butter. If “Hercules” is cooked with milk, then the calorie content of the finished product will be affected by the degree of fat content of the milk used. The porridge will be more satisfying if nuts, dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits, and honey are added to it. “Hercules” (calorie content is about 350 kcal per 100 grams) can be eaten at any time: for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the morning or afternoon it is better to cook and eat porridge with milk, it will be more satisfying, and in the evening - with water, since at this time of day you need to eat less nutritious food.

Oatmeal contains many different microelements, vitamins and minerals. Of course, some of these useful substances inevitably lost in the Hercules production process as the grain is flattened and steamed. The advantage this method is that the cereal ends up cooking quickly. This saves your time without losing the quality and taste of the finished product.

If you want to purchase flakes rich in iron, fluorine, calcium, iodine, and vitamins, purchase “Hercules,” which requires cooking.

Calorie content of rolled oats on water

Not only its nutritional and energy value, but also the benefits for your body will depend on the method of preparing oatmeal. For example, you can cook lean porridge in water without butter or sugar. In this case, 100 g of ready-made oatmeal will contain approximately 80-90 kcal. If you are like this simple porridge does not seem tasty and appetizing, add sugar and butter to it. Of course, the dish will become more calorie-rich from the addition of these products.

"Hercules" on ready-made dish will not be as high as when using milk) it always turns out very tasty!

Calorie content of rolled oats with milk

People who monitor their health or want to lose weight are familiar with the problem of calculating the nutritional and energy value of a particular prepared dish. Of course, it is extremely important to take into account the calorie content of the product. It is known that every day healthy man should consume at least 2000 kcal, while dieters need only 1200 kcal. It is important for both to eat a balanced diet. It is important that the prepared food fills you for a long time. So satisfying and healthy dish is oatmeal. “Hercules” with milk (the calorie content of this porridge is 113-130 kcal per hundred grams) is healthy to eat for breakfast.

How many calories can you get from eating oatmeal?

If you don’t want to do long calculations, figuring out what food and energy value will have cooked oatmeal, you can use the following list:

  • dry cereal - 352 kcal;
  • porridge with milk - 113-130 kcal;
  • “Hercules” on water, calorie content - 80-90 kcal;
  • milk porridge with butter - about 150 kcal;
  • milk with sugar - 165 kcal;
  • on - 125 kcal;
  • milk with sugar and butter - about 200 kcal;
  • on water with butter and sugar - approximately 165 kcal.

Calorie content is presented per 100 grams of product.

Calorie content of “Hercules” with various additives

Some people find the taste of oatmeal somewhat boring and uninteresting. If you also share this opinion, try to diversify your usual porridge recipes by adding some additional ingredients. So, in the company of honey, the calorie content of milk will be about 130 kcal. Oatmeal with raisins is extremely tasty. You can prepare this porridge with milk, adding butter and sugar. In this embodiment, the calorie content will be about 170 kcal. You can prepare a delicious sweet porridge without adding sugar. Instead, it is better to take more healthy pumpkin. In this version, “Hercules” (the calorie content per 100 grams is small) will appeal to everyone without exception.

What does caloric content depend on?

The energy value of the finished dish will depend on several factors:

  1. What technology was used to produce the cereal?
  2. Porridge is cooked in milk or water. Depending on the liquid in which the oatmeal was cooked, the dish will turn out to be more or less high in calories. Of course, milk increases the energy value of porridge.
  3. Any additional ingredients increase the nutritional value of the product.

Hercules porridge got its name in honor of the hero of ancient Greek mythology. This man had amazing power, which helped him perform incredible feats. That is why it is recommended to periodically eat Hercules flakes. Calorie content of this product directly depends on the method of grain processing. Eat oatmeal and enjoy life!

Hercules porridge, which is cooked from large oatmeal, often called oatmeal. This dish is usually prepared for breakfast, flavored with butter, nuts, and dried fruits. The benefits of oatmeal for the body are obvious. Porridge helps preserve youth, is very filling, and replenishes energy. It is recommended to include it in the diet of children, adults and sick people. It is boiled in water or milk; the recipe can be selected based on taste preferences.

Characteristics and composition

The composition of oatmeal porridge is varied. It contains in large quantities:

  • vitamins E, PP, B, A, H;
  • ash;
  • dietary fiber with coarse fiber;
  • macroelements: iron, potassium, chromium, calcium, silicon, iodine, magnesium, sodium and others;
  • amino acids with antioxidants;
  • gluten.

The composition contains about 60% starch, 6% healthy fats and 15% protein. The calorie content of the finished product is quite high thanks to great content carbohydrates: 100 grams of the dish contains about 60 grams.

How many calories will be in the plate depends on the cooking method:

  1. Calorie content oatmeal porridge on water is 84 kcal.
  2. The calorie content of oatmeal porridge with milk is much higher - 125 kcal per 100 g.

When adding sugar, butter, berries or pieces of fruit, the calorie content of the dish increases by 70-180 kcal, this should be taken into account.

Useful properties of hercules

If the beneficial properties of millet porridge, buckwheat or rice are not known to everyone, then everyone knows about the effect of oatmeal on the body. The benefits and harms of oatmeal porridge have been studied by nutritionists for a long time, healing qualities the dishes are undeniable. Doctors recommend eating it in the morning for breakfast for health and prevention of stomach diseases.

Those who do not know why rolled oats porridge is useful should take a closer look at its composition. Availability of vitamins, microelements and useful acids guarantees extreme health benefits of properly prepared oatmeal. It must be in the diet of children, nursing mothers, sick patients and all healthy people.

The beneficial properties of oatmeal porridge are varied. It promotes:

  • quick satiety, a long feeling of fullness and relief from hunger;
  • removing food debris and toxins accumulated on the intestinal walls;
  • increasing immunity, body tone;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • energy production after intense exercise sports training, restoration of muscle function;
  • healthy growth proper development children;
  • eliminating fluctuations in glucose levels in diabetics;
  • reducing inflammation, pain in ulcers and patients with exacerbation of gastritis.

Incredibly healthy oatmeal is recommended for consumption to enhance mental activity, calming the nerves. It promotes weight loss, improves all digestive systems, good sleep. Nutritionists recommend including it in the menu for diabetes, rheumatism, skin diseases, gout.

The benefits of oatmeal for babies are undeniable, but it should be introduced carefully, closer to the year. This porridge contributes to the intake of phosphorus, iron, and protein into the baby’s body. It is rich in vitamins B, lungs vegetable fats. However, rolled oats contain gluten, which is quite difficult for a baby’s small stomach to digest and can cause intolerance.

Pediatricians recommend introducing rolled oats porridge with milk no earlier than 8 months. By this time, infants are already growing teeth, and there is a shortage of mother's milk. The flakes should be carefully inspected, removing any stray debris. At first, you need to grind them with a blender or meat grinder.

Here is the simplest oatmeal recipe for babies:

  • grind the rolled oats to get a whole teaspoon of crushed flour;
  • boil 100 grams of milk, water or vegetable broth;
  • Pour the rolled oats flour into a saucepan and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Salt, sugar or butter are not added to porridge for babies, cow's milk Any fat content is diluted with water.

For weight loss

Hercules porridge in water from peeled and flattened oats is healthy dietary dish, recommended for everyone losing weight. The oatmeal porridge diet is quite effective; it allows you to lose from 4 to 7 kilograms in a week if you strictly follow the rules.

  • You can only eat rolled oats flakes prepared without salt and sugar in water;
  • You can eat several times a day as soon as you feel hungry;
  • no other products should be consumed;
  • if the restrictions seem too strict, you can try simplified options for losing weight using low-calorie oatmeal.

Option with flakes and water:

You can only eat oatmeal porridge with water. It is cooked without salt or simply pour boiling water over the flakes in the evening. In the morning the dish will be ready to eat. You can only drink water, still mineral water, and unsweetened green tea. After 2 days, it is allowed to include one green apple in the diet.

Option with the addition of dried fruits, nuts, kefir.

You can eat oatmeal porridge all week, supplementing it with raisins, nuts, pieces of fruit or a spoonful of honey. You are allowed to drink 100 grams of kefir or yogurt per day.

Recipes for porridge made from oatmeal flakes for weight loss are simple:

    2 tablespoons of flakes are poured into a glass of boiling water, brought to a boil, and covered with a lid.

  • In the evening, 3 tablespoons of rolled oats are poured with a glass of boiling water in a pot and left under the lid until the morning.

Those who are seriously interested in losing weight should also study the benefits of barley porridge, buckwheat and unprocessed rice. These cereals also contribute to weight loss and the removal of excess fluid.

How to choose rolled oats in the store

Hercules are oat grains that have been stripped of their hard shell and crushed using a special technology. With this processing, the useful microelements and fiber, cooking time is reduced. In order for oatmeal from such flakes to bring only benefits, you need to choose them correctly, taking into account several recommendations:

    The clear cellophane packaging must contain only flakes. The bag should not contain sugar, crushed fruit pieces, berry particles or flavorings. When adding these components, the benefits of the finished dish decrease, but the calorie content increases significantly. Such mixtures are usually called instant, they just need to be poured with boiling water. This is not Hercules, but its very distant deteriorated analogue.

    The grains should be clean and approximately the same size. Too much availability white plaque on flakes is not allowed.

    Normal grains usually have a white, cream, slightly grayish or yellowish tint. Brown particles are an indicator of low quality, poorly processed oats.

    You can buy rolled oats in cardboard boxes if there is a sealed plastic bag inside. The flakes absorb moisture well, so they require airtight packaging.

    Be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates of the packages. Cereals are stored in cellophane for about a year. cardboard boxes- no more than 4 months. The price tag or tag should have two dates: packaging and expiration date.

It is advisable to study the color, appearance rolled oats before purchasing, check whether it pours well inside the package, paper pack. If the packaging looks damaged, you should not buy the product.

Harm and possible contraindications

Oatmeal, which is useful for most people, sometimes has contraindications for consumption. It causes harm to some people, causing intolerance or digestive upset. This happens in the following cases:

    When diagnosing such genetic disease like celiac disease. It is associated with bloating, indigestion due to intolerance vegetable protein. After eating porridge, patients complain of frequent urge visit the toilet, strong gas and rumbling in the stomach.

    In case of individual intolerance to gluten. This problem affects not only babies and toddlers, but also adults. In this case, oatmeal, like other cereals, is excluded from the diet.

    Due to poor absorption of calcium by the body. Rolled oats contain phytic acid, which interferes with calcium absorption.

Harm can also occur due to uncontrolled overeating. Oatmeal, eaten in large quantities, contributes to weight gain, heaviness in the stomach, and intestinal upset. It is not advisable to use it more than once a day.

How to cook: recipes for every day

Those who are interested in how to prepare oatmeal porridge and what proportions to take should study various simple recipes. Healthy oatmeal cook in water or milk using a stove or any model of multicooker. How long to cook depends on preference and desired thickness.

Recipe with milk

You will need:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • 2.5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter as desired.

Boil milk in a saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar, mix. Pour in the rolled oats and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off the gas and leave to simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Children and many adults like rolled oats milk porridge when served with butter, jam, nuts, fresh berries or banana slices.

On the water

You will need:

  • a cup of cereal;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • a little salt;
  • sugar and butter as desired.

Pour boiling water over the rolled oats in a saucepan and leave to swell for about 5 minutes. Place on the stove, add salt. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, turn off the heat. Leave for 15 minutes to infuse.

How to cook porridge in water depends on preference. You can make it liquid or thick, add raisins, honey, fresh or canned berries when serving.

In a slow cooker

You will need:

  • a glass of rolled oats;
  • 2 cups of milk;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • raisins, berries or fruits as desired.

The simplest recipe for cooking oatmeal in a slow cooker is available to any housewife. It does not depend on the brand or volume of the bowl, and is understandable even to beginners. Full-fat cow's milk is usually diluted with water; store-bought milk is simply poured into a bowl.

Pour out the milk, pour out the cereal from the glass, add granulated sugar. Select the “Porridge” mode and cook with the lid closed for 30-40 minutes. You can then leave it on the heat for a while, add honey, jam, raisins or butter when serving.

It must be remembered that overeating porridge has never benefited anyone. That is why nutritionists recommend oatmeal porridge only once a day for breakfast.

Hercules – traditional breakfast of supporters healthy eating, as well as people seeking to reset overweight. However, the effectiveness of this dish depends on the method of preparation, the type of cereal, the inclusion of additives and even the time of its consumption. Let's try to figure this out.

Chemical composition

The product is rich in such useful substances as B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, sodium, digestible carbohydrates, mono- and disaccharides, saturated fatty acids. The most valuable substances are the following elements.

  • Sodium– important in the processes of transporting fluid and blood glucose, transmitting nerve signals. A lack of this substance provokes apathy, headaches, and hypotension.
  • Coarse fiber– increases the absorption properties of the intestinal mucosa, frees it from toxins and cleanses it.
  • Amino acids– take part in the production of proteins muscle tissue. For this quality, rolled oats are valued in sports circles.
  • Antioxidants– weaken the effect of free radicals, slow down the aging process, and prevent cancer.
  • Vitamins and minerals– participate in the process of metabolism and hormone synthesis. Prevents the formation of pathologies associated with a lack of any elements.
  • Carbohydrates– due to their slow absorption by the body, the feeling of fullness lasts for 3-4 hours after eating the porridge.
  • Gluten– once in the stomach, it envelops it, blocking the symptoms of ulcers and gastritis.

Properly prepared porridge poses virtually no harm. However, some contraindications need to be taken into account. It is better to give up rolled oats for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders and pregnant women. It is worth considering individual gluten intolerance. Cereals contain a lot of phytic acid, which can interfere with the absorption of calcium, so you should not go on an oatmeal diet.

It is important to consider the type of cereal. For example, oatmeal instant cooking undergo repeated heat treatment, as a result of which they lose most of the vitamins. In addition, artificial ingredients are often added to them - taste enhancers, flavorings, which in no way gives the body health. However, the protein and fiber in this dish are still preserved, and it remains satisfying and nutritious.

Calorie content

Those who are watching their figure will be interested in learning about the calorie content of the product. In general, 100 grams of dry rolled oats contain 352 kcal. However, you cannot limit yourself to just these data, since there are many recipes for making porridge.

Some of them involve the addition of sugar, butter, milk, and fruit. All these ingredients make oatmeal more nutritious. In addition, boiled rolled oats or steamed with boiling water have completely different numbers.

However, rolled oats are a product whose calories you don’t have to worry about. The fact is that all calories are consumed during the day in the form of energy. At the same time, the body feels full for a long time. Therefore, you can only eat oatmeal in the morning or before lunch.

If you use oatmeal porridge in the evening and at night, then all the calories will be deposited in the hips and stomach in the form excess fat. Therefore, the reception, it would seem, healthy dishes, will cause the opposite effect.

In addition to calorie content, representatives healthy image life will be interested in the content of others nutrients in 100 grams of product:

  • 12.6 g protein;
  • 6.2 g fat;
  • 61.1 g carbohydrates.

But all indicators change depending on the method of preparing the dish.

On the water

  • calorie content – ​​55.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.8 g;
  • fats – 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.5 g.


  • put a pot of water on the stove;
  • after boiling, add salt to taste and place rolled oats into the pan;
  • cook the dish over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring;
  • Close the container with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

If porridge with water is prepared for the purpose of losing weight, then this classic recipe. Many people even prefer to do without salt. If the dish is used as healthy breakfast, then it can be sweetened with honey, fruits, berries, raisins, nuts. These ingredients will only add benefits, although they will slightly increase the calorie content of the product.

If instant cereal with water is chosen as breakfast, then the calorie content increases to 90 kcal due to additional artificial additives. But such porridge will be ready within 3-5 minutes.

Some sweeten the porridge with regular granulated sugar, put butter in it, and eat breakfast with a cheese sandwich. All these additives definitely improve the taste of rolled oats, however, they do not add any benefits. Oil and bakery products threaten to have the opposite effect of eating a healthy breakfast.

With milk

  • calorie content – ​​95.6 kcal;
  • proteins – 3.8 g;
  • fats – 3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 13.4 g.


  • pour water and milk into a saucepan in equal proportions - 100 g each;
  • wait until the liquid boils;
  • pour 3 tbsp into the pan. l. Hercules;
  • season with sugar and salt to taste;
  • cook over low heat for 7 minutes;
  • turn off the gas and leave for 5 minutes under the lid.

Many people trying to lose weight consider milk porridge to be a completely dietary product.

It tastes more pleasant than porridge with water, and extra calories, obtained from milk, can be worked off with morning exercises or a walk.

Glycemic index

Patients suffering diabetes mellitus Before including any product in your diet, you carefully study not only its calorie content, but also its glycemic index. This sign determines the degree of digestibility of the dish and has a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is the GI of glucose.

In Hercules this figure is 55 units, which is considered average. A breakfast of oatmeal porridge is quite acceptable in the diet of diabetics. In addition, rolled oats are rich in many useful elements that allow you to produce serotonin, monitor sugar levels, and reduce the need for sweets. When eating porridge, glucose does not penetrate into the blood immediately, but gradually. It gently distributes energy throughout the body and ensures safety from insulin surges.

Of course, patients suffering from diabetes are recommended to have breakfast with cereal cooked in water without additional additives. However, it is also possible to consume a milk breakfast, but only if the milk is diluted with water 1:1.

Whole milk contains a large number of carbohydrates, due to which it has a high glycemic index, but at the same time this product promotes better digestibility of porridge and enriches the body with additional useful elements, improves taste, which is extremely important for a very poor diabetic menu. But, of course, people with this disease should not overuse rolled oats with milk.

It is also worth knowing that instant oat flakes are characterized by glycemic index equal to 65, which is higher than the classic Hercules. This means that carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood faster and are more likely to cause sharp jumps blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes should avoid this product.

To learn how to prepare rolled oatmeal porridge with banana and nuts, watch the following video.

A product such as oatmeal porridge does not lose its position today. After all, everyone knows that porridge in water is very low in nutrition; it is used in most diets and sports nutrition.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of this product is due to the rich composition of various microelements and vitamins. Hercules porridge is one of the most nutritious foods. It contains a huge amount of B vitamins, as well as various microelements that perform important role in organism. What are the benefits of rolled oats porridge in water? It contains the following substances:

  • Niacin. Responsible for normalizing metabolic processes. Thanks to the intake of this microelement, tissue respiration is normalized and cholesterol levels are reduced. It is this acid that provides the detoxifying properties of oatmeal porridge. It’s not for nothing that many experts advise residents to include oatmeal in their diet. major cities with a bad environment.
  • Riboflavin. Plays a huge role in normalizing the redox processes of the human body.
  • Folic acid. Responsible for the creation of blood cells and also participates in the synthesis nucleic acids and beneficial amino acids.
  • Pyridoxine. Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells. With sufficient intake it normalizes general state person, the mood rises, the nervous system is restored.
  • Thiamine. Required for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to the presence of such a component, the functioning of the nervous and even of cardio-vascular system, the functioning of the stomach and organs involved in digestion improves.

Hercules porridge is a balanced product and proper nutrition. It restores intestinal function and normalizes metabolism. In many diets, experts recommend placing great emphasis on this kind of porridge, often cooked in water. This perfect breakfast both for kids and adults.

Calorie content of oatmeal porridge on water

Porridge made from oatmeal may vary. This is in to a greater extent depends on the additional components that are added during preparation.

The calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water per 100 grams of cereal or flakes is approximately 250 kcal.

Despite the fact that such calorie content is considered quite high, nutritionists still recommend fasting days on oatmeal, of course, cooked in water.

It is worth noting that oatmeal contains:

  • proteins - 11%;
  • carbohydrates - 68%;
  • fat - 6%.

on the water?

This breakfast is cooked very quickly, and its benefits are difficult to overestimate.

Proportions of oatmeal porridge on water and necessary ingredients:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

If desired, you can add a little butter to the porridge; 20 grams is enough for the proposed volume of products.

Cooking process

Water is poured into the pan and placed over fairly high heat. It is worth noting that it is better to add salt and sugar at this stage, before the flakes fall asleep. After the water boils, the flakes are poured into it with constant stirring. The duration of cooking of such porridge depends directly on the size of the flakes. In total, the cooking process will take from three to ten minutes. When the water has almost completely evaporated, reduce the heat to low for a minute and close the pan with a lid. After turning off the heat, the porridge should be allowed to brew for about 5-10 minutes and can be placed on plates.

Features of preparing a dietary option

It is worth noting that if you need to cook dietary option In order to reduce the calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water, then, of course, you should not add sugar and butter to it. Although this porridge is very healthy, it turns out almost tasteless. But you can improve the taste without increasing calories. To do this, you can add some berries or various fruits to the finished version. Will not affect calorie content:

  • fresh apricots, peaches;
  • prunes, as well as dried apricots or raisins;
  • baked apples, maybe pears;
  • baked onion or honey pumpkin;
  • fresh herbs will give the porridge an interesting taste.

If you are going on a long-term diet based on oatmeal porridge on water, then this option of supplements will diversify the daily menu.

Rules for choosing cereals

To really have that effect on the water, you need to choose the right flakes in the store. It is worth focusing your attention on the quality and tightness of the packaging, packaging and storage duration. When purchasing oatmeal you should consider:

  • Only cereal. To prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast, you should give preference to cereals without additives. And the presence of additional components, fruits and vegetables, in most cases reduces the benefits, while increasing the calorie content and cost of the product. It is worth noting that more often porridges with additives consist of finely ground flakes, which practically do not require cooking; such options are not considered healthy at all.
  • Transparent packaging. Thanks to this packaging, you can visually assess the condition of the flakes. The cereal must be clean, without additional impurities, only the presence of a small amount of shavings is acceptable white.
  • The flakes should be white, of course, not pure. They can range in color from yellow to cream. Brown color indicates a low degree of purification, so you should not buy such rolled oats.

  • You should not buy cardboard packs without a package inside. Hercules absorbs moisture very strongly, which kills the beneficial properties of the porridge. But you can never be sure of correct storage, so it’s better not to buy rolled oats flakes in cardboard.
  • Different expiration dates. Storage of oatmeal in sealed plastic bags is possible for up to a year, and in cardboard boxes the shelf life is no more than 4 months.


Knowing such simple rules choice of cereals and how to cook oatmeal porridge in water, you can cook it at home almost every day, delicious and healthy breakfast who will provide for all family members in a great mood and excellent health. And there will be enough energy for all planned activities.

Hercules porridge has one of the highest calorie content, but is still very popular. It is easy to prepare, and the benefits of eating cereal are noticeable within a few days of starting regular meals. No wonder it is named after famous hero ancient Greek mythology - porridge is just as strong in its beneficial properties, like Hercules. In addition, since ancient times, oats have been considered a cereal that gives energy, strength and ability to work. Oat flakes are an indispensable product in almost all post-Soviet countries.

Analysis of the composition: Hercules porridge

It was in the Soviet Union that oatmeal called “Hercules” first appeared. Since then, this brand has been widely known and familiar to all of us. The growing popularity was facilitated by the following advantages: Hercules porridge has a low calorie content, is prepared simply and quickly, but is satiating for a long time. for a long time. In addition, fiber helps improve intestinal function, speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. In addition, the dish contains:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • di- and monosaccharides;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins from group B and PP;
  • tocopherol;
  • biotin;
  • iron, zinc, iodine and other trace elements;
  • magnesium, calcium, potassium and other macroelements.

The average calorie content of Hercules on water is 320-360 kcal per hundred grams of flakes. The ratio of proteins to carbohydrates and fats is 14%, 70% and 16%, respectively. The main charge of energy and saturation of the body comes from saccharides, the calorie content of which is about 250 kcal. The remaining calories are distributed almost equally between fats and proteins. Carbohydrates make up 60% of the composition of oatmeal, and in terms of the daily norm in the human diet - 21%.

The carbohydrates in oatmeal are complex, which is why Hercules calorie content per 100 g is so low. Breaking down gradually in the body, they can saturate a person with the energy necessary for a long time. normal functioning. At this time, fiber, which accounts for as much as 6 g per 100 g of flakes pure form, cleanses the body by helping the intestines absorb harmful waste from other foods. One serving of oatmeal can contain from 30 to 50% of the daily value of dietary fiber.

The same amount in one hundred grams of oatmeal and fat is 6 g. However, in terms of daily norm for a healthy adult, this amount is only 9%. The calorie content of dry Hercules due to fat is approximately 60-70 kcal. Porridge contains important fats such as oleic and linoleic acid, omega-3 and omega-6. Important feature is the absence of cholesterol. Moreover, cereals can not only regulate blood sugar levels, but also significantly reduce them.

Hidden disadvantages of a dietary product

In all diets based on the calorie content of Hercules oatmeal, it is indicated that oatmeal gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, contains the majority essential minerals and vitamins, as well as a sufficient amount of protein. It's true: 100 g of cereal will make up almost a quarter daily norm proteins. But not only healthy fats will enter the body: along with poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids will show themselves and saturated fats. Modern cereals also contain a small amount of trans fats. Other unknown disadvantages of oatmeal are hidden in the very method of its preparation.

The famous cereal is nothing more than steamed oat groats premium, smoothed to the state of petals. As a result of numerous treatments, some of the beneficial substances are lost, and complex carbohydrates, for which oatmeal is valued, turn into lungs. As a result, the high nutritional value of the dish is lost, and Hercules porridge with milk acquires a calorie content many times greater than its nutritional value boiled cereal. Instant oat dishes are becoming especially popular now. They are also called oatmeal.

However, such food usually contains various additives from fruits and other sweets. Naturally, oh dietary requirements such a dish is out of the question - it almost entirely consists of light carbohydrates and harmful food additives. Even Hercules 13es grain bread often has too high a calorie content due to the fact that the manufacturer strives by any means to improve the taste of the product.

If you want to not only enjoy the taste of oatmeal, but at the same time eat right and lose weight, then Hercules is one of the best products to fulfill the intended purpose, if natural oat cereals are not at hand. Just pay attention to the composition and ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins - this will ensure not only the taste, but also the healthiness of your breakfast!

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