The dog doesn't eat what to do. What to do when your dog doesn't eat well. Foods that a toy terrier should not eat

They belong to the breed of dogs that are considered puppies, even if the dog is already an adult. Small, smooth-haired dogs have fascinated, above all, women all over the world.

The Toy Terrier can be carried in a bag (it is important to remember that the bag for carrying the pet must be designed for this purpose) various events, take it with you on a visit, to a cafe. Babies love their owners' attention more than anything in life. and are happy to be around them all the time.

The popularity of the breed in the world is great, but small dogs require an even more responsible approach on the part of the owner. Improper feeding can lead to problems with the stomach and intestines. Toy terriers do not complain about their health if they follow proper diet and walking in clothes during the cold season.

Advice! If adult dog looks like a puppy, then you can’t feed her based on the number of feedings of puppies. An adult Toy Terrier should eat 2 times a day, like any breed of dog.

Despite its size and fragile build, the basis of the diet for this breed is meat. Toy Terriers are incredible active dogs who spend a huge amount of energy during the day, as a result of which they are constantly ready to eat more.

But you should not overfeed your pet, since obesity will sharply reduce life expectancy. It is important to balance food in terms of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Important! Meat in the diet of a small predator should be from 40 to 50%, cereals (cereals) - from 20 to 30%, vegetables - 15-25%, fruits - 2-5%.

The standard for toy terriers appeared at the end of the 20th century, according to it The dog's weight does not exceed 3 kg, and its height reaches 20–28 cm. If the dog is shorter than the stated height, then its weight should not exceed 1.5–2 kg. Portions for adult pets are weighed on an electronic kitchen scale, which will be very helpful in determining the weight of a portion. For every kilogram of animal weight there should be 65–80 grams of food.

What is the best way to feed a toy terrier?

There are two food options for the Toy Terrier: natural or dry. Breeders have varied opinions about the benefits of this or that type of feeding; there is no consensus here. But it is important to remember that if in the first months the puppy was on natural food, then accustoming him to dry food should be gradual. Over the course of a month, you add a little dry food to your diet, replacing one natural feeding completely dry. A smooth transition is important for digestive system dogs.

Important! Many veterinarians are of the opinion that combining dry and natural feed it is forbidden. If the dog eats only dry food, then there is no need to give it additional fruit or meat.

Natural feeding provides additional vitamins, which are prescribed by a veterinarian based on the results of the examination.

Adult dogs, starting from 9 months, are fed 2 times a day. It is best to do this after morning and evening walks.

If the pet goes to the litter box, then you can safely feed it at any time in the morning or evening, the main thing is not to feed it too late in the morning - the toy terrier should not go hungry. The serving size is determined by the weight of the animal - about 80 grams of feed per 1 kg of weight.

Important! Additionally natural food no salt, no added sugar.

Natural feeding can be varied as desired: Give meat and porridge in the morning, vegetables or cottage cheese in the evening, the next day you can replace dairy foods with fish. The food of a small pet should be as healthy and complete as possible. Many owners note that their pets’ diet prompted them to change their own eating pattern. After all, in fact, the nutrition of a toy terrier is what almost every trainer in the gym will offer for the transition to dietary and healthy eating. Food must be fresh and prepared daily - You can’t feed your dogs week-old porridge.

Features of the diet for small breeds

In addition, before feeding the meat to the dog, it is not only defrosted, but also scalded with boiling water. Some owners cook the meat in boiling unsalted water for 5 minutes.

You can do the same with fish and cottage cheese.– divide into portions and put in the freezer, and give to the animal after defrosting. By-products are good for dogs; they are not frozen, but doused with boiling water or boiled for several minutes.

No spices are added to the cereals given to toy terriers. as well as in vegetable stew. Exception - sea ​​salt on the tip of a teaspoon is added to the porridge, but this is done infrequently. If your dog eats yogurt, it should not contain dyes. Cottage cheese for toy terriers is often made from children's cottage cheese. You can mix meat with porridge (1/3 porridge and 2/3 meat) if your pet does not want to eat porridge in its pure form.

Advice! Dog eating healthy food, It has cheerful look, his fur is shiny and shiny, his eyes are not watery, his nose is moist, his breath is clean, there is no smell from his mouth. If you see negative changes in appearance in your dog, contact your veterinarian.

Dry food for toy terriers – which is best?

Veterinarians are of the opinion that the main thing in choosing dry food should be selection of food specifically for small breed dogs. Such foods contain the entire range of vitamins, necessary for the baby. It is worth choosing premium brands. Trusted manufacturers of food for toy terriers are the following companies: Purina, Royal Canin, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Orijen, etc..

Selection the right food consists in choosing a product that contains several types of cereals, 2-3 types of meat (chicken and beef), vitamins, dry vegetables and fruits. All this will provide the toy terrier with much-needed energy. Breeders do not recommend alternating natural feeding and dry food.

If the dog eats only dry food, it Sometimes you can give fermented milk products(cottage cheese, kefir).

Important! Dry food should not contain soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, corn grits, cereals (wheat).

What you can and cannot feed

Mandatory components in the toy terrier's diet will be beef and chicken. You can also note the following products allowed for consumption:

  • lamb, offal;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • natural yogurt (without dyes and sugar);
  • rice, buckwheat, hercules;
  • fish, exclusively sea fish - salmon, pollock;
  • zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes;
  • seaweed;
  • dill, parsley;
  • chicken yolk (be sure to cook!);
  • honey (no more than 1 time per week);
  • vegetable or olive oil(1-2 drops 2 times a week);
  • bananas, apples.

Generally speaking, the toy terrier Any food from the master's table that contains sugar and salt in excess is prohibited. The list can be supplemented with the following products, feeding which will not only cause allergies in the dog, but will also lead to serious illnesses:

  • sausages, fried meat, smoked meats;
  • spicy foods, seasonings, ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise;
  • chips, crackers, cookies;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • pasta, bread;
  • pork and any fatty meat;
  • raw offal and raw fish;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • a raw egg.

It is worth noting that small breeds require careful and special treatment both in nutrition and circulation. Toy terriers are practically dependent on their owner for psychological levelthey love attention very much, are afraid of large objects, loud noise. Therefore, it is important to provide the baby with a carefree existence.

Advice! Do not feed your toy terrier food from the table, no matter how much he whines and dances in front of you. This is fraught with health problems.

Monitor your health and general condition dogs, don't let them go hungry. If your pet eats the portion too quickly, increase it by 10-15 grams, which will allow you to understand whether he needs additional nutrition.

But it is important to remember the ratio of height and weight, toy terrier should not be swollen or have bloated belly . The dog should always be graceful and active. If your pet does not eat for more than a day, you must take the animal to the veterinarian. Healthy and good nutrition will provide your dog life expectancy equal to 13–18 years.

Useful video

Video about the nutrition of toy terriers:

eats nothing except meat and chicken. I never ate dry food at all, I always turned back the pug. He doesn’t eat buckwheat, he doesn’t eat rice, he doesn’t eat cottage cheese. boiled vegetables not really either. He doesn’t like anything, just serve meat, how to train him? already tired. will walk around the bowl, sniff, but will not eat. Or he’ll catch the meat and that’s it. and so from the first days, although they followed the breeder’s instructions about feeding. Right now I’ve been giving him vitamins for a year and a half, we tried giving him in his food, but he won’t eat, but he pulled out the vitamins and went on his walk. we tried leaving the bowl empty, just water, it doesn’t matter to him, he’ll look at them like fools and move on. Added 3 months ago, it’s easier to send him to the barbecue))))))))) Added 3 months ago and the most disgusting thing is that when we sit down to eat he comes up and makes such a pitiful look, like I’m hungry, even when the bowl is full, for the life of me))))))) Added 3 months ago bread?! What are you talking about))))))) this is probably for my snicker, like slop, he doesn’t eat it at all in any form, he’s a goat in one word Added 3 months ago he’s a year and a half old, we’ve lived for a year and three months, and all this time we’ve been suffering like this with foodAdded 3 months agoYou will be hungry, but you still get madAdded 3 months agoMy husband keeps making fun of me: you say not normal dog, a normal dog from the street would have eaten this and said “why is it so little?”))))))))


don’t feed him for two days - he won’t die; on the second day, offer him what you would like to feed him - he refuses to eat, remove the bowl. Offer him the same thing in the evening, if he refuses, remove the bowl and so on. No problems with feeding. If this is psychologically difficult for you, feed him meat, no problem (he probably doesn’t eat that much) :)


try buying vitamins for dogs and mixing them into their food - they really like vitamins


Spoiled. Place a bowl of dry food/porridge. He doesn’t eat, his problems - we remove them until the next feeding. When hungry he will eat anything.


You spoiled your dog, he didn’t eat a cup for 15 minutes? clean up and so on until the next feeding. Not eating again? - clean it up! and again until the next feeding. More than one dog has died near a full bowl)))


My poodle does this sometimes too. She was 6 months old yesterday... It’s okay. She didn’t eat at lunch, but for dinner she gobbled up the whole bowl. We feed meat + porridge + vegetables and in the break between breakfast and lunch cottage cheese, we can give it sometimes with a banana .My friend has a Fox Terrier. She also didn’t eat anything, and more than once a day, and sometimes she didn’t even eat for 3 days!!! Nothing, she’s alive and well!!! Don’t worry, everything will be fine with your toy!!!


Probably got sick with something... Go to the vet!


Well, this is normal, a dog is a predator and eats meat, meat should be at least 70% of the diet, he is often picky about food, remove the bowl if he does not eat or has not finished eating and no pieces from the table and feeding between meals


bourgeois. my dog ​​(ugh ugh) eats wheat porridge. It’s true that he also eats better with meat scraps


What to do if your dog won't eat? Here are some thoughts to help you solve the problem. Does your dog usually eat whatever you put in front of him? If so, a sudden change in appetite suggests a visit to the veterinarian. If your dog has other symptoms, such as lethargy, fever, vomiting, signs of pain, diarrhea, jaundice, or anything unusual, call your veterinarian. You have made changes to your dog's diet, such as introducing a new food or adding a supplement to your dog's food. the dog may not like it. Go back to the old food or see what she eats well in the new diet. Sometimes changes in the family can curb a dog's appetite, such as someone moving away or you having guests. You have moved or changed the furniture and furnishings in your apartment, this sometimes upsets the dog, temporarily. If your pet begins to be overweight, check whether your family members are feeding additional products, in addition to his diet. Dogs tend to hide the fact that they are not feeling well, and therefore you need to be observant. Some of the problems that may arise may be hidden from the dog, but with due diligence on your part, you can find the source of the problem. And then you will always know that your pet is healthy and does not suffer from certain diseases.

loaf of bread

My yard terrier also eats grub. a couple of days on bread and water, eats everything they give. is capricious.


Just remove the bowl 15 minutes after you put it down, regardless of whether it is empty or full, until the next feeding and offer the same thing, but half as much, if you haven’t eaten, remove the bowl.


People are right to advise not to immediately eat what you offer, remove the bowl, let him think. A couple of days before the little one starts eating! And NO handouts from the table, it’s better to kick them out of the kitchen altogether when you eat yourself. If you choose pieces, then pass everything through a meat grinder. He doesn’t need much, let him have it more meat and by-products than porridge, put vitamins for the smell there too. My dogs also boycotted me at the dacha, the food had run out, it was a 7-hour commute to the city by train, I cooked porridge in broths, rice, buckwheat, millet, even rolled oats. At first they looked at me with such looks as “you’re crazy, mistress!” the cats were actively trying to bury “it”, I removed the bowl immediately after they defiantly left, I offered it in the evening, they didn’t want to, two days passed, someone quietly ate a whole basin, I didn’t see it, and when they saw me later with the bowls, they were already dancing from joy! :))) and the well-fed ones barely moved their legs.


A friend with a boxer had such nonsense... Meat is not meat for her, fish is not fish... Dumplings were made especially for her, so that the poor child would at least eat something. In response to my advice, “Your face is like a brick, they put a bowl, she won’t eat? The flag is in her paws. The bowl is back in the refrigerator, until the next feeding. And most importantly: no pieces from the table!” They made round eyes, “What are you doing? She’s already skinny!” " In general, when the crisis of the 90s hit, and the financial situation became dire, and there was little to eat... the dog got better, and even ate porridge on the water and licked the bowl.

But sometimes it happens that that terrier poor appetite born of illness. The health of a toy terrier largely depends on its proper nutrition. Often, owners of children complain that the toy terrier does not eat well. Let's see why this happens.

You start trying to feed your toy from your hands, running after him throughout the apartment, he gets scared, runs away and stops approaching food altogether... Your dependence on the whims of the dog has formed. I gave some other injection. If the dog was not allergic to Royal Horse, she willingly ate it, then it is suitable for her. The thing is that your knowledge about the composition of food may not take into account the physiology of your dog at all.

Appetite comes with eating

It is better not to feed food that is difficult to obtain. Natalya, we have the same situation. But he told us that we most likely spoiled her, sometimes giving her a banana, an apple, a carrot, and now she’s just being picky. The older the dog, the less susceptible it is to training. Dumplings were made especially for her, so that the poor child would at least have something to eat. Offer him the same thing in the evening, if he refuses, remove the bowl and so on. No problems with feeding.

My friend has a Fox Terrier. And NO handouts from the table, it’s better to kick them out of the kitchen altogether when you eat yourself. If you choose pieces, then pass everything through a meat grinder. He doesn’t need much, let there be more meat and offal than porridge, put vitamins for the smell there too. Does your dog usually eat whatever you put in front of him? If so, a sudden change in appetite suggests a visit to the veterinarian.

Sometimes changes in the family can curb a dog's appetite, such as someone moving away or you having guests. Dogs tend to hide the fact that they are not feeling well, so you need to be observant. And then you will always know that your pet is healthy and does not suffer from certain diseases. A well-balanced and successfully selected food prolongs the life of your pet, allows you to be healthy and cheerful.

Often, a loving owner causes irreparable harm to his pet by sharing his food with him and at the same time being in full confidence that the dog receives everything that is delicious and fresh. The first and most common problem is the fault of the owner himself. This happens once, twice, three times, it enters the system and soon the puppy sits sadly near a full cup, waiting with food for the next delicacy.

Illness and lack of appetite.

But how simple it is, they gave me food, I didn’t eat it, they took it away after twenty minutes. At the next feeding they put a cup in, if he didn’t eat it, he removed it. You just need to redirect your little manipulator and that’s it! Strictly maintain the time between feedings, always give healthy, fresh food, and the problem with appetite will be solved. Sometimes, by the age of four or five, a dog loses most of its teeth, the gums become inflamed, and all these dental problems cause the dog pain and reluctance to eat solid food, and we suffer from loss of appetite.

Sometimes hairless areas appear on the Toy Terrier's body. They can be small, less than 5 cm in diameter, and large, more than 15 cm in diameter.

The article describes everything very well what and how to cook, what to feed these dogs. And he doesn’t eat, for example, porridge.3. Feed your dog only in a bowl and certain time, removing the bowl every time after eating or after 20 minutes, as you offered the dog to eat.2. If it was plastic, then buy enamel, if it was stainless, buy porcelain.5.

Age more than a year, has always been a good appetite, I feed only boiled meat or boiled chicken, buy vitamins. Now the dog has started to get up, even play, but EATS NOTHING AT ALL! Today I am vomiting bile again.

The dog did not eat anything for three days. I shove it into her in small pieces. Skin and bones. What to do. Sharp and frequent change Dry food will definitely not do any good. I, in principle, understand you, diligently studying the labels and descriptions of food, you are trying to choose the best one for your dog. In response to my advice, “Your face is like a brick, they put a bowl in there, isn’t he eating? The flag is in her paws. Return the bowl to the refrigerator until the next feeding.

In general, when the crisis of the 90s hit, and the financial situation became terrible, and there was little to eat... The dog got better, and even ate porridge with water and licked the bowl. We feed him meat + porridge + vegetables and, between breakfast and lunch, cottage cheese, sometimes we can give him a banana.

I also didn’t eat anything, and more than once a day, and sometimes I didn’t even eat for 3 days!!! Nothing, I'm alive and well!!! Don't worry, everything will be fine with your toy!!! What to do if your dog won't eat? Here are some thoughts to help you solve the problem.

It is there, but the dog is in pain and refuses to eat. To avoid this problem, visit regularly veterinarian and strictly follow his recommendations. A visit to the veterinarian will certainly help here. Small dogs like toy terriers due to their specific structure lower jaw often suffer from periodontal disease, tartar deposits and caries.

The health of a toy terrier largely depends on its proper nutrition. A well-balanced and successfully selected food prolongs the life of your pet, allows you to be healthy and cheerful.

Human food is not for that terrier

Often, a loving owner causes irreparable harm to his pet by sharing his food with him and at the same time being in full confidence that the dog receives everything that is delicious and fresh. After all, I was preparing for myself! I would like to debunk this myth. The thousands of years that dogs and I have lived side by side have not made the dog omnivorous like a human. Even the smallest dog, such as a toy terrier, is a predator whose teeth are designed for crushing food, not chewing it.

Feeding human food, i.e. Over-salted, fatty, smoked, dairy products lead to loss of appetite, indigestion, metabolic disorders and liver and kidney diseases.

Appetite comes with eating

Often, owners of children complain that the toy terrier does not eat well. Let's see why this happens. The first and most common problem is the fault of the owner himself. Let’s say the puppy refused to eat for the first time, what does the average owner of a toy terrier, who madly adores his puppy, do? That's right, he puts some delicacy in his bowl. This happens once, twice, three times, it enters the system and soon the puppy sits sadly near a full cup, waiting with food for the next delicacy. And your imagination has dried up, that’s it, the delicacies are over. You start trying feed the toy out of your hands, running after him throughout the apartment, he gets scared, runs away and stops approaching food altogether... Your dependence on the whims of the dog has formed.

But how simple it is, they gave me food, I didn’t eat it, they took it away after twenty minutes. At the next feeding they put a cup in, if he didn’t eat it, he removed it. Believe me, not a single healthy dog ​​will starve himself if there is food in a cup.

You just need to redirect your little manipulator and that’s it! Strictly maintain the time between feedings, always give healthy, fresh food, and the problem with appetite will be solved.

Illness and lack of appetite

But sometimes it happens that the terrier has a poor appetite caused by illness. A visit to the veterinarian will certainly help here. Due to the specific structure of the lower jaw, small dogs such as Toy Terriers often suffer from periodontal disease, tartar deposits and caries. Sometimes, by the age of four or five, a dog loses most of its teeth, the gums become inflamed, and all these dental problems cause the dog pain and reluctance to eat solid food, and we suffer from loss of appetite. It is there, but the dog is in pain and refuses to eat. To avoid this problem, visit your veterinarian regularly and strictly follow his recommendations. Sometimes a perverted appetite is caused by worms, so do not violate the vaccination schedule and give it regularly, once a quarter. anthelmintics that your doctor recommends.

Despite their fragile appearance, toy terriers rarely get sick.

But any disease can cause serious harm to them.

Therefore, it is extremely important to respond to any changes in your pet’s behavior, get all vaccinations in a timely manner and undergo an examination by a specialist.

Musculoskeletal system

Very active dogs. They love to jump. This could end in trauma for them. Dislocations and fractures are possible.

In this case, an operation will be required, as a result of which a pin is inserted into the broken limb.

Meet and genetic diseases musculoskeletal system. For example, Legge-Calvé-Perthes disease or aseptic necrosis head of the femur.

Signs of this disease can appear in a one-year-old dog, although the disease itself begins to develop in six months.

The main symptom of medial dislocation kneecap is lameness and the dog walking on bent legs.

It is important to treat your pet on time. After all, if you ignore the problem, limb atrophy may occur.


Most frequent illness Among the Toys, hydrocephalus is considered to be hydrocephalus. With this disease, enlargement of the skull is often observed.

The dog may walk aimlessly or spin around, bumping into various objects.

With atlantoaxial instability, the first cervical vertebra, which is why the terrier experiences severe pain, which can result in paralysis of the limbs.

Portosystemic anastomosis can occur at any age. The cause of this disease is an abnormal vessel in the liver.

As a result, the blood is not purified in the liver, and harmful substances, along with the blood, enter first the heart and then the brain.

The terrier becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and seizures are possible, even to the point of coma.

The main causes of gastrointestinal problems in toy terriers are considered to be poor nutrition, poor quality food, or allergies to any food products.

Often the cause of diseases of the digestive system in dogs is banal overfeeding of the pet. The most common gastrointestinal disease in terriers is pancreatitis.

The main symptoms of pancreatitis are:

  • nausea;
  • refusal of food;
  • pain when pressing on the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea.

Pancreatitis can be caused poor nutrition, foreign object in the intestines, complications after gastritis, etc.

Diarrhea and vomiting are quite common in dogs. They can be caused by excitement or food changes.

If no other symptoms are observed, put your pet on a starvation diet. But at the same time, you must give your dog clean water.

If you have diarrhea, you can give your pet a chamomile decoction, adding a pinch of salt to it.

Also, for diarrhea, you can give a small amount of activated carbon.

The next day after fasting, you can give liquid oatmeal. This diet should last 2-3 days.

After this, you can gradually return to. If after this the diarrhea does not stop, you need to consult a specialist. After all, diarrhea can be a sign of an infectious disease.

You can often see toy terriers' eyes watering. This is due to the structure of their tear ducts.

Eye problems in toy terriers are genetically determined diseases.

The most common conditions are conjunctivitis and cataracts..

Cataracts are usually related to the age of the dog and occur in older dogs.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, accompanied by purulent-serous discharge, which can lead to eye diseases.

Also, with conjunctivitis, the dog's eyes become watery. The main reason for the development of conjunctivitis is considered to be a decrease in the dog’s immunity.

Keratitis – inflammation of the cornea eyeball. The cause of development may be an eye injury or infection.

The following symptoms are observed with keratitis::

  • eyes water;
  • the cornea becomes cloudy;
  • eyes are extremely sensitive to light.

Therefore, if you notice that your dog’s eyes are watery or there is discharge, then immediately contact a specialist.

Tartar, early tooth loss, and bad breath are also common diseases among Toy Terriers.

If you notice that your pet's teeth are falling out, you should immediately contact a specialist, as this can lead to serious consequences.

For example, bleeding gums, pain, a strong uneven load on the remaining teeth can lead to their wear and malocclusion.

There are several reasons for tooth loss. The most popular of them are the formation of tartar, soft food, the constant consumption of which can lead to caries and tooth decay.

Lack of stress on the jaw can also cause tooth loss in dogs that are kept in limited space. Regular teeth brushing can be a solution to the problem..

Reasons for the appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth a lot. If you feel that your pet's mouth smells bad, you need to carefully examine the oral cavity.

Bad breath can be accompanied by a change in your pet's teeth. Injuries oral cavity and tartar can also cause bad breath.

If an examination of the oral cavity does not yield results, then your pet has digestive problems.

If the bad breath is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, then most likely your pet has been poisoned.

In any case, it is best to contact a specialist. He will determine the reason why your pet has bad breath.

In order to exclude infectious diseases It is necessary to give your pet all necessary vaccinations in a timely manner.

Regular seasonal shedding is completely normal.

But what to do if your pet sheds regardless of the season and for too long, while redness and inflamed areas are observed on the skin?

Seek help from a veterinarian immediately.

The main reasons why your pet sheds a lot are liver disease, lack of vitamins, skin diseases, severe stress etc.


Vaccinations are needed to give your dog immunity. early age. Today, toy terriers receive comprehensive vaccinations.

One drug includes the most dangerous infections . Timely vaccinations will help your pet avoid many diseases.


If you haven't taken care of your little pet and he has problems with his ears, they need to be cleaned of pus. This can be done either independently or by contacting a specialist. In this video you will learn how to carry out this procedure yourself.

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