Boiled beets while breastfeeding. Beetroot during breastfeeding: misconceptions and real contraindications

Becoming a mother, a woman’s lifestyle changes dramatically. Everything is limited not only sleepless nights and continuous washing. In addition to all the troubles, a young mother must very carefully monitor her diet. This is due to the fact that the mother must feed the newborn with breast milk, the quality and benefits of which depend 100% on the products she consumes. Therefore, it is recommended to limit yourself to those products that will benefit both mother and baby.

Because of this reason, many new mothers must eliminate quite a bit from their diet. a large number of products that, at first glance, seem healthy. As a rule, this list includes absolutely all vegetables and fruits that are characterized by red color and all its shades. It is worth noting that beets were undeservedly included in this list.

Today in our article we will talk about the benefits and harms of beets for breastfeeding , as well as in what form and quantity it can be consumed.

Are beets an allergen?

Let's look at the main reasons reasons why young parents exclude beets from their diet:

  1. Laxative effect.
  2. The root vegetable contains high concentration fiber.
  3. Red color.

And now, Let's take a look at the reasons why a nursing mother is simply obliged to eat this product:

  1. The laxative effect affects the mother’s physical condition, having a beneficial effect on her digestive system. As for the baby, this feature is not reflected in him, he only consumes breast milk, enriched with vitamins.
  2. Medicine for hemorrhoids natural origin, which is compatible with GW.
  3. The root vegetable contains antioxidants, folic acids, vitamins C, E, PP and B, as well as cobalt, iodine, magnesium, flavanoids and iron.

Beneficial properties of beets for breastfeeding

Beetroot during breastfeeding: from what month can it be introduced into the mother’s diet?

  • As you already understand, feeding a young mother boiled beets is completely safe. However, the question arises: when is it more appropriate to introduce this product into your menu after discharge from the maternity hospital? In the absence of individual contraindications, many pediatricians allow a young mother to feed beets a few days after being discharged from the hospital.
  • Doctors are convinced that beets help both mother and child recover quickly from stress, and will also help the baby adapt to new living conditions. If you and your child do not have any deviations or pathologies, then you can introduce the vegetable into the menu already in the first month of the baby’s life.
  • Before you fully and abundantly feed yourself root vegetables, you should do a sensitivity test. To do this you need to boil it completely. small piece vegetable, without first flavoring it with anything, look at the baby’s reaction. If no modifications were noted, then you can gradually increase the amount of product consumed.
  • Is it possible to eat this root vegetable often in the first month of a child’s life? At this stage, it is recommended to limit yourself to two doses per week. As the newborn grows, the amount of beets can be increased to 3 - 4 doses per week.

Young mothers, pay attention Special attention that all of the above material concerns cooked product. Raw beets are contraindicated during breastfeeding throughout the entire duration of lactation. Without being subjected to heat treatment, this product is poorly absorbed, against the background of which a woman may begin to experience problems with the activity of the stomach and pancreas.

Beetroot during breastfeeding in the first month of life

As a rule, the first month after childbirth, the young mother's menu is extremely meager and includes a large amount of cereals and a small amount of green vegetables. But you must admit that such food not only gets boring quickly, but also does not saturate the mother’s body with all the necessary substances.

An excellent way to add some variety to your menu. is beets. The advantageous feature of this root vegetable is that it goes well with many foods; it can be used to complement not only second courses, but also first courses. In the first days after birth acceptable norm Vegetable consumption is no more than 50 grams per day. But even such a small amount of vegetable can benefit not only the mother, but also children's body. During the first 10 days, it is recommended to eat the product in the smallest quantities. Starting from the second week, the amount can be increased slightly.

With each subsequent dose you can add 20 grams of product, but at the same time, carefully observing physical condition newborn baby. If a rash appears, then the product should be completely excluded from the menu for a while, and then start eating it in the amount at which the baby felt comfortable. If everything goes well, then by the end of the first month of life you will be able to consume about 200 grams of boiled beets per day.

Is it possible to have beets while breastfeeding: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

According to the respected Dr. Komarovsky, during lactation A woman’s menu should be as varied as possible. A young mother only needs to give up fried, salted, smoked foods, as well as alcohol and nicotine. Boiled beets are a must on the menu.

However, a woman should use it taking into account individual characteristics your body and your developing child. But, if deviations from the norm are not observed, then this product can be introduced into the mother’s diet, starting from the first days of the child’s life.

Please note that the emphasis throughout is on the fact that the product must be boiled subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Nutrition becomes a special issue during breastfeeding. What adults can and even need to eat may not always be beneficial for children: there is a risk that their body will respond with allergies or digestive disorders. Therefore, doubts arise about many products. Let's try to figure out whether a nursing mother can eat beets.

What's good about beets?

The brown root vegetable is included in the list of leaders among vegetables in terms of benefits for humans. It contains many vitamins and active substances, helps digestion and has a slight bactericidal effect. The iron contained in this root vegetable is especially necessary during periods of weakened body and for people prone to anemia. Iodine is simply indispensable for health thyroid gland, and B vitamins help a person not only be healthy, but also maintain youth for a long time. Hippocrates, founder modern medicine, considered the red vegetable not just useful, but medicine. Therefore, during lactation, beets acquire special value.

A nursing mother can eat beets

Some argue about whether beets can be consumed during lactation. One of the reasons why women during lactation avoid eating this root vegetable is a prejudice against red foods. Of course, this rule has good reasons; red color usually means the presence of rather aggressive substances, potential allergens. But this does not apply to our vegetable. On the contrary, it is recommended to include beets regularly in the mother’s diet during breastfeeding. Of course, without fanaticism - this applies to any product, because ancient wisdom says that everything is poison and everything is medicine, the difference can only be in quantity. Boiled beets during breastfeeding will help the mother get much-needed microelements and vitamins.

Beetroot for a nursing mother

When asked whether a nursing mother can eat beets, nutritionists answer yes. But nursing mothers, like many other vegetables, should not consume beets raw. Firstly, plant food may also contain pathogens or bacteria; secondly, some foods must be cooked to destroy harmful compounds. An adult’s body can cope with them without problems, but a baby’s immune system may not yet be ready for such stress. Therefore, beets are consumed boiled during lactation. For example, it will be very useful to make a salad, seasoning it with unrefined vegetable oil.

Boiled beets while breastfeeding

If you still have doubts about whether a nursing mother can eat beets and how the baby’s body can react to it, let’s see what happens when a mother eats beets during lactation. The mother’s body, and therefore her milk, is saturated with vitamins and microelements, including iron necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. And, what is especially important, iodine, because, being in natural form, it is absorbed into the blood exactly in the doses required, but artificial supplements are dangerous due to overdose. Also, this root vegetable during breastfeeding will help the mother’s body get rid of unnecessary, harmful substances. Some doubt whether beets can be used by breastfeeding women because of their laxative effect, but This effect is not reflected in the child. On the contrary, many mothers notice that when the red root vegetable was included in their diet, the baby began to experience less problems with digestion.

So, we hope you have gotten rid of your doubts about whether a nursing mother can eat beetroot. It is not only possible to eat beet while breastfeeding, but also necessary, as, indeed, in any other period of life. All vegetables are very beneficial for the body due to their low calorie content and high content vitamins, fiber and microelements. Therefore, during lactation, mothers must include beet in their diet, but only in boiled form.

There are quite a few versions among experts proper diet for a nursing mother. In addition to completely prohibited or recommended foods for lactation, they also contain vegetables that are controversial among doctors. The well-known beet belongs to this category of gifts of nature. What could be wrong with eating such a familiar vegetable? Can beets be consumed while breastfeeding?

Read in this article

The benefits of vegetables for a nursing woman

Beetroot or beetroot is one of the most common vegetables in our gardens. Cultivation does not require any special skills from villagers. The root vegetable is unpretentious and is widely used in various diets.

According to biologists, this garden plant contains a large number of useful substances, many of which are in great demand. female body when breastfeeding. Beets are useful for a young mother for the following reasons:

Benefit Effect on the body
Vitamins The composition of root vegetables includes several common groups. Vitamin C helps a woman neutralize low blood pressure, vitamin E promotes the timely growth of the baby’s nervous system, and folic acid is simply an indispensable component of food for a small child.
Microelements During lactation, beets can fill the body of mother and baby with a number of microelements. To the most necessary and valuable during this period minerals include calcium, magnesium and iron. Of particular note is the high content of iodine in this vegetable.
Laxative effect Many experts, in their nutritional recommendations for a young mother, point to significant laxative effect this root vegetable. are one of the biggest problems during breastfeeding. Thanks to beets, doctors are able to successfully cope with this pathology, which reduces the likelihood of cracks in a nursing woman. anus or .
Removal of toxins Lovers traditional medicine The vegetable has long been widely used as a means to remove toxins and waste products from the body. The root vegetable, of course, cannot be considered a full-fledged sorbent, but it is often recommended to be eaten for chronic poisoning.

Most doctors advise their patients to use this tasty and healthy gift of vegetable gardens. However, there are certain restrictions for prescribing vegetables during lactation.

Why are some pediatricians against beetroot?

  • The gift of vegetable gardens in question is only available in red in nature. If we take into account most special nutrition guidelines for women during lactation, red foods are completely prohibited for a new mother. Beets are one of the few exceptions to the rules that, on the contrary, should benefit a nursing mother and her baby.
  • Some doctors consider the second negative point to be high percentage fiber in vegetables. It is assumed that if beets have a laxative effect on the patient during breastfeeding, then eating them during lactation can cause similar problems in the little person.

Scientists have proven that substances that cause loose stool in the mother, practically do not pass into breast milk. On the contrary, in boys suffering from constipation, the introduction of beets into the mother’s diet normalizes the act of defecation. Oddly enough, this rule applies less to female infants.

A nursing woman should remember that every new or vegetable introduced into the diet can provoke a sharp pathological reaction The child has.

Watch the video about nutrition for a nursing mother:

Subtleties of introducing root vegetables into a woman’s diet

Despite the complete safety of this vegetable for a young mother and her baby, there are certain rules for introducing the gifts of nature into the diet. Beets during breastfeeding in the first month after childbirth are not prohibited, but are not encouraged by pediatricians:

  • If a nursing woman decides to eat beetroot to improve her diet or as a laxative, it is best to bake this root vegetable in the oven. The resulting dish with minimal addition of sugar or jam can diversify the diet and bring pleasure to the young mother.
  • This boiled vegetable can be widely used to diversify a woman’s table during lactation. Nutritionists note the excellent taste of a salad made from mashed boiled beetroot with the addition of olive or linseed oil.
  • The root crop in question retains its taste qualities in any form heat treatment. Special vegetarian dishes such as vegetable stew with beets, stewed beetroot with tomatoes and potatoes, lean soup based on this gift of nature.

Experts believe that until the baby reaches 6 months, beets can only be served baked or as a steamed dish.

These thermal methods preparing the root vegetable does not reduce its energy and vitamin value, but helps prevent irritation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach of the young mother.

Boiled beets during breastfeeding remain the main dish of a nursing mother until the baby reaches 6 months. After this date, the vegetable garden product can be allowed to the young woman in its raw form.

To lift vitality and restoration of full work immune system A nursing woman needs a certain vitamin supplement. For this purpose, beets are the most suitable product. Root vegetable salads allow you to saturate a woman’s body with various useful substances, so necessary for her after childbirth and during breastfeeding.

Many mothers use the vegetable for nutrition within 2 to 4 days after birth. Experts do not see any obstacles to such a position for the mother, but they recommend that she conduct such experiments with diet as carefully as possible.

At the slightest hint of allergic reaction Your baby should stop eating beets completely and consult your doctor.

What can a nursing mother do to please herself?

When breastfeeding, many mothers focus on national cuisine in their diet. A woman believes that if her body is accustomed to certain products, then the child’s gastrointestinal tract can easily adapt to the same vegetables and fruits.

When asked whether a nursing mother can eat beets, the overwhelming majority of specialists answer satisfactorily. In addition, nutritionists offer young women several tasty and healthy recipes:

  • Beet salad and walnuts can not only become a decoration for a young mother’s table. This dish will improve her digestion and strengthen her immunity. Constipation in a nursing woman will completely disappear after introducing this salad into her diet. To do this, a woman should take 1 kilogram of beets, two red onions and cut them into small pieces. All this is doused with boiling water and mixed with 100 grams of olive oil. After adding salt and lemon juice, this dish can be recommended not only to a nursing mother, but also to a chic restaurant.
  • The following recipe for preparing a salad from the root vegetable in question boils down to the fact that it is recommended to finely chop 500 grams of beetroot and 100 grams. These ingredients are mixed, 50 grams of broken walnuts are added to the resulting mixture olive oil. Salt and spices in this salad should be limited, since this dish greatly affects lactation in a young mother.
  • When the baby reaches 6 months of age, doctors allow the woman to eat regular vegetables. But they recommend adding beets to it as a component. A mixture of fresh tomatoes and beets puts most ladies in a festive mood. With such a diet, the only requirement for a nursing mother is: at the first sign of an allergic reaction in the baby, use delicious dish you should stop and seek medical help immediately.

Beets are one of those few products that are allowed for a nursing mother from the first days after childbirth. However, there are no dogmas in medicine, especially when it comes to the health of a mother or her baby.

Every product, even the most harmless, included in a woman’s diet can cause pathological conditions she has a child too. Therefore, for a young mother, the main thing is not an attempt to diversify her menu, but responsibility for the life and health of the baby.

A nursing mother's table should be optimally healthy and strictly exclude foods that causing allergies and colic in infants. The main products in the diet are lean meat, baked fruits and boiled vegetables. Are all vegetables safe even when cooked? Are beets allowed while breastfeeding? After all, it has a rich red pigment that causes an allergic reaction in the child.

What are the benefits of beets for a nursing mother?

Beetroot has wonderful property– it is a natural laxative. Many women experience constipation after childbirth, and their problem can mainly be solved with pills, suppositories or enemas. But eating a couple of pieces of beets will gently and naturally help normalize your stool. Boiled beets during breastfeeding bring great benefit mom.

In addition, this year-round root vegetable is constantly in the store, and can completely eliminate the shortage in winter essential vitamins and minerals. Beets are rich in amino acids, pectin, fiber, glucose, fructose, and antioxidants. The vegetable contains: sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, rubidium, boron, nickel, copper.

The difference between beets and the mass of other vegetables is their high iron content and the ability to restore blood loss. This is extremely important for mothers who suffer from low hemoglobin during pregnancy or those who lost a lot of blood during childbirth.

So, beet:

  • regulates stool, gently relieving bowel movements;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains iodine;
  • cleanses the body of toxins, cleanses the intestines;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes food digestion;
  • strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure;
  • protects the liver;
  • improves protein metabolism;
  • promotes brain activity;
  • helps lose weight. In 100 g - 42 kcal.

Like all products, burgundy vegetables have contraindications.

It is forbiddeneat it:

  • diabetics due to great content Sahara;
  • people suffering from kidney disease – the composition contains oxalic acid;
  • Beetroot dishes are not allowed for patients with osteoporosis. The product disrupts the natural absorption of calcium;
  • It is forbidden for people suffering from eating beets frequent diarrhea and indigestion.

Will a red vegetable harm a baby?

Any conscientious mother, first of all, cares not about herself, but about the little man, whose health depends entirely on her. No matter how beneficial beets are, the dark burgundy color will alert every woman. Any red product - fruit, vegetable or berry strictlyIt is forbidden to eat during breastfeeding. Doctors do not clearly answer the question of whether beets are harmful to a baby in the first months of life. Some pediatricians talk about its dangers during lactation, and some, on the contrary, say that you should definitely eat beets.

Boiled beets are one of those rare exceptions when you can eat them while breastfeeding. Saturated pigments that color the root crop burgundy-red, absolutelyhypoallergenic, and a baby’s red cheeks are more likely to appear from a yellow banana than from beets.

Another concern of a caring mother is the laxative effect. As you know, all foods eaten by a woman pass to the child through milk. And when mom ate something that upset her stomach, the baby will also suffer from upset.

But the doctors are reassuring here too. This vegetable affects the digestive system of the person who eats it. And metabolic elements penetrate into the milk and are not capable of causing frequent bowel movements in the infant. But there are exceptions when it comes to individual intolerance to a red product.

Rules for eating beets while breastfeeding

A strict diet during breastfeeding is needed in the first months of a newborn’s life, while his enzymatic and digestive systems adapt, develop and strengthen. Therefore useful root vegetableshould be administered 3 months after the baby is born.

Beets with greens during the GW period

You can eat beets after heat treatment, which does not in any way affect the benefits of the product, but, on the contrary, reveals its qualities more widely and destroys existing harmful compounds. It should be steamed or over low heat until it becomes boiled. When added to a salad or borscht, it will add anti-inflammatory properties to dishes, making stews, soups, and meat taste tastier and more multifaceted. When stewing, add a little water to the beets, and add oil when serving just before the meal. Adding spices and seasonings during breastfeeding is strictly prohibited.

Pediatricians recommend introducing borscht into the diet of a nursing woman, not in the first month, but after the baby is at least 3 months old. At the same time, it is introduced in small portions, like any new product. Monitor the reaction throughout the day and then increase the dose. The borscht recipe should not include frying, garlic and spices. Fresh herbs are added instead. You can prepare the dish using low-fat broths and only from fresh products without purchased tomato paste and fresh tomatoes. It is recommended to season this favorite dish with pasteurized tomato juice.

Raw vegetables, especially beets, and freshly squeezed juices during lactation are strictly prohibited in the first year of a child’s life.

Only seasonal vegetables are allowed, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes. Plant products hide bacteria that the adult body does not notice upon contact. And the newborn’s body is unlikely to cope with such compounds and will react unpredictably. As a result serious problems the baby is provided with digestion. In addition, raw vegetable products are powerful allergens and contain rich microelements that negatively affect the digestive system.

To begin with, the mother introduces a piece of the product along with the porridge and constantly monitors the baby’s reaction. If he is calm and does not show any symptoms, you can increase the portion. You should dilute the menu and add unfamiliar beetroot flavor notes to the milk three times a week, not exceeding 200 g per day.

Important! Be careful when combining beets with other dishes. If you stew it with carrots, it will become an excellent fortified product that increases hemoglobin. But with onions and garlic you have to be patient. Spices irritate the digestive system. To dress salads you must use sour cream, lemon juice, sunflower oil, unsweetened yogurt. You should avoid mayonnaise. The store-bought product is harmful not only to infants, but also to healthy adult men.

All innovations must be agreed upon with your pediatrician. He will tell you when and in what quantity you can introduce this or that product, based on the individual characteristics of the mother and child.

The list of foods that you can eat while breastfeeding is not as long as we would like. Beets can be recommended for women during breastfeeding, but there are some restrictions related to the age of the infant.

Beetroot is a unique vegetable. He came to our latitudes from Ancient Byzantium. Since then this healthy root vegetable often appears on our tables in the form of borscht and salads. In Buryak there is one very important feature: after heat treatment it does not lose its useful properties. This means that boiled beets are no less useful than many other raw vegetables. Many women ask the question: can a nursing mother eat beets? Let's try to figure it out.

Benefits and contraindications

Beneficial properties of beets:

  1. Low calorie content - 40 kcal, which will certainly be appreciated by women who want to lose weight.
  2. Renders on body lung laxative effect. For many nursing mothers, the topic of constipation is relevant. Beets are one of the means of preventing bowel dysfunction. Its regular use normalizes intestinal function. You should know that beets eaten by the mother will not have a laxative effect on the baby’s body. Therefore, diarrhea and dehydration in infants in this case not a threat.
  3. The root vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses our intestines from putrefactive bacteria and slags.
  4. Regular inclusion of vegetables in the diet helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and also normalizes blood pressure.
  5. Beets are the liver's favorite vegetable. The filtering function of the liver is restored under the influence of beetroot substance - betaine. In addition, the vegetable has hematopoietic properties.
  6. High iron content will prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  7. Folic acid will improve blood supply to the brain and mother and baby, and will also provide beneficial effect on nervous system both.

Harmful properties of beets:

  1. Eating the root vegetable raw in large quantities can lead to diarrhea and dehydration.
  2. You should not eat beets if you have osteoporosis. It interferes with the normal absorption of calcium by the body.
  3. A large amount of sucrose carbohydrate (25%) makes this vegetable forbidden for diabetics.
  4. Beets are contraindicated for diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.

Despite the “traffic light rule,” the bright pigment of beets is not an allergen, which makes it possible to cross it off the list of foods prohibited during breastfeeding.

So, when can a nursing mother eat beets? It is advisable to wait until the baby is 2 months old to consume beets. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Root vegetables can cause allergies in a newborn.
  2. Due to beetroot, infants experience attacks of intestinal colic.

Tips for nursing mothers on eating beets:

  • In the first month, do not eat the root vegetable at all. Start eating beets 2 months after giving birth.
  • For the very first time, eat no more than 1 tablespoon of boiled beets. Observe the condition of the baby throughout the day.
  • Do not eat raw beets. This product is too heavy for the baby's body and may cause upset. digestive system. Boil the root vegetable in water and steam or bake in the oven.
  • Don't drink raw beet juice.
  • Do not overuse the product: eat beet in the form of a vinaigrette or borscht. There its concentration will be low.
  • Do not eat more than 100-200 grams of vegetables per pure form in a day.
  • Dress salads with sour cream, low-fat yogurt, and vegetable oils. Never use mayonnaise, ketchup or other sauces.
  • Wash all vegetables thoroughly before cooking.
  • Try not to use various seasonings, limit yourself to salt and bay leaf.

Recipes for dishes with beets for nursing mothers


Ingredients: 1 medium beet, 3 potatoes, 1 small onion, 1 small carrot, low-fat meat broth, Bay leaf, salt.

Preparation: Prepare in advance meat broth(from chicken breast, beef or rabbit). Peel all the vegetables. Dice the onion, potatoes and beets. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place all the vegetables in the boiling broth, salt them, add bay leaf. After boiling, skim off the foam, reduce the heat and cover the soup with a lid. Simmer it until fully cooked.

Many people are interested in whether a nursing mother can have borscht with beets and cabbage? You can cook borscht with the addition of white cabbage. It is important that each new product is introduced into the mother’s diet separately.

The vinaigrette

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, 2 potatoes, 1 beet, 1 onion, 200 grams of canned peas, vegetable oil, salt.

Preparation: Wash the potatoes, carrots and beets. Boil them in their skins. Cool and peel all vegetables. Cut into cubes. Add peas to vegetables. Mix everything. Season the salad with oil, salt and mix again.

Some people like to add garlic to salads. There is nothing dangerous in garlic for the baby, except for one thing: the spicy smell can get into breast milk. If you eat a lot of garlic, the baby may completely refuse mother's milk.

Watch a video on how easy it is to bake beets in the oven:

Let's sum it up

Boiled beets during breastfeeding – healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and microelements. Unfortunately, in the first 2 months after birth there is boiled beets It is undesirable during lactation, as it causes bloating in babies. When the second month of the child’s life passes, the mother can eat boiled beet salad, beetroot soup, and first courses.

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