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Flounder is a flat fish that lives on the seabed. It can be easily recognized by its flat body and eyes located on one side. This fish is famous for its white, delicate, juicy meat and, moreover, a relatively low cost.

Flounder dishes are very popular because it is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very healthy. Many housewives have their own answer to the question of how to cook flounder while preserving the beneficial substances it contains.

Preparatory process

First, let's look at how to prepare fish for cooking. In order to preserve the pleasant taste even before cleaning and cutting, you need to pour boiling water over our fish. When cutting up flounder, you should adhere to the following algorithm: cut off the head, then open the abdomen and remove the entrails, and only then cut off the upper ball of skin along with the fins. Before preparing most dishes from this fish, the cutting field is rubbed with salt and spices and set aside for half an hour.

Fish in the oven

There are many ways to cook flounder. First, let's look at how to cook flounder in the oven. By baking this fish in the oven, you can easily get tasty and tender meat, even if you do not have a fantastic culinary gift. Divide the cleaned carcass into portioned pieces, coat them thinly with mustard and set aside for 30 minutes so that the meat is thoroughly soaked.

Next, cut into half rings and fry onion, add coarsely grated red carrots and continue frying. Three minutes after the carrots, throw in the chopped garlic clove, add salt, sugar, ground black pepper and just a little lemon juice, stir and remove the pan from the heat.

Treat the baking sheet with oil and place the soaked fish on it and place in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour, then remove the baking sheet, turn over the pieces, cover them with previously prepared vegetables and continue baking until the dish is completely ready.
This dish can be served either on its own or with mashed potatoes.

Fish in a frying pan

Cooking flounder in a frying pan is much easier than in the oven. To do this, we clean the flounder using the previously indicated method, cut the fillet into several pieces and place it in a marinade consisting of salted lemon juice and black pepper for a couple of hours. Then we prepare the fish in the usual way for any housewife: roll our meat in flour and fry thoroughly on both sides. In this case, a dish with herbs and lemon slices will look very beautiful.

Also watch the video fish recipe:

MirSovetov continues to develop the topic of fish recipes. And today I would like to talk about fish, which many unfairly consider inconvenient to prepare, tasteless and unprofitable for inclusion in the family menu. This fish is a flounder. More than once you can hear that there is practically no meat in it, and the skin is covered in thorns, it is not clear how to clean it, and the smell is terrible. But in Odessa, for example, flounder is respected, lovingly called “glosik” and many different dishes are prepared from it. We present to your attention a pair of flounder and hope that they will find their fans.

Strictly speaking, flounder is not just one single type of fish, but all types of flat fish, mainly marine ones. Scientists have identified them in a separate order - flounder-like. These include saltfish, turbot, and even halibut. The same order includes the glossa flounder, which is also called the river flounder. Actually, that’s what “glos” is. Although Odessa residents care very little about such subtleties, and on Privoz they will easily explain to you that glossik is small, and flounder is large. And all things considered, why are you wasting your nerves on this?

Flounder – cleaning and cutting fish

Of course, it is most convenient to buy fully prepared flounder fillets, which do not even resemble a flat diamond-shaped fish in shape. If you purchased fresh or frozen unprepared carcasses, you must first clean them. First of all, cut off the head of the fish. Unfortunately, our photographs show glosikis with their heads already cut off, but the line along which the cut needs to be made is clearly visible. A little trick: the heads need to be separated from the body by turning the fish carcass with the light side up - then the darkened part with the entrails is clearly visible, which needs to be removed. So, having cut off the head, take out the insides of the fish (there are very few of them) and thoroughly wash the fish. Then we put it on a cutting board and cut off the fins on both sides, and then the tail.
Actually, the fish is almost completely prepared. Next, you can lightly scrape the carcass on both sides with a knife, scraping off the scales or cutting out the spines from the surface of the fish. But it is believed that it is the skin of the fish that mainly gives off an unpleasant odor during cooking for many. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin. If the fish carcass is frozen, then this will be very, very easy to do; if the flounder is fresh, you will need to act a little more carefully. The fins and tail have been cut off, now we carefully use a knife to pry the skin over the entire width of the fish and, directing efforts in the direction opposite to the cut and upward, we tighten the skin.
If the fish is fresh, you may have to help yourself with a knife, separating the skin from the meat. That's all, the fish is ready for further cooking!
If desired, or if you bought not glosiki, but a full-fledged flounder, the fish can be filleted. To do this, use a knife to separate half of the fish from the spine, remove it from the second part and get a fillet.

Flounder fried according to Pokhlebkin

Glosiks, if your stomach allows, can simply be fried on. To do this, you just need to salt the fish to taste, thoroughly bread them in flour and fry them in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil. If you are still afraid of a possible too strong and unpleasant fishy smell, then use the method proposed by the famous culinary specialist Pokhlebkin. The method is very simple and effective, all we need for the recipe is flounder, onions, a little flour and spices.

In order for the fish to turn out tasty, juicy and fragrant, you need to bread it in flour, put it in heated oil and after a couple of minutes put the onions cut into half rings into the same frying pan.

Then sprinkle the fish with thyme (you can use savory or thyme, these herbs have a similar aroma and taste) and fry on the other side until golden brown. Sprinkle the finished side with spices too. Don't forget to stir the onions! When the second side of the fish is browned, you can place the portioned glosik on a plate. Serve with onions or separately, as you prefer.

Fried flounder with sauce

You can prepare a tasty and juicy dish from already fried flounder, which will be tasty not only on its own, but also with various side dishes. For this we need:
  • flounder;
  • tomato juice or tomato paste (at the rate of 100 grams per 0.5 kg of fish);
  • walnuts(about a couple of tablespoons for the same 0.5 kg of fish);
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices, vinegar or lemon juice - to taste.

We prepare the flounder in a way that is already familiar to us, cleaning it from the entrails and fins. If desired (but not necessary, the dish will be delicious in any case), you can remove the skin from the fish and fillet it. Cut the flounder into pieces, thoroughly bread it in flour mixed with salt, and fry in oil until golden brown. While the fish is fried over medium heat, carefully crush the nuts in a mortar until they form small crumbs. Add garlic squeezed through a press and a couple of large cloves to the nuts.

Thoroughly grind the mixture again with a pestle. Then add a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable (preferably olive) oil to the nut-garlic mass. Beat the mixture and add wine vinegar to it - it’s a matter of taste. Wine vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice, regular vinegar (just add much less of it!) or dry wine. Mix the mixture thoroughly again and begin to gradually add boiled water to it, making the sauce the consistency you need.

MirSovetov advises remembering that when using tomato juice, the sauce should be thicker - like sour cream, and if you use tomato paste, then thinner - like kefir.
Meanwhile, the pieces of fish in the frying pan have browned, and we add to them tomato paste or juice. Reduce the heat to low! Let it boil for a couple of minutes and add nut sauce to the fish and tomato.

Wait for it to boil again, keep the pan on the fire for a couple more minutes and turn off the heat - our dish is ready! Now all that remains is to place the pieces of flounder in sauce on a plate, sprinkle with herbs and prepare any side dish, from porridge to vegetable stew.

Or you can simply cut some white bread with a crispy crust and use it to dip the remaining gravy on the plate. Bon appetit!

Various fish should periodically appear in our diet. After all, it is very healthy, contains quite a lot of easily digestible protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. It is believed that fish should be eaten at least twice a week; it is given to small children (from about one year old) and is recommended for older people. One of the famous varieties of fish is flounder. It is quite easy to prepare and has an attractive taste. And today we’ll talk about how to cook delicious flounder in the oven and in a frying pan?

How to cook flounder in a frying pan deliciously?

Many people refuse to consume flounder, because when fried, this fish emits a rather specific smell. But it quickly disappears, once you clean it properly and prepare it for cooking.

So, to get tasty and healthy dish, you need to prepare a couple chicken eggs, three medium-sized flounders, some wheat flour or breadcrumbs, a little lemon juice and vegetable oil, as well as salt and pepper to taste.

The first step is to prepare the fish: place it on a cutting board dark side downwards Afterwards, cut off the head in a semicircle and remove the fins, remove the entrails and the black film covering the flesh of the fish. Next, use a knife to scrape off the scales. Turn the fish over and carefully pry up the dark skin with the tip of a knife. Carefully separate it from the pulp. Rinse the fish in running water and place in a colander to drain. excess liquid.

Beat the eggs or simply stir with a fork. Cut the fish into portions, salt, pepper and, if desired, sprinkle with lemon juice.

First dip the fish pieces into the batter, and then transfer them to a plate with flour or breadcrumbs. Dip in. Then repeat the breading procedure: again dip the fish in the batter, and then in the flour.

Place the fish pieces in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat until a nice golden brown crust appears - for about five minutes. Next, carefully turn the fish over to the other side and continue cooking until golden brown, but without the lid.

How to deliciously cook flounder with tomato sauce in a frying pan?

To prepare this version of flounder, you need to prepare a couple of fish, three hundred milliliters of tomato juice, a couple of medium onions, three garlic cloves and one lemon. In addition, readers of Popular Health need to use five tablespoons of chopped walnuts, four tablespoons of flour, some thyme, salt and vegetable oil.

First of all, fillet the fish according to the principle described above. Rub it well with salt and bread it in flour. Fry in vegetable oil for two minutes, then add chopped onion rings. Sprinkle the fish with thyme on both sides.

Fry in a frying pan, well heated with vegetable oil, until nicely golden. Chop the nuts, mix with crushed garlic and mash. Add to them olive oil and salt. Beat the resulting mixture using a mixer. Then add lemon juice to it and beat again. Dilute the resulting sauce with cooled boiled water until the required consistency is obtained.

Pour tomato juice into the fried flounder and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add garlic sauce to the pan. Then simmer for a couple of minutes and turn off the stove. Sprinkle the fish with finely chopped herbs and serve.

How delicious and easy it is to cook this fish in the oven?

To cook flounder in the oven you will need a one and a half kilogram fish carcass, fifty grams of butter, twenty milliliters of vegetable oil and one medium lemon. In addition, use ten to twenty grams of parsley, ten to twenty grams of fresh dill, some salt and pepper, depending on your taste preferences.

Thaw the flounder, rinse it and remove the fins. Dry the fish with paper towels and place it on the board, yellowish side up. Make several cuts on the carcass at intervals of two to three centimeters.

Rub the fish with pepper and salt and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice (from half a citrus). Leave the fish to marinate for twenty minutes.

Remove the butter so it has time to soften. Chop the remaining lemon into half circles, but not too thin.

Grease a baking tray of suitable size with vegetable oil. Place the fish on it and place it in the oven, preheated to two hundred and twenty degrees. After twenty minutes, remove the dish, place the lemon slices in the slots, and return to the oven. Chop the dill and parsley into smaller pieces, combine them with the softened butter. Brush the flounder with this mixture, removing the lemon from it. Leave the cooked fish in the hot, but turned off oven for a couple of minutes, then serve it to the table.

Flounder in the oven

To prepare such a dish, you should stock up on a kilogram of flounder, one hundred grams of cheese, a couple of tomatoes, four tablespoons of sour cream, lemon zest and juice, dill, pepper and salt.

The cleaned and washed flounder carcass should be peppered, salted and sprinkled with lemon juice. Combine sour cream with lemon zest and finely chopped dill.

Place the fish on a sheet of foil (each on a separate sheet), spread with sour cream sauce, place tomato slices on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Wrap in foil and cook for half an hour in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees.

This type sea ​​fish- one of the most popular and most purchased today, because such seafood has great taste. However, if you cook the fish incorrectly, the dish may taste bitter and have an unpleasant specific smell, which is why we offer you a detailed article to help you, which describes step by step how to fry flounder in a frying pan. In fact, frying a sea creature is not complicated and takes very little time, but without special knowledge regarding cleaning and frying the carcass, you cannot make a tasty treat.

How to clean flounder correctly

Before we start frying the fish, we need to prepare it thoroughly, that is, clean it of all excess. Flounder has a double-sided color: white on one side and black on the other. Exactly at dark side The carcass contains bitterness, which can ruin the entire dish if the black film is not removed. However, bitterness in the dark skin occurs when the fish is mature or has already been frozen many times.

If you use a fresh young carcass, then it will not taste bitter, even if you do not free it from the black film. In general, to prevent the manifestation of all unpleasant taste qualities and the specific smell of fish - just clean it properly. Below is step-by-step instruction how to do it quickly at home.

Rules for cleaning flounder at home

  1. We rinse the carcass under running water.
  2. We begin to gut the washed fish (we use a knife and scissors for this):
  • cut off the head with a kitchen knife, making a C-shaped cut on the carcass, i.e. you should get a neat semicircle in place of the head;
  • using scissors we remove all fins (lateral, upper, tail), but be careful as they are quite sharp;
  • Next, we proceed to clean the carcass from the entrails. To do this, we place the fish with the light side facing up (this will help us see where the insides end) and gradually begin to remove the tripe through the “head”. You can also clean it through the side hole, but to do this you will have to cut the carcass from the side;
  • Remove the black skin from any convenient side by prying the skin with a knife. If the skin is difficult to remove, then cut it off with a knife along with a small layer of meat;
  • scrape off the scales against the direction of their growth, this will make cleaning the seafood faster and easier;
  • do not forget to remove small spines from the fish, especially there are a lot of them on the dark side of the carcass;
  • Finally, rinse the cut fish in water, carefully wipe its entire surface with your fingers to remove any remaining cleaning residue. But be careful not to hurt yourself on the bones.

How to deliciously fry flounder in a frying pan


  • Flounder, fresh or frozen- 3 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -
  • - not necessary + -
  • on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
  • - for frying + -

Cooking flounder in a frying pan in pieces

Having figured out how to properly clean flounder, you can proceed directly to frying it. Since we have removed everything unnecessary from the fish, you can be absolutely sure that the dish will turn out without bitterness and without smell. Or rather, there will be a smell, but not that initially unpleasant one, but a fragrant and aromatic one that will make your head spin. According to this recipe, we will fry the flounder in a frying pan in pieces, seasoning them to taste with your favorite spices.

  1. When we clean the fish, cut it into pieces, rinse them under running water, and transfer the liquid to a colander to drain.

If you use a frozen carcass for frying, be sure to give it time to thaw before cleaning. There are two ways to defrost fish: either at room temperature, or transfer it from the freezer to the top/middle shelf in advance for slow defrosting. You cannot freeze and defrost fish several times; this affects not only the taste, but also the quality of the product.

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk.
  2. Salt and pepper the fish pieces, sprinkle with lemon or lime juice (but this is not necessary).
  3. Dip the fish parts one by one into the egg batter, then roll them in a plate with flour (or breadcrumbs). Then we place the fish in the batter again, and then again in the flour. Thus, we bread the sea fish twice.
  4. Heat a frying pan in vegetable oil, place the fish parts chopped and rolled in flour (breadcrumbs) into it, cover them with a lid and fry for 5 minutes until browned. All this time we cook the fish over medium heat.
  5. After 5 minutes, use a spatula to turn the pieces over to the other side and continue cooking them for the same amount, but with the lid open.

This completes the simple preparation of fried flounder in a frying pan. The finished fish can be served with winter preserves, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, salads or cereals.

Watch our video from the chef - how to fry flounder in a frying pan

Another step by step recipe with a photo of frying flounder in a frying pan suggests adding hot spices to the dish. After this preparation, we will have tasty, albeit spicy, sirloin parts, which will be an excellent addition to many appetizers and main courses. Frying spicy flounder in a frying pan is no different from the first recipe, except for the step of marinating the finished fried fillet.


  • Flounder fillet – 400 g;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Onions – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black and red pepper - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise – 125 g;
  • Wheat flour - for breading.

How to deliciously fry flounder fillet without smell

  1. We cut (lengthwise) each fillet in half, bread the parts in flour mixed with salt and black pepper.
  2. Place the fillet pieces coated in flour in a hot frying pan and fry them over medium heat on both sides until the sides of the fish are browned.
  3. Lubricate the fried fish fillet halves on one side with mayonnaise and hot red pepper.
  4. Place finely chopped onion on top of the fish and cover one half with the other so that the spicy mayonnaise sauce and chopped onion are in the middle.
  5. We leave the fish in this form for half an hour so that it is thoroughly soaked, then we serve the aromatic fish parts with a side dish to the table.

If you come across small carcasses, try frying the whole flounder. The cooking technology is classic: cleaning the fish, breading, frying over a fire until golden brown.

Secrets of delicious fried flounder

  • To prevent fish from falling apart when frying, always cook it only in a hot frying pan. Wait until the pan begins to “sizzle” and splash oil (however, do not bring it to a boil), then add your pieces, fillet or whole carcass. As a rule, on average it takes about 5 minutes to heat up a frying pan, but the time may vary for each housewife, depending on the type of frying pan and the thickness of its bottom.
  • Before frying, it is strongly recommended to bread the fish (2 or even 3 times) and dip it in batter.
  • You don't need to fry the fish for long, since its meat is tender and risks overcooking. Any experienced housewife knows how much time is optimal for frying flounder: 5-7 minutes on both sides under an open lid over medium heat is quite enough.
  • To make the fish aromatic and acquire an even more original taste, the tender meat can be rubbed with garlic and sprinkled with lemon juice before breading, and then left to marinate for a while. It is also recommended to use spices of your choice. Suitable for dressing: Provençal herbs, nutmeg, oregano, thyme, basil, marjoram, thyme, celery, etc.

There are quite a few options for frying flounder in a frying pan, and any of them will definitely give you a tender, juicy dish with excellent taste and smell. Don't forget to use our simple recommendations, how to properly clean and how many minutes to fry the fish until cooked, and then the success of your culinary enterprise is inevitable.

Bon appetit!

After cooking it remains juicy and tender. It is important to take into account some rules and follow certain recommendations. Any fish, including flounder, should be cooked only if it is fresh. If there is an odor that causes discomfort, then it is better to avoid eating such fish.

How to prepare flounder for cooking:

  • before cooking, it is better to remove the fins from the flounder, cut off the head and get rid of the entrails (the entrails can be easily removed by making a cut along the belly);
  • Flounder has practically no scales, so it is not necessary to scrape it (if you wish, you can cut off the skin from the fish; this procedure does not require much labor or effort);
  • if the flounder is frozen, then it must be defrosted before cooking (this should not be done in a microwave or in hot water);
  • It is recommended to defrost flounder in the refrigerator or in cold water(it is better to give preference to the first option);
  • if flounder is bought in the form of fillets, then this product can simply be washed with running water;
  • before cutting and after it, the flounder must be washed (residues of entrails in the belly of the fish can spoil its taste after cooking);
  • You can cook flounder whole or in pieces (it is important that during the cooking process the flounder is completely immersed in water);
  • You can cook flounder in a regular saucepan or using any kitchen appliance (pressure cooker, multicooker, double boiler).

Nuances of cooking flounder:

  • Flounder cooks quickly, so it is recommended to put it in boiling water;
  • if you don’t have a steamer, but want to steam the flounder, then you can use a structure made from an ordinary saucepan and a metal colander (you can use a metal sieve);
  • You can enhance the aroma and taste of flounder with lemon juice (fresh lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid);
  • if you add a small amount of vegetable oil to the water during the cooking process, the pieces of flounder will not lose their shape and will not boil;
  • It is better to salt flounder at the end of cooking (this rule applies to most varieties of fish);
  • flounder goes well with bay leaves, peppercorns and dried herbs;
  • You can prepare an unusual boiled flounder by pouring white wine into the water (for 1 liter of water you need to take 1 glass of wine, but in in this case It is recommended to supplement the dish with parsley and dill);
  • if soup or fish soup is cooked from flounder, then the cooking process must be divided into two stages (first the flounder is cooked, then the fish is removed from the pan, and the vegetables are boiled in the broth; after they are cooked, the flounder is returned to the dish and boiled for several minutes).

The body of the flounder is specific. This type of fish is literally “flat”. Thanks to this nuance, boiled flounder is easy to cook even in a deep frying pan. First, you need to pour enough water into the frying pan so that the flounder, when immersed in it, is completely covered with liquid. Then bring the water to a boil and add additional ingredients optional (salt is a required component). First, the flounder must be boiled on one side and then turned over to the other side.

How long to cook flounder

In a regular saucepan, even in its entirety, it cooks for a maximum of 20 minutes. If the fillet is cut into pieces, the cooking time can be reduced to 15 minutes.

When using kitchen appliances, the cooking time for flounder will vary slightly from traditional method. In a steamer, the fish will be ready in 25 minutes. In a slow cooker or pressure cooker - in 15 minutes.

In the process of preparing boiled flounder, you can use additional ingredients not only in the form of spices, but also vegetables. In this case, you need to focus on the cooking time. If vegetables take longer to cook than flounder, then the fish should be added 10 minutes before they are ready.

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