The effect of hormonal drugs on weight. How to lose weight quickly after taking hormones

Alas, contraception in Russia is not as popular as in civilized countries))) and yet the terrible statistics (especially unofficial ones, since our government generally likes to hide everything...) on abortion continues to grow, which is unspeakably sad...

Ok, let's try to talk about COCs in a more fun way. Of course, this is a medicine that has a large number of contraindications and side effects(although this is all very, very INDIVIDUAL!), therefore, consultation with a doctor and preliminary study of information on this issue are necessary. But I really really want to start right away with the positive about, for example, “Lindynet 20”.

The most desirable thing for me at the time of the first appointment this drug- this is to restore the cycle, because there were a lot of personal problems and experiences with this. Hooray! Thank you, the issue was resolved within the first month of taking it, which I am incredibly happy about. About the known sought-after contraceptive effect, perhaps, I won’t write - there are already so many girls here who have written about this in detail and interestingly.

21 tablets: somewhere around the time of ovulation (give or take), a very persistent sensation of growing breasts begins, literally by leaps and bounds. Well, I won’t lie, it’s somehow pleasant in a feminine way, you’ll agree. From my 1-1.5 I grew to almost a triple))) I changed bras)) The cycle was restored as scheduled, in general the body’s well-being even improved, as did my mood. It became more fun in the depths of my soul, despite all the inevitable little troubles of life, but somehow I didn’t really notice about the cleanliness of my face, the strength of my nails/hair... apparently not for me. Well, I think the price is quite acceptable. For the sake of your health!

But here’s the thing: I’m not new to diets and weight loss, so I immediately felt when I started taking it (on the second or third day) how much the appetite has increased greatly, it is unclear where it came from, clearly not of “hungry” origin. That is, you seem to be full, but the desire to chew something else and more, of course, tastier and higher in calories, still persists. In general, I felt that this was not real hunger and decided that I needed to end it somehow. Evening incontinence threatened to quickly gain five extra pounds in at least one cycle, and this was clearly not part of my life program!

At first I tried to escape for a couple of days with small portions of strong coffee, but this was not enough to “calm down”. The reactions to the buns and chocolates were the same. And I remembered my favorite thing since the beginning of all my weight loss and diets. Three letter name "MCC"(see photo No. 4) solved the problem. Microcrystalline cellulose (an analogue of the fiber that we get from vegetables and fruits) VERY helped to reduce the desire to eat. Therefore, around lunch or a little later in the afternoon, I started taking 6 MCC tablets and was delighted with the result: the excess fat decreased significantly, and it became much, much easier to control food intake. Don’t be afraid to take 6 or even a little more of these tablets, because their effect is largely determined by the presence of a certain amount of cellulose, which is what reduces appetite. My hunger has subsided. It has minimal side effects and zero calories! Costs about 70 rubles for 100 tablets. The only thing that is recommended when taking any medications is to delay taking MCC for 2 hours so that it does not absorb other drugs, it “cleanses” the body in its own way (not like a laxative! much more natural!) and absorbs harmful substances. I don’t take cellulose every day I take COCs, but when I feel it’s necessary. If you add a dose of coffee, it’s absolutely luxurious. There was no weight gain!!!

And Lindinet 20 also likes the convenient cardboard envelope with a bowtie to carry the drug with you. A trifle, but nice!
Health to you, dear ladies, and all the best in general!

Features of the human body require intake special drugs to provide it normal functioning. How to lose weight after hormonal pills why medications provoke recruitment excess weight- questions that concern many women. You need to know what to do and how to act so that the treatment does not have unpleasant results. Information will be useful - how hormones and weight loss are connected, what diet to follow to achieve optimal weight.

What are hormonal pills

To complex processes in the human body were in balance, special substances are needed - hormones that regulate all work. Violation of their functions causes serious problems with health. Hormonal pills are medications that help restore lost activity and return a person to normal life. Prescribed drugs for treatment:

The pills act quickly and effectively, but weight gain is a common side effect. How to lose weight after hormonal drugs? This problem must be resolved with specialists when a course of treatment has been completed. Unfortunately, you cannot do without these medications:

Why taking hormones leads to excess weight

Women who care about their appearance are frightened by the prescription of hormonal drugs. Cases where the use of medication causes weight gain are common. The question - how to lose weight after taking hormonal pills - is often heard in the offices of gynecologists. Since a woman’s health and the ability to give birth to a child are a priority, the problems of extra pounds are solved after completion therapeutic measures.

Why does taking hormones lead to excess weight? Experts note several reasons:

  • independent selection of contraceptives;
  • increased appetite under the influence of drugs;
  • high concentration of hormones in the medicine;
  • the ability of some drugs to retain fluid in the body;
  • the occurrence of a deficiency of microelements, vitamins, minerals;
  • the appearance of neuroses, insomnia.

What hormones make women fat?

Changes in the amount of what substances produced in the body by the endocrine and reproductive glands, thyroid and pancreas can be blamed for gaining extra pounds? The appearance of fat in the abdominal area occurs when estrogen decreases in women during menopause. What hinders you from losing excess weight:

  • decreased testosterone levels;
  • increased production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone;
  • fluid retention, weakening of metabolic processes by progesterone.

Women gain weight from hormones when their production is disrupted - processes accelerate or slow down. Excess weight gain is affected by:

  • cortisol, produced during stressful situations, provides fat reserves of energy;
  • thyroid substances of the thyroid gland - if there is a deficiency, they inhibit metabolism;
  • insulin – regulates fat and carbohydrate reserves; as it grows, weight begins to increase;
  • leptin – helps reduce appetite, and when it decreases, extra pounds are gained;
  • adrenaline activates metabolism; in its absence, obesity develops.

How to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs

To put your body in order after using hormones in tablets, you need to know that the process of losing weight can take several months. Be able to reset overweight Any woman who has set such a goal and adheres to certain rules can do it. How to lose weight after taking hormonal pills? First, you will need to consult an endocrinologist, then you need to:

  • stop being nervous;
  • calm down;
  • rid the body of toxins;
  • to drink a lot of water.

To lose weight after taking hormonal medications, doctors recommend trying:

What to do after stopping hormone therapy

To recover after treatment with hormonal pills, you need to help your body. The method of losing weight should be agreed upon with an endocrinologist, and if necessary, additional tests, remove those unfavorable for acquiring beautiful body factors. It is important to remember that you should:

  • avoid overeating;
  • control your weight in the morning;
  • change your daily diet.

What actions after termination hormone therapy will they be effective for weight stabilization? To lose weight when stopping pills, you need to:

  • pick up sports activities that help burn fat;
  • make training regular;
  • exclude bad habits;
  • reduce the amount of food you eat daily;
  • restore water balance;
  • correct hormonal levels with pills;
  • drink diuretic teas to prevent swelling of the limbs;
  • choose an effective diet.

Hormonal diet pills

You can cope with extra pounds using hormonal pills. In this situation, it is important to seek help from a specialist in order not to cause harm. Contraceptive pills for weight loss, recommended by a friend, can cause the condition to worsen. Endocrinologist during the appointment:

  • prescribe tests to identify the hormone that needs to be balanced;
  • will offer means for weight stabilization.

Hormonal diet pills have many contraindications; their use must be justified. The following drugs are prescribed:

  • Thyroidin – normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, promotes fat burning;
  • Logest, Novinet - reduce the production of sex hormones;
  • Mercilon, Janine - birth control pills - reduce weight;
  • Somatropin, Ansomon - growth hormones, activate the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins.

Diet for hormonal imbalance in women

Solving the problem - how to lose weight when hormonal imbalance- It is impossible to do without following a diet. A properly selected diet will speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds after taking pills or during menopause. It is necessary to exclude from use:

  • citrus;
  • berries;
  • food with low glycemic index– fish, lean meat, whole grain cereals;
  • hot spices;
  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • oatmeal;
  • ginger;
  • dairy products;
  • almond;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • beef;
  • poultry meat;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • green tea;

How to lose weight after Duphaston

These hormonal pills are a chemical analogue of progesterone. How many women have they restored hope of having a baby! The drug is widely used by gynecologists to help:

  • plan the process of conception;
  • preserve the fertilized cell;
  • it is normal to form the endometrium for fetal development;
  • protect the child in the womb.

Unfortunately, the hormonal drug has side effects. Patients who take it quickly accumulate extra pounds. To lose weight after Duphaston, you need to:

  • stop panicking;
  • cope with stressful situation;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • increase physical activity;
  • reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • adjust your diet;
  • drink good quality water.

Video: How to lose weight after hormones

“Will I gain weight by taking birth control pills?” Similar questions are asked every day by thousands of girls and women planning to start hormonal contraception for the first time.

The most “terrible” and inevitable side effect of taking oral contraceptives is considered to be weight gain. After all, every woman among her friends will probably have shining example how, after taking OK, a slender young lady turned into a “terribly fat woman.” Let's, together with Evgenia Konkova, a consultant on modern hormonal contraception, look into this important issue.

We will no longer know who and when began to weave a tangle of horror stories about the inevitability of obesity when taking oral contraceptives, but we can make a guess. The very first birth control pills contained very high dose estrogen - 50 mcg (which is twice as much as in modern drugs). Therefore, side effects such as metabolic disorders arose, which were almost impossible to avoid. In women, metabolism was disrupted, which led to the accumulation of fat (mainly of the abdominal type - a fat pocket around the abdomen) and, accordingly, to weight gain.

Time passed, the action that contraceptives had an effect on women’s bodies and continued to be studied. Synthetic estrogens, particularly ethinyl estradiol (EE), have been shown to induce several metabolic changes that are dose-dependent. In other words: the lower the dose of estrogen, the fewer estrogen-dependent side effects. When the dose of ethinyl estradiol in the drug is reduced, the frequency of complications decreases sharply, and health indicators practically do not differ from the average indicators in the population.

Subsequently, with the advent of new birth control pills with a lower dose of hormones, it was possible to minimize their effect on metabolism. Research recent years It has been proven that when using highly selective 3rd generation progestogens in combination with low and ultra-low (20 and 15 mcg EE) doses of estrogens, no clinically significant changes in carbohydrate metabolism parameters were detected, and therefore modern drugs do not provoke weight gain, which is so undesirable for the fair half humanity.

So for what reasons can modern microdosed birth control pills, containing absolutely no calories, upset us the next time we weigh ourselves with unwanted kilograms?

1. Retention of excess fluid in the body
An analogue of the hormone progesterone, found in any oral contraceptive, promotes slight fluid retention in the body. It is progesterone, for example, that is associated with the appearance of edema during pregnancy. A weight gain of no more than 1-4 kg while taking OCs is most likely excess fluid. There are modern drugs that have a mild diuretic effect and help avoid the accumulation of excess fluid in the body (Yarina and Jess).

2. Increased appetite
Unfortunately, any birth control pill increases appetite, which is the main reason for weight gain. If this is adequately understood and a balance is maintained between calorie intake and expenditure, then they are easily converted into heat; and when leading a passive lifestyle, they are deposited in the form of additional kilograms. Women taking OCs are recommended to follow a diet limited in fats and partially carbohydrates, which is sufficient to control overweight. So, dear ladies, remember that you take the spoon into your own hands!

3. Endocrinological disorders
And now about the most important thing... If, while taking OK, you move enough, your eating behavior does not deviate in one direction or another (you do not starve yourself and do not eat with the appetite of a “sumo wrestler”), you do not have edema due to for fluid retention in the body, and the numbers on the scales are still increasing, then this is a good reason to contact an endocrinologist! You may want to examine your thyroid function*, a decline in which is often accompanied by an increase in body mass index.

    * Hypothyroidism is a complex of symptoms caused by decreased thyroid function. Risk factors: elderly age, pregnancy, iodine deficiency in food, autoimmune thyroiditis. Manifestations of the disease vary significantly depending on the degree of hormonal deficiency. With a slight decrease in hormone levels, there is increased fatigue, susceptibility to infections, weight gain. With progressive hypothyroidism, symptoms increase, drowsiness appears, skin deteriorates, hair falls out, swelling appears, intellectual activity decreases, and memory is impaired. Due to disruption (slowdown) of metabolic processes, the risk of atherosclerosis increases and cardiac disorders appear.

From all of the above we can draw the following conclusion: healthy woman, rationally eating and leading active image life, can safely take birth control pills without fear of ruining her figure. The main thing before you start using it for the first time in your life hormonal contraception, you must definitely contact a gynecologist for a face-to-face consultation and go through everything necessary research(detailed family and personal history, blood pressure measurement, laboratory research) And gynecological examination(including examination of the mammary glands, pelvic organs, cytological analysis of a cervical smear).

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Some diseases can only be gotten rid of with the help of hormonal drugs, but as soon as you hear this word from a doctor, you immediately imagine how your body weight increases and your mood drops. This scares many and, as a result, they refuse to take the drug, and all because of false information that is disseminated in the media.

Myths or truth?

  1. Hormones only cause harm to the body. This information is not true; hormones act on the body like other conventional drugs and also have their side effects.
  2. You need to take hormones that your sister or friend has already tested. Another myth. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, this also applies to birth control pills. Before your appointment, you must undergo an examination and pass all tests.
  3. If you take hormones, you will definitely get better. Only part of this statement is true, since hormones affect appetite, but for some it decreases and they are not afraid of extra pounds. Initially, it is impossible to find out exactly how the drug will affect you; you just need to try it.
  4. Hormonal drugs are not excreted from the body. This is not true, since once the drug enters the body, it disintegrates almost instantly and is eliminated from the body after some time. For example, birth control pills are eliminated from the body after a day, which is why they must be taken daily.
  5. Alternatives to hormones can be found among conventional drugs. It is a myth. There are such serious illnesses, in which it is necessary to use only hormones.

Why are hormones prescribed?

Many people believe that the only hormones that are prescribed are, but this is not so. Problems that hormones can help cope with:

  • irregular periods;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • premature menopause;
  • diseases of the ovaries and uterus;
  • severely painful periods;
  • problems after childbirth;
  • problematic skin eg severe rash;
  • a lot of body hair, etc.

Justified fear

Modern medicine is so developed that the risk of gaining extra pounds is minimal. When using hormonal drugs, you need to monitor the condition of your body and even if there is the slightest change from the norm, you need to consult a doctor. Maybe the drug you are taking is not suitable for your body and needs to be changed. A properly selected drug should not cause any such phenomena.

Rules that must be followed in order not to gain weight from hormones

  1. Your weight must be monitored daily.
  2. Watch what you eat.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. If you want to eat, this does not mean you need to eat cake, replace it with an apple.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of extra pounds is excess water in the body. Therefore, after you consult with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas.

During the use of hormonal drugs, it is recommended to limit consumption of:

Now you have everything necessary information, which will allow you to maintain your weight and not gain extra pounds while using hormonal drugs.

Losing weight after taking hormonal drugs is no different from any other weight loss, the secret of which is in combination proper nutrition and optimal level physical activity. However, it is much more important to pay careful attention to the individual prescription of the drug and not to neglect yourself during the course of treatment, discussing all doubts and problems with your doctor in a timely manner.

To whom and why are hormonal drugs prescribed?

IN endocrine system there are seven main people endocrine glands, in addition, there are many cells scattered, for example, in gastrointestinal tract, which also have the ability to produce hormones. The hormones themselves, biologically natural active substances There are several dozen produced by the human body.

There are many hormonal medications that can be prescribed to women for one reason or another. And it is wrong to combine them into one frightening whole, overgrown with myths and superstitions. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor and the patient takes it correctly, there is no point in raising the question of the advisability of treatment. There are situations when hormonal therapy is irreplaceable.

As a rule, hormonal drugs are prescribed in order to compensate for the insufficient formation of some hormones in the body, or in order to suppress their excess production. Some types of hormonal drugs, such as glucocorticoids, are prescribed for diseases that are not directly related to the endocrine system - for example, bronchial asthma, severe allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

One of the diseases for which hormones, in particular the hormone insulin, can be prescribed is diabetes mellitus. The most commonly prescribed groups of hormonal drugs are synthetic thyroid hormones in the form of levothyroxine sodium alone (for example, L-thyroxine and Eutyrox), in the form of a combination of levothyroxine and liothyronine, that is, T4 and T3 (Thyreotom, Novotiral) or in combination with iodine ( Yodtyrox, Thyreocomb). These drugs are used to treat hypothyroidism or underfunction of the thyroid gland.

A large number of women periodically or constantly use hormonal agents with a contraceptive effect. Gynecologists can prescribe such pills not only for family planning, but also as a treatment for certain gynecological diseases. Contraceptives are also prescribed to change the level of estrogen in the blood in estrogen-dependent diseases, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Sometimes progesterone supplements are used to compensate for one's own deficiency of this hormone in case of a common reproductive problem known as second-phase insufficiency (dysfunction). corpus luteum, which can interfere with what is desired).

But drugs for hormone replacement therapy, when lost hormonal functions are restored with the help of pharmacology, are still used quite rarely in our country. Although in European countries the prescription of such medications has long been practiced with success.

Why does weight gain when taking hormonal drugs?

“People” have a strong opinion that as soon as you start taking these insidious “hormones”, in any form, you will definitely get better. And, it must be admitted, such a view cannot be called fundamentally wrong.

When using glucocorticoid drugs for a long time (we are talking about months and even years), for example, due to systemic disease connective tissue, or bronchial asthma, patients get better because glucocorticoids increase glucose levels, which, that is, indirectly contribute to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue.

Weight gain is also common among sufferers diabetes mellitus with an overdose of insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, that is, it stimulates the processes of utilization and storage of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, and at the same time inhibiting the catabolic processes of breakdown of glycogen, fats and proteins.

But the use of thyroid hormones in itself cannot provoke weight gain. These hormones speed up metabolism, increase heat production by the body, and increase work activity of cardio-vascular system, that is, they cause processes that are associated with weight loss.

If you are participating in a discussion about the fact that a friend, acquaintance, colleague from the next office, or a TV celebrity has gained weight “on hormones,” do not rush to apply this information to yourself. Starting to take hormonal medications does not automatically mean that it’s time to buy clothes to grow.

The first question that arises when you hear about “hormonal” weight gain: how did the woman eat? Body weight cannot increase in the absence of excess nutrition. In any case, if the drug was prescribed to you by a doctor after a thorough examination and strictly according to indications, and you cannot not take it, you must first of all take a close and honest look at your diet and the degree of physical activity. If you are sure that you are eating right, moving enough, and the weight continues to “gain”, you should understand the reasons individually and together with your doctor. Independently cancel and replace treatment, sit on strict diet Moreover, you should not go hungry under any circumstances. Just like using other people’s experience of losing weight after taking hormonal drugs.

These high-calorie contraceptives!

Contraceptives can be called the most “massive” of all hormonal drugs; accordingly, the lion’s share of the discussion of the problem of losing weight “due to hormones” is associated with their use.

There are three main reasons why women who use hormonal birth control for a long time may gain weight:

  • 1 Progesterone, one of the hormones contained in contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, contributes to some fluid retention in the body.
  • 2 Taking hormonal pills can affect the change eating behavior, namely, to increase appetite.
  • 3 Relatively new data: if a woman gains weight when prescribed contraceptives, then, most likely, at the time of prescription she had subclinical hypothyroidism, which “worsened” with changes in hormonal levels. When thyroid function decreases, weight gain is common.

No hormonal drugs have their own calorie content. Accordingly, they themselves are not incapable of causing weight gain. If this happens, the reason lies deeper, and one should get rid of the consequences of its manifestation under the supervision of a specialist, without rash experiments and haste.

Do outdated hormonal hormones make you gain weight, and new ones make you lose weight?

Also, we must not forget that the drug is different from the drug. The first artificially synthesized female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - were obtained in 1929 and 1934, and the first birth control pill appeared on the market in the 60s of the last century. Since then, the doses of hormones in the drugs have been significantly reduced, and the active ingredients became bioidentical. For example, the latest generation of contraceptives uses estradiol valerate, which is converted in the intestine into estradiol, identical to its own.

Varieties of gestagens have appeared that are part of contraceptives and drugs for hormone replacement therapy. These substances, for example, drospirenone, have the property of removing excess liquid from the body. Also, to reduce the risk of side effects, you can ask your doctor to prescribe progressive contraceptives: for example, a gel applied to the skin that is minimally involved in metabolic processes"inside" the body.

Research the latest drugs containing female sex hormones demonstrate that medications latest generation not only does not contribute to weight gain, but also reduces fasting glucose levels and insulin resistance, and also improves the condition lipid profile, reducing the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipids.

It is important for women of any age to know about this: correctly selected drugs for hormone replacement therapy during menopause will help avoid the sad and unpleasant manifestations characteristic of this period metabolic syndrome, which include not only weight gain and the appearance of fat deposits in the abdominal area, but also hot flashes, thinning hair on the head and facial growth, the risk of osteoporosis, vascular pathology, atrophic processes in organs.

But! With all the advantages of properly prescribed hormonal therapy, it is necessary to remember that hormones cannot be started until at will only because the wonderful pills helped someone around me. Everyone, even the most modern drugs, there are contraindications. Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a doctor strictly individually, and when long-term treatment You must visit your doctor at least twice a year. This is the only way you can achieve safe reception medications and do not “trigger” undesirable consequences.

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